The word for right and wrong

What is another word for right and wrong?

45 synonyms found


[ ɹˈa͡ɪt and ɹˈɒŋ], [ ɹˈa‍ɪt and ɹˈɒŋ], [ ɹ_ˈaɪ_t a_n_d ɹ_ˈɒ_ŋ]

Related words: moral dilemma, is it wrong or right, good or bad, right or wrong, good or evil, what is right and what is wrong, is it wrong to lie, what is the difference between right and wrong

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  • Is it ever right to lie?
  • What is the difference between right and wrong in a moral sense?
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    • n.

      conscience (noun)

      • superego,
      • compunction,
      • demur,
      • duty,
      • morals,
      • Superegos,
      • qualms,
      • squeam,
      • shame,
      • inner voice,
      • censor,
      • scruples,
      • still small voice,
      • small voice,
      • principles.

      ethics/ethic (noun)

      • the Golden Rule,
      • standard,
      • morality,
      • honor,
      • integrity,
      • decency,
      • ideal,
      • Criteria,
      • belief,
      • conduct,
      • goodness,
      • imperative,
      • practice,
      • moral code,
      • mores,
      • honesty,
      • Standards,
      • rules of conduct,
      • ethos,
      • conscience,
      • nature,
      • convention.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • Conventionalities,
      • imperatives,
      • criterias,
      • conventionality,
      • Natural Laws,
      • golden rule,
      • natural law.
    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • quarrel.

    How to use «Right and wrong» in context?

    There are a lot of things that people believe are right or wrong, but in the end, it depends on the situation. For example, it might be right to steal something if you think the owner is going to resell it anyway. On the other hand, it might be wrong to steal something if you plan on giving it back to the owner. There is no right or wrong answer to this question, it just depends on the situation. There are also a lot of things that people believe are right or wrong based on their personal beliefs. For example, some people believe that homosexuality is wrong, while others believe that it is okay.

    right and wrong — перевод на русский

    You can appreciate it all you want to, Tim, but there’s a line between right and wrong.

    Ты можешь ценить всё, что хочешь, Тим, но есть граница между правильным и неправильным.

    Let’s just say i’ve recently learned how loving someone Makes you forget the difference between right and wrong.

    Скажем так, просто в последнее время я осознал как любовь к одному человеку заставляет тебя забыть разницу между правильным и неправильным.

    You move forward as a spy, and the line between what’s right and wrong becomes more and more gray.

    Ты становишься лучше как шпион, и линия между правильным и неправильным все больше стирается.

    So much of my day is working between right and wrong.

    Большая часть моего дня состоит из лавирования между правильным и неправильным.

    I know the difference between right and wrong.

    Я знаю разницу между правильным и неправильным.

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    Mickey and Mallory… … knowthedifference between right and wrong.

    Мики и Мэлори знают разницу между добром и злом.

    So he still knew the difference between right and wrong.

    Но он по-прежнему осознавал разницу между добром и злом?

    Now that vanity has gone and your arrogance has been defeated, you are free to choose between right and wrong, good and evil.

    Теперь тщеславие ушло и твоё высокомерие повержено. Ты свободна выбирать между добром и злом, правдой и ложью.

    The line between right and wrong had blurred.

    Грань между добром и злом была столь размыта.

    I couldn’t escape his line between right and wrong.

    Я не смог уйти от его границы между добром и злом.

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    I don’t know how to raise a child with someone who doesn’t understand that there’s a… a right and a wrong in the world.

    Я не знаю как воспитывать ребенка с человеком, который не понимает, что все в мире делится на хорошее и плохое.

    His psych evaluation said he knew the difference between right and wrong.

    Оценка его психического состояния подтвердила, что он отличает хорошее и плохое.

    Do you believe in right and wrong?

    Вы верите, что есть хорошее и плохое?

    In what way do you believe in right and wrong?

    Каким образом вы верите, что есть хорошее и плохое?

    Do you believe in right and wrong, Professor?

