The word for job in french

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For the job
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Ça s’appelle trouver


meilleure personne pour le job.

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Mark’s/L’Équipeur carries all


apparel necessary for the job of being Canadian.


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Mark’s/L’Équipeur propose tous les vêtements nécessaires au métier de Canadien.


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She left


one year next year for the job of his worst.

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This page explores French jobs and professions vocabulary. There are two words for profession in French: ‘un métier’ and ‘une profession’. Whenever possible we have listed out the masculine and feminine forms of the job. There is only a masculine form for many professions.

French jobs vocabulary: List of 80+ words.

How to ask somebody their profession in French

To ask somebody their profession, say, ‘Quel est votre méter?‘ or ‘Quelle est votre profession‘.

When answering this question, treat the profession like an adjective. For example, to say I’m a dentist, say: ‘Je suis dentiste’.

Do not use the indefinite article un or une. Use the indefinite article if you want to quality the sentence with an adjective. For example, ‘Je suis un bon dentist‘ (I’m a good dentist).

Arts & Entertainment

In French there are two words for actor: un acteur/une actrice, as well as un comedien and une comédienne.

These words can be used synonymously. The word comedian (as in stand-up) in English translates to un(e) humoriste or un(e) comique in French.

The word for photographer can also cause some confusion. The actual person is ‘un(e) photographe’, which is almost the same as the actual picture or photograph in English!

Je suis artist. I am an artist.

  • Actor acteur / actrice
  • Architect architecte / architecte
  • Comedian comédien / comédienne
  • Composer compositeur / compositrice
  • Dancer danseur / danseuse
  • Designer, draughtsman dessinateur / dessinatrice
  • Film producer producteur / productrice
  • Painter, artist peintre / peintre
  • Photographer photographe / photographe
  • Playwright dramaturge / dramaturge
  • Singer chanteur / chanteuse
  • TV anchor présentateur / présentatrice

Business & Offices

There are many words describing manager, director and higher-ups in general. One word not included in the list below is ‘un(e) responsable’.

While this looks like the English adjective responsible, it translates to head, supervisor and manager in French.

The words for personal assistant are ‘un(e) assistant(e) de direction and ‘secrétaire de direction’. The word ‘direction’ here means management.

Je suis agent de change. I'm a stockborker.

  • Businessman un homme d’affaires
  • Businesswoman une femme d’affaires
  • Accountant comptable / comptable
  • Receptionist réceptionniste / réceptionniste
  • Salesperson vendeur / vendeuse
  • Secretary secrétaire / secrétaire
  • Staff member employé / employée
  • Stockbroker agent de change / agente de change
  • Manager directeur / directrice
  • Manager gérant / gérante
  • Merchant marchand / marchande
  • Trainee stagiaire / stagiaire

Construction & Trades

Knowing the vocabulary for jobs in the trades is very important if you live in France and need to find a repairman.

According to, the word for handyman is ‘un homme à tout faire’, which translates to a man who does everything.

Another word for handyman is ‘bricoleur’, which comes from the verb ‘bricoler’. Bricoler means to tinker.

Je suis électricien. I'm an electrician.

  • Appliance repair man dépanneur
  • Carpenter charpentier / charpentière
  • Electrician électricien / électricienne
  • Engineer ingénieur / ingénieure
  • Handyman homme à tout faire
  • Mason maçon
  • Mechanic mécanicien / mécanicienne
  • Painter peintre en bâtiment
  • Plumber plombier

Education & Publications

There are many words for teacher and this can cause confusion. At the elementary school level, the word for teacher is ‘un instituteur, une institutrice.

Another word that is used at the elementary school level is ‘un maître, une maîtresse’. At the junior high school and high school level the word is ‘un(e) enseignant(e)’.

The word ‘un professeur’ can be used for both high school and university level teachers and professors. The slang word for ‘un professeur’ (only exists in the masculine form) is ‘un(e) prof’.

Je suis écrivaine. I'm a writer.

  • Editor rédacteur / rédactrice
  • Illustrator illustrateur / illustratrice
  • Interpreter interprète / interprète
  • Journalist, reporter journaliste / journaliste
  • Novelist romancie / romancière
  • Student étudiant / étudiante
  • Teacher professeur, instituteur, enseignant / professeur, institutrice, enseignante
  • Writer écrivain(e) / auteur

Food & Restaurants

In modern language the word for waiter is ‘un serveur’. Many people like to use the word ‘un garçon’, but this term has become quite dated.

