Born out of a passion to see God’s Word shared with as many people as possible,
The Word For You Today was first published in the U.S. in the summer of 1998. At that time, the thought of printing 3,000 copies of our quarterly devotional seemed like a very large number. But God had bigger plans. He continued to bless our work, and that number quickly grew to over 100,000 copies, which were distributed to churches and organizations.
Today, almost 20 years later, 4,000,000 copies of The Word For You Today are published annually in the U.S., and over 18,000,000 around the world, in more than 20 languages.
It is the most widely distributed and quickly growing devotional in the U.S., with individuals, businesses, and more than 5,000 churches choosing The Word For You Today to engage with God’s Word on a daily basis.
In addition to the U.K., Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Africa, the devotional is also printed and distributed in a growing number of South American countries. And in recent months, God has opened the door for us to take The Word For You Today to countries that are not known to be as eager to embrace His Word, like Cuba, Russia, and even China.
The Word For You Today is also being broadcast on television in the U.K. and Africa – and soon will be aired in New Zealand, South America, and Russia.
Nothing can impact the hearts and lives of people like the Word of God…to bring hope, direction, and purpose. And it is our desire to share it through every available channel.
The Word For Today (known as The Word For You Today in some countries) is a free, daily devotional written by Northern Irish Christian pastor Bob Gass and published around the world by United Christian Broadcasters (UCB). Over 3.5 million copies are distributed quarterly worldwide. Gass said the devotional «is a kick start for cold mornings, when you don’t feel like reading your Bible or find it a bit dry, that’s when you need a good injection of inspiration. That’s what I want to provide for our readers, something to focus their minds on God’s goodness».[1]
Editor | Bob Gass until his death in late 2019 |
Frequency | Quarterly periodical |
Format | Daily devotional |
Publisher | Bob Gass Ministries (within the United States) United Christian Broadcasters (outside the United States) |
Total circulation (2009) |
3.5 million |
Founder | Bob Gass Gareth Littler |
First issue | March 1, 1994 |
Country | United States |
Language | English language Spanish language Portuguese language Afrikaans language Italian language |
Website | United States website United Kingdom website Australia website New Zealand website |
Frequency | Quarterly periodical |
Format | Daily devotional |
Publisher | United Christian Broadcasters (outside the United States) |
First issue | August 1, 2003 |
Country | United Kingdom |
Language | English language |
Website | United Kingdom website Australia website New Zealand website |
A million copies are distributed to UCB listeners, hospital patients, prisoners and residents of care centres throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. Separate versions are produced for Albania, Australia, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Caribbean, Holland, Estonia, Portugal, Philippines, New Zealand, Nigeria, South Africa (Afrikaans and English languages), Spain and Italy by the UCB national UCB body or an affiliate. Another version is distributed by Bob Gass Ministries in the United States.
Production of a contemporary version called Word 4U 2Day (known as Word For You Today in some countries) began in August 2003. It was developed in conjunction with The Message Trust, a Christian youth ministry based in Manchester. It is an adaption of the original devotional, geared to appeal to the younger generations in society. The first edition of The Word 4U 2Day rolled off the press in time for August 2003 with a print run of quarter of a million copies. Since then it has increased in popularity and is popular with other age groups as well.[1] (Word For You in the UK is now only available via the UCB Player app.)[2]
United Christian BroadcastersEdit
United Christian Broadcasters was set up to Christian radio station Rhema Media in New Zealand, to allow groups in other countries set up similar stations in their own countries. It became an umbrella body for autonomous affiliate broadcasting organisations in different parts of the world. The first affiliate in Australia supported new Christian radio stations, called Rhema FM, before establishing its own group of radio stations, operating as the Vision Radio Network.
Other affiliates followed in the United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, Pacific countries, South America theDove in Oregon, United States. Smaller broadcasters were set up in Madagascar, Brazil, the Philippines and Estonia, by building up local support and then obtaining terrestrial licenses.[3] At its height in 2011, UCB was a group of 32 organisations which claimed to reach millions of people in at least 24 different languages through radio, television, printed devotionals and websites. Several million copies of The Word for Today were published every quarter, in about a dozen languages.
The Word For TodayEdit
Gass (born 1944 died 5 June 2019) was an American-based Christian pastor, broadcaster and author of several books. He was raised in Northern Ireland, but moved to Atlanta, Georgia in the United States when he was 18 years old. Gass, along with his brother Neil and sister Ruth, were brought up in a strong Christian tradition by their mother after their father had died when Bob was just thirteen. He became involved in Christian leadership for over 40 years, but much of his inspiration was based on the Biblical principles instilled in him by his mother.[4]
He began collating his inspirational writings in 1992 and in 1993 started sending copies to friends and supporters in the United States.[4] Astounded by the response he received in the United States, Gass offered his devotional readings to Gareth Littler, the former Chief Executive Officer of UCB, to encourage their listeners. In April 1994, The Word For Today was launched with an initial print run of 3,500 copies and circulated to UCB’s supporters within the UK. The reach was later expanded to other parts of the world.[1]
Bob Gass MinistriesEdit
Gass ran Bob Gass Ministries from his home in Georgia, with an international purpose and scope. His organisation retains the right to distribute the devotional within the United States.[4]
He has also written several books, including:[5]
- A Fresh Word for Today, ISBN 0-88270-762-0
- Best of the Word for Today, ISBN 0-88270-731-0
- Forgetting Your Past, ISBN 0-88270-817-1
- Discovering Your Destiny, ISBN 0-88270-863-5
- Starting Over, ISBN 0-88270-828-7
- ^ a b c «The Word For Today & Bob Gass’«. United Christian Broadcasters. Retrieved 2 May 2009.
