The word fiat in a sentence

Definition of Fiat

a commanding order

Examples of Fiat in a sentence

The dictator rules his country by fiat and expects everyone to obey his orders.


If citizens do not monitor the government, they could be controlled by the fiat of a small group of people.


The restaurant manager issued a fiat stating employees could not place their vehicles in the customer parking area.


When the president issued a fiat giving a longtime friend a pardon, the public was outraged.


The principal’s latest fiat prohibits the wearing of bandanas on campus and at school-related events.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word fiat, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use fiat in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «fiat».

Fiat in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word fiat in a sentence.

  1. Its Latin motto, fiat panis, translates to «let there be bread».

  2. Jackson further offended Tyler by moving to dissolve the Bank by executive fiat.

  3. The bill is notorious as an attempt to establish a value of scientific constant by legislative fiat.

  4. Bosch shows God as the father sitting with a Bible on his lap, creating the Earth in a passive manner by divine fiat.

  5. Garfield blamed the easy availability of fiat money greenbacks for financing the speculation that led to the scandal.

  6. The second issue concerned United States Notes (commonly called greenbacks), a form of fiat currency first issued during the Civil War.

  7. During the Civil War, Congress had authorized «greenbacks», a new form of fiat money that was redeemable not in gold but in government bonds.

  8. By the summer of 1866, when Congress finally adjourned, Johnson’s method of restoring states to the Union by executive fiat, without safeguards for the freedmen, was in deep trouble.

Synonyms for fiat

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word fiat has the following synonyms: decree, edict, order and rescript.

General information about «fiat» example sentences

The example sentences for the word fiat that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «fiat» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «fiat».

Synonym: decree, edict, order, rescript. Similar words: fiasco, defiant, fiancee, ruffian, defiance, in defiance of, obviate, deviate. Meaning: [‘faɪət /’faɪæt ,’fɪː-]  n. a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge). 

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1. Darby drove a dinky old Fiat sports car.

2. That new Fiat is a fast little number.

3. Prices have been fixed by government fiat.

4. Win a weekend in Rome, courtesy of Fiat.

5. No company can set industry standards by fiat.

6. Fiat is Italy’s largest industrial conglomerate.

7. The matter was settled by presidential fiat.

8. Fiat has been one of the greatest casualties of the recession.

9. This water was oily and fiat.

10. Non mea voluntas sed Tua fiat, he thought.

11. Public policy issues cannot be settled by fiat.

12. Across the fiat bottom a series of deeper pockets had been blasted into the rock.

13. Alone in the fiat, she had shuddered with something approaching fear.

14. Debuts Fiat will also be weighing in with their new Stilo.

15. Is there a chance Chrysler might buy Fiat? I would think there’s essentially zero chance of that happening.

16. She was asleep in her small Fiat car outside her detached bungalow, her dachshund at her side.

17. A bell buoy tolled from across the fiat stretch of gray water beyond.

18. A fine dusting of sulfide covers the nearby fiat surfaces of sheeted lavas.

19. So the judges, once again by their own fiat[], simply changed the law.

20. Romiti will become chairman of Fiat when Gianni Agnelli resigns in March.

21. Fiat say the Stilo will have the style of a car, the versatility of a people carrier.

22. He has tried to impose solutions to the country’s problems by fiat.

23. The opening of a market stall is governed by municipal fiat.

24. But, despite their huge resources and the backing of Fiat,[Sentencedict] their glory days are in the past.

25. But initiative will not be invoked by reform or fiat.

26. They said the case was prejudiced by a campaign by the Communist party to mount a political attack on Fiat.

27. The infantilism and cretinism of the press, for example, can’t be cured by a fiat.

28. They were worried about her being alone in the fiat and had wondered whether she was pregnant or had taken drugs.

29. Trouble is, the joystick response and running speed makes Lucy’s clapped out Fiat look positively lightning-paced!

30. Alex and Lisa used to drive around town in a battered old Fiat Uno.

More similar words: fiasco, defiant, fiancee, ruffian, defiance, in defiance of, obviate, deviate, hiatus, vitiate, satiate, alleviate, foliate, mediate, officiate, negotiate, initiate, leviathan, deviation, diatribe, initiator, emaciated, enunciate, repudiate, palliative, irradiate, humiliate, infuriate, alleviation, abbreviate. 

The ratio of the objective

cryptocurrency value relative to generally accepted fiat units or other cryptocurrencies.


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Соотношение объективной стоимости криптовалюты, относительно общепринятых фиатных единиц или других криптовалют.


It was a response

to»continental» automakers in the small model of»Volkswagen»,»Fiat» and»Reno.


