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a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning. Words are composed of one or more morphemes and are either the smallest units susceptible of independent use or consist of two or three such units combined under certain linking conditions, as with the loss of primary accent that distinguishes the one-wordblackbird (primary stress on “black”, and secondary stress on “bird”) from black bird (primary stress on both words). Words are usually separated by spaces in writing, and are distinguished phonologically, as by accent, in many languages.

(used in combination with the first letter of an offensive or unmentionable word, the first letter being lowercase or uppercase, with or without a following hyphen): My mom married at 20, and she mentions the m-word every time I meet someone she thinks is eligible.See also C-word, F-word, N-word.


  1. speech or talk: to express one’s emotion in words;Words mean little when action is called for.
  2. the text or lyrics of a song as distinguished from the music.
  3. contentious or angry speech; a quarrel: We had words and she walked out on me.

a short talk or conversation: Marston, I’d like a word with you.

an expression or utterance: a word of warning.

warrant, assurance, or promise: I give you my word I’ll be there.

news; tidings; information: We received word of his death.

a verbal signal, as a password, watchword, or countersign.

an authoritative utterance, or command: His word was law.

Also called machine word. Computers. a string of bits, characters, or bytes treated as a single entity by a computer, particularly for numeric purposes.

(initial capital letter)Also called the Word, the Word of God.

  1. the Scriptures; the Bible.
  2. the Logos.
  3. the message of the gospel of Christ.

a proverb or motto.

verb (used with object)

to express in words; select words to express; phrase: to word a contract with great care.



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Idioms about word

    at a word, in immediate response to an order or request; in an instant: At a word they came to take the situation in hand.

    be as good as one’s word, to hold to one’s promises.

    eat one’s words, to retract one’s statement, especially with humility: They predicted his failure, but he made them eat their words.

    have a word, to talk briefly: Tell your aunt that I would like to have a word with her.

    have no words for, to be unable to describe: She had no words for the sights she had witnessed.

    in a word, in summary; in short: In a word, there was no comparison.Also in one word.

    in so many words, in unequivocal terms; explicitly: She told them in so many words to get out.

    keep one’s word, to fulfill one’s promise: I said I’d meet the deadline, and I kept my word.

    man of his word / woman of her word, a person who can be trusted to keep a promise; a reliable person.

    (upon) my word! (used as an exclamation of surprise or astonishment.)

    of few words, laconic; taciturn: a woman of few words but of profound thoughts.

    of many words, talkative; loquacious; wordy: a person of many words but of little wit.

    put in a good word for, to speak favorably of; commend: He put in a good word for her with the boss.Also put in a word for.

    take one at one’s word, to take a statement to be literal and true.

    take the words out of one’s mouth, to say exactly what another person was about to say.

    weigh one’s words, to choose one’s words carefully in speaking or writing: It was an important message, and he was weighing his words.

Origin of word

First recorded before 900; Middle English, Old English; cognate with Dutch woord, German Wort, Old Norse orth, orð, Gothic waurd, waúrd, all from Germanic wurdam (unattested); akin to Latin verbum “word,” Greek rhḗtōr (dialect wrḗtōr ) “public speaker, orator, rhetorician,” Old Prussian wirds “word,” Lithuanian var̃das “name”


in·ter·word, adjectiveout·word, verb (used with object)well-word·ed, adjective

Words nearby word

Worcester china, Worcester sauce, Worcestershire, Worcestershire sauce, Worcs, word, word accent, wordage, word association, word association test, word-blind Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to word

conversation, talk, account, advice, announcement, comment, expression, information, message, news, remark, report, rumor, saying, speech, concept, name, phrase, sound, term

How to use word in a sentence

  • In other words, the large-scale burning this summer shows that these campaigns have yet to effectively prevent deforestation or the subsequent uncontrolled wildfires in Brazil.

  • In this example, I went with the word “shoes” as this is a product listing for shoes.

  • That may feel like a strange word to describe a perennial 50-game winner — one that’s been so good, and so close — with a generational scoring talent.

  • Think of good synonyms or words connected to the brand, without compromising your Google ranking.

  • If you mouse over the word, you’ll see original English word.

  • This is acting in every sense of the word—bringing an unevolved animal to life and making it utterly believable.

  • She vowed to repay the money—no official word, however, on whether she ever did that.

  • But news of the classes is spread mainly by word of mouth, and participants bring along their friends and families.

  • Still other people have moved away from the word “diet” altogether.

  • Back in Iran, he once got word that the Iranians were going to raid a village where his men were stationed.

