The word for man in french

The French word for man is



The gender of homme is masculine. E.g. un homme.


The plural of homme is hommes.

French Definition

     1. n. Homme, être humain mâle adulte.
     2. n. (Générique) Être humain, quel que soit son sexe. (note) Utilisé sans article. Certains trouvent ce mot sexiste. Pas utilisé si le référent est logiquement une femme.
           L’homme est par nature un animal social.
     3. n. (Collectif) Homme, l’humanité prise dans son ensemble. (note) Utilisé sans article. Certains trouvent ce mot sexiste.
           The dawn of man.
           L’aube de l’humanité.
     4. n. Homme d’honneur.
     5. n. (Familier) Professionnel approprié. (usage) Utilisé avec l’article défini.
           He’s the man.
           Il est le professionnel de la situation.
     6. n. (Échecs) (Chessman) (familier) Pièce d’échecs.
     7. interj. Ça alors !
     8. interj. Mec !, mon pote !
     9. v. Assurer, être en charge d’un travail.
     10. v. Manœuvrer, assurer le fonctionnement d’un appareil, d’un véhicule.
           Man the lifeboats. The ship is sinking.
           Mettez les canots de sauvetage à la mer. Le bateau est en train de couler.

Translations for man and their definitions

homme pronunciation
     1. n. man (adult male human)
     2. n. man, Man (species)
     3. n. man (virile male)
     4. n. man (employee)
     1. n. (chess) pawn
     2. n. (figuratively) pawn
     3. n. (game) counter
     4. n-m. (informal) supervisor (in a school)
     5. n. (particle) pion
     1. n. (slang) guy, fellow, bloke, chap, dude
     2. n. (obsolete, slang) pimp
être humain
     1. n-m. A human being.
humain pronunciation
     1. n. human
     2. adj. human
     3. adj. humane




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What do you call a boy in French?

boy → garçon gars boy jeune homme.

Is MEC a bad word?

The word mec is yet another commonly used slang term and refers to boyfriends as well as guys in general. For example: Il est beau ce mec. That guy is good-looking.

What is the meaning of Homme?

: respectable man : gentleman : man of breeding and taste.

How do you pronounce man?

What does Cheri mean in French?

Chéri is from a French verb form for “cherished” and mon is the male personal pronoun “my.” So your chéri is someone you prize and treasure. The female equivalent is ma chérie. … Music legend Stevie Wonder made a soul hit out of a version of mon chéri in his 1969 “My Cherie Amour ” or my darling love.

How do you address a boy in French?


  1. “Monsieur” (M.) for a man The plural is Messieurs (MM. for short).
  2. “Madame” (Mme) for a woman. The plural is Mesdames (Mmes).
  3. “Mademoiselle” (Mlle) is a traditional alternative for an unmarried woman. The plural is Mesdemoiselles (Mlles).

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What is French slang called?

There are three types of commonly practiced slang in French: louchébem argot and verlan aka verlan à l’envers.

How do you say cool in French slang?

Is Ouais rude?

Like ouais ouaip is very informal and could be considered rude if you‘re talking to someone in a professional or formal setting. Ouais and ouaip are two awesome additions to your oui toolbox but remember that to only use them with people you’re close to that is with people you use tu with.

Is Homme masculine or feminine French?

To say ‘a woman’ we say une femme. And yes the word for ‘man ’ homme is masculine. But to say ‘a man ’ we say un homme.

What is the meaning of fatale?

: a seductive woman who lures men into dangerous or compromising situations.

What is the opposite of Bon?

bon means good in french and its opposite is bad.

How do you say British man?

What is the difference between men and man?

MAN is used to denote a single male whereas MEN is used for denoting more than one male. In short one can understand it as simple difference of singular and plural.

What is the difference between a man and the man?

Saying “The man” has an entirely different connotation that relates to authority figures whereas “a man” is commonly used to indicate an individual person.

What do you call a French boyfriend?

Mon amoureux (M) mon amoureuse (F): My lover some people will say this to children as it does not necessarily mean someone you bed but it’s honestly a little creepy. Mon homme (M): My man. Ma nana (F): my girlfriend informal. Ma nénette (F): same as above but a little more outdated. Mon mec (M): my boyfriend.

Can you say mon Cheri to a man?