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Это был ответ«

континентальным» автопроизводителям на небольшие модели« Фольксвагена»,« Фиата» и« Рено».


The Fiat Dino(Type 135) was a front-engine, rear-wheel-drive sports car produced by Fiat from 1966 to 1973.

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Dino- спортивный автомобиль, выпускавшийся компанией Fiat с 1966 по 1973 год.

It is necessary to establish the ownership of cryptocurrency or fiat funds to a specific client;


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Должна быть установлена принадлежность криптовалюты или фиатных средств к конкретному клиенту;


Attempting to live by the means of the great lie of fiat money will never work.

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Попытка жить с помощью великой лжи бумажных денег никогда не будет работать.

In particular, from 1996 to 2000 he was Executive Vice President of the Group with managerial responsibility for companies operating within the automotive components and diverse industrial sectors: Magneti Marelli, Teksid, Comau-Pico, Fiat Avio, Fiat Ferroviaria, Centro Ricerche Fiat, and Fiat Engineering.


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В его обязанности входило управление компаниями, производящими автомобильную и прочую продукцию: Magneti Marelli, Teksid, Comau- Pico, Fiat Avio, Fiat Ferroviaria, Centro Ricerche Fiat и Fiat Engineering.


Has a gained a wide experience with major international and local clients: Philip Morris, P&G, Danone, Efes, Lactalis, Samsung, PepsiCo, Red Bull,

Toyota, Fiat, Durex, Huawei,

Kaspi bank, Kcell, Beeline, RG Brands, Technodom, and others.


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Имеет большой опыт работы с крупнейшими международными и локальными клиентами, среди которых Philip Morris, P& G, Danone, Efes, Lactalis, Samsung, PepsiCo, Red Bull,

Toyota, Fiat, Durex, Huawei,

Kaspi bank, Kcell, Beeline, RG Brands, Технодом, и другие.


Though he was a senior executive in the family company, Fiat, he was sidelined from taking a leadership role

by his brother Gianni until the latter’s death in 2003.

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Хотя он был старшим исполнительным в семейной компании Фиат, он был в стороне от принятия на себя руководящей роли

его брата Джанни до смерти последнего в 2003 году.

Taking into account all of the above,

by starting to conduct operations on the exchange of cryptocurrencies for fiat funds, tokens or other cryptocurrency,

or by starting to conduct ICO, it is recommended to.


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Принимая во внимание все вышесказанное,

начав осуществление операций по обмену криптовалют на фиатные средства, токены или другую криптовалюту, либо начав проведение ICO, рекомендуется.


Electronic fiat money is nominated in the currency of a state

and is a type of a currency unit for that state.


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Электронные фиатные деньги номинированы в валюте какого-либо государства

и являются разновидностью денежной единицей данного государства.


The collapse of the fiat financial system has already begun

as the debt bubble increases steadily to the point of bursting.

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Крах фиатовой финансовой системы уже начался, поскольку

пузырь задолженности неуклонно растет до точки взрыва.

Existing and rather conservative fiat exchange platforms are starting to incorporate

cryptocurrencies into their portfolios, while crypto exchanges are expanding trading options with more altcoins.


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Существующие и довольно консервативные обменные Фиат платформы начинают включать криптовалюты в свои портфели,

в то время как криптовалютные обмены расширяют торговые варианты.


It will start with the implosion of Deutsche Bank,

which is expected to be the breaking point for the fiat financial system.

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Он начнется с краха Банка Германии, что, как ожидается,

станет переломным моментом для разрушения фиатовой финансовой системы.

Emotionally speaking,

war is inevitable and the‘enemy’ is either other cryptos or fiat money or both, depending on what your unmediated instinct for self-preservation tells you.


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Эмоционально говоря, война неизбежна, и« враг» либо другие крипты, либо фиатные деньги, или оба( включая поставщиков, пользователей, сторонников и последователей), в зависимости от того, что говорит вам инстинкт самосохранения.


Functionality of Kin wallets and crypto currency allows users to completely independently manage digital assets,

exchange them and broadcast them or Fiat.


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Функциональность кошельков и криптовалюты Kin позволяет пользователям полностью самстоятельно управлять цифровыми активами,

обменивать их и выводить в эфир или фиат.


Since these tokens could simply trade internally within the NXT system indefinitely,

until the recipient wanted to redeem them against fiat.


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Так как эти токены можно просто торговать внутри системы Nxt в течение неопределенного срока, до тех пор,

пока получатель не захочет вывести их в фиат.


In the years 1909 to

1914 it produced more cars than for example Fiat in the first six years of its existence.