- ^ «Word For You | United Christian Broadcasters». Retrieved 1 February 2023.
- ^ «Rhema Broadcasting Group Chairman steps down» (Press release). Rhema Broadcasting Group. 8 March 2013. Retrieved 8 July 2015.
- ^ a b c «Bob Gass Ministries». Spoke. Retrieved 2 May 2009.
- ^ «Bob Gass». Bridge Logos. Retrieved 2 May 2009.
External linksEdit
- The Word For Today
(Перенаправлено из Word на сегодня )
Чтобы узнать об американском служении с таким названием, см. Чака Смита (пастора) .
редактор | Боб Гасс до своей смерти в конце 2019 года |
Частота | Ежеквартальный журнал |
Формат | Ежедневная молитва |
Издатель | Служение Боба Гасса (в США) Организация христианского вещания (за пределами США) |
Общий тираж (2009 г.) |
3,5 миллиона |
Основатель | Боб Гасс Гарет Литтлер |
Первый выпуск | 1 марта 1994 г. |
Страна | Соединенные Штаты |
Язык |
Английский язык Испанский язык Португальский язык Язык африкаанс Итальянский язык |
Интернет сайт |
Веб-сайт США Веб-сайт Великобритании Веб-сайт Австралии Веб-сайт Новой Зеландии |
Частота | Ежеквартальный журнал |
Формат | Ежедневная молитва |
Издатель | Объединенные христианские вещатели (за пределами США) |
Первый выпуск | 1 августа 2003 г. |
Страна | объединенное Королевство |
Язык | английский язык |
Интернет сайт |
Веб- сайт Великобритании Веб-сайт Австралии Веб-сайт Новой Зеландии |
Слово для сегодня (известное как Слово для вас сегодня в некоторых странах) — это бесплатное ежедневное молитвенное послание, написанное ирландским христианским пастором Бобом Гассом и опубликованное во всем мире United Christian Broadcasters (UCB). Ежеквартально по всему миру распространяется более 3,5 миллионов копий. Гасс сказал, что молитвенное служение «является отличным началом для холодного утра, когда вам не хочется читать Библию или она кажется немного сухой, именно тогда вам нужно хорошее вдохновение. Это то, что я хочу предоставить нашим читателям, что-то, чтобы сосредоточить их умы на доброте Бога «.
Миллион копий распространяется среди слушателей UCB, пациентов больниц, заключенных и жителей медицинских центров по всей Великобритании и Ирландии. Отдельные версии производятся для Албании , Австралии , Канады , Чехословакии, Карибского бассейна, Голландии , Эстонии , Португалии , Филиппин , Новой Зеландии , Нигерии , Южной Африки (африкаанс и английский языки), Испании и Италии национальным органом UCB UCB или его филиалом. Другая версия распространяется служением Боба Гасса в Соединенных Штатах.
Производство современной версии под названием Word 4U 2Day (известной в некоторых странах как Word For You Today ) началось в августе 2003 года. Она была разработана совместно с The Message Trust, христианским молодежным служением, базирующимся в Манчестере . Это адаптация оригинального молитвенного послания, ориентированная на молодое поколение общества. Первое издание Word 4U 2Day сошло с печати к августу 2003 года тиражом в четверть миллиона экземпляров. С тех пор его популярность возросла, а также среди других возрастных групп.
Объединенные христианские вещатели
United Christian Broadcasters была создана на базе христианской радиостанции Rhema Media в Новой Зеландии , чтобы группы из других стран могли создавать аналогичные станции в своих странах. Он стал объединяющим органом для автономных партнерских вещательных организаций в разных частях мира. Первый филиал в Австралии поддерживал новые христианские радиостанции под названием Rhema FM , прежде чем основал собственную группу радиостанций, работающую как Vision Radio Network .
Другие филиалы последовали за ним в Великобритании, Европе, Африке, странах Тихого океана, Южной Америке. TheDove в Орегоне, США . Более мелкие вещательные компании были созданы на Мадагаскаре , Бразилии , Филиппинах и в Эстонии путем наращивания местной поддержки и последующего получения наземных лицензий. На пике своего развития в 2011 году UCB представлял собой группу из 32 организаций, которые утверждали, что охватили миллионы людей как минимум на 24 разных языках с помощью радио, телевидения, печатных молитв и веб-сайтов. Ежеквартально издавалось несколько миллионов экземпляров The Word for Today примерно на дюжине языков.
