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The word food made out of donuts.
English is often difficult to completely master, even for a native speaker. The English language is continually evolving. While plurals seem straightforward, there are numerous exceptions, such as food and foods; and how to know what the difference is between the two.
“Food” is almost always an uncountable noun used to refer to food in general, while “foods” is the countable plural noun, meaning kinds of food. When used as an attributive noun, “food” functions much like an adjective for either singular or plural nouns although we might find the word “food” used as a countable singular noun in rare cases.
This article will discuss food versus foods, count and noncount nouns, determiners, and issues related to words of quantity. Read on to become an expert not just on food vs. foods, but all count and noncount nouns you encounter.
Is Foods the Plural of Food?
The short answer is yes, but we’ll need to understand the function of count and noncount nouns to know when to use this form properly. Food is most often used in the singular form as a noncount noun for the category of food; however, we use the plural form “foods” when referring to multiple food types (source).
For example, you might have Chinese food, Italian food, Mexican food, all in one place during a festival or some special buffet. If you sampled them all, you could claim to have tried various foods from around the globe.
There are various noun categories, including singular, plural, common, collective, noncount, count, and attributive nouns (source).
Singular nouns refer to a specific subject such as food, cabin, boy, wall, door.
Plural nouns refer to more than one, such as foods, cabins, boys, walls, doors.
Common nouns, as opposed to capitalized proper nouns, are not specific, referring to a very broad class of something, like milk or coffee.
Common nouns do not refer to individuals as individuals but by the common characteristics denoted by the noun. Food is a common noun.
Collective nouns are also known as group nouns that reference a group of individuals as a single entity. The three types of collective nouns are persons, animals, or things, whether objects or concepts.
Examples include a child, a herd, or a bouquet of flowers. We can use them with indefinite articles and they have plural forms.
Uncountable, noncount, or mass nouns refer to a substance we can divide indefinitely or an abstract concept.
They differ from collective nouns in that we do not use them in English with an indefinite article unless they are double nouns, and they do not have a plural form.
Many foods are noncount nouns like sugar, rice, pepper, or tea (source).
Count nouns refer to kinds of people, animals, or things that can be counted individually, such as foods, chairs, pens, and dollars. We can easily assign numbers or definite articles to them, and they have singular and plural forms.
Attributive nouns often function as adjectives, describing another noun as in the case of “food group” or “food groups.” Merriam-Webster lists “food” as a noun and one that is often attributive (source).
It is interesting to note that attributive nouns sound like compound nouns when spoken — for example, a steel bridge or a wood house — but they are not compound nouns.
Compound nouns such as “rowboat” or “rainbow” are not attributive nouns. Row does not modify the boat, and rain does not modify the bow.
The noun that the attributive noun modifies can be either singular or plural.
Noun | Example Sentences |
Noncount | Food makes me happy. |
Countable Singular | Cereal is a food. The girl is eating an orange. |
Noncount | Cereal is food. Let’s go out for some food. We ate a lot of food. |
Countable Plural | There are so many foods to choose. The buffet was a smorgasbord of foods from different countries. There are many Asian restaurants that serve foods from China and Korea. |
Attributive | What are the major food groups? Do you have food allergies? The food choice was limited. |
In the second example, “Cereal is a food,” the word “food” is a countable singular noun, placing the uncountable noun “Cereal” as one type of food.
We can also omit the article “a” and simply state that cereal is food. Adding an article helps to emphasize something as a particular example of a larger concept.
Food and Foods as Count Nouns
Both the words “food” and “foods” can be countable nouns, depending on the context. When used in the countable category, the definition always refers to the different types.
A count noun is just what it sounds like — something made up of distinct, countable units, so they can take singular or plural forms.
A count noun will often have a quantity word, number, or article in front of it. For instance, the count noun “table” is written as “a table,” “the table,” “one table,” “five tables,” or “the tables” (source).
The key to understanding the use of countable and uncountable nouns is their relationship to determiners, which includes definite articles, indefinite articles, possessives, quantifiers, and numbers (source).
A determiner is similar to an adjective, except a determiner can only go before the noun.
Again, “foods” is always a countable noun, while “food” can be countable or uncountable. When used in the uncountable category, “food” refers to the things we eat. When used as a countable noun, food refers to particular types of food (source).
Countable Singular Food | Noncount Singular Food |
Food = particular types of food. | Food = the things we eat. |
The fruit is a food. | I ate too much food. |
The pears are a food. | I ate the food on my plate. |
He has a food allergy. | Hey, that was my food! |
There are five food groups. | We went out for some food. |
He prepared 10 food dishes. | We watched him prepare the food. |
Count Nouns and Indefinite Articles
When we add an “a” or “an” in front of a noun, we turn it into something we can break down into smaller pieces or elements.
“A” and “an” are used as modifiers for nonspecific nouns, so they are called indefinite articles. The articles “a” or “an” are only used with singular count nouns and never with noncount nouns.
Since food begins with the consonant “f,” we use the article “a” instead of “an,” which is only used for words beginning with the vowel sound (source).
