The house is ours.
La casa es nuestra.
He leaves the house.
Sale de la casa.
We lock the house.
Nosotros cerramos la casa.
I grew up in this house.
En esta casa crecí.
We ran to her house.
Corrimos hacia su casa.
We sell you guys the house.
Os vendemos la casa.
We would have cleaned the house.
Nosotros hubiésemos limpiado la casa.
We stayed home.
Nosotros nos quedamos en casa.
You all stay home.
Ustedes se quedan en casa.
He sleeps in the house
Él duerme en la casa.
When do you go by the house?
¿Cuándo pasas por casa?
It’s a big house.
Es una gran casa.
I am building a house.
Yo estoy construyendo una casa.
We used to walk in the house.
Nosotros caminábamos en la casa.
The house is on the left.
La casa está a la izquierda.
We want to see Susana at her house. We want to see her at her house.
Nosotros queremos ver a Susana en su casa. Nosotros queremos verla en su casa.
The house has a chimney.
La casa tiene una chimenea.
Our house is big.
Nuestra casa es grande.
I laugh in the house
Yo río en casa.
They are at my sister’s house.
Están en casa de mi hermana.
Where, then, if not in this House?
¿Qué mejor sitio que en esta Cámara?
What are we in this House to do?
¿Qué hemos de hacer en esta Cámara?
Is that what we are about in this House too?
¿Es eso lo que queremos en esta Cámara?
It is up to the House to decide.
La Asamblea juzgará.
This is the Rule in this House.
Este es el Reglamento de la Asamblea.
The house did that earlier.
La Asamblea ha hecho eso antes.
That was a decision for the House.
Se trataba de una decisión que competía a la Asamblea.
I commend it to the House.
Yo lo recomiendo a la Asamblea.
This should not be the priority for this House.
Eso no debería ser prioritario para esta Asamblea.
I recommend it to the House.
Obra que recomiendo a la Asamblea.
You are most welcome to the House.
Les damos la bienvenida a la Asamblea.
So there is no disrespect for this House.
En este sentido, esto no significa una falta de respeto a la Asamblea.
The House had been wondering.
La Asamblea estaba intrigada.
Is that acceptable to the House?
¿Es esto aceptable para la Asamblea?
That is a disappointment for this House.
Es una gran decepción para esta Asamblea.
That has nothing to do with this House.
Esto no tiene nada que ver con esta Asamblea.
I commend it to the House.
Pido al Parlamento que vote a favor de ella.
I commend it to the House.
Pido al Parlamento que vote a favor.
You are both most welcome to this House.
Son ustedes muy bienvenidos en esta Cámara.
You heard this House out.
Usted escuchó a esta Cámara.
What are we in this House now to do?
¿Qué tenemos que hacer ahora en esta Cámara?
That is good for this House.
Eso es bueno para esta Cámara.
What must we do in this House?
¿Qué debe hacer esta Cámara?
And today it is before this House.
Y hoy la tenemos ya en este Parlamento.
The same cannot be said of most of those in this House.
No puede decirse lo mismo de la mayoría de esta Cámara.
This House is contributing its own.
Estoy totalmente a favor de la Directiva, pero debe asentar sus raíces en cambios fundamentales en la cultura europea en conjunto.
The House should throw it out.
Esta Cámara debe rechazarla.
That has been mentioned before in this House.
Eso ya se ha mencionado con anterioridad en esta Asamblea.
If you are, then this House is not the place for you.
Si es así, entonces esta Cámara no es el lugar para usted.
He does not belong in this House.
Él no debería formar parte de esta Cámara.
That is more than some speakers in this House.
Es más de lo que han dicho algunos oradores en esta Cámara.
Does the House agree to this?
¿Está de acuerdo el Parlamento?
This was what I had to say to the House.
Esto era lo que tenía que decir a la Cámara.
I commend it to the House.
Felicito por ello a la Cámara.
They have been heard in this House too.
Se han oído también en esta Cámara.
I am sorry that he is not here in the House.
Siento que no esté aquí hoy.
Why is this House hypocritical?
¿Que por qué es hipócrita?
The house is on fire.
