The word for in cursive

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.



в рукописном

прописными буквами

Between second and fourth grade, kids learn to write in cursive and will apply the conventions of handwriting automatically.

Между вторым и четвертым классом, дети учатся писать курсивом и стараются применять соглашения почерка автоматически.

The researchers developed a system that allows users to write in cursive on a video monitor using only their eyes.

Учёные разработали систему, которая позволяет своим пользователям писать курсивом на видеомониторе при помощи только движения глаз.

Teaching your child how to write in cursive will take a little effort and some supervision.

Обучение вашего ребенка, как писать прописью займет немного усилий и некоторые наблюдения.

I trust these instructions aren’t in cursive?

Надеюсь инструкции написаны не прописью?

classical poem in cursive script at Treasures of Ancient China exhibit

Классическая поэма в рукописном шрифте на выставке Сокровища древнего Китая

For many children, learning to write their name in cursive is a significant milestone.

Для многих детей обучение написанию своего имени курсивом становится существенным достижением.

The hryvnia symbol is the Ukraine letter ‘He’ written in cursive with two horizontal lines through the centre.

Символом гривны является украинская буква «г», написанная курсивом с двумя горизонтальными линиями, проходящими через центр.

Do you really have nothing better to do than stand there all day and watch me write in cursive?

Тебе действительно нечего больше делать чем стоят тут целый день и смотреть, как я пишу курсивом?

The numbers written in cursive on the human chart on the left (‘khor lo) are used to calculate the movements of Saturn (spen pa).

Числа, написанные курсивом на карте человека («khor lo»), используются для расчета движений Сатурна (spen pa).

To build Turry’s writing skills, she is programmed to write the first part of the note in print and then sign «Robotica» in cursive so she can get practice with both skills.

Чтобы отточить письменные навыки Тарри, она запрограммирована на написание первой части сообщения печатными буквами, а «Robotica» — курсивом, потому может оттачивать сразу оба навыка.

In its written form, the Mkhedruli letters are not connected to one another, although they can be written in cursive.

В печатном виде буквы Мхедрули не соединяются, хотя могут быть напечатаны курсивом

In the early days of the post office, letters were written in cursive — and to fit more text on a single sheet, the text was continued in lines crossing at 90 degrees from the original text. Block letters were not suitable for this.

В первые дни почтового отделения письма были написаны курсивом — и чтобы вместить больше текста на одном листе, текст был продолжен линиями, пересекающимися под углом 90 градусов от исходного текста.

In the first century, Roman scribes wrote in cursive, so when they typed the Latin word age meaning «and» they linked the e and t.

В первом веке нашей эры римские писцы писали курсивом, поэтому, когда они писали латинской союз «и», то соединяли ё и t.

The inscription in cursive Bactrian reads: «Mihira, Vishnu and Shiva».

Надпись бактрийским курсивом гласит: «Михира, Вишну и Шива».

Additionally, many historical documents, such as the United States Constitution, are written in cursive — the inability to read cursive therefore precludes one from being able to fully appreciate such documents in their original format.

Многие исторические документы, такие как Конституция Соединенных Штатов, написаны курсивом — поэтому неспособность читать курсивом лишает человека возможности полностью оценить такие документы в их оригинальном формате.

I prefer to write in cursive.

Some serekhs written on pottery vessels had hieroglyphs in cursive format, possibly a premature stage of hieratic.

Некоторые шерехи, написанные на керамике, имели иероглифы в скорописном формате, возможно, преждевременную стадию иератики.

And please sign it in cursive.

I remember when she taught me how to write my name in cursive.

They say they were born in cursive.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 45. Точных совпадений: 45. Затраченное время: 92 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Printable Worksheets → Cursive Words → 3-Letter Words

Three-letter words in cursive

Did you know that “you” is the most commonly used 3-letter word? We have selected such words for your cursive handwriting practice.

We have prepared a free worksheet for you to practice three-letter words in cursive. This worksheet has dotted letters that help you to trace and write the letters properly. The worksheet also has empty boxes for you to write on your own.

Download Three Letter Words in Cursive Worksheet [PDF, Two A4-size pages, 1.9MB]

can are add dam did get
use win wet why toy the
sun six sit pay pen egg
lap law bed big box boy
few fry how his her kid
not van mug you now may

We have created a worksheet with these words for your practice.