Ma chérie and mon chéri both refer to “my darling ” the endearing term I am sharing with you here. The difference is that one is feminine (ma chérie which is said to a female) and the other is masculine (mon chéri which is said to a male).

What is mon ami?

Translation of “mon ami” in English. Noun. Adverb. my friend. my buddy.

How do you greet a man in French?

Does Garcon mean boy?

As you probably already know garçon is the French word for “boy.”

Why is Mademoiselle offensive?

You may not have known it but the French word mademoiselle that we are all taught at school to mean “miss” is rather offensive to some. … Adding insult to injury the word mademoiselle actually comes from the term ‘oiselle’ which can also mean ‘virgin’.

What does Bobo mean in French?

PARIS— The French have embraced a new expression to describe those who have it all: Bobo. The term is short for bourgeois and bohemian two social castes no one ever expected to find mixed up together. Bobo takes over where the old Mitterrand-era label “gauche caviar ” or caviar socialist left off.

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What is French backwards?

The slang language essentially sees the sounds of a word’s syllables pronounced back-to-front. In fact the word “verlan” itself is an example of Verlan as it’s the French word “L’envers” (reverse) in reverse. The phenomenon which some suggest took off after World World Two is incredibly popular with younger people.

Do the French swear a lot?

The French not unlike their English-speaking friends use quite a lot of swear words. French swear words don’t denote only anger or frustration but are used to express a whole range of expressions from surprise to sadness excitement or even pure joy.

Why do the French say sacre bleu?

Sacrebleu or sacre bleu is a French profanity used as a cry of surprise or happiness. It is a minced oath form of the profane sacré dieu “holy God”. The holy God exclamation being profane is related to the third commandment: “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

What is broken French called?

Haitian Creole (Kreyòl ayisyen) is spoken in Haiti by all of its 7 million people. … It is based on French and on the African languages spoken by slaves brought from West Africa to work on plantations. It is often incorrectly described as a French dialect or as “broken French”.

Do the French say Si for yes?

2) “Si” = Yes !

In French we use Oui to say “yes ” most of the time. … French language resolves that ambiguity by using another word to mean “yes” after a negative question: Si ! For example: “Tu n’as pas faim ?” “Si !” (= “Aren’t you hungry?” “ Yes I am hungry.”)

See also what is a whale’s tail called

Is Oui pronounced WEE or way?

I have never really noticed all the other times that i have been to France but the word “oui” is usually pronounced “wee”.

How do u say good morning in French?

What is the feminine of male?

In general there’s no distinction between masculine and feminine in English language. But sometimes we show gender in different words when referring to people or animals.

List of masculine and feminine words in English:

Masculine Feminine Gender neutral
man woman person
father mother parent
boy girl child
uncle aunt

How can you tell the difference between a male and female French?

  • Most nouns referring to men boys and male animals are masculine most nouns referring to women girls and female animals are feminine. …
  • Generally words ending in -e are feminine and words ending in a consonant are masculine though there are many exceptions to this rule.

What does phrase mean in French?

1. (= saying) expression f. 2. (= group of words) groupe m de mots.

What is a fatal woman?

A femme fatale (/ˌfæm fəˈtɑːl/ or /ˌfɛm fəˈtɑːl/ French: [fam fatal] literally “lethal woman”) sometimes called a maneater or vamp is a stock character of a mysterious beautiful and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers often leading them into compromising deadly traps.

How do you read femme?

How to Say ‘MAN’ in French? | How to Pronounce Homme?

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How to say ‘man’ in French?

translation of man in french

In this article, we will explore the various translation of man in French. Let’s get started!

Translation of man in French

In today’s globalized world, communicating effectively across languages is more important than ever. The translation is crucial in facilitating communication and understanding between people from different cultures.

One of the most fundamental words in any language is “man.” In English, “man” can refer to an adult male human or all human beings and is also used in various idioms and phrases.

However, translating “man” into French can be quite complex, as there are several options to choose from, each with its connotations and usage.

This article will explore the different translations of “man” in French and the cultural and idiomatic differences that can affect the translation.

The meaning and usage of “man” in English

In English, “man” can have several different meanings and uses. As a noun, “man” can refer to an adult male human. For example, “The man walked down the street.”

