The word for not caring

I want to convey an concept that the world cannot possibly care one way or the other.

Karma does not exist. Society is neutral it doesn’t care either way about what happens with your life. You are the only person who controls it.

I once hears such a word but I forgot it.

asked Feb 27, 2017 at 6:43

dfmetro's user avatar


I suggest

indifferent — having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned.

answered Feb 27, 2017 at 6:45

mplungjan's user avatar


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unsympathetic should also do the trick.

answered Feb 27, 2017 at 7:19

Andre F's user avatar


Karma does not exist. Society is apathetic it doesn’t care either way about what happens with your life. You are the only person who controls it.

I think you’re looking for apathetic

answered Jul 5, 2018 at 4:06

user306185's user avatar

What is the word for not caring about something?

without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others.

What is a word for caring about something?

Caring Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for caring?

kind empathetic
gentle sensitive
sympathetic thoughtful
affectionate altruistic
beneficent charitable

What’s another word for neglecting?

Some common synonyms of neglect are disregard, forget, ignore, overlook, and slight. While all these words mean “to pass over without giving due attention,” neglect implies giving insufficient attention to something that merits one’s attention.

How do you describe someone who doesn’t care?

Synonyms for doesn’t care include disregards, is aloof, is apathetic towards, is blasé about, is dispassionate, is impassive, is indifferent to, is lukewarm about, is nonchalant about and is unconcerned about. dresser noun. unaffiliated. To describe someone’s appearance, you will often use adjectives.

What do you call someone who disregards your feelings?

By definition, invalidation is the process of denying, rejecting or dismissing someone’s feelings. Invalidation sends the message that a person’s subjective emotional experience is inaccurate, insignificant, and/or unacceptable.

What is traumatic invalidation?

Traumatic invalidation occurs when an individual’s environment repeatedly or intensely communicates that the individual’s experiences, characteristics, or emotional reactions are unreasonable and/or unacceptable.

What does emotional invalidation look like?

Emotional invalidation is when a person’s thoughts and feelings are rejected, ignored, or judged. Invalidation is emotionally upsetting for anyone, but particularly hurtful for someone who is emotionally sensitive. Invalidation disrupts relationships and creates emotional distance.

How do you trick a gaslighter?

Here’s what gaslighters do:

  1. Hide an evil intention behind a friendly gesture.
  2. Subtly undermine your confidence and self-esteem.
  3. Make you second-guess yourself.
  4. Devalue you as an individual.
  5. Trivialize your opinions and ideas (and experiences)
  6. Force you to justify yourself to everyone else.

What personality type is a gaslighter?

People who gaslight other people in their lives may have a psychological disorder called narcissistic personality disorder. People with narcissistic personality disorder believe they’re extremely important and that the world revolves around them.

What is a gaslighter parent?

Rather than being emotionally supportive, gaslighting parents will make their child feel worse about whatever difficult situation they’re in—whether it’s a mistake, a failure, or a day-to-day stressor. Spinelli says this behavior indicates gaslighting.

Can a gaslighter be cured?

In therapy, a person can rebuild their self-esteem and regain control of their lives. A therapist may also treat any mental health concerns caused by the abuse, such as PTSD. With time and support, a person can recover from gaslighting.

Is Gaslighting a mental illness?

Summary. Gaslighting is an abusive practice that causes someone to distrust themselves or to believe they have a mental illness. The long-term effects of gaslighting may include anxiety, depression, trauma, and low self-esteem. Gaslighting often appears in abusive relationships but also takes place in other contexts.

How do you know if someone is gaslighting you?

When someone is gaslighting you, you often second-guess yourself, your memories, and your perceptions. After communicating with the person gaslighting you, you are left feeling dazed and wondering what is wrong with you. 1 Tactics like these can confuse you and cause you to question your sanity.

Can a woman gaslight a man?

According to Healthy Place, “Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where the abuser manipulates situations repeatedly to trick the victim into distrusting his or her own memory and perceptions.” In any of these situations, either a man or a woman can be the abuser and either a man or a woman can be the abused.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the word for not caring about something?
  2. What is a word for caring about something?
  3. What’s another word for neglecting?
  4. How do you describe someone who doesn’t care?
  5. What do you call someone who disregards your feelings?
  6. What is traumatic invalidation?
  7. What does emotional invalidation look like?
  8. How do you trick a gaslighter?
  9. What personality type is a gaslighter?
  10. What is a gaslighter parent?
  11. Can a gaslighter be cured?
  12. Is Gaslighting a mental illness?
  13. How do you know if someone is gaslighting you?
  14. Can a woman gaslight a man?

without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others.

What is a word for caring about something?

Caring Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for caring?

kind empathetic
gentle sensitive
sympathetic thoughtful
affectionate altruistic
beneficent charitable

What’s another word for neglecting?

Some common synonyms of neglect are disregard, forget, ignore, overlook, and slight. While all these words mean “to pass over without giving due attention,” neglect implies giving insufficient attention to something that merits one’s attention.

How do you describe someone who doesn’t care?

Synonyms for doesn’t care include disregards, is aloof, is apathetic towards, is blasé about, is dispassionate, is impassive, is indifferent to, is lukewarm about, is nonchalant about and is unconcerned about. dresser noun. unaffiliated. To describe someone’s appearance, you will often use adjectives.

What do you call someone who disregards your feelings?

By definition, invalidation is the process of denying, rejecting or dismissing someone’s feelings. Invalidation sends the message that a person’s subjective emotional experience is inaccurate, insignificant, and/or unacceptable.

What is traumatic invalidation?

