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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
The pin had been very clearly… cut with a saw.
Rotational speed — it depends on what material you can cut with a saw.
Частота вращения — от этого зависит, какой материал вы сможете разрезать пилой.
«Before we make the first cut with a saw, we re-measure five times instead of one,» says Ken Cohen, Exxon’s vice president of public and government affairs.
«Перед тем, как отрезать, мы отмеряем пять раз, а не один», — говорит вице-президент Exxon по общественным и государственным делам Кен Коэн.
If necessary, they can be cut easily with a saw to the required size.
А при необходимости его легко можно порезать до необходимого размера.
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Cut verb — To penetrate with a sharp edge (as a knife).
Usage example: I cut my hand on a piece of broken glass
Saw is a synonym for cut in sever topic. In some cases you can use «Saw» instead a verb «Cut», when it comes to topics like slit.
Saw verb — Cut with a saw.
Usage example: saw wood for the fireplace
Cut is a synonym for saw in activity topic. You can use «Cut» instead a verb «Saw».
How words are described
old | old cut | old saw |
good | good cut | good saw |
nice | nice cut | nice saw |
perfect | perfect cut | perfect saw |
Other adjectives: complete, standard, original, nasty, actual, large, huge, tiny, bad, horizontal, new, random, last. |
Both words in one sentence
Google Ngram Viewer shows how «cut» and «saw» have occurred on timeline
He sawed the boards in half.
This blade is too dull for sawing.
Recent Examples on the Web
Their lungs wheeze like dull, singing saws.
—Hazlitt, 29 Mar. 2023
Madison firefighters were called to the building after a passerby saw fire there on May 8, 2022, and the firefighters quickly put out the blaze, officials said.
—Treasure Welle, CNN, 29 Mar. 2023
For more great lawn care equipment, check out our picks for the best pole saws, electric chainsaws, and wood splitters.
—Alex Rennie, Popular Mechanics, 28 Mar. 2023
The blade of a huge circular saw that was abandoned by a tree poacher in the forest was turned into a gong.
—Burkhard Bilger, The New Yorker, 27 Mar. 2023
The angel’s voice will be sung by my musical saw, playing music composed by my husband.
—Nancy A. Ruhling, New York Times, 26 Mar. 2023
Volunteers fired up chain saws to cut a path through the home to get him out.
—Mike Hixenbaugh, NBC News, 26 Mar. 2023
Among the child workers’ duties was to clean meat and bone cutting saws, according to a legal complaint the Labor Department filed in November.
—Timothy Noah, The New Republic, 22 Mar. 2023
But the battered Swiss bank’s shares plunged 62% during pre-market trading today (Mar. 20), and its rival-turned-rescuer saw shares dip over 7%.
—Ananya Bhattacharya, Quartz, 20 Mar. 2023
The flag was sawed off and a small hole was drilled in the soldier’s knee.
—Lilly Price, Baltimore Sun, 16 Mar. 2023
The top edge of this cleat is sawed at an angle to match the sides, and the lid hinges are screwed to it.
—Joseph Truini, Popular Mechanics, 27 Mar. 2023
Nation/World When 600 Dutch marines sawed holes in a frozen Norway fjord last month as part of their Arctic training exercises, and then took turns deliberately skiing into them, everything seemed to be going according to plan.
—Danielle Bochove, Natalia Drozdiak, Anchorage Daily News, 19 Mar. 2023
At the end of the interview, the Russian sympathizer, who was in his 70s, cheerful and full of life, plodded into his garden and started sawing down a bunch of grapes.
—Jeffrey Gettleman, New York Times, 18 Mar. 2023
An unknown person or persons sawed off a scabbard and drilled a hole into the leg of one of the horses.
—Lilly Price, Baltimore Sun, 16 Mar. 2023
Cutting power: Some braids are excellent at sawing through vegetation, making hang-ups less frequent in some situations.
—Jerry Audet, Field & Stream, 13 Mar. 2023
Jonathan Grant used to keep the barracks awake with the tremendous sound of sawing lumber.
—Ben Terris, Washington Post, 8 Mar. 2023
The game see-sawed most of the fourth quarter before a Ding 3-pointer put Pinewood in control.
