The word forever and always

The English language has a lot of words that are often used interchangeably and are considered to have similar meanings. People often get confused with such similar words and it becomes difficult for them to use the words in the correct context.

Two such common words are always and forever. Both the words seem similar but have distinct differences.

Key Takeaways

  1. “Always” refers to something continuous without any interruption.
  2. Forever refers to something that lasts for an infinite amount of time.
  3. Always is a temporal concept, while forever is a spatial concept.

The difference between always and forever is that always refers to an action that will last all times while forever refers to an action that is currently taking place. The word always has been in the English language since ancient times while the word forever is a new edition to the English language. Both the words can be used in similar contexts.

Always vs Forever

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Always is used as an adverb in sentence formation. The word is often used to imply that the action that is being described is bound to last at all times.

The period referred to by the word always is within one’s life period. Always usually means continuously and denotes repetitiveness.

On the other hand, forever acts as an adverb as well as an adjective in the English language. Forever is a synonym of the word always. The word denotes something for eternity.

Forever implies that the context referred to is never-ending. Forever is not used to denote any habit or behavior. Hence, the word does not promote repetitiveness

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Always Forever
Definition Always primarily conveys “at all times” Forever primarily conveys “for an endless time”
Form Adverb Adverb and Adjective
Duration Always can refer to both short as well as the long period of time Forever refers to a long period of time
Time period The time period referred to by the word always is within one’s life period The time period referred by the word forever is to an endless time
Other meaning Always also means ‘at any rate’ or ‘as a last resort’ Forever does not mean ‘at any rate’ or ‘as a last resort’

What is Always?

Always is used an adverb in the English language. The word is often used to imply that the action that is being described is bound to last at all times.

The usage of the word as an adverb is paramount to the understanding of the word. The word also has other meanings like “at all times”, “on all occasions”, “for all future times”, “at any rate” or “as the last report”.

Some exemplar sentences are – “She always wears black”, “He always gives alms to the poor”, “The moon always revolves around the earth”, “I will always help you”, “You should always give another try” and several other such examples.

The word is extensively used in making promises. People often use always to confess and promise love. Like ‘I will always love you’, declares the love seemingly for an infinite period of time.

The time period referred to by the word always is within one’s life period. Always usually means continuously and denotes repetitiveness.

“The teacher always takes his time in everything that he does”. This sentence shows a pattern of behavior that is done on a daily basis.

Such patterns can be expressed in other ways too like “He always woke up at 4 AM”, “She always goes for a walk in the evening “, “He always sits on the first bench”.

What is Forever?

Forever is used as an adverb to describe the action taking place. The word forever is a relatively new word to the English language. The word denotes something for eternity.

Forever implies that the processor context referred to is never-ending. The meaning of the word is strongly governed by the context in which the word is used.

Exemplary sentence of a promise, ‘I will love you forever’ which simply means declaration of the undying love of the lover and also promises that the love will be never-ending.

The love and affection will always be there for the other person and shows devotion.

The word forever means for a very long time or for an endless time. The word is also used as an adjective in informal way. Example – “These kittens need a forever home”.

The time period implied in the word forever is for an infinite period and promotes a sense of constant throughout the entire period.

Example of sentences – “She is forever asking questions”, “My dog forever does silly things”, “She didn’t tell us that she was leaving forever”, “Calls during the lecture have distracted me forever”, “The doctor took time to arrive and it seemed as if we were waiting for forever”.

Main Differences Between Always and Forever

  1. Always denotes continuously while forever denotes an infinite amount of time into the future.
  2. Always denotes repetitiveness while forever denotes no repetitiveness but a lasting constant.
  3. Always can refer to a short as well as a long period of time while forever can refer to a long period of time.
  4. The time period referred in always is within one’s life period while the time period referred in forever is endless.
  5. Always is used only as an adverb while forever is used as an adjective as well as an adverb in the English language.

Difference Between Always and Forever



Emma Smith 200x200 1

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

Asked by: Karli Bartell

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(36 votes)

The English language denotes that the word forever is actually the synonym of the word always. This concludes that both words are used for the same meaning. Always and forever are both adverbs. Both words are often used for the same meaning.

Do you say always and forever or forever and always?

Always and forever — this phrase is wrong grammatically but it means the same thing as both words. Also, ‘forever and always’ is a common phrase.

What is difference between forever and always?

The main difference between always and forever is that always usually means at all times or on all occasions whereas forever usually means for an endless time.

What’s another way to say forever and always?

In this page you can discover 62 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for forever, like: eternally, till-death-do-us-part, everlastingly, always, endlessly, from the cradle to the grave, permanently, forevermore, for-keeps, in perpetuity and world without end.

Which is longer always or forever?

In other contexts there’s a difference in that always usually means continuously, at all [relevant] times, whereas forever usually means for an infinite amount of time into the future.

15 related questions found

What is the meaning of I love you always and forever?

(I will love you) always and forever: (I will) always (love you), (I will) never stop (loving you)

Is there a difference between saying I love you and love you?

In brief: ‘I love you’ and ‘love you’ are phrases used to convey an emotional attachment to a certain someone or something. ‘I love you’, however, is usually reserved for your significant other or parents. While ‘love you’ is commonly used between friends.

