The word foster in a sentence

Synonym: care for, cultivate, feed, mind, nourish, nurse, nurture, rear, support, tend. Similar words: poster, oyster, eastern, cluster, western, monster, bolster, yesterday. Meaning: [‘fɑstə(r) ,’fɔ- /’fɒs-]  n. United States songwriter whose songs embody the sentiment of the South before the American Civil War (1826-1864). v. 1. promote the growth of 2. bring up under fosterage; of children 3. help develop, help grow. adj. providing or receiving nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties. 

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1. Foster joined in the laughter.

2. Mr Foster romped home with 141 votes.

3. Little Jack was placed with foster parents.

4. The captain did his best to foster a sense of unity among the new recruits.

5. Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities.

6. The bishop helped foster the sense of a community embracing all classes.

7. Mr Foster is sorry that he cannot accept your invitation to dinner.

8. Mrs Foster bobbed about, gathering up her things.

9. The children were placed with foster parents.

10. He is going to run against Foster.

11. Mr Foster confessed that he’d broken the speed limit.

12. He was later placed with a foster family.

13. Commissioner Foster is responsible for literature and arts.

14. Foster admitted punching and kicking the man repeatedly.

15. All foster parents are carefully screened.

16. Nowadays young couple sometimes foster.

17. It is sometimes difficult to find suitable foster parents.

18. Mr Foster has never been to China. Consequently / Hence he knows very little about it.

19. Mr Foster is a tower of strength to his party.

20. The mayor has tried to foster civic pride by having a new public library built in the city.

21. They try to foster harmony between different groups of people.

22. He may have had some suspicions of Michael Foster, the editor of the journal.

23. We couldn’t adopt a child, so we decided to

24. People who cannot have a baby of their own sometimes foster .

25. You say a, one, two, several, etc. hundred without a final ‘s’ on ‘hundred’. Hundreds can be used if there is no number or quantity before it. Always use a plural verb with hundred or hundreds.: One hundred have already been placed with foster families.

26. He has spent most of his life being shunted between his mother, father and various foster families.

27. As a child, he had lived with a succession of foster parents.

28. After due consideration it was decided to send him away to live with foster parents.

29. They suspected that Neville had traded secret information with Mr Foster.

30. He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies.

More similar words: poster, oyster, eastern, cluster, western, monster, bolster, yesterday, register, minister, youngster, disaster, administer, stereotype, mysterious, cholesterol, eastern europe, esterification, step by step, most, host, cost, ghost, boost, at most, mostly, costly, almost, post-war, hostage. 

поощрять, воспитывать, благоприятствовать, пестовать, питать, выпестовать


- воспитывать (чужого ребёнка)

her child was fostered — её ребёнок был отдан на воспитание /был воспитан чужими/

- передавать (ребёнка) на воспитание (тж. to foster out)

the child was fostered out a few times — ребёнка несколько раз передавали на воспитание чужим

- выхаживать; ухаживать

to foster the sick — ухаживать за больными

- лелеять, питать

to foster hope — питать надежду
to foster a desire for revenge — вынашивать мысль о мщении
to foster feelings of hatred — разжигать ненависть

- благоприятствовать, способствовать развитию; поощрять

to foster artistic talent — способствовать развитию художественного таланта
to foster smb.’s interest in smth. — привить кому-л. интерес к чему-л.

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Would you consider fostering a child?

Вы бы стали рассматривать возможность взять ребёнка на воспитание?

Such conditions foster the spread of the disease.

Такие условия способствуют распространению данного заболевания.

It is sometimes difficult to find suitable foster parents.

Иногда трудно найти подходящих приемных родителей.

Companies that foster innovation give their workers freedom to offer new ideas.

Компании, поощряющие нововведения, предоставляют своим работкникам свободу предлагать новые идеи.

He was later placed with a foster family.

Позднее его передали на воспитание в приёмную семью.

The couple wanted to adopt a black child they had been fostering.

Пара хотела усыновить темнокожего ребенка, которого они взяли на воспитание.

Foster joined in the laughter.

Фостер засмеялся вместе со всеми.

Mrs Foster bobbed about, gathering up her things.

Миссис Фостер металась вокруг, собирая вещи.

The bishop helped foster the sense of a community embracing all classes.

Епископ помогал развить чувство общности, охватывающей все классы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the monthly departmental causeries did much to foster a sense of community…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

fosterage  — поощрение, воспитание ребенка, отдача на воспитание
fostered  — воспитанный, взлелеянный
fostering  — поощрять, воспитывать, благоприятствовать, пестовать, питать, выпестовать
fosterer  — кормилица, воспитатель, приемный отец, приемная мать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: foster
he/she/it: fosters
ing ф. (present participle): fostering
2-я ф. (past tense): fostered
3-я ф. (past participle): fostered

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word foster, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use foster in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «foster».

Foster in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word foster in a sentence.

  1. The children were separated and sent to foster homes.

  2. Most education was carried out by a child’s parents or foster parents.

  3. John Allan alternately spoiled and aggressively disciplined his foster son.

  4. The aim of the RMS was to fulfil Alexander II’s wish to foster native talent.

  5. As the foster son of a prominent Whig politician, in Charleston the popular Lt.

  6. In his youth, he spent some time in foster care on a farm near Sudbury, Ontario.

  7. The young Fauré was sent to live with a foster mother until he was four years old.

  8. To foster national unity, the Rukunegara, or national ideology, was also introduced.

  9. He confronts his foster son but does not carry out Brother Justin’s plea to kill him.

  10. On May 1 of that year he married his foster sister, Ellen Boyle Ewing, four years his junior.

  11. However, US President Dwight Eisenhower took pains to foster good relations with Diefenbaker.

  12. One fan-tailed cuckoo was recorded ejecting baby robins before being raised by its foster parents.

  13. Children of the disaster have been raised by single parents, foster parents, and other family members.

  14. Stories of her time spent in foster families and an orphanage were exaggerated and even partly fabricated.

  15. Between jobs, he remixes snippets of conversations he records and cares for his deaf foster father Joseph.

  16. Burrell was credited with helping to foster closer cooperation between the two navies in the Pacific region.

  17. Montgomery in 1885; «they do not seek the shelter of the American flag merely to introduce and foster among us ..

  18. The Allans served as a foster family and gave him the name «Edgar Allan Poe», though they never formally adopted him.

