The word fire in example sentences

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word fire, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use fire in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «fire».

Fire in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word fire in a sentence.

  1. The gun was ready to fire.

  2. Navy as fire support ships.

  3. Doc returns fire and kills him.

  4. Bismarck returned fire at 08:49.

  5. Some buildings were set on fire.

  6. They then shifted fire to Malaya.

  7. It was destroyed by fire in 1958.

  8. McCoy opens fire with his phaser.

  9. The artillery opened fire at 0530.

  10. The fire was burning in the galley.

  11. The rebels plundered the palace and set it on fire.

  12. After this attack the Marines began returning fire.

  13. Heavy German mortar fire put a stop to this effort.

  14. The fire gives out light and the water reflects it.

  15. These additions were destroyed in the fire of 1934.

  16. The Royal Highlanders and the militia opened fire from the windows in the houses.

  17. Whitehall was destroyed by fire in 1698, leading to a shift to St James’s Palace.

  18. The gun does not have a «turbo» mode for continuous fire, unlike the Super Scope.

  19. The fusiliers returned fire from the far bank, and suppressed the Bolshevik fire.

  20. The gas leak resulted in an explosion and an ensuing fire that killed six people.

  21. However, New Ironsides’ naval career was short, as she was destroyed by fire on 16 December 1865.

  22. It turned back under heavy fire, and withdrew as far as Pančevo without serious damage to any vessel.

  23. Caraeff was close enough to the fire that he had to use his camera to protect his face from the heat.

  24. During the night, desultory artillery and machine gun fire was directed at the battalion’s positions.

  25. This street plan was devised by Augustus Woodward and others following a devastating fire in Detroit.

  26. The French riflemen on Aigle reportedly held their fire as he did this, in admiration of his bravery.

  27. After Defence exploded, Kaiserin shifted her fire to a target believed to be the battlecruiser Tiger.

  28. The bridge was slightly damaged by a fire in mid-1999, but it was repaired by September of that year.

  29. In the final moments before the explosion, hoses were being unrolled as the fire spread to the docks.

  30. Despite these non-combat tasks, the battalion suffered several casualties from German artillery fire.

  31. After setting fire to Suzuki’s home, they went to the estate of Kiichirō Hiranuma to assassinate him.

  32. The fire originated in the office stove, and spread rapidly before local fire companies could arrive.

  33. The main armored deck was to be increased to 120 mm (4.7 in) to increase resistance to plunging fire.

  34. The barracks were rebuilt, and a memorial was established for those who lost their lives in the fire.

  35. During the action, a portion of the regiment deployed as skirmishers under fire with great precision.

  36. The two squadrons slowly closed the distance, until the Germans opened fire at 18:34, at a range of 10,400 m (11,400 yd).

  37. There were no passenger casualties of the 300 people on board, however, one airport fireman was killed fighting the fire.

  38. Supporting fire from the bombardment force assisted French forces who captured half of the city, but batteries on the St.

  39. It was often possible to open a pipe near a burning building and connect it to a hose to spray on a fire or fill buckets.

  40. Habitat fragmentation and fire have been of particular concern, as the cactus wren is slow to disperse into new habitats.

  41. Philomena Goins’ cousin, Lee Ruth Davis, heard the bells tolling in the church as the men were inside setting it on fire.

  42. Low-angle fire was controlled by two Type 98 fire-control directors mounted above the rangefinders on the superstructure.

  43. Together with the battleship Iowa and armed yacht Gloucester she opened fire, destroying the lightly armored enemy ships.

  44. When they found no one in the house, they salvaged what furniture they could before the fire spread into the living room.

  45. At 18:20, as Goliath and Zealous rapidly bore down on them, the leading French ships Guerrier and Conquérant opened fire.

  46. This would encourage its attacker to approach and when the U-boat was close enough, the Q-ship’s guns would be revealed and open fire, targeting the approaching submarine.

  47. The American infantrymen regained some ground, but suffered heavy casualties from Japanese fire and exhaustion before the attack was broken off in the evening of 10 March.

  48. Lounds is forced to tape-record a statement before being set on fire in a wheelchair, his flaming body rolled into the parking garage of the National Tattler as a warning.

  49. Shortly after the AS-204 fire in 1967, NASA Associate Administrator for Manned Spaceflight George Mueller announced the mission would be officially designated as Apollo 1.

  50. A fire which destroyed a large part of Hamburg in 1842 led to a demand for slate for rebuilding, and Germany became an important market, particularly for Ffestiniog slate.

Synonyms for fire

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word fire has the following synonyms: ardor, ardour, fervor, fervour, fervency, fervidness, attack, flak, flack, blast, firing, flame, flaming, arouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke, raise, provok, burn, burn down, discharge, go off, fuel, give notice, can, dismiss, give the axe, send away, sack, force out, give the sack, terminat and open fire.

General information about «fire» example sentences

The example sentences for the word fire that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «fire» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «fire».

fire — перевод на русский


What was expected to be a peaceful demonstration amongst residents and law enforcement turned deadly when what was believed to be a home-grown militia opened fire.

То, что начиналось как мирная демонстрация жителей и представителей правопорядка, обернулось бойней, когда предположительно члены добровольных дружин открыли огонь.

«Through fire and smoke…»

«Сквозь огонь и дым…»

«I’l light the fire, Kathleen — you mustn’t spoil your hands.»

«Я зажгу огонь, Кэтлин, — тебе нельзя портить руки.»

Work will soon extinguish the fire.

Огонь скоро будет потушен.

The fire burned very quickly.

Огонь занялся очень быстро.

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they fired you?

они уволили тебя?

You’re sore at those people because they fired your old man, and it killed him. You wanna get back at them, don’t you?

¬ы страдаете, потому что те люди уволили вашего старика, и это его убило. ‘отите им отплатить?

So if I’d been fired, it was for not cheating! Fate was against me… pushing me to become a true scoundrel.

Меня уволили чтобы я не обманывал.

And ̶ And he told me about bein’ fired after bein’ on the same job for 14 years.

Он рассказал, что его уволили с работы после 14 лет службы.

We fired her yesterday.

Мы ее вчера уволили.

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Those guards up there will start firing. And you.

Эти охранники начнут стрелять.

Will somebody quit firing cannon under my windows?

Кто-нибудь прекратит стрелять из пушки под моими окнами?

You shouldn’t fire at people you don’t know.

Тебе не следует стрелять в людей, которых не знаешь.

Hold your fire. Let the blighter have it.

— Не стрелять, пусть развлечётся.

I once fought for that flag. I’ll not fire on it.

Когда-то я сражался за этот флаг, я не буду стрелять в него.

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Fire in the woods, man.

Пожар в лесу,чувак.

There’s a fire.

Там пожар.

Man, that was a terrible fire!

Господи, какой ужасньIй пожар!



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О, я выскочил из машины и 5 раз в него выстрелил, но промахнулся.


Я выстрелил в него 4 раза.

I don’t see why your pistol fired.

Я не понимаю, почему твой пистолет выстрелил.

Corrado saw a fellow running in the garden, and fired at him.

Коррадо увидел кого-то, убегающего через сад, и выстрелил в него.