    Вы верите в хорошее и плохое, профессор?

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    He’s like a child who doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong… and, sadly, his weakness is women.

    Он как дитя: не знает разницы между хорошим и плохим. К сожалению, женщины — его слабость.

    He does not know the difference between right and wrong.

    Он не видит разницы между хорошим и плохим.

    I know the difference between right and wrong.

    Я знаю разницу между хорошим и плохим.

    You know the difference between right and wrong.

    Ты знаешь разницу между хорошим и плохим.

    She taught me to remember what the world is forgetting, the difference between right and wrong.

    Она научила меня помнить то, о чем забывают другие: о разнице между плохим и хорошим.

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    I know right and wrong.

    Я знаю что правильно, а что нет.

    It’s about right and wrong.

    Это о том, что правильно, а что нет.

    But you do care about right and wrong.

    Но тебя заботит, что правильно, а что нет.

    Right and wrong.

    Что правильно, а что нет.

    It’s about right and wrong.

    А о том, что правильно, а что нет.

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    It’s not about right and wrong. It’s about the fact that we have a priority to protect Palmer.

    Дело не в «правильно» или «неправильно» нам нужно защищать Палмера.

    Gentlemen, you’re confronting a mind… unconstrained by notions of guilt… regret, right and wrong… good and evil.

    Джентльмены, вы столкнулись с умом… который не ограничен чувством вины… сожалений, что правильно, что нет… добро и зло.

    Well, I mean, it’s not really a matter of right and wrong, but, yes.

    Это не важно правильно или нет, но, да.

    Do you, do you not get that I’m concerned about the right and the wrong of this, as it affects all my patients?

    Ты что не понимаешь, что я обеспокоен правильна эта ситуация или нет, потому что я забочусь о своих пациентах?

    Then how could you make a choice between right and wrong if God did not offer the two extremes?

    Тогда как ты можешь делать выбор между правильным и хорошим если Бог не представляет тебе эти две крайности?

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    I know the difference between right and wrong.

    Я знаю разницу между тем, что правильно и что нет.

    Sometimes it’s not a matter of right and wrong.

    Иногда не имеет значения правильно что-то или нет.

    Look, we sit around here, cupping our lady parts, arguing about right and wrong.

    Мы тут рассиживаемся, протирая булки, спорим о правильном и нет.

    But the Emily Connors I used to know… she knew the difference between right and wrong.

    Но Эмили Коннорс, которую я знал, знала разницу между правильным и нет.

    You shot your own father and lied to the police about it, and you’re gonna tell me about what is right and wrong?

    Ты застрелила своего собственного отца и соврала об этом полиции, и теперь ты будешь говорить мне о том, что правильно или нет?

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      • See Also:
        • rigatoni
        • rigaudon
        • Rigel
        • Rigel Kentaurus
        • rigger
        • rigging
        • Riggs’ disease
        • right
        • right about
        • right about face
        • right angle
        • right ascension
        • right away
        • Right Bank
        • right brain
        • right circular cone
        • right circular cylinder
        • right face
        • right field
        • right fielder
        • right hand
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    Also see: and | wrong

    WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

    right /raɪt/USA pronunciation  
    adj., -er, -est, n., adv., v. 

    1. agreeing with what is good, proper, or just:right conduct.[it + be + ~ + to + verb]Is it ever right to kill someone?[it + be + ~ + (that) clause]«It is right and proper that we give thanks to God,» he intoned.
    2. correct in one’s judgment or action:[be + ~]You were right; the movie was terrible.[+ to + verb]You were right to fire him.
    3. correct in fact:Is that the right answer?
    4. fitting;
      desirable:the right clothes for the occasion.
    5. [before a noun] of or relating to the side of a person or thing that is toward the east when that person or thing is facing north.
    6. sound;
      sane:in one’s right mind.
    7. in good health or spirits:I haven’t felt right in days.
    8. front or upper:right side up.
    9. Government[often: Right] of or belonging to the political Right;
      having conservative views in politics.