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За 1909- 1914 годы

он произвел больше машин, чем, к примеру,« Фиат» за первые шесть лет своего существования.


Top Online Bitcoin Casinos is a third party that ranks the online Casinos that allow players to

bet using cryptocurrency and cash out in cryptocurrency or fiat(cash).

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Лучшие казино онлайн Bitcoin третья сторона, которая входит в онлайн- казино, которые позволяют игрокам делать ставки,

используя криптовалюту и обналичить в криптовалюта или приказном( денежные средства).

Multicurrency wallets will

allow you to quickly exchange coins for available fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies,

easily transfer money to the exchanges, as well as replenish and withdraw personal funds.


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Мультивалютные кошельки позволят быстро обменивать монеты на доступные фиатные валюты и криптовалюты,

легко переводить деньги на биржи, а также вводить и выводить персональные средства.


A Fiat 522 CSS was also offered:

in this version, the car had a higher compression ratio and twin carburetors.

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у этой версии двигатель имел большую степень сжатия и оснащался двумя карбюраторами.

The Fiat 500, commonly known as»Topolino», is an Italian city car produced and manufactured by Fiat from 1936 to 1955.

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Модель Fiat 500, более известная под названием Topolino Мышка,

итальянское название Микки- Мауса- автомобиль, выпускавшийся компанией


с 1936 по 1955 год.

Correspondingly, the issue, turnover and repayments of electronic fiat money are regulated by the legislation of the state

in currency of which the money has been issued.


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Соответственно, эмиссия, оборот и погашение электронных фиатных денег регулируется законодательством государства, в валюте которого они выпущены.


Cars powered with natural gas(CNG) are produced in the whole world by many car concerns, such as: Mercedes, Volvo,

Ford, Fiat, Volkswagen and Opel.


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Автомобили заправляемые природным газом производятся многими автомобильными концернами во всем мире, такими как: Мерседес, Вольво,

Форд, Фиат, Фольксваген, Опель.


Tether is a scheme that allows fiat currencies such as the US dollar to be used on the Bitcoin(and Ethereum)


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Tether- это схема, которая позволяет использовать фиатные валюты, например, доллар США, в блокчейне биткойна( и эфира).

This is the blockchain 2.0 which secures all your fiat pegged assets as well as,

of course, your NXT the Nxt platform’s monetary unit.


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Используемый blockchain 2., обеспечивает привязку ваших фиатных денег к активам, а также

и ваших NXT денежная единица платформы NXT.


Presents a selection of photographs of pages of the manual with electrical diagrams car Peugeot Expert,

Citroen Jumpy and Fiat Scudo 2007 model year.

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Представлена подборка фотографий страниц руководства с электрическими схемами автомобиля Пежо Эксперт,

Ситроен Джампи и Фиат Скудо 2007 модельного года.

Deposits via debit and credit cards are instantaneous, thus,

you can purchase over 20 types of other crypto and fiat currencies within seconds, straight from your mobile app.


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Депозиты через дебит или кредит карту мгновенны,

также вы можете приобрести более 20 крипто и фиат валют за секунды с вашего мобильного кошелька.


In other words,

the ways in which it is possible to convert between virtual currencies and fiat currencies, goods, services or other representations of value.


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Иными словами, на способах конвертации фиатных валют, товаров, услуги или других форм ценности в виртуальные валюты.


Bitcoins are digitally traded between users with a high degree of anonymity and can be exchanged(purchased or cashed out) into US dollars, Euros,

and other fiat or virtual currencies.


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Торговля биткоинами осуществляется пользователями в цифровой форме с высокой степенью анонимности, и биткоины могут обмениваться( покупаться или продаваться) на доллары США,

евро и другие фиатные или виртуальные валюты.


Disputes about how applicable methods of analyzing the movement of fiat currencies to digital currencies, flare up with a new force.

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Споры о том, насколько применимы способы анализа движения фиатных валют к валютам цифровым, разгораются с новой силой.

fiat — перевод на русский


Was hit by a Fiat 615 license number… etc., etc.

Попал под Фиат 615, номер лицензии… и т.д. и т.п.

A dark blue Fiat 132.

Синий Фиат 132.

Then the tractor disappeared a brand new, red, Fiat Agri.

Потом исчез трактор — совершенно новый «Фиат Агри» красного цвета.

Agnelli, Fiat… All that candy…

Аньелли, ФИАТ…

‘But our joy was short-lived, as James discovered, ‘when he tried to buy a bog-standard Fiat 500.’

Но наша радость была короткоживущей, как выяснил Джеймс, попытавшись купить заурядный Фиат 500.

Показать ещё примеры для «фиат»…

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