The word fortune in a sentence

Synonym: chance, destiny, fate, lot, luck, prosperity, riches, treasure, wealth. Antonym: misfortune. Similar words: importune, opportune, inopportune, fortune cookie, fortunate, fortunately, unfortunate, opportunity. Meaning: [ˈfɔːtʃuːn; -tʃ(ə)n]  n. 1. an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another 2. a large amount of wealth or prosperity 3. an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome 4. your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you). 

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1. Every man is the master of his own fortune

2. Fortune is easily found, but hard to be kept. 

3. No fence against (for) ill fortune

4. A good heart conquers ill fortune

5. Fortune to one is mother, to another is stepmother. 

6. Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left. 

7. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is. 

8. Every man is the architect of his own fortune

9. Adversity reveals genius; fortune conceals it. 

10. An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune

11. Fortune knocks once at least at every man’s door. 

12. God sends fortune to fools.

13. Everyone is dissatisfied with his own fortune

14. Diligence is the mother of good fortune

15. No fence against (an) ill fortune

16. He dances well to whom fortune pipes. 

17. He is a good man whom fortune makes better. 

18. Fortune favours fools.

19. Fortune favours the brave.

20. Give hostages to fortune.

21. Fools have fortune.

22. Fortune is good to him who knows to make good use of her. 

23. Fortune smiles upon the brave and frowns upon the coward. 

24. Fortune is variant.

25. Fortune is fickle.

26. Fortune often rewards with interest those that have patience to wait for her. 

27. Fortune favours the bold.

28. May good fortune find you this year.

29. As a modern parent, I know that it’s not how much you give children those counts, it’s the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune[sentence dictionary], but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents. 

30. Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 

More similar words: importune, opportune, inopportune, fortune cookie, fortunate, fortunately, unfortunate, opportunity, opportunist, unfortunately, tune, tune in, attuned, torture, torturous, fortuitous, fortuitously, stunt, tunic, tunnel, stunned, june, stunning, jejune, immune, uneasy, funeral, unequal, sand dune, unearth. 

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It must have cost a fortune.

Это, должно быть, стоило целое состояние.

It must’ve cost a fortune.

Это, должно быть, стоило целое состояние.

It does make one believe that fortune favors the philanthropic.

Тут и правда поверишь, что удача любит тех, кто отдаёт.

Hopefully fortune smiles upon us the same way tomorrow.

И я очень жду того, чтобы завтра удача улыбнулась именно нам.

I think fortune was definitely guiding his journey.

Я думаю, фортуна действительно была проводником на его пути.

Brave pick, but fortune often favours the brave.

Вступать в бой было рискованно, но фортуна часто благоволила храбрецам.

Tom must have spent a fortune.

Том, должно быть, потратил целое состояние.

He prefers that I choose birth over fortune.

Он предпочитает, чтобы я выбирал происхождение, а не состояние.

She had some family shipping fortune.

У нее было семейное состояние, сколоченное на перевозках.

This certificate says that I have the fortune now.

Этот сертификат говорит о том, что теперь я получу состояние.

Ever since I lost my immense fortune.

Всем я стал ненавистен! с тех пор как я потерял свое огромное состояние.

He’s a criminal who makes a fortune smuggling drugs.

Этот человек — преступник, который сделал себе состояние на трафике наркотиков.

Maybe she controls the family fortune.

Или может быть, она управляет семейным состоянием.

Specifically, the fortune your father took from him.

Особенно учитывая, что состояние твоего отца было взято у него.

Kulibayev also appears willing to spend his fortune on others.

Кулибаев также, кажется, готов тратить свое состояние и на других.

I treasure those wages more than any £9million fortune.

Я дорожу эти зарплаты больше, чем любой 9 миллионов фунтов удачи.

His fortune more than doubled to $11.9 billion.

Его состояние увеличилось более чем вдвое и достигло $11,9 млрд.

But it was enough to build a fortune.

А этого было вполне достаточно, чтобы сделать себе состояние.

Riches and fortune obtained illegally, dishonestly or via deception.

Богатство и удача, полученные незаконным путем, нечестно или с помощью обмана.

