The word fly in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word fly, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use fly in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «fly».

Fly in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word fly in a sentence.

  1. Above Jesus fly four cherubim.

  2. You don’t fly a 757 in that manner.

  3. Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic?

  4. Aldrin chose instead to fly fighters.

  5. He continued to fly until the age of 85.

  6. They cannot fly and are not often found.

  7. If this fails, they fly, calling noisily.

  8. Five doves fly into the sky to Mao’s right.

  9. Piper Memorial Airport to fly their planes.

  10. They also often fly at considerable height.

  11. Many birds fly around the Sahara next to the coast.

  12. Rodriguez scored on a sacrifice fly by Robinson Canó.

  13. Cernan was the second of the fourteen to fly in space.

  14. Baker, who refused his request to fly in combat units.

  15. They cannot fly, their fat makes them too heavy for it.

  16. He wanted to fly again, but since World War II started soon after, he was unable.

  17. McLaren, Cook and Jones prepared to fly to Rio de Janeiro for a working vacation.

  18. Pittas are behaviourally reluctant to fly, but are capable and even strong fliers.

  19. The aircraft did not fly from Melbourne until the conclusion of her refit in 1969.

  20. There is no requirement to fly the flag on any national holiday or special events.

  21. The young remain in the nest for two months, and after 75 to 80 days they are able to fly skillfully.

  22. Foxx also refused to fly commercially, successfully lobbying Universal to hire a private jet for him.

  23. As you fly back to your base, now safe at last, a feeling of light-hearted exuberance comes over you.

  24. Milla can fly for a short time while holding the jump button mid-air by flapping her ears like wings.

  25. In the interim, the Hercules transports continued to fly from Ascension, dropping high priority items.

  26. After LM separation, the third stage of the Saturn V, the S-IVB, was intended to fly into solar orbit.

  27. After recruiting Deal, Kim paid for her sister, Kelley Deal, to fly to Boston and audition as drummer.

  28. He invited her to fly with him, and she accepted, wearing a leather flying coat that they had borrowed.

  29. An eastern corridor was left open to allow the Libyans to evacuate to Jinja and fly out of the country.

  30. Nose bots are fly larvae that inhabit a sheep’s sinuses, causing breathing difficulties and discomfort.

  31. Though the kakapo cannot fly, it is an excellent climber, ascending to the crowns of the tallest trees.

  32. He found he enjoyed teaching, and was still able to fly a T-33 from Stewart Air Force Base on weekends.

  33. It cannot stand and is not proficient at walking, and requires an unobstructed takeoff to fly from land.

  34. The young leave the nest before they are fully fledged, and only able to fly downwards, and scramble up.

  35. Another source of germanium is fly ash of power plants fueled from coal deposits that contain germanium.

  36. Shipping appeared as well, but the team was unable to test this very well as the Heyford was forbidden to fly over water.

  37. Although it did not fly until July 1966, the authors were aware of the capabilities and limitations of the KH-8 Gambit 3.

  38. But rather than flying to a place of safety among the Spanish inhabitants of the island the gansas fly higher and higher.

  39. Adults fly off the nest to defecate, and even small chicks walk a short distance from the scrape to deposit their faeces.

  40. Least threatening are alarm calls and distant swoops, where birds fly within several metres from behind and perch nearby.

  41. Under CAA and EASA rules, all aircraft are required to meet certain standards of airworthiness to fly safely and legally.

  42. Humphreys said he would fly over central London and drop pornography if she was not released, but did not follow through.

  43. The pilot would fly under ground control until the target suddenly appeared on his pilot indicator, and then intercept it.

  44. Jupiter discovers where Pluton has hidden Eurydice, and slips through the keyhole by turning into a beautiful, golden fly.

  45. Lazzeri hit a fly ball to left field, and Koenig tagged up on the play to score a run and give the Yankees a one-run lead.

  46. Later, the party is given access to Flammie, a miniature dragon which is controlled by the player and able to fly freely across the world, represented by an overworld map.

  47. In 2017 it emerged that Charles Haughey had secretly requested that the Royal Air Force fly the bodies direct to Belfast, bypassing the Republic of which he was Taoiseach.

  48. Breeding males have a song display in which they fly to 15–30 metres (49–98 ft) above the ground, then circle or descend to the ground with a fluttering «parachute» flight.

  49. The average cost per hour to fly such aircraft has been estimated to be £133, compared to an estimated £77 per hour for gliders, and a reported £35 per hour for microlights.

  50. The explosion forced the US to fly in more bomb-detection equipment, as most of the devices already in Vietnam were stored inside the hotel and were destroyed in the attack.

Synonyms for fly

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word fly has the following synonyms: alert, fly ball, fly front, tent-fly, rainfly, fly sheet, tent flap, aviate, pilot, fell, vanish, flee, take flight, vaporize and wing.

General information about «fly» example sentences

The example sentences for the word fly that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «fly» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «fly».

летать, лететь, полететь, муха, полет, крыло, ширинка, осмотрительный, умный



- муха
- энт. двукрылое или летающее насекомое (Diptera)
- наживка
- искусственная мушка

- разг. полёт; перелёт

to have a fly in an airplane — лететь самолётом
on the fly — на лету; на ходу
I was late and caught the train on the fly — я опоздал и вскочил в поезд на ходу

ещё 14 вариантов


- осмотрительный, хитрый

he is a fly customer — ему пальца в рот не клади

- подвижный, ловкий (о пальцах)
- производящий впечатление, приятный, элегантный

Мои примеры


fly by the book — летать строго по наставлению  
to fly coach — лететь экономклассом, туристическим классом  
to show / fly the white feather — струсить, проявить малодушие  
to display / fly / hang out a flag — вывешивать флаг  
to swat a fly — прибить муху  
fly in the ointment — ложка дёгтя в бочке мёда  
to fly into a temper — разозлиться  
to fly in the face of Providence — искушать судьбу  
to fly in the face of tradition — бросать вызов традиции  
to make the feathers / fur fly — стравить (противников), раззадорить  

Примеры с переводом

Are we driving or flying?

Мы едем на машине или летим?

He flew into a rage.

Он пришёл в ярость.

He would not hurt a fly.

Он и мухи не обидит.

We usually fly economy class.

Мы, как правило, летаем эконом-классом.

The time simply flew.

