The word for the day is job

  • 1
    day job

    «Дневная работа». The day job — это работа, которая занимает большую часть времени и приносит основной доход. Если кто-либо получает вторую специальность, не связанную с главной профессией, и намеревается посвятить себя новому делу целиком и полностью, друзья часто говорят don’t give up the day job — не бросай свою основную работу. Подразумевается, что не нужно бросать стабильную, хорошо оплачиваемую работу, как бы скучна она ни была, ради деятельности, к которой у тебя нет настоящего призвания и которая, вероятнее всего, не принесёт больших доходов.

    English-Russian dictionary of expressions > day job

  • 2
    day job

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > day job

  • 3
    day job


    стабильная работа, служба

    Англо-русский современный словарь > day job

  • 4
    day-to-day job

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > day-to-day job

  • 5
    a 24-hours-a-day job

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a 24-hours-a-day job

  • 6
    don’t give up your day job

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > don’t give up your day job

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    1) день; сутки

    chilly / cold day — холодный день

    clear / nice day — ясный, хороший денёк

    day in, day out / day after day — изо дня в день

    day by day — день за днём; постепенно; потихоньку, понемногу

    We cannot do the whole job in a day. — Мы не можем сделать всю работу за один день.

    — memorable day
    — red-letter day
    — astronomical day
    — civil day
    — holy day
    — nautical day
    — opening day
    — visiting day
    — wedding day
    — all day long
    — every other day

    — day before
    — day before yesterday
    — one of those days
    — one day

    2) дневное время, световой день

    3) период, пора; эпоха, эра

    He has known better days. — Он знавал лучшие времена.

    She was a beauty in her day. — В своё время она была красавицей.

    4) срок; дни жизни, жизнь

    to close / end one’s days — окончить дни свои, умереть

    He has had his day. — Он отслужил своё.

    His days are numbered. — Дни его сочтены.

    5) день, дата

    6) праздник, день

    7) удачный день; боевая победа

    to get / carry / win the day — одержать победу, выиграть битву; взять верх

    The day is ours. — Победа за нами.

    When is the big day, then? — Ну, так когда свадьба?

    He works an 8-hour day. — У него восьмичасовой рабочий день.

    He is paid by the day. — Ему платят подённо.

    Let’s call it a day. — разг. На сегодня хватит.



    дневная поверхность, дневной пласт


    to name smb. on / in the same day — ставить кого-л. на одну доску

    A fine day for the young ducks. — шутл. Дождь идёт — утятам раздолье.

    Judgement Day, the Day of Judgement — рел. Судный день, день Страшного суда

    She is fifty if she is a day. — Ей все пятьдесят (лет), никак не меньше.

    Every day is not Sunday. — посл. Не всё коту масленица.

    Every dog has his / its day. — посл. Будет и на нашей улице праздник.

    — day after the fair

    Англо-русский современный словарь > day

  • 8
    job scheduling

    1. планирование задач
    2. планирование заданий

    планирование задач
    (ITIL Service Operation)
    Планирование и управление работой программного обеспечения составляющего часть ИТ-услуги. Планирование задач производится в рамках управления эксплуатацией ИТ, и часто автоматизируется посредством программных средств, которые выполняют запуск в указанное время дня, недели, месяца или года.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    job scheduling
    (ITIL Service Operation)
    Planning and managing the execution of software tasks that are required as part of an IT service. Job scheduling is carried out by IT operations management, and is often automated using software tools that run batch or online tasks at specific times of the day, week, month or year.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    • информационные технологии в целом


    • job scheduling

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > job scheduling

  • 9
    job work

    1. сдельная; штучная работа; индивидуальное производство

    2. сдельная работа

    English-Russian base dictionary > job work

  • 10
    job planning

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > job planning

  • 11
    any day

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > any day

  • 12
    curse the day…

    проклинать день… Job III, 1-3]

    Mutely he cursed the day when he had met him. (L. P. Hartley, ‘A Perfect Woman’, ch. IV) — Про себя он проклинал тот день, когда познакомился с Алеком.