La cosa está que arde.
They do not turn up to this House.
No aparecen por esta Cámara.
But why am I telling this House?
Pero, ¿por qué me dirijo a esta Cámara?
So what does this House propose?
¿Qué propone así pues esta Cámara?
We are fooling ourselves in this House.
Nos estamos engañando a nosotros mismos en esta Cámara.
It is a credit to this House.
La Asamblea puede sentirse orgullosa.
I put that to the House.
Voy a consultar a la Asamblea.
After all this House is sovereign.
Al fin y al cabo este Parlamento es soberano.
Is the House sovereign or not?
¿Existe la soberanía de este Parlamento, o no?
I would commend that to the House.
Lo aplaudo ante la Asamblea.
That is upheld in this House.
¡Éstas no tienen cabida en esta Cámara!
The House voted for this.
Esta Asamblea lo acordó así.
I recommend this to the House.
Se lo recomiendo también al Pleno.
[ view all sentence pairs ]
How to say Spanish word for house in Spanish?
¿Cómo se dice Spanish word for house en español? English to Spanish translation of “palabra española para hogar“ (Spanish word for home).
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Spanish Word For Car
Spanish Words for ‘Home’ and ‘House’
‘Casa’ and ‘hogar’ aren’t only possibilities
Podemos construir tu casa en Chile. (We can build your home in Chile.).
Concrete Forms / Creative Commons
Updated on September 21, 2018
Although the differences between the English words «house» and «home» are very roughly similar to the differences between Spanish casa and hogar, respectively, hogar is far from the only way that «home» can be translated. In fact, the concept of «home» can be translated dozens of ways into Spanish, depending (as usual) on the context.
Key Takeaways: Spanish Words for Home
- In broad terms, the differences between hogar and casa are similar to the differences between «home» and «house,» respectively, with the latter terms putting more emphasis on the building rather than the feelings it evokes.
- Despite their differences, hogar and casa are often interchangeable when referring to a place where someone lives.
- «House» and «home» as adjectives can often be translated as casero or hogareño.
Hogar vs. Casa
The reverse is also true, but to a much lesser extent: While hogar nearly always refers to a building in which people live, it can also refer to a fireplace (it is derived from the Latin word focus, which meant «hearth» or «fireplace»), a lobby or similar place where people gather, or to a family that lives together.
When «home» does refer to a building where people live, usually hogar or casa can be used, with the latter sometimes placing more emphasis on the building itself:
- Our home is located in the heart of the Bellemont neighborhood. Nuestra casa está situada en el corazón del Barrio Bellemont.
- Our home will be celebrating with your arrival. Con tu llegada nuestro hogar está de fiesta.
- We can build your home in Chile. Podemos construir tu casa en Chile.
- My mother’s home is the perfect place for the children. La casa de mi madre es el sitio perfecto para los niños.
- The country has prohibited there being statues in a Muslim home. El país ha prohibido que en un hogar musulmán haya estatuas.
To refer to institutional residences, hogar typically is used (although casa isn’t unheard of):
- The entry of a loved one into a home for the elderly or similar institution can be a traumatic experience. La entrada de un ser querido en un hogar de ancianos o institución semejante puede ser una experiencia traumática.
- The Farmworker Youth Home is an alternative for child care. El Hogar Juvenil Campesino es una alternativa para dar atención al niño.
«At home» can usually be translated as «en casa, » while to go home is to go a casa:
- I’m not at home. No estoy en casa.
- We are going home at 9. Vamos a casa a las nueve.
Adjective Forms for ‘House’ and ‘Home’
The singular masculine adjective forms of casa and hogar are casero and hogareño:
- Many choose to feed their pets homemade food. Muchos optan por alimentar a sus mascotas con comida casera.
- The nine-bedroom mansion includes a home theater with 12 seats. La mansión de nueve habitaciones incluye un teatro casero con doce asientos.
- His early home life was not the type that can produce a completely trustworthy person. Su vida hogareña temprana no fue del tipo que pueda producir una persona completamente confiable.
- Nicotine is highly toxic for the most common house pets. La nicotina es altamente tóxica para las mascotas hogareñas más comunes.