Время просто неслось.

She flew from New York to London.

Она летела из Нью-Йорка в Лондон.

Man cannot fly.

Человек не может летать.

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Фразовые глаголы

fly around — суетиться, метаться, , облетать
fly away — улетать, убегать
fly in — влетать, доставлять по воздуху, впорхнуть
fly off — отлетать, соскакивать, отскакивать, уклоняться, поспешно убегать
fly on — набрасываться с бранью, нападать
fly out — вылетать, вспылить, рассердиться, выноситься
fly over — перемахнуть через, перепрыгнуть через
fly round — облетать, облететь, кружиться, крутиться
fly up — внезапно подняться, о шторе, рыскать к ветру, поднимать в воздух

Возможные однокоренные слова

flyer  — листовка, летчик, летательный аппарат, маховик, экспресс, пилот, птица
flying  — летающий, летательный, летный, летучий, полеты, лет, летание, летное дело, вождение
flyable  — летный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: fly
he/she/it: flies
ing ф. (present participle): flying
2-я ф. (past tense): flew
3-я ф. (past participle): flown

ед. ч.(singular): fly
мн. ч.(plural): flies

срав. степ. (comparative): flyer
прев. степ. (superlative): flyest

fly — перевод на русский


Thanks to you, I’m feeling much better. I feel light as if I can fly.

даже летать могу.

The witchcraft of the ointment would allow them to fly through the air.

Под воздействием мази женщина могла летать по небу.

«Oh yes, learned men, miserable me has flown through the night air to Brocken on Trina’s broom.»

О, учёные мужи, попутало меня, несчастную, летать по ночному небу до Брёкена на помеле Трины!

All right, we’ll beat it down and fix his plane so it won’t fly.

Хорошо, мы сейчас разберемся с этим самолетом, чтобы он не мог летать.

Now you can fly.

Ты можешь летать!

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I must fly.

Я должна лететь.

How long does it take to fly there? Seven hours.

Сколько времени туда лететь?

It happened in Moscow in the summer of 1946 when the famous astro-physicist Academician Sedych decided to fly to the Moon.

Это случилось в Москве, летом 1946 года, когда знаменитый астрофизик Академик Седых решил лететь на Луну





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To them, the life of a woman mattered no more than that of a fly

Для них жизнь женщины, то есть — любой женщины, была не ценнее раздавленной мухи…

Men spread out like flies, clinging to the rigging, screaming at the surf.

Моряки разбросаны по морю, как мухи они кричат, хватаются за доски.

See, Joe, we had all the screens removed because they were fixed so the flies can’t get out at all.

Погляди, Джо,мы поснимали все накомарники, потому что мухи не могли выбраться наружу.

I always wondered how flies could walk on walls… now I understand.

Я всегда думал, как это мухи ползают по стенам… теперь я понял.

Flies won’t ever impress me again.

Мухи меня больше не впечатляют.

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No, he’d better come to New York and fly down with me.

Нет, пусть приедет в Нью-Йорк, и мы вместе полетим.

We’ll fly through the air.

Мы полетим туда.

Probably before you, if we fly.

Может раньше тебя, если мы полетим.

Fly, of course.

— Мы полетим!

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Flying machines.

Летающие машины.

Flying machines, submarines, television, rockets.

ћногие из его фантазий, тем не менее, стали реальностью: летающие аппараты, подводные лодки, телевидение, ракеты.

Just the same as Flying saucers.

Точно так же как и летающие тарелки.

People turning south from the freeway were startled when they saw flying saucers high over Hollywood Boulevard.

Люди, ехавшие по автостраде на юг, были поражены, увидев, три летающие тарелки, мчавшиеся над Голливудским бульваром. Над Голливудом видели летающие тарелки. Все, кто их видел, звонили в полицию.

Flying saucers seen over Washington D.C.

Летающие тарелки видели над Вашингтоном, округ Колумбия.

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And have him fly in on the end of one of his own arrows?

Чтобы он улетел на своей стреле?

— He flew to Pomona to see a picture.

— Он улетел на Помону, любоваться видами.

My boss was flying to Brussels this morning.

Шеф сегодня утром улетел в Брюссель.

— Then I flew here on Wednesday.

— А в среду улетел сюда.

— It flew away. — Because I let it go.

Улетел, потому что я ему позволила.

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Think of it, Allen, flying through the night under the stars…

Подумай об этом, Ален, полет сквозь звездную ночь …

Flying level. 30,000 feet.

Полёт на высоте 9 000 метров.

Now if your machine won’t work, Doctor, I propose to fly you without it.

Итак, если твоя машина не заработает, Доктор, я намереваюсь отправить тебя в полет без нее.

Today we have a respite, Tomorrow we’ll fly again…

*Нынче у нас передышка, завтра вернёмся в полёт*

Now that is precision flying.

Теперь это прямой полёт.

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No, I flew down from New York about 10 days ago.

Нет, я прилетел из Нью-Йорка 10 дней назад.

He flew on the wings of his infatuation.

Он прилетел на крыльях своей одержимости.

The fool flew all the way up here in a blizzard.

Этот ненормальный прилетел в пургу.

He’s just a year older than Michel, and last year he flew here from Boston and back just fine.

В прошлом году он сам прилетел на самолете из Бостона. И был такой веселый и счастливый. — Как?

But a small, black messenger flew to the thirteenth fairy who had not been invited to the feast, and told her what was going on.

Но маленький чёрный вестник прилетел к тринадцатой Фее, которой не досталось приглашения и рассказал ей обо всём

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They’re flying away. Good riddance.

Они улетают… надеюсь — не вернутся…

Troubles fly away And life is easy go

Неприятности улетают, жизнь становится легкой.

Already the wild geese are flying south.

Дикие гуси уже улетают на юг.

Who would tell you tales about the clasp knife and the birds that fly out of it,

Кто бы рассказал тебе историю о складном ноже и птицах, которые улетают от него.

«When the eaglets have grown up, «they fly away

Когда птенцы орла подрастают, они улетают.

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No, nobody hurt, not even the vendor… though he went flying through the air like a great crow.

Нет, никто, даже цветочник… хотя он и пролетел по воздуху как большая ворона.

Yes, he did fly a bit, didn’t he?

Да, он действительно немного пролетел, не так ли?