My game warden thought he saw a poacher and fired.

Мой егерь подумал, что видит браконьера, и выстрелил.

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Had a nice little fire.

У меня был хороший небольшой костер.

Gee, that’s a wonderful fire, Doc.

Вот это да, какой прекрасный костер, док.

The plan is for Abul to kindle a fire near you… and make you an easy target.

Абул задумал развести костёр недалеко от тебя… чтобы в тебя было легко попасть.

If you want to eat, you’d better go build a fire.

Если вы хотите кушать, идите разведите костер.

Bobby, build up the fire.

Бобби, разожги костер.

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You wouldn’t be in a hurry either if you’d been fired, would you?

Ѕудь ты уволен, тоже бы не спешил, а?

If it happens again, you’re fired.

еще раз такое повторитс€ — ты уволен.

That’s why I was fired.

Вот почему я был уволен.

I’d tried to cheat but… was unable to and so I’d been fired.

Я хотел обмануть, но не смог этого сделать и был уволен.

In spite of myself… I marked all the 9s with my fingernail… and I was soon fired.

И так перебирая их я неосознанно отмечал ногтем все 9, и вскоре был уволен.

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Hello? Our fire alarm is out of order.

Наша пожарная сигнализация неисправна.

Telephone exchange, post office, powerhouse hospitals, fire station. Everything, sir.

Телефонный узел, почта, электростанция, госпитали, пожарная часть – всё, сэр.

— Oh, a fire? Oh, yes.




It’s four buildings away. We could try to get down the fire escape. Get in behind him.

Нам нужно четвертое здание, там пожарная лестница.

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— What’s on fire?

— Что горит?

No, there’s an ugly, boring car on fire outside.

Нет, там уродливая машина горит.

— Mr. Justin, your bales are on fire!

— Г-н Жюстин, ваше сено горит !

The attic is in fire.

Чердак горит!

Los Angeles is on fire?

Лос-Анджелес горит?

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Hey, Atlas, why’d the Marduks set fire to a factory?

Эй, Атлас, почему мардуки подожгли фабрику?

Our gallant lads set fire to the warehouses.

Наши доблестные парни подожгли склады.

That’s the building set on fire in 1933 and blamed on a poor Dutchman.

В 1933 году его подожгли, всё свалили на одного несчастного голландца.

They’ve set the Reichstag on fire.

— Они подожгли Рейхстаг! — Кто?

The soldiers set fire to the farmhouse and took them to Paris, to the Conciergerie Prison.

Солдаты подожгли дом и взяли твоих друзей в Париж в тюрьму Консьержери.

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), is the


most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. Recorders that can read and record subtitles (Closed Captioning). * Vibrating,


    ,alarm placed under pillow when asleep. Others * Walmart provides companionship
  2. Destroy them. Local militia, known as ‘minutemen,’ confronted the troops and a,


    ,fight broke out. See Battles of Lexington and Concord. Any chance of a
  3. Into the jungle on Guam on approach to airport, killing 228. *2001 – Er wadi,


    ,incident,28 mentally ill persons tied to chain were burnt to death at a faith
  4. The very day of his consecration, his sons, Nadab and Abide, were consumed by,


    ,from the Lord for having offered incense unlawfully (Leviticus 10)
  5. Many navies have used an aluminum superstructure for their vessels; the 1975,


    , aboard USS Belong that gutted her aluminum superstructure, as well as
  6. Elements, which included the five classical elements (either, air,earth,


    ,and water),in addition to two chemical elements representing the | year
  7. The module was in the same relative position it had been in before lift-off and,


    ,the thrusters to» correct» the module’s attitude. 16 months later, Lovell
  8. Hernán Cortés. *1536 – Buddhist monks from Kyōto’s Enryaku-ji temple set,


    ,to 21 Nichiren temples throughout in what will be known as the Ten bun Hooke
  9. Ex. gravity, particle simulations),simulated fur or hair, effects such as,


    ,and water and the use of motion capture to name but a few, these techniques
  10. Modern elements are. » … True alchemy never regarded earth, air,water, and,


    , as corporeal or chemical substances in the present-day sense of the word. The
  11. Real life. Using advanced rendering that makes detailed skin, plants,water,


    , clouds, etc. to mimic real life. Examples include Up (2009,USA),Lungful
  12. Challenging each other for the command of the Texas Army; Johnston refused to,


    ,on Huston and lost the position after he was wounded in the pelvis. The second
  13. Will spend eternity in hell. Their sins and their unbelief will torture them as,


    , » The Catholic Church The Catholic conception of the afterlife teaches after
  14. The rims pierced by holes like those of a flute. Consequently, the Sun was the,


    ,that one could see through a hole the same size as the Earth on the farthest
  15. Philippines killing more than 270 people and wounding 261. *1973 – A flash,


    ,kills 51 at the Summer land amusement center at Douglas, Isle of Man. *1980 – A
  16. Increases in verbal attacks against Jews and vandalism such as graffiti,


    ,bombings of Jewish schools, desecration of synagogues and cemeteries. Germany
  17. Earth (or twenty-eight, depending on the sources) and the lunar wheel, whose,


    , was less intense, eighteen (or nineteen) times. Its hole could change shape
  18. Application is in the manufacture of paper. It is also used as a mordant, in,


    , extinguisher,as a food additive, in


    proofing, and in leather tanning.
  19. Of the Universe. It resembled a system of hollow concentric wheels, filled with,


    , with the rims pierced by holes like those of a flute. Consequently, the Sun
  20. The first and only country to date to gain independence unwillingly. * 1965 – A,


    ,at a Titan missile base near Search, Arkansas kills 53 construction workers.
  21. Of this story, Thetis anointed the boy in ambrosia and put him on top of a,


    ,to burn away the mortal parts of his body. She was interrupted by Pele us and
  22. People. And the glory of the Lord appeared to all the multitude: And behold a,


    , coming forth from the Lord, devoured the holocaust, and the fat that was upon
  23. To have it removed and his own removal from office. *2004 – A supermarket,


    ,kills 396 people and injures 500 in Asunción, Paraguay. *2007 – The I-35W
  24. In the universe were formed from only four elements: earth, air,water, and,


    , According to Aristotle, each element had a sphere to which it belonged and to
  25. The word is translatable as» The Treasury» and» The Treasurer» of,


    ,or» The Land of the Fire» History Antiquity The earliest evidence of human
  26. Island of Data, is completed. *2000 – -tall Standing Tower in Moscow catches,


    , three people are killed. *2003 – Mars makes its closest approach to Earth in
  27. As an assertion of the necessity of an appropriate balance between earth,


    , and water, all of which may be independently seeking to aggrandize their
  28. Rowan Helper. Then slavery in the lower South, like a» scorpion encircled by,


    , would sting itself to death. » According to historian
  29. A natural order ensures balance between these elements, that where there was,


    , ashes (earth) now exist. His Greek peers echoed this sentiment with their
  30. Explains how the four elements of ancient physics (air, earth,water and,


    ,) are formed, and how Earth and terrestrial beings are formed through their
  31. View. Neither is it something halfway between air and water, or between air and,


    , thicker than air and


    , or more subtle than water and earth. Anaximander
  32. Which make it impossible for him to continue, he sets all his oil wells on,