    I went out to the cemetery and sat there cursing the day I was born. (D. Cusack, ‘Southern Steel’, ch. XII) — Я пошел на кладбище и долго оставался там, проклиная тот день, когда я родился.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > curse the day…

  • 13
    red letter day

    «День красной буквы», праздник; праздничный, радостный, счастливый, памятный день. В альманахах и церковных календарях святые дни обозначались красным, а остальные — чёрным цветом. Антоним: black letter day — будний день; заурядный, ничем не примечательный день.

    On Friday I got a new job, passed my driving test and won a lottery. All in all a red letter day. — В пятницу я получил новую работу, сдал на права и выиграл в лотерею. Вот такой удачный день!

    English-Russian dictionary of expressions > red letter day

  • 14
    be on the clock at job

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be on the clock at job

  • 15
    Make someone’s day

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Make someone’s day

  • 16
    Reaping Fair Day

    Ярмарка Жатвы; День Жатвы; Жатва

    “You will make the most beautiful Reap-Girl that ever was,” he said, and the clear sincerity in his voice made her tingle with pleasure; her cheeks grew warm again. There were five changes of costume for the Reaping Girl between the noon feast and the bonfire at dusk, each more elaborate than the last (in Gilead there would have been nine; in that way, Susan didn’t know how lucky she was), and she would have worn all five happily for Will, had he been the Reaping Lad. (This year’s Lad was Jamie McCann, a pallid and whey-faced stand-in for Hart Thorin, who was approximately forty years too old and gray for the job.) — Ты будешь самой прекрасной Девушкой Жатвы. На все времена. – Голос его звучал абсолютно искренне, и Сюзан вновь зарделась. На этот раз от удовольствия. Между обедом в полдень и праздничным костром с фейерверками в сумерках Девушке Жатвы предстояло появиться на людях в пяти костюмах, один красивее другого (в Гилеаде костюмов было девять, так что Сюзан не знала, что ей, можно сказать, повезло), и она с радостью надела бы все пять для Уилла, будь он Юношей Жатвы. Но в этот год в юноши определили Джейми Макканна, бледного и некрасивого подростка, заменившего Харта Торина, который явно не проходил по возрасту. (ТБ 4)

    English-Russian dictionary of neologisms from a series of books by Stephen King «Dark Tower» > Reaping Fair Day

  • 17

    17) NYSE. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > DJ

  • 18

    17) NYSE. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Dj

  • 19

    17) NYSE. Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > dj

  • 20

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > JD

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • Day Job — Studio album by Gord Bamford Released April 6, 2010 …   Wikipedia

    • day job — n your normal job which you earn most of your money from doing, especially as opposed to another interest ▪ I d love to be a professional writer, but I m not giving up my day job just yet …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • day job — day ,job noun count the main job of someone who is also trying to succeed in some other career such as singing or acting a. don t give up the/your day job HUMOROUS used for telling someone that you do not think that they will be successful if… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • day job — day′ job n. cvb one s regular job and main source of income, usu. viewed in contrast to a speculative or irregular endeavor: Good luck in the lottery, but don t quit your day job[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

    • day job — n. [from the usual hours of such a job] a regular, full time job, esp. as distinct from some other pursuit that is less remunerative and more uncertain …   English World dictionary

    • Day job — A day job is a form of occupation taken by a person in order to make ends meet while working another low paying (or non paying) job in their preferred career track. Archetypal examples of this are the woman who is working as a waitress for her… …   Wikipedia

    • day job — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms day job : singular day job plural day jobs the main job of someone who is also trying to succeed in some other career such as singing or acting • don t give up the/your day job humorous used for telling someone …   English dictionary

    • day job — PHRASE: V inflects If someone tells you not to give up the day job, they are saying that they think you should continue doing what you are good at, rather than trying something new which they think you will fail at. [HUMOROUS] It s a kind way of… …   English dictionary

    • day job — /ˈdeɪ dʒɒb/ (say day job) noun 1. one s daily employment and primary source of income. –phrase 2. don t give up your day job, (an expression of veiled criticism of a performance, product, etc., implying that it will never be good enough to make… …  

    • day job — one s regular job and main source of income, usually viewed in contrast to a speculative or irregular endeavor: Good luck in the lottery, but don t quit your day job. * * * …   Universalium

    • day job — noun Date: 1977 one s regular employment as contrasted with an occasional, secondary, or coveted job …   New Collegiate Dictionary

    learn a new word everydayIf you are learning a new language, it is essential to new words each day. Gaining a powerful vocabulary will guarantee that you will be able to express yourself effectively and sophisticatedly. Designating a “word of the day” for yourself will also ensure that you understand grammar to a greater extent and the lengths to which the language you are studying is developed. In this article, I will be discussing websites that are great for learning new English words. Each website has its benefits and disadvantages, so it is better to use several websites at a time to gain the most out of your learning process. Many of these websites have a word of the day app that you can download on your smartphone or tablet for easy usage. It is best to be connected to new words in any way you can!