Singular | Example Sentence | Plural | Example Sentence |
food | An apple is a delicious food. | foods | Many types of food are served in the cafeteria. |
food | What type of food is your favorite, Asian or American? | foods | I like a variety of foods, including fruits and vegetables. |
orange | I ate an orange. | oranges | I like oranges. |
bean | What kind of bean do you like? | beans | There are many varieties of beans. |
boy | John is a boy. | boys | John and Bill are boys. |
soup | My favorite soup is tomato. | soups | I can never decide which soups to buy at the store. |
cookbook | Jane borrowed one cookbook from the library. | cookbooks | John borrowed four cookbooks. |
coat | I have a coat. | coats | I have a few winter coats. |
hat | John’s hat is over there. | hats | John has many hats. |
Count Nouns and Definite Articles
“The” is used when referring to specific nouns, so we call it a definite article.
A definite article is when the reader knows the noun’s identity — for example, “The orange was delicious.” “The” can also modify noncount nouns — for example, “The food” or “The coffee” (source).
It is essential to remember that count nouns have both singular and plural forms, whereas noncount nouns do not have a plural form.
Noncount Nouns | Definite Article The |
Food | The food is delicious. |
health | The health of our students is in jeopardy. |
English | The English test was easy. |
fur | The fur on the cat was fluffy. |
Count Nouns: Quantifiers and Numbers
We can only add numbers before counts nouns, but we can add quantifiers before either count nouns or noncount nouns. We can attach quantifiers like some, enough, all, more, less, no, any, none, plenty of, lots of, and not to either count or noncount nouns.
However, there are some quantifiers that we can only use with count nouns, like several, many, few, a number of, and a majority of.
Quantifier | Count Noun | Example Sentence |
some | grapes | I have some grapes. |
several | foods | There were several foods to choose from. |
many | food | The caterers wanted to ensure there were many food options. |
few | food | The menu listed few low-fat foods. |
enough | apples | I can never have enough apples. |
Number | Count Noun | Example Sentence |
one | food | I had to choose one food. |
two | food | They gave me two food options. |
three | foods | The meal centered around three foods. |
nine | potatoes | I have nine potatoes. |
four | eggs | He added four eggs. |
Food as a Noncount Noun
Inversely, an uncountable, noncount, or mass noun is not countable. Noncount nouns are considered whole, undividable into different parts. Noncount nouns generally refer to abstractions and sometimes have a collective meaning (source).
Noncount nouns do not always require articles, and when they use them, they always use “the” and never “a” or “an.”
Noncount nouns do not have a plural form. The categories included under noncount nouns are a mass, an organic substance, food, abstract concepts, games, disease, school subjects, and a language. However, we will discover rules have exceptions.
Category | Noncount Nouns |
A mass | Clothes, money, work |
Organic substance | Hair, blood |
Food | Milk, bread, cream, water |
Abstract concept | Health, time, education |
A game | Lacrosse, chess, volleyball |
Diseases | Flu, virus, cold, chickenpox |
School subject | English, science, math |
A language | German, Portgegese, Polish |
Noncount Nouns | Example Sentence |
Food | Food makes me happy.The food was great! |
Money | Joe made a lot of money over the summer. |
Hair | My hair is greasy. |
Cream | I enjoy cream in my coffee. |
Health | Marvin is in good health. |
Lacrosse | Lacrosse is not an easy sport to play. |
Chicken Pox | The little girl has chickenpox. |
Math | Math was never my favorite subject. |
German | German is not an easy language to learn. |
Noncount Nouns: Quantifiers
While we can apply qualifiers to count and noncount nouns, there are some quantifiers we can only use with noncount nouns. These include much, little, a bit, a large amount of, a great deal of, and a large quantity of.
Quantifier | Count/Noncount | Example Sentence |
much | noncount | I have so much food. |
many | count | I have so many bananas. |
A lot of (much) | noncount | I have a lot of food. |
Lots of (many) | count | I have lots of food. |
little | uncountable | I have very little food to eat. |
few | count | A have a few pieces of candy. |
A little bit of | uncountable | There is a little bit of wine in the stew. |
Others that can modify both count and noncount nouns are some, any, plenty of, enough, and no, all referring to a nonspecific amount. “Foods” will always be countable, while “food” is usually uncountable.
Quantifier | Count/Noncount | Example Sentence |
some | noncount | There is some juice on the counter. |
some | noncount | I have some food. |
any | noncount | I don’t have any candy. |
any | count | Do you have any apples? |
Plenty of | noncount | I have plenty of food for the party. |
enough | count | I have enough apples for every child. |
no | count | There are no more bananas to eat. |
Food and Double Nouns
Food can function as a count or noncount noun. However, the meaning changes a bit depending on the use. According to the writing center at Walden University, the name for such nouns is double nouns (source).
When double nouns are in the noncount form, they refer to a whole idea. When used in the count form, it must be used with an indefinite article or changed to plural. Most double nouns refer to food.