Traumatic invalidation occurs when an individual’s environment repeatedly or intensely communicates that the individual’s experiences, characteristics, or emotional reactions are unreasonable and/or unacceptable.

What does emotional invalidation look like?

Emotional invalidation is when a person’s thoughts and feelings are rejected, ignored, or judged. Invalidation is emotionally upsetting for anyone, but particularly hurtful for someone who is emotionally sensitive. Invalidation disrupts relationships and creates emotional distance.

How do you trick a gaslighter?

Here’s what gaslighters do:

  1. Hide an evil intention behind a friendly gesture.
  2. Subtly undermine your confidence and self-esteem.
  3. Make you second-guess yourself.
  4. Devalue you as an individual.
  5. Trivialize your opinions and ideas (and experiences)
  6. Force you to justify yourself to everyone else.

What personality type is a gaslighter?

People who gaslight other people in their lives may have a psychological disorder called narcissistic personality disorder. People with narcissistic personality disorder believe they’re extremely important and that the world revolves around them.

What is a gaslighter parent?

Rather than being emotionally supportive, gaslighting parents will make their child feel worse about whatever difficult situation they’re in—whether it’s a mistake, a failure, or a day-to-day stressor. Spinelli says this behavior indicates gaslighting.

Can a gaslighter be cured?

In therapy, a person can rebuild their self-esteem and regain control of their lives. A therapist may also treat any mental health concerns caused by the abuse, such as PTSD. With time and support, a person can recover from gaslighting.

Is Gaslighting a mental illness?

Summary. Gaslighting is an abusive practice that causes someone to distrust themselves or to believe they have a mental illness. The long-term effects of gaslighting may include anxiety, depression, trauma, and low self-esteem. Gaslighting often appears in abusive relationships but also takes place in other contexts.

How do you know if someone is gaslighting you?

When someone is gaslighting you, you often second-guess yourself, your memories, and your perceptions. After communicating with the person gaslighting you, you are left feeling dazed and wondering what is wrong with you. 1 Tactics like these can confuse you and cause you to question your sanity.

Can a woman gaslight a man?

According to Healthy Place, “Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where the abuser manipulates situations repeatedly to trick the victim into distrusting his or her own memory and perceptions.” In any of these situations, either a man or a woman can be the abuser and either a man or a woman can be the abused.

Asked by: Sufian Stiefler

asked in category: religion and spirituality Last Updated: 15th October, 2020

without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others. having no bias, prejudice, or preference; impartial; disinterested.

Click to explore further. In this way, what does not caring mean?

not caring or troubling; having no care or concern; unconcerned (usually followed by of, about, or in): careless of the rights of others; careless about one’s behavior; careless in speech. possessed or caused without effort or art; unstudied: careless beauty.

what is a word for caring? concerned, attentive, thoughtful, solicitous, responsible, considerate. affectionate, loving, doting, fond, warm, benevolent, benign, humane, good-natured, gentle, mild, indulgent, sympathetic, understanding, receptive, compassionate, charitable, gracious.

what can I say instead of I don’t care?

Come on, don’t act like you don’t care. “I don’t care!”

Various Other Ways of Saying “I Don’t Care!”

  • K.
  • Oh, mmmkay.
  • Tell me less.
  • Yeah, nah.
  • I could care less, but not much.
  • I’m not carefree. I’m free to care. I just never do.
  • Next!
  • Who gives a rat’s ass?

Is saying I don t care rude?

In American ‘I don’t care‘ means I’m happy with either possibility. You can decide because I like both alternatives. If we say ‘I don’t care‘ in British English, it means we’re apathetic – we’re not interested. I don’t care is often rude in British English.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

не заботится

не заботятся

не заботясь

не заботиться

не думая


He is not caring for their eternal soul.

She is not caring for him all by herself.

You just told me — they’re not caring for their son.

Ты только что сказала мне, что они не заботятся о их сыне.

They are not caring, supportive or interested in what’s important to you.

Они не заботятся, не поддерживают вас и не заинтересованы в том, что важно для вас.

Standing behind the short wall doesn’t mean not caring.

Стоять за низкой стенкой не означает не заботится.

Spain is notorious for not caring, and Americans who decide to overstay for months mention that as the easiest country to exit from.

Испания печально известна тем, что не заботится, а американцы, которые решают пережить в течение нескольких месяцев, упоминают, что это самая простая страна для выхода из нее.

Being creative and not caring how others respond to it.

Бываете творческим и не заботитесь о том, как другие люди реагируют на это.

I lay there, not caring what happened.

I sat there not caring what was happening.

That is completely different than not caring.

Not teaching your kids about money is like not caring whether they eat.

Не учить детей обращению с деньгами, это — как не заботиться о том, что они едят.

For this reason, the president loved the basketball team despite not caring a whit about sport.

По этой причине, президент любил баскетбольной команды, несмотря на не заботясь ничуть о спорте.

of not caring what other people think

They have come just only to gathering and they are not caring who will be on stage tonight.

Они пришли просто потусовать, и им наплевать, кто будет сегодня на сцене.

I’ve learned to live with that mainly by not caring.

By breaking the rules, not caring what anyone else thinks.

I do not need him coming in here and accusing me of being incompetent and not caring.

Мне не нужно, чтобы он приходил сюда и обвинял меня в некомпетентности и черствости.

And to accuse me of somehow not caring for him properly is stunningly hurtful.

И мне ужасно обидно, когда меня обвиняют в том, что я плохо за ним ухаживал.

It’s hard work, not caring.

Not about the me not caring part.

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