The word fly means

Recent Examples on the Web

How could such a seemingly special restaurant fly under the radar for so long with so little fanfare?

Tom Sietsema, Washington Post, 24 Mar. 2023

Lewis assembled a team mostly composed of local talent and, in an era when most teams preferred to slow down their offense, encouraged his players to fly above the rim, to run and dunk with abandon.

Andrew Keh, New York Times, 24 Mar. 2023

Travel Inspiration 30 Cheap Girls’ Weekend Getaway Ideas What’s the cheapest day to fly?

Elizabeth Berry, Good Housekeeping, 24 Mar. 2023

Reportedly, the extended stay was caused by an ongoing ear, nose, and throat issue that prevented Charlene from being able to fly.

Lauren Hubbard, Town & Country, 24 Mar. 2023

An off-duty pilot stepped in to help fly a Southwest Airlines flight en route for Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday after the pilot experienced a medical emergency.

Natalie Neysa Alund, USA TODAY, 23 Mar. 2023

Migrants typically would fly to Mexicali before being taken in a bus or taxi for the hour-long ride and dropped off at the highway within walking distance of the border near Yuma.

The Arizona Republic, 23 Mar. 2023

By February or March, those hatchlings are typically strong enough to fly.

Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian Magazine, 23 Mar. 2023

Inspired by the hardiness of bumblebees, MIT researchers have developed repair techniques that enable a bug-sized aerial robot to sustain severe damage to the actuators, or artificial muscles, that power its wings—but to still fly effectively.

IEEE Spectrum, 22 Mar. 2023

Police chief Tim Page said St. Johnsbury wants to help these migrants, but not on the fly.

Wilson Ring, Anchorage Daily News, 25 Mar. 2023

Police chief Tim Page said St. Johnsbury wants to help these migrants, but not on the fly.

Wilson Ring, Chicago Tribune, 24 Mar. 2023

On the fly ordering:Travelers at Indianapolis airport can now place restaurant orders via mobile The busiest days this week will be Thursday through Saturday with more than 18,000 passengers anticipated on Friday and nearly 19,000 on Saturday.

Cheryl V. Jackson, The Indianapolis Star, 22 Mar. 2023

Patricia was learning on the fly as play caller, and was stretched too thin as offensive line coach too.

Ben Volin,, 22 Mar. 2023

Creating Customization Changing performance on the fly is critical in the best-quality products.

Tim Newcomb, Popular Mechanics, 22 Mar. 2023

Midgley kept searching, systematically plowing through a new version of the periodic table that had recently been introduced, identifying promising clusters of elements, effectively teaching himself industrial chemistry on the fly.

Steven Johnson, New York Times, 15 Mar. 2023

That also requires technology to support upgrading the virtual world on the fly.

IEEE Spectrum, 15 Mar. 2023

Those are beats from the film, written by Henzell and playwright Trevor Rhone, which was written and shaped on the fly as the crew captured near-documentary-style footage of Kingston in the 1970s.

Vulture, 15 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘fly.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

летать, лететь, полететь, муха, полет, крыло, ширинка, осмотрительный, умный



- муха
- энт. двукрылое или летающее насекомое (Diptera)
- наживка
- искусственная мушка

- разг. полёт; перелёт

to have a fly in an airplane — лететь самолётом
on the fly — на лету; на ходу
I was late and caught the train on the fly — я опоздал и вскочил в поезд на ходу

ещё 14 вариантов


- осмотрительный, хитрый

he is a fly customer — ему пальца в рот не клади

- подвижный, ловкий (о пальцах)
- производящий впечатление, приятный, элегантный

Мои примеры


fly by the book — летать строго по наставлению  
to fly coach — лететь экономклассом, туристическим классом  
to show / fly the white feather — струсить, проявить малодушие  
to display / fly / hang out a flag — вывешивать флаг  
to swat a fly — прибить муху  
fly in the ointment — ложка дёгтя в бочке мёда  
to fly into a temper — разозлиться  
to fly in the face of Providence — искушать судьбу  
to fly in the face of tradition — бросать вызов традиции  
to make the feathers / fur fly — стравить (противников), раззадорить  

Примеры с переводом

Are we driving or flying?

Мы едем на машине или летим?

He flew into a rage.

Он пришёл в ярость.

He would not hurt a fly.

Он и мухи не обидит.

We usually fly economy class.

Мы, как правило, летаем эконом-классом.

The time simply flew.