A few examples of double nouns as food and different food types, such as wine, cheese, and tea. Here are examples using the same noun as both count and noncount:
Count | Example Sentence | Noncount | Example Sentence |
food | An apple is food. | food | Let’s go out for some food. |
wine | There are so many varieties of wine. | wine | The Sonoma Valley in California produces some of the finest wine. |
glass | I have a glass of milk. | glass | We use glass cups for milk. |
tea | I drank four cups of tea today. | tea | My favorite tea is red rooibos. |
life | She leads a dangerous life. | life | Life is precious. |
Final Thoughts
No discussion on nouns would be complete without delving into articles, the function of determiners for both count and noncount nouns, and the function of adjectives apart from articles.
You will most often encounter “food” as an uncountable noun, but “foods” will always be a countable noun. When you do encounter “food” as a countable noun, it will have the indefinite article “a” in front of it.
разработка по теме: Food
английского языка
СОШ № 1
1. What
food do you usually eat?
2. What
do you consider to be healthy food?
3. Do
you sometimes eat out? When and where?
4. What
does your festive dinner usually consist of?
Read and translate the words
and phrases. In pairs compare and comment on the following pictures. Use the
words in the sentances of your own.
meal, snack, speciality, delicious, bland, fast foods, cuisine,
takeaway, brunch, serve, mouth-watering, eating out, beverages, home-made,
barbecue, flavour, savoury, soft drinks,
side dishes, deli, course, starter, taste, dessert, dish, spicy, fix, pizza,
fish steak,bake, spicy, mix
Read the following text and number the paragraphs.
Study the meanings of the words in bold.
A. Another favourite summertime food, often served at a cookout, is
freshly picked corn on the cob. The green covering (the husk) is
stripped off and the cob with its kernels of corn (an entire piece of corn is
sometimes called an ear) is dropped into boiling water. When it is ready,
butter is spread on the corn and it is salted. The corn is then held at
the ends with the fingers and the kernels are stripped off in mouthfuls, until
only the cob remains.
B. The clambake is a special kind of cookout that originated on
the Eastern seashore. A fire is built in a pit, and rocks in the pit are heated.
The rocks are covered with a layer of seaweed. The clams, lobsters, and
other seafood are put on the top of the seaweed and the whole thing is covered
with a heavy cloth to keep the heat and moisture in and bake the
C. When the weather is warm, many families enjoy a cookout in the
yard with a portable grill that uses small blocks of partly-burned wood
called charcoal. One reason for eating outside is that it may be cooler
than the kitchen and dining room. However, many people enjoy eating outside
because they enjoy the taste of charcoal-broiled meats and being outside in
the fresh air.
D. The barbecue — made famous in the American West — is a cookout where a
single large piece of meat such as a side of beef is roasted on a spit
over an open fire. The spit has a handle, and it is turned slowly as the
meat roasts. Special barbecue sauces are often applied to the meat as it
E. Steak, hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken are the meats that are
most commonly char-broiled. Cooking over charcoal is not easy, however, and
many times the meats are burned because the grill is too hot. Sometimes shish
kebab is prepared over the grill. Small chunks of meat, onions and green
pepper are skewered on a long metal pin which is called a skewer.
F. There are other variations on the practice of eating outside. One,
of course, is the picnic. Food is packed in a basket, drinks are brought in a
cooker, and the family goes to the countryside for the afternoon.
G. Strawberry shortcake is a favourite summertime dessert. The cake
is sliced in half, and partially crushed strawberries are placed between
the two halves and on top. Cream that has been beaten into a light, smooth topping
-whipped cream — is added to the top. Another summertime favourite is a scoop
of ice cream in a dish, served with a strawberry or chocolate topping, and
sometimes with nuts and whipped cream — the popular sundae.
H. Cold drinks go naturally with cookouts. Beer, iced tea and soft
drinks are usually available. While waiting for the charcoal to become hot,
people sip their drinks and nibble on appetisers such as potato chips and sour
cream dip.
3. Match the words and their definitions.
1. covering a.
2. kernel b.
3. spread c.
something that covers something else;
4. originate d. to
cut meat, bread etc into pieces;
5. layer e.
a fact that makes it sensible or fair for you to do something or think
something 6. cloth f. the centre part of a
nut or seed, usually the part you can eat;
7. moisture g. the
part of something that you hold when you use it or open it;
8. portable h. to
put a layer of something over a surface so that the surface is covered;
9. reason i.
food that you put on top of other food;
10. roast j.
light and able to be carried or moved easily;
11. handle k. a
deep round spoon for holding or serving food such as corn, flour or ice cream;
12. apply l. to
start to exist in a particular place or at a particular time;
13- commonly m. to
cook food such as meat or vegetables in an oven;
14. chunk n. a
piece of something solid;
15. skewer o.
an amount of a substance that covers all of a surface;
16. slice p. pressed and
squeezed with a force that destroys or deforms;
17. crushed q. small amount of water
in the air, on the surface etc;
18. topping r.
to make a hole through a piece of food, an object etc with a skewer or with
4. Fill in the chart with the correct verbs from the following
Bite, eat, nibble, chew, gobble, sip, crunch, lick,
swallow, drink, munch
5. Fill
in the chart with the correct words from the following list. Use the
vocabulary, if it is necessary:
Potatoes, coffee, pineapple,
tangerine, milk, trout, white bread, mussel, potato chips, baked beans,
cucumber, oyster, sandwich, red wine, tuna fish, hotdog, peach, white wine,
leek, pumpkin, lobster, cupcake, honey, watermelon, jam/jelly, crab, bagels,
pita bread, beer, French bread, apple, mineral water, mushrooms, juice, banana,
tea, shrimp, hamburger.