  19. During his time there, Poe lost touch with Royster and also became estranged from his foster father over gambling debts.

  20. Late in the second season, Iris joins her foster father Norman in an ultimately unsuccessful plot against Brother Justin.

  21. She then lived with foster parents, with whom she never developed any intimacy, before moving to Balamb Garden at age ten.

  22. In her plan to kill her husband Rosamund found an ally in Helmichis, the king’s foster brother and spatharius (arms bearer).

  23. Gladys placed her daughter with evangelical Christian foster parents Albert and Ida Bolender in the rural town of Hawthorne.

  24. In addition, Hill created the Tuck Associates program in 1964 to foster relationships between Tuck and the business community.

  25. Born and raised in Los Angeles, Monroe spent most of her childhood in foster homes and an orphanage; she married at age sixteen.

  26. This may reduce aggression and foster social acceptance for emigrant males as they transfer from their natal group upon maturity.

  27. The recipient demonstrates exemplary use of technology either to foster lifelong learners or to make the learning process easier.

  28. CICA was passed into law as a foundation for the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and to foster competition and reduce costs.

  29. Gardner said his time in foster care was the most stable period of his life — «Jack was a good man, and he tried to help us out.».

  30. Some of my foster families used to send me to the movies to get me out of the house and there I’d sit all day and way into the night.

  31. Lauritz Melchior became one of the most important friendships of his life, and Walpole did much to foster the singer’s budding career.

  32. Sugar tried to foster the relationship between these two characters through her work on the show, and one genderfluid character (BMO).

  33. However, Key went on to argue that «encouraging a strict definition of ‘game’ does nothing but foster conservatism and defensiveness».

  34. She was a social worker, teacher and founder of Ohio’s first foster grandparent program for individuals with developmental disabilities.

  35. Such comments helped to foster a view that Tippett was a «difficult» composer, or even that his music was amateurish and poorly prepared.

  36. But the third force will want to foster a prison-free New Age capitalism through intelligent regulation and elimination of all subsidies.

  37. Adams is an ambassador for The RightWay Foundation, a charity that provides employment and mental health services to former foster youth.

  38. As evident in his imperial edicts, the Hongwu Emperor was well aware of the Buddhist link between Tibet and China and wanted to foster it.

  39. Females have been observed nursing infants of their close relatives, while close kin have adopted rejected infants, acting as foster parents.

  40. Malcolm spent his adolescence living in a series of foster homes or with relatives after his father’s death and his mother’s hospitalization.

  41. Their effects are largely superficial, and serve to foster further plant growth: sawgrass will burn above water, but the roots are preserved.

  42. The DM’s Guild does not function under the OGL, but uses a community agreement intended to foster liberal cooperation among content creators.

  43. Carey hosted the CBS television special At Home for the Holidays, which documented real-life stories of adopted children and foster families.

  44. His foster family, including his future wife Ellen, were devout Catholics, and Sherman was re-baptized and later married in the Catholic rite.

  45. Hanna became the first president of the National Civic Federation (NCF), which tried to foster harmonious relations between business and labor.

  46. By appointing Yazid to lead campaigns against the Byzantines, Mu’awiya may have sought to foster support for Yazid from the northern tribesmen.

  47. As a result, Ivan Miloslavsky hated the Naryshkin family, which included Peter, Natalia Naryshkina, and Natalia’s foster father, Artamon Matveyev.

  48. Although social workers noted the men in the household were dressed like women, Statt officially became a foster parent to Gardner and his brother.

  49. Marwan married Fakhita after becoming caliph, to foster an alliance with the Sufyanid house and neutralize her son Khalid’s claim to the caliphate.

  50. This tragic accident points out the need for all persons involved in Great Lakes shipping to foster increased awareness of the hazards which exist.

Synonyms for foster

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word foster has the following synonyms: surrogate, adoptive, Foster, Stephen Foster, Stephen Collins Foste, further and nurture.

General information about «foster» example sentences

The example sentences for the word foster that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «foster» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «foster».

foster — перевод на русский


John Halliday, who cried when Mrs. Foster died in childbirth?

Джон Холлидэй, который рыдал, когда госпожа Фостер умерла при родах?

Deacon Foster called earlier this morning sir, before you had awakened.

К вам приходил дьякон Фостер, утром, когда вы еще не проснулись…

Good morning Mrs Foster, is the Deacon at home?

Доброе утро миссис Фостер. Дьякон дома?

Charles Foster Kane.

Чарльз Фостер Кейн.

Mr. Charles Foster Kane, in every essence of his social beliefs and by the dangerous manner he has persistently attacked American traditions of private property initiative and opportunity for advancement is, in fact, nothing more or less than a communist.

Мистер Чарльз Фостер Кейн, нападающий на американские традиции частной собственности и инициативы, по сути своих убеждений является самым махровым коммунистом.

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I want to adopt, I want my own kids, I want to have foster kids.

Я хочу много детей, своих детей, приемных детей.

No foster parents.

Приёмных родителей не было.

I begged my foster parents to allow me to visit the Klingon Homeworld.

