The word food in chinese

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In the tropics, food goes rotten fast.

South Sudanese food crisis rises.

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Food animals are also affected.

Misunderstanding 3, the surface smooth dog food must be good.

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I don’t need food, I don’t need sleep.

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Food combining, have you heard of it?

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Love, a food blogger who occasionally defaults to boxed brownies;-.

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Food in Yerevan will keep you coming back for more.

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They handed me a plate of food and invited me to join them.

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First of all, food has very big changes.

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Further down the food chain, however, it is more likely to be.

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What is your favorite food?- I love sushi!

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Enjoy authentic japanese food and lifestyle.

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Delicious food was prepared for us.

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Access to food was severely restricted.

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We’re going to grow food.

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It’s not only a question of food and agriculture.

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There’s gonna be a food truck or something like that.

They shared all food with their dogs.

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Assistance provided to the World Food Programme and the United Nations Support Office for AMISOM.

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Excess food will simply pollute the water.

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In fact, they may have nothing to do with food at all.

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And their food and wine was amazing.

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How do you feel about the food?

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Results: 108934,
Time: 0.0641






      n   c/u   食 物   [shíwù]  
food for thought      引 人 深 思 的 事  

baby food  
      n   c/u   婴 儿 食 品   [yīng’ér shípĭn]  

fast food  

      n   u     (burger etc)   快 餐   [kuàicān]  

[restaurant, industry etc]  
快 餐   [kuàicān]  

food mixer  
      n   c   食 物 搅 拌 器   [shíwù jiăobànqì]  

food poisoning  
      n   u   食 物 中 毒   [shíwù zhòngdú]  

food processor  
      n   c   食 品 加 工 机   [shípĭn jiāgōngjī]  

food stamp  
      n   c     (US)   政 府 发 给 低 收 入 者 的 食 品 券 , 可 用 于 换 取 食 物   政 府 发 给 低 收 入 者 的 食 品 券 , 可 用 于 换 取 食 物  

health food  
      n   c/u   保 健 食 品   [băojiàn shípĭn]  

junk food  
      n   u   垃 圾 食 品   [lājī shípĭn]  

Translation English — Chinese Collins Dictionary  

Add your entry in the Collaborative Dictionary.

point / dot / drop / speck / o’clock / point (in space or time) / to draw a dot / to check on a list / to choose / to order (food in a restaurant) / to touch briefly / to hint / to light / to ignite / to pour a liquid drop by drop / (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch 更 / dot stroke in Chinese characters / classifier for items


dish (type of food) / vegetable / cuisine / CL: 盤|盘, 道 / (coll.) (one’s) type / (of one’s skills etc) weak / poor


(after a suppositional clause) in that case; then / (after a clause of action) as soon as; immediately after / (same as 就是) merely; nothing else but; simply; just; precisely; exactly / only; as little as / as much as; as many as / to approach; to move towards / to undertake; to engage in / (often followed by 著|着) taking advantage of / (of food) to go with / with regard to; concerning / (pattern: 就 … 也 …) even if … still … / (pattern: 不 … 就 …) if not … then must be …


fresh (experience, food etc) / freshness / novel / uncommon


dry / dried food / empty; hollow / taken in to nominal kinship; adoptive; foster / futile; in vain / (dialect) rude; blunt / (dialect) to cold-shoulder


to taste; to try (food) / to experience / (literary) ever; once


young and tender / (of food) tender; lightly cooked / (of color) light / (of a person) inexperienced; unskilled


hard; stiff; solid / (fig.) strong; firm / resolutely; uncompromisingly / laboriously; with great difficulty / good (quality); able (person) / (of food) filling; substantial


to digest (food) / (fig.) to absorb (information etc); to assimilate; to process



a person’s preferences / tastes (in food) / flavor


light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavored) / insipid / slack (sales)


fat (in the body, in a plant, or in food)


eating and drinking / food and drink; diet


vegetarian food / to eat a vegetarian diet


greasy food; oily food / (of food) greasy; oily; fatty / (neologism c. 2017) (of a middle-aged man) obnoxious; pretentious; vulgar


Islamic / Muslim / halal (of food) / clean / pure


fine food / delicacies / delicious food


strong-smelling vegetable (garlic etc) / non-vegetarian food (meat, fish etc) / vulgar / obscene


to wolf down one’s food (idiom); to devour ravenously / to gorge oneself


to neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom) / to skip one’s sleep and meals / to be completely wrapped up in one’s work


culinary delicacy / fine food / gourmet food

foodstuff; food; provisions / CL: 種|种

flour / noodles / (of food) soft (not crunchy) / (slang) (of a person) ineffectual / spineless

to eat / food / animal feed / eclipse

powder / cosmetic face powder / food prepared from starch; noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour / to turn to powder / (dialect) to whitewash / white / pink / (suffix) fan (abbr. for 粉絲|粉丝) / to be a fan of

