The word finest means

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fine 1


adj. fin·er, fin·est


a. Of superior quality, skill, or appearance: a fine day; a fine wine.

b. Excellent in character or ability: a fine person; a fine writer.

2. Very small in size, weight, or thickness: fine type; fine paper.


a. Free from impurities.

b. Metallurgy Containing pure metal in a specified proportion or amount: gold 21 carats fine.

4. Very sharp; keen: a blade with a fine edge.

5. Thin; slender: fine hairs.

6. Carefully or delicately made or done: fine china. See Synonyms at exquisite.

7. Consisting of very small particles; not coarse: fine dust.


a. Marginally different or subtle: a fine difference.

b. Able to make or detect effects of great subtlety or precision; sensitive: has a fine eye for color.

9. Trained to the highest degree of physical efficiency: a fine racehorse.

10. Characterized by refinement or elegance: people in the finest society.

11. Satisfactory; acceptable: Handing in your paper on Monday is fine.

12. Being in a state of satisfactory health; quite well: «How are you?» «I’m fine.»

13. Used as an intensive: a fine mess.


1. Finely.

2. Informal Very well: doing fine.

tr. & intr.v. fined, fin·ing, fines

To make or become finer, purer, or cleaner.

[Middle English fin, from Old French, from Latin fīnis, end, supreme degree.]

fine′ness n.

fine 2



1. A sum of money required to be paid especially to the government as a penalty for an offense.

2. Obsolete An end; a termination.

tr.v. fined, fin·ing, fines

To require the payment of a fine from; impose a fine on.


in fine

1. In conclusion; finally.

2. In summation; in brief.

[Middle English fin, from Old French, settlement, compensation, from Medieval Latin fīnis, from Latin, end.]

fin′a·ble, fine′a·ble adj.

fi·ne 3


[Italian, from Latin fīnis, end.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

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A member of a law-enforcement agency:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

Each voyage will be nine days long and take place on the American Queen steamboat decked out in its holiday finest.

Nathan Diller, USA TODAY, 18 Nov. 2022

Most are dressed in their cyberpunk finest, although a solitary sailor stands in the doorway.

Angela Watercutter, Wired, 28 Jan. 2022

But the case for the Emmys as a collective showcase of the industry’s middlebrow finest is an easy one to make — at least for the medium’s sake.

Washington Post, 17 Sep. 2021

So put on your Halloween finest and fire up your computer or phone camera.

René A. Guzman,, 1 Oct. 2020

Dressed in their Sunday finest was a stylish crew that also included the Manners sisters, model Martha Hunt, and haute DJs Harley Viera-Newton and Lady Mary Charteris.

Vogue, 18 June 2018

Some of his finest works include Diana Ross’ Silk Electric, Aretha Franklin’s Aretha, John Lennon’s posthumous Menlove Ave., and even Liza Minelli’s Live at Carnegie Hall.

Stephen Daw, Billboard, 22 Feb. 2018

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘finest.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


from superlative of fine entry 1

First Known Use

1884, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of finest was
in 1884

Dictionary Entries Near finest

Cite this Entry

“Finest.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Merriam-Webster unabridged


- полицейские

the city’s finest — городская полиция

Мои примеры


a book of his finest lithographs — сборник его лучших литографий  
a gorgeous copy of the text that was produced by one of the finest calligraphers of the age — великолепный экземпляр текста — произведение одного из лучших каллиграфов того времени  
walls draped in the finest silk — стены, обитые тончайшим шёлком  
one’s finest hour — звёздный час  
be a gentleman in the finest sense of the word — быть джентльменом в лучшем смысле слова  
finest thing imaginable — самое лучшее  
finest topology — сильнейшая топология  
finest drawing machine — машина тончайшего волочения  
the finest artistry — высокое мастерство художника  
finest concrete — бетон с очень мелким заполнителем  
at its finest — чистой воды  
finest hour — час славы  

Примеры с переводом

The book was her finest effort.

Эта книга была её лучшей работой.

Our store stocks only the finest goods.

В нашем магазине продаются только лучшие товары.

This is perhaps her finest novel yet.

Пожалуй, пока это её лучший роман.

She ranks as the finest teacher we have.

Она у нас самый лучший учитель.

The finest brandies are made in Cognac.

Лучшие бренди производятся в провинции / регионе Коньяк.

Our guests receive the finest quality service.

Наши гости получают самое качественное обслуживание.

She rates as the finest teacher we have.

Она — лучший учитель, который у нас есть.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The wine glasses are made of the finest crystal.

He uses only the finest ingredients in his cooking.

Jo is without doubt one of the finest swimmers in the school.