Я умолял приемных родителей позволить мне посетить родной мир клингонов.

Spent most of his childhood in foster homes.

Все свое детство провел в приемных домах.

We have two other foster children with equally unusual backgrounds.

У нас ещё два приёмных ребёнка с не менее необычным прошлым.

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When they died, she shipped you off to foster care.

А когда они умерли, она передала тебя в приемную семью.

-They’re taking you to a foster home!

— Тебя забирают в приёмную семью! — Что?

Then he’ll be placed in a foster home.

Они его заберут в приёмную семью.


Еще больше причин для того, чтобы найти ему приёмную семью.

I was thinking that, Instead of just getting another foster home,

Я думаю что, может не нужно искать новую приёмную семью.

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If he and Foster fail, it’ll be up to us.

Если у него и Фостера не получится, то следующая очередь будет наша.

For mr. and mrs. violet steppings Of 23 wolverston road, hull The death of mr. bruce foster of guildford.

Для мистера и миссис Вайолит Степингз, проживающих по адресу г. Халл, Вульферстон Роуд, 23, — смерть мистера Брюса Фостера из Гилфорда.

You’ve got to hear Foster.

Тебе стоит послушать Фостера.

I don’t want to hear Foster!

Я не хочу слушать Фостера!

Voice of Bran Foster:

Голос Брана Фостера:

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It’s going to be hard when Teena’s placed in foster care. Yeah.

Тине трудно будет вернуться в приют.

She put me into foster care.

Она отдала меня в приют и сбежала.

If y’all want foster care, climb your little black asses back into bed.

Если хотите в приют, кладите свои маленькие черные задницы обратно в постель.

They would have put Dana in foster care.

Они бы отдали Дану в приют.

Because we’ve never grew up together and my mom put me in foster care when I was 9 but I still love her very much

И моя мама отдала меня в приют, когда мне было 9 лет, но я все равно очень ее люблю.

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That’s usually how you get in foster care.

Обычно поэтому и попадают под опеку.

Once they arrest the father, he’ll be placed in foster care.

Когда арестуют его отца, мальчика поместят под опеку.

If we’re lucky, they’ll take the kids away, put ’em in foster care! Yeah!

Если нам повезет, они заберут ребенка под свою опеку.

You were put in foster care because of our drug problem.

Тебя отдали под опеку из-за наших проблем с наркотиками.

Listen, I know it bites the big one, but the best case scenario is the county places your brothers and sisters in foster care while you and your father fight over custody.

Слушайте, я знаю, это хреново, но в лучшем случае власти поместят ваших братьев и сестёр под опеку, пока вы с вашим отцом будете бороться за попечительство.

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You know, fostered.

Что ты живешь у приемных родителей.

Before I left, I got her into foster care.

Перед тем, как уехать я нашла ей приемных родителей.

i know you were raised in foster care.

Я знаю, что ты рос у приемных родителей

I know you were raised in foster care.

Я знаю, что ты рос у приемных родителей

You and caring were supposed to enter foster care.

Тебе и Кэрин должны были найти приемных родителей.

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The Fosters are the guardians of the spiritual welfare of our capital.

Фостеры являются хранителями духовного благосостояния нашей столицы.

The Fosters know there’s nothing to fear from these visitations.

Фостеры знают, что этих посещений нечего бояться.

The Fosters have appointed me to look after you.

Фостеры назначили меня заботиться о тебе.

-The Fosters, perhaps.

— Наверное, Фостеры.

The Fosters have searched the grove for the stranger’s craft.

Фостеры прочесали всю рощу в поисках корабля незнакомцев.

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He’s my foster brother.

Он мой сводный брат.

My pervy foster brother set me up, and I have nowhere else to go.

Мой сводный брат-извращенец подставил меня, и мне больше некуда идти.

Your lookalike, Sarah Manning’s, foster brother.

Он сводный брат Сары Мэннинг, твоей точной копии.

Foster brother to be specific.

Сводный брат,если быть точным.

I got her foster brother here saying the entire time he knew her, she hated her dad.

Её сводный брат был здесь, сказав что всё это время сколько он знал её, она ненавидела своего отца.

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We’re getting a foster kid.

Мы получаем приемного ребенка.

I can’t believe you guys are getting a foster kid.

Я не могу поверить, что вы ребята получают приемного ребенка.

You got a foster child?

Ты взяла приёмного ребёнка?

That was you getting a foster kid.

Так ты получила приёмного ребёнка.

Now we can’t even get a foster kid?

Теперь мы даже не можем взять приёмного ребёнка?

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Her handler had given her a new life away from her all-too-cold foster family and the orphanage before that

Alan’s foster father, Alfred McReady, was one of Elmore’s best friends on the expedition

I hand him the letter from Mrs Foster that he’s been waiting for over a week and he doesn’t even comment!

into the custody of a foster family who hoped to adopt

Her foster mother told me that

with Julie’s foster mother and filling out adoption

of the orphanage notified me that I was being taken into a foster home

He’s a foster kid

But he might try to contact his foster mother

“That is a present from her foster brother

My Dad said that I was destroying the foundations of the American way, which I couldn’t understand, since I thought the American way was to foster democracy, for all

“They started talking about getting us foster care

It’s hard to keep kids together in foster care

I was fourteen and no one wanted a grown boy as a foster kid

For all that, she was very affectionate, especially with her foster brothers and sisters

“That means when the kittens come we’ll be foster grand-parents,” she announced

“My foster cat had kittens, and one of them is still attached to her by the cord

Upon entering the Rex’s foster house, I never would have guessed that nearly twenty cats were being sheltered there, because everything looked and smelled so clean and fresh

Your puppet hasn’t made any of the changes we discussed, primarily to exempt key businesses from taxes in order to foster growth