plate / dish / tray / board / hard drive (computing) / to build / to coil / to check / to examine / to transfer (property) / to make over / classifier for food: dish, helping / to coil / classifier for coils of wire / classifier for games of chess

to stick / to paste / to post (e.g. on a blog) / to keep close to / to fit snugly / to subsidize / allowance (e.g. money for food or housing) / sticker / classifier for sticking plaster: strip

ancient bronze food vessel with a round mouth and two or four handles / round basket of bamboo

whip or lash / to flog / to whip / conductor’s baton / segmented iron weapon (old) / penis (of animal, served as food)

to press down / to calm / to subdue / to suppress / to guard / garrison / small town / to cool or chill (food or drinks)

to harmonize / to reconcile / to blend / to suit well / to adjust / to regulate / to season (food) / to provoke / to incite

raw silk / white / plain, unadorned / vegetarian (food) / essence / nature / element / constituent / usually / always / ever

loose / to loosen / to relax / floss (dry, fluffy food product made from shredded, seasoned meat or fish, used as a topping or filling)

(of a food’s mouthfeel) springy / firm / al dente

mouthfeel; texture (of food)

fried dough twist (crisp snack food made by deep-frying plaited dough) / worn out or worn smooth (of clothes)

food and beverage / catering / repast

delicious / delicious food / delicacy

fresh / bright (in color) / delicious / tasty / delicacy / aquatic foods

grain / food / provisions / agricultural tax paid in grain

to sample; to taste / to appreciate / one’s taste (i.e. in music, literature, fashion, food and drink etc); good taste

food made from wheat flour, such as noodles, dumplings, buns etc

pastry / food / to swallow / to lure / bait / lure

fast food / snack / quick meal

to be picky about food

dried food (including dried fruits, mushrooms and seafoods such as shrimp and abalone) / (fig.) (coll.) knowledge presented in readily assimilable form / just what you want to know: no more, no less (no 水分)

jasper / fine jade / beautiful / exquisite (e.g. wine, food) / abbr. for Hainan province

to slaughter (animals for food) / to massacre

clothing, food, housing and transport (idiom); people’s basic needs

esophagus / the proper way to eat / food transportation route

(of food) raw or cold

good-looking / charming / (of goods) in great demand / (coll.) to season (food)

Western-style food / CL: 份, 頓|顿

Thai-style (of food, massage etc)

meals; food

fresh produce and freshly prepared foods

(literary) to offer food and drinks / to entertain

to nurse one’s health / to recuperate / to take care of / to look after / to discipline / to educate / to train / to prepare food / (dialect) to make fun of / (medicine) to opsonize

food and clothing

refrigeration / cold storage / to keep (food, medicine) in cold environment

Yoshinoya (Japanese fast food chain)

lunch / Chinese meal / Chinese food / CL: 份, 頓|顿

to reward with food and drink / to feast (sb) / presents of food etc made to troops / Taiwan pr. [kao4 lao4]

cooked food / prepared food / deli food

food therapy; treatment via food (TCM)

rice tub (from which cooked rice or other food is served) / (fig.) fathead / a good-for-nothing

leftover food

to help oneself to (food) / to invite (trouble) / to court (disaster)


(bound form) bamboo grid for steaming food

non-staple food / CL: 種|种

to cook food

vivid / lively / (of food ingredients) live or fresh

to beg for food

food / to make a present

happy knack for chancing upon fine food

Heinz (name) / Heinz, US food processing company

clothes and food

to choke with emotion / to choke on a piece of food

(of a fragrance) to waft about / (fig.) (of foods) to become popular in other places as well

fast food (Tw)

food market

(of two performers) to speak or sing alternately / to be fit for the purposes of a job or task / (of food) to suit sb’s taste

fast food shop

to carry food to laborers in the field

to taste (fresh food or a delicacy) / to try sth new

to ration merchandise (esp. food in times of shortages)

(ox etc) tongue (as food) / (Tw) elocution / articulation

instant (food)

tepid / to warm up (food etc)

to burn (food by overroasting etc)

to eat on the sly / to pilfer food / to be unfaithful

MacDonald or McDonald (name) / McDonald’s (fast food company)

leftovers (food)

thought-provoking / worth thinking over / to provide food for thought

food / edibles

tripe (stomach lining of cattle etc used as food)

cold food (i.e. to abstain from cooked food for 3 days around the Qingming festival 清明節|清明节) / the Qingming festival

konjac, konnyaku or devil’s tongue (Amorphophallus konjac), plant whose corms are used to make a stiff jelly (as a food)

Posted by Julia Song


Chinese people so love to eat that there’s a funny saying: all animals fly in the sky, run on the land and even swim in the water can be the delicacies on Chinese table. You must want to have a taste of the Chinese food when hear it, but how can you tell the restaurant waiter or your Chinese friend the food you want to eat? Or how to buy food from market when you want to cook Chinese food by yourself?

Take a close look at the Chinese vocabulary list for different types of food below.