    1. A.Word.A.Day (AWAD)

    You can see the word of the day, and yesterday’s word of the day, on the website or through an email subscription. The website is strikingly simple, but highly useful. It provides the pronunciation, meaning, etymology, and usage of the selected word. Below the entry, the owner, Anu Garg, also presents a thought of the day. The New York Times commented that this website is “The most welcomed, most enduring piece of daily mass e-mail in cyberspace.” In fact, it has over a million subscribers from over 170 countries.

    2. Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day

    One of the most respected dictionaries in the world, Merriam-Webster has a sophisticated layout for its word-of-the-day page. It provides a definition (with sound of the word spoken included), a “Did you know” section, examples of its usage, a “Name that synonym” section, podcasts, and a word of the day calendar at the bottom. Those who are truly interested in words and their histories, this dictionary will be a treat. Its “Did you know” section is expansive, and allows readers to understand the nuances of each selected word. On the left of the presentation is an easy way to share the word of the day through Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. You can even get the word of the day emailed to you through a subscription. It even has a section for learners called a learner’s dictionary. This dictionary also has a word-of-the-day category.

    3. Wordnik

    This website is all about words, with a word community, word of the day, and random word pages. On its word-of-the-day page, it has concise definitions of words with ample example sentences with the chosen word being used, extra notes on nuances, and also stats on its usage and even its Scrabble score. The fantastic thing about this page is that each word is accompanied with real examples from literature, not just sentences made up on the spot that sound unnatural. So, not only will you learn a new word each day, but also become knowledgeable in literature through this website. It also has an easy-to-access archive, and a convenient way of sharing words via social media.

    4. Duolingo

    This is perhaps the best language learning app and website out there. In turn, it is a great tool for learning new words. You can compete with your friends and family through the app, so you can gain that motivation needed to learn new words. It has a simple but pleasant layout, with many different exercises for learning: speaking, listening, writing, multiple choice questions, matching word exercises, and more. You can either strengthen what you already know, or venture into the world of new words each day. Duolingo focuses on obtaining a streak, so you know how many days in a row you have been learning a certain language (in our case, it is most likely English). There are many other language learning apps on the market, but it seems Duolingo takes the cake in terms of efficiency, user-friendliness, and motivation. It even has a cute owl mascot that cheers you on as you go through the exercises. I think that most people use the app rather than the website; however, both can be useful. It is important to download the necessary keyboards for the languages you are learning, though.

    5.’s Word of the Day

    This is another popular option for learning new words easily. It shows the definitions in the form of a meme or picture you can conveniently share on social media (including showing the pronunciation and what kind of word it is). Below the definitions are citations of the word of the day’s usage from literature. Lastly, there is a section that discusses the origin of the word. You can sign up for an email subscription to the page, and seeing the visual archive of the word of the day for the previous day is just a scroll away.

    6. Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Day

    Maybe the most trusted dictionary in the world, the Oxford Dictionary website also has a webpage that features a word of the day. For each entry, you have an audio pronunciation guide, a definition, the word’s origin, and an easy-to-share picture of the word with a pronunciation guide across social media. I like that the Oxford Dictionary focuses on archaic usages of words as well, as for wordaholics, these archaic definitions can be useful to know and interesting to understand. Like most sites of this nature, it also has an email subscription option. Another section of this website to check out if you have time is “Explore the English Language,” which has wordlists and word origin features.

    7. New York Times’ Word of the Day

    A standard in the news industry, it is also a fantastic tool for learning. The New York Times presents a word of the day daily, attached with a quiz. What is also useful is that it shows words in context of The New York Times itself. So, they will show how the word was used in news articles from the Times. Each entry has sections for definitions, examples of its usage in news articles, and a quiz at the bottom. After you finish the quiz, you will see a more detailed look into the chosen word, discussing its nuances. A great tool for learning more words, and more about them.

