The word for wasting time

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за потраченное время

за трату моего времени

The guy was from Canada, said it was probably his fault for getting robbed, and apologized for wasting my time.

Парень из Канады сказал, что возможно, он сам виноват в том, что его ограбили, и извинился за потраченное время.

That’s for wasting my time.

I cursed myself for wasting my time.

I’m going to kill you for wasting my time.

Well, thanks for wasting my time.

Stop jerking around before I close you down for wasting my time.

Well, thanks for wasting my time.

Gentlemen, I would sincerely like to thank you for wasting my time.

He openly jeered at me for wasting my time on such rubbish.

They thanked me and apologized for wasting my time.

He apologised for wasting my time and put down the phone.

minus the half for wasting my time.

well, thanks for wasting my time tonight.

This is the consulting fees for wasting my time!

I believe you, but if I’m the jury, I’m already resenting him for wasting my time.

Я тебе верю, но если бы я была присяжной, я бы уже невзлюбила его за трату моего времени.

You know I could damage you quite badly for wasting my time?

I quickly dispelled that notion, told them they would not be paid for wasting my time, and left quickly making sure to call my insurance company to stop any payments for services not provided.

Я быстро развеял это мнение, сказал им, что им не будут платить за то, что я тратил свое время, и ушел быстро, чтобы позвонить в свою страховую компанию, чтобы прекратить любые платежи за предоставленные услуги.

My father will state that I am senseless for wasting my time in politics and should devote more time in preparing myself to become a decent wife and mother.

Папа заявляет, что я бесчувственная, потому что трачу время на политику, и что лучше бы я посвящала больше времени тому, чтобы стать порядочной женой и матерью.

Penalty for wasting my time.

Thanks for wasting my time.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 21. Точных совпадений: 21. Затраченное время: 102 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


Автоматический перевод

тратить время, терять время, трата времени

Перевод по словам

waste  — отходы, потери, лом, пустыня, терять, тратить впустую, негодный, отработанный
time  — время, времена, раз, период, приурочить, повременный


We run a danger of wasting time.

Мы рискуем потерять время.

The team was penalized for wasting time.

Команда была наказана за задержку времени.

This is a peanut matter, and we’re fools for wasting time on it.

Это совершенно пустячное дело, и мы дураки, что тратим на него время.

Quit wasting time on useless fiddle-faddle. *

Не трать время на пустяки.

Let’s get down to bedrock and quit wasting time. *

Давай прекратим попусту тратить время и перейдем в делу.

I think he’s just wasting my time.

Я думаю, что он попросту тратит моё время.

She told him right off that he was wasting his time proposing to her. *

Она сразу же ему сказала, что он зря теряет время, делая ей предложение.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.


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White Analog Wall Clock at 10 10 Blue and White Analog Clock Person Showing Watch Man in Black T-shirt Standing Near Wall White and Blue Analog Wall Clock White Round Analog Wall Clock

Image search results for Wasting time

desert, dry, nature stop, time, waste time, spiral, droste garbage, debris, waste garbage, debris, waste garbage, debris, waste

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Synonyms for Wasting time. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from

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Synonyms for Wasting time. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023.

What is another word for wasting time?

What is another word for wasting time?

dilly-dallying frittering away
frittering away time goofing off
killing time lingering
loitering lollygagging
losing time passing the time

How do you call someone a waste of time?

What do you call a person who wastes time? A procrastinator. Just think about it.

What is a dilly Dallier?

noun. someone who wastes time. synonyms: dallier, dillydallier, lounger, mope. see more. type of: bum, do-nothing, idler, layabout, loafer.

What’s another word for useless?

What is another word for useless?

ineffectual impractical
futile hopeless
ineffective pointless
inefficacious unproductive
worthless inutile

What’s the opposite of useless?

What is the opposite of useless?

useful effective
usable useable
beneficial helpful
valuable appropriate
handy meaningful

What do you call a useless man?

cumberworld. ineffective person. ineffectual person. stuffed shirt. good-for-nothing.

Who is a useless person?

1 having no practical use or advantage. 2 Informal ineffectual, weak, or stupid. he’s useless at history.

Is the word useless an insult?

(colloquial, of a person) Unable to do well at a particular task or thing. Useless is mildly insulting.

What’s the meaning of useless?

: having or being of no use: a : ineffectual a useless attempt. b : not able to give service or aid : inept.

What is the meaning of worthless?

1a : lacking worth : valueless worthless currency. b : useless worthless to continue searching. 2 : contemptible, despicable a worthless criminal.

What is the root word for worthless?

The adjective worthless is at the root of worthlessness, with its meaning of “without value.” Both words come from the Old English weorþ, “significant, of value, or appreciated.”

What is the most useless thing in the world?