    , leaving a jeering note:» I am leaving it as I found it. Take over. It’s
  33. Before shooting the famous scene in which the castle is attacked and set on,


    , in order to prevent the Styrofoam“ stones” from melting in the heat, the art
  34. The player controls a triangular-shaped ship that can rotate left and right,


    ,shots straight forward, and thrust forward. As the ship moves, momentum is not
  35. Only resolution of these contradictory positions was for the confederates to,


    ,the first shot; they did just that. » On April 15,Lincoln called on the states
  36. Thunder is a jolt of the air that disperses and falls, allowing a less active,


    ,to break free. Thunderbolts are the result of a thicker and more violent air
  37. While the unrighteous are tormented at the sight of the» lake of unquenchable,


    ,» into which they are destined to be cast. The Early Church: 4th and 5th
  38. Heartbeat «, which quickens as the asteroid density is reduced by the player’s,


    , Once the screen has been cleared of all asteroids and flying saucers, a new
  39. Carrying four nuclear torpedoes, sinks in the Bay of Biscay four days after a,


    ,on board. *1980 – Samuel Doe takes control of Liberia in a coup d’état, ending
  40. Misrepresented as a Zoroastrian


    -temple» due to frequent association of «,


    ,temple» with the Iranian religion of Zoroastrianism. Other Christian
  41. Vietnam War: Gulf of Tonkin incident – North Vietnamese gunboats allegedly,


    ,on the U. S. destroyers and. *1968 – An earthquake hits Caligula, Aurora
  42. Of the rally, killing an officer. In the ensuing panic, police opened,


    ,on the crowd and each other. Seven police officers and at least four workers
  43. Other before disappearing again. The saucers are of two kinds: Large saucers,


    ,in random directions, while small saucers aim at the player’s ship. The
  44. In the days preceding the bloody conflict, a group of Algerian Rebels opened,


    ,on a marketplace in Oran killing numerous innocent civilians, mostly women. It
  45. Halfway between air and water, or between air and


    , thicker than air and,


    , or more subtle than water and earth. Anaximander argues that water cannot
  46. Stayed in Persepolis for five months. During Alexander’s stay in the capital a,


    ,broke out in the eastern palace of Xerxes and spread to the rest of the city.
  47. 17. Just one week was spent in hurried post-production, hampered by a studio,


    , and the finished film premiered at Tokyo’s Imperial Theatre on August 25
  48. The evil from the righteous and throw them into the furnace of unquenchable,


    , Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. The
  49. Abrupt break as initially appears. The basic elements of nature (water, air,


    , earth) which the first Greek philosophers believed that constituted the
  50. In Nicaragua. *1985 – Manchester Air Disaster sees 55 people killed when a,


    ,breaks out on a commercial aircraft at Manchester Airport. *1989 – The first

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There was always a fire on the hearth in the main house for Dawnsleep, every week of the year

Venna and Ava stopped to chat while Herndon watched him start the fire

you don’t ever spark the match can you create fire? Yes, I get it, you can rub sticks together, but you’re still taking action when you’re rubbing the sticks together

If there’s no spark there’s no fire

Can a fireman who wants to build a great cavern do that by blasting a solid rock with a fire hose for a week straight, staying up with every bit of energy that he has, holding the hose blasting it at full power

He acted like he would have stayed in the studio during the zombie attack if it weren’t for the fact that the building next door was on fire

behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire

Micah ignored his little brother, taking the bin to the fire escape and dumping its contents into a dumpster below

1Sam: 30:3: So David and his men came to the city, and, behold, it was burned with fire; and their wives, and their

The cannon erupted a steady stream of fire that completely engulfed the man

“We invented sun tan lotion as a byproduct of our fire protection technology,” Ackers explained

Our lotion protects everything from hair to skin; it’s the ultimate in fire safety

They took on another load of fuel in the freezing air, stopped for a couple bowls of fish diddle from a cook with a nice warm fire that she huddled close to, clutching her nightcoat tightly

She was bringing some of their gear up to the house when Venna appeared on the path and reminded Jorma about the fire

This middle-aged woman set herself on fire

But the weirdest thing is, I read an article today about Kurdish women setting themselves on fire

Your eyes boil out of your skull and the fire climbs into your mouth as you scream

One tiny star, smaller than a candle’s fire, flickered amidst the void

«When I was watching the fire, I would sing to keep myself entertained

Avoid storing your fire wood or wood scraps next to the house as this could support termites and allow them entrance into the house

She remembered Alan telling Glenelle how close to nature he felt when he lit a fire, that was when he began to hope that he could survive on this planet

By that token she should be more confident that she could survive on this planet, she’d owned a few properties during her meander to the north where one had to get a cook fire going with twigs for every hot meal

Whatever it was, her fire must have drawn it

«They’re warmer moving than watching us huddle by the fire

«They should get close to the fire with us

«There’s a few quanark out here,» he said, «but I don’t think they will approach the fire

He sat cross-legged, staring into the fire

He didn’t say a thing, just kept tossing sticks he snapped off into the fire

He snapped it into pieces without taking his eyes off the fire

It was cold enough that she was glad to get her quilt and lay as best she could by the fire

» He continued to throw sticks in the fire

She built the fire back up once she got back

This usually involved fear and bullets and drowning and fire

There’s a fire extinguisher on the wall

Zitteraal nods, walks away a few paces down the corridor, stands near the fire extinguisher, waiting

He wanted to be a great explorer or a monster with seven heads that breathed fire and crushed cities

These folks also learned fast from other cultures, as they were able seaman and traveled around the world, and would see many wonderful things and this knowledge would return to their own lands, where it quickly would spread like fire upon the land

An air-conditioner whirs while a small fire crackles in a cut-stone fireplace in a split level room

The image that came to doostEr’s mind was a trio of guys walking out on stage with their arms on fire

It would certainly be some kind of trick with hidden wicks and special fuel, but he’d seen people spit fire so he figured there would be some way to perform that circus stunt also

John watches the fire crackle in the fireplace

Fade to: John watching the fire crackle as he waits to interview the President

John’s POV: The fire fades into Zitteraal standing over him at the side of the bed, the penlight in hand

Zitteraal smiles down at him, fade back slowly to the room with the crackling fire

a minute or two by the fire

The golden cloth shimmered in the fire light

union, until, just as they began the last violent thrusts of fire rimmed ardour, just as

Jamil stares dumbly at his fist, then his eyes meet John’s which are filled with fire and fury

They had a fire going near the open end of the canvas staked over the front truck

«Pretend Juleel is here enjoying the fire instead of preaching about this asteroid

car’s on fire

«We have all day tomorrow to look at this fire,» doostEr said

It was getting pretty cold and they had built up the fire pretty high

He stared at the fire awhile

fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong,

fire had no power; the hair of their head was not singed nor were their

garments affected, and the smell of fire was not on them

flame harmless, preserves the hair on our head — “and the smell of fire

Off to the side of the road, a fire truck hoses off the wreckage of the lead truck, which smolders

‘It seems someone tried to set fire to the house Liz was renting just after four this morning, Mum

