1. Fortunately my suspicions proved groundless .
2. Fortunately the train was on time.
3. Violent crimes against the elderly are fortunately very uncommon.
4. Fortunately we were blessed with fine weather.
5. Fortunately, the stormy waves caused trifling damage to the boat.
6. Fortunately the train was late so we did not miss it.
7. Fortunately the house was empty when the bomb exploded .
8. The rest of the apartment had fortunately remained unaltered since that time.
9. Fortunately,[sentencedict.com/fortunately.html] a passerby heard his cries for help .
10. Fortunately the trail was still warm .
11. Fortunately, the weather that winter was reasonably mild.
12. I was late, but fortunately the meeting hadn’t started.
13. Fortunately we’re both blessed with good health.
14. Fortunately the school’s bank account is currently in surplus.
15. Fortunately for him, he can swim.
16. Fortunately, we spotted the leak in time.
17. Fortunately, everything worked out all right in the end.
18. Fortunately Mark quickly found another job.
19. Fortunately the gunman’s shots went astray.
20. Fortunately, the passengers escaped serious injury.
21. Fortunately for John, he had an understanding wife.
22. Fortunately I had a little time to spare.
23. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt.
24. Fortunately this has not happened.
25. Fortunately, his head injuries left his bodily functions unimpaired.
26. Fortunately for us, the weather changed.
27. Fortunately, we got home before it started to rain.
28. Fortunately, common sense prevailed.
29. Fortunately, militarism failed to take root in Europe as a whole.
30. The plane had a breakdown in the air, but it was fortunately removed by the ace pilot.
Last Update: Jan 03, 2023
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Asked by: Mr. Oral McLaughlin II
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(34 votes)
Fortunately Sentence Examples
Fortunately, breakfast was nothing like she imagined. Fortunately, Gerald and Sam had escaped. I am serious and fortunately in a perfect position to act. Fortunately, no human-made weapon was able to hurt him.
How do you use fortunately in a sentence?
Fortunately sentence example
- Fortunately , breakfast was nothing like she imagined. …
- Fortunately , Gerald and Sam had escaped. …
- I am serious and fortunately in a perfect position to act. …
- Fortunately , no human-made weapon was able to hurt him. …
- Fortunately she had a forgiving nature.
Can you start a sentence with fortunately?
Starting with a very common adverb, fortunately often introduces a sentence in which the speaker talks about a good thing that happened, preventing something bad: It rained all afternoon. Fortunately, we were indoors most of the time. … Happily, the weather stayed fine all afternoon.
What does Fortunately mean in a sentence?
1 : in a fortunate manner. 2 : it is fortunate that fortunately, no one was hurt.
How can I use make in a sentence?
[M] [T] I’m going to make a cake for Mary’s birthday. [M] [T] He tried to make his wife happy, but couldn’t. [M] [T] I asked her to make four copies of the letter. [M] [T] I checked to make sure that he was still alive.
32 related questions found
What are the 7 types of sentences?
The other way is based on a sentence’s structure (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex).
- Statements/Declarative Sentences. These are the most common type of sentence. …
- Questions/Interrogative Sentences. …
- Exclamations/Exclamatory Sentences. …
- Commands/Imperative Sentences.
Are make sentence in English?
[M] [T] Tom and John are good friends. [M] [T] Two students are absent today. [M] [T] We are staying at our uncle’s. [M] [T] You and he are both very kind.
How do you explain fortunately?
- fortunatelyadverb. It is (or was, etc) fortunate that. Fortunately, Sam’s pet hamster was not dead.
- fortunatelyadverb. In a fortunate manner. Fortunately, Sam’s pet hamster was not dead.
Does Fortunately mean good?
Fortunately is used to introduce or indicate a statement about an event or situation that is good. Fortunately, the weather was good.
What does be encouraged mean?
transitive verb. 1a : to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope : hearten she was encouraged to continue by her early success. b : to attempt to persuade : urge they encouraged him to go back to school. 2 : to spur on : stimulate warm weather encourages plant growth.
Why is the word fortunately used?
Fortunately is used to introduce or indicate a statement about an event or situation that is good.
Is there a comma after fortunately?
3 Answers. When an introductory adverbial element seems to modify the entire sentence and not just the verb or some single element in the rest of the sentence, put a comma after it. Fortunately, no one in the bridal party was in that car.
Is it fortunately or unfortunately?
As adverbs the difference between fortunately and unfortunately. is that fortunately is in a fortunate manner while unfortunately is happening through bad luck, or because of some unfortunate event.
What is the root word of fortunately?
The adjective fortunate comes from the Latin word fortunatus, meaning “prospered,” “prosperous,” “lucky,” or “happy.” Fortunate is related to the word fortune and they have similar meanings, in the sense that those fortunate enough to have a fortune most likely have gobs of money and are sometimes called “the fortunate …
What does unfortunately mean?
Unfortunately is the adverb form of unfortunate — so unfortunately means «unluckily.» If someone asks you whether you have to go to work tomorrow when you’d rather go to the beach, you might answer, «Unfortunately.» You might also use unfortunately when you give someone bad news, as in «Unfortunately, we cannot accept …
Who is a fortunate person?