    1. something due to anyone by a just claim, moral principles, nature, etc.:[countable]the right to free speech.
    2. that which is morally or legally proper and correct:[uncountable]the difference between right and wrong.
    3. the state or quality or an instance of being correct:[uncountable* usually: the + ~]You are in the right and the courts should agree with your claim.
    4. the side that is normally opposite to that where the heart is:[uncountable]to turn to the right.
    5. a right-hand turn:[countable]Make a right at the corner.
    6. Government the Right, [uncountable]
      • individuals or groups calling for keeping the established political, social, or economic order.
      • the conservative position held by these people.


    1. in a straight or direct line:The ship went right to the bottom.
    2. quite;
      completely:My hat was knocked right off.
    3. immediately;
      promptly:turned on the TV right after dinner.
    4. exactly;
      precisely:Put it down right here on the table.
    5. correctly or accurately:You guessed right.
    6. properly:to live right.
    7. to one’s benefit or advantage:After a long hassle everything turned out right.
    8. on or to the right:to turn right.
    9. [Informal.]very;
      extremely:a right fine day.
    10. very:[often: Right* used in certain titles]The Right Reverend John C. Doe.

    v. [+ object]

    1. to put in or back to an upright position:to right a fallen lamp.
    2. to bring into agreement with fact;
      correct:to right one’s point of view.
    3. to do justice to:The king would right the wrongs done by the prince.


    1. Idioms by rights, in fairness;
      justly:We should by rights have made back all our money by this time.
    2. Idioms in one’s own right, by reason of one’s own ability:Although he was the son of a famous football coach he soon became famous in his own right.
    3. Idioms in the right, having the support of reason or law.
    4. Idioms right away or off, without hesitation;
      immediately:Right off, you could tell he disliked her.
    5. Idioms right on, [Slang.](used to express approval of what has been said or agreement that it is exactly right):«Power to the people,» he yelled, and the crowd roared back «Right on!»
    6. Idioms to rights, into proper condition or order:to set a messed-up room to rights.

    right•ly, adv. 
    right•ness, n. [uncountable]

    WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

    (rīt),USA pronunciation adj., -er, -est, n., adv., v. 

    1. in accordance with what is good, proper, or just:right conduct.
    2. in conformity with fact, reason, truth, or some standard or principle;
      correct:the right solution; the right answer.
    3. correct in judgment, opinion, or action.
    4. fitting or appropriate;
      suitable:to say the right thing at the right time.
    5. most convenient, desirable, or favorable:Omaha is the right location for a meatpacking firm.
    6. of, pertaining to, or located on or near the side of a person or thing that is turned toward the east when the subject is facing north (opposed to left).
    7. in a satisfactory state;
      in good order:to put things right.
    8. sound, sane, or normal:to be in one’s right mind; She wasn’t right in her head when she made the will.
    9. in good health or spirits:I don’t feel quite right today.
    10. principal, front, or upper:the right side of cloth.
    11. Government(often cap.) of or pertaining to political conservatives or their beliefs.
    12. socially approved, desirable, or influential:to go to the right schools and know the right people.
    13. formed by or with reference to a perpendicular:a right angle.
    14. straight:a right line.
    15. Mathematics[Geom.]having an axis perpendicular to the base:a right cone.
    16. Mathematicspertaining to an element of a set that has a given property when placed on the right of an element or set of elements of the given set:a right identity.
    17. genuine;
      authentic:the right owner.
    18. British Terms too right, [Australian Slang.]
      • (used as an expression of emphatic agreement.)
      • okay:«Can we meet tonight?» «Too right.»