The money realised from this fire sale of the

«You want me to fire up that old ship?» Glenelle asked Ava

‘And then there was all this … this stuff about the fire at the house

Fire climbs into the night sky, illuminating the shanty town as it burns

Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat

room was illuminated with fire

Every one became a torch of fire that would not burn out

In the spiritual world the power of the Holy Spirit is like a fire

He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire

His eyes burned red with the fire of his kind now

reflection in the deep ruby fire of his timeless stare

I’ll keep the probes out so as soon as they fire it up again, we’ll know

‘Closed that side of the motorway for best part of an hour what with getting Liz off to hospital and then putting out the fire

The Inspector got her out of the car before the fire took hold and got her to hospital

MacKenzie’s eyes still flickered with the decaying embers of an old fire

The junk maneuvered after that like it was under fire, but another impact followed

‘ But out here, it felt like the fire teams riding on top of the two ‘draggers had nothing but flanks

From his perspective, the ‘draggers dodging fire and debris below drove straight into a cloud of Staas Shipping containers and came to a dead stop

Jordo made out one or two of the stringy aliens below carried away by fire from the MA-48s, but not enough of them

«It means were going to have to collide the particle streams we fire at a more direct angle

«There’s one control system we have that we could use that’s actually got what it takes to handle that kind of complex input/output and do it fast enough to fire the NS191 emitters in sync a million times a second

I remember having to go up to the quarry on fire watch duty sometimes … you can see clear across the village from there … right over to Wales on a good day

Parker made for the hatch like the bridge was on fire

Too often the men of the congregation think the only responsibility is to hire, fire the preacher; count noses at the assemblies, lock and unlock the building, and count the contribution

The cone of fire had spread to nearly half a kilometer wide when it hit the Squidy

Could be a fire risk

“They are losers, who stupidly make do with 140,000 drachmas a month; they are cyphers, all of them!” she cries pompously and goes on with an air of profundity: “A businessman wants to earn as much as possible, this is natural! He will pay you as little as he can, unless you prove to him you deserve to be given something more!” … “A clever businessman will hire a secretary who will work for him for a month or so »on trial», then he will tell her she is incompetent and he will fire her without paying her a dime; then he will hire another stupid chick who will work for him for another month without payment, then another one will take her place, and so on, until he finds the one who will satisfy him fully” harangues Diana, showing her admiration for bosses

They tried to fly past without opening fire as the junk’s reactor cooked off like a low-yield bomb

It was like a love of dogs, of some farmyard animal, loved while useful, loved while sitting by the fire on a cold evening, one ear cocked for the intruding fox, but not a love enduring or warm when the cold winds of survival blow

He’s got a real fire … it feels really homely

Rose is settled in a chair beside the fire

As fragile as the plasterwork might be, it would always be bolstered by the terminal brutality of small arms fire

I could no longer contain my wrath and sought to fire at her at once

“The three-dimensional seal ensured the witch’s pact with two rival demons, one of the void and one of the fire”, explained Arion, as we were crossing the stone bridge, having just abandoned the tower

God devastated Israel through a famine before sending fire upon Elijah’s sacrifice in 1 Kings 18

The money realised from this fire sale of the broken and the decayed was sufficient to invest and to bank

Forest: If the trees are high and nice, you will inherit a fortune; if you are alone and gloomy in a forest, it indicates that you can’t distinguish who your true friends are; if the forest is on fire, prepare for disaster

Stove: If there is fire in it, you will have good earnings; if not, it bodes austerity

fire of the torch and onto his enemies

flames of the torch and the guards screamed in pain as Son spat fire upon

The robots fired just as Vinnie ducked

He coughed once before an arrow was fired into his face

But I have never seen it fired … I don’t even think he had any ammunition for it – I’ve certainly never seen any

She bent low as Scar fired and the shot passed harmlessly over her head

Your brain’s all fired up for the day,” Kira smiles and pats Dizzie’s head

Fortunately for the people of Jerusalem, an archer spotted Blitzer fired an arrow into his shoulder, causing him to lose his grip and fall

Ma did that sometimes when she was real fired up over something or when she was having one of her fits

at Walmart, but they fired me when

KA-BOOOOOOM! The shell fired by the militants explodes near the tail section, the plane shudders violently and cases of liquor tumble in every direction

He fired air through his nostrils like a rhino on steroids

A second later, Burn fired thrust in her direction of travel and brought Audacity to a dead stop between the approaching metal storm and the redsuits

“Every would-be salesman signs a contract which contains a penal clause: If the salesman doesn’t sell enough within the first month of work, which is »on trial», they are not only fired without being paid but they also have to pay 50,000 drachmas to the company!” she explains with glowing eyes

Enrico fired thrusters, they stopped hurling toward the iceball quite so fast

He fired a few more times

He fired repeatedly, with the same insane look in his eyes

Lady Chimera screamed in terror and the room resounded with her shrill cry of pain, as Arion fired again, this time against her

got fired!” No… that’s not something that would ultimately

Remember when you were fired from a joy you hated, or a

“I fired a

One fashioned and fired in the image of a bunch of succulent purple grapes and the other modelled after a bright shiny-red, seductive clay apple

Enraged, Ichor went for the devil and fired a large blast as Sarah let loose with her crossbow

We were there, together, late that night in a mountain kafeneion, half of us strangers, seduced by plaintive melodies and angry clashes of Arabic, Turkish and Slavic themes until it fired our blood and led us deeper into ourselves than anything had before

After that, she lost interest in her art and her tutors fired their criticisms but she never dropped out

He fired off the entangled beam

«Unless that is the Pink Dawn,» Heymon said, «our shuttle couldn’t boost long enough to close with them if they fired up at full thrust

the button that fired up the automatic pilot light

But, say you are fired or beaten by someone in authority for what you

“So you actually fired them in anger?” Alistair asked, with a

Fired by her rediscovered domesticity, she dug around in the cupboard and found cleaning materials, spending several satisfying hours cleaning the sitting room and putting it straight, and then attacking the bedrooms one at a time

fired, Tom knew it was necessary to close the choke almost – but not

Just as the engine fired, and he struggled with the choke

The car fired

The man on the platform fired the magical weapon twice at Tom,

Johnny fired a shot, missing the fat man’s foot by less than an inch

He pushed by the men gathering to see what had happened, exited and fired up the Holden

I got fired from my job as a security guard at the Marina Hotel

Actually I’m better off by being fired

For me, I’m glad to for your being fired from your job in that case you can concentrate to your studies

You said since you been fired from your job and can give more attention with your studies and take 12 units the spring and three units are one course during the summer and graduate in July

I caught it and fired the ball to

The Pinto fired on the first try

batter swung but missed, and I caught and fired to second in one motion

The rifle fired and through the air spun a rope

“I don’t have time for this nonsense,” Stenworth said as he fired his gun

and would not miss if he fired

And this wasn’t the movies where every bullet fired seemed to find someone to

Three bullets fired from the chamber and then only

He was untidy, played music at strange hours, fired guns inside, made smelly experiments; in addition, there was an atmosphere of violence and danger which hung around him made him the very worst tenant in London

What surprised was me how quickly the water and electricity had come on when I was packing my suitcase so I had a chance to have a quick shower, and I supposed the water noise helped dull the noise of shots being fired