蔬菜(shū cài)
Vegetables in Chinese

Chinese    Pinyin    English
玉米 yù mǐ Corn
土豆        tǔ dòu Potato
生姜        shēng jiāng Ginger
大蒜      dà suàn Garlic
豆       dòu Bean
西兰花            xī lán huā Broccoli
黄瓜   huáng guā Cucumber
韭菜  jiǔ cài Leek
蘑菇      mó gū Mushroom
木耳 mù ěr Agarics
青椒        qīng jiāo Green pepper
辣椒         là jiāo Pepper
西红柿         xī hóng shì Tomato
茄子         qié zǐ Aborigine
萝卜         luó bo Radish
芋头         yù tóu Taro
白菜         bái cài Cabbage
菠菜       bō cài  Spinach
南瓜         nán guā Pumpkin
苦瓜         kǔ guā Bitter gourd

Meat in Chinese

Chinese    Pinyin    English
猪肉         zhū ròu Pork
鸡肉         jī ròu Chicken
火鸡         huǒ jī Turkey
鸡翅膀         jī chì bǎng Chicken wing
鸭肉       yā ròu Duck
鹅肉         é ròu Goose
狗肉         gǒu ròu Dog meat
牛肉         niú ròu Beef
鱼        Fish
虾         xiā Shrimp
火腿         huǒ tuǐ Ham
热狗         rè gǒu Hot dog
羊肉         yáng ròu Mutton
兔子肉        tù zǐ ròu Rabbit meat

水果(shuǐ guǒ)
Fruit in Chinese

Chinese    Pinyin    English
苹果   píng guǒ Apple
香蕉      xiāng jiāo Banana
芒果   máng guǒ Mango
葡萄       pú táo Grape
橙子 chéng zǐ Orange
草莓         cǎo méi  Strawberry
西瓜         xī guā Melon
樱桃   yīng táo Cherry
柑橘   gān jú Mandarin
桃子 táo zǐ Peach
梨         Pear
蓝莓       lán méi    Blueberry
椰子       yē zǐ Coconut
奇异果  qí yì guǒ Kiwi
柠檬   níng méng Lemon
牛油果         niú yóu guǒ Avocado
菠萝         bō luó Pineapple
石榴       shí liú Pomegranate

饮料(yǐn liào)

Chinese    Pinyin    English
茶       chá Tea
牛奶  niú nǎi Milk
奶茶 nǎi chá Milky tea
咖啡 kā fēi Coffee
汽水 qì shuǐ Pop
可口可乐 kě kǒu kě lè Cocoa
雪碧       xuě bì Sprite
果汁      guǒ zhī Fruit juice
柠檬水       níng méng shuǐ Lemonade
啤酒         pí jiǔ Beer
白酒       bái jiǔ White spirits
红酒        hóng jiǔ Red wine

面食(miàn shi)
Flour Food in Chinese

In northern China, people are adept at making flour food. Flour food are always served as breakfast, but sometimes it could be the festival food, here’s an example, Chinese like to eat dumplings on midwinter and the Spring Festival. Now, let’s see what delicious Chinese flour foods you should taste.
  flour food in chinese

Now, you have mastered almost all the basic Chinese food vocabulary, the next thing you should do is to eat, eat, eat! !

  In the video below, Clarice Zhao, one of the most excellent teachers of Hanbridge Mandarin, will teach you how to order food in Chinese.

Hope you enjoy Chinese food and enjoy your life in China! :D


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You will be placed in several role playing situations to give the training a «real world» feel. Gain valuable insight into conversational Mandarin in areas such as: taxi rides, ordering food, phone calls, looking for help and more. 

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Dàjiā hǎo! Welcome to the Rocket Chinese Lesson on a topic that’s sure to get your mouth watering — food! Today we’re going to learn some of the most common words for food items in Chinese.

It’s important to know some basic vocabulary for food when traveling in China. You’ll find it handy when going out to eat or when shopping for food in a market.

Talk about what you like, ‘我喜欢… Wǒ xǐhuān…’, what you don’t like ‘我不喜欢… Wǒ bù xǐhuān…’, or perhaps you have a food allergy you need to tell your waiter about, which will be ‘我不能吃… Wǒ bùnéng chī… ’.

Let’s tuck in to this lesson!

Resources for further reading:

  • How long would it take you to learn Chinese?
  • The best Chinese learning software

Pronouncing food in Chinese

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Chinese pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

I hope you enjoyed this lesson! I don’t know about you, but I am ready to tuck into yīge sānwénzhì! Next time you need to go grocery shopping or find out what kind of ingredients are in the food at a restaurant, you’ll be equipped with this vocabulary to help you along.

For more lessons on Chinese vocabulary I recommend these!​

  • Christmas? New Years Day? Discover the major holidays in Chinese.
  • Need to book a hotel in Chinese? This is the vocab lesson for you.
  • Going on a spending spree? Know your vocabulary to do with shopping in Chinese.

回头见!Huítóu jiàn!

Lin Ping: Rocket Chinese

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