Время просто неслось.

She flew from New York to London.

Она летела из Нью-Йорка в Лондон.

Man cannot fly.

Человек не может летать.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Фразовые глаголы

fly around — суетиться, метаться, , облетать
fly away — улетать, убегать
fly in — влетать, доставлять по воздуху, впорхнуть
fly off — отлетать, соскакивать, отскакивать, уклоняться, поспешно убегать
fly on — набрасываться с бранью, нападать
fly out — вылетать, вспылить, рассердиться, выноситься
fly over — перемахнуть через, перепрыгнуть через
fly round — облетать, облететь, кружиться, крутиться
fly up — внезапно подняться, о шторе, рыскать к ветру, поднимать в воздух

Возможные однокоренные слова

flyer  — листовка, летчик, летательный аппарат, маховик, экспресс, пилот, птица
flying  — летающий, летательный, летный, летучий, полеты, лет, летание, летное дело, вождение
flyable  — летный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: fly
he/she/it: flies
ing ф. (present participle): flying
2-я ф. (past tense): flew
3-я ф. (past participle): flown

ед. ч.(singular): fly
мн. ч.(plural): flies

срав. степ. (comparative): flyer
прев. степ. (superlative): flyest

Other forms: flying; flew; flies; flown; flied; flyingly

Fly describes moving through the air, like birds that fly in the sky, or getting something accepted, like your silly excuse that’s not going to fly with your history teacher.

Fly means «move through the air with wings,» and it describes the movement of birds, airplanes, kites, and other things that float or move of their own accord above the ground. There are many other meanings of fly, including a buzzing insect with wings, a baseball hit high across a field, and the zipper on a pair of pants. As an adjective, fly means cool, though there’s no guarantee it’s still fly to use it.

Definitions of fly

  1. verb

    travel through the air; be airborne

    “Man cannot



  2. verb

    cause to fly or float

  3. verb

    display in the air or cause to float

    fly a kite”

    “All nations
    fly their flags in front of the U.N.”

  4. “The pilot
    flew to Cuba”


    aviate, pilot

  5. verb

    travel in an airplane

    “she is
    flying to Cincinnati tonight”

    “Are we driving or


    aviate, pilot

    operate an airplane

  6. verb

    travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft

    “Lindbergh was the first to
    fly the Atlantic”



    travel through the air; be airborne

    aviate, pilot

    operate an airplane

  7. verb

    transport by aeroplane

    fly flowers from the Caribbean to North America”


    aviate, pilot

    operate an airplane

    see moresee less


    airlift, lift

    fly people or goods to or from places not accessible by other means

    type of:

    carry, transport

    move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one’s hands or on one’s body

  8. noun

    two-winged insects characterized by active flight

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    show 13 types…
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    Musca domestica, house fly, housefly

    common fly that frequents human habitations and spreads many diseases

    glossina, tsetse, tsetse fly, tzetze, tzetze fly

    bloodsucking African fly; transmits sleeping sickness etc.

    blow fly, blowfly

    large usually hairy metallic blue or green fly; lays eggs in carrion or dung or wounds

    Sarcophaga carnaria, flesh fly

    fly whose larvae feed on carrion or the flesh of living animals

    tachina fly

    bristly fly whose larvae live parasitically in caterpillars and other insects; important in control of noxious insects


    any of various large flies that annoy livestock

    bee fly

    hairy nectar-eating fly that resembles a bee; larvae are parasitic on larvae of bees and related insects

    Haematobia irritans, horn fly

    small black European fly introduced into North America; sucks blood from cattle especially at the base of the horn

    Calliphora vicina, bluebottle

    blowfly with iridescent blue body; makes a loud buzzing noise in flight

    greenbottle, greenbottle fly

    blowfly with brilliant coppery green body


    stout-bodied hairy dipterous fly whose larvae are parasites on humans and other mammals

    warble fly

    hairy bee-like fly whose larvae produce lumpy abscesses (warbles) under the skin of cattle

    cleg, clegg, horse fly, horsefly

    large swift fly the female of which sucks blood of various animals

    type of:

    dipteran, dipteron, dipterous insect, two-winged insects

    insects having usually a single pair of functional wings (anterior pair) with the posterior pair reduced to small knobbed structures and mouth parts adapted for sucking or lapping or piercing