Fish and seafood |
Bakery |
Drinks |
Jars/canned food |
Fruit |
Vegetables |
Fast food and snacks |
………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. |
………. ………. ………. ………. ………. |
………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. |
…………. ………. ………. ………. |
………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. |
………. ………. ………. ………. ………. |
………. ………. ………. ………. |
1. Do you
eat vegetables every day? Which do you eat most often?
2. Which
of the fruits given here are common in your country? Which of the do you like?
3. What
do you eat for breakfast, lunch and supper?
4. How
often do you have fast food?
6. Are
these sentences true or false? If they are false, correct them.
1. Lobster
is a kind of fruit.
2. Salad
is raw or cooked food cut into small pieces and served cold
3. A lamb
is a baby sheep; lamb is also the name of the meat of that animal.
4. A calf
is a young pig.
5. Salmon
is a kind of shellfish.
6. Oil
and vinegar are often used with a green salad.
7. Peas,
courgettes, aubergines and cucumbers are all the same colour.
7. Маtch
the pictures with the activity:
b) wash; c) fry; d) sauté; e) peel; f) pour; g) grate; h) weigh; i) measure; j)
bake; k) boil; l) knead; m) chop; n) crush; o) grill; p) roast; q) add; r) mix;
s) break; t) beat; u) cut; v) grease; w) stir; x) slice; y) barbecue; z) stir-fry
1. In
what different ways can you cook meat?
2. Explain
how you make one of your favourite dishes?
8. Put
each of the following words or phrases in its correct place.
fast food, take-away, eat out, waiter, dish, snack, bill, tip, cookery books, ingredients,
I’m a terrible cook. I’ve tried hard but it’s no use. I’ve got lots of
(a)…………………, I choose a (b)………………… I want to cook, I read the (c)………………… , I
prepare all the necessary (d)………………… and follow the instructions. But the
result is terrible, and I just have a sandwich or some other quick (e)………………… .
I often (f)………………… .
I don’t like grand restaurants. It’s not the expense, it’s just that I don’t
feel at ease in them. First the (g)………………… gives me a (h)………………… which I can’t
understand because it’s complicated and has lots of foreign words. At the end
of the meal when I pay the (i)………………… I never know how much to leave as a
(j)………………… . I prefer (k)………………… places, like hamburger shops where you pay at
once and sit down and eat straightaway. And I like (l)………………… where you buy a
meal in a special container and take it home.
9. Read
the poem and translate. Then try to make your own.
We’re Going To Make a Cake
(to the tune of «The Farmer’s
in his Dell»)
We’re going to
make a cake, we’re going to make a cake;
We’re going to
make it really big,
Because we all
like cake.
Flour in the bowl,
flour in the bowl;
Stir it with a
great big spoon,
Flour in the bowl.
(continue with
other ingredients: sugar, salt,
raisins, butter,
Put it in the
oven, put it in the oven;
Take care not to
slam the door,
Until it’s nicely
Icing on the top,
icing on the top;
Spread it with a
big, flat knife,
Icing on the top.
We all have a
piece, we all have a piece;
Some for you and
some for me,
There’s some for
And now it’s all
gone, and now it’s all gone;
Yumm it was very
Now it’s all gone.
10. This is a
newspaper article devoted to the cookery. Read, translate and write your own
Hello ! My name is Margarita. I want to show you
my recipe which is called Classic Chocolate Milk Shake . It’s very
simple but it tastes good! It is very useful when you don’t have much time but
still you want to have something tasty for your relatives or friends.
Classic Chocolate Milk Shake
The secret to this
fabulous milk shake from the St. Francis Fountain and Candy Store in San
Francisco is the homemade chocolate syrup. Refrigerate the leftover syrup to
enjoy later, poured over your favorite ice cream or pound cake.
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup water
1/2 cup
unsweetened cocoa (preferably Dutch process)
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 tablespoons milk
6 cups vanilla ice
Stir sugar and
water in heavy medium saucepan over medium-low heat until sugar dissolves.
Increase heat and bring to boil. Place cocoa in small bowl. Gradually whisk in
sugar syrup. Return mixture to same saucepan. Boil 1 minute, whisking
constantly. Pour into bowl. Whisk in vanilla and cool completely. Cover and
chill until cold, at least 1 hour. (Syrup can be made 1 week ahead. Keep
Pour 3 tablespoons
chocolate syrup and 1 tablespoon milk into blender. Add 1 1/2 cups ice cream
and blend until smooth. Pour into glass. Repeat in 3 more batches, using 3
tablespoons syrup, 1 tablespoon milk and 1 1/2 cups ice cream for each milk
Try to prepare this milk
shake and enjoy!