Download Three Letter Words in Cursive Worksheet [PDF, Two A4-size pages, 1.9MB]

These words are also available as worksheets in our Surya’s Cursive Writing Course – Practice Book 3. Here is a preview of those worksheets.

Next in the Learning Line

  • Four letter words in Cursive

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The, uh, invitation is handwritten, Serena, in cursive.

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That’s why I refuse to write my signature in cursive.

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Поэтому я отказываюсь расписываться курсивом.

I remember when she taught me how to write my name in cursive.

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Some of the letters are written


print, others in cursive.

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Некоторые буквы печатные, остальные написаны от руки.

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Надеюсь инструкции написаны не прописью?

Do you really have nothing better to do than stand there all day and

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Тебе действительно нечего больше делать чем стоят тут целый день и смотреть,

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The alphabet included many characters(a, i, k, t, p, b, m, n, r, s, z, š,

xv) from cursive Pahlavi, while some(ā, γ) are characters that only exist in the Psalter Pahlavi variant

in cursive

Pahlavi γ

and k have the same symbol.

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алфавите было много символов( a, i, k, t, p, b, m, n, r, s, z,

š, xv) из книжного пехлевийского письма, а некоторые( ā, γ)- из псалтирьского пехлеви в книжном пехлеви для обозначения γ и k

использовался один и тот же символ.

It is inscribed in Roman cursive on both sides of two small sheets of lead.

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Текст в римском курсиве нанесен на обе стороны двух небольших листочков свинца.

Latin alphabet(monumental and cursive)


use in Roman Gaul:

ABCDÐEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTVXZ abcdðefghiklmnopqrstvxz G and K are sometimes used interchangeably especially after R.

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Латинский алфавит( монументальный и скоропись) использовался наиболее активно в Римской Галлии,

кроме ее южной части, хотя и там есть тексты с латинской орфографией: ABCDÐEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVXZ abcdðefghiklmnopqrstuvxz G и K иногда использовались взаимозаменяемо особенно после R.

The text is written in the Gaulish language, with cursive Latin letters.

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Книга была написана на латинском языке в сочетании с словами каталанского диалекта.

Cursive writing applies to be used in vernacular writings and later became a basis for»nash» handwriting.


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Курсивное— использовалось в ежедневных общеупотребительных записях и


дальнейшем стало основой для почерка« насх».


When his teacher discovers that Bart cannot read cursive writing, he places him in a remedial class, much to Bart’s shock.

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Когда новый учитель узнает, что Барт не может читать текст курсивом, то отправляет его в подготовительный класс для исправления положения.

One night in 1992, Ted Stevens(of Mayday and Cursive) invited Oberst onstage to play.

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Одним вечером в 1992 Тед Стивенс( Mayday и Cursive) пригласил Оберста сыграть на сцене.

jie and ji are both written with vertical squiggles, but the horizontal strokes of the


jie are further apart and visually more distinct than the corresponding elements of


ji, with the result that the representation of jie is higher than that of ji.

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и ji изображаются с изогнутыми вертикальными ли ниями, но горизонтальные штрихи jie более отстоят друг от друга и визу ально более четкие, чем соответст вующие штрихи ji.

In the earliest part of his career he excelled at cursive calligraphy and favored a meticulous style modelled after Ni Zan.

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В начале своей карьеры преуспел


каллиграфической скорописи, предпочитая тонкий стиль, заимствованный у Ни Цзаня.

The fourth stage included the creation of the longest text in Tamgalytas, reproduced in 11 lines in cursive“clear script”.


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Четвертым этапом стало создание самого длинного в Тамгалытас текста, воспроизведенного в 11 строк курсивным« ясным письмом»; в современном переводе Н.


Russian Cyrillic


handwriting in XIX century version.


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Молитва« Отче нашъ…»( скоропись) в редакции 19 века.




script is used in handwriting.

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Наклонный шрифт применяется в чертежах.

They are written


beautiful Mongolian cursive.

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Они написаны красивой монгольской вязью.

Russian calligraphy was gravitated towards geometric accuracy of handwriting(uncial writing),

which was partially lost in semi-uncial and



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Рус. К. также тяготела к геометрич. четкости почерка( устав), к-

рая была далее отчасти утрачена в полууставе и скорописи.

Website design in hand-drawing style often uses»hand-drawn» images and


script fonts.