—Mitch Stephens, San Francisco Chronicle, 21 Feb. 2023
See More
These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘saw.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
cut-off saw
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > cut-off saw
cut-off saw
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > cut-off saw
cut-off saw
Англо русский политехнический словарь > cut-off saw
cut-off saw
Англо-русский железнодорожный словарь > cut-off saw
cut off saw
пила концерезная, пила торцовочная
The English-Russian dictionary of the Pulp and Paper Industry > cut off saw
multiple cut-off saw
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > multiple cut-off saw
swing cut-off saw
Англо-русский словарь по прокатке металлов > swing cut-off saw
flying cut-off saw
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > flying cut-off saw
cut off
1. phr v обрезать, отрезать, отрубать, отсекать
2. phr v отрезать; изолировать
3. phr v срезать
4. phr v перерезать, разъединять, прерывать
cut in — вмешиваться; прерывать
5. phr v выключать
6. phr v отключить
7. phr v прекращать, кончать; прерывать
8. phr v оборвать, привести к концу
9. phr v лишать наследства
Синонимический ряд:
1. cut (verb) axe; chop; cut; fell; hack; hew; rend; saw; whack
6. isolate (verb) close off; enisle; insulate; island; isolate; segregate; separate; sequester
7. isolated (verb) closed off; insulated; isolated; segregated; separated; sequestered
8. kill (verb) carry off; destroy; dispatch; down; finish; kill; lay low; scrag; slay; take off
9. killed (verb) carried off; destroyed; dispatched; downed; finished; killed; laid low; put away; slew/slain; took off/taken off
English-Russian base dictionary > cut off
Англо-русский словарь по прокатке металлов > saw
cut corners
1) срезать угол, пойти кратчайшим путём, напрямик [ амер.]
If we go down this lane instead of through the Main Road, we shall cut off a corner. (DEI) — Если мы пойдем этим переулком, а не по главной улице, то значительно сократим путь.
If you want to play ball with me, I’ll play ball with you. If you cut corners with me, I’ll cut ’em with you. (E. S. Gardner, ‘The Case of the Caretaker’s Cat’, ch. 2) — Хотите сотрудничать со мной — прекрасно. Но если вы пойдете напролом, мне придется сделать то же.
Unlike the other students, Mary-Ann could be professional. Miss Cliff is absolutely right and I for one would like to cut a corner or two and present her directly to an agent instead of waiting until June… (G. Vidal, ‘Myra Breckenridge’, ch. 21) — В отличие от других студентов, Мэри Энн может стать профессиональной актрисой. В этом отношении мисс Клифф совершенно права. Что касается меня, то я пойду на то, чтобы обойти некоторые формальности и, не дожидаясь июня, сразу же представлю Мэри Энн одному из режиссеров театра…
He could cut a sharp corner without letting it bother his conscience. (Suppl) — Он мог поступать противозаконно, и это ничуть не тревожило его совесть.
4) экономить в ущерб качеству
I saw right away that Tower was cutting corners, using inferior materials. He wasn’t following specifications. (B. Benson, ‘Lily in Her Coffin’, Kenk) — Я сразу заметил, что Тауэр хочет побольше сэкономить. Он использует материалы худшего качества и не придерживается технологии.
Large English-Russian phrasebook > cut corners
̈ɪsɔ: I сущ. пословица, афоризм old/wise saw ≈ старая/мудрая пословица Syn: proverb II
1. сущ. пила circular saw ≈ круглая пила cross-cut saw ≈ поперечная пила crown saw ≈ продольная пила cylinder saw ≈ цилиндрическая пила musical/singing saw ≈ ‘музыкальная’ пила, из которой с помощью скрипичного смычка можно извлекать музыкальные звуки Syn: nagger
2. гл. пилить(ся) ;
распиливать We shall have to saw the old tree down. ≈ Нам придется спилить старое дерево. Could you saw the branches into equal lengths of wood? ≈ Не могли бы вы распилить ветки на куски дерева одинаковой величины? Half his leg below the knee had been sawn off by the teeth of the shark. ≈ У него часть ноги ниже колена была откушена акулой. You have to cut down the tree and saw it up into logs. ≈ Вы должны срубить дерево и распилить его на бревна. Syn: flitch, cut up saw the air ≈ размахивать руками;
сильно жестикулировать saw wood
пила — circular * круглая /циркулярная/ пила — cross-cut * поперечная пила — metal * пила по металлу — musical /singing/ * «музыкальная» /»поющая»/ пила полотно пилы пилить, распиливать — to * down спилить (дерево) — to * a log in half распилить бревно пополам — the trees were stripped of their bark and mechanically sawn into planks с деревьев содрали кожу и распилили их на доски — to * six inches off the legs of a table подпилить ножки стола на шесть дюймов — he *ed an inch off the barrel of his gun to make it easier to draw он спилил ствол своего пистолета на дюйм, чтобы его было легче выхватывать — the animal’s horns were sawn off у животного были спилены рога — to * planks out of a log распилить бревно на доски — all the timber was sawn up to make logs for the fire вся древесина была распилена /перепилена/ на дрова пилиться — this kind of wood does not * easily этот сорт дерева трудно пилится пиликать — to * on the fiddle пиликать на скрипке > to * the air размахивать руками, сильно жестикулировать > to * wood (просторечие) храпеть;