  9. noun

    fisherman’s lure consisting of a fishhook decorated to look like an insect

    see moresee less


    dry fly

    a fly (fisherman’s lure) that skims the surface of the water

    streamer fly

    an artificial fly that has wings extending back beyond the crook of the fishhook

    wet fly

    fisherman’s fly that floats under the surface of the water

    type of:

    fish lure, fisherman’s lure

    (angling) any bright artificial bait consisting of plastic or metal mounted with hooks and trimmed with feathers

  10. noun

    (baseball) a hit that flies up in the air

  11. verb

    move quickly or suddenly

    flew about the place”

  12. synonyms:

    flee, take flight

    see moresee less


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    make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one’s own by quitting or fleeing


    run away in a stampede

    abscond, absquatulate, bolt, decamp, go off, make off, run off

    run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along

    elope, run off

    run away secretly with one’s beloved

    break loose, escape, get away

    run away from confinement


    retreat at full speed

    defect, desert

    desert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army

    break, break away, break out

    move away or escape suddenly

    escape from, shake, shake off, throw off

    get rid of


    run off without paying a debt

    bilk, elude, evade

    escape, either physically or mentally


    move smoothly and easily

    run away

    escape from the control of


    desert one’s party or group of friends, for example, for one’s personal advantage

    escape, get away

    remove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion

    type of:

    break away, bunk, escape, fly the coop, head for the hills, hightail it, lam, run, run away, scarper, scat, take to the woods, turn tail

    flee; take to one’s heels; cut and run

  13. verb

    be dispersed or disseminated

    “Rumors and accusations are

  14. verb

    change quickly from one emotional state to another

    fly into a rage”

    see moresee less

    type of:


    undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one’s or its original nature

  15. “Time
    flies like an arrow”


    fell, vanish

    vanish, vaporize

    decrease rapidly and disappear

  16. verb

    decrease rapidly and disappear


    vanish, vaporize

    fell, vanish

    pass away rapidly

  17. noun

    flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent


    fly sheet, rainfly, tent flap, tent-fly

    see moresee less

    type of:


    any broad, thin, and limber covering attached at one edge; hangs loose or projects freely

  18. noun

    an opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or by buttons concealed under a fold of cloth

  19. adjective

    (British informal) not to be deceived or hoodwinked


    alert, watchful

    engaged in or accustomed to close observation

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘fly’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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fly — перевод на русский


Thanks to you, I’m feeling much better. I feel light as if I can fly.

даже летать могу.

The witchcraft of the ointment would allow them to fly through the air.

Под воздействием мази женщина могла летать по небу.

«Oh yes, learned men, miserable me has flown through the night air to Brocken on Trina’s broom.»

О, учёные мужи, попутало меня, несчастную, летать по ночному небу до Брёкена на помеле Трины!

All right, we’ll beat it down and fix his plane so it won’t fly.

Хорошо, мы сейчас разберемся с этим самолетом, чтобы он не мог летать.

Now you can fly.

Ты можешь летать!

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I must fly.

Я должна лететь.

How long does it take to fly there? Seven hours.

Сколько времени туда лететь?

It happened in Moscow in the summer of 1946 when the famous astro-physicist Academician Sedych decided to fly to the Moon.

Это случилось в Москве, летом 1946 года, когда знаменитый астрофизик Академик Седых решил лететь на Луну





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To them, the life of a woman mattered no more than that of a fly

Для них жизнь женщины, то есть — любой женщины, была не ценнее раздавленной мухи…

Men spread out like flies, clinging to the rigging, screaming at the surf.

Моряки разбросаны по морю, как мухи они кричат, хватаются за доски.

See, Joe, we had all the screens removed because they were fixed so the flies can’t get out at all.

Погляди, Джо,мы поснимали все накомарники, потому что мухи не могли выбраться наружу.

I always wondered how flies could walk on walls… now I understand.

Я всегда думал, как это мухи ползают по стенам… теперь я понял.

Flies won’t ever impress me again.

Мухи меня больше не впечатляют.

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No, he’d better come to New York and fly down with me.

Нет, пусть приедет в Нью-Йорк, и мы вместе полетим.

We’ll fly through the air.

Мы полетим туда.

Probably before you, if we fly.

Может раньше тебя, если мы полетим.

Fly, of course.

— Мы полетим!

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Flying machines.

Летающие машины.

Flying machines, submarines, television, rockets.

ћногие из его фантазий, тем не менее, стали реальностью: летающие аппараты, подводные лодки, телевидение, ракеты.

Just the same as Flying saucers.