What is it about an affable scoundrel that makes us wink at improprieties or worse, legal transgressions? I‘m referring, of course, to our own President William Jefferson Clinton who, along with the First Lady, have offered us Whitewater, Madison Savings and Loan, Rose Law Firm, Cattle Options, Travelgate, Filegate, Loral Communications, Buddhist Temple Fundraisers, (the) Lincoln Bedroom, (the) mysterious ―suicide‖ of Vincent Foster, Sex Scandals and Arkansas Mafia for our consideration

But tactful administration today, sustained by Cuban officials elected by the people, will assuredly foster the desire of the people to become an integral portion of the United States

While I was working on a Stephen Foster tune on the piano the other day, I noticed that the word ―darkie‖ was conspicuously absent from the (original) lyrics

Hence he does not strive to ally himself with all and sundry, nor does he foster the power of other states

endeavoring to foster inter-service and regional cooperation by assisting in the organization of integrated command and control centers; the establishment of common operating procedures; and the conduct of joint and combined training exercises

“I looked at that Foster character, he seems to be coming along

Foster did a couple of good landings that day

of self-confidence, and how to create trust in authority figures that’s going to foster

But Akhenaten tried, even though vainly, to foster the worship of one god

drastically increasing energy costs and decreasing the ability of our states to create jobs, foster

The bodily senses unmindfully direct the individual toward the immediate pleasure-seeking goals that foster the sensation of feeling good

Cindy, Brian, Becky and Keith were placed in foster care, while the youngest three, Grace, Lilly and Katherine were given back to Susan

He constantly complained of the supervised visits, saying the foster parents were stupid morons, using words I don‘t want to repeat here

Secretly, I thought they would be better off with foster parents, but I told them the social workers were trying to work out a solution for everyone

All seven children were placed in foster care

Grace was placed by herself in a foster home

The older children were in foster care with regular supervised family visits allowed

I‘ll talk to the foster parents and get this put together

I have to say that they all were looking much better physically, especially the four eldest who had been placed in foster care since Adam‘s first incarceration

I knew from Mary, though, that there had been some hellish experiences the foster parents went through as the older ones, Cindy, Brian and Keith were the worst, would not cooperate in their new circumstances

No wonder the foster people were wary of an unsupervised visit by the father‘s sister even with Mary‘s assurances

But, I have to say that not all of the foster parents treated the children right, some were in it for the money

Most of them were paired up in foster care, but Grace ended up alone

I was kept informed about what was going on with Adam through his lawyer, Social Services, the children and the foster families

There were encouraging signs that the other children were making progress, and they were thought to have a real chance of being adopted by the foster families they had been living with

Most of the time they were with foster parents, and most of the time they were causing all sorts of problems

Much of the trouble came from Adam and Susan who did their best to sabotage the relationships of their children with the foster parents

During our visits some of the children would tell me about their foster parents, usually complaining that this one was mean, or they didn‘t get breakfast that day and other happenings that were very disturbing

I‘d heard some nightmare stories about the way some foster parents were with children in their care

To be fair, some of the children behaved so badly that at times the foster parents had to be at their wits end

Katherine and Lilly were eventually adopted by their original foster care parents

Their pervasive negativity regarding the positive experiences of their children, in school, in foster homes, and in social situations beyond the immediate family has had devastating effects on the children‘s emotional and psychological health, including Keith‘s

―Back to the foster home? They hate me there

And really, where else does he have to go other than back to foster care and more institutions

Researchers to collect information from the foster family at the same time, through interviews, they determine whether participants growth of adoptive parents family environment is adverse, such as whether the adoptive parents have such

Joshua Thessalonian was Ezekiel’s foster father and Andrew’s dad by friendship, but yet he seemed like his real father

Her foster father, Mordecai, is highly placed in the community, please read Esther

“I am her foster child, one of two

But just as you recovered after the death of your foster parents, so I recovered after the death of my vision

strives to foster an environment that

When scientists seek to advance such facts as this regarding global warming, Foster notes, they are not “scientifically refuted,” but are “howled down as ‘deniers’ or industry shills

to foster love and unity before we can represent Him

foster and reinforce each other

It is the final desperate act of a perishing State that is losing its grip on its subjects, a State that is clueless about how to foster a free and healthy society

She was at a foster home, waiting to be brought to her permanent home and family, the Fernández family

Obama, when he was attempting to foster a ‘right to same-sex unions/marriage’ in Africa at public presentations; he was nicely told to ‘pedal his misguided thoughts somewhere else’!!

That is, these policies are impacting our standard of living by drastically increasing energy costs and decreasing the ability of our states to create jobs, foster entrepreneurship, and give manufacturers the ability to compete in the global marketplace

need to foster international solidarity among the mass of the working class and thus to avert the threat of a major war in Europe

When he was caught the second time, he was returned to me, but was soon placed in foster care with the parents of his later partner in dope selling, Tim Wilson

Shortening the legislative calendar would help foster a change of

Chappaquiddick in 1969 or the death of Clinton legal counsel Vince Foster in 1993

across Spain ,‘ says Jaqueline Foster, Conservative MEP and vice-president of the

following morning Janice arrived with a foster home (Peter & Ann) and they were going

The Society always welcomes visitors, donations and foster parents for the cats that

Radford, supported by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, had proposed to President Eisenhower that furnishing American aid in the form of fighter-bombers and aerial resupply would save the beleaguer�ed French garrison at Dien Bien Phu

The Dining-In was a ritualized, formal stag affair whose purpose was to raise morale and foster esprit de corps

Concerning his foster father Abed Habeen, Nuke said, “My uncle consulted with others about the building of monuments and temples and pyramids