The word for waitress is simply ‘une serveuse’. In the restaurant setting the French differentiate between somebody who just physically prepares food and a grand master of high-level cooking.

A lower-level cook is ‘un cuisinier (une cuisinière)’ and a higher-level chef is ‘un/une’ chef.

Je suis chef. I'm a chef.

  • Baker boulanger / boulangère
  • Butcher boucher / bouchère
  • Brewer brasseur / brasseuse
  • Chef chef / chef
  • Cook cuisinier / cuisinière
  • Farmer agriculteur / agricultrice
  • Pastry chef pâtissier / pâtissière
  • Pork butcher charcutier / charcutière
  • Waiter, waitress serveur / serveuse

Government & Town Services

In politics, it is seen as impolite to refer to a politician as ‘un(e) politique’. It is more polite to say, ‘un homme politique’ or ‘une femme politique’.

It is noteworthy that the word for soldier only exists in the masculine form: ‘un soldat’. There is no feminine form.

Je suis soldat. I'm a soldier.

  • Civil servant fonctionnaire / fonctionnaire
  • Diplomat diplomate / diplomate
  • Fireman pompier
  • Judge juge
  • Police officer policier, agent de police policière
  • Politician homme / femme politique
  • Prosecutor procureur
  • Soldier soldat
  • Mail carrier facteur / factrice

Homes & Real Estate

There are several words for maid with varying levels of politeness. A maid in a house is ‘une femme de ménage’ and a maid in a hotel is ‘femme de chambre’.

A maid in a house can also be called ‘une domestique’. The term, ‘une bonne’ also means housemaid but is outdated and most likely considered impolite.

  • Gardener jardinier / jardinière
  • Maid femme de chambre
  • Real-estate agent agent immobilier / agente immobilier


In French, the words ‘un docteur’ and ‘un médecin’ can be used interchangeably for doctor. Interestingly, there is no feminine for for either of these terms.

For the words ‘psychiatre’ and ‘psychologue’ below, both the -p and -s must be pronounced French, just as the -s and -t must be pronounced in the English word ‘stop’.

Je suis médecin. I'm a doctor.

  • Dentist dentiste
  • Doctor médecin / médecin
  • Nurse infirmier / infirmière
  • Optician opticien / opticienne
  • Pharmacist pharmacien / pharmacienne
  • Nutritionist nutritionniste
  • Psychiatrist psychiatre
  • Psychologist psychologue
  • Veterinarian vétérinaire


In French the word for sales clerk (un vendeur, une vendeuse) can also translate to sales man or saleswoman. Note that the two terms for bagger listed below only are used in Canada and not in France.

  • Bagger ensacheur, ensacheuse, aide de caisse
  • Cashier cassier / cassière
  • Sales clerk vendeur / venduse
  • Stock boy magasinier


Maybe the French language will one day become more advanced and more open, but for now the following terms for religious leaders only exist in the masculine forms.

  • Bishop evêque
  • Monk moine
  • Nun religieuse, sœur
  • Reverend révérend
  • Priest prêtre
  • Rabbi rabbin

Science & Exploration

Almost all science-related words are the same in English and French. Hence, almost all of the terms below are the same in both languages. The word or scientist is ‘un(e) scientifique’.

Je suis scientifique. I'm a scientist.

  • Astronaut astronaute
  • Chemist chimiste
  • Computer engineer informaticien / informaticienne
  • Information specialist documentaliste
  • Physicist physicien / physicienne
  • Researcher chercheur, chercheuse
  • Scientist scientifique


The French word hairdresser is ‘un coiffeur’ or ‘une coiffeuse’. The word ‘coffeur’ can also mean barber. In French, ‘un barbier’ is somebody who only trims beards. An, ‘ouvrier’ is a general term for a manual laborer or somebody who works with their hands.