Fabulous – изумительный
Homemade – домашнего
Refrigerate — заморозить
Leftover – оставшийся
после использования, лишний
Poured over – политым на что-либо
Pound cake – торт, в котором поровну
Preparation — приготовление
Stir — размешать
Saucepan – кастрюля
Dissolve – растворяться
Whisk – сбивать (белки,
Cool – охладить
Keep – хранить
Tablespoon – столовая ложка
Smooth – однородный
(состав, например)
Batch – часть (теста
или жидкости)
11. Give
a word that means…
1. a
dish you have after the main course, for example, ice-cream;
cook something using dry heat, in an oven;
type of food made from flour and water that is mixed together and then baked;
white liquid produced by cows or goats that is drunk by people;
solid food made from milk, which is usually yellow or white in colour, and can
be soft or hard;
cook food for too long.
12. Read the dialogue,
translate and then make in indirect speech:
Waiter: Good evening, sir… madam.
Shall I take your coats?
Mr Adams: Thank you. Where shall
sit, Barbara?
Waiter: Oh, would you like to sit
over here, sir?
Near the window.
Mr Adams: Ah, yes…. Could we see
Waiter: Certainly. Here it is.
Mr Adams: Do you fancy a starter?
Mrs Adams: Mmm … I think I’ll
have the
prawn cocktail. I’m very fond of
prawns. What about you?
Mr Adams: I’m not sure…
MrsAdams: Oh, I’d have the trout,
if I
were you. You always say that you like
trout, and you haven’t had it for a long
Waiter: Are you ready to order yet,
Mr Adams: Yes… a prawn cocktail
my wife, and the trout for me.
Waiter: And the main course, sir?
Mr Adams: Veal for my wife. I can’t
decide between the veal and the
chicken. What do you recommend?
Waiter: Oh, if I were you, I’d have
veal. It’s the speciality of the house.
Waiter: What would you like with the
Mr Adams: Two mixed salads, please.
Waiter: … any vegetables, sir?
Mr Adams: Yes. Some cauliflower,
courgettes and some boiled potatoes,
Waiter: Anything to follow?
Mr Adams: Can we order that later?
Waiter: Of course, sir.
Waiter: Would you like to see the
wine list?
Mr Adams: Yes … we’d like a
bottle of
dry white wine.
Waiter: May I suggest something?
Mr Adams: Of course.
Waiter: Why don’t you try a bottle
English wine?
Mr Adams: English wine?
Waiter: Yes, it isn’t very
well-known, but
it’s being produced in the south of
England now.
You’ll be surprised…
it’s very good.
13. Fill in prepositions where
1. Help
yourself … the salad.
2. Can
I have anouther piece … pie?
3. What
did you have … dinner yesterday?
4. I
never eat much bread … breakfast.
5. …
my way … home I dropped … a little café and had a piece … cake and a nice
hot cup … coffee.
6. I
shall presently put the kettle … .
7. I
have something very tasty … you.
8. Help
… me lay the table … breakfast.
9. I
usually have lunch … the school canteen.
10. Some
people say that sugar spoils the taste … tea and that tea should be drunk …
11. …
supper she usually has a couple … sandwiches … sausage or cheese and
drinks a cup … tea … lemon.
14. Change
the following Active constructions into Passive:
were wrapping pieces of chicken with great care.
was boiling eggs for the picnic lunch.
were eating the roast chicken in a hurry because a thunderstorm was coming up.
has already eaten his soup.
spilt the coffee 5 minutes ago.
buy food every day.
go to the Jazz Café.
- Work in
pairs. You are going to the restaurant. Make the dialog: What do you like
to eat? What would you like to eat? Say about your tastes and likings.
Here is a menu which can help you.
Cocktail £1-50
Onion Soup £0-75
Juice 50 p
Snacks £ 2-00
Main Courses:
(in cream sauce with brandy) £3-10
(fried in bread crumbs) £2-50
(in red wine sauce with mushrooms) £3-50
(served with tomato and garlic sauce, and rice) £3-45
Beef (with Yorkshire pudding) £3-60
green, tomato £0-75
La Madone AOC 2007 (French)
Explain the meaning of the
following proverbs in English and translate them into Russian.
1. The proof of the pudding is in the
2. You can’t eat a cake and have it.
3. The appetite comes with eating.
4. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
5. First catch your hare then cook
1. Speak about foods you like and
dislike. Give your reasons.
2. Some people say that the best chefs
are men. Agree or disagree and give your reasons.
3. Eating in restaurants is a waste of
time and money. Prove your point of view.
Make up dialogues:
You happen to
be dining with an Englishman who doesn’t speak Russian. Help him to order his
You suggest to
your mum going to a restaurant instead of cooking at home. She disagrees with
At a restaurant
the waiter offers you a wide choice of dishes. After choosing your meal from
the menu you make the order.
Write a letter to your friend about
your last visit to a fashionable restaurant.
