Asked by: Prof. Jerrold Treutel
Score: 4.1/5
(6 votes)
: to be in a condition or situation in which you must have (something) : to require (something) —used to say that some action is necessary —usually followed by to + verb. —used to say that it is important and necessary for someone to do something —followed by to + verb.
Is needing correct word?
Yes, I just need to know possibility of using the word «NEEDING» in any case. I don’t mean that way in Continuous tenses.
What is a word that means needing something?
Some common synonyms of want are covet, crave, desire, and wish. While all these words mean «to have a longing for,» want specifically suggests a felt need or lack.
What is a word for need?
In this page you can discover 119 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for need, like: requirement, obligation, pennilessness, sine qua non (Latin), require, indigence, insufficiency, exigency, shortage, requisite and inadequacy.
What is difference between need and needed?
Use «needed». That could apply to past or present. One could still «need someone to look after» even though the simple past «needed» is used. The sentence would simply be referring to an event or conversation in the past.
23 related questions found
What is it called when you need something badly?
hope; languish; long for; pine; to want something very badly; yearn; have one’s heart set on.
How do you express that you need something?
- need. verb. if you need something, you must have it because it is necessary.
- require. verb. to need someone or something.
- cry out for. phrasal verb. to clearly need something a lot.
- depend on. phrasal verb. …
- rely on. phrasal verb. …
- demand. verb. …
- take. verb. …
- claim. verb.
Will be needing in a sentence?
«We will be needing more urgently to just cope with the current influx«. His acceleration and overall intelligence is something that we will be needing following Renato Sanches’s departure. Failing that, Zintan’s courthouse will be needing a lick of paint.
How do you use the word needing?
Needing sentence example
- He closed his personal net, needing to concentrate. …
- I was the logical candidate as both women had children needing attention. …
- We held hands, needing each other’s comfort. …
- She took in his words, surprised he’d admit to needing a human.
Will you be needing meaning?
«Would you be needing» is a formal and stiff expression (but it is used very often). «Will you be needing» is less stiff and more polite. «Will you need» is a normal expression. «Would you need» can also be used instead of «would you be needing.»
How do you express your needs to a man?
The Best Way To Express Your Needs
Express what you need more of, and more importantly, why it’s something you desire in the relationship. Don’t be accusatory; instead, focus on «I» statements (for example: «I feel more loved when you surprise me with small gifts»).
How do you say you want something nicely?
Use “WOULD YOU DO ME A FAVOR.” This is often used and you must use it when you are asking for a special request or favor. Other phrases for asking something to someone nicely are “DO YOU MIND,” WOULD YOU MIND, COULD I, WOULD IT BE OK IF, WOULD IT BE POSSIBLE, WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO, etc.
When there is a need for something?
1. A condition in which something necessary or desirable is required or wanted: exigence, exigency, necessity.
What does so badly mean?
It’s an idiomatic usage where so means very. And if you say you badly want something, this already implies you want it very much, so your cited version is just an even more «emphatic» way of stressing how much you want it. And you’ll also see even more emphatic forms such as I want it so very badly.
How do you say I want something very much?
- anxious. adjective. wanting something very much, especially when this makes you nervous, excited, or impatient.
- impatient. adjective. wanting something to happen as soon as possible.
- longing. adjective. …
- keen. adjective. …
- desirous. adjective. …
- in need of something. phrase. …
- in the hope that/of. phrase. …
- urgent. adjective.
What is it called when you really want something?
crave. verb. to want something very much and in a way that is very hard to control.
When it is needed meaning?
If you say that something will happen if necessary, when necessary, or where necessary, you mean that it will happen if it is necessary, when it is necessary, or where it is necessary.
Will be needed or would be needed?
New Member. You can use «I will be needing it.», but not «I will be needed it.» «will be» is future tense, while «needed» is past. You can’t combile future with past unless you use the future perfect tense, in which case you would end up with «I will have needed it.»
Is a need a necessity?
A need is an absolute craving of man to possess while the necessity is also a craving without which man manages to survive. For example transport is a need while the personal vehicle is a necessity. … He may move without the personal vehicle by using alternate means.
What can I say instead of I Love You?
Here are five great alternatives to «I love you,» each that deliver a heartfelt and meaningful message.