Ever since that plane flew over, he’s been acting mighty funny, even for Him.

С тех пор, как пролетел это самолёт, он ведёт себя очень странно, даже для его уровня.

It all started since this plane flew over yesterday.

Всё началось, когда вчера пролетел этот самолёт.

Flew right over us.

Пролетел прямо над нами.

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Examples of how to use the word “fly” in a sentence. How to connect “fly” with other words to make correct English sentences.

fly (v, n): When a bird, insect, or aircraft flies, it moves through the air; a small insect with two wings

Use “fly” in a sentence

I always fly business class.
How long does it take to fly from Hanoi to Bangkok?
Sometimes I wish I could fly.

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Chunks of wall flew into the sky

Before God created Man, before any animals had a name, Serpent flew above Eden amongst the birds and cherubim

When the sun hit his scales in the morning, he first prostrated himself before God and immediately flew through the treetops to her

» He flew into the air and could feel Kerubiel’s light beating hot on his scales

» He unraveled himself and flew around her head like a halo

She flew off, over its head, smacking her knee on the hard shell of its big middle eye and then tumbling thru yards of splintery brush before coming to rest

«No thank you,» the man said again, «The Lord will save me!» After much begging and pleading the man in the helicopter gave up and flew away

It flew almost over them in the sky, only a few thousand feet above, blasting wind they could feel even down here

They flew a few miles into the sky before she could appreciate how many islands Ava had, as long as Japan

They had some tour probes lying about down there, she flew one for awhile

She flew into a place where people had gathered in a courtyard to listen to a speech from a man in robes on a high balcony

The ball flew straight and true, right into the back of the batter as he spun away trying to avoid being hit

CRAACK! The ball flew off the bat into shallow left field for a single

When she saw the projection of Tipperary spinning slowly in the air above the Ops console, displaying the damage to the ship, she flew that way

He pushed off the bulkhead and flew to the terminal set near Wrigley’s prospecting console

After all, they speared us with a missile that flew at the speed of light

» Rampone pushed off and flew for the hatch

» She flew from the NAV console to Ops and stopped halfway

«The Chief is back!» Rampone left his console and flew over the web of control leads and concatenators

He thought maybe it was the angle they flew at that hid the gun towers, but now, they’d come closer and changed their angle of approach and he still thought they looked under-gunned

As he flew across the breaching ship’s bow, through the dome he thought he glimpsed Chief Horcheese’s head and torso strapped in the command chair with a thousand cables trailing out of her, like a spider that had become its web

Their pale blue constellation flew across the terminus again and held station there, waiting for the breaching ship and the junks

Anyway, at a moment he found a black pen and the opportunity to smudge two of the three pages of my published story! When I saw that, I flew off the handle! The little monster managed to stain the only success I’ve had in my life insofar!

If this was ready when the Kassikan flew Ernesto’s body to the north, they could have caught up with the airship before the tunnel and brought him back

Vyinga took a running leap and flew thru the air, actually reaching the stern rail with one foot

dagger flew from his hand, over Sons’ head, into the sand in front of Son

wolves, slept in the dens of lions, flew with birds, and swam beside sharks

Ethereead swooped up out of its dive and flew alongside the

Jodechians, when they flew in on the dragon

The burnt ends flew and curled,

The larger and stronger of the two birds flew

him again that as he flew close, she grasped at

My eyes misted over as my thoughts flew 20 years from

So much had happened since she last sat here … an image of JJ laughing as he rode Black Hofnarr across the stable yard flew across her mind

He wondered, as he flew toward the ground and even more pain, if he had lost consciousness

«I think when the shuttle flew around in that higher altitude circle it put a fear into those beasts that wasn’t going to leave them til they’d run to the next climate zone,» Alan said

Sam’s eyes flew wide open and he was white as a ghost

With that he took to the air and flew off to the center and his own private spa

As they flew over the

in the settling of earth that flew in that bitter

it was gone, Ethereead flew level with the tree tops then swooped

The dragon flew as was expected, west towards the hills then

up the ramp rather fast and flew off the end of the ramp, through

Ethereead the Dragon flew on, heading towards Churchup hill

The dragon flew

Both the old gentlemen waved as the helicopter flew past

But the dragon flew over the hills and meadows

when the verbal assaults and the fists and feet flew

The dragon then flew off and the Queen reached

There they waited for 8 long days, until the burning stopped, and the dragons flew over no more

Michael and Lady Jennie flew above quickly

They flew out of the cave and headed southeast at supersonic speed

They then flew to the large Riders Hall

Lady Olivia flew Jerry over to Steve on the other side of the mountain, and together they blew out a rather large cave for the new riders

Then they got Kate and Daniel and flew to the town and loaded up on cots and beds, and all the sheets, blankets, pillows, rugs, and other stuff they thought that the students might need

He purred for a moment, and Lancelot took off and flew to Jake and landed on his right wing

Everyone cheered with relief, and the crew did their best to look modest as compliments flew between them

He flew below and as he approached he saw the black dragons falling in large numbers

Jake flew like a comet towards the hatching grounds, flaming all the way

Collin flew the heights with the White

I don’t think they saw her fling down the shovel into the gravel or understood the curses she invoked, but certainly they felt the sting of the grit that flew from her hands and showered them like nettles

Big John flew to Jakes side and told him that the Black Bull who led them had taken off to meet up with about 200 more dragons he had in reserve for Dragons Hill

He spotted her and his hatred exploded; he flew straight at her

Then the door flew open and a man fell in carrying a Lyra, like the one Alexis played

As he went spiraling downward the White flew after him; with claws extended he caught him and tore him in half

They flew off and hid behind a small mountain in the distance

The dogs flew to the right and to the left, up and down the aisles and rows, savaging all of the dignitaries with their massive fangs until there was nothing left of the government ministers, the judiciary and upper echelons of the police service but rags and bones

Then her eyes flew wide and she hurried to Rah’s side to check his wing

They flew for almost an hour before they spotted the monsters

” Elizabeth looked below and her eyes flew wide as she grinned at him

She flew over the warehouse and he could see Elizabeth climbing the stairs to the doorway

As they flew off towards the mountain, he felt emptiness build inside of him

Queenie flew directly to the Riders Hall

As the years flew by, all of Asia was freed, and then the Middle East and Africa

He also trained the pilots that flew the starships, Sword and her sister ship, Saber