    8.’s Word of the Day

    The special thing about this website is that it offers two categories: basic word of the day, and intermediate word of the day. The basic word of the day is aimed at beginners and the intermediate word of the day is focused on people who have been learning English for some time. Though each category has entries that are filled with detail, there is a clear difference between basic and intermediate entries. In the basic section, entries have sections dedicated definitions, common uses, usage within pop culture, and a button that reads “see full definition,” which leads a user to an elaborated entry. For the intermediate entries, there are sections devoted to expanded definitions, example sentences, words most often used with the chosen entry, usage within pop culture, “did you know,” origins, and once again a “see full definition” button. This seems like the most comprehensive website for learning words and their background stories, so to say. You can get these definitions sent to you by email, and can also share them easily via Facebook and Twitter. You can scroll through entries as if you were on a common blogging site.


    This website tries its best to make learning new words enjoyable. It has word games to play, you can look up words, and it has word lists. They say if you start playing with language, you will learn it quickly. This website seems to take this approach. When learning is fun and flexible, words will be retained at a better rate. A great thing about its quizzes is that when you answer a question, it will describe the word in detail. The search option has examples sentences written by humans, not computers (it happens often it seems), examples sentences that are in touch with the real world of how English is being used, and claims to be the fastest-working dictionary. Its layout is user-friendly and intuitive. In the lists section, there are myriad lists focused on different subjects, ranging from baseball to movies. It is a highly enjoyable and engaging website for learning new words, and for studying English in general.

    10. Word of the Day! App

    For people who are crazy about checking other dictionaries for varying definitions, this is the app for them. This app features the following sources:

    • Merriam-Webster
    • Oxford English Dictionary
    • The Free Dictionary
    • The Learning Network
    • WordSpy
    • Latin Word of the Day
    • MedTerms
    • Yahoo! Education

    You can conveniently compare definitions, and discover the nuances of words you want to delve into. In addition, you can “star” and “favorite” certain definitions and words. These starred and favorited words can be shared with friends, and the app will also alert you when new words have been entered into its system. It’s a free app, so it is a catch for those who don’t want to spend to learn. The entries for the words have audio recordings of pronunciation, root meanings, examples sentences, and connotations of chosen words.

    : one’s regular employment as contrasted with an occasional, secondary, or coveted job

    Example Sentences

    Recent Examples on the Web

    For those first years Constantine didn’t quit his day job.

    Paul A. Smith, Journal Sentinel, 12 Mar. 2023

    But his response briefly shifted the conversation from behind-the-scenes turmoil to the fact that the show also just doesn’t look very good, so Abel may not want to quit his day job just yet.

    Brendan Morrow, The Week, 2 Mar. 2023

    Tatum isn’t giving up his day job.

    Kelly Gilblom, Fortune, 8 Feb. 2023

    Trevor Noah returned for his third year as host of the proceedings, having left his day job at The Daily Show., 6 Feb. 2023

    While still working his day job as a soft drink salesman for Buffalo Rock, Pilot launched a barbecue business out of his house in Clay in northeast Jefferson County in 2017.

    Bob Carlton |, al, 2 Feb. 2023

    This inclusive sizing philosophy is heavily influenced by Ten Velde’s day job as designer for Extreme Cashmere.

    Ellie Pithers, Vogue, 14 Mar. 2023

    Who better to have in the lineup than someone whose day job is tossing folks to the ground.

    Dallas News, 9 Feb. 2023

    For the past 20 years, Preisendorfer, whose day job is with the US Forest Service, has volunteered for the Mountain Rescue Service, which specializes in the most difficult rescues.

    Kevin Koczwara,, 24 Jan. 2023

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘day job.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History

    First Known Use

    1971, in the meaning defined above

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of day job was
    in 1971

    Dictionary Entries Near day job

    Cite this Entry

    “Day job.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


    Last Updated:
    6 Apr 2023
    — Updated example sentences

    Subscribe to America’s largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!

    Merriam-Webster unabridged

    Vocabulary & Reading

    Упражнение 1, с. 46

    1. Write down as many jobs as you can think of. — Запишите столько профессий, сколько сможете придумать.

    nurse, secretary, pilot, chef, lawyer, police officer, etc.