- I respect you. You can be madly in love with someone, but the relationship will fall short if one person doesn’t feel respected by the other. …
- I appreciate you. …
- I like you. …
- I treasure you. …
- I think you’re hot.
How do you say no politely?
How to Say “No” for Any Reason at All!
- I wish I could make it work.
- I wish I were able to.
- I’d rather not.
- I’m afraid I can’t.
- If only I could!
- No thanks, I won’t be able to make it.
- Not this time.
- Unfortunately, it’s not a good time.
How do you express your needs in a relationship?
How to express your needs in a relationship
- Let’s just admit it, already!
- 1.) Recognize you have needs as a human.
- 2.) Understand that you’re much more likely to get those needs met when you are clear about what they are.
- 3.) Get clear on what your needs are.
- 4.) Talk about yourself, your needs and your emotions.
Table of Contents
- What is a word for wanting to fit in?
- What is a better word for fit?
- What is a stronger word for request?
- What is another name for request?
- What is the difference between a petition and a request?
- How do you write a short petition?
- What is a formal request in legal terms?
- What is a legal request?
- What is the legal terminology?
- What are some common legal terms?
- What words are used in court?
- What word describes a judge’s decision?
- How do you describe court?
- How can I learn legal words?
- What is a terminology?
SYNONYMS FOR need 7 neediness, indigence, penury, privation.
What is a word for wanting to fit in?
assimilate Add to list Share. If you are trying to fit in, you are trying to assimilate.
What is a better word for fit?
What is another word for good fit?
good match | high affinity |
high compatibility | harmony |
rapport |
What is a stronger word for request?
Synonyms for request. ask (for), order, put in (for), requisition.
What is another name for request?
What is another word for request?
call | demand |
appeal | petition |
application | entreaty |
plea | prayer |
requisition | solicitation |
What is the difference between a petition and a request?
The difference between Petition and Request When used as verbs, petition means to make a request to, commonly in written form, whereas request means to express the need or desire for. Petition as a noun: A formal, written request made to an official person or organized body, often containing many signatures.
How do you write a short petition?
Writing a good petition
- State clearly what change you want to make. Make this realistic and concrete.
- Direct the demand to the right people.
- Include accurate information and evidence.
- Make sure it is a clear record of people’s opinion.
- Write clearly.
- Get your timing right.
- Get your petition to the right place.
What is a formal request in legal terms?
petition. 1) n. a formal written request to a court for an order of the court. It is distinguished from a complaint in a lawsuit which asks for damages and/or performance by the opposing party.
What is a legal request?
a way of saying that a party to a lawsuit (or usually the attorney) is asking or demanding a judge to act (such as issuing a writ) or demanding something from the other party (such as production of documents). 2) n. the act of asking or demanding.
What is the legal terminology?
Specialized terminology refers to words that are specific to the legal profession. Some specialized terms originated within the legal system for the purpose of conveying meanings specific to law.
What are some common legal terms?
Defining 10 Commonly Used Legal Terms
- Plaintiff – the person that initiates a lawsuit against someone else.
- Defendant – the person, company, etc., that a lawsuit is brought against.
- Deposition – a statement under oath, taken down in writing, to be used in court in place of the spoken testimony from a witness.
What words are used in court?
Learning Court Vocabulary
- allegation: something that someone says happened.
- continuance: Put off trial unitl another time.
- cross examine: Questioning of a witness by the attorney for the other side.
- interview: A meeting with the police or prosecutor.
- juror: A person who is on the jury.
- oath: A promise to tell the truth.
What word describes a judge’s decision?
Judgment: A court decision. Also called a decree or an order. Judgment File: A permanent court record of the court’s final disposition of the case.
How do you describe court?
A court is any person or institution, often as a government institution, with the authority to adjudicate legal disputes between parties and carry out the administration of justice in civil, criminal, and administrative matters in accordance with the rule of law. The place where a court sits is known as a venue.
How can I learn legal words?
The key to learning and memorizing legal terminology is to follow a model. You won’t succeed without one. And your best bet is to supplement that math learning model with strong memory skills.
What is a terminology?
1 : the technical or special terms used in a business, art, science, or special subject. 2 : nomenclature as a field of study. Other Words from terminology Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More about terminology.
But suddenly, I find myself needing something more,
bigger than myself, and here I am.
Но вдруг я осознала, что мне нужно что-то большее,
больше, чем я, и вот я здесь.