  • Beautician esthéticienne
  • Hairdresser coiffeur / coiffeuse
  • House cleaner homme de ménage / femme de ménage
  • Janitor gardien / gardienne
  • Laborer, worker ouvrier / /ouvrière
  • Lawyer avocat / avocate
  • Surveyor géomètre-expert


  • Coach entraîneur
  • Lifeguard maître-nageur, surveillant de baignade / surveillante de baignade
  • Physical therapist kinésithérapeute
  • Professional athlete athlète professionnel / athlète professionnelle
  • Referee arbitre


  • Bus driver conducteur d’autobus / conductrice d’autobus
  • Engineer (train) conducteur, conductrice
  • Flight attendant steward / hôtesse de l’air
  • Pilot pilote
  • Taxi driver chauffeur de taxi

Let’s review French jobs vocabulary:

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More vocabulary lists:

  • Sports
  • School subjects
  • Hobbies
  • Personalities

More resources:

  • French professions (master list in French)
  • List of professions in French (

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David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he’s the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.




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Home>Words that start with J>job>English to French translation

How to Say Job in FrenchAdvertisement

Jobs and Occupations

If you want to know how to say job in French, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand French better.

Here is the translation and the French word for job:


Job in all languages

Dictionary Entries near job

  • jigsaw puzzle
  • jilt
  • jingle
  • job
  • job application
  • job interview
  • job loss

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«Job in French.» In Different Languages, Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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  • aide
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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

And despite your slight errors in logistical judgment, good job.

Et malgré vos petites erreurs de jugement logistique, bon travail.

Our company cultivates a particular taste for a job well done.

Notre société cultive un goût particulier pour le travail bien fait.

This makes securing a job once in country extremely difficult.

Cela rend obtenir un emploi une fois dans le pays extrêmement difficile.

Why the network marketing rather than a salaried job in 2018.

Pourquoi le network marketing plutôt qu’un emploi salarié en 2018.

Your job is delivered to all the passengers to their destination.

Votre travail est remis à tous les passagers à leur destination.

They are doing an absolutely great job with very limited fundings.

Elles font un travail absolument formidable avec des moyens très limités.

Its dynamic and explosive sides represent this fascinating creative job.

Son côté dynamique et explosif symbolise le travail fascinant de la création.

Save time without neglecting the importance of a job well done.

Économisez du temps sans négliger l’importance du travail bien fait.

A robust job market has also contributed to economic expansion.

Un marché du travail robuste a aussi contribué à l’expansion économique.

In many instances trainers have prior job experience in the workplace.

Ils disposent souvent d’une expérience préalable de travail en entreprise.

The relevant job description is reviewed and updated as required.

La définition d’emploi pertinente est revue et actualisée si nécessaire.

Your orders are to facilitate the job of this scientific team.

Vos ordres sont de faciliter le travail d’une équipe scientifique.

My job is to provide the president an impartial opinion.

Mon travail est de fournir un avis impartial au président.

Election monitoring is sometimes a difficult and dangerous job.

Le contrôle des élections est parfois un travail difficile et dangereux.

Include any information that might be appropriate to your job search.

Inclure toute information pouvant être appropriée à l’emploi recherché.

The painting company completed the job sooner than anticipated.

La compagnie a terminé les travaux de peinture plus vite que prévu.

Main job will consist in giving life to every instrument.

Le principal travail consistera à donner vie à chaque instrument.

Your first job out of college writing for that newspaper…

Ton premier travail après l’université écrire pour ce journal…

And this job requires more than simply following the law.

Et ce travail requiert plus que simplement suivre la loi.

It was an absorbing job requesting constant presence and continuity.

C’est un travail très prenant qui demande présence et continuité.

4 years, 4 months ago

2k times

What is different between these words?

All of these words mean job in English but when to use them?

  • métier
  • job
  • profession

jlliagre's user avatar


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asked Nov 19, 2018 at 13:04

Mostafa Abedi's user avatar

Even if they might all be translated to job in English, they don’t mean the same thing in French.

  • job is used as emploi or travail. If you are unemployed and looking for a job, you can say je cherche un emploi or je cherche un job or je cherche du travail.

  • métier is most of time what you learn. If you learned engineering in a school, you can say j’ai appris le métier d’ingénieur

  • profession is the title or a group of métier. If you are a nurse, you can say je travaille dans une profession médicale. profession is closer (synonym) to métier.

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answered Nov 19, 2018 at 20:13

Laurent G.'s user avatar

Laurent G.Laurent G.

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Job is the vulgar way to say travail. It’s used most of the time for little job like summer work.
Profession is your job title (boulanger, policier, journaliste, …). If profession is used for an individual, not for a work core capacity like métier


jlliagre's user avatar


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answered Nov 19, 2018 at 15:56

Baptiste Gavalda's user avatar


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