Prospective students often learn about EMBA Programs from a friend or work colleague, often who is an alumnus of the program or of the school, says Louise Kapustka, executive director, Executive MBA, at the University of Washington Foster School of Business in Seattle, Washington

didn’t know if he would ever see his friends and foster family

Jim’s foster parents owned the heart and beat after making the transition years ago

Rick Foster, has calculated that when this law is in full effect it will

efforts to reform payment systems so that they foster integration, coordination,

Alicia went into foster care, got pregnant, and took an overdose of her foster mother’s medication

Create peering environments that foster self-organizing human connections for collaboration and innovation

I did end up telling Claire the deal, but only after Foster, a very hard worker, told me that he had a problem with Matt too, so me leaving really wouldn’t solve anything

Foster, a very hard worker, told me that he had a problem with Matt too, so me leaving

After leading with transparency, Digg evolved the community features to foster recognition for submitters and a sense of competition amongst top submitters

what would serve them to foster fear

Use of the MindMap will foster an attitude of Contrarian Thinking: there is no necessity to take

she wasn’t lying and I needed to foster hope

The poor dear would be in a foster home it was not for you

I would hate to think of what would happen to him if he was in foster service

this economic collapse is that when we foster a

instability and transition that comes with being a foster child

„If he mentions it, your foster parents were immigrants and you picked it up

“That shared, be wise and not deceived by what will seem what it is not: Love doth not hide behind half-truths nor levy pressure to persuade; it can’t be used to further greed nor foster acts of selfishness; Love takes no pride in pedigree nor threatens the environment; it neither motivates by fear nor rests where sleeps complacency, but manifests scenarios designed to challenge staid ideals

Instead I got placed into foster care there in Ogallala until they could figure out who I really was

I went to the roller-rink with my foster brother Mike

The CNN article goes on to introduce the MVP (Mentors in Violence Prevention) approach as a new means for infiltrating long-lasting social hierarchies that unwittingly foster the, “a man’s home is his castle” ideologies

Occasionally we saw her foster parents but they were busy fostering more kids

Memories fostered those dreams, became them

fostered was not acceptable in the

And then, to go on and amass a fortune (several millions) as a director of Fannie May, while that organization and Freddie Mack were on their last legs, thanks to the egregious Community Reinvestment Act, fostered by Carter, and strengthened by Clinton, lays her bare as one of the most devastating females in power in all of American history

He’d fostered a sense of cooperation and fairness across his estate

Even various interpretations within the Christian faith, fostered and solidified by the slowness of communication between large population centers such as Alexandria, Antioch, and Ephesus

Has this openness of the brain network fostered the learning, and its repetition over countless generations, of behaviors with survival value? Has this then been partially written back in by genetic expression, either original or altered?

They probably would be better off if they were fostered out with other families

She also fostered my children, training them too

But I’m also willing to consider that John grew up in a culture that preached suspicion and fostered paranoia

“They fostered me for three years, until I was thirteen, when they died in a fire

However some kindly men had fostered my passion, throwing books my way wrapped in ragged cloth, under the pretence of charity to a poor beggar child

hunting together for years and fostered a bond between us that is

so-called Educrats were the same group that fostered the concept of OBE and whole language

Coast Guard has long fostered relationships with the international community

Government regulation in effect has fostered this so-called ‘greed

The same society that fostered prostitution stoned them to death for it

glorified, legitimized, fostered and perpetuated greed of all sorts

It could be argued that friends of the self-confessed murderer had already fostered a climate of abuse that was not only tolerated but encouraged

It was that year that someone with foresight and capability saw and fostered the need for an Irish publication for the exiled population there

It was where her and Ollie’s abiding passions for the sport was fostered

But the survival character of a soul is not fostered by attempting to secure peace of mind at any price, by the surrender of noble aspirations, and by the compromise of spiritual ideals; rather is such peace attained by the stalwart assertion of the triumph of that which is true, and this victory is achieved in the overcoming of evil with the potent force of good

His humanity was genuine, natural, wholly derived from the antecedents of, and fostered by, the actual intellectual status and social and economic conditions of that day and generation

You then pass over these fostered characteristics to their rightful owners, that is, your staff

But the life purpose must be jealously guarded from the temptation to seek for easy and transient attainment; likewise must it be so fostered as to become immune to the disastrous threats of fanaticism

At this time there was fostered an extensive system of banking and commercial exchange which was carried on right within the temple precincts

And all such human interest is fostered by understanding sympathy, unselfish service, and unstinted forgiveness

And then, as if to make a bad matter worse, he persistently harbored grudges and fostered such psychologic enemies as revenge and the generalized craving to «get even» with somebody for all his disappointments

2 Modern secularism has been fostered by two world-wide influences

“It depends on if we have fostered that much fondness of you

of another world, and he discovered it; Copernicus fostered

White prejudice fostered the requirement that black missionaries must also be the strongest, most educated, and most fit of their race for missionary responsibilities

This pain should never have been fostered on the patient, no matter when the drug was used

Unethical and corrupt as it sounds, this very strategy can be fostered by a political party in order to slander a candidate

He was acutely aware of the wall’s weaknesses stating that it was nothing but an illusion fostered by propaganda to fool the Germans as well as the Allies

And also like slavery, the iniquity of provincial taxes fostered resentment

Their singular commitment and dedication quite naturally fostered success in war; the lifestyle of their choosing which they embraced so enthusiastically

Insurance, public welfare, and a give-away judicial system has invited abuse and fostered a national cry-baby attitude

I fostered a dog once that would only eat her dry dog food with 2 tablespoons of canned food mixed in

In amongst a bevy of new female acquaintances fostered on that vacation was an

As I recall, my lord Natridom, your father, before his untimely death, fostered you out to a foreign court because his brother had become very interested in Lorila’s line of succession, and your safety was in some jeopardy