Once you add a power brick, your tablet, accessories like a presenter, smartphone, files for the office and more,
you suddenly find yourself needing something that can help you carry it all in comfort.
После того как вы добавите адаптер питания, планшет, аксессуары, такие как презентер, смартфон, файлы для офиса и многое другое,
Грязнуле Уолтерсу нужно что-то, что его выставит в лучшем свете.
Любой живой энергетической системе нужно что-то, чтобы поддерживать ее, не так ли?
Hogun realizes the boys needed something more in order to grow and prosper in Asgard.
Хогун понимает, что мальчикам нужно что-то большее, чтобы расти и процветать в Асгарде.
Возможно, ему нужно что-то, что помогло бы вернуть ему эту уверенность.
That’s why, for educational purposes, we need something more attractive.
Поэтому, для образовательных целей, нам нужно что-то более привлекательное.
Она там не была. Ей же нужно что-то рассказать своим родителям.
Ну, Ангел, если вам что-то нужно, я уверен, что кто-то внизу захочет вам помочь.
A man can, but you need something, and I just did you that little favor.
Можно, но тебе что-то нужно, и я только что сделал тебе одолжение.
Results: 765,
Time: 0.0945
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
These are great for indoor use when you need something stronger than paper labels.
Они отлично подходят для использования внутри помещений, когда вам нужно что-то более сильное, чем бумажные этикетки.
The recipe says we need something called bean sprouts.
В рецепте говорится, что нам нужно что-то под названием «ростки фасоли».
They magically appear when they need something.
Они волшебным образом появляются, когда им что-то нужно.
Imagine that you need something right now, anything.
Представьте, что вам что-то нужно прямо сейчас, что угодно.
But I need something to go on.
Thanks Cat but I need something else…
We need something that shows they had breakfast together.
Нам нужно что-то, что укажет на то, что они завтракали вместе.
I need something concrete nobody could fake.
Мне нужно что-то реальное, то, что никто не может подделать.
Except you only come around when you need something.
Только вот ты приходишь только тогда, когда тебе что-то нужно.
You need something with a personal touch.
Пап, тебе нужно что-то, что исходило бы от тебя лично.
So I need something to be good.
I mean, I need something new.
I need something to entertain me.
Now that you need something, you call.
А теперь, когда тебе что-то нужно, ты… позвонил.
You need something fun to get them moving.
Вам нужно что-то веселое, чтобы получить их в движении.
To succeed, you need something that works long term.
Чтобы добиться успеха, вам нужно что-то, что работает достаточно долго.
You look like you need something stronger.
Не знаю, мне кажется, тебе нужно что-то посильнее.
Don’t just contact them when you need something.
Не обращайтесь к ним только тогда, когда вам что-то нужно.
You come because you need something.
И все это говорится потому, что вам что-то нужно.
We need something that could attract people.
Нам нужно что-то, что может привлечь внимание людей.
Suggestions that contain need something
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Asked By: Devin Ross Date: created: Mar 12 2023
What is a word for something everyone wants
Answered By: Harold Patterson Date: created: Mar 13 2023
Some common synonyms of want are covet, crave, desire, and wish..
Asked By: Owen Thompson Date: created: Mar 12 2022
What is the emotion for wanting something
Answered By: Gregory Jackson Date: created: Mar 15 2022
Desire is the emotion of longing or hoping for a person, object, or outcome. The same sense is expressed by words such as “craving”. When a person desires something or someone, their sense of longing is excited by the enjoyment or the thought of the item or person, and they want to take actions to obtain their goal.
Asked By: Christian Murphy Date: created: Apr 24 2022
What Does not required mean
Answered By: Thomas Howard Date: created: Apr 24 2022
unnecessary; not necessary; not required.
Asked By: Cyrus Henderson Date: created: Nov 14 2022
What is opposite word of hope
Answered By: Kevin Thompson Date: created: Nov 15 2022
hope(n) Antonyms: despair, desperation, pessimism.
Asked By: Lawrence Thompson Date: created: Feb 01 2023
Is Hope negative word
Answered By: Jayden Torres Date: created: Feb 03 2023
Optimism. Whereas desperate hope often has a negative connotation, optimistic hope is often positive. In both cases, the probability of achieving the hoped-for thing can be very variable, often sitting at a very low probability of occurring.
