The word filled family

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John Barnett, 2005 — Всего страниц: 446

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«When the Gospel of Jesus Christ entered the Roman world of the New Testament the landscape was very bleak. Christ’s church was born into a world of mixed-up marriages and confused families. First-century believers had to learn the first principles of having godly marriages and families that please God. Twenty-first century believers face the same difficulties, but thankfully, God’s plan has been the same in every age: His people are to have Word Filled Families! This book will instruct and challenge you in the Scriptures. By God’s grace, you will be drawn to desire a Word-filled life as a man or a woman, a Word- filled marriage as a husband or wife, a Word-filled family as a father or mother, and a Word-filled prayer life as a couple in oneness of heart and mind»—Back cover.

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John Samuel Barnett has been teaching the Word of God for over 30 years. Most of his lessons are available on YouTube. See John has studied at Michigan State University, Bob Jones University (B.S., B.A., M.A., M. Div.), The Master’s Seminary (faculty and Th. M. work), Dallas Theological Seminary (Dr. of Biblical Ministry) and with Francis Schaeffer at L’Abri Fellowship.

John shares his life with Bonnie his beloved wife, and over the past 35 years of uninterrupted ministry, John has served congregations in the East, and the West, before coming to the precious saints at Calvary Bible Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan in 2008. He has served on the Faculty of the Master’s College & Seminary. He was an Associate Pastor to Dr. John MacArthur at Grace Community Church for five years overseeing the Shepherding Ministries. During graduate school, John served as the Assistant Dean of Men at Bob Jones University for five years.

Called to the ministry as a young man—his passion remains prayer and the ministry of God’s Word. As a global Christian, and having ministered the Word in 60+ nations around the world, John’s ministry is deeply touched by outreach and evangelism. Since 1978, in conjunction with Land of the Book Tours John has led dozens of study tours, retreats, travels, and pilgrimages with over 1,500 participants, and taught on site in 21 countries and on five continents. His Tours filmed on site are available to watch online at

As a Seminary Professor of Theology, Church History and the English Bible, John’s messages reflect the background of the Scripture from the ancient biblical world, the history of the church and the daily life in far corners of the planet. In 1998 a new ministry called Discover the Book Ministry was launched to provide electronic copies of Pastor John’s audio, video, and text studies free of charge to pastors, missionaries, and other believers. Since then, this ministry has grown to serve saints in all 50 states and over 145 lands around the world, as well as through daily radio on a growing number of radio stations in the USA, Europe and the Caribbean.

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From Brent:

I have been friends with Author/Pastor John Barnett going on a decade, and I have seen him LIVE exactly what he writes about and teaches. You could not wish for a better or more consistent example of a Godly man who walks out what he preaches each and every day.

If you like my teaching, you will LOVE Pastor John’s. His knowledge and practical application are unrivaled. His ability to weave the experience of every day life into the truth of Scripture make his teaching relevant and powerful.

Remember, I’m not getting any money or favors for recommending this book to you. I could have, but that would have left a question about my motives or sincerity. The link below goes straight to Pastor John’s website where you can purchase it. All proceeds go straight to his ministry effort to teach God’s Word in a faithful and uncompromising manner.

Christmas is coming. I cannot suggest to you any better idea for giving gifts this year than for you to buy a couple dozen of these wonderful, life-changing books and give them to all your married friends, Sunday school classes and family members. It would be a GREAT witnessing gift to give to your neighbors and co-workers. It will be one of the best gifts you’ve ever given!

I cannot recommend a book (other than the Bible itself!) more enthusiastically! We’ve got enough “stuff” – this holiday season, buy some gifts that will truly matter to someone eternally…

Psalms 119.33

The JOY of a Word Filled Family
By Pastor John Barnett

When we have a Word-filled life it means that we are:

  • inviting God to speak;
  • seeking His guidance;
  • seeking divine help, godly wisdom, supernatural involvement;
  • and cooperating with the Holy Spirit.

This amounts to plugging in the power for life, using the map God has provided, following the directions in His Book, and listening to the instructions He has left us for daily living. A Word-filled life is inviting God to speak; welcoming His help; seeking His input; wanting His advice; getting His help; showing we honor Him; partnering with God in parenting; and unleashing Him into every corner of our lives.

This reminds us that our marriages and families will grow either our way (without His Word), or God’s way (with His Spirit empowered Scriptures). We must start each day seeking to be emptied of self, with His Word read, our God sought, and His Spirit invited… to work in us so that Christ is honored.

What are the results of a Word-filled life and home?
This book is arranged around the answers to that question. God’s Word tells us these four wonderful truths for those who allow the Scriptures to permeate their lives.

  • Part One: There is no greater reward than a Word-filled life (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20).
  • Part Two: There is no greater partnership than a Word-filled marriage (1 Peter 3:1-7).
  • Part Three: There is no greater joy than a Word-filled family (3 John 4).
  • Part Four: There is no greater power than Word-filled prayers (James 4:2b).