Our souls, if fostered throughout our lives, have by intuition and

fostered are the means for salvation and their twenty-four attributes are

hankering after anything, there is fostered a faith in me that tran-

attitudes will be fostered by education and supported by custom

In the modern customer-focused service economy, success depends on how management regards employees, especially relating to how a bottom-up approach to innovation is fostered

Mentoring, like the formation of communities of practice, can be fostered by the corporation but not dictated

Her choice was the imaginations of others which only fostered the vibrancy of her own

was fostered out with my sister to a man

We were fostered out to a man and a woman but

wasn»t the only time we got fostered out, I

fostered out to three foster carers over about a

it was bad that we were fostered out so many

In turn such sectarianism fostered mutual exclusivity

that symbiosis between individuals, communities, and nations, must be fostered, and so must

fostered the current rebellion

This is what tool-use fostered

Through tool-use: the development of pyramidal focus has fostered this kind of awareness in humans until it became our dominant form of perception

In this new model of Human existence called Civilization: tool innovation was fostered by two opposite dynamics

Lord Uthyr, Arthur’s father, fostered him to your family, more to reject him than anything else

That fostered a whole new series of Black Deaths and Plagues created from battlefields; where Protestant Nations, and Kings fought Catholic Nations and Kings

Their worst appetites were fed, their worst predilections for violence were fostered and encouraged

keep more distance, but Carrie had fostered relation-

How many undead filth called parents: use the cowardice of their own children when they pass over? A cowardice they themselves created and fostered in that child

They have fostered this culture of forgiveness for thousands upon thousands of years inside every fucking civilization ever born

It fostered feelings inside them that cause them to feel essentially defective, essentially flawed and inadequate, undeserving of the unconditional

The experience of this authentic relationship between herself and Jesus fostered within her the ability and need to feel worthy, confident and independent, thus building her sense of dignity and self-esteem

Meanwhile, Dan Brown, per se, and through his book The Da Vinci Code, suggests that Jesus Christ was just a man, gifted and great, but totally human, his divinity a fiction fostered by the church to bolster its authority

I was lucky enough to be selected to join a programme that allowed foreign children to be fostered by British parents

If they were implemented or if they were fostered, they could have had a name change

But tell me, traitor, when did I by word or sign give a reply to thy prayers that could awaken in thee a shadow of hope of attaining thy base wishes? When were not thy professions of love sternly and scornfully rejected and rebuked? When were thy frequent pledges and still more frequent gifts believed or accepted? But as I am persuaded that no one can long persevere in the attempt to win love unsustained by some hope, I am willing to attribute to myself the blame of thy assurance, for no doubt some thoughtlessness of mine has all this time fostered thy hopes; and therefore will I punish myself and inflict upon myself the penalty thy guilt deserves

Joseph had instilled into him a pride of name, and of his lineage; he would, had he dared, have fostered hate between him and the present owner of the Heights: but his dread of that owner amounted to superstition; and he confined his feelings regarding him to muttered innuendoes and private comminations

whom it had been fostered and regulated with equal kindness and discretion, ever since

They are lies which have been fostered by those who imagine that it is to their interest that we should be content to see our children condemned to the same poverty and degradation that we have endured ourselves

The one I’d fostered all through my young adult years while trying on different costumes—earth girl, punk girl, cowgirl, riot girl, ballsy girl

She has fostered my independence by professedly indulging my love for liberty

I admitted to being envious of the destigmatizing power of Special Olympics, the way its programs fostered inclusion

Mentally she remained in utter stagnation, a condition which the mechanical occupation rather fostered than checked

This hope she still fostered

It is the breeding ground for trends, it is where they are created and fostered and from which they ultimately break free, and the beauty of volume at price, is that these areas of price congestion are now painted on the chart visually for us

This was a major mistake, and it was fostered by my belief that by March 2009 the Fed had no traction and that you could “fight the Fed

The climate fostered by developments in accountants’ liability may not be overly productive for society as a whole

According to the company’s web site, it is looking at the second half of 2009 to begin picking up again and that should be fostered by a recovery in the global economy

If the old bird profited by this occasional habit through being enabled to emigrate earlier or through any other cause; or if the young were made more vigorous by advantage being taken of the mistaken instinct of another species than when reared by their own mother, encumbered as she could hardly fail to be by having eggs and young of different ages at the same time, then the old birds or the fostered young would gain an advantage

After curses, pelting with mud, and hisses, has come a lull, and men are left alone, according to their desire : the great idea of old has left them ; the great source of strength that till then had nourished and fostered them was vanishing like the majestic sun setting in Claude Lorraine’s picture, but it was somehow the last day of humanity, and men suddenly understood that they were left quite alone, and at once felt terribly forlorn

But I soon realised that their knowledge was gained and fostered by intuitions different from those of us on earth, and that their aspirations, too, were quite different

Interpreting freedom as the multiplication and rapid satisfaction of desires, men distort their own nature, for many senseless and foolish desires and habits and ridiculous fancies are fostered in them

«The Congress believes that the warlike prejudices and traditions which are still fostered in the various nationalities, and the misrepresentations by leaders of public opinion in legislative assemblies, or through the press, are not infrequently indirect causes of war

The Congress believes that the warlike prejudices and traditions which are still fostered in the various nationalities, and the misrepresentations by leaders of public opinion in legislative assemblies, or through the press, are not infrequently indirect causes of war

The congress believes that the warlike prejudices and traditions which are still fostered in the various nationalities, and the misrepresentations by leaders of public opinion in legislative assemblies or through the press, are often indirect causes of war, and that these evils should be counteracted by the publication of accurate information tending to the removal of misunderstanding between nations, and recommends the importance of considering the question of commencing an international newspaper with such a purpose