  • Not a word now,” cried Longcluse harshly, extending his hand quickly towards him; “I may do that which can’t be undone.

  • Every word that now fell from the agitated Empress was balm to the affrighted nerves of her daughter.

  • When we were mounted Mac leaned over and muttered an admonitory word for Piegan’s ear alone.

  • Now for the tempering of the Gudgeons, I leave it to the judgment of the Workman; but a word or two of the polishing of it.

  • Huxley quotes with satirical gusto Dr. Wace’s declaration as to the word «Infidel.»

British Dictionary definitions for word (1 of 3)


one of the units of speech or writing that native speakers of a language usually regard as the smallest isolable meaningful element of the language, although linguists would analyse these further into morphemesRelated adjective: lexical, verbal

an instance of vocal intercourse; chat, talk, or discussionto have a word with someone

an utterance or expression, esp a brief onea word of greeting

news or informationhe sent word that he would be late

a verbal signal for action; commandwhen I give the word, fire!

an undertaking or promiseI give you my word; he kept his word

an autocratic decree or utterance; orderhis word must be obeyed

a watchword or slogan, as of a political partythe word now is «freedom»

computing a set of bits used to store, transmit, or operate upon an item of information in a computer, such as a program instruction

as good as one’s word doing what one has undertaken or promised to do

at a word at once

by word of mouth orally rather than by written means

in a word briefly or in short

my word!

  1. an exclamation of surprise, annoyance, etc
  2. Australian an exclamation of agreement

of one’s word given to or noted for keeping one’s promisesI am a man of my word

put in a word for or put in a good word for to make favourable mention of (someone); recommend

take someone at his word or take someone at her word to assume that someone means, or will do, what he or she sayswhen he told her to go, she took him at his word and left

take someone’s word for it to accept or believe what someone says

the last word

  1. the closing remark of a conversation or argument, esp a remark that supposedly settles an issue
  2. the latest or most fashionable design, make, or modelthe last word in bikinis
  3. the finest example (of some quality, condition, etc)the last word in luxury

the word the proper or most fitting expressioncold is not the word for it, it’s freezing!

upon my word!

  1. archaic on my honour
  2. an exclamation of surprise, annoyance, etc

word for word

  1. (of a report, transcription, etc) using exactly the same words as those employed in the situation being reported; verbatim
  2. translated by substituting each word in the new text for each corresponding word in the original rather than by general sense

word of honour a promise; oath

(modifier) of, relating to, or consisting of wordsa word list


(tr) to state in words, usually specially selected ones; phrase

(tr often foll by up) Australian informal to inform or advise (a person)

Word Origin for word

Old English word; related to Old High German wort, Old Norse orth, Gothic waurd, Latin verbum, Sanskrit vratá command

British Dictionary definitions for word (2 of 3)

noun the Word

Christianity the 2nd person of the Trinity

Scripture, the Bible, or the Gospels as embodying or representing divine revelationOften called: the Word of God

Word Origin for Word

translation of Greek logos, as in John 1:1

British Dictionary definitions for word (3 of 3)

n combining form

(preceded by the and an initial letter) a euphemistic way of referring to a word by its first letter because it is considered to be in some way unmentionable by the userthe C-word, meaning cancer

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with word

In addition to the idioms beginning with word

  • word for word
  • word of honor
  • word of mouth, by
  • words fail me
  • words of one syllable, in
  • words stick in one’s throat
  • words to that effect
  • word to the wise, a

also see:

  • actions speak louder than words
  • at a loss (for words)
  • at a word
  • break one’s word
  • eat one’s words
  • famous last words
  • fighting words
  • four-letter word
  • from the word go
  • get a word in edgewise
  • give the word
  • go back on (one’s word)
  • good as one’s word
  • hang on someone’s words
  • have a word with
  • have words with
  • in brief (a word)
  • in other words
  • in so many words
  • keep one’s word
  • last word
  • leave word
  • man of his word
  • mark my words
  • mince matters (words)
  • mum’s the word
  • not breathe a word
  • not open one’s mouth (utter a word)
  • of few words
  • picture is worth a thousand words
  • play on words
  • put in a good word
  • put into words
  • put words in someone’s mouth
  • swallow one’s words
  • take someone at his or her word
  • take the words out of someone’s mouth
  • true to (one’s word)
  • weasel word
  • weigh one’s words

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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Предложения с «definitions of the word»

It could be the fucking definition of the word.

И это слово может быть реальным определением для всего мироздания.

So definition number six is the North American definition of the word suck.

Итак, определение номер шесть — североамериканское определение слова suck [замотать].