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Фразовые глаголы

fine away — делать изящнее, делать тоньше, уменьшаться, сокращаться
fine down — очищать, очищаться, делать изящнее, делать тоньше, уменьшаться
fine off — делать изящнее, делать тоньше, уменьшаться, сокращаться

Возможные однокоренные слова

fin  — плавник, ребро, киль, стабилизатор, ласт, плавать как рыба, обрезать плавники
finable  — облагаемый штрафом, облагаемый пеней
fining  — рафинирование, очистка
finer  — кричный мастер, мастер кричного горна, более тонкий

Perhaps the finest is a meditation on Sept. 11, “September Poem.” ❋ Unknown (2007)

Hasty decisions fueled by a bad temper — is that what we call the finest example of leadership in America today? ❋ Unknown (2008)

But what I call the finest part of going to school in the country was, that you didn’t go home to dinner. ❋ Eugene Wood (1891)

Fortunately, the Salt Lake Tribune chronicled what it called the finest bonfire party of the season in September 1904.

Port Charles ‘finest is called to the scene of the crime, including Lucky Spencer (son of the infamous Luke of Luke and Laura) and commissioner Mac Scorpio. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Of Marisa Tomei’s many fine qualities, one of her finest is versatility, as demonstrated in her performances as the abrasive Mona Lisa in «My Cousin Vinny,» the down-on-her-luck stripper Cassidy in «The Wrestler,» her latest role as Molly in «Cyrus» and her new career as … a hula-hoop manufacturer? ❋ Unknown (2010)

He took the Vikings to the NFC title game last season, losing in overtime in New Orleans, and finished fourth in the league most valuable player voting in what he calls the finest season of his career. ❋ Mark Maske (2010)

Yes, in finest private sector fashion, it now appears that it has become standard operating procedure to protest a contract award loss. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Marketing at its finest is a game of setting goals and strategy, measuring and adjusting. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Hill, 79, who had an academic career, has been described as the finest living English poet. ❋ Unknown (2011)

In between of course, had come study at what he and I know as the finest theological college in the United Kingdom. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I hope they have Jay-Z and MJB also because Brooklyns finest is the truth ❋ Unknown (2008)

Its hard for aussie actors to break into hollywood and to loose one of our finest is just devastating. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Backstage interviews conducted by Renée Fleming were inoffensive, and while the time-filling talk segments during the intervals could have been unwelcome interruptions, they were saved by the presence of Beverly Sills, in finest down-to-earth form (the biggest laugh at Solomon Pond: «I had great fun as Elvira, even though I had no idea what the hell was going on»). ❋ Matthew Guerrieri (2007)

Luckily, a precious handful have been preserved as guesthouses, and one of the newest, and perhaps the finest, is the Côté Cour. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Only the finest is released from the confines of my computer tonight. ❋ Unknown (2007)

I will robe thee in finest raiment and thine every wish shall be at thy will. ❋ Unknown (2006)

:[ther] goes [andy]
:….finest:[braaaap] finest!!!!!!! ❋ Liam Braap (2005)

Friend: So what are we having for dinner tonight, [Tesco Value] [Garlic Bread]?
Me: No, of course not, I bought finest* just for you! And as for [garlic bread], it’s the future. ❋ Tom5640 (2007)

finest [owns] all the [noobs] in [counter-strike] ❋ Jc (2004)

[Finest].. [intricate] movement [entertainment] artist ❋ Kevin (2004)

[Chris] thinks he [won] [the fight] until I said that it was finester. ❋ Poogoggle (2008)

Thousands of [Allied] soldiers answered their [country’s] call. In battle, it was their [finest hour]. ❋ Person (2005)

Do you know [Abias finest]? She’s [a perfect] [woman] ❋ Junior Wills (2020)

[Tea] Connoisser 1: What’s [the tea] [today]?
Tea Connoisser 2: It’s Finest Jasmine. ❋ Desmond And Friends (2007)

he was [beligerent] drunk, [three sheets to the wind], but he didnt lose his grip [on the bottle] of vladimirs finest, thank god for those grips! ❋ Ed Harris (2005)

[Rumson’s finest] is known for pissing in garbage cans and smoking [unlit] cigarrettes in [cabs] ❋ JJ Redington (2007)


  • 1 What is mean by Finest?
  • 2 What does at its finest mean?
  • 3 How do you spell finest?
  • 4 What is a finest message?
  • 5 Whats the meaning of poor?
  • 6 What is the antonym of honest?
  • 7 What is another word for collective?
  • 8 What does it mean to be part of a collective?
  • 9 What collective means?
  • 10 What does collective use mean?
  • 11 What is the collective in spirituality?
  • 12 What is the difference between a group and a collective?
  • 13 What is proper example?
  • 14 Is proper a slang?
  • 15 What is the number one best food to eat?
  • 16 Why do we eat proper food?
  • 17 How can I not eat all day?

0. 0. Superlative form of fine: most fine. This is the finest wine you can get here. Use the finest sandpaper available.

What does at its finest mean?

At its finest can mean the best of or the best it can get.

What is another word for Finest?


  • terrific.
  • tops.
  • tough.
  • transcendent.
  • unequaled.
  • unparalleled.
  • unrivaled.
  • unsurpassed.