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Дизайн сайта в рисованном стиле использует изображения, нарисованные« от руки»,« рукописные шрифты».


Handwritten or typed entries made on

the permit shall be


Latin characters or


English cursive script.


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Вносимые в удостоверение от руки или

отпечатанные на машинке записи делаются буквами латинского алфавита или прописью на английском языке.


Two main types of Arabic writing are known


the earlier days of Islam: monumental and cursive.


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В начальный период ислама было известно два основных типа арабского письма: монументальное и курсивное.


In fact, models of Humanist


spread rapidly, thanks mainly to calligraphy treatises and manuals written by Degli

Arrighi, Tagliente, Palatino and other 16th century calligraphers.


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Образцы шрифта Humanist Cursive действительно быстро распространялись, во многом благодаря научным трудам и трактатам Людовико дельи Арриги,

Тальенте, Палатино и других каллиграфов XVI века.


This contrast between sharp and soft forms grew into the main design feature of the family,

with the balance shifted more towards soft forms in the cursive-influenced italic.


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Контраст между резкими и плавными формами стал главной особенностью этого шрифта, при этом в курсивах баланс смещен в сторону плавных форм.


Starting from the Middle Byzantine period,

they are heavily influenced by the uncial cursive, and minuscule,


particular, the characteristics that tell little about the local epigraphic habit.


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Начиная со средневизантийского времени, на них сильно воздействует унциальный курсив и особенно минускул, что вырывает их из контекста локальной эпиграфической традиции.


Examples include: 圖→図 觀→観 示(religion/ceremony radical)→礻 晝→昼 The aforementioned 门 handwritten simplification also originated from semi-cursive,

but is not generally accepted in official Japanese writing.

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Примеры включают: 圖→ 図 觀→ 観 示( радикал)→ 礻 晝→ 昼 Вышеупомянутое рукописное упрощение 门 также возникло в синшу, но не является общепринятым в официальной японской письменности.

The empty paper


Arild’s lap is soon filled with small neat cursive, as he takes the time to respond to Claude’s recent letter.

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Чистый лист бумаги, лежащий перед Арильдом, вскоре становится заполненным мелким аккуратным шрифтом. Он пишет ответ на последнее письмо Клода.


1) Общая лексика: курсив, курсивный, рукописный, рукописный шрифт, скорописный, скоропись

2) Лингвистика: дуративный

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

  • cursing, swearing, foul, dirty, filthy language, obscenities, blasphemy, oath, swearword, cuss, indecent, profane words
  • cursive handwriting

Смотреть что такое «cursive» в других словарях:

  • Cursive — grecque, VIe siècle. Texte moderne …   Wikipédia en Français

  • cursive — [kʉr′siv] adj. [ML cursivus < L cursus: see COURSE] flowing; not disconnected; specif., designating writing in which the strokes of the letters are joined in each word n. 1. a cursive character 2. a manuscript in cursive writing 3. Printing a… …   English World dictionary

  • Cursive — Cur sive (k?r s?v), a. [LL. cursivus: cf. F. cursif See {Cursitor}.] Running; flowing. [1913 Webster] {Cursive hand},a running handwriting. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cursive — Cur sive, n. 1. A character used in cursive writing. [1913 Webster] 2. A manuscript, especially of the New Testament, written in small, connected characters or in a running hand; opposed to uncial. Shipley. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cursive — CURSIVE, adj. qui ne s emploie qu au féminin, et dans ces phrases du style diplomatique, Lettres cursives, écriture cursive, pour dire, Lettres courantes, écriture courante. Voy. Courant …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française 1798

  • Cursive — Frontmann Tim Kasher, live im März 2007 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cursive — index holographic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • cursive — 1784, from Fr. cursif (18c.), from M.L. cursivus running, from L. cursus a running, from pp. of currere to run (see CURRENT (Cf. current)). The notion is of written with a running hand (without raising the pen), as opposed to UNCIAL (Cf. uncial) …   Etymology dictionary

  • cursive — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ written with the characters joined. ► NOUN ▪ writing with such a style. DERIVATIVES cursively adverb. ORIGIN Latin cursivus, from currere run …   English terms dictionary

  • Cursive — D Nealian Script, a cursive alphabet lower case and upper case …   Wikipedia

  • cursive — ● cursif, cursive adjectif (latin médiéval cursivus, du latin classique currere, courir) Qui est fait d une manière rapide, d une seule traite : Style cursif. ● cursif, cursive (expressions) adjectif (latin médiéval cursivus, du latin classique… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

I looked up the etymology entry at for cursive, which reads:

1784, from French cursif (18c.), from Medieval Latin cursivus “running,” from Latin cursus “a running,” from past participle of currere “to run” (see current (adj.)). The notion is of “written with a running hand” (without raising the pen), as opposed to uncial.