Точно так же как и летающие тарелки.

People turning south from the freeway were startled when they saw flying saucers high over Hollywood Boulevard.

Люди, ехавшие по автостраде на юг, были поражены, увидев, три летающие тарелки, мчавшиеся над Голливудским бульваром. Над Голливудом видели летающие тарелки. Все, кто их видел, звонили в полицию.

Flying saucers seen over Washington D.C.

Летающие тарелки видели над Вашингтоном, округ Колумбия.

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And have him fly in on the end of one of his own arrows?

Чтобы он улетел на своей стреле?

— He flew to Pomona to see a picture.

— Он улетел на Помону, любоваться видами.

My boss was flying to Brussels this morning.

Шеф сегодня утром улетел в Брюссель.

— Then I flew here on Wednesday.

— А в среду улетел сюда.

— It flew away. — Because I let it go.

Улетел, потому что я ему позволила.

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Think of it, Allen, flying through the night under the stars…

Подумай об этом, Ален, полет сквозь звездную ночь …

Flying level. 30,000 feet.

Полёт на высоте 9 000 метров.

Now if your machine won’t work, Doctor, I propose to fly you without it.

Итак, если твоя машина не заработает, Доктор, я намереваюсь отправить тебя в полет без нее.

Today we have a respite, Tomorrow we’ll fly again…

*Нынче у нас передышка, завтра вернёмся в полёт*

Now that is precision flying.

Теперь это прямой полёт.

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No, I flew down from New York about 10 days ago.

Нет, я прилетел из Нью-Йорка 10 дней назад.

He flew on the wings of his infatuation.

Он прилетел на крыльях своей одержимости.

The fool flew all the way up here in a blizzard.

Этот ненормальный прилетел в пургу.

He’s just a year older than Michel, and last year he flew here from Boston and back just fine.

В прошлом году он сам прилетел на самолете из Бостона. И был такой веселый и счастливый. — Как?

But a small, black messenger flew to the thirteenth fairy who had not been invited to the feast, and told her what was going on.

Но маленький чёрный вестник прилетел к тринадцатой Фее, которой не досталось приглашения и рассказал ей обо всём

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They’re flying away. Good riddance.

Они улетают… надеюсь — не вернутся…

Troubles fly away And life is easy go

Неприятности улетают, жизнь становится легкой.

Already the wild geese are flying south.

Дикие гуси уже улетают на юг.

Who would tell you tales about the clasp knife and the birds that fly out of it,

Кто бы рассказал тебе историю о складном ноже и птицах, которые улетают от него.

«When the eaglets have grown up, «they fly away

Когда птенцы орла подрастают, они улетают.

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No, nobody hurt, not even the vendor… though he went flying through the air like a great crow.

Нет, никто, даже цветочник… хотя он и пролетел по воздуху как большая ворона.

Yes, he did fly a bit, didn’t he?

Да, он действительно немного пролетел, не так ли?

Ever since that plane flew over, he’s been acting mighty funny, even for Him.

С тех пор, как пролетел это самолёт, он ведёт себя очень странно, даже для его уровня.

It all started since this plane flew over yesterday.

Всё началось, когда вчера пролетел этот самолёт.

Flew right over us.

Пролетел прямо над нами.

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Britannica Dictionary definition of FLY

[no object]


to move through the air with wings

  • A bird flew in through the open window.

  • insects flying over the water

[no object]


to move through the air especially at a high speed

  • We watched as clouds flew across the sky.

  • Waves crashed on the rocks and spray flew up into the air.

  • Bullets were flying in all directions.

  • He tripped and went flying (through the air).

often used figuratively

  • Rumors are flying [=there are a lot of rumors] that he’ll be announcing his candidacy soon.

  • Accusations are flying. [=people are making a lot of accusations]


to control an airplane, helicopter, etc., as it moves through the air


to be the pilot of an aircraft

[+ object]

  • fly a plane

  • He flies jets.

[no object]

  • He learned to fly while he was in the Air Force.

  • She flies for a major airline.

  • She’s taking flying lessons.

[+ object]


to journey over (something, such as an ocean) by flying an airplane

  • Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly the Atlantic solo.

[no object]


to travel in an aircraft or spacecraft

  • They flew to California for vacation.

  • I’m flying to Canada to visit my family.

  • He insists on flying first-class.

  • A doctor flew in from the mainland.

  • She flew on a shuttle mission last year.