What are other words that mean forever?

Synonyms & Antonyms of forever

  • always,
  • aye.
  • (also ay),
  • e’er,
  • eternally,
  • ever,
  • everlastingly,
  • evermore,

Is forever and always grammatically correct?

The English language denotes that the word forever is actually the synonym of the word always. This concludes that both words are used for the same meaning. Always and forever are both adverbs. Both words are often used for the same meaning.

What does now and forever mean?

Adverb. In a way that continues or lasts forever.

What is the difference between always and forever in Verilog?

The always keyword acts similar to the «C» construct while(1) {..} in the sense that it will execute forever. From electroSofts: The forever instruction continuously repeats the statement that follows it. Therefore, it should be used with procedural timing controls (otherwise it hangs the simulation).

What is the meaning of 637?

637 means «always and forever

How do you reply to I Will Always Love You?

Sweet Responses To ‘I Love You’

  • ‘I’m crazy about you! …
  • ‘Sometimes I feel like my heart will burst with happiness when you say those three words! …
  • ‘You are the best thing that ever happened to me. …
  • ‘You complete me. …
  • ‘If I could say how much I love you in mere words, I might be able to talk more.

Where did forever and always come from?

«Forever and for Always» is a song co-written and recorded by Canadian country music singer Shania Twain and it was the third country single from her fourth studio album Up! (2002). The song was written by Robert John «Mutt» Lange and Twain. The single was released in the United States radio on April 7, 2003.

What does forever mean in relationship?

Forever love is more than the passionate stage of love when you don’t see the each other’s faults, and you feel like everything is right with the world. Forever love is unconditional. You don’t withhold love when things are not going your way because you love that person so much you are unable to do that.

What’s a better word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

How many syllable are in forever?

Forever — 3 syllables ( for / ev /er)

How do u know when a man loves u?

A man who loves you will show it in how he treats you and the choices he makes. … This doesn’t necessarily mean the love isn’t there. It may mean that your partner is very cautious with those words and does not take them lightly. It may mean he has some relationship anxiety and has fear about saying them to you.

How do you know if someone is really in love with you?

You can usually recognize real love by these 12 signs.

  • You feel safe with them. …
  • They listen. …
  • They acknowledge your differences instead of trying to change you. …
  • You can communicate easily. …
  • They encourage you to do your own thing. …
  • You trust each other. …
  • They make an effort. …
  • You know you can collaborate or compromise.

What’s the difference between I miss you and miss you?

«Missing you» is an ellipsis of «I am missing you,» and is therefore the present continuous tense. «I miss you» is in the simple present tense, but in usage it functions exactly the same as the present continuous tense, unless the context specifies the simple present tense meaning.

How do you write always and forever?

As this is rather emotional language, it is permissible. A. «Always and forever, thank you to Mrs X who has helped me to…» For ever (preposition + noun = adverbial phrase) and forever (adverb) are both correct — forever is the commoner.

When was I Love You Always Forever written?

«I Love You Always Forever» is a song by Welsh singer Donna Lewis from her debut album, Now in a Minute (1996). Written by Lewis and produced by Lewis and Kevin Killen, it was released as the album’s lead single in the United States on 7 May 1996 and in the United Kingdom on 26 August 1996.

How do you reply to I Love You When You don’t love them back?

You don’t have to be mean to be honest. 19“Awwww how sweet of you.” This is one of the best responses to I love you when you don’t love them back because you have acknowledged what was said without hurting their feelings. You also do not need to respond, because this response clearly establishes them as a friend.

What do you reply to I miss you?

How to respond to I miss you: best responses to someone you like or love.

  • 01“I miss you too.” …
  • 02“What do you miss about me?” …
  • 03“I’ve been thinking about you too.” …
  • 04“I wish you were here.” …
  • 05“I can’t wait to see you again.” …
  • 06“I am counting down the days until we’re together again.”

What to say when a guy says he likes you over text?

Consider one of these, based on your feelings, keeping it short and simple since it’s a text:

  1. «I like you too!»
  2. «I don’t think of you that way.»
  3. «I need some time to think about this.»
  4. «I’d rather have this conversation with you in person.»

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

вечно и всегда

Forever and Always


In theory, this should act like a perpetuate energy machine, working forever and always.

Теоретически, это должно действовать как вечная энергетическая машина, работающая вечно и всегда.

WE THANK YOU and will love you FOREVER and ALWAYS.

От всего сердца Мы благодарим Тебя и будем любить Тебя вечно и всегда.

It is in Latvia, where there was a «breakthrough» in the singer’s «New Wave 2005», November 1st, 2006 a presentation of the new album, Brandon «Forever and Always».

Именно в Латвии, где произошел «прорыв» певца на «Новой волне 2005», 1 ноября 2006 года проходит презентация нового альбома Брэндона «Forever and Always».

Singer Taylor Swift wrote three songs about him — «Forever and Always,» «Last Kiss» and «Better than Revenge».

Известно, что певица по мотивам их с Джо отношений впоследствии написала песни «Forever and Always», «Last Kiss» и «Better than Revenge».