Other Types of ‘Home’
When «home» refers to the center or original place, various translations can be used:
- Just as Hollywood is the home of movies, Nashville is the home of country music. Así como Hollywood es el centro de las películas, Nashville es el centro de la música country.
- Greetings from Idaho, home of delicious potatoes. Saludos desde Idaho, la tierra de las papas riquísimas.
- Wendy’s is the home of the square hamburger. Wendy’s es el creador de la hamburguesa cuadrada.
In Internet usage, the «home page» is usually the página principal or página inicial. A link to the home page may be labeled Inicio, although sometimes the loanword home is used as well.
In recreation, «home» has various meanings:
- A «home game» is typically un juego en casa, while the home team is often el equipo local.
- In baseball, the home plate can be la goma, el hogar, or el plato, among other terms. El jonrón (obviously derived from the English phrase) is universally used for «home run.»
- In board games and some athletic contests, where reaching «home» is the goal of the game, it can be known as la meta or el final, among other terms.
The most common term for «homeless» is sin hogar, although sin casa is used, as is, less rarely, sin vivienda. Homeless people can be known as los sinhogares.
sustantivo [haʊs]
casa (f) (dwelling)
- to set one’s house in order (sentido figurado) poner sus cosas or asuntos en orden, poner la casa en orden (Am)
- to get on like a house on fire llevarse estupendamente
- the house of God la casa del Señor
- the house of Commons/Lords la Cámara de los Comunes/Lores
- the Houses of Parliament el Parlamento británico
- the house of Representatives la Cámara de Representantes
- the house of Stuart/Bourbon la casa de los Estuardo/los Borbones
- house arrest (Law) arresto (m) domiciliario
- house guest huésped (sustantivo masculino) , invitado(a) (sustantivo masculino o femenino)
- house martin avión (m) común
- house painter pintor(ora) (sustantivo masculino o femenino) de brocha gorda
- house party fiesta (f) (en una casa de campo)
- house plant planta (f) de interior
- house surgeon cirujano(a) (sustantivo masculino o femenino) residente (in hospital)
casa (f) empresa (f) (comercio) (company)
- banking house banco (m)
- publishing house (casa (f) ) editorial (f)
- house style política (f) (de estilo) de la casa
- on the house por cuenta de la casa
- house wine vino (m) de la casa
- an empty/a good house un público escaso/numeroso
- (música (f) ) house (m)
= división que se hace de los alumnos de cada curso para la realización de actividades no académicas
verbo transitivo [haʊz]
alojar (person, collection, mechanism) (británico)
HOUSE OF COMMONS La Cámara de los Comunes o cámara baja británica está compuesta por 650 diputados (“MPs”) elegidos por un período de cinco años y que ocupan un escaño unos 175 días al año.
HOUSE OF LORDS Tradicionalmente, la Cámara de los Lores o cámara alta británica estaba compuesta por nobles hereditarios, obispos y magistrados, y desde 1958 el primer ministro tiene la potestad de nombrar a miembros vitalicios. Aparte de su cometido senatorial, también ejerce las funciones de tribunal supremo en todo el país, excepto en Escocia. En 1998 se abolió el derecho de los nobles hereditarios a formar parte de esta cámara, aunque todavía tienen la capacidad de elegir por votación a 90 nuevos miembros entre sus pares. En la actualidad el gobierno británico está estudiando la introducción de nuevas reformas. Entre ellas, que los componentes de esta cámara sean escogidos por sufragio.
houses (plural) [ˈhaʊzɪz]
1 (building) casa (f)
the party’s at my/John’s house la fiesta es en mi casa/en casa de John; let’s go to your house vamos a tu casa
she needs more help in the house they live in a big old house
are you handy around the house? ¿eres un manitas para la casa?