    1. a just claim or title, whether legal, prescriptive, or moral:You have a right to say what you please.
    2. Sometimes, rights. that which is due to anyone by just claim, legal guarantees, moral principles, etc.:women’s rights; Freedom of speech is a right of all Americans.
    3. adherence or obedience to moral and legal principles and authority.
    4. that which is morally, legally, or ethically proper:to know right from wrong.
    5. a moral, ethical, or legal principle considered as an underlying cause of truth, justice, morality, or ethics.
    6. Sometimes, rights. the interest or ownership a person, group, or business has in property:He has a 50-percent right in a silver mine. The author controls the screen rights for the book.
    7. the property itself or its value.
    8. [Finance.]
      • Businessthe privilege, usually preemptive, that accrues to the owners of the stock of a corporation to subscribe to additional shares of stock or securities convertible into stock at an advantageous price.
      • BusinessOften, rights. the privilege of subscribing to a specified amount of a stock or bond issue, or the document certifying this privilege.

    9. that which is in accord with fact, reason, propriety, the correct way of thinking, etc.
    10. the state or quality or an instance of being correct.
    11. the side that is normally opposite to that where the heart is;
      the direction toward that side:to turn to the right.
    12. a right-hand turn:Make a right at the top of the hill.
    13. the portion toward the right, as of troops in battle formation:Our right crumbled.
    14. (in a pair) the member that is shaped for, used by, or situated on the right side:Is this shoe a left or a right?
    15. the right hand:Jab with your left and punch with your right.
    16. Government the Right:
      • the complex of individuals or organized groups opposing change in a liberal direction and usually advocating maintenance of the established social, political, or economic order, sometimes by authoritarian means.
      • the position held by these people:The Depression led to a movement away from the Right.Cf. left 1 (defs. 6a, b).
      • See right wing. 

    17. Government(usually cap.) the part of a legislative assembly, esp. in continental Europe, that is situated on the right side of the presiding officer and that is customarily assigned to members of the legislature who hold more conservative or reactionary views than the rest of the members.
    18. Governmentthe members of such an assembly who sit on the Right.
    19. Sport[Boxing.]a blow delivered by the right hand:a right to the jaw.
    20. Sport[Baseball.]See right field. 
    21. by rights, in fairness;
      justly:You should by rights have been asked your opinion on the matter.
    22. in one’s own right, by reason of one’s own ability, ownership, etc.;
      in or of oneself, as independent of others:He is a rich man in his own right.
    23. in the right, having the support of reason or law;
      correct:It pays to be stubborn when one is in the right.
    24. to rights, into proper condition or order:to set a room to rights.


    1. in a straight or direct line;
      directly:right to the bottom; to come right home.
    2. quite or completely;
      all the way:My hat was knocked right off.
    3. immediately;
      promptly:right after dinner.
    4. exactly;
      precisely:right here.
    5. correctly or accurately:to guess right.
    6. uprightly or righteously:to obey one’s conscience and live right.
    7. properly or fittingly:to behave right.
    8. advantageously, favorably, or well:to turn out right.
    9. toward the right hand;
      on or to the right:to keep right; to turn right.
    10. Informal Termsvery;
      extremely:a right fine day.
    11. very (used in certain titles):the right reverend.
    12. right and left, on every side;
      in all directions:throwing his clothes right and left; members resigning right and left.
    13. right away or off, without hesitation;
      immediately:She made a good impression right off.
    14. right on, [Slang.]exactly right;


    1. to put in or restore to an upright position:to right a fallen lamp.
    2. to put in proper order, condition, or relationship:to right a crookedly hung picture.
    3. to bring into conformity with fact;
      correct:to right one’s point of view.
    4. to do justice to;
      avenge:to be righted in court.
    5. to redress, as a wrong.


    1. to resume an upright or the proper position:After the storm the saplings righted.
    • bef. 900; (noun, nominal and adjective, adjectival) Middle English; Old English reht, riht; cognate with Dutch, German recht, Old Norse rēttr, Gothic raihts; akin to Latin rēctus, Old Irish recht law, Greek orektós upright; (verb, verbal) Middle English righten, Old English rihtan, cognate with Old Frisian riuchta, German richten, Old Norse rētta; (adverb, adverbial) Middle English; Old English rihte

    righta•ble, adj. 

      • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged equitable, fair, honest, lawful.
      • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged accurate, true.
      • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged fit, seemly.
      • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged proper.
      • 10.See corresponding entry in Unabridged obverse.
      • 17.See corresponding entry in Unabridged rightful.
      • 22.See corresponding entry in Unabridged morality, virtue, justice, fairness, integrity, equity, rectitude.
      • 48.See corresponding entry in Unabridged rightfully, lawfully, rightly, justly, fairly, equitably.
      • 49.See corresponding entry in Unabridged appropriately, suitably.

      • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged –5, 10, 22. wrong.

      52. Right in the sense of «very, extremely» is neither old-fashioned nor dialectal. It is most common in informal speech and writing:It’s right cold this morning.The editor knew right well where the story had originated.

    Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

    right /raɪt/ adj

    1. in accordance with accepted standards of moral or legal behaviour, justice, etc: right conduct
    2. in accordance with fact, reason, or truth; correct or true: the right answer
    3. appropriate, suitable, fitting, or proper: the right man for the job
    4. most favourable or convenient; preferred: the right time to act
    5. in a satisfactory condition; orderly: things are right again now
    6. indicating or designating the correct time: the clock is right
    7. correct in opinion or judgment
    8. sound in mind or body; healthy or sane
    9. (usually prenominal) of, designating, or located near the side of something or someone that faces east when the front is turned towards the north
    10. (usually prenominal) worn on a right hand, foot, etc
    11. (sometimes capital) of, designating, supporting, belonging to, or relating to the political or intellectual right (see sense 39)
    12. (sometimes capital) conservative or reactionary: the right wing of the party
    13. formed by or containing a line or plane perpendicular to another line or plane
    14. having the axis perpendicular to the base: a right circular cone
    15. straight: a right line
    16. relating to or designating the side of cloth worn or facing outwards
    17. informal (intensifier): a right idiot
    18. in one’s right mindsane
    19. she’ll be rightAustral NZ informal that’s all right; not to worry
    20. the right side ofin favour with: you’d better stay on the right side of him
    21. younger than: she’s still on the right side of fifty


    1. too rightAustral NZ informal an exclamation of agreement
    2. in accordance with correctness or truth; accurately: to guess right
    3. in the appropriate manner; properly: do it right next time!
    4. in a straight line; directly: right to the top
    5. in the direction of the east from the point of view of a person or thing facing north
    6. absolutely or completely; utterly: he went right through the floor
    7. all the way: the bus goes right to the city centre
    8. without delay; immediately or promptly: I’ll be right over
    9. exactly or precisely: right here
    10. in a manner consistent with a legal or moral code; justly or righteously: do right by me
    11. in accordance with propriety; fittingly or suitably: it serves you right
    12. to good or favourable advantage; well: it all came out right in the end
    13. (esp in religious titles) most or very: right reverend
    14. informal or dialect (intensifier): I’m right glad to see you
    15. right, left, and centreon all sides; from every direction
    16. right off the batinformal as the first in a series; to begin with


    1. any claim, title, etc, that is morally just or legally granted as allowable or due to a person: I know my rights
    2. anything that accords with the principles of legal or moral justice
    3. the fact or state of being in accordance with reason, truth, or accepted standards (esp in the phrase in the right)
    4. Irish an obligation or duty: you had a right to lock the door
    5. the right side, direction, position, area, or part: the right of the army, look to the right
    6. the right ⇒ (often capital) the supporters or advocates of social, political, or economic conservatism or reaction, based generally on a belief that things are better left unchanged (opposed to radical or left)
    7. a punch with the right hand
    8. the right hand
    9. (often plural) the privilege of a company’s shareholders to subscribe for new issues of the company’s shares on advantageous terms
    10. the negotiable certificate signifying this privilege
    11. by right, by rightsproperly; justly: by rights you should be in bed
    12. in one’s own righthaving a claim or title oneself rather than through marriage or other connection: a peeress in her own right
    13. to rightsconsistent with justice, correctness, or orderly arrangement: he put the matter to rights

    vb (mainly tr)

    1. (also intr) to restore to or attain a normal, esp an upright, position: the raft righted in a few seconds
    2. to make (something) accord with truth or facts; correct
    3. to restore to an orderly state or condition; put right
    4. to make reparation for; compensate for or redress (esp in the phrase right a wrong)


    1. an expression of agreement or compliance

    Etymology: Old English riht, reoht; related to Old High German reht, Gothic raihts, Latin rēctus

    ˈrighter n

    right and wrong‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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    Where there’s a sense of right and wrong, and boundaries between them.