He’s using a very liberal definition of the word friend.

Он использует весьма вольную интерпретацию слова друг.

A crossword puzzle gave the definition of obsolescent individuals and the word came out as capitalists.

В кроссворде могло встретиться определение загнивающего индивидуума, и отгадкой было слово капиталист.

Do you know what the definition of the word sovereignty is?

Знаешь ли ты смысл понятия суверенитет?

Well, I have a pretty, um, idiosyncratic definition of the word ‘celebrate’ and what that may or may not entail.

Ну, у меня довольно своеобразное определение слова праздновать и того, что оно может повлечь или не повлечь за собой.

So I guess no one ever taught you not to use the word you’re defining in the definition .

Я полагаю, что в школе сложное слово тавтология вы не проходили?

To me, the very definition of the word broken suggests that something can be fixed.

Для меня точное определение слова сломано предполагает, что что — то можно исправить.

So rather than abiding by ReignMan’s definition of the word socialist, should we not have a look at what the word really means?

Итак, вместо того чтобы придерживаться определения слова социалист, данного Рейнманом, не следует ли нам взглянуть на то, что это слово означает на самом деле?

Almost any music review focusses on the central vocal spots, the lyrical content, and the background music, it reads like a definition of the word review.

Почти любой музыкальный обзор фокусируется на центральных вокальных точках, лирическом содержании и фоновой музыке, он читается как определение слова обзор.

His concern for precise definition led him to detailed analysis of careless word usage, reported in Knowing and the Known in 1949.

Его забота о точном определении привела его к детальному анализу неосторожного словоупотребления , о котором сообщалось в знающем и известном в 1949 году.

The musicological definition of the term parody has now generally been supplanted by a more general meaning of the word.

Музыковедческое определение термина пародия теперь вообще вытеснено более общим значением этого слова .

Most definitions , however, include any actual word that is wrongly or accidentally used in place of a similar sounding, correct word.

Большинство определений , однако, включают любое фактическое слово , которое ошибочно или случайно используется вместо аналогичного звучащего, правильного слова .

What you can’t do, really, is justify passing off this word definition as a separate entity, worthy of an entry of its own.

Чего вы действительно не можете сделать, так это оправдать передачу этого определения слова как отдельной сущности, достойной отдельной записи.

The word has come to mean ‘to be born again in different life forms’ whereas its actual definition is ‘to be born again into the flesh of another body.

Это слово стало означать родиться заново в различных формах жизни, тогда как его фактическое определение — родиться заново во плоти другого тела.

See the dictionary definitions below to better understand the word play.

Смотрите словарные определения ниже, чтобы лучше понять игру слов.

These scripts extend much further than the lexical definition of a word; they contain the speaker’s complete knowledge of the concept as it exists in his world.

Эти письмена простираются гораздо дальше лексического определения слова ; они содержат полное знание говорящим понятия, как оно существует в его мире.

When giving definitions you should also provide an example of the word being used in a sentence.

Давая определения , вы должны также привести пример слова , используемого в предложении.

The word cannon is derived from several languages, in which the original definition can usually be translated as tube, cane, or reed.

Слово пушка происходит от нескольких языков, в которых исходное определение обычно может быть переведено как трубка, трость или тростник.

The identity of the longest word in English depends upon the definition of what constitutes a word in the English language, as well as how length should be compared.

Идентичность самого длинного слова в английском языке зависит от определения того, что составляет слово в английском языке, а также от того, как следует сравнивать длину.

Anything regarding the word’s actual definition ?

Что — нибудь относительно фактического определения этого слова ?

I don’t think this is a very interesting or useful definition of elision, because pretty much every word in English would qualify in some way.

Я не думаю, что это очень интересное или полезное определение elision, потому что почти каждое слово в английском языке будет так или иначе квалифицироваться.

When a word has multiple definitions or multiple senses, it may result in confusion in a debate or discussion.

Когда слово имеет несколько определений или несколько смыслов, это может привести к путанице в споре или дискуссии.

How did the same word come up with two entirely different definitions and when did that happen?

Как одно и то же слово получило два совершенно разных определения и когда это произошло?

Someone who understands this specialized use of the word should provide a definition .

Кто — то, кто понимает это специализированное использование слова , должен дать определение .

I find it slightly appaling that it is so hard to find a definition to this word.

Я нахожу немного ужасным, что так трудно найти определение этому слову .

This article follows the definition used in US physics in its usage of the word torque.

Эта статья следует определению , используемому в американской физике в ее использовании слова крутящий момент.