house of cards castillo (m) de naipes
the life we’ve built together could collapse like a house of cards
the house of God la casa del Señor
the house of God should be open to all comers, not padlocked like some counting house remember you are in the house of God
to move house mudarse (de casa)
I’ve moved house since I last saw you
to keep open house tener la puerta siempre abierta; recibir a todo el mundo
he used to keep open house on Sundays we decided to hold an open house, inviting women from our area to come and join us for an evening the winery well organized to receive visitors on an open house basis
to get on like a house on fire (progress) ir sobre ruedas (informal); [+people] llevarse de maravilla (informal)
he translated the signs for me and laughed a lot and /we got along like a house on fire/ the work’s coming along like a house on fire
2 (household) casa (f)
the noise woke the whole house el ruido despertó a toda la casa
so I grew up with that feeling that the man is head of the house
to keep house (for sb) llevar la casa (a algn)
he lives with an aunt who keeps house for him
the children were playing (at) house los niños estaban jugando a las casitas
to set up house poner casa
they set up house together you cannot conceive what it costs to set up house she set up house with one of her fellow students
to put or set or get one’s house in order poner sus asuntos en orden
the government must put its economic house in order el gobierno debe poner en orden la economía
before you lecture me, I suggest you set your own house in order he needs to look at his whole lifestyle and get his house in order he’s got his house in order and made some tremendous decisions
3 (Pol) cámara (f)
the Republicans have majorities in both Houses
the House (House of Commons) la Cámara de los Comunes; (US) la Cámara de Representantes
he’s crossed the House to join the Labour Party the House will rise some members of the House and Senate worked all day yesterday
the upper/lower house la cámara alta/baja
the bill last month passed the lower house, but debate on the bill in the upper house ended in a stalemate the lower house of the Japanese Parliament passed a controversial bill
the House of Commons/Lords (Britain) (building, members) la Cámara de los Comunes/Lores
the Houses of Parliament (Britain) el Parlamento
the House of Representatives (US) la Cámara de Representantes
4 (in debate) asamblea (f)
this house believes that … esta asamblea cree que …
5 (Britain) (Educ) subdivisión de alumnos que se crea en algunos colegios para promover la competición entre ellos
he was a prefect and house captain
6 (Teat) (auditorium) sala (f); (audience) público (m)
is there a doctor in the house?
full house (teatro (m)) lleno (m)
house full no hay localidades
they played to packed houses llenaban las salas
the second house la segunda función
to bring the house down [+act, scene] hacer que se venga abajo la sala or el teatro; [+joke] hacer morirse de risa a todos
finally a ludicrous flamenco brings the house down and the piece to an end I included a parody of «Frankie and Johnny» called «Fergie And Johnny» and it almost brought the house down she said to the maid, «oh Anna, all those pots and pans — let me help you» with such arch insincerity that /she brought the house down/
7 (Comm) casa (f)
the House of Fraser
banking house entidad (f) bancaria
almost all the transactions went through the hands of a few large London banking houses
fashion house casa (f) de modas
many of the clothes come from the world’s top fashion houses
finance house entidad (f) financiera
finance houses and insurance companies report an improvement in business confidence City finance house Morgan Grenfell [in]/[out of] house
we do our printing in house hacemos nuestra propia impresión; hacemos la impresión en la empresa
some firms are beginning to set up their own marketing departments in house
it’s on the house invita la casa
would you like to try a local chicken dish? On the house naturally
TV programmes made out of house programas de televisión realizados por productoras externas
publishing house (casa (f)) editorial (f)
eventually she was fired from her job at a publishing house
8 (family, line) casa (f); familia (f)
the Saudi Royal House
the House of Windsor la casa de los Windsor
9 (Cards)
full house full (m)
10 (Astrol) casa (f) (celeste)
transitive verb
1 (provide accommodation for) [+person, family] alojar; dar alojamiento a
the dwellings built by factory owners to house their workers regrettably we have to house families in these inadequate flats the town offered to house six refugee families the duty of local authorities to house homeless people
2 (have space for, contain) albergar
the building will not house them all el edificio no podrá albergarlos a todos; no cabrán todos en el edificio
the building will house 12 boys and 8 girls the building houses three offices the chateau is open to the public and houses a museum of motorcycles and cars the office complex that used to house the Central Committee of the Communist Party
3 (store) guardar; almacenar
the freezer is housed in the basement the papers were housed in a box
4 (Mec) encajar
the winding gear is housed in this box
house agent (n) (Britain) agente (m) inmobiliarioainmobiliaria;a inmobiliaria
/a recent league table of house agents/ produced by Chartered Surveyor Weekly showed 16 agents with 100 or more offices world-wide
house arrest (n) arresto (m) domiciliario
to be under house arrest estar bajo arresto domiciliario
she is still under house arrest after 18 months to [put] [place] sb under house arrest the main opposition leaders had been arrested or placed under house arrest
house call (n) consulta (f) a domicilio
to [make] a house call does your doctor make house calls in the evening?