Слово на сегодня
Гасс (родился в 1944 г., умер 5 июня 2019 г.) был американским христианским пастором, телеведущим и автором нескольких книг. Он был воспитан в Северной Ирландии , но переехал в Атланте, штат Джорджия в США , когда ему было 18 лет. Гасс, его брат Нил и сестра Рут воспитывались в сильных христианских традициях своей матерью после того, как их отец умер, когда Бобу было всего тринадцать. Он был вовлечен в христианское руководство более 40 лет, но большая часть его вдохновения была основана на библейских принципах, которые ему внушила его мать.
Он начал собирать свои вдохновляющие сочинения в 1992 году, а в 1993 начал рассылать копии друзьям и сторонникам в Соединенных Штатах. Пораженный ответом, который он получил в Соединенных Штатах, Гасс предложил свои молитвенные чтения Гарету Литтлеру, бывшему генеральному директору UCB, чтобы воодушевить их слушателей. В апреле 1994 года «Слово для сегодняшнего дня» было выпущено тиражом в 3500 экземпляров и разослано сторонникам UCB в Великобритании. Позже охват был расширен на другие части мира.
Боб Гасс министерства
Гасс руководил служением Боба Гасса из своего дома в Джорджии с международными целями и масштабами. Его организация сохраняет за собой право распространять молитвы в Соединенных Штатах.
Он также написал несколько книг, в том числе:
Свежее слово на сегодня ,
ISBN 0-88270-762-0 -
Лучшее из слов на сегодня ,
ISBN 0-88270-731-0 -
Забыть свое прошлое ,
ISBN 0-88270-817-1 -
Открывая свою судьбу ,
ISBN 0-88270-863-5 -
Starting Over ,
ISBN 0-88270-828-7
внешние ссылки
- Слово на сегодня
April 14, 2023 · Bob Gass
Are you joy deprived?
“I came so that everyone would have life…in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV
Your lungs need oxygen to thrive, your body needs food to thrive, and your soul needs joy to thrive. How can you tell when someone is joy deprived? By how they look and what they say. One Bible teacher said…Your lungs need oxygen to thrive, your body needs food to thrive, and your soul needs joy to thrive. How can you tell when someone is joy deprived? By how they look and what they say. One Bible teacher said, “When I began to understand John 10:10…I realized the enemy had deceived me into thinking that enjoying things was not important…I had come to believe – falsely, of course – that if I was having fun, something was wrong…I must not be working hard enough! I never saw my father enjoy life and it seemed to aggravate him when others did, so I just grew up thinking something must be wrong with it. I can remember being told to be quiet when I laughed out loud…The seventeenth-century…[writer] Madame Guyon said that the highest call for every child of God is to enjoy God. I remember what a heavy load lifted off of me the first time I read that…I was working so hard trying to please God that the thought of simply enjoying Him had not occurred to me at all. I had never heard of such a thing!…I had been a committed church member for over twenty years before I learned that God wanted me to enjoy Him and the life He had given me.” Can you relate? If so, it’s time to make some changes in your life. Take a break without feeling guilty; you will be much more productive when you’re rested and refreshed. Recreation is not “unspiritual”; it’s essential to staying in balance. We live in a driven, stressed-out society, but you can change; you can be joyful if you choose to be.
Bible in a year:1 Samuel 21-24
Give God all the glory
Psalm 44:3 NLT
Did you hear about the frog that was running out of water, so he asked two birds to transport him to a nearby pond? He convinced each of them to carry one end of a stick in their beak while he bit down on the center and held on. It was a sight to behold: two birds, one stick, and a frog in the middle. They were making progress until a cow in a pasture looked up, saw the trio passing overhead, and asked, “Who thought of that?” At that point the frog couldn’t resist. Pride prevailed over prudence, and as he plummeted to earth, he yelled, “It was meeee…!” Don’t make the same error. “Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18 NLT).
Why are you good at doing what you do? For your own comfort? To save for your retirement? To bolster your self-esteem? No, these are all bonuses, not the main reason. You’re good at what you do – for God’s sake. It’s about Him, not you! Read and ponder these words in your heart: “Wealth and honor come from you alone, for you rule over everything. Power and might are in your hand… at your discretion people are made great and given strength” (1 Chronicles 29:12 NLT).
Recalling the victories, blessings, and successes Israel had experienced, David reminds us: “They did not conquer… with their swords; it was not their own strong arm that gave them victory. It was your right hand and strong arm… that helped them, for you loved them” (Psalm 44:3 NLT). Keep in mind that the blessings you enjoy every day are yours only because God favoured and smiled on you. That’s the truth!
Soul food: Lev 23:26-25:55; Luke 24:45-53; Ps 25:16-22; Prov 10:3
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