Perhaps fortune will smile on us this time.

Быть может, удача улыбнётся нам именно в этот раз.

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fortune — перевод на русский


Cost a fortune.

Стоило состояние.

Any woman who spends a fortune in times like these for a handbag…

Женщина, которая в такие времена тратит состояние на сумочку…

— And her jewelry is worth a fortune.

— А ее драгоценности стоят состояние.

— He left me his fortune.

— Я унаследовала его состояние.

The people who knew him before. Learning that his fortune was not legitimate. Would flee from him, as from a plague.

Те, кто знал его прежде, услышав, что его состояние нажито незаконно, отвернулись от него и бегут от него, как от чумы.

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Now, señor, you can sell her for a fortune.

Ну, сеньор, за неё сейчас можно выручить целое состояние.

He made quite a fortune for himself .. After soldiers were discharged from the revolutionary army. By cheating them in shady land deals.

Он сколотил целое состояние, обманом вовлекая бывших солдат революционной армии в земельные махинации!

Listen, Larry, don’t get me wrong, I’d like to lay my hands on some of that amnesia, but if you give yourself away to this dame, we lose a fortune.

Послушай, Ларри, не пойми меня неправильно, я хотел бы присвоить некоторую часть твоей амнезии, но если ты отдашь себя этой даме, мы потеряем целое состояние.

I have just won a fortune, and I am never going to gamble again.

Я только что выиграл целое состояние и больше никогда не подойду к рулетке.

He will offer a fortune to anyone who’ll furnish an exit visa.

Он предложит целое состояние тому, кто достанет ему визу.

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My good fortune is Habersville’s.

Моя удача — Хаберсвилл.

I hope my good fortune doesn’t distress you too much.

Надеюсь, моя удача не слишком вас огорчает.

That is my good fortune.

Какая удача.

Otherwise Fortune has favoured me, or «that cold fury» which, according to General Sommer makes the victorious soldier.

Но чаще удача была на моей стороне, а может, «та холодная ярость» которая, по словам генерала Соммера, делает солдата победителем.

Fortune favours the bold.

Удача способствует смелому.

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Fair gypsy, read my fortune.

Прекрасная цыганка, предскажи мою судьбу.

Leave them to drink to our ill fortune.

Оставь их, пускай выпьют за нашу злую судьбу.

Keeps talking about telling your fortune.

Она хочет предсказать вашу судьбу.

Oh, who shall hinder me to wail and weep… to chide my fortune and torment myself?

Кто помешает мне вопить и плакать, терзать себя и на судьбу роптать?

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«lt will bring us fame, fortune.

«Это принесет славу, богатство.

He found love, glory and fortune

Он нашел любовь, славу и богатство.

My psaltery is my sole fortune.

Вот все мое богатство.

Paris, fame, fortune – what’s it all add up to?

Париж, признание, богатство — а что в итоге?

I only hesitated because of your vast fortune

Единственное, что меня останавливало — ваше богатство.

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There are those who would consider the heir to a multimillion-dollar fortune improper choice for errand boy.

Есть такие, кто считает наследницу мультимиллионной фортуны неверным выбором для вашего посыльного.

Fortune’s wheel makes another turn.

Колесо фортуны делает ещё один поворот.

We take the map, one after another… and obtain the Wheel of Fortune, Jester, and then…

Мы берем карту, одну за другой… и получаем Колесо Фортуны, Шута, а затем…

— Wheel of Fortune.

— Колесо Фортуны.

Happy in that we are not overhappy. On Fortune’s cap we are not the very button.

Мы не верхи на колпаке Фортуны.

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I am desperate of my fortunes if they check me here.

Если я и здесь потерплю неудачу — прощай всякая надежда на счастье!

May God grant you good fortune.

Да дарует вам Бог счастье.

To us and our good fortune

За нас, за всех, за счастье!

May you grow old with him in fortune and honour.

Живи с ним долго в счастье и почёте.

He means in flesh Nay, hear him Good now, some excellent fortune!

Наверное, я располнею. Предскажи мне какое-нибудь особенное счастье.