Alessandra flew into the kitchen, ‘What is it? What’s wrong?’ When she saw, she gasped

A hand flew to her mouth and her eyes filled with tears, ‘Poor, poor Mikri

What could be better? The young man and his adoring wife immediately flew to Hollywood and as soon as they arrived they telephoned the film star’s agent, who happily arranged dinner for the four of them at a swanky restaurant on the strip

The wind whipped the caftan about her and her hair flew wildly about

Everything was swept off the decks, even the courtesy gig flew through the air like a bird

The virus twisted and turned, flew somersaults in the air and

A plane flew above us

The creature took off and flew straight to the cockpit with Brent running behind her

young man and his adoring wife immediately flew to Hollywood

Mya flew to the bookcase/door at the rear of the cabin and using her mind, opened it

Ah, this should be interesting, Mya answered as she flew across the room to perch on the refrigerator above Brent

Mya flew to the table as Tam carried her plate for her

flew to him and he closed it about her

Mya flew to the fireplace mantle and looked at Brent

Tam showed him how to strap in, and Mya flew

Questions flew out of him and were answered by Mya or

beautiful world of lush green forests and high mountains unfold beneath them as they flew

She flew off in it soon after that, he saw less of her since

There were those who flew,

Onwards they flew

Pieces of the jade bear from Amanda’s car flew through the air and lodged in Joseph’s forehead and chest

criminals!’ flecks of spittle flew from his mouth as

meant that the months at the Grange just flew by

She watched as the bird flew back and forth

A sudden memory flew into her mind – a broken body which once flew and sang like these two

Attracts females maggot flies

Fly Parasites: Attack flies before they hatch with this parasite

Other Predators: The most abundant and important predators for a healthy garden are the two-winged Flies, the Wasps and the Green Lace-wings

Tachinid Flies: These predators prey on a wide variety of insect species

Flesh flies have varied habits:

Effectively attract and kills flies without poison scatter baits or electrocution

I have found this system to really work in attracting, catching, and killing flies

An environmental safe aluminum trap that sits on the ground where flies dwell the most

Flies are attracted by the bait, by pass it and move up the cone where they are trapped in the chamber and die in the sun

“Bats love to eat flies and other insects

He flies across the room and gives me a hug

Tables are covered with books, used paper cups and plates, half-eaten chunks of food covered with slowly crawling, lazy flies

afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of

just as the crow flies towards a departing soul

Soon it was not a thought, he was covered with flies

Bitter odours of urine-soaked fabric tempted the flies to try their luck elsewhere

The road stretched out before him, long and dark and shining, just as the crow flies towards a departing soul

Must be a reply from the Guild people … Berndt wouldn’t have got his message yet … it was a long way to Banswell even as the messenger bird flies

ears twitching away fresh-hatched milk-wing flies

dirty glass, flies on the hill tops,

Somehow they had sublime confidence in the sovereignty of God – even though it flies in the face of every natural and religious category

catching eyes and flies

silence, absence of birdsong, flies scratching the horizon

I rise along a string that flies towards a taut sun,

then the flies rise, and when the boy

The Tundra bites, swarming with flies

But down around the port, came a more thriving version of life in shiny, tiled kitchens, and white lace curtains flapping a gentle hint of an incoming breeze that would help to keep the flies at bay

a word screamed at me that flies away

Picking the Wings off Crane Flies

You will recognise it from the others because it flies the noble flag of Greece from a tall white pole in the yard

True to their word, they did have them dropping like flies

I left Aristethes unconscious, sitting upright, head back, mouth ajar, catching flies

The village kids started to group together and move about as though they had flies in their pants, not quite sure how to look cool

The thought flies through my head that this man is more intelligent that he appears

He flies night patrol with the dragons every evening

But the coolness didn’t last and soon it was hot and stuffy and then those flies found me and destroyed the calm

Flies and creatures crawled over me without a swipe from my hand

Keep this tip in mind: fish with two flies since this doubles your chances of catching one

• Leader: The leader is attached to the end of fly line since the fly line is too thick to hold flies

years old, delighted in picking the legs off crane flies to see if they

And then the flies came, attracted by the smell of coagulating

he realised that the flies were wingless, legless crane flies, but

Billy knows that the flies will

He just wishes, when the flies stop buzzing and the

When that bird flies away we will enter the forest

great and the good about their white flies and their black spots, our

A sudden movement in the bushes the other side of the lake disturbs it and, with long sweeping strokes of its wings, it takes off and flies over the pines at the end of the lake

Just before half past the main door flies open and twenty young lads bowl into the room

What’s that? I look up … the office door flies open and Bill comes in almost dragging Dave by one arm

is more than big enough when one flies over your head

Green bellied emerald flies swarm up and out of the blackness, causing the police officer to throw himself backwards

eye, others had torn paws and chewed necks, and many had flies pestering open

away, less than a furlong away as the crow flies

flies through the air and sticks to the wall

The TV gave news of the horse races in Sydney and the dartboard was attracting patrons like flies

“Bloody flies!” Otto and Flavio looked at the red dirt and eucalypts

number of flies present, it was obvious he’d been dead for

the only sound coming from the buzzing of the flies

He’s a pilot too but flies smaller planes so maybe you guys could entertain each other through the wee hours?” Tom noted that Dave was a little slow and not as pink as he used to be

Flies swarmed them

We knew from Alan’s description that the starship flies by fans, so when it landed and shut itself off to let the ghost named Alfred carry Alan in, Klarrain drove the floater in low from the bushes and dropped a tarp over one of the fans

brushed away the small, irritating flies which infested the

flies are driving me crazy,’ said Jean at last

There were no flies, she noticed

Just pick out whatever flies have drowned in it

a speeding car which hits him; he flies up in the air,

tooth faerie flies to the kitchen counter and spies the glass

While to the shore the rapid vessel flies,

We’ve got almost thirty kilometres left to go, as the crow flies

“I suppose you»ll even be telling me it keeps the flies out of the house

Do you know the first words she spoke when she saw me?” I covered the containers that held the cheese, fruit and bread with cloth so the flies could not get to them

If you rush, you might be able to catch him before he flies to New York

They moved forward cautiously and disappeared between the houses we watched and waited with the flies buzzing round our heads it had only been a short time when Sergeant Ted Wallace appeared across from us and waved us forward