If they were meant to do him harm they had to be at least the size of the darts the android’s pistols fired

Leaning over, Alec pointed his bow at the creature’s skull and fired, turning the dwarf’s head into silver-fire and dust

He picked one, aimed an arrow in its direction and fired

‘Someone could have fired an arrow through the hole,

Axel reloaded again, fired, reloaded

Teeth gritted, she fired into the crowd below then ripped out another arrow from the quiver at her hip

The bullet that someone had fired at her had whistled over her head so close that it had actually flicked up a piece of her hair

As he fired the last round in his final magazine his luck ran out

But this round, fired from a heavy caliber handgun, struck him under the armor, just above his hip

«That lower level resource accounting trap I put in, it just fired

‘They just fired the carcases back at us

She fired it, and then another

She fired two more, each slightly wide of murder

The gun had already fired, its loud blast echoing through the streets

» That sentence hit Lunarey as if it was a weapon fired at her

“With this stone, I shall overthrow even the Enthilesté to rule a new Naud Empire—where the dragon-cats shall be only a transient memory!” He spat at the ground, raised his weapon again but fired at Dena instead

At first sight, the archers fired, and the battle had begun

The missile had been fired from within the town, though Barrin would never know who let it loose

They fired into the crowd without direction, but as quickly as possible, and in nearly every shot was a foe struck

It was at this point that the men fired one of our cannons

being eager to venture out into a hurricane to help a ship in danger, but, that is the supposition, and so, we fired one of our cannons

If there had been a cannon on board we would have fired it

It was right after the first rays of sun came over the mountains that Warlock fired up the vapor jets

I had never fired a cannon

I heard it again, and this time I was certain it had been the sound of a cannon being fired

There was a plentiful supply of gunpowder on board, but, other than testing the pistols and cannons, I hadn’t fired a shot in three years, so we brought only one small keg of powder ashore

And I fired the pistol

In the meantime, I had fired the cannon a second time and returned to waving the flag

The ship fired a 188

As a military officer submits, without reluctance, to the authority of a superior by whom he has always been commanded, but cannot bear that his inferior should be set over his head; so men easily submit to a family to whom they and their ancestors have always submitted; but are fired with indignation when another family, in whom they had never acknowledged any such superiority, assumes a dominion over them

The reactors used a mix of deuterium and tritium as fuel, and the ion accelerators fired a stream of ionised xenon gas into space, producing colossal thrust in the process

Fifty-two mini fusion thrusters fired up, sending him surging forward like some children’s animated superhero

This was not simply a matter of the heat and dust that was now blowing around our mouths burned and had the brassy taste of cordite in them from the rounds we had fired

I sighted on the man who had taken over I did not know his rank and it didn’t matter I fired and my shot hit him in the throat and his hands flew to his neck to staunch the flow of blood

‘Nevertheless—’ Roidon fired the gun, just as Torbin was about to point his thumb-sized weapon in response

Three identical 15-man troop transporters detached themselves from the underside of Vanguard’s hull, fired up their thrusters and set off directly to the space station

Torbin, still fired up from his experience said to Roidon, ‘The primary field is spreading much faster than your projection data

Then they fired their shrapnel shells at us and this with the bullets chopped the bush to pieces flinging greenery everywhere and cutting our lads to pieces

I went out to pick up a bloke who had crawled back wounded to our lines as I stopped down to lift him up the Turks fired off a shrapnel shell and I was peppered with the stuff

We had gone down to the beach and were enjoying our swim when a salvo of Turkish artillery shells was fired at us

’ Standford raised a small key-fob type device and fired it at

One of the Turkish sentries shouted something and fires in our direction but his shot went wide I fired and mine didn’t and I watched him fall back into the trench

“Some of the blokes fired through gaps in the logs while others poked their bayonets through

It fired the device at Roidon, but instead of disintegrating, he simply froze

I thought to myself what a fucking cheek this bloke who had never heard a shot fired in anger in his miserable life was telling me how to fight the war

“How about tennis?” he fired back

Just the a very light was fired into the air and the vista in front of me was bathed in bright light and shadows I stepped down and let Frank have a look

Confederates fired on Fort Sumter in April 1861, which was the

I will tell you something else as well you have never heard a shot fired in anger let alone anything else so just piss off and leave us fighting soldiers alone we don’t need your stupid fucking advice

intercept the Wachusett, a few shots were fired, but the Wachusett was able to increase the distance in a short time even though she was towing the Florida

None of us had a car to escape from the fires and the zombie flood, so we busted in on Kevin during a recording session

The people there must be on edge after seeing the fires this morning

He opens the door of the state trooper’s car, takes out the shotgun, pumps a round into the chamber and fires it in the air

After sleeping penniless on the roof of a YMCA with the pigeons, he finally earned some money fighting forest fires as a volunteer

He jumps back into the Rover, fires it up

Occasionally he stops, points his camera out the window at something, fires off a few shots

One of the young men fires up the hooka, takes a deep drag and lets out the smoke in a tremendous cloud

Bolt brings his camera up, quickly fires off a few shots: click, whir, click, whir

Slowly, he brings his camera up, fires off a few shots

Someone fires a machine gun into the air — RAT-A-TAT-TAT — and then two more militants follow suit in rapid succession

Seven is the number of fires in Hell

Suddenly, he turns round and fires at them with an anesthetic laser gun

We’d see the fires raging in Weston after the bombers had been over – it was terrible, seeing the smoke and not knowing what had been hit

to dry and wait for the dragon snap of winter fires

that fires the engines of production, commanding

(he holds the gun to SAMANTHA’s head and fires

(He fires a shot at ERICK

It was dark as night in here, each booth might have a candle near the change box, and there were the low fires of the cooks under their simmering caldrons

Without local knowledge it was impossible to interpret the land and that made it so much easier to become lost — which was the most probable reason my father chose this route when they were fleeing from the fires — yet Alexis had no problem and kept our spirits up leading us through a maze of beautiful woods and dense tangled thickets along the way

There is a warm mug of Tesh in each room, and I ordered the fires lit

Where once a stout Edwardian family had warmed themselves by the great living room fire and eaten roast meats on Sundays in the capacious dining room, there now existed within these walls a selection of small private worlds inhabited by transparent people who warmed themselves next to two-bar electric fires, who shared bathrooms and cooked tinned meals on single ring electric cookers

cold, the fires were laid and lit, and the presents, such as they were,

The men immediately began to light two enormous fires in a pit in the center of the cave

Fires dotted the neighbourhood skyline

The atmosphere was refined, even among the poorer houses, often only three rooms with open fires for a kitchen

Sure some fires can open new paths for you

to keep the home fires of her life burning brightly

“There were fires and huge explosions

There were roasts turning over the open fires, there were stew-pots hanging with them

Maggie is keeping the home fires burning

As they walk to the far end of the car park Billy fires question after question at Alex but gets no real answers

We had open fires when I was a child, and clearing out the ashes was one of my jobs, as youngest child

The problem with living in the tropics is that you rarely have fires and the like and I’m too much of typical Englishman to relish that

Small fires flickered under each

the fires of heaven

I see a generation of prophets arising who bring the fires of heaven upon the earth

Since the fires began, he had slept little

People may have considered Pete slow, but even he knew the fires and the screams of the dying could mean only one thing – the Rift was opened, the full might of the Plague had returned to claim their world

Here the air was fresh since those fires were able to pull it from the open, fourteen stories above, near the base of third Chimney

The news that night was not good and there would be a complete fire ban on the Sunday and that meant no outside drilling are welding or BBQ’s and absolutely no open fires at all

It seems to be so in some of the inland parts of England, particularly in Oxfordshire, where it is usual, even in the fires of the common people, to mix coals and wood together, and where the difference in the expense of those two sorts of fuel cannot, therefore, be very great

The women of the clan were laying a group of cooking fires and setting up trestle tables with mugs and plates and various sized bottles

They were then added to a huge pot of stew that was bubbling next to one of the smaller fires

The air above was clouded in darkness and smoke, stifling the light of a thousand fires burning in the very sky itself

The fires thundered to life in the heavens, shaking the earth below with an ear shattering BOOM!