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First of all, the kind of a trailer that you’re thinking about probably costs a fortune.

Во-первых такой трейлер… стоит кучу денег.

It will cost a fortune.

Это будет стоить кучу денег!

I spent a fortune on detectives to trace you.

Я потратил кучу денег на частных детективов, чтобы выследить тебя.

I paid a fortune for the cab.

Я заплатила кучу денег за такси.

We could make a fortune!

Слушай, мьi можем заработать кучу денег.

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But we did have one piece of good fortune.

Зато нам повезло в другом.

As a child, it was my immense good fortune to have parents and a few teachers who encouraged my curiosity.

В детстве мне страшно повезло, что родители и некоторые учителя одобрили моё любопытство.

It was a piece of remarkable fortune because…

Мне необыкновенно повезло, потому что…

But this is— — This is incredibly good fortune for me.

Мне же невероятно повезло.

You the most gifted culinary freak I’ve ever had the fortune to stumble across.

на которого мне повезло наткнуться.

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He sold it to my great-grandfather after losing his fortune.

Когда они потеряли свои деньги, они переехали в мансарду.

We had fame and fortune.

у нас были слава и деньги.

A country doctor’s daughter my husband’s name and fortune.

Я дочь провинциального врача. У моего мужа деньги и титул.

If they see me, they see my father’s fortune.

Во мне они видят отцовские деньги…

My fortune lies in my plantations.

Все мои деньги -в плантациях.

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состояние, фортуна, счастье, удача, судьба, случаться, наткнуться



- арх. случаться

it fortuned that … — случилось так, что …

- (upon) наткнуться, случайно натолкнуться
- дать богатство, приданое

Мои примеры


an insatiate avarice that impels him to work incessantly for a fortune that he will never have time to enjoy — неутолимая алчность, что побуждает его непрерывно работать ради состояния, насладиться которым у него никогда не будет времени  
to dissipate one’s fortune — промотать своё состояние  
an enormous fortune — несметное богатство  
to inherit a fortune — унаследовать состояние  
to cost / be worth a fortune — стоить кучу денег, быть очень дорогим  
to inherit a fortune from an uncle — получить наследство от дяди  
to pay out a fortune for new players — тратить огромные средства на покупку новых игроков  
to be the mere plaything of fortune — быть не более чем игрушкой судьбы  
revulsion of fortune — перелом в судьбе  
fortune upon — случайно натолкнуться; наткнуться  
private fortune — личное состояние; личное богатство  

Примеры с переводом

Good fortune be with you.

Пусть удача сопутствует тебе.

She lost her fortune in the war.

Она лишилась своего состояния во время войны.

I could hardly believe my fortune.

Я едва мог поверить своему счастью.

He hoped to achieve fame and fortune.

Он надеялся добиться славы и богатства.

Fortune favours the brave.

Смелость города берёт. (посл.)

Her fortune was put at £5.5 million.

Её состояние оценивалось примерно в пять с половиной миллионов фунтов стерлингов.

He soon made away with his fortune.

Он в скором времени растратил своё состояние.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Most of his fortune came from moneylending.

She vested her vast fortune in her two sons

She cheated her aged aunt out of her fortune.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

fortunate  — удачный, счастливый, удачливый, благоприятный
fortuneless  — незадачливый, несчастный, бедный
misfortune  — несчастье, беда, неудача, злоключение

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): fortune
мн. ч.(plural): fortunes

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word fortune, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use fortune in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «fortune».

Fortune in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word fortune in a sentence.