    Check these words

    office work [ˈɒfɪs wɜːk] офисная работа
    outdoors [ˌaʊtˈdɔːz] на открытом воздухе
    wildlife photographer [ˈwaɪldlaɪf fəˈtɒɡrəfə] фотограф живой природы
    dawn [dɔːn] рассвет
    get ready [ɡet ˈredi] подготовиться
    work shifts [wɜːk ʃɪfts] рабочие смены
    hide [haɪd] скрывать

    jungle  [ˈdʒʌŋɡl̩] джунгли
    keep still [kiːp stɪl] не шуметь
    wait for a chance [weɪt  fə eɪ tʃɑːns] ждать шанса
    return [rɪˈtɜːn] возвращение
    share [ʃeə] доля
    beauty of nature [ˈbjuːti əv ˈneɪtʃə] красота природы

    In the wild

    Do you catch the bus or tube in the mornings? Lots of people do this to get to work but Nathan Dell doesn’t. Nathan doesn’t do office work. He works outdoors as a wildlife photographer.

    He often gets up before dawn, has breakfast then he gets ready to go to work. He doesn’t work shifts or even 9 to 5. He hides among trees in the jungle, keeps very still and waits for a chance to photograph an animal.

    At the end of the day he returns to his camp. After dinner he checks the photographs on his computer. He sometimes works late to send the pictures to the magazine he works for. It’s a tiring and dangerous job but Nathan is happy to share the beauty of nature with people all over the world through his photographs.

    В дикой природе

    Вы ловите автобус или едите в метро по утрам? Многие люди делают это, чтобы добраться до работы, но Натан Делл этого не делает. Натан не занимается офисной работой. Он работает на улице фотографом дикой природы.

    Он часто встаёт до рассвета, завтракает и готовится идти на работу. Он не работает посменно или даже с 9 до 5. Он прячется среди деревьев в джунглях, не двигается и ждёт возможности сфотографировать животное.

    В конце дня он возвращается в свой лагерь. После обеда он проверяет фотографии на своём компьютере. Иногда он работает допоздна, чтобы отправить фотографии в журнал, в котором он работает. Это тяжёлая и опасная работа, но Натан рад поделиться красотой природы с людьми по всему миру с помощью своих фотографий.

    Упражнение 2, с. 46

    2. Look at the man in the photo. Which of the sentences (1-5) are true about him? Listen, read and check. — Посмотрите на человека на фотографии. Какое из предложений (1-5) верно в отношении него? Слушайте, читайте и проверяйте.

    1 Nathan works in a park. F (He works in the jungle.)
    Натан работает в парке.

    2 He catches the tube to work. F (He walks to work)
    Он спешит в метро на работу.

    3 He starts work early in the morning. T
    Он начинает работать рано утром.

    4 He sends his work using a computer. T
    Он использует компьютер в работе.

    5 He doesn’t like his job. F (He likes his job.)
    Ему не нравится его работа.

    Упражнение 3, с. 46

    3. a) Use words from the Check these words section to complete the sentences. — Используйте слова из раздела Check these words, чтобы завершить предложения.

    1 Nurses work in the morning or in the evenings. They work shifts.
    Медсестры работают утром или вечером. Они работают посменно.

    2 Keep still and don’t move. There’s something on your head.
    Стой спокойно и не двигайся. У тебя на голове что-то есть.

    3 Secretaries do office work, such as sending emails or answering phone calls.
    Секретари выполняют офисную работу, например отправляют электронные письма или отвечают на телефонные звонки.

    4 Police officers don’t usually work indoors. They work outdoors.
    Полицейские обычно не работают в закрытом помещении. Они работают на открытом воздухе.

    5 The morning shift starts very early, just before dawn.
    Утренняя смена начинается очень рано, как раз перед рассветом.

    b) Think! Complete the sentences. — Подумайте! Завершите предложение.

    I admire Nathan because he does a difficult job and shares the beauty of nature with people all over the world.
    Я восхищаюсь Натаном, потому что он делает трудную работу и делится красотой природы с людьми по всему миру.


    Present simple (negative/

    Упражнение 4, с. 46

    4. Read the table. Find examples in the text. — Читайте таблицу. Найдите примеры в тексте.

    Do you catch the bus …?
    Nathan doesn’t do office work.
    … Nathan Dell doesn’t.
    He doesn’t work shifts …

    Ты успеешь на автобус …?
    Натан не занимается офисной работой.
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    ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 5 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

    Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 5 класс. Workbook.