Now, the uncial entry reads:

In reference to letters, it is attested from 1712, from Late Latin litterae unciales (Jerome), probably meaning “letters an inch high,” from Latin uncialis “of an inch, inch-high.”

It seems to me that uncial is not the most correct antonym for cursive writing, and printing isn’t a very satisfactory alternative to me.

Could anyone give me a word that denotes the style of handwriting where the letters don’t connect/the pen is lifted in the process?

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asked Jun 13, 2013 at 16:19

jdstankosky's user avatar


It is customary to speak of such writing as print or print writing among non-experts, and when the context is handwriting, it is understood that one is writing separated letters which resemble printed forms, not using a printing press or a typewriter to produce them.

Block writing or writing with block letters is also commonly found, though many would restrict this to capital letters. Many paper forms will include instructions like «print your name in in block letters» or «use block capitals for all fields».

The term printscript appears in Merriam-Webster and some academic sources, but I have never seen it otherwise.

I understand uncial to refer to a style of lettering, not a style of writing. I never heard it as as schoolchild, only as an adult learning calligraphy.

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answered Jun 13, 2013 at 16:49

choster's user avatar


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In some official form you have to «sign» (in a completely free kind of cursive) and put your name as «printed name».

In Italian where for «Cursive» there is «Corsivo» the antonym for that is «Stampatello», that literally could be translated «printed like» while dictionaries report «block letters», «block capitals», «letter», «to write in block capitals or letters»; and in some official documents you have to sign «in modo leggibile» that means «in a readable way».

«Computer science» and typographically speaking a possible acceptation for «Cursive» in one of its etymological meaning of «running», it became «Italic» and their antonyms are «Normal», «Regular» and «Roman».

Typographically Italian «Stampatello» could be translated «Roman type».

There are alphabet like Arabic one that haven’t a non-cursive form since they are themselves a cursive version of some other alphabets.

answered Jun 13, 2013 at 19:51

Kiron's user avatar


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Depending on the context, have you considered non-cursive?

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answered Jun 13, 2013 at 16:54

TrevorD's user avatar


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I use print-script, although «script» has ambiguous meanings internationally.

The insertion, «(without lifting the pen)» refers to the conventional cursive of the past ± 150 years. Certainly one could not claim that Spencerian is cursive with all its flourishes; it was written slowly, never running. In Italy, 600 years ago, men (perhaps women too) wrote the chancery hand cursively, adding some joins when it was comfortable for the hand to make them for what is known as cursive italic.

Historically, the «cursive» to which most now refer, came into being with imitation of copperplate engraving. The method allows for lines to be made without breaks. It is not a paper and pen method.

answered Jun 14, 2013 at 10:24

Nan Jay Barchowsky's user avatar

If cursive has not inherited an unequivocal historic antonym in the past then it definitely needs one for the ever more discursive future. Why not apply the neologism cuneive derived from cuneiform 1670s, «wedge shaped,» from French cunéiforme (16c.), from Latin cuneus «a wedge, wedge-shaped thing». Thus the opposite to cursive writing or running writing would then be cuneive writing or wedge-shaped lettering. As a writing style cuneive is one where letters are written separate from each other by space in a staccato (detached) like manner rather than in the legato (tied together) like manner written smoothly connected characteristic of the cursive writing style. In musical notation a wedge is used to indicate the more emphatic staccatissimo.

answered Apr 24, 2017 at 5:07

omeander's user avatar

In the typographical world, you have Italic vs Roman type. Italic forms descending from the handwritten scribal cursive found in Italy during the advent of moveable type, and Roman forms descending from the chiseled inscriptional typefaces typically found on Roman monuments such as Trajan’s Column.

I would say that a Roman typeface is NEVER cursive, while an Italic very well could be.

answered Jun 14, 2013 at 4:15

Dan Gayle's user avatar

Dan GayleDan Gayle

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