We know that the singer has composed the songs «Forever and Always«, «Last Kiss» and «Better than Revenge» basing on her relationship with Joe.

Известно, что певица по мотивам их с Джо отношений впоследствии написала песни «Forever and Always», «Last Kiss» и «Better than Revenge».

We know that the singer has composed the songs «Forever and Always«, «Last Kiss» and «Better than Revenge» basing on her relationship with Joe.

Это ведь она написала песни «Forever and Always», «Last Kiss» и «Better than Revenge» — и все по мотивам их с Джо отношений!

Joe Jonas: «The Last Kiss,» and «Forever and Always,» «Better Than Revenge»

Известно, что певица по мотивам их с Джо отношений впоследствии написала песни «Forever and Always», «Last Kiss» и «Better than Revenge».

Sheet music for «Forever and Always

<333 Forever and Always, Sarah

Forever and always praying for you and yours.

And I vow to be yours forever and always.

Forever and always, good morning.

Any woman just wants to be loved forever and always, not for the time being.

Каждая женщина просто хочет быть любимой постоянно, а не временно.

Forever and always, people will get married.

She was a model, a supermodel and that forever and always

Она была моделью, супермоделью и это навсегда.

We’ll forever and always cherish this moment.

Probably because I’ll love that movie forever and always.

Но уж если кто-то полюбит этот фильм, то навсегда.

The customer is tied uniquely to you forever and always.

К человеку привязываются легко и навсегда.

I love you so much baby, forever and always.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Forever and Always

Результатов: 51. Точных совпадений: 51. Затраченное время: 94 мс


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Always and forever are adverbs that have similar meanings. Although these two adverbs can be used interchangeably in most cases, there are instances where they have distinctive meanings. Thus, they cannot be always used as synonyms. It is important to look at the different meanings of these two adverbs in order to understand the difference between always and forever. The main difference between always and forever is that always usually means at all times or on all occasions whereas forever usually means for an endless time.

This article covers,

1. Meaning and Usage of Always

2. Meaning and Usage of Forever

3. Difference Between Always and ForeverDifference Between Always and Forever - Always vs. Forever Comparison Summary

Always – Meaning and Usage

The adverb always has several meanings. Let’s look at these meanings first.

At all times; on all occasions

The sun always sets from the west.

Her sister always wears black.

She has always helped the poor.

For all future times; forever

I’ll love you forever.

He’ll always be missed.

I’ll always be there for you.

As a last resort; at any rate

You can always try again.

If the marriage doesn’t work, you can always get a divorce.

As seen from the above meanings and examples, the meaning of always and forever can overlap in some instances. Always can sometimes take the meaning of forever. However, not all the above meanings can be replaced by forever.  For example,

You can always try again

You can try again forever

These two sentences have completely opposite meanings. The first sentence means that you can call again if the other option fails. The second sentence means you can keep trying.

Difference Between Always and Forever

Forever – Meaning and Usage

Forever is also an adverb. Given below are the meanings of forever:

At all times

He’s forever doing silly things.

They’ll be together forever.

This meaning is similar to always and forever can be replaced by always in sentences that carry this meaning. For example,

He is forever asking questions. = He is always asking questions.

For a very long time

We’ve been waiting forever.

It took forever to get to the top of the hill.

For an endless time

I’ll love you forever

She wants to live forever.

Main Difference - Always vs Forever

Difference Between Always and Forever

Main Meaning

Always mainly means at all times.

Forever mainly means for an endless time.

Long time

Always cannot refer to a long time.

Forever can refer to a long time.

Endless time

Always usually refers to a time period within one’s life period.

Forever refers to an endless time.

Last Resort

Always can mean at any rate or as a last resort. 

Forever cannot mean at any rate or as a last resort. 

Image Courtesy: 

“Americans will always fight for liberty” – NARA – 513806″ By  U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia 

“Anita willcox solidarity-forever-poster” By  Judy Seidman (photo) of League for Industrial Democracy – poster by Anita Willcox (CC BY 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia 

About the Author: Hasa

Hasa has a BA degree in English, French and Translation studies. She is currently reading for a Masters degree in English. Her areas of interests include literature, language, linguistics and also food.

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I recently had a request by someone to explain the difference between “always” and “forever” so that’s what I’d like to do today.

The word “forever” is used when we want to say that something will last for all time. In other words, it will never end. For example:

I will love you forever.

There will forever be distrust between Bill and me.

People have been killing each other in wars forever.

As you can see from my examples, we can use this for both past and future situations.

We can also use “always” to explain these types of situations, but the word “forever” is more formal and dramatic while “always” is more for everyday conversation. For example:

I will always love you.

There will always be distrust between Bill and me.

People have always killed each other in wars.

However, we can also use “always” in other situations. It can be used when we want to say that there is a certain condition which is true every time something happens. For example:

When I get home from work, my husband is always watching TV.

I always get annoyed when I’m on a crowded train.

We can also use it to describe the state of a person or thing in general when it never changes. For example:

Sarah is always happy. I really envy her.

The traffic light on Main Street is always broken. I don’t understand why they don’t fix it.

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