Asked By: Carl Coleman Date: created: Mar 03 2023
Answered By: Charles Foster Date: created: Mar 04 2023
In this page you can discover 112 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for need, like: requirement, pennilessness, obligation, indigence, insufficiency, exigency, sine qua non (Latin), require, shortage, lack and requisite.
Asked By: Louis Anderson Date: created: Jul 06 2022
What word can I use instead of hope
Answered By: Hugh Gray Date: created: Jul 08 2022
Asked By: Cole Clark Date: created: May 17 2022
What is it called when you want what you can’t have
Answered By: Leonars Davis Date: created: May 18 2022
The Unattainable Urge To Always Want What We Can’t Have. Stocksy.
Asked By: Nathaniel Morris Date: created: Feb 21 2022
Is a requirement mandatory
Answered By: Charles Griffin Date: created: Feb 23 2022
The phrase “mandatory requirement” is redundant. A mandatory action is something that is required, obligatory, or compulsory. Like letting your Great Aunt Edna pinch your cheeks or passing gym to get your diploma. Mandatory is often used in opposition to optional.
Asked By: Jacob Parker Date: created: Jan 30 2022
What is the meaning of requirement
Answered By: Dylan Allen Date: created: Feb 01 2022
1. Requirement, requisite refer to that which is necessary. A requirement is some quality or performance demanded of a person in accordance with certain fixed regulations: requirements for admission to college.
Asked By: Jacob Mitchell Date: created: Mar 03 2022
What is it called when you want something but don’t need it
Answered By: Fred Reed Date: created: Mar 05 2022
This is formally termed a “discretionary purchase”. For example, from the synopsis of the book “Why People Buy Things They Don’t Need”
Asked By: Charles Wood Date: created: Jan 14 2023
What is the meaning of legal requirements
Answered By: Antonio Bennett Date: created: Jan 14 2023
More Definitions of Legal Requirement Legal Requirement means any treaty, convention, statute, law, regulation, ordinance, license, permit, governmental approval, injunction, judgment, order, consent decree or other requirement of any governmental authority, whether federal, state, or local.
Asked By: Joshua Brown Date: created: Nov 20 2022
What is the antonym for hope
Answered By: Morgan Baker Date: created: Nov 21 2022
Antonyms of HOPE know, remember, truth, hopelessness, despair of, despair, question, fact, fear, abandon, discouragement, dread, forsake, hatred, pessimism, disbelief, disbelieve, reality, recollect, dislike, distrust, hate, doubt, recall.
Asked By: Carter White Date: created: Mar 01 2022
What’s another word for wanting something badly
Answered By: Jeffery Moore Date: created: Mar 02 2022
hope; languish; long for; pine; to want something very badly; yearn; have one’s heart set on.
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Can You Tend The Flag In 2019?
➢ No advantage is gained if a player or his or her caddie merely touches the surface of the putting green on the line where the ball will be played. Can you putt with the flag in 2019? As of the start of the 2019 calendar year, golfers of all levels can now putt with the flagstick left in the hole. Caddies can also take the flag out or have it attended — previously the only two options. Can you have the flag tended? Whenever you want. It’s OK for the flag to be tended for any shot, from any location on the golf course. But in the real world, players request tending of the flag primarily when attempting long putts (when they might have trouble seeing the hole without the flag). What are the rule changes in golf for 2019? 2019 Rule: Under Rule 11.1, for all accidental deflections,…
Aidan Powell
Where Do You Stand When Someone Is Putting?
Players should not stand close to or directly behind the ball, or directly behind the hole, when a player is about to play.Players should not stand on another player’s line of putt or, when they are making a stroke, cast a shadow over their line of putt. Where do you stand when someone else is teeing off? When a player is teeing off, the others in the group should be standing together out- side of the markers and off to the side to avoid being a distraction. Standing behind a player who’s teeing off is akin to reading over someone’s shoulder. Can you touch the line of your putt with your putter? Under Rule 16-1a, the player must not touch the line of putt. To avoid the risk of penalty, players or their caddies who take any such actions should take care to avoid touching the line of putt, which…
Henry Bell
Question: Who Is Responsible For Putting The Flagstick Back In The Hole?