My authority for writing this book on the family is not personal experience—even though I am a pastor, the husband of a fantastic and beautiful wife, and the father of eight wonderful children. Because experiences always differ, they must never be the foundation for we believe.

Rather, my authority is the God of the Word, and the scriptural instructions He has provided for having a marriage as He designed it to be, building a family, and shaping a godly, joy-filled home.

This entire book represents a challenge to get serious with the Lord, to unreservedly surrender to Christ and His Word—for His sake, and that of His precious heritage (Psalm 127:3). You will find in doing so no greater joy than to see your children walk in truth (3 John 4)!

If you’ll stay with me, between the covers of this book you will be both instructed and challenged with the Scriptures. And, by God’s grace, you will be drawn to desire a Word-Filled Life as a man or a woman, a Word-Filled Marriage as a husband or wife, a Word-Filled Family as a father or mother, and a Word-Filled Prayer Life as a couple in oneness of heart and mind.

It is my deepest prayer that you will choose to renew, restart, or begin for the first time, letting the Word of God utterly fill your life! Pastor John Barnett

Click here to order now…

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Paintings, sculpture and books filled the family’s tiny, one-bedroom home.

Картины, скульптуры и книги заполняли их крошечную однокомнатную квартиру.

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Degas filled the family portrait with drama: he portrayed a couple, pretty tired of each other’s company.

Дега наполнил семейный портрет драматизмом: он изобразил пару, изрядно утомленную обществом друг друга.

Generation after generation of the Dukes of Devonshire filled the family nest with priceless works of art.

Поколение за поколением герцогов Девонширских наполняли семейное гнездо бесценными произведениями искусства.

Five decades before, the streets were filled with family’s shrieking.

Visitors can also view the mansion, which is filled with family heirlooms and antique furnishings to maintain the look of the lifestyle of the family who owned it.

Посетители также могут посмотреть особняк, который наполнен семейными реликвиями и старинной мебелью, чтобы сохранить облик образа жизни семьи, которая владела им.

Plentiful light enters through the vast glass terrace doors, creating a bright and light-filled family home.

Обильное количество света поступает через обширные стеклянные двери террасы, создавая яркий и светлый семейный дом.

Enjoy fun-filled family holidays in Iceland.

Our Family’s filled with gentle hearts.

With seven siblings, they belong to a faith-filled family that might just define the word ‘togetherness’.

With seven siblings, they belong to a faith-filled family that might just define the word ‘togetherness’.

Sony Vaio Tap 20: Fun-Filled Family Computer

Barcelona-based Hiha Studio removed floors and inserted lofty voids to create this light-filled family home in a northeastern Spanish village.

Студия Hiha в Барселоне сняла полы и установила высокие пустоты, чтобы создать этот светлый семейный дом в северо-восточной испанской деревне.

We were motivated to create a unique and fun-filled family sports and recreational facility that was born and bred in the Emirate of Dubai.

Нам было важно создать уникальный и веселый семейный спортивно-развлекательный комплекс, который родился и вырос в Дубае».

My family’s filled with a bunch of polite homophobes, and I prefer my homophobia with blatant bashing like normal people.

У меня в семье полно учтивых гомофобов, а я бы хотел, чтобы они выражали своё презрение открыто, как нормальные люди.

When it comes to creating family photo albums, there can be a tendency to create a book filled with your family’s «greatest hits», the best moments of the year, if you will.

Когда дело доходит до создания семейного фотоальбома, вероятна тенденция к созданию книги, наполненной фотографиями в стиле «Greatest Hits» вашей семьи, лучших моментов года, если вы захотите ее сделать.

Back on the shore, volleyball courts and a mini golf course provide more opportunities for fun-filled afternoons for the family.

Вернувшись на берег, волейбольные площадки и поле для мини-гольфа предоставляют больше возможностей для веселых вечеров для семьи.

St. Nicholas heard about the family’s hardships and filled the daughters’ stockings, which were drying by the fire, with gold coins.

Святой Николай услышал о семейных тяготах и наполнил чулки дочерей, которые сушились у костра, золотыми монетами.

According to the ancient Georgian traditions (Mayakovsky was born in Georgia) when a child was born the family filled a jug with wine and pitted it.

Согласно древним грузинским традициям (Маяковский родился в Грузии), когда ребенок родился, семья заполняла кувшин вином и хранила его.

According to the ancient Georgian traditions (Mayakovsky was born in Georgia) when a child was born the family filled a jug with wine and pitted it.

Маяковский родился в Грузии, а согласно старинным грузинским обычаям, когда в семье рождался ребенок, кувшин наполнялся вином и зарывался в землю до совершеннолетия.

Whatever the reason for your visit — a romantic getaway, a fun-filled family holiday, an all-out shopping spree or a quiet retreat at the heart of nature — Malaysia has it all.

Какова бы ни была цель вашего визита: романтическая поездка, отпуск всей семьей, шопинг или просто единение с природой — в Малайзии есть все.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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