1) C
2) E
3) A
4) G
5) H
6) F
7) D
1) с
2) f
3) h
4) l
5) i
6) b
7) q
9) e
10) m
11) g
12) s
13) a
14) n
15) r
16) d
17) p
18) o
19) k
Fish |
Bakery |
Drinks |
Jars/canned |
Fruit |
Vegetables |
Fast |
Trout Oyster Lobster Crab Shrimp mussels |
Bagels Pita bread French bread Cupcake White bread |
Red wine White wine Beer Mineral water Juice Coffee Tea Milk |
Baked beans Tuna fish Honey Jamjelly |
Tangerine Pineapple Peach Watermelon Apple Banana |
Cucumber Leek Pumpkin Mushrooms Potatoes |
Hamburger Hotdog Potato chips Sandwich |
1) F
2) T
3) T
4) F
5) F
6) T
7) F
1) wash
2) peel
3) grate
4) chop
5) crush
6) beat
7) cut
9) grease
10) break
11) stir
12) mix
13) knead
14) steam
15) sauté
16) pour
17) weigh
18) boil
19) add
20) bake
21) stir-fry
22) grill
23) roast
24) barbecue
25) measure
26) fry
a) Cookery books
b) Dish
c) Recipe
d) Ingredients
e) Snack
f) Eat out
g) Waiter
h) Menu
i) Bill
j) Tip
k) Fast food
l) Take-away
1) Dessert
2) To bake
3) Bread
4) Milk
5) Cheese
6) To overcook
1) With
2) Of
3) For
4) For
5) On, -,into, of, of
6) Up
7) For
9) In
10) Of, with
11) For, of, with, of, with
1) Pieces of chicken were wrapping
with great care by women.
2) Eggs were boiling for the picnic
lunch by Mary.
3) The roast chicken was eating in a
hurry because a thunderstorm was coming up.
4) His soup has already been eaten.
5) The coffee was spilt 5 minutes ago.
6) Food is bought every day.
1. Чтобы судить о пудинге,
надо его съесть.
2. Один пирог два раза не
3. Аппетит приходит во время
4. У семи нянек дитя без
5. Не говори гоп, пока не
перепрыгнешь; цыплят по осени считают
to bake—
to barbecue—
жарить ломтики мяса над решёткой на вертеле, жарить на рашпере
to beat—
поздний завтрак (заменяющий первый и второй завтрак)
ломоть (хлеба, мяса)
1) печёные на горячих камнях морские моллюски (блюдо индийской кухни; одно из
самых любимых американцами блюд на пикниках) 2) амер. пикник (обычно на морском
берегу); выезд за город
кухня, стол (питание; кулинарное искусство)
от delicatessen деликатесы
десерт, сладкое (блюдо)
eat out— питаться
вне дома
fast food—
еда, которую можно перехватить на скорую руку
French bread—
французская булка, длинный батон
grease— смазывать
home—made— домашнего
приготовления, самодельный
сердцевина (плода), ядро (ореха), косточка (фрукта, ягоды)
слой, пласт; прослойка
to mix—
мешать, перемешивать
oyster— устрица
снимать кожицу, очищать
pita bread—
potato chips—
картофельные чипсы
roast— жарить,
to skewer—
насаживать на вертел, шампур
to slice—
резать ломтиками
лёгкая закуска
soft drink— безалкогольный напиток
острый, пикантный, пряный (о пище)
to spread—
размазывать; намазывать
starter— первое блюдо, подаваемой во время трапезы
to stir—fry—
жарить в раскаленном масле
take away—
а) готовая еда, продающаяся на вынос б) заведение, торгующее готовой едой на
tuna fish—
мясо тунца
Список литературы.
Hartley, Peter Viney Streamline English Connections Oxford University Press,
Голицынский Ю. Spoken English
Изд-во КАРО, 2007
Павлоцкий В.М.
English Key to success Изд—во
Dictionary of American English- Longman, 2003
Idioms, Proverbs & Sayings
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Eat to live, not live to eat.
Food contents
Which food is healthy and which is unhealthy, to your mind?
Are there any kinds of food you eat all the time? What are they?
What do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Any food usually consists of:
- protein
- carbohydrates
- fibre
- fat
- vitamins and minerals
What are they?
Task 1. Match the terms with their descriptions. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1 protein | A a substance contained in foods such as meat, cheese and butter which forms an energy store in your body |
2 carbohydrates | B the indigestible part of a food found mostly in wholemeal bread, vegetables and fruit |
3 vitamins | C body building substance found in foods such as eggs and meat |
4 fibre | D substances such as sugar and starch found in foods |
5 fat | E natural organic substances found in most foods which are necessary for growth |
Food types and dishes
Roe vs Caviar
Оба слова roe и caviar означают «икра». Только изначально roe — это, как правило, просто икра, а caviar — икра, которую солили или как-то по-другому мариновали, а затем консервировали.
Однако США и Канаде на банках пишется слово caviar, только если это икра осётра. На банках икры другой рыбы пишут название рыбы и добавляют слово roe, например, salmon roe — икра лосося, carp roe — икра карпа, trout roe — икра форели, и т.д.
В Европе словом caviar также можно назвать только икру осётра, а вот икра других рыб будет называться заменителем икры — caviar substitute.