“Bloody hell these Turks have no flies on them lad’s I will tell you that for nothing fucking machine guns hidden down a well that is bloody sneaky and could have been dead unlucky for us and the Fusiliers if we hadn’t have found them

There was a problem on the peninsula and that was because of the poor diet and the swarms of flies most wounds and open sores wouldn’t heal

“Watch out here they come?” A black cloud of flies appeared from nowhere they swarmed round us and settled onto everything

This happened every day and was really no better at night we were infested with millions upon millions of black flies

We knew they were really there for the corpses which were a real treat and a feast not to be missed I had wrapped my tunic round my head and so had Johnny and these were now just covered in a black mass of flies

“Fucking hell I hate these shit eating flies I would kill every one of the bloody things if I could

You have no idea how bad it was where the corpses were buried especially the new ones became a haven for these clouds of flies and as soon as any food was open they would swarm in and settle on it in a black mass

“Quick I’m going to open three cans of apricot jam and throw them down the trench when these shit house flies descend on them shovel your grub down before they get back

” He opened the cans and in seconds they and his hands were covered in a black cloak he threw them down the trench and the flies went after them we gulped our rations down for once not having to share them with a million flies

We all watched and waited for the flies to appear I said

“Well I really put one over on them so you could say that there are no flies on me”, and we all burst out laughing with him

That’s right Johnny but have you noticed there are no flies anywhere I can’t understand it Johnny’s can should have been covered in the black sods and we should have been shooing them away but there’s hardly a one around

I have been told as how it is just one big mass of crawling buzzing black flies so it would seem thy have gone there for a better feed”, and having told us this he turned and walked off laughing

Well we did not care what it was because we had a few days fly free but eventually either they or there relatives turned up again to make our lived miserable but then again the whole peninsula was covered in flies so we were not alone in our suffering

The trouble was that with the corpses rotting all around you and the open latrines and the amount of flies then it was an ideal breeding ground for the disease

Of course it was spread by the bloody flies that would land on your food or on open wounds in dense clouds carrying the disease with them and leaving it with you

“Later on the smell and flies that came from them meant we had to call a truce so that we could bury them much I must say to the relief of both sides

There were dark red smears on the wall opposite the bed as if someone had squashed flies in temper

” Then I went on to explain how the bad diet flies and hygiene situation on the peninsula meant that no wound would ever really heal properly and often got re-infected again and that I had just been lucky like he said

As she swirled her hot tongue around his, she undid his flies

Colonel Terry thought that the situation was so serious that he sent some of the lads crawling out to see if they could pick up any water bottles from the dead Germans or from our dead as well then we rolled the dead Germans onto the parapet and out of the trench to lessen the smell and flies we knew that would soon come in this heat

” Scooter came home to critique my writing and catch flies, to nap and nuzzle, and to listen to Handel

It was as hot as Hades in the crater now and the smell of spilt blood and flesh was becoming overpowering and the flies were gathering again knowing they had a good feast waiting for them

“Bollocks” said Abigail and opened his flies

Besides the instruments in microprobes in the soil, there were landers that could be flown

«We saw it leave,» Ava on the ground said, and told a tale of being flown over by the shuttlecraft

days had flown by and the children missed the village

used to this as it was the first time they had flown

The helicopter had flown over the house

Being plush, and obviously eager to bed someone important enough to be flown in to a meeting with the founders, it was very pleasant walking up the stairs with her

I had travelled — actually flown all the way — and alone — into a balmy welcome I could never have imagined

The birds have flown

After all, we got away as fast as it is possible to … our friends couldn’t have left before us and therefore cannot get back before us and no messenger bird could have flown in the storm you tell me we had

I, me, had flown and now I was in Stephanos town, right here, right now

I happened to mention that I’d never flown before and almost hadn’t made the trip, ‘And I’m not sure about funerals

Earlier, whilst waiting for the Delfini, I’d confessed I was an old-fashioned dreamy coward who had almost flown away only a few hours earlier but for the last minute flash of awareness that brought me to my senses

About how dear Maria and Manolis were flown to Athens for her to be decorated with the Order of the Honour-Grand Cross by the President of the Hellenic Republic and how we were all their guests of honour there that day

I find it hard to believe over a year has flown by, you’ve spent a whole winter in that house by now

Besides, if you had to put up with all the bull that has flown around this place in the last two days, I would’ve had to hospitalize you in Provo

It seemed like Nightday had really flown while they sat here watching, but the candles said they’d been here twice as long as Myimpaden

Her decade in the city had flown, but it had been fun

and the past participle: he has flown

The vegetation had similarities to Yoonbarla and Zhlindu and the lakeshore he had flown over

Many birds have flown to their death hitting a window pane they could not imagine the existence until the moment of impact

“By Zeus’s beard! Will you stop interrupting? Now the next line’s quite flown out of my

Her second stick of charcoal was worn down to a scrap again, having flown across the

“Look out!” The dragon had flown above them and swooped down low enough to shower their position with concentrated fire

One book had suddenly flown straight into Danny’s head and his whole body had dissolved into the red mist

It was as if a spirit had flown straight through her, Jodie reflected

Elena explained what had happened and that we had just flown over her farm, he was astounded

there when Ouija boards had flown into the air

The islanders did not recognize the flag being flown by the Shenandoah and inquired as to its origin

Wicker pigeon baskets smashed up their occupants having either flown away or who were lying dead in a mass of bloody feathers on the earth

It subsequently transpired that Prempeh’s head slave had been placed in charge, and other slaves, freed from bondage in Kumassi, had flown there with the news of Prempeh’s downfall

Plus the aircraft was red lined and could not be flown

They had flown by when they heard the splash and wondered what had happened

The time with Galeron, Alistair, and Jack had flown by in the blink of an eye

He had flown high above the forest, even though his body had been stationary in the taproot chamber

She picked up a coffee cup and visually showed him (without actually letting the cup go) how it had flown across the room and demonstrated against his head where it had landed on Spencer’s

Bru had flown model airplanes, radio control, for about seventeen years

“We should have flown

Dawley must have flown in to the St

The machines could have been flown across the Channel

He’d flown out to sea, waiting for confirmation that Payne had secured the house

The next, something had flown at her out of the darkness

Oh, yeah, there’s Jeff Lang, he’s flown with them guys

’ That one lived here, and had flown

The Army had managed to distribute turkeys to the troops, and Thanksgiving dinner was done up in traditional style, with all the trimmings, including cranberry sauce made by the cooks from cranberries that everyone speculated must have been flown in from the States