It can also refer to all human beings, regardless of gender. For example, “Man has always been curious about the world.”As a pronoun, “man” can refer to a specific adult male or adult female. For example, “He is a good man,” or “Every man needs a good education.”

It’s also used in idiomatic expressions, such as “man up,” which means to be brave and strong, “man of the hour,” meaning a person who is doing something important or impressive at the moment, and “the man” a term used to refer to authority figures or powerful people.

The usage and meaning of “man” in English can vary depending on the context, and it’s important to consider these nuances when translating it into other languages.

translation of man in french

Translation options for “man” in French

When translating “man” in French, there are several options, each with its connotations and usage.The most common translation for “man” as an adult male human is “homme.” For example, “L’homme marche dans la rue.”

This translation can also refer to all human beings, regardless of gender, like in the sentence “L’homme est curieux de nature.”Another option for translating “man” as a noun is “être humain” which translates to “human being”.

This can refer to a person regardless of gender and is a more inclusive option. For example, “Tous les êtres humains ont besoin d’amour.”When used as a pronoun, “man” can be translated to “il,” meaning he, this pronoun can also refer to any adult male. For example, “Il est un bon homme” or “Tout homme a besoin d’une bonne éducation.”

When translating idiomatic expressions, it’s important to keep in mind the cultural and idiomatic differences between English and French.

For example, “man up” can be translated to “être courageux” which means to be brave, “man of the hour” can be translated to “l’homme de l’heure” which means the person who is doing something important or impressive at the moment, and “the man” can be translated to “l’autorité” which means the authority figure or powerful person.

It’s important to note that in French, like in many languages, gender is important and affects the choice of words and grammar. Therefore, choosing the right translation option depends on the context and message you want to convey.

Common phrases and idioms featuring “man” in English

Several common phrases and idioms in English feature the word “man.” Here are a few examples:

  • “Man up” encourages someone to be brave and strong. It can be translated into French as “être courageux” or “se montrer fort.”
  • “Man of the hour” refers to a person doing something important or impressive at the moment. It can be translated into French as “l’homme de l’heure.”
  • “The man”: This phrase is used to refer to authority figures or powerful people. It can be translated into French as “l’autorité” or “les puissants”
  • “A man’s man”: This phrase is used to describe a man who is traditionally masculine, rugged and self-sufficient. It can be translated into French as “un vrai homme”
  • “Man of the people”: This phrase is used to describe a popular and well-liked person by the general public. It can be translated into French as “l’homme de la foule”
  • “Man of letters”: This phrase is used to describe a well-educated and well-read person, often in literature. It can be translated into French as “homme de lettres”

It’s important to note that idioms and phrases are often culture-specific and can be difficult to translate directly, so it’s important to understand the idiomatic meaning to convey the same meaning in another language.

Final words

In conclusion, translating the word “man” from English to French can be quite complex due to the various meanings and usage of the word in English and the cultural and idiomatic differences between the two languages.

As we have seen, “man” can refer to an adult male human, to all human beings, and is also used in various idioms and phrases. In French, the most common translation for “man” as an adult male human is “homme,” however, other options, such as “être humain,” are also available and more inclusive.

It’s important to consider the context and message you want to convey when choosing the right translation option.Additionally, idiomatic expressions featuring “man” can be difficult to translate directly, and it’s important to understand the idiomatic meaning to convey the same meaning in French.

Understanding the nuances and subtleties of translating words like “man” is crucial for effective communication and understanding across languages and cultures.

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1. homme homme

Tu connais cet homme?

Il fut un temps où Christophe Colomb défia un autre navigateur en duel. Ce dernier, un homme vicieux, ne fit pas 10 pas, comme dicté dans les règles, mais 2, puis il se retourna pour tirer. Malheureusement pour lui, Colomb ne fit aucun pas.

Un jeune homme pauvre peut seul savoir ce qu’une passion coûte en voitures, en gants, en habits, linge, etc. Si l’amour reste un peu trop de temps platonique, il devient ruineux.

Lorsqu’une femme reste trop longtemps esseulée, tôt ou tard elle commence à penser; et nul homme ne sait ce qu’elle pourrait découvrir.

Ferdinand Magellan fut le premier homme à traverser à la voile tous les méridiens du monde, mais la seule raison qui le lui permit, c’est que Christophe Colomb avait choisi de le faire à la nage.