How do you spell finest?

Correct spelling for the English word “finest” is [fˈa͡ɪnəst], [fˈa‍ɪnəst], [f_ˈaɪ_n_ə_s_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….83 words made out of letters FINEST

  1. fes,
  2. ten,
  3. sif,
  4. eft,
  5. fin,
  6. est,
  7. tie,
  8. sin,

What is a finest message?

A specially issued notice for news of the highest importance, the finest message is used by officials of the Court and officers of the law to spread information quickly and effectively, utilising the messenger’s services.

What is the opposite of finest?

Opposite Word of finest: “bad,poor”

Whats the meaning of poor?

1a : lacking material possessions. b : of, relating to, or characterized by poverty. 2a : less than adequate : meager. b : small in worth.

What is the antonym of honest?

honest. Antonyms: dishonest, dishonorable, vicious, improper, wrong, insincere. Synonyms: honorable, upright, virtuous, proper, right, sincere, conscientious.

What is the opposite of collective?

Antonyms: permeative, apportionable, diffusive, separate, dispersive, capitalist, allocatable, diffusing(a), pervasive, distributive, permeant, immanent, capitalistic, permeating, disseminative, separative, suffusive, allocable. Synonyms: corporate.

What is another word for collective?

What is another word for collective?

combined common
assembled compiled
composite consolidated
corporate gathered
grouped undivided

What does it mean to be part of a collective?

A collective is a group of entities that share or are motivated by at least one common issue or interest, or work together to achieve a common objective. Collectives can differ from cooperatives in that they are not necessarily focused upon an economic benefit or saving, but can be that as well.

What does collective effort mean?

Collective is a word that describes a group of people acting together. A prom might turn into a smashing success through the collective efforts of the student body. If you work well with others, then you appreciate how collective efforts often have better results.

What collective means?

1 : denoting a number of persons or things considered as one group or whole flock is a collective word. 2a : formed by collecting : aggregated. b of a fruit : multiple. 3a : of, relating to, or being a group of individuals. b : involving all members of a group as distinct from its individuals a collective action.

What does collective use mean?

adj. 1 formed or assembled by collection. 2 forming a whole or aggregate. 3 of, done by, or characteristic of individuals acting in cooperation.

How do you use collective in a sentence?

Collective sentence example

  1. In the world of the future, the collective experience of everyone on the planet is recorded.
  2. It was Betsy who summed up our collective thoughts.
  3. It will be the collective memory and experience of the planet.
  4. His collective works were published at Buda by Dobrentei in 1842.

What is the collective in spirituality?

It means that a collective group of people all have the same inner knowing and that all of our thoughts, ideas and feelings exist on a frequency that is accessible to everyone. The knowledge that exists in this consciousness contains ideologies, beliefs, values, norms and a moral compass.

What is the difference between a group and a collective?

As nouns the difference between group and collective is that group is a number of things or persons being in some relation to one another while collective is a farm owned by a collection of people.

What is the meaning of proper?

adjective. adapted or appropriate to the purpose or circumstances; fit; suitable: the proper time to plant strawberries. conforming to established standards of behavior or manners; correct or decorous: a very proper young man. fitting; right: It was only proper to bring a gift.

What is proper example?

Proper Noun Examples

Common Noun Proper Noun
I ordered a new computer online. I ordered the laptop from Amazon.
We’re going to play baseball in the park. We’re going to play baseball in Prospect Park.
We’re going shopping in the city. Atlanta is one of my favorite places to visit.

Is proper a slang?

Proper (adj) Proper is a difficult word to define, mainly because British people use it to describe soo many different things. Doing things ‘properly’ means to do them correctly or in the right way. In the North of England, ‘proper’ can also be used for emphasis in the same way as the word ‘very’.

What is a proper food?

Proper food means of food which consist of all the balanced nutrients. It should contain. Proper food should be fresh and processed and made from all natural ingredients without any kind of adulteration. Proper food should contain meals with fruits, cereals, vegetables, proteins, water.

What is the number one best food to eat?

The following are some of the most healthful:

  • Broccoli. Broccoli provides good amounts of fiber, calcium, potassium, folate, and phytonutrients.
  • Apples. Apples are an excellent source of antioxidants, which combat free radicals.
  • Kale.
  • Blueberries.
  • Avocados.
  • Leafy green vegetables.
  • Sweet potatoes.

Why do we eat proper food?

Eating well is fundamental to good health and well-being. Healthy eating helps us to maintain a healthy weight and reduces our risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and some cancers.

Why healthy food is important?

A healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. It protects you against many chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats, are essential for healthy diet.

How can I not eat all day?

23 Simple Things You Can Do to Stop Overeating

  1. Get rid of distractions.
  2. Know your trigger foods.
  3. Don’t ban all favorite foods.
  4. Give volumetrics a try.
  5. Avoid eating from containers.
  6. Reduce stress.
  7. Eat fiber-rich foods.
  8. Eat regular meals.

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