[+ object]


to travel by flying on (a particular airline)

  • He always flies the same airline. [=he always flies on the same airline]

[+ object]


to carry (someone or something) to a place in an aircraft

  • Supplies were flown to the disaster area.

  • They fly cargo around the world.

  • A doctor was flown in from the mainland.


to show (something, such as a flag) by putting it in a high place

[+ object]

  • We flew a banner across the entrance.

[no object]

  • A flag flies in front of the building. = There is a flag flying in front of the building.

see also fly the flag at 1flag

[+ object]


to cause (something, such as a kite) to fly in the air

  • Children were flying kites in the park.

see also go fly a kite at kite

[no object]


to move or go quickly

  • She flew to the window when she heard the car.

  • The door flew open and he rushed into the room.

  • I flew up the stairs to answer the phone.

  • I must fly or I’ll be late for my appointment.

  • That horse really flies.

  • Cars were flying past us on the highway.

[no object]


to move freely

  • As she ran, her hair flew in every direction.

[no object]


to pass very quickly

  • Time flies.

  • Our vacation flew by before we knew it.

[no object]

chiefly US, informal


to be approved or accepted

usually used in negative statements

  • This plan will never fly.

  • His budget proposals didn’t fly with voters. [=voters didn’t like his proposals]

as the crow flies

see 1crow

fly at (someone)


to attack (someone) with sudden violence

  • He flew at me in a rage.


to be very happy and excited

  • She was flying high after her excellent exam results.


to be very successful

  • After some difficult years, the company is flying high again.

fly in the face of

also US

fly in the teeth of


to fail completely to agree with (something)


to oppose or contradict (something) directly

  • His explanation flies in the face of the evidence. [=his explanation is not supported at all by the evidence]

  • a theory that flies in the face of logic [=a theory that is not logical at all]

  • a policy that flies in the face of reason [=a policy that is extremely unreasonable]

fly into (something)


to be overcome by (sudden extreme emotion)

  • He flew into a rage. [=he suddenly became very angry]

  • They flew into a panic. [=they suddenly panicked]

fly off the handle



to lose control of your emotions


to become very angry

  • He tends to fly off the handle when people disagree with him.


to leave suddenly or secretly


to escape or go away

  • In the morning the suspect had flown the coop.

  • All their children have flown the coop. [=have moved away from home]

let fly



let fly with


to throw (something) in a forceful way

  • The quarterback let fly (with) a long pass.

often used figuratively

  • She let fly (with) a few angry words. [=she shouted a few angry words]

Britannica Dictionary definition of FLY


to hit a fly ball

  • The batter flied to left field.

  • He flied out to left field. [=he made an out by hitting a fly ball that was caught by the left fielder]

Britannica Dictionary definition of FLY



a small insect that has two wings

  • swat a fly

  • the buzz of a fly


a hook that is designed to look like an insect and that is used for catching fish

  • an artificial fly

see also fly-fishing

drop like flies



die like flies

◊ If people or animals are dropping/dying like flies, they are dropping or dying very quickly in large numbers.

  • The heat was so intense that people were dropping like flies. [=many people were fainting from the heat]

  • Horses and cattle dropped/died like flies during the drought.

◊ These phrases are often used figuratively.

  • Candidates were dropping like flies during the early part of the campaign.

fly in the ointment


someone or something that causes problems

  • We’re almost ready to start work. Getting the permit is the only fly in the ointment.

fly on the wall


someone who secretly watches or listens to other people

  • I would like to be a fly on the wall during the negotiations. [=I would like to be able to hear what is being said during the negotiations]

no flies on

chiefly British, informal

◊ If there are no flies on you, you are a smart person who is quick to understand things and not easily fooled.

wouldn’t hurt a fly

◊ Someone who wouldn’t hurt a fly is too gentle to want to hurt anyone.

  • He looks big and dangerous, but he wouldn’t hurt a fly.

Britannica Dictionary definition of FLY



an opening in a piece of clothing (such as a pair of trousers, shorts, or a skirt) that is hidden by a fold of cloth and that is closed by a zipper or a row of buttons

  • He zipped/buttoned his fly.

sometimes plural in British English

  • He zipped his flies.

see color picture on this page



fly ball

  • He hit a fly to the left fielder.

on the fly


quickly and often without preparation

  • You’ll have to make decisions on the fly.


through the air


without hitting the ground

  • The home run went 450 feet on the fly.


while something else is also being done on a computer

  • software that handles formatting on the fly

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