Evening was now settling quickly, and the fires of a

In the distance, Tetloan continued to incinerate the demons, yet with his every success his flames dwindled, and meanwhile, every last demon stormed to his location, lusting to tear him open and feast on the fires within

Cooks had gas stoves, not open fires, and in a few places waitresses showed you to tables

Little by little, the fires dwindled – but the burning heat within his staff remained

Even so, with his hands split open and blackened, Adros didn’t release his grip on the King’s Wood – not even when the fires of the Magi were extinguished altogether

They couldn’t build the hot wood fires needed to melt bronze

Here and there they could see the smoke of the morning fires ascending as the women started preparing breakfast for their households

There did not seem to be any sign of recent visitors, no personal effects or evidence of fires stoked by wanderers

She extinguished the fires with little trouble, but knew that the bireme’s archers would soon come into range to hit the Tachytata’s sails

Nerissa had Miklos and Eugenia run around extinguishing the fires with water from the buckets, while she and Homer pulled the oars so hard, steam rose up from their handles

The ale was cold, the meat tender, and the fires blazed as brightly as the ambition in his eyes

Smoke twisted and rose from the spitting fires and she still could not make out much in the growing throng of curious soldiers

The scent of the forge fires caught his nose anew, and he inhaled deeply

The bodies were piled high beside the gate, and the reflection of the fires danced in the standing blood

Half of the Den of Serren and half of Tianon’s were alight, but none could be spared to fight the fires, no matter how far they spread

The fires, however, nearly destroyed both Serren’s and Tianon’s Dens, and damaged Whesler’s and Tarite’s, and some of the flames still raged, even into the next day

“It’s from those fires two years ago,” he said as he rubbed the black smudged window

“It»s because the Priests can»t use wormy wood in the altar fires

One of the Turkish sentries shouted something and fires in our direction but his shot went wide I fired and mine didn’t and I watched him fall back into the trench

The closer to the front we got the more hold ups we encountered so at some o these stops we would gather wood and build fires shoving billy cans on them and brewing up

At other times we would sing our favourite songs until our throats were sore ‘Dolly Grey’, ‘Pack up your troubles’, ‘If you were the only girl in the world’, ‘Tipperary’ and ‘Keep the home fires burning, the good songs that we knew by heart

Fires were lit in the try works brick ovens on deck, and sections of blubber were

The bible leaves were then put into the try-pots and heated by the fires of the brick oven try works

the sulphurous fires of a thousand hells before they dared face my brother’s blades

“She fires concentrated bursts of gamma radiation that interfere with organ function and damage

looting, fires started or anything destructive

Ever since he arrived at Kismeria, his heart had become filled with passionate fires

It was now dusk and it looked like the Germans were preparing their evening meal as I watched the smoke from their cooking fires wisping up into the warm evening air

During that time, a larger crowd of Guardians and wielders gathered by the fires to listen to the tunes

The large dining tables were carried out of the farmhouses and covered in white cloths in a U-shape around one of the fires with the married couple seated at its head

The crowds that had gathered shared in the feast, Ael Tarael and Alit’aren seated on large blankets around the fires, but the Guardians remained standing while they sampled meats and cheeses

Apprentice and Gai’den level wielders were also seen in small groups around the fires

several fires destroyed property at several mills, but all were

Once the process is complete it fires off the next product offer and repeats the same process

Once the second process is complete, it fires off the next product offer and repeats the process again

The fires were nearly impossible to put out

Fires sprang up and died down just as quickly in a random pattern across the campus, puffs of different coloured smoke filled the air

Saldon and Halon loosed off a few arrows to add to the confusion and lit more fires as they retreated

He wondered if the fires in the city were a curse or event caused by the older wizard’s magic spells

The Generals were involved in sorting out squabbles amongst the men, those that were not fighting the fires, anyway

The pair tracked down the physician’s house—indeed, few in Water-Down had comfy burrows like they did at home—and found a maid just stoking the morning’s fires

Someone had started fires in each of the three hearths in preparation for the couple’s return—someone who might come in at any time to stir the logs

The troops lit fires with difficulty, and the centre divisions roundly “groused” at the spoilt night that they might have spent comfortably in camp

departments to get better acquainted with equipment and methods to control fires that had different fuels for the fire

I stepped softly between the rows of suffering soldiers that night at Siboney; fires outside and flickering lanterns lit up the gaunt faces, some stamped with approaching death

Ambition stokes the fires that (sparks) motivates behavior

After plucking, the leaves are withered over fires made of pine wood,

We made fires at night and invited the terrorists to attack us so that the spoor could be followed next morning

The eternal fires of Hell are too horrible to imagine! I would ―prefer‖ thinking of Hell as the absence of God, which is sufficient punishment in itself

‘For most, it’s the highlight of the year,’ Liam said, ‘stuck in the bush, studying God’s word, camp fires, games, hiking, and just having fun; it’s brilliant

Even evidence that law enforcement may have accidentally started the deadly fires is mixed at best

When an army feeds its horses with grain and kills its cattle for food, and when the men do not hang their cooking-pots over the camp fires, showing that they will not return to their tents, you may know that they are determined to fight to the death

“What’s going on in there?” called his pop from the living room, where Frew Cobbs was all wrought up about how the terrible wild fires in California impacted the illegal aliens getting driver’s licenses and port safety and recalls on dangerous Chinese-built Barbie dolls

Fires in the sky!