    Lewis wondered where this sense of right and wrong came from.

    Morality and ethics are concerned with right and wrong ways to behave.

    As a parent, I find it crucial to teach my children the difference between right and wrong.

    Это очень важно, со стороны родителей учить своих детей основному различию между правильным и неправильным.

    Their assumption was both right and wrong.

    Yet, to varying degrees, we may still be right and wrong.

    Look at yourselves and how you have been brought up in almost any society to have this standard of right and wrong.

    Взгляните на себя и на то, как вы были воспитаны почти в любом обществе с этим стандартом правильного и неправильного.

    Then the division of chromosomes takes place, which can be right and wrong.

    If standards of right and wrong are meaningful only when we find them convenient, they have no real meaning at all.

    Если критерии правильного и неправильного имеют смысл только тогда, когда мы находим их удобными, они не имеет никакого реального смысла вообще.

    In other words, there is an objective difference between right and wrong: those are real attributes of objectives and behaviours.

    Другими словами, между правильным и неправильным существует объективная разница: это реальные характеристики стремлений и поступков.

    People who prefer to spend time alone often have a very clear idea of what they deem to be right and wrong.

    Люди, которые предпочитают проводить время в одиночестве, часто имеют очень четкое представление о том, что они считают правильным и неправильным.

    As with most things in our lives, there is a big gap between right and wrong.

    Как и с большинством поступков в нашей жизни, существует большая пропасть между правильным и неправильным.

    He thought these ultraterrestrials likely had a sense of right and wrong, and that they were capable of manipulating mankind.

    Он думал, что у этих сверхчеловеков, вероятно, было чувство правильного и неправильного, и что они способны манипулировать человечеством.

    The majority of us have innate senses of right and wrong, something we call conscience.

    У большинства из нас есть врожденные чувства правильного и неправильного, что-то такое, что мы называем совестью.

    Every man, woman and child over the age of seven years will struggle to differentiate between right and wrong.

    Каждый мужчина, женщина и ребёнок в возрасте от семи лет, будут изо всех сил пытаться лавировать между правильным и неправильным.

    Many people go by the norms of right and wrong others make their own version.

    In fact, the definition of right and wrong in this case is different for different generations.

    It is only when a child learns to differentiate between right and wrong that we can call him a conscious and moral human being.

    Только тогда, когда ребенок учится различать между правильным и неправильным, что мы можем называть его сознательным и морального человека.

    Again, students must be taught to think for themselves, including how to critically evaluate what they consider right and wrong.

    Опять же, необходимо научить студента самостоятельно мыслить, включая как критически оценивать то, что они считают правильным и неправильным.

    The Web does not differentiate between young and old, and what is right and wrong to see.

    Веб не делает различий между молодыми и старыми, и что является правильным и неправильным, чтобы увидеть.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат right and wrong

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    Brown Wooden Arrow Signed 1 + 1 = 3 Text on Black Chalkboard Black and white of unrecognizable couple hugging and standing on street with sign with ENOUGH IS ENOUGH inscription against crowd of people Blackboard with YOUR LIFE MATTERS inscription on black background Unrecognizable African American guy with pride flag during parade Text

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    ethics, right, wrong child, crossroad, kid decision, choice, path door, open, doorway right, wrong, red nothing, wrong, sign

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    Synonyms for Right and wrong. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from

    Synonyms for Right and wrong. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2023. <>.

    Synonyms for Right and wrong. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023.

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