Monsieur White leur dit : « la chambre sera à 30$, 10$ par homme ». Chaque homme lui donna 10$ et monta dans sa chambre.

Entre un homme et une femme il n’y a pas d’amitié possible. Il y a la passion, l’hostilité, l’adoration et l’amour, mais non l’amitié.

Chauvin était un militaire qui a sacrifié des parties de son corps pour son pays. Un chauvin est donc un homme dont l’attachement à son pays est excessif.

Le jeune homme riche et complaisant se sentait étrangement attiré par la stricte vie ascétique menée par les membres de quelques-uns des ordres monastiques.

Cet homme a touché le fond : sa femme l’a quitté il s’est fait virer de son travail et il est alcoolique. Le pire c’est que je le connaissais, c’était mon patron il y a cinq ans.

L’homme pauvre, mais indépendant des hommes, n’est qu’aux ordres de la nécessité. L’homme riche, mais dépendant, est aux ordres d’un autre homme ou de plusieurs.

En ville, Il y a 12 — 15 ans, dans la grand-rue vivait dans son hôtel particulier le fonctionnaire Gromov : un homme solide et aisé.

French word «man»(homme) occurs in sets:

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2. l'homme l’homme

Voici l’homme.

L’honnête homme ment dix fois par jour, l’honnête femme vingt fois par jour, l’homme du monde cent fois par jour. On n’a jamais pu compter combien de fois par jour ment une femme du monde.

À proprement parler, l’homme est fou, comme le corps est malade, par nature ; la raison comme la santé n’est en nous qu’une réussite momentanée et un bel accident.

La surcharge rendant la possession des terres onéreuse, l’humble propriétaire abandonna son champ, ou le vendit à l’homme puissant; et les fortunes se concentrèrent en un moindre nombre de mains.

« Si mon gamin ne savait pas parler shanghaïen, je lui donnerais une claque à cet idiot. » dit l’homme.

Le plus parfait des singes ne peut dessiner de singe ; seul l’homme le peut. Mais d’un autre côté, seul l’homme considère cette faculté comme un signe de supériorité.

Il est des cas où l’homme, quelqu’intelligent qu’il soit, obtempère en des raisons qui, bien qu’aléatoires, n’en présentent pas moins un intérêt subséquent d’une valeur intrinsèque absolue.

Abu al-Husayn ibn al-Rawandi, dès le neuvième siècle, soutenait que la raison est le guide exclusif de l’homme vers la vérité, une quête dans laquelle la révélation n’est d’aucun soutien.

Quelle malchance a pu dénaturer l’homme — seul vraiment né pour vivre libre — au point de lui faire perdre la souvenance de son premier état et le désir de le reprendre ?

French word «man»(l’homme) occurs in sets:

Family and relations — La famille et les relations
People — Personnes
Personnes — People
Body parts, French
Gens – People

Independent of the type of raw material (synthetic or natural material), the processing stage manmade textile and non-woven fibres’ is regarded as an article.

Ind�pendamment du type de mati�re premi�re (mati�re synth�tique ou naturelle), l’�tape de transformation �fibres synth�tiques de textiles et de non-tiss�s� est consid�r�e comme un article.

For the drawing of the old man and the bird, she has […]

to pay attention to all the details.

Pour le dessin avec le vieux monsieur et l’oiseau, elle […]

doit faire attention � tous les d�tails.

What appears to be a father protecting his cherished young

daughter is actually a man negotiating the sale of […]

this child.

Ce qui ressemble � un p�re aimant prot�geant sa

fillette est en fait un homme n�gociant la vente de […]


Also a man who had a stroke in 2004 and was handicapped ever since received healing tonight along with a man whose arm was paralyzed.

Un autre homme qui avait eu une attaque d’apoplexie en 2004 et qui avait �t� handicap� depuis, a �galement �t� compl�tement gu�ri ce soir ainsi qu’un homme dont un brastait paralys�.

The principle asserts the primacy of man over machine.

Le projet

affirme la primaut� de l’homme sur la machine.

sites : works of man or the combined works of nature and of man, and areas including […]

archaeological sites which are of outstanding


universal value from the historical, aesthetic, ethnological or anthropological points of view.