The definition of fortunate is someone or something that is lucky or favorable, or someone who is materially well-off. A lucky turn of events is an example of a fortunate turn of events. A person who will be a good spouse is an example of a fortunate match.
What does very fortunate mean?
adjective. having good fortune; receiving good from uncertain or unexpected sources; lucky: a fortunate young actor who got the lead in the play. bringing or indicating good fortune: resulting favorably; auspicious: She made a fortunate decision to go on to medical school.
Does fortunate mean lucky?
Some common synonyms of fortunate are happy, lucky, and providential. While all these words mean «meeting with unforeseen success,» fortunate suggests being rewarded beyond one’s deserts.
What is a meaning of faint?
fainted; fainting; faints. Definition of faint (Entry 2 of 3) intransitive verb. 1 : to lose consciousness because of a temporary decrease in the blood supply to the brain. 2 archaic : to lose courage or spirit.
What is the opposite of fortunately?
Opposite of in a fortunate manner. sadly. unfortunately. unhappily. unluckily.
How do you use announce in a sentence?
Announce sentence example
- I will also announce you as the supreme battle strategist. …
- I will announce my lifemate at the committee. …
- A herald sent forward to announce the coming of a king. …
- The footman who had gone to announce them was stopped by another in the large hall and they whispered to one another.
How do you use the word sentence?
How sentence example
- How did you know you loved him? …
- » How beautiful it is!» …
- No matter how sorry Alex was for what happened, or how many times he apologized or tried to make up for it, he couldn’t remove the hurt. …
- » How can we do that?» …
- How long had Morino lived in America?
How do you use the word are in a sentence?
If the noun is singular, use is. If it is plural or there is more than one noun, use are. The cat is eating all of his food. The cats are eating all of their food.
How do you use were in a sentence?
For the past indicative second person and all plural forms, use were. “They were in the stadium,” and “You were standing the whole game.” Also use were for the hypothetical or fantastical subjunctive mood for both singular and plural forms, as in “If they were to bring back popcorn, I would eat it.”
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Nothing actually happened, perhaps fortunately.
Однако этого не произошло и, быть может, к счастью.
Nobody lives forever… unfortunately or fortunately.
Наша жизнь на Земле не вечна, к несчастью — и к счастью.
The music remains available, fortunately.
Записи этой музыки, по счастью, доступны.
Though fortunately he had no temperature.
Unfortunately, or fortunately technology keeps evolving.
К счастью, или, к сожалению, наши технические возможности развиваются полным ходом.
Words that fortunately did not affect me.
Эти слова, к сожалению, никак на меня не действовали.
No, because fortunately there’s a better alternative.
Конечно же, нет, к счастью существует лучшая альтернатива предложенному решению.
But that time has fortunately passed.
Однако эти времена, к счастью, прошли.
But fortunately, that is over.
На этом, к счастью, все и закончилось .
Unfortunately or fortunately, everything changes.
К сожалению или к счастью, все течет и меняется.
All these are behind us now, fortunately.
Сейчас все эти проблемы, к счастью, остались позади.
It’s infinitely disappointing, but fortunately it is easily avoided.
Это довольно-таки несправедливо, но, к счастью, этого легко можно избежать.
Probably, but fortunately nothing for my own teeth.
Весьма вероятно; но, к счастью, не для моих зубов.
However, universal awareness that creative products deserve better protection is fortunately increasing.
Однако, к счастью, всеобщее понимание того, что продукты творческого труда достойны лучшей защиты, возрастает.
The answer, fortunately, is that many foods can help.
Ответ, к счастью, заключается в том, что многие продукты могут помочь.
But fortunately, natural beauty care has made huge progress.
Но, к счастью, в естественном уходе за красотой произошел огромный прогресс.
The building was damaged but fortunately there were no injuries.
Зданию был нанесен ущерб, однако, к счастью, пострадавших не было.
But fortunately one can also play solo.
К счастью, проходить игру в одиночку также можно.
Unfortunately or fortunately, I see nothing fundamentally new here.
К сожалению или к счастью, ничего принципиально нового я тут не вижу.
My wife fortunately did not have cancer.
У моих родителей, к счастью, не было никаких раков.
Предложения, которые содержат fortunately
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fortunately — перевод на русский
Fortunately for you… ..we’re not actually interested in what you did over the last few days.
К счастью для вас, нам не очень интересно то, чем вы занимались в последние дни.
Fortunately, both her husband and I are peaceful men.
К счастью и я и её муж — мирные люди.
Fortunately, the letter was wrongly addressed
К счастью, это письмо не дошло
Madame Colet, if I were your father… which, fortunately, I am not… and you made any attempt to handle your own business affairs, I would give you a good spanking, in a business way, of course.
Мадам Коле, будь я Вашим отцом… а к счастью, я — не он… и Вы бы посмели предпринять какие-то собственные шаги в бизнесе, я бы задал Вам хорошую порку.
Fortunately she has a dinner engagement tonight.