10 Most Useless Things The World Has Ever Seen

  1. Remote Headband. Source.
  2. Revolving Ice Cream Cone. Source.
  3. The ropeless skipping rope. Source.
  4. Shoe Umbrella. Source.
  5. DVD Rewinder. Source.
  6. I Am Rich app. Source.
  7. Goldfish walker. Source.
  8. Noodle Fan. Source.

What does nugatory mean?

1 : of little or no consequence : trifling, inconsequential comments too nugatory to merit attention. 2 : having no force : inoperative The law was unenforced and thus rendered nugatory.

What does solipsistic mean in English?

: of, relating to, or characterized by solipsism or extreme egocentricity The new punks can only rant about solipsistic concerns: themselves, their friends and girlfriends, and us, the people they think look at them funny.—

What is the synonyms of nugatory?

Frequently Asked Questions About nugatory Some common synonyms of nugatory are empty, hollow, idle, otiose, and vain. While all these words mean “being without worth or significance,” nugatory suggests triviality or insignificance.

What is salubrious?

: favorable to or promoting health or well-being salubrious habits.

Can humans be salubrious?

A salubrious person or thing promotes health or welfare; wholesome. [Linton] had grown tall of his age, still wanting some months of sixteen. His features were pretty yet, and his eye and complexion brighter than I remembered them, though with merely temporary lustre borrowed from the salubrious air and genial sun.

What does reductive mean in English?

1 : of, relating to, causing, or involving reduction. 2 : of or relating to reductionism : reductionistic.

What’s the opposite of salubrious?

Opposite of healthy or health-giving to the body or mind. unhealthy. insalubrious. noxious. unhealthful.

What is another word for salubrious?

Some common synonyms of salubrious are healthful, salutary, and wholesome. While all these words mean “favorable to the health of mind or body,” salubrious applies chiefly to the helpful effects of climate or air.

What does downmarket mean?

(US downscale) low in quality and cheap in price; relating to or intended for people who are poor or not educated: a downmarket tabloid newspaper.

What is another word for compelling?

What is another word for compelling?

gripping enthralling
fascinating captivating
irresistible absorbing
exciting hypnotic
mesmeric spellbinding

What does it mean if something is compelling?

: that compels: such as. a : forceful a compelling personality a compelling desire. b : demanding attention for compelling reasons The novel was so compelling that I couldn’t put it down. c : convincing no compelling evidence.

What are compelling reasons?

A compelling argument or reason is one that convinces you that something is true or that something should be done.

What does compelling mean in writing?

adjective. tending to compel, as to force or push toward a course of action; overpowering: There were compelling reasons for their divorce. having a powerful and irresistible effect; requiring acute admiration, attention, or respect: a man of compelling integrity; a compelling drama.

What is a compelling person?

When a person has passion for what they are saying, they’re compelling. When they really believe in their topic and they have a burning desire to share their ideas, we want to hear them. A person with confidence is compelling. They stand up for what they believe in.

What makes a woman compelling?

Compelling—An extremely attractive, confident, opinionated and intellectual woman who is very cool, has sense of humor and knows how to chill.

How do you get a compelling personality?

Here are some things you can do today to begin living your most compelling life:

  1. Be bold.
  2. Find your unique self and wear it like a badge of honor.
  3. Conquer the unknown.
  4. Be inclusive.
  5. Be confident (but not arrogant).
  6. Be generous with everyone you meet.
  7. Never miss an opportunity to give a compliment.

What is compelling evidence?

Compelling evidence is documents that a merchant submits with a chargeback response to prove the transaction is valid or otherwise contradict the chargeback. The reason code determines which forms of compelling evidence the merchant should submit with the chargeback response.

What is another word for wasting time?

17 synonyms found


[ wˈe͡ɪstɪŋ tˈa͡ɪm], [ wˈe‍ɪstɪŋ tˈa‍ɪm], [ w_ˈeɪ_s_t_ɪ_ŋ t_ˈaɪ_m]

Table of Contents

  • adj.

    Other relevant words: (adjective)

    • loafing,
    • Evading.
  • n.

    dalliance (noun)

    • dalliance.

    dawdling (noun)

    • dawdling.
  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words:

    • self-sabotage.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • flirt,
    • coquetry,
    • flirting,
    • trifling,
    • lingering,
    • laggard,
    • jerkwater,
    • pokey,
    • flirtation,
    • toying,
    • poky,
    • dilatory.

How to use «Wasting time» in context?

When you’re caught up in a hobby or activity that you enjoy, it can be easy to lose track of time. But, if you’re not careful, this can lead to wasted time. Here are four ways to avoid wasting time: 1.Plan Ahead — When you know what you’re going to do, you can save time by not having to think about it. Make a plan for the day, week, or month and stick to it. This will keep you from thinking about what you could have done if you’d only started planning earlier. 2.

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