1. I have a sweet tooth and can never say ‘no’ to cakes and biscuits.
2. I won’t have dessert, thanks. You’re lucky being so slim; but I’m afraid I have to count the calories. I have to be a bit calorie-conscious these days.
3. I like to eat the meal with something savoury, like cheese.
4. Ben’s a bit of fussy eater.
5. No, thanks, I won’t have wine. I’m teetotal.
6. Before I book the restaurant, do you have any particular dietary requirements?
7. I won’t have any more wine, thanks. I don’t want to overdo it.
Task 2. Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using the expressions you have come across above to describe food and drink preferences.
1. I never drink alcohol. (Use an adjective.)
2. I don’t really like sweet things. (Use an idiom.)
3. Are there things you can’t or mustn’t eat? (Use a formal/polite expression.)
4. Just a small portion for me, please. I don’t want to eat too much. (Use an expression that means the same.)
5. She’s become very careful about how many calories she’s eating. (Give two different ways of saying the same thing.)
6. Sasha is such a choosy person when it comes to food. It’s difficult to find things she likes. (Use an expression that means the same.)
1 I’m teetotal.
2 I haven’t got a sweet tooth.
3 Do you have any special/particular dietary requirements?
4 Just a small portion for me, please. I don’t want to overdo it.
5 She’s become very calorie-conscious. / She’s counting the calories.
6 Sasha is such a fussy eater. It’s difficult to find things she likes.
Expressions to describe food and meals
Preparing home-cooked food is a good way to make a balanced meal.
I adore pasta, pizza and Italian cuisine in general.
My grandmother makes mouth-watering apple pies / makes apple pies which make my mouth water every time I think about them.
A nutritious breakfast is a great way to start the day, as it gives your body the nutrients and you get enough energy.
Try to avoid processed foods like flavored nuts and cereal bars. It is much healthier to eat organic food.
Choose lean meats and poultry and vary your protein choices.
Chances are, you’re looking forward to a hearty, flavorful, savory meal to enjoy in your sweats at the end of a long day.
This dreamy salad works great as a dip, so feel free to break out a bag of tortilla chips on the side.
What I really need is a hot shower, a square meal, and a full night’s sleep.
I had no desire to cook, so I bought a ready meal in a nearby supermarket.
I feel like making a greasy slap-up meal tonight.
I’m going to call the Japanese restaurant and order a takeaway.
Eating sugary, salty, fatty foods doesn’t make you feel less stressed.
The average American now eats 10 servings of refined grains each day.
Is money tight? Do you need to save on your food budget? Here are more than 20 frugal meal ideas to get you started and help you keep your grocery bill down!
A nice place to have a substantial meal during a day out.
a box lunch – a cold meal, such as sandwiches and fruit, that is given to someone to eat later, especially at a conference or meeting
Expressions to describe breakfast
a continental breakfast – a breakfast consisting of bread and butter, coffee or tea, and sometimes pastries or croissants
a cooked breakfast – a breakfast of cooked food that is traditional in the UK, usually including eggs, bacon, toast, and tea or coffee
Expressions to describe snacks
cream tea – a small meal eaten in the afternoon consisting of tea with scones, jam, and cream
Eating a quick snack instead of the main meal can be harmful for stomach.
Expressions to describe products
Whole-grain bread is a healthy and delicious alternative to packaged supermarket breads.
Plain, unsweetened yogurt can offer many health benefits.
Both regular and low-fat dairy products can be an important part of a healthy diet but portion control is still important.
specific dishes
bubble and squeak – a food made from cold cooked potatoes and cabbage mixed together and then cooked in a large pan
casserole – food prepared in a casserole dish
chilli con carne – chilli made with meat
a cottage pie – a meal made from small pieces of cooked meat, especially beef, covered with a layer of cooked potato and baked in an oven
fish and chips – a meal consisting of fish and long thin pieces of potato, both cooked in very hot oil
a fritter – a food made by covering a piece of food in batter and cooking it in hot fat
fry-up – a meal of fried food, especially consisting of eggs, bacon, and sausages
haggis – a Scottish food made from the inner organs of a sheep that are cut up, mixed with grain, and pushed into a bag to be cooked. The bag is traditionally made from a sheep’s stomach.
hotpot – a meal that consists of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in the same container in the oven
jambalaya – a food made from rice, shellfish, and chicken. Jambalaya was originally a Cajun food, from the southern US.
kebab – a food consisting of small pieces of meat and vegetables cooked on a stick
kedgeree – a meal made from fish, rice, and eggs
macaroni cheese / mac’n’cheese – a meal consisting of macaroni in a cheese sauce
meat loaf – a type of food made from a mixture of small pieces of meat, bread, and eggs, baked in one piece
omelette – a flat round food made by mixing eggs together and cooking them
pot roast – a meal consisting of a large piece of meat cooked in a container with a small amount of water, usually served with potatoes and vegetables
Scotch egg – a boiled egg covered with small pieces of bread and meat and cooked in oil
crepe – a light thin pancake
croquette – a food made from a mixture of pieces of fish, meat, or vegetables pressed into a circular or tube shape, covered with breadcrumbs, and cooked in oil
cutlet – a food made from pieces of vegetables or nuts pressed together into a long flat shape and cooked in oil
dumpling – a small solid lump of cooked food made from flour and water, sometimes eaten with meat or added to soup
Expressions to Describe Places to Eat and Actions
I usually dine at a restaurant that’s in a walking distance of my home.