house contents insurance (n) seguro (m) del contenido de una casa
the agent may not agree to house contents insurance cover until the property is deemed secure house contents insurance is expected to rise by 17 per cent
house guest (n) invitadoainvitada (m) (f);a invitada
we became friends — he has been my house guest on several occasions Sarah Ferguson is invited as the Queen’s house guest to Windsor Castle for Ascot write an article for the house journal or a professional magazine in your field
house lights (n) (Teat) luces (f) de sala
the house lights dimmed, flickered and went out
house manager (n) (Teat) encargadoaencargada (m) (f) del teatro;a encargada
Rudy Stewart is the associate house manager at Carnegie Hall
house martin (n) avión (m) común
a pair of house martins had made their nest in the eaves
house officer (n) internoainterna (m) (f);a interna
house owner (n) propietarioapropietaria (m) (f) de una casa;a propietaria
the increase hits house owners particularly hard
house painter (n) pintorapintora (m) (f) (de brocha gorda);a pintora
as a house painter he often had the job of removing graffiti
house party (n) (event) fiesta de varios días en una casa de campo; (people) grupo (m) de invitados que pasan varios días en una casa de campo; (que pasan varios días en una casa de campo)
the ritual of the very grand country house party some members of the house party packed and left
house physician (n) (Britain) médicoamédica (m) (f) internoainterna;a médica a interna
he became a senior house physician at the infirmary
house plant (n) planta (f) de interior
a few house plants here and there can make a room more pleasant to be in
house prices (n) el precio de la vivienda
houses prices have risen 1.7 per cent over the last month
house red (n) tinto (m) de la casa
I’ll have a bottle of the house red the proceeds from the house sale were invested on her behalf they report a big surge in house sales last month
house sparrow (n) gorrión (m) común
house style (n) estilo (m) de la casa
house surgeon (n) (Britain) cirujanoacirujana (m) (f) internoainterna;a cirujana a interna
he reappeared in London as House Surgeon and Medical Registrar for Charing Cross Hospital I can recommend the house white
house wine (n) vino (m) de la casa
we ordered a carafe of the house wine
¡Vámonos a casa!
Salía de mi casa cuando Tom me llamó por teléfono.
Después de discutir con sus padres, Alberto salió de casa nervioso y acabó sufriendo un accidente de tráfico.
Al menos estar enfermo te da la excusa perfecta para quedarte en casa viendo una película.
Estamos reemplazando las lámparas de casa por unas más económicas.
Os dije que os fuerais a casa. ¿Por qué seguís aquí?
El sótano de su casa se inunda constantemente por pérdidas de agua inexplicables.
En mi ciudad hay un autobús especial, llamado BLQ, que sale del aeropuerto y para cerca de mi casa.
La casa de mi vecino salió en el último número de Architectural Digest.
Tras subir al tren, caí en la cuenta de que había olvidado la cartera en casa.
El incendio se declaró después de que los empleados se hubieran ido a casa.
Haré tus compras, limpiaré la casa y te haré la cena por ti.
Como dice el proverbio, «Sin dinero no puedes, ni mantener una casa, ni tener relaciones».
La escuela está lo suficientemente cerca de mi casa como para ir andando.
Antes de ayer vinieron los vecinos a tomar un café a nuestra casa.
Spanish word «house»(casa) occurs in sets:
1000 sustantivos más importantes en inglés 51 — 100
Sustantivos Útiles — Useful Nouns
Casa y Equipamiento — House and Furnishings
Things: Picturable words 2
3 — House, home and towns