This includes what is known as the «through line,» the expected path the ball might take beyond the hole should the person miss.WRITTEN ▶ If the attendant removes the flagstick during a putt and the hole liner is pulled out, your putt is considered holed if the ball falls in. Can you putt with flag in hole 2019? As of the start of the 2019 calendar year, golfers of all levels can now putt with the flagstick left in the hole. Caddies can also take the flag out or have it attended — previously the only two options. Why are they putting with the flagstick in? Reasons for Change: Allowing a player to putt with the flagstick in the hole without fear of penalty should generally help speed up play. Can you leave the flag in the hole when putting? 2019 rules changes: No penalty for putting with the flag…
Joseph Martin
Do Air Shots Count In Golf?
In golf, it is not uncommon for new players to miss the ball and swipe the air instead.These shots are called «air shots».During play, an attempted shot where the ball is missed will count as a shot played. What are the different golf shots? Most shots in golf can be categorized into the following types of shot: Drive. This is a long distance shot usually taken from the tee, but can also be taken from the fairway if necessary. Approach. Putt. Lay-Up. Chip. Punch. Flop. Draw. Does an air swing count in golf? A ‘whiff’ is a most embarrassing moment for any golfer. It occurs when a player takes a swing at their ball, with the intent of moving it, and fails to make contact with it. The first point to note is that there is no penalty for a ‘whiff’, but the attempted stroke does count, even though the…
Reginald Miller
Question: Can You Repair A Pitch Mark On The Green When You Are Off The Green?
You are allowed you to repair damage on the putting green without penalty by taking reasonable actions to restore the putting green as nearly as possible to its original condition.However, on Occasion 2 above your pitch mark was not on the green. Can you fix a ball mark when you are off the green? The Old Rule: A player may only repair ball-marks or old hole plugs on the putting green. The New Rule: Golfers are now allowed to repair almost any damage on the green, such as spike marks, ball-marks, indentations from a club or flagstick, and animal damage. How do you repair pitch marks on the green? Suggested clip 42 seconds The Best Way To Repair A Pitch Mark — YouTube YouTube Start of suggested clip End of suggested clip Are you allowed to fix spike marks? Rule 16-1c permits the repair of old hole plugs and ball…
Dylan Coleman
Question: Can You Hold The Flagstick While Putting?
The New Rule: According to the USGA, under Rule 13.2a(2), “There will no longer be a penalty if a ball played from the putting green hits a flagstick left in the hole.” Players will still have the option to remove the flagstick or to have someone tend the pin and remove it after the ball is struck. Can you leave flagstick in when putting? Players are not required to putt with the flagstick in the hole; rather, they continue to have the choice to have it removed (which includes having someone attend the flagstick and remove it after the ball is played). Can you putt with flag in hole 2019? As of the start of the 2019 calendar year, golfers of all levels can now putt with the flagstick left in the hole. Caddies can also take the flag out or have it attended — previously the only two options.…
Herbert Wilson
Question: Do You Have To Remove The Flag When Putting?
The New Rule: According to the USGA, under Rule 13.2a(2), “There will no longer be a penalty if a ball played from the putting green hits a flagstick left in the hole.” Players will still have the option to remove the flagstick or to have someone tend the pin and remove it after the ball is struck. Should you putt with the flag in? As of the start of the 2019 calendar year, golfers of all levels can now putt with the flagstick left in the hole. Caddies can also take the flag out or have it attended — previously the only two options. Why did PGA change flagstick rule? Reasons for Change: Allowing a player to putt with the flagstick in the hole without fear of penalty should generally help speed up play. When the players did not have caddies, the previous Rule could result in considerable delay. Does…
Connor Cook
Quick Answer: How Long Do Unused Golf Balls Last?
five years How long will a golf ball last? Balls are likely to be lost or damaged before they wear out. According to Golf Digest, unless there is visible damage to the cover, the average golf ball should last at least seven full 18-hole rounds without any degradation in performance. Do golf balls degrade over time? Do golf balls go bad over a period of time? He stated golf balls are now designed with multi-layer surfaces and solid cores, therefore will not go bad or impact performance. Although, golf balls with scuff marks could impact the ball’s performance. How do you use old golf balls? Consider these creative ways to put your old golf balls to use around the home.11 Creative Ways to Use Golf Balls Around the House Massager.Light Dimmer Switch. Vase Filler. Drainage for Potted Plants. Critters for the Garden. Christmas Ornaments. Meat Tenderizer. Table Cloth Weights. Do…