We’re dining in tonight. / We’re dining out tonight.
I first thought those strawberries were too expensive, but when I tasted them I understood that their quality justified the bill.
I went to a diner starving hungry yesterday and ate the whole roast chicken.
– Would you like more chips?
– No, thank you, I’m already full-up!
-I knew that we were going to go to a restaurant that’s why I didn’t eat much at home so that not to spoil my appetite.
I think street food is a staple around here. You can find bustling food stalls all around our nation, and they are my go-tos for a cheap and cheerful meal. I mean gourmet restaurants are nice and all, but street food is what our country is all about.
Actually, I’d like to think that cooking is my forte. I developed a passion for culinary arts when I first watched the cooking show Masterchef. Since then, I have learnt a lot of recipes and I can easily whip up a good dinner.
Task 3. Match sentences 1-10 with a second sentence A-J. Use the key words in bold to help you.
1. A lot of people are allergic to nuts.
2. Many people do not trust genetically modified foods.
3. Organic vegetables are more expensive but are better for you.
4. We refuse to eat battery chickens.
5. We prefer to eat free range meats.
6. The harvest has been very bad this year.
7. Following the floods in Mozambique, there was a terrible scarcity of food.
8. There has been an outbreak of salmonella, listeria and other food poisoning in Perth.
9. Too many people don’t eat a balanced diet.
10. Fast food is very popular.
A. This is because they are cultivated naturally, without using any chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
B. There wasn’t enough to feed everyone affected by the disaster.
C. They are not sure that altering the composition of cells to change certain characteristics is safe.
D. It’s good to know that the animals were given enough space to express their natural behaviour.
E. Terrible weather conditions have prevented the crops from ripening and reduced the yield.
F. A lot of people are in hospital as a result.
G. Unfortunately, a diet of burgers, pizzas and fried chicken is not very healthy
H. They physically react very badly.
I. This is because they spend their life confined in a small cage.
J. They don’t consume sufficient quantities of the different food groups.
- H
- C
- А
- I
- D
- E
- B
- F
- J
- G
Words Easily Confused
Food, meal, cuisine
Food is the most general word, referring to anything you can eat. A banana is food. A hamburger is food. A salad is food.
The word food is usually singular – so you should say “I ate a lot of food last night” not “I ate a lot of foods last night”.
But there are some exceptions – we use foods when talking about several food types, for example,
“At the international festival, I tried foods from around the world.”
The word dish has two meanings:
1) a physical object used to hold, cook, and serve food. When we talk about washing the dishes, we are washing the plates, bowls, pots, pans, spoons, forks, etc.
2) it can also refer to one prepared item of food, like a lasagna or a fruit salad.
The word meal refers to the customary time/occasion of eating food. Most people eat 3 meals – breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Meal also refers to all the food eaten during one of these occasions – so one meal can include multiple dishes. Dinner is one meal, but you might have chicken, rice, salad, and ice cream. Each of those is one dish, and when eaten all together on one occasion, they are a meal.
A meal may include many dishes.
The word cuisine describes a typical manner/style of preparing food. We usually use this word with with country adjectives (Italian cuisine, Brazilian cuisine, Moroccan cuisine) or ethnic or regional adjectives (Cajun cuisine, Jewish cuisine, South Indian cuisine). In everyday English, however, many people simply say “food” when talking about getting something to eat:
I love Chinese food.
Do you want to try some Ethiopian food?
Read this short text. Answer these questions.
a What is it not acceptable to do at mealtimes in China?
b How is eating similar or different in your country?
In China, the sorts of plates / dishes served at the three main meals are pretty much the same – soup, rice or noodles, and meat and vegetables. Each person has their own bowl of rice and a couple / pair of chopsticks, but helps themselves to the soup, meat and vegetables directly from the communal plates in the centre of the table. It is perfectly acceptable to reach across the table to take food.
To eat the rice, the diner raises / rises the bowl to their lips and pushes the grains into their mouth with the chopsticks. The diner must finish all the rice. To leave even a tiny amount is considered bad manners.
Here are some more words which are often confused. Choose the correct word in each pair.
a That pudding was nice. Can I have the
receipt / recipe
b In some religions, people
fast / diet
for periods of time.
c Crisps and hamburgers are sometimes referred to as
junk / rubbish
d Most people prefer bottled water to
tap / running
water. Some people prefer sparkling water to
flat / still
g Waiter! Could we have another look at the
menu / list
, please? And could you bring us the wine
menu / list,
e There are two main tastes: ‘sweet’, like cakes and biscuits, and ‘
savoury / salty
‘ , like crisps and cheese.
f Don’t you think James is an excellent
cooker / cook