Les sites : oeuvres de l’homme ou oeuvres conjugu�es de l’homme et de la nature, […]

ainsi que les zones y compris les sites


arch�ologiques qui ont une valeur universelle exceptionnelle du point de vue historique, esth�tique, ethnologique ou anthropologique.

A young man brought us a thrilling personal […]

tale a few months ago.

Un jeune homme nous partagea un t�moignage […]

palpitant, il y a quelques mois.

He is a young man still in the […]

early stages of his career.

Il est jeune, encore au d�but de […]

sa carri�re.

The area in question is criss-crossed by a dense network

of natural and manmade waterways.

L’aire consid�r�e poss�de un r�seau

hydrographique naturel et artificiel dense.

In Poland

we have a saying, when man hurries, the devil smiles’.

En Pologne, nous avons un

dicton qui dit �lorsque l’homme se pr�cipite, le diable […]


As man is given to excess in everything, […]

when he can be, he is excessive in his inequality».

Comme les hommes sont exag�r�s en tout, […]

d�s qu’ils le peuvent ils exag�rent les in�galit�s.

I may be the oldest musician in the world? but in many ways I am still a young man.

Je suis peut-�tre le plus vieux musicien du monde? mais par beaucoup de c�t�s, je suis encore jeune.

The conjugal partnership of a man and a woman constitutes […]

a particular benefit for the couple and a unique good for society,


as evident in their mutual love as well as in the procreation of children.

La relation conjugale entre un homme et une femme constitue […]

un bien irrempla�able pour le couple et la soci�t�, de fa�on


�vidente � l’�gard de leur amour mutuel, tout comme pour la procr�ation d’enfants.

He had lost

everything that made a man respected in society.

Il avait perdu tout ce qui

avait fait de lui un homme respect� dans la soci�t�.

It is a fascinating story, as the Old Man relates his life with wit and humour.

C’est un livre passionnant car le Vieux y raconte sa vie avec esprit et humour.

Let me give the man a quick analogy.

Permettez-moi de proposer une br�ve analogie au d�put�.

Let us teach

them that a free man is one who defends the freedom of another, and that a man who loves God is one who loves his fellow man.

Enseignons-leur que l’homme libre est celui qui d�fend la libert� de l’autre et qui aime Dieu, aime son prochain.

The manmade fibres are ‘assembled’ in different processes to form the final products, like the tow rope.

L’unit� de conversion induit la cr�ation d�lib�r�e d’une forme du mat�riau, qui d�termine sa fonction.

One day, I was

doing a sculpture of a man but I did not like it.

Un jour, je

sculptais la forme d‘un homme et je n’ai pas aim� […]

ce que j’ai ressenti.

He is a very simple and wise man.

C’est une personne tr�s simple et tr�s profonde.

The sun rises every morning to salute you just as it does

the most powerful and prosperous man on earth.

Le soleil se l�ve chaque matin pour te saluer, exactement

comme il le fait pour l’homme le plus puissant et […]

le plus prosp�re de la terre.

The man had already obtained […]

forged documents indicating that the boy was his son.



L‘homme avait d�j� obtenu de […]

faux documents indiquant que le gar�on �tait son fils.



The various manmade and natural landscapes also represent a remarkable natural heritage which […]

should be preserved.

Les diff�rents paysages cultiv�s et naturels repr�sentent un patrimoine naturel remarquable.

And because of that, we find a desire to serve our fellow man.

Et c’est pourquoi nous d�couvrons le d�sir de servir nos compagnons.

Natural and manmade disasters, […]

such as forest fires and energy shortages, also require cross-border preparedness and response.

Les catastrophes d’origine naturelle ou humaine, comme les

incendies de for�t et les insuffisances […]

d’�nergie exigent aussi des dispositifs de pr�paration


et de r�action transfronti�res.

It is to proclaim

that each woman, each man and each child has imprescriptible rights.

C’est proclamer que

chaque femme, chaque homme, chaque enfant a des […]

droits imprescriptibles.

He further said that he considered

himself as a man of duty and with a mission, rather than a man of power.

Il a ensuite indiqu� qu’il se

consid�rait plut�t comme un homme de mission et de devoir qu’un homme de pouvoir.

Only a very rude man would wear his […]

hat indoors.

Seul un homme tr�s grossier porte […]

un chapeau � l’int�rieur.

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