    Английский язык. 5 класс

    There are many words which are used by people frequently in their day to day life and two such words are work and job. Most of the time people get confused between these two words.

    Key Takeaways

    1. A job is a paid position within an organization or business with specific duties and responsibilities; work refers to any productive activity that creates value, including jobs, volunteer work, or personal projects.
    2. A job provides compensation and benefits in exchange for completing assigned tasks; work can be done for various reasons, including personal fulfilment, community service, or financial gain.
    3. A job is typically performed within a structured organization or business; work can be done independently or as part of a team and may not be associated with a specific employer.

    Job is an assigned activity performed by a person. People get paid for the job they do. A job can be assigned by any company to the people. There are different categories of job including full-time job, part-time job and internship. Work is any physical or mental activity done by a person. There is no payment for doing normal activity. People do work for themselves.  

    Job vs Work

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    Comparison Table

    Parameter of Comparison Job Work
    Noun It is a countable noun. It is an uncountable noun.
    Meaning It refers to the assigned activity done by a person for consideration. It refers to any activity done by an individual either physically or mentally. 
    Nature It is specific. It is generic.
    Payment In this case, people mostly get paid. In this case, people don’t get paid.
    Derivation of name The word ‘job’ is derived from the Middle English word “gobben”. The word ‘work’ is derived from the Old English word “weorc” or “worc”.
    Describes This describes the position of an individual in a company. It describes the normal activities done by an individual.

    What is Job?

    The job often refers to an activity performed by an individual in return for a specified payment, which is also called as salary. It describes the position of a person in a company.

    It is also called as occupation, profession, career, or trade. The responsibility of an employee is to fulfill the allotted work by the employer because he is paid for it.

    The word ‘job’ comes from the Middle English word “gobben”.

    In a job, a person is first asked to sign a contract and complete the required formalities. The goals and targets are assigned by the company and the activities are almost the same every day.

    Jobs can be categorized into 3 main types, they are:

    1. Full-Time Job: A full-time job is the one in which the employee works full working hours as specified by the company and he is not supposed to work in any other company simultaneously. The employee gets the status of a permanent employee in the company and it is his main source of income.
      Almost all people except students, housewives and old people prefer full-time jobs.
    2. Part-Time Job: A part-time job is the one in which the employee works half of the working hours as specified by the company and he can also work in any other company simultaneously. The employee might get the status of a permanent employee depending on the company policies.
      This job is often done just for a side income. It is mostly preferred by housewives and students.
    3. Internship: An internship is a type of job done by students for industry experience, certificates, and also stipends. It is mostly of a specified duration from 1 week to 6 months or even more depending on the company.
      Students mostly do internships during their summer break. An intern gets the status of a temporary employee in the company. It is preferred by college students.


    What is Work?

    Work is an activity, done by an individual that requires physical or mental efforts to accomplish a goal or finish a task for oneself. An individual does the work for his friends, family, employers, or himself.

    It basically means that any activity which produces some output and consumes time is considered as work. The word ‘work’ comes from the Old English word “weorc” or “worc”.

    Work is mostly done because of interest, need, or responsibility and it doesn’t always include payment. Work doesn’t have any specification it could be of any kind. 

    It has been misunderstood by many people that mental efforts cannot be termed as work but actually thinking requires energy and it is work as well.


    Main Differences Between Job and Work

    1. Job refers to an assigned activity that an individual does for consideration whereas work is an activity done by an individual for themselves. Also, the job refers to a designated post or position in a company whereas work is not doesn’t describe any position.
    2. The number of activities done by an individual can be calculated in a job because the activities to be done are specified whereas the number of activities done as work cannot be calculated.
    3. People get specified fees or salary for doing jobs but there is no fees or salary for work. Their fees or salary is calculated depending on the output they give to the company.
    4. The word ‘job’ is derived from the Middle English word “gobben” whereas the word ‘work’ is derived from the Old English word “weorc” or “worc”.
    5. The activities done in a job are specific and almost the same every day whereas the activities which are done as work are general and are not the same every day.

    Difference Between Job and Work



    Emma Smith 200x200 1

    Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

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