Considering the chain of events that resulted in Jay’s recovery, that is, paramedics being first on the scène, and having a top surgeon flown by helicopter from Royal Brisbane to Nambour Hospital

The words had flown freely from him with fervor when he had uttered the prayer of salvation

A couple of light aircraft had flown past

Flower has flown off to the place that I have prepared for him

Orphenn was flung higher into the sky than he had ever flown

She should have flown

Later that night, they had all been woken out of their beds by loud noises coming from the kitchen, and when they had run inside, Daniel swore that a pot had flown across the room and crashed into the wall, hurled by unseen hands

11 Or as when a bird has flown through the air, there is no token of her way to be found, but the light air being beaten with the stroke

I noticed that Cuauhtzin was completely quiet and had flown over to sit on the ground next to them

Sandra had flown home in order to try and gather character witnesses for the defense

The flags of Spain, France, England, Holland, Denmark and the United States have flown over its public buildings at various times in its history

I’d never flown to a place where I’d have to sleep on a plane, which felt strange even considering the more than comfortable bed and fairly spacious cabin

The four days that they spent in Cebu seemed to have flown

“You should’ve agreed; we could’ve flown in style

“I could have them flown in for the festivities

errors that the top experts in the field were flown in from Edmonton and

She had never flown

gourmet Chef we have flown in, and you will have the run of the

I was flown to Pittsburgh, stayed in a first class hotel near the triangle where the two rivers meet to form the Ohio and Fort Pitt state park

needed an operation they would have been quickly flown to

It was a gift that in September 1985 I was flown from TX to San Diego via Salt Lake City for a weekend interviewing with Southwest Marine, a small repair company with yards the length of the Pacific Coast, e

I asked the realtor who sold me the condo, Bill Zader, to accept the listing to sell my condo as quickly as possible after PSL/NMSU had flown me to Las Cruces for a weekend and I had accepted Dino Almendral’s job offer over steaks before I left town

Meanwhile, I was also flown to Ft

Showers of sparks had flown over the stage as the steel edges clashed

I realized that I had flown by a sheriff’s car when I saw the flashing lights in my rear-view mirror

When my wife and I were flown into Coral Gables, I thought I had died and gone to Heaven

The next day I was interviewed by everyone in the office and a day later we were flown back to New York to await the decision

Thousands of national and international RCA sales and management people from all over the world were being flown in for the event, which was the first screening of the consumer campaign for all RCA products for the coming year

After positive response to my application, I was flown to Charlotte for an interview that went well

Some of our scouts are dragons, and they flew as high as any living being has ever flown

I had flown before to the

He was impressed when he did not and wondered if Parker had ever flown before

But pinpoint accuracy was the name of the game in South Vietnam because the biggest percentage of F-100 missions were flown in support of U

Indeed, her workers had neatly caught the thrown stones as her daughter queens lined up in rows, and now the stones were flown down the rows

To relieve congestion into Tan Son Nhut, Bien Hoa in the south and Da Nang and Cam Ranh air bases farther north had been outfitted to handle the surge of soldiers flown to and from combat in plush ways never dreamed of by WWII or Korean veterans

Travers and Parker had flown one mission, and were on the ground getting a late breakfast of C- Rations at Travers’s trailer before launch�ing for their second go at War Zone C at 1200

He had flown so much with Travers in the last few days that he felt a permanent part of the airplane

I’d say that, USAF-wide, taking into account SAC, recce, air lift, and training, the close air support mission only accounts for about fifteen or twenty percent of all sorties flown

Now he had flown over 190 missions and had only three months remaining in his tour

The weeks and months that had passed since the Bien Hoa attack were marked by Court only in terms of missions flown as his sortie count rose to 50, then 75, then 150

Each sortie will be flown in a two-seater jet aircraft with FAC qualified fighter pilots in both seats

Their time was up, the missions were flown, the reports were made, and the F-100F was due at Clark

Although you’ve all flown plenty of missions in Pack One and Laos so you know what the guns are like, it’s a whole new world when you get down in the weeds and stay down

One hundred times the young captain had flown his 26-ton steed across Thailand and Laos into North Vietnam to duel dragons whose fiery breaths claimed at least one victim a day

Although he had never flown the Thud, he had the pilot’s innate feel how far to take a plane before it would stall

The next morning, Court took off shortly after sunup in the backseat of the F-model flown by the ATC captain

Near the end of his report, he listed with whom he had flown, when, where, with what ordnance, and the results

He had flown missions in II, III, and IV Corps in support of U

The snow-raven had flown on ahead and he could not see the bird for the darkening sky

As he did with all pilots on their last mission, he was in his command jeep in preparation to meet Bannister in the revet�ment where fellow pilots would pop champagne and douse the man who had just flown his last combat mission and was going home

So why wasn’t he? Now that he thought about it, he did recollect seeing a certain something, was it mist or nostalgia, in the eyes of those who had flown their last mission

James had to make arrangements for his mother’s body to be flown to England for burial

covered his feet, and with twain he did fly

He was due to fly back to NYC that evening, to stay in his flat before joining Tatania for Valentine’s day, but he was sure he could fit in some more pleasurable socialising

«Why were you trying to fly it?» Yorthops asked

Fly trap, see fly chapter

Fly Parasites: Attack flies before they hatch with this parasite

Fly parasites deposit their eggs inside immature fly pupae, the parasitic eggs hatch into larvae which feed on their hosts

Compsilura concinnata is a fly that was imported from Europe to combat the gypsy moth

My thoughts fly to the woman

Reduce the sources of infestation and you will have a good hold on the fly population

The unit is placed or hung near where there is a fly problem

Many insects attack the fly and/or its eggs

Birds, toads, and other predators can keep fly populations down

Pausing with my hands in the washing up water, I watch a bird fly down to the bird table … I’ve never been much good at identifying birds, is that a tit of some sort? Goodness knows

In spite of the humiliation (though probably because of it), Eddie was still afraid to fly

Every day after dragon school, Eddie went down to the cliffs and stared at the water, wondering what it would be like to fly