While those, on the other hand, in whom the idea is fostered that they are inferior animals, bound to obey their superiors in everything, fall, through this perpetual humiliation, into a strange condition of stupefied servility, and in this stupefied state do not see the significance of their actions and lose all consciousness of responsibility for what they do

The non-intercourse and non-importation agreement of that period, so far from destroying commerce, fostered and encouraged it

convincing establishment elites that fostering all religions would lead to political and economic prosperity, just as intolerance would guarantee decline

The Marxist view of history, namely that it determined itself through class struggle, required a close look at who was fostering class separation and who was adding fuel to the struggle

fostering of agriculture with the hope of eventually reducing the size of the enclaves, and federal protection against settlement by the colonists

barriers to adoption and fostering — to mention some

It will be in following the Creator’s guidance, as given to us through His Son -that the issue will be resolved —not looking to government to gain equality — we are already equal — government needs, in most instances, to stop dividing us — creating false barriers / ineffective solutions — even fostering racism

Blind unrestricted budgets approved by Congress to be used to ‘support other nations’ that ends up fostering (1) corrupt governments and (2) social positions abroad — must end

By fostering a

The fostering of regional and transnational alliances and the

government has always been fostering their rehabilitation act which has not been

migration and what are the conditions fostering and inhibiting migration

The secret police and the National Guard had a very obvious terrorizing and fear fostering

Listening to these fear fostering characters, I kept thinking to myself, “What is the difference

I was still listening to the television Evangelists, every now and then, fear fostering, telling people we had to hurry to save souls before Jesus came

He has devised a quite a new and humane method for fostering the struggle for liberation of his suppressed people and has implemented it with greatest energy and devotion

Occasionally we saw her foster parents but they were busy fostering more kids

 Creates a sense of connection and comfort, fostering a

rather than concern about outcome, fostering an

harm their employer was fostering on the community –

The coupons have a very short expiration date, fostering a sense of urgency among customers to use the coupons right away

Though not entirely responsible for it, cars, trucks and vans have done their part in fostering global warming

with the never ending exposure to adversity fostering

After the dust had settled, the Han Dynasty garnered a reputation of being less harsh than the Qin, with relaxed social controls, lower taxes, and a more cooperative government attitude fostering creative thought and

Rudolph’s inquiry was winding him into the night, but he didn’t hesitate to drag her from her bed, while fostering the possibility her errant employer could be on stop over, but the 2am invasion of her property had been fruitless

Fostering genuine interest in students is difficult in its own right, but distractions caused by fear, anxiety or discomfort are terribly detrimental to both health and learning

By fostering resentment, redundancy and inefficiency, homework is directly opposed to healthy learning

» He cites the role of corporate power as fostering a cultural atmosphere

development — and its own role in fostering creation of the means to achieve it

He projected to the masses an androgynous figure and enhanced it by fostering the adoration of nudity and all things «natural»

Organisations that allow for differences of opinion are better at developing innovation, better at solving problems, and better at avoiding groupthink – they are inherently better at fostering positive negotiating behaviour

fostering conditions that were conducive to them

It grows and blossoms in the sun fostering heavenly conditions

Animals have brains but fostering zero, regardless of weight

tion or, to put it differently, does not follow the way of attaining to the state of immortality through fostering gods and so also himself by tending the divine riches of his nature, lives but in vain

ish by fostering divine impulses, is real war

That is why you must daily work on creating healthy habits, fostering healthy relationships, and actively pursuing your mission and vision

In the yagya Krishn has so far spoken of, there are a gradual fostering

(Larousse 202) A common epithet of Mars was gradivus, which refers to his fostering of growth (grandiri, to grow)

By fostering a climate of empathy at home, children learn the value

However, even this has turned into yet another scheme for fostering political correctness around the globe

an automatism benevolently assisting and fostering the achievement of our objectives

not be important on a small scale, when the conditions fostering this phenomenon become

those customs exemplify the preservation and fostering of oneness

and toward fostering unity than teaching our teens how to properly hold

I had almost forgotten in the strain of being in this place that he had lived here himself as a child before being constantly dragged back and forth between Uthyr and my father for fostering

to learn love, but, instead, is fostering enmity,

The love she experienced from this interrelationship with Jesus was significant enough to be internalised and processed within, fostering a personal, emotional, intellectual and spiritual sensitivity that realized and quenched her thirst of that which she had been seeking in ‘physical’ encounters and of that which she was intended and made

And it may be added that it has not been failure in respect of the lovely and noble types of character which have grown up under their fostering care

The Gallery is fostering alliances with the Asia-Pacific region by hosting the Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

fostering the libertinism of men, society makes monsters of them, and then their

But we can hardly condemn too strongly a system which, instead of fostering the scattered seeds or sparks of genius and character, tends to smother and extinguish them

By heaven, he said, then the parent will discover what a monster he has been fostering in his bosom; and, when he wants to drive him out, he will find that he is weak and his son strong

As she learned to soothe herself and communicate her needs more effectively, Rosemary settled into a comfortable routine, fostering a sense of happiness and peacefulness that had often eluded her as a younger woman

That basket held small savings from her more portable food, destined for the children of her poor friends among whom she trotted on fine mornings; fostering and petting all needy creatures being so spontaneous a delight to her, that she regarded it much as if it had been a pleasant vice that she was addicted to

vivaciously accosting him; but then it came of itself: it was not elicited by meretricious arts and calculated manoeuvres; and one had but to accept it—to answer what he asked without pretension, to address him when needful without grimace—and it increased and grew kinder and more genial, and warmed one like a fostering sunbeam

You invest in your relationships by fostering them, treating them respectfully and with care