“They must have been mighty big fires,” said Foreman

cross hairs and hear the fatal click of the firing pin

John looks over his shoulder in the direction of the firing, takes off his wedding ring slowly, studies it sadly for a moment, digs out a small hole in the ground with his hand, buries it, puts a rock on top

» She grunted a little as she took the MA-48’s recoil, firing with one hand and holding on to the knuckledragger’s pommel with the other

The topside turret wasn’t firing anymore

Allowing the other pedestrians to pass, she paused, one hand on the post of the crossing for balance, and bent over fiddling with her shoe, her senses firing off warnings … she could smell danger

What went on? What happened?» Steve was firing questions at him left and right; and all of his fellow riders were waiting for his answer

The men below were firing, killing them as fast as they could, but more kept emerging from the brush

Firing off questions as they went they followed him into the cave and Sam put them all to work

Together we lay side by side defending the roads of Athens and firing our pistols at the Nazis

Instead of firing the poor girl, the chairman’s wife asked the maid to sew a little bag of the finest silk and fill it with ground up Puy lentils

Heading towards the sound they came upon two Gatonen firing at what look like a small child

of firing the poor girl, the chairman’s wife asked the maid to sew a

Will I be back in three months, or is this simply a soft way of firing me?”

and firing at them just annoys them

“For firing that guy I think

He is armed and dangerous, but the act of firing guns is one that he leaves to the boys

He took every firing as a personal failure, when she’d started to look at it that way, her entire way of looking at life changed

The wood chipper struggled to start, firing and then stopping, like a car

chest and torso, like he was a bull’s-eye at the firing range

fiddled with safety, and then began firing at Stenworth

Then there was a bellow from their commander and, almost as one, the two hundred plus criminals charged the village, screaming and firing as they came

He was about to get in more firing practice when he spotted other shapes moving in the crowd below

And then the intensity of firing increased at Patrick’s wall

«Tried to warn you,» Alec said to the Death Guard before firing another round into the street

«All those preaching peace and brotherhood on one hand and firing off anger, discontent and bomb throwing on the other

The marine slowed to a walk, dropped the machine gun and pulled out his Colt, firing as he walked

Yet the archers were firing, and the Thanes hacking downward with their swords, and still the wall rocked under the weight of the coming horde

Firing a cannon in a storm is an old and honored tradition among seafaring men

“For pity’s sake watch those fucking machine guns the little bastards have got them emplaced on the cliff tops and that’s a perfect firing position to enfilade down on us

“Look to your front here come some more of the buggers don’t let them get the well!” I could see him aiming and firing ever so calmly with a rifle that must have belonged to poor Fred Elliot and that he must have dropped when he was hit

He even once more felt the presence of his old body, like a yearning beyond what had once passed for proprioceptive reality: his brain telling him this was the case against any counter evidence, just the accordant neurons firing again

“Bloody hell lads I haven’t seen a Turk or anything that looks dangerous since we started at this rate we will be able to walk into Krithia without firing a shot

All of a sudden we heard heavy firing coming from over on our right were some of the 86th Brigade lads where but just at that moment we were moving through a gully and so couldn’t pinpoint the direction

“Still think were going to walk into Krithia without firing a shot do you?” He looked over towards me and shook his head violently saying

Firing appropriate thrusters the vessel turned almost on the spot to face the oncoming escort vessels which were almost twice its size

No one could take the amount of punishment that they were and the ground under their feet looked a deeper black and I realised it was blood as we kept on firing the attack stalled and then faded away

We could hear over on our left a lot of firing going on and see flares shoot into the sky so something was happening

We believed it because the Turkish artillery was lashing the beaches firing down from Achi Baba but what really convinced us was that ‘Asiatic Annie’ was firing her heavy shells at both V and W Beaches

The Elusiver ships were still firing, aiming in his direction

However what was only minutes later but seemed like hours the final strand was cut but the tins kept rattling making us jump but eventually we made it back to our own trench without the Turks firing a shot

He then went on to show us where they thought the sniper was firing from but the position he showed me didn’t seem a likely one

I passed out but before I did I saw Elijah drop down and I knew he had been hit I didn’t see the stretcher bearers who came out and picked me up when the firing died down

disk or in memory, and the third element was the killer, the harpoon, firing a few small items of trash code into those sectors and corrupting them

While we where here on Salisbury plain the training really intensified the route marches got longer and the whole physical training side was stepped up as well as firing practice and tactical problems bayonet drill and obviously fatigues and working parties

We walked along other communications trenches and then we heard firing very close by and a flare arced up into the sky bursting and bathing everything in its bright white light

“A lot better than some in this sector the firing steps have been raised a bit and the parapets well earthed

They showed us our firing and stand to positions and a couple of dugouts we could take shelter in to sleep if the weather was bad

The noise rattled out across the landscape and then the whole front opened up with flares arcing into the sky and firing coming from all directions at once or so it seemed to me

The morning hate had been fierce earlier with trench-mortars and artillery firing both ways just to welcome us back to the front

At the moment though me and Bert were sat on the firing step having a chin wag and a fag when he suddenly said

can your brother know you are here?” I replied soberly as the sound of tanks firing echoed from the

We heard a ‘click’ that could only have been an empty firing chamber receiving a hammer

As the Alabama sank, some twenty minutes after the firing ceased, most of her crew were rescued by the Kearsarge and by the British yacht Deerhound

“Don’t you worry my rifle barrel will be red hoe I will be firing that fast because at the moment I’m seconds away from pissing in my pants and that’s no joke

But then all hell let loose as machine guns and rifles began firing and we began to give covering fire as the bomber s threw there bombs

“That’s more than one machine gun firing and I say its jolly decent of them they must have ammo to burn

Then we heard the shells whistle and moan overhead but they were firing long and hitting the German reserve trenches instead of the front line ones

“Come on you dam Tommie’s we are ready and waiting for you”, and the whole of the German line in our sector opened up firing

But now to make things even worse the Germans started firing shrapnel shells from their hidden batteries behind Serre

Then I heard no their alright and the two of them are running to the next hole then it was time for the next two to go and I began firing again

“They have made it to the first hole”, I stopped firing

After firing two shots over her bow, the Thornton came about, and a prize crew from the Shenandoah under Lieutenant Scales was sent to board her and take charge

The only problem with this was so could the Germans who started spraying the whole of the area in front of them with machine gun fire I yelled to Sam to get down and we both fell to the floor and pressed ourselves into the ground waiting for the flares to go out and the firing to stop and praying it wouldn’t hit us

A safety system prevented him from actually setting off the firing sequence on a non-identified standard target

projectile to a distance of 27 miles, after having exploded 300 pounds of black powder in the firing tube

Said sentence shall be carried out by firing squad on the 20th of July 1916 subject to confirmation by the Commander in Chief and may god have mercy on you

I wanted to scream Rosie at the top of my voice she was my little sister my second love and I thought that I was going to die there and then and save the firing squad a job

I would look the firing squad in the eyes and try to show no fear and I would die like Rosie had with dignity and courage

“I apologise Corporal of course I won’t face the firing squad I just wanted you to know that I will not only be here with you physically but mentally as well

“Would you like a last smoke it seems the firing party are a little late?” So I replied

Eventually the firing squad turned up and if I hadn’t been strapped to the chair I would have fallen off it for these twelve men were from my own Battalion

I looked out and had to squint a bit but I saw that my good friend Tommy Macey was the firing squad Sergeant and his face was whiter than mine and he looked like he was going to be sick

Regardless of how the crowd had reacted, would Ruby Tower punish him? Would he face the firing squad? Or the dark room? The thought of solitary confinement and sensory deprivation made him shudder, and he prayed that whatever Ruby Tower had in store for him, it would not be that

San Francisco had two weeks to prepare for the game and rather than a letdown, came in to it with all cylinders firing

firing squad, certain there’d be a reprieve even as men lined up before him with guns aimed at his