«I just wish I could fly

This caller was certain that only some aphids are herded by ants and that most fly from place to place totally indifferent to what the ants have to say about it

Two of the crows fly away

Machines were what I dreamed about, the sort that Dan Dare might fly, machines that

jump into the sky like a fly

We can fly our moonshine to

and fly back with the real stuff

fly on a broom

And the last thing he saw was the cute little carry-on being flung into the belly of the jetliner that was destined to fly it straight into the glowing red sunset

You said we wouldn’t have to fly in

It can fly rings around us and leave stones in our path

Then I fly out of the window and along Nereid st; black dogs get in my way as I fly towards the playground, yet I manage to leave them behind

You really think you can stop them? I’m ordering you to fly ahead and warn Hardway

They tried to fly past without opening fire as the junk’s reactor cooked off like a low-yield bomb

It was where they’d first learned to fly the Bitzer as a test squadron recruited from prison

You could fly in the atmo and maneuver with that thing

I wanted to pin him down lest he try to fly to freedom out of the shattered windows

A fly hovered above the disordered tresses, analysing and collating the data flooding the atmosphere, another joined it, debated landing but was deterred by a worm of hair borne on the cooler breeze crossing from the nearby seashore

that he would fly away and she would never see

Land bound seagulls fly the rigor rhyme,

“Ethereead could you fly a little lower” asked Catwhiskers

My God what a sight! I stood there for a long time watching him fly off

Ethereead continued to fly around until the dragon came upon its

Ethereead loved to fly, the dragon was feeling weary

She turned to face Daniel and saw he was watching Jake fly away

He had that ‘look’ on his face; everyone gets it when they watch Jake rise up and fly

“We will have some ready for you the next time you fly over

“What, fly on the dragon” said Lardyme

How can a dragon be able to fly truly

The idea would be to fly on

Joe gave him a bearing of where to fly and soon enough

The dragon landed, textbook landing, if a dragon learned to fly by

and that I will gladly fly

proceeded to fly to the caves at Frinkstone Hill

fly into Buttercup, so Alderfolk Pottypears had not bothered to

fly on the wall, instant reporting,

I know it — the dreams said they would fly to my rescue on a dragon

learning to fly

the sting eye, learning to fly

and it took all the skill to fly properly” said Catwhiskers

«I can fly now,» he said

to any other colours that might fly

Rhontin and Lady Olivia, you will fly patrol at sunset

When she realized that Rah was on to her, she tried desperately to fly away

With a cry, I drop the brush and fly into his arms, half crying with sheer joy

It was then that he saw something fly by him and incinerate all the dragons he was fighting with

The White said he would fly the heights

“Daniel, they can fly rings around us

Collin let loose another blast from the Staff of Light and 20 more of them fell as they tried to fly away

The blooms of spring and summer were long gone from his garden and faced with the late flowering of honeysuckle women, Tom found that he was too set in his ways to flap his wings and fly up into the Indian Summer skies to greet them

‘When she sees injustice, Jo, she lets fly

We’ll fly out on 16 June, returning a week later

Take a trip close to home or travel abroad to experience international fly fishing

One of the best things that you can do as a beginner fly fisher is to join a fly fishing club

The more you know the language, or lingo, of fly fishing the more fun it will be as you fly fish with your friends and family

Fly: The fly is light weight lure that is used to attract a variety of fish including trout and salmon

The most common fly is the mayfly

• Leader: The leader is attached to the end of fly line since the fly line is too thick to hold flies

• Woolly Bugger: The Woolly Bugger is a fly that has a very simple design with a long tail feather on the end

This fly is very popular among experienced fly fishers

Fly fishing can be either very good or very bad

The following areas are known to have good supplies of oxygen and therefore are great for fly fishing:

The Latest And Proven Fly Fishing Techniques!

Oh stop complaining, Sally! The kids’ll fly the nest soon enough!

fly, killing the lights and every other electrical appliance in the

could still fly, and if they could still fly he plucked off their wings

doors, and that he could fly, with no earthly limits to

wings and fly up into the Indian Summer skies to greet them

“We are a Bussard powered ship,” Heymon said, “There is no practical limit to the distance we might fly

Unless this thing permeates the universe, I think we can fly beyond its reach

However, there is a note in a different hand on the fly leaf at the back

Once it can’t fly, it’s finished, and you use fireballs

if only she could fly away like that

The drive home will fly by

An important Brazilian had died, hundreds were infected and the university had dispatched a floater to fly the corpse up here for analysis

’ He commanded, placing her hand on his trouser fly, the fabric taut over his erect cock

“Your father graciously taught me to use his fly rod and let me fish with it for a just a few minutes, and I was hooked,” added White Feathers

Her eyes fly open; she pants with the effort of trying to push him away

Stones fly as the car is put into gear and wheels spin

A third shot whacks into the radio on the central console and sparks fly

” That was the only word that would fly

Because my boss together with her husband and eldest son were scheduled to fly for holiday to Singapore, London and Europe and I had to come back for the leave because of the baby laugh to me

But now we will fly together on international routes

Can you fly a 777?”

Ava’s week had started on a sad note when she saw Kulai off on the Flying Northwind just before Morningday lunch

Before she could react any further, Scar spun free of her sword and kicked out, catching Silence in the stomach and sending her flying backward

You try to stand in front of that thing, earplugs or no, you’d go flying all the way into the ocean

Before they could react, Big Petey had barreled into the group, sending bodies flying in all directions as he wrestled with all of them at the same time

‘Liz, it has been headlines that a woman has been helping the police with their enquiries in connection with this case, and a lot of speculation has been flying around

I have seen you flying with them

Her mount let out a magnificent bellow as it struggled to its feet in a cloud of flying gravel and bolted after its companion without her

«Did you see that, Dad? I was flying

This is often the period when children have reached their teens and are flying the nest

flying in a rocket ship to the

were plenty of dreams; flying cars, nuclear power, rockets to the moon, the Mekon

of a flying car with wings, which would be bloody useless round here, what if it could

He was flying too low

It looked like a huge, flying, fat-head wevn with great wind-wheels in its fore-shoulders

They were moving faster than an atmospheric warplane, closer to the speed attributed to flying saucers in the 20th century

and the flying remains of bloody pelts, and hanging from the rear-view mirror was a

them himself when he was working as a pilot, flying with Oral Roberts

«The containment will be hot awhile, I might pick up some neutrons from a dirty old thing like they were flying