These scripts extend much further than the lexical definition of a word; they contain the speaker’s complete knowledge of the concept as it exists in his world.

Эти письмена простираются гораздо дальше лексического определения слова ; они содержат полное знание говорящим понятия, как оно существует в его мире.

In many ways, this tragedy is a classic case of the dictionary definition of the word.

Во многом эта трагедия является классическим случаем словарного определения слова .

Where is the word opinion given in the wiki definition of NPOV?

Где находится слово мнение, данное в вики — определении NPOV?

The players are shown a word and three possible definitions .

Игрокам показывают Слово и три возможных определения .

Often, there is a common theme to the definitions given for a word.

Часто в определениях , данных для того или иного слова , присутствует общая тема.

And that is the way it has been ever since, only more so. Today, the word ‘jazz’ is virtually meaningless without further definition .

И с тех пор так оно и было, только еще больше. Сегодня слово джаз практически бессмысленно без дальнейшего определения .

I mean the word Empire has many competing definitions to begin with, trying to decide which political entities count is rather pointless.

Я имею в виду, что у слова империя есть много конкурирующих определений для начала, пытаясь решить, какие политические образования считаются довольно бессмысленными.

More recent usage of the word in biology follows stricter definitions .

Более позднее употребление этого слова в биологии следует более строгим определениям .

I’d rule out a soft redirect to wiktionary as this is an everyday word I wouldn’t expect readers to need a dictionary definition for.

Я бы исключил мягкое перенаправление на Викисловарь, поскольку это повседневное слово , для которого я не ожидаю, что читателям понадобится словарное определение .

The page Misspeaking includes a definition and simple history of the word misspeak, as well as several speech errors made by politicians.

Страница Misspeaking включает в себя определение и простую историю слова misspeak, а также несколько речевых ошибок, допущенных политиками.

Therefore, the Egyptian use of the word Amen must be considered part of the definition .

Поэтому египетское употребление слова Аминь должно рассматриваться как часть этого определения .

The word aman, as used by the Egyptian definition is clearly being borrowed by the Israeli Intelligence Agency.

Слово Аман, употребляемое в египетском определении , явно заимствовано израильской разведкой.

How many different definition can we possibly get for the word?

Сколько различных определений мы можем получить для этого слова ?

The definition and use of the word heirloom to describe plants is fiercely debated.

Определение и использование слова фамильная реликвия для описания растений активно обсуждается.

Another way of defining heirloom cultivars is to use the definition of the word heirloom in its truest sense.

Еще один способ определения семейных сортов — это использование определения слова семейная реликвия в его самом прямом смысле.

In modern usage, a definition is something, typically expressed in words, that attaches a meaning to a word or group of words.

В современном употреблении определение — это нечто, обычно выраженное в словах , что придает значение слову или группе слов.

The formal scientific definition of theory is quite different from the everyday meaning of the word.

Формальное научное определение теории совершенно отличается от повседневного значения этого слова .

Sometimes I am just not sure what a word or term means, and I just want to read a definition before returning to the main article.

Иногда я просто не уверен, что означает слово или термин, и я просто хочу прочитать определение , Прежде чем вернуться к основной статье.

Frequent use of psychobabble can associate a clinical, psychological word with meaningless, or less meaningful, buzzword definitions .

Частое употребление психобабля может ассоциировать клиническое, психологическое слово с бессмысленными или менее значимыми определениями модных слов.

The Cynic’s Word Book contained 521 definitions , but only for words beginning with “A” through “L.

Книга слов циника содержала 521 определение , но только для слов, начинающихся от А до л.

Like Cahill, other reviewers—whether they hated The Cynic’s Word Book or they loved it—quoted definitions they liked.

Как и Кэхилл, другие рецензенты — независимо от того, ненавидели ли они Книгу слов циника или любили ее—цитировали определения , которые им нравились.

The word exchange in the definition has valued added because is a mayor feature and activity of an economy.

Слово обмен в определении имеет добавленную стоимость, потому что является главной особенностью и деятельностью экономики.

Instead of a footnote on definitions of abortion, have a footnote about death and what dies, but retain the word in the lede?

Вместо сноски об определениях аборта, иметь сноску о смерти и о том, что умирает, но сохранить слово в lede?

First off it is of course a drug by any reasonable definition of the word.

Во — первых, это, конечно, наркотик по любому разумному определению этого слова .

Another definition often used in research of vocabulary size is that of word family.

Другим определением , часто используемым в исследованиях размера словаря , является определение семейства слов.

As a result word definitions in such dictionaries can be understood even by learners with a limited vocabulary.