If you had more bullets, or had your own bullets you could get away with firing shots without reporting them

The Special Service Corps held the rear; and sick at heart and worn out, the white troops plodded homeward: the Expedition had ended without their firing a shot

General Lawton, with the 1st and 22nd Regular Infantry, 2nd Massachusetts, and detachments of the 4th, 8th, and 25th Infantry, pushed ahead into Siboney, finding it already occupied by Cubans under General Castillo, who had attacked the rear guard of Linares, as they were firing the town

I had a Sub Thompson with a thirty clip inserted and was about to start firing into the underbrush

That would be by firing squad though

It is also whispered that I ground my P38’s firing pin away until it would not shoot and thus jumped the queue and received a brand new Z88 in its place

Grimes’ Battery had reopened, and as there was imminent risk from our own shells falling short, he sent orders to the artillery to cease firing while the troops deployed

When General Wheeler heard the firing, he rose from his cot and journeyed to the front in an ambulance

The penetration capability of the 9mm parabellum round is poor, especially if the lad you are shooting at is armed with an AK47, and firing at you at a distance greater than you would encounter within a room

It was a relief to join in and pump a Winchester at the hidden enemy; but the order was soon passed down: “Cease firing! Load magazines!”

And forgetting to load a ballistic round and firing the rifle grenade with a full metal jacket was inviting disaster and a severe fatherly talk

But their uniforms showed through the trees as they mounted, a volley was fired into them, and despite the efforts of Major Irles and others, they wheeled and galloped into the city, losing very heavily as their rear became even more dangerous than the firing line

To unload one you needed to load and then eject all the shells (shotgun bullets are called shells) one by one and then make very sure that it was indeed unloaded before pulling the trigger to relax the firing pin

But as we watched the straw hats bobbing, and an occasional swarthy face, the whole cavalry division reverted from individual firing to rapid volleys, a machine gun turned loose, the infantry on our left were responding strongly, and the enemy withdrew to their first line of entrenchments with loss

Dawn spent the next two hours firing away at the clays that Terry sent soaring into the sky above the trees

The firing on the extreme flanks at Caney and Aguadores continued, though news soon reached the centre that Duffield had retired to Siboney, the fleet continuing the attack from the sea

These guerilla had fired indiscriminately at wounded and litter-carriers far behind the firing line

There was no lull in the firing all day, and one instinctively worked among the wounded, for “the harvest was plenteous, but the labourers were few

The firing died away with the daylight, and having secured my horse, I started to ride toward Caney, hoping to aid Creelman

Chuckles hissed softly, the synapses in its brains firing electrical impulses faster and faster until the rage had raised a fur ridge along its spine

At daybreak on the 11th, firing was resumed; but the Spaniards replied weakly

Shafter favoured a firing squad to end this sorry debacle, but wiser heads, of which there were plenty, prevailed and order was soon restored

The gun’s recoil thumped the butt into Dawn’s shoulder but she hardly felt a thing, pumping a new cartridge into the chamber, training the sights on another cat and firing again

Dunn saw him but hesitated before firing

They got so badly defeated that their top general was executed by firing squad for his defeats

The fire itself is referred to as the ‘fire incident.’ ❋ Unknown (2009)

On her return, seeing her mistress on fire, she immediately gave an alarm; and some people coming to her assistance, one of them endeavored to extinguish the flames with his hands, _but they adhered to them as if they had been dipped in brandy or oil on fire_. ❋ American Tract Society (N/A)

A stranger might suppose the buildings on fire, but not a blaze is within, the object here, as in bacon-curing, being _smoke_, not _fire_. ❋ E. R. Billings (N/A)

For example, utter the words: «A house is my fire,» and observe the comparative duration of time in the pronunciation of each word, the comparative stress, and the relative pitch (e.g. of _a_ and _fire_). ❋ Paull Franklin Baum (N/A)

Sioux cheti “to build a fire, ” chewati “I build a fire”; shuta “to miss, ” shuunta-pi “we miss. ❋ Unknown (1921)

But, a final objection is raised, as on this view of the matter the elements — earth, water and fire — which are eaten and drunk, are already tripartite, each of them containing portions of all, and thus are of a threefold nature, how can they be designated each of them by a simple term — _earth_, _water_, _fire_? ❋ George Thibaut (1881)

By morning the repair was accomplished, the leak was stopped, and in thirty hours the fire was again in the boiler; _and all the time the south wind blew so mildly that there was not the least need of a fire_. ❋ Unknown (1870)

The fire admits of easy regulation, the ashes may be removed and the fuel may be supplied without _checking the fire_. ❋ Unknown (1869)

It remains, then, that you be committed to the fire, which shall consume the light materials; for our God, to those who can comprehend heavenly things, is called a _consuming fire_. ❋ Mrs. James Sadlier (1861)

If we find _agni_, meaning fire, in Sanskrit, and _ignis_, meaning fire, in Latin, we may safely conclude that _fire_ was known to the undivided Aryans, even if no trace of the same name of fire occurred anywhere else. ❋ Alexander Wilder (1861)

‘He was not,’ she says, ‘a reassuring man for nervous people to live with, as those nights were exceptional on which he did not set something on fire, the commonest incident being for some one to look up from book or work, to say casually, _Papa, your hair is on fire_; of which a calm _Is it, my love? ❋ Thomas De Quincey (1822)

Is that an accurate statement, it would be like trying to buy fire insurance after the house caught fire* ❋ Newsbusters (2010)

I’m sure you get your panties in a twist when the fire department shows up to put out your neighbors fire~ I am sure that if someone was holding your family hostage, you would send the police away becasue you don’t want someone else paying the bill for your problems~ ❋ Unknown (2008)

_grazing shots_ and fire so delivered is called _grazing fire_. ❋ Unknown (1906)

«coals of fire» of the Scripture are _benefits_; — but they are not the less «coals of _fire_.» ❋ Thomas Moore (1815)

His phrase «fire of faith» reflects my yearning too! ❋ Rachael Freed (2011)

Damn this [food] is fire.
That girl is [looking] fire.
this [new game] is fire. ❋ Smileandwave714 (2010)

«yo [look at this] [rhyme] i wrote»
«[yooooo] that shit is fire ❋ Shhaauunn (2005)

[this is that] fire. ❋ Sky (2003)

fire is the [scourge] of [Prometheus].fire is used to toast eradicates [dead wood]. ❋ Kyle The Ninja (2005)

[Dude] [that shit] is fire!!! ❋ Gbrd (2007)

yo, [u got that] fire?
[hell yeah], wanna light that blunt?
hell yeah, thats sum fire, got me high [asf] ❋ YoungWrapper (2018)

u better check [yoself] when u [hit that shit], its [tha] fire.. ❋ Rico Suave (2005)

The [combustion] of [gasoline] produces fire.
This [bud] is some serious fire!
Hey man, where da fire at? ❋ M1ndj0b (2003)

«Give a man a fire and he’ll be [warm] for [a day]. Set him [on fire] and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.» ❋ Phreyan (2003)

«you should come over, i just bought some fire [dank].»
(…half an hour later)
«man…some fuckin…[mexican food] would be [so fire] right now» ❋ Goddamnhippy (2005)

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