He set them at loggerheads at one another, inventing and fostering spiteful backbiting and dissensions among them, and then laughed and rejoiced seeing how they were ready to tear one another to pieces

So far from fostering the spirit of unity, the churches have ever been the fruitful source of human enmity, of hatred, wars, conflicts, inquisitions, Eves of St

said he would say, under the fostering hand of the General Government, let them become accustomed to our Government, before those were permitted to govern themselves who had so lately emerged from despotism

In this expectation I have been wofully disappointed; doubts, difficulties, and delays have taken place; commitment has succeeded commitment, and so many amendments, or rather alterations, have been made to the original resolution, that I can scarcely call it my own; it has received the fostering care of so many stepfathers that I am almost constrained to disown it as illegitimate; but as it is natural to protect that which we call «our own,» although all the features do not please us, so I shall vote for that bill although all its provisions do not please me

it fosters resentment and anger in a bond that should be very

) It is a young drunk girl who fosters the

enrichment of the mind, while ignorance fosters and intensifies fear

create an environment with clarity, it fosters stability and trust as well as respect

” Is this merely a new version of the earlier experience with plurality, only now, just a resubmersion into a lessor pantheon? Or, is it a tacit admission that Man has difficulty digesting this God in a single gulp? What about the more ancient others? Complexity does seem to breed plurality, but plurality seems also to breed confusion, and that fosters a lack of concentration

For example, if a person dies with a peaceful mind, this fosters a virtuous seed, and the person will experience a fortunate rebirth

that fosters privacy, safety and companion-

Roger’s unwavering dedication to International Education stems from his sincere belief that it fosters friendships among peoples of different languages and cultures and contributes in a very positive way to world understanding and peace

He set a can of Fosters, the Australian nectar, on the

This, in turn, fosters further contempt for this non-war in the opinion of the American people, and those of the rest of the world, while accomplishing exactly nothing

Get Satisfaction has been promoted recently in the blogworld as a direct connection between people and companies that fosters problem-solving, promotes sharing, and builds up relationships

dialogue that fosters support and cooperation

essence of prayer fosters and sharpens the knowledge-

a Mantra which protects or fosters the ‘gayas’ or Jivis

And it is a mystery how the Supreme fosters, protects, and perfects the creature without compelling him

Faith fosters and maintains man’s soul in the midst of the confusion of his early orientation in such a vast universe, whereas prayer becomes the great unifier of the various inspirations of the creative imagination and the faith urges of a soul trying to identify itself with the spirit ideals of the indwelling and associated divine presence

You have enjoyed that parental love which insures laudable self-confidence and which fosters normal feelings of security

Pictionary fosters creativity in children and adults alike, encouraging them to think beyond the usual restraints of conformity and order

7 The religion of Jesus fosters the highest type of human civilization in that it creates the highest type of spiritual personality and proclaims the sacredness of that person

Rory threw a can of Fosters at Dan and told him not to wander

that fosters positive communication and can result in the

confidence in others and fosters success

I also have a case of Fosters in the car in exchange for the software

Basically I’m just your average, run-‐of-‐the-‐mill, Fosters guy

All, which inherently fosters such beneficial conditions as economic independence

It helps to form a shared psychosis (follies-a-plusieurs) between ruler and people and fosters the emergence of an hagiography

That fosters an organisational culture that stifles creativity and innovation, especially when we are preparing for the negotiation, and leaves members of the organisation afraid to speak up

With 20 million workers in 900 unions worldwide UNI fosters international solidarity and provides a voice at the international level for all its members

We fosters on earth what God let us have from heaven

A mind fosters the form of weather

The drive to divide into secluded states, communities, or houses, is a breakdown of integration between self, culture and institution, which fosters a sense of threat and thwartedness

universal healthcare, education, shelter, and nutrition, creates the environment that fosters individual altruism

#2 had just become wealthy, they believed they were one of the exceptions to the corruption that privilege fosters

Diversity fosters stability

pursue that which fosters the spiritual nature, and

Fosters mate?» My emotions were running high as I

A cold can of Fosters lager was standing on a shelf and I grabbed it eagerly, ripped open the metal tab and gulped half the contents in a single swallow

It was still mid evening and I reckoned I could manage two Fosters lagers before I should call it a night

when pushed to its extremes, it fosters illusory values that are not rooted in the underlying

illustrated in the above example, this interaction creates, fosters, and strengthens

This is the kind of sick, one-sided humor civilization which fosters, this is what civilized people think is funny

It is this kind of abstractive dehumanized social condition which civilization fosters

The idea of giving humans free reign to do as they please; the idea of personal liberty; the idea that you can take all the liberties you want with the Earth you depend on to live, and not expect a payback in kind: is the narrow, segmented-fragmented, irrational, insane attitude which civilization fosters

In such cases, discontinuing the toxic relationship may be the most caring thing to do, as the presence of a relationship without love fosters the encouragement of human pain and misery, and inter-relational acts considered malevolent, destroying the very growth expected from a loving relationship

of the concept of religion and the great lies and blatant evil that it fosters

It closes the ears of its votaries to all those warnings which represent a ‘new creation, as indispensable to salvation; it fosters in impure men the error that they are, in some effectual sense, ‘the children of God and inheritors of the kingdom of heaven;’ and encourages the opinion that there may be some other valid foundation for hope than manifest faith and love

` The wonderful system fosters a great many others

«‘War is sacred; it is a divine institution; it fosters every lofty and noble sentiment in the human heart: honor, self-sacrifice, virtue, courage, and saves men, so to speak, from settling into the most shocking materialism

England well knows her interest, and she fosters her arts

The southern portions of this country cannot long remain oblivious of the fact that the illiterate class are largely the criminal class; that ignorance fosters crime

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