В результате определения слов в таких словарях могут быть поняты даже учащимися с ограниченным словарным запасом.

A good definition is not circular, a one-word synonym or a near synonym, over broad or over narrow, ambiguous, figurative, or obscure.

Хорошее определение не является круговым, однословным синонимом или близким синонимом, более широким или более узким, двусмысленным, фигуративным или неясным.

This kind of bickering about word definitions is getting no one anywhere, if AGW is any indicator.

Такого рода пререкания по поводу определений слов ни к чему не приводят, если AGW является каким — либо индикатором.

obviously, islamic law uses a different definition , but that is the meaning of the word in english.

очевидно, что исламское право использует другое определение , но именно таково значение этого слова в английском языке.

Yes many creationists deliberately/ignorantly ignore the precise definition of this word for rhetorical purposes.

Да, многие креационисты сознательно / невежественно игнорируют точное определение этого слова в риторических целях.

He is a hero and martyr by any definition of the word.

Он герой и мученик по любому определению этого слова .

You can’t define something by using the word you are defining in the definition .

Вы не можете определить что — то, используя слово , которое вы определяете в определении .

You cannot use the word you are describing in its own definition .

Вы не можете использовать слово , которое вы описываете, в его собственном определении .





a. A statement of the meaning of a word, phrase, or term, as in a dictionary entry.

b. A statement or description of the fundamental character or scope of something: «[The panel] calls for a clearer definition of the status of people captured in American military operations» (Economist).

2. The act or process of stating a precise meaning or significance; formulation of a meaning: The definition of terms is essential to any successful scholarly study.

3. The state of being clearly outlined: «With the drizzle, the trees in the little clearing had lost definition» (Anthony Hyde).

4. The level of detail in a recording, production, or digital encoding of an image or sound.

[Middle English diffinicioun, from Old French definition, from Latin dēfīnītiō, dēfīnītiōn-, from dēfīnītus, past participle of dēfīnīre, to define; see define.]

def′i·ni′tion·al adj.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. a formal and concise statement of the meaning of a word, phrase, etc

2. the act of defining a word, phrase, etc

3. specification of the essential properties of something, or of the criteria which uniquely identify it

4. the act of making clear or definite

5. (Logic) the state or condition of being clearly defined or definite

6. (Photography) a measure of the clarity of an optical, photographic, or television image as characterized by its sharpness and contrast

ˌdefiˈnitional adj

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌdɛf əˈnɪʃ ən)


1. the act of making definite, distinct, or clear.

2. the formal statement of the meaning or significance of a word, phrase, etc.

3. the condition of being definite, distinct, or clear.

4. sharpness of the image formed by an optical system.

[1350–1400; Middle English < Old French < Latin]

def`i•ni′tion•al, adj.

def`i•ni′tion•al•ly, adv.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. definition - a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symboldefinition — a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol

explanation, account — a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.; «the explanation was very simple»; «I expected a brief account»

contextual definition — a definition in which the term is used by embedding it in a larger expression containing its explanation; «a contextual definition of `legal duty’ might be `X has a legal duty to do Y means that X is required to do Y by a contract relationship that would be upheld in a court of law'»

dictionary definition — a definition that reports the standard uses of a word or phrase or symbol

explicit definition — a definition that gives an exact equivalent of the term defined

ostensive definition — a definition that points out or exhibits instances of the term defined

recursive definition — (mathematics) a definition of a function from which values of the function can be calculated in a finite number of steps

redefinition — the act of giving a new definition; «words like `conservative’ require periodic redefinition»; «she provided a redefinition of his duties»

stipulative definition — a definition that is stipulated by someone and that is not a standard usage

2. definition — clarity of outline; «exercise had given his muscles superior definition»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002














định nghĩa


[ˌdefɪˈnɪʃən] N

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˌdɛfɪˈnɪʃən] n

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



(of word, concept)Definition f; by definitionper definitionem, definitionsgemäß

(Phot, TV) → Bildschärfe f; (Rad) → Tonschärfe f; (Opt, of lens) → Schärfe f

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˌdɛfɪˈnɪʃn] n (Ling, Phot, TV) → definizione f

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(diˈfain) verb

to fix or state the exact meaning of. Words are defined in a dictionary.

deˈfinable adjectivedefinition (defiˈniʃən) noun

an explanation of the exact meaning of a word or phrase. Is that definition accurate?

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


تَعْرِيف definice definition Definition ορισμός definición määritelmä définition definicija definizione 定義 정의 definitie definisjon definicja definição определение definition คำจำกัดความ tanım định nghĩa 定义

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. definición.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

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