К счастью, она сегодня приглашена на ужин.
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Not everyone is so fortunate.
Не всем так повезло.
It was very fortunate for him that you came along.
Ему очень повезло, что вы были неподалеку.
You’re fortunate not to be paying for this with your head.
Вам еще повезло, что вы не поплатились за это головой!
How fortunate I’m here.
Как же мне повезло.
That’s most fortunate for me.
Как же мне повезло.
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You’re a fortunate man.
— Ты счастливый человек.
Fortunate man.
Счастливый человек.
We are fortunate tonight to have so many unexpected visitors.
Какой счастливый вечер, у нас так много неожиданных гостей.
You’re a very fortunate young man, Mr Wooster, to have this girlie speak up for you.
Вы счастливый молодой человек, Мистер Вустер,.. вас защищает такая девушка.
Mr Collins appears extremely fortunate in his choice of wife.
Мистер Коллинз производит впечатление человека, сделавшего счастливый выбор.
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I’d gone to Vienna to study and was fortunate enough… to be taken by Schuppanzigh as a pupil.
Я поехал в Вену учиться и был достаточно удачлив… Быть принятым в Шупензиха в качестве ученика.
She’s just trying to reach out to the less fortunate.
Она просто старается быть милой с теми, кто менее удачлив.
A fortune, James, but I am fortunate because I can afford to lose a fortune.
Удача, Джэймс, а я удачлив потому что я могу позволить потерять удачу.
In my profession — and it’s my profession — I’m a little more fortunate.
В моей профессии, а это моя профессия — я чуть более удачлив.
This chick is less fortunate, its mother has not returned to claim it.
Этот цыпленок менее удачлив. Его мать не возвратилась за ним.
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That’s fortunate…and you’ll see…
Э-э, что крайне удачно… и…
Как удачно, что у вас было оружие.
How fortunate, Mother.
Как удачно, мама.
Very fortunate your coming on a Tuesday.
Очень удачно, что вы пришли во вторник.
Fortunate for some… unfortunate for others.
Для одних удачно, для других неудачно.
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Fortunately the old man is quite blind.
Хорошо ещё, что он старый и полуслепой.
How fortunate I didn’t put the lipstick on yet.
Хорошо еще, что я не накрасила губы.
I’m so fortunate it’s almost embarrassing.
А у меня всё так хорошо, что даже стыдно.
So fortunate that I had half an hour to come to meet you and show my affection.
Хорошо, что у меня бьло именно полчаса времени, чтобь встретить тебя и показать свою нежность.
How fortunate we don’t have any children.
Хорошо что, у нас нет детей.
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Большая удача.
Am I not fortunate?
Большая удача, неправда ли?
Ahh, we are fortunate indeed. Another clue.
Какая удача: новая улика.
We’ve been happy and fortunate.
У нас были счастье и удача.
Complete nut. Well, that is fortunate.
Ну, это удача.
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Thanks only a sudden wind, was I even fortunate to get back to shore.
Лишь благодаря внезапному ветру мне посчастливилось вернуться назад.
If you were fortunate enough to have a room such as this… your wife would undoubtedly have taken it over… to house her aged and disagreeable mother.
Если бы вам посчастливилось иметь такую комнату, ваша жёнушка бы тут же превратила это в дом своей сварливой престарелой мамаши.
— I haven’t been that fortunate.
-Не посчастливилось.
As you know, we are fortunate enough to have on board with us, Mr. Hercule Poirot, who is probably known to you all as a man who has wide experience in such matters.
Нам посчастливилось, что на борту оказался мистер Эркюль Пуаро. Он имеет обширный опыт в подобных делах.
But you are fortunate, Mademoiselle. You have been loved by a brave man.
Вам посчастливилось, мадемуазель, Вас любил отважный человек.
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You are a fortunate man, Karlton.
Вам везёт, Карлтон.
-That’s fortunate.
— Тебе везет.
Oh, you’re fortunate.
Вам везет.
Not everyone is so fortunate.
Не всем так везет.
Some children are less fortunate. For them, there are special schools.
Не всем детям везет в жизни. для некоторых есть специальные школы.
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And that fortunate young man.
— И этот счастливчик…
I’m a fortunate man, aren’t I?
Я— счастливчик, не так ли?
You are a very fortunate son, Mr. Maranov.
Вы счастливчик, Мистер Маранов.
Mr. Kapoor feels you’re fortunate to be at ICE.
Даже мистер Капур говорил мне, какой я счастливчик, что у меня сьIн учится в ИКМ.
Them will say, here is one fortunate man to have two such beauties on his arm.
Они скажут: вот идет счастливчик с двумя красавицами под руку.
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Definition of Fortunately
Examples of Fortunately in a sentence
Fortunately, I swerved out of the lane before a car came barreling down the one way.
Fortunately, the surgeon was able to complete surgery with only minor complications.
Fortunately for the children, the Easter bunny had left lots of Easter goodies in baskets beside the front door.
Exercise is the key, and fortunately I know a good bit about aerobics.
Fortunately for the pirates, an unsuspecting ship was just a few miles away.
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