крепко спать, дрыхнуть изречение, афоризм;
поговорка, пословица — old * старая пословица past от see
~ пила;
circular saw круглая пила;
cross-cut saw поперечная пила;
crown saw продольная пила;
cylinder saw цилиндрическая пила
~ пила;
circular saw круглая пила;
cross-cut saw поперечная пила;
crown saw продольная пила;
cylinder saw цилиндрическая пила
~ пила;
circular saw круглая пила;
cross-cut saw поперечная пила;
crown saw продольная пила;
cylinder saw цилиндрическая пила
musical (или singing) ~ «музыкальная» пила, из которой с помощью скрипичного смычка можно извлекать музыкальные звуки
~ пословица, афоризм (обыкн. в сочетании) ;
old saw старая пословица;
wise saw мудрая пословица
saw past от see ~ пила;
circular saw круглая пила;
cross-cut saw поперечная пила;
crown saw продольная пила;
cylinder saw цилиндрическая пила ~ (sawed;
sawed, sawn) пилить(ся) ;
to saw the air размахивать руками;
сильно жестикулировать ~ пословица, афоризм (обыкн. в сочетании) ;
old saw старая пословица;
wise saw мудрая пословица
~ (sawed;
sawed, sawn) пилить(ся) ;
to saw the air размахивать руками;
сильно жестикулировать
to ~ wood заниматься собственными делами, не принимать активного участия в общественной жизни
~ пословица, афоризм (обыкн. в сочетании) ;
old saw старая пословица;
wise saw мудрая пословица
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > saw
Англо-русский морской словарь > saw
cut out
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > cut out
2) горн. заходка
7) срез || делать срез
12) сечение; разрез
16) глубина резания; глубина прохода
17) мн. ч. стружка
19) ж.-д. отцеп
29) полигр. клише
38) жать, косить, убирать урожай
to be cut with — нефт. разбавляться посторонними флюидами;
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > cut
Англо-русский технический словарь > saw
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > cut
Англо-русский строительный словарь > cut
Англо-русский текстильный словар > cut
Англо-русский текстильный словар > cut
См. также в других словарях:
Cut off saw — The terms cut off saw, cutoff saw, or chop saw can refer to two distinct classes of power tools. A miter saw, typically used in woodworking An abrasive saw, typically used to cut hard materials, such as metals or ceramics This disambiguation page … Wikipedia
Steel cut off saw — Known also as a steel chop saw. These portable hand operated machine are capable of cutting small sections of steel and other materials. They typically use composite friction disk blades to abrasively cut through the steel. The disks are… … Wikipedia
cut off — Synonyms and related words: abridge, abrupt, abscind, alienate, amputate, annihilate, ax, ban, bar, bar out, bereave, bereave of life, bereaved, bereaved of, bereft, bisect, bleed, block, blockade, bob, break, break off, butcher, carry away,… … Moby Thesaurus
Lackawanna Cut-Off — The westbound Lackawanna Limited comes off the Pequest Fill shortly after the opening of the Lackawanna Cut Off. Taken from the signal tower at the east end of Greendell Siding, this early 1912 photo was used as a template for a Phoebe Snow… … Wikipedia
Saw — For other uses, see Saw (disambiguation). Saw A crosscut hand saw about 620 mm (24 inches) long Classification Cutting Types Hand saw Back saw Bow saw Circular saw … Wikipedia
cut — cut1 W1S1 [kʌt] v past tense and past participle cut present participle cutting ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(reduce)¦ 2¦(divide something with a knife, scissors etc)¦ 3¦(make something shorter with a knife etc)¦ 4¦(remove parts from film etc)¦ 5¦(make a… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Saw III — Infobox Film name = Saw III |210px caption = Saw III film poster director = Darren Lynn Bousman producer = Mark Burg Oren Koules Gregg Hoffman writer = James Wan Leigh Whannell starring = Tobin Bell Shawnee Smith Angus Macfadyen Bahar Soomekh… … Wikipedia
saw — saw1 [so: US so:] the past tense of ↑see saw 2 saw2 n [: Old English; Origin: sagu] 1.) a tool that you use for cutting wood. It has a flat blade with an edge cut into many V shapes 2.) a short, familiar phrase or sentence that is considered to… … Dictionary of contemporary English
cut — 1 /kVt/ verb past tense and past participle cut present participle cutting 1 DIVIDE WITH KNIFE ETC (T) to divide something into two or more pieces using a sharp tool such as a knife: Do you want me to cut the cake? | The thieves had cut the phone … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Saw (film) — Infobox Film name =Saw caption = Saw film poster director =James Wan producer =Gregg Hoffman Oren Koules Mark Burg writer =James Wan (uncredited) Leigh Whannell starring =Cary Elwes Leigh Whannell Danny Glover Monica Potter Michael Emerson Tobin… … Wikipedia
saw — 1 the past tense of see 2 noun (C) 1 a tool that has a flat blade with a row of V shaped metal pieces, used for cutting wood 2 old use a well known wise statement; proverb 3 verb past tense sawed past participle sawn especially BrE, sawed… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English