  1. I am equal to either fortune.

  2. He made a fortune in banking and real estate.

  3. By 1992, his fortune was judged to be $3 billion.

  4. Schwend amassed a fortune from Operation Bernhard.

  5. Though the fortune as well as the constitution of Mr.

  6. He eventually amassed a fortune of about US$20 million.

  7. To bathe in the holy tank is said to bring good fortune.

  8. Her personal fortune in art and cash was stripped from her.

  9. In search of fortune he migrated to Sherpur in East Bengal.

  10. By 1870, in his old age, he had amassed a comfortable fortune, valued at $80,000.

  11. The venture was unsuccessful and cost Tetty a substantial portion of her fortune.

  12. Reconstruction did not harm Ross’s fortune, and with hard work, he soon prospered.

  13. Brown, had lost his fortune and influence when his banking empire crashed in 1930.

  14. He subsequently amassed a fortune as a promoter of shares in gold-mining companies.

  15. As Machiavelli once pointed out, cleverness will take a man far, but he cannot do without good fortune.

  16. The early colonists thought that large flights of pigeons would be followed by ill fortune or sickness.

  17. Cẩn left his personal fortune, which had indeed been deposited in foreign banks, to Catholic charities.

  18. He eventually loses all of his money but his one remaining friend helps him regain his fortune in India.

  19. Ferrier had better fortune when she was introduced to Malcolm Sargent after a Hallé concert in Blackpool.

  20. In Panama, local legend held that good fortune would come to anyone who spotted a Panamanian golden frog.

  21. His grandmother had provided Howe with slaves and money with which Howe was intended to build his fortune.

  22. As of 2020, he was one of the wealthiest musicians in the world, with an estimated fortune of £800 million.

  23. The Wonderful Mrs Atkinson is Born and Married to a Gentleman in Ireland of that name, having 20,000 fortune.

  24. By the time Johannes was born, he had two brothers and one sister and the Kepler family fortune was in decline.

  25. The original source of the Carlyle’s fortune and power is from their various developments in genetic technology.

  26. In November 1689, he wed Martha Ridgely Underwood, a widow whose two former husbands had left her a small fortune.

  27. He died at his home at Ebury Street in the London district of Belgravia in early 1933, leaving a fortune of £70,000.

  28. In short order, his once-substantial fortune was expended, and he resorted to borrowing money to support his family.

  29. If it rose clear, it would portend good fortune; if it was misty or faint then it foretold (or emanated) pestilence.

  30. Sterling, raised in a poor family, was a young adventurer with dreams of fame and fortune who decided to become a pirate.

  31. Bonville seems to have managed to avoid implication in the variable swings in political fortune which followed until 1460.

  32. Because of Isis’s power over fate, she was linked with the Greek and Roman personifications of fortune, Tyche and Fortuna.

  33. In Kufa, Mukhtar began recruiting people to take revenge against the killers of Husayn, promising them victory and fortune.

  34. The tower was a symbol of the wealth of the times, but when the stock market crashed, Foshay lost his fortune in the crash.

  35. The inscriptions read «The wheel of fortune, whose rule is ignorance» and «The speare of destiny, whose rule is knowledge».

  36. Tonbridge School was founded in 1553 by Sir Andrew Judd, who made a fortune in the Muscovy fur trade during the 16th century.

  37. Kantakouzenos had exhausted his own personal fortune, and Empress Anne had left the Empire heavily indebted to the Venetians.

  38. Although she is not physically attractive to him, Hilliard woos Eleanor, convincing himself he is not merely a fortune seeker.

  39. The will, however, stipulates that to inherit the fortune, she must be judged sane by a doctor, Ira Lazar (Lucien Littlefield).

  40. In 1954, Cooper appeared in Henry Hathaway’s Western drama Garden of Evil, with Susan Hayward, about three soldiers of fortune in Mexico hired to rescue a woman’s husband.

  41. Alfred amassed a considerable fortune, which enabled his son to devote his life to the study and practice of architecture without requiring that he actually earn a living.

  42. At this point, Thomas suffered his first reversal of fortune: before his departure for Abydos, he had sent an army under his adoptive son Constantius against the Armeniacs.

  43. As a colourful species with a pleasant twittering song, and an associated belief that it brought health and good fortune, it had been domesticated for at least 2,000 years.

  44. When she tries to leave England with her newborn child and the fortune her now deceased uncle has left them, her husband seizes the child and imprisons Maria in the asylum.

Synonyms for fortune

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word fortune has the following synonyms: destiny, fate, luck, lot, circumstances, portion, chance and hazard.

General information about «fortune» example sentences

The example sentences for the word fortune that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «fortune» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «fortune».

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