’ I said, my eyes flying back to Emma still chatting to Molly

The bone, full of air bubbles inherited from the creature’s flying ancestors to reduce

There is no flying from fate

What he saw looked like a knot of malevolent hoses slowly flying through shafts of light and shadow

For a moment Tig pictured all of them dying at these consoles and the junks flying on to warn Hardway

The warped and twisting stars sped past Jordo’s canopy on either side in a way that made him think they were flying underwater

With the junks and Tipperary and all the Lancers hurtling faster than light towards the Mizar system, it almost seemed for a moment as if they’d made it, as if they’d got away clean, but Jordo had been flying his fighter backwards for at least ten seconds now, staring at the transit’s opening onto the Algol system as it receded

Force during World War II, flying several combat missions in European Theater

Hair — long, tangled, dark, hardly showing the dried blood staining it — wafted across the nearside rail, one moment draping the black-grey smoothness with deep brown tendrils, the next flying back whence it came, its roots firmly attached to the scalp that engendered it

Rocket: If you see a rocket flying in the air, something very pleasant will happen to you soon

The clouds of tiny flying chileeth were building over the water with the heat

The bone, full of air bubbles inherited from the creature’s flying ancestors to reduce weight and density, skittled across the stone floor and came to rest by MacKenzie’s bare feet

But the dragon continued flying on

qualified with flying colours

flying on the wings of braided hawsers,

they had caught the tails of a whirlwind, of flying romance,

that we took down the flying road and under the bridge

staining his flying suit with the sweat of twenty-year old bravery,

Flying backwards into the sun, hearing every shrapnel shard


“Maybe Ethereead is out flying” said Cosmicblasto

was certainly at its happiest when flying, but even more so when

The Jodechians held on whilst the flying dragon swooped

There is a herd of deer and moose about forty minutes flying time to the north

The flying dragon rose steadily over the hills and as soon as a

Then all kinds of questions were flying at me

Not all humans have big claws or flying teeth

The smaller claw he saw earlier was certainly real, that straight-edged point on the flying claw was certainly real, but what if this huge claw that one was holding was nothing more than a stick? That would even things up a little bit wouldn’t it?

Ethereead took a short run and was soon flying over the hills

The dragon took a small run and was once again flying

“Well, we use it whilst flying on the dragon with Fred, Joe and us

time the dragon was flying in completely the opposite direction,

“With us flying on the dragon

Deep reds and purples remind of the kite flying

of that far horizon between the child flying a kite

colours flying in hearts and on sleeves,

knew that Ethereead enjoyed flying with them onboard

by breathing in and sending buttons flying

in a flying, gallop of earth and stones is all the rest I inherited,

been noticed that there were helicopters regularly flying over

Ethereead had taken off and was flying away from

The dragon carried on flying without effects

Normally it took him a whole year to get from the heights of the Golibar to the towers of the city, but this time almost half the time was cut by flying halfway across the New Midlands

There were about six of us flying to Bristol and once on board I sat as far apart from the others as I could just in case they started chatting about the weather, or politics, or even worse, sport

Jerry came up with rigging that they could use while flying

Each went to their cave and put on their leather flying clothes, and leather gloves

‘Oh, I love flying

I took a deep breath and as I exhaled I knew that for the first time in my life I was flying

Dragons and riders, flying as one, went to the heights and hovered over the camp and surrounding area

between the child flying a kite and the thunder

‘There’s something flying this way

There was the buzz of flying insects and rustling in dark parts of the undergrowth but apart from that, everything was still

We perched on purple plastic chairs and peered through the spaces in the flooring at the shags and ravens flying through the air below us

And Emily’s falcon, Lancelot, was also enhanced at the hatching; he tripled his size and often enjoyed flying night patrol with the dragons

You will have to build up a flying army, as was done here, and free the people of Europe from their burning captors

Flying in formation and then free fall, Ichor and his fellow warriors flamed as they passed and then did a complete turn around and flamed again

The constant practice of flying while using the crossbows paid off this day

They were flying in a tight figure eight and flaming dragons as they went through their formation when a large black dragon dropped down out of nowhere and flamed at Jake

It took only 25 minutes flying time to reach Dragons Hill

The cries of their flying comrades echo emptily … lost souls in the waste of waves

Flying above and flaming them to ash was the largest dragon Rah had ever seen

You should not be here; you should be off flying with Sarah and Jackson this morning

One even showed the current outside with the tracked snowflakes moving past, looking like flying thru a starfield at thousands of light years per hour

It would have been so easy to jump, or was that exactly what they wanted? I could drop into the void, a sheer drop without any fear of flying

I can remember the ones while we were flying around the Cygni system she was practically on your lap the whole evening

This one had settings for golf, sailing, sport fishing, scuba, flying and horse breeding, with wealth level settings and other custom settings in each hobby

We’re introduced to the teacher leading the trip who gives us a rough itinerary for the trip — flying out to Italy on the 28 December and coming back on the 6 January

Mournfully, he says that he has to go back tomorrow morning explaining that he’s got a week to finish off his contract in Bournemouth before flying off to Italy on Monday to inspect apartments

actually a collection of energies, flying in close

had joined a flying school a few months back

Seeing what was about to happen, the Scather quickly lifted one of its legs and kicked out, sending the machine flying across the room

He couldn’t answer that, but said, “This is about letting the captain go flying off because of Thom’s faulty readings

A sleek Brazilian jetliner took them the last three hundred and fifty years, flying around and around the harbor in a steep bank for forty five minutes before landing

She loved what happened at each end, but the flying time took a toll on her

flying into the air in all directions with each swing

I confess, I did not resist, for I loved every second and I still remember my shivers, my wild heartbeat, his touch, his kiss, the red fiery sun peeping over the mountain peak, the birds chirping and flying around us, everything

“Dragons are almost impossible to hit when they are flying,” the

Chrissie drifted back to sleep and dreamed of birds flying through sunny skies

«Believe me Billy, I don’t give a flying fuck about the view

Something flying past, passing close to his face was a bat … the bat a vampire

“Why are they flying this way?” Fred shouted, “Dragons hate

that the dragons flying overhead caused the animals to panic and push

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