The word fewer means

меньше, меньшее количество


- незначительное число, немногие
- несколько, некоторые
- незначительное количество
- мало кто; почти никто


- мало, немногие, немного
- (a / the few) некоторые, несколько
- преим. predic немногочисленный

Мои примеры


round numbers to fewer significant figures — округлять значения до меньшего числа значащих цифр  
fewer than — меньше, чем  
many fewer — намного меньше  
no fewer than — не менее, чем  
this set has no fewer than twenty elements — не меньше  
one fewer — на один меньше  

Примеры с переводом

The fewer the better.

Чем меньше, тем лучше.

The fewer the better cheer.

Меньше народу — больше кислороду.

Fewer women are making up these days.

Всё меньше и меньше женщин пользуются косметикой в наше время.

He caught fewer fish than the rest of us.

Он поймал меньше рыбы, чем все остальные из нас.

They may be fewer in number than was supposed.

Их может оказаться меньше, чем предполагалось.

There are precious few of them left.

Их осталось очень мало.

Each volunteer spent one night a week in the cathedral. A few spent two.

Каждый из добровольцев один раз в неделю ночевал в соборе. Некоторые ночевали два раза в неделю.

ещё 21 пример свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

English has fewer inflections than many other languages.

There are fewer opportunities for new graduates this year.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

few  — мало, немного, немногие, незначительное число
fewness  — немногочисленность

Recent Examples on the Web

The risk is lower in areas such as the Pacific Northwest, where the population is less vulnerable, and Greenland, where fewer people live near glacial lakes.

Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian Magazine, 10 Feb. 2023

The Cavs are now just 4-7 in games decided by three points or fewer.

Chris Fedor, cleveland, 31 Jan. 2023

Of their eight Quad 1 losses, five have been by single digits — including three decided by six points or fewer.

Tom Green |, al, 27 Jan. 2023

Three of his losses have come by two points or fewer.

Mark Stewart, Journal Sentinel, 21 Jan. 2023

Exactly half of the league’s games had been decided by five points or fewer over the first three weeks of competition.

Nick Moyle, San Antonio Express-News, 21 Jan. 2023

The Ravens set a record for fewest points allowed (165) in a 16-game regular season in 2000 and then held each playoff opponent to 10 points or fewer on their way to a 34-7 win over the New York Giants in Tampa, Florida, in Super Bowl XXXV.

Hayes Gardner, Baltimore Sun, 19 Jan. 2023

Though the Vikings’ close games drew more headlines, the Giants also fared well in tight situations, compiling an 8-4-1 record in the regular season in contests decided by 8 points or fewer.

Emmanuel Morgan, New York Times, 15 Jan. 2023

Realistically, try to hold Joe Burrow and this offense to 21 points or fewer.

Los Angeles Times, 12 Jan. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘fewer.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

  • 1

    Новый русско-английский словарь > больше-меньше

  • 2

    Новый русско-английский словарь > меньшее

  • 3
    меньшее число

    имя существительное:

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > меньшее число

  • 4
    гораздо меньше

    1) General subject: far (much, still) less, far fewer

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > гораздо меньше

  • 5

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > менее

  • 6
    не позднее

    1) General subject: at (the) latest, at the latest, not later than, on or before, within, no later than , by

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > не позднее

  • 7



    1. (


    : human to perform one’s specific function or role

    X делал своё дело — X did his work (job, thing)

    X went about his business
    (in limited contexts) X did his part
    X did what he was supposed to (had to) do.

    2. (






    ) to produce its usual result, influence


    , make itself felt

    X делал (сделал) своё дело = X did its work (job)

    X began to have

    (of age, illness


    ) X began to take (X had taken) its toll


    only) X began to tell on person Y.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-77

  • 8

    these forms only
    used as Particle
    all variants are often

    foil. by

    как… when used propositively, and variants with больше may be

    foil. by

    чем… as well
    variants with больше and более have fixed


    1. (


    used with a quantit


    or a Num) exactly the amount indicated (often a sizable amount, quantity of


    ): no more, no less (than)

    (in limited contexts) no less (fewer) than.

    2. precisely what is named (


    used to emphasize that the person, phenomenon, place, action


    in question is in some way unexpected, surprising, extraordinary


    in the given circum- stances)

    no more, no less

    …no less

    foil. by



    noun only) none other than
    (in limited contexts) (the)


    himself (itself)

    (when stressing the element of surprise,


    flavored by indignation)…of all people (things, places)
    (when stressing the relative importance of


    ) nothing less than (short of)
    (when stressing the relative unimportance of


    ) nothing more than.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-197

  • 9
    делать свое дело



    to perform one’s specific function or role:

    X делал своё дело X did his work <job, thing>;

    X did what he was supposed to < had to> do.

    ♦ В саду уже порядочно и иностранных корреспондентов, фоторепортеров и кинооператоров. Они — спокойные, деловитые… и умело, без лишней суеты делают свое дело (Гладков 1). By now there were also a good many foreign correspondents, photographers and newsreel men in the garden. They were calm and business — I ike… they did their job impassively, without fuss (1a).

    ♦ «Мужики… делают свое дело, ни за чем не тянутся; а теперь развратятся!» (Гончаров 1). «The peasants… went about their business and asked for nothing, but now they’ll be corrupted!» (1a).

    ♦ Нет, полностью отрицать заслуги того, который сидел в метро, я не буду. Он [Сталин] тоже свое дело делал: и трубку курил, и жирным пальцем глобус мусолил, указывая, куда какую кинуть дивизию… (Войнович 4). No. I will not completely deny the merits of the man who lived in the metro. He [Stalin] did his part too-he smoked his pipe, he soiled his globe with a greasy finger, indicating where a division was to be hurled… (4a).

    ♦ В двадцатых годах все понемногу учили Мандельштама, в тридцатых на него показывали пальцами, а он жил, поплевывая, в окружении дикарей и делал свое дело (Мандельштам 2). In the twenties everybody tried to reason with M[andelstam], but in the thirties they were already pointing their fingers at him; not concealing his distaste, he went on living among the barbarians and did what he had to do (2a).

    2. [







    to produce its usual result, influence


    , make itself felt:

    X делал (сделал) своё дело X did its work < job>;

    X began to have < X had> its effect < way>;

    — [of age, illness


    ] X began to take < X had taken> its toll;

    — [


    only] X began to tell on person Y.

    ♦ Иногда, уязвленные пренебрежением покупателей, чегемцы увозили назад свои продукты, говоря: ничего, сами съедим. Впрочем, таких гордецов оставалось все меньше и меньше, деспотия рынка делала свое дело (Искандер 3). Sometimes, stung by the contempt of the customers, the Chegemians would cart their produce back: All right, then, we’ll eat it ourselves. As time went on, however, there were fewer and fewer people so arrogant; the despotism of the marketplace did its work (3a).

    ♦…В общем, это хорошо, что меня показали по телевизору. Слух об этом сегодня же облетит всю Москву и сделает свое дело (Зиновьев 2)….On the whole it’s a good thing that I’ve been seen on television. The news’ll be round all Moscow by this evening, and it’ll have its effect (2a).

    ♦ Быть может, возраст все же делает свое дело и вместе с проплешинами и серебряными искорками, вместе с разными «звоночками», появляется и у их хамоватого поколения вкус к истинной дружбе? (Аксенов 6). Perhaps age was, after all, beginning to tell on them, and along with patches of mold, spots before the eyes, and ringing in the ears, even their boorish generation was developing a taste for true friendship? (6a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > делать свое дело

  • 10
    сделать свое дело



    to perform one’s specific function or role:

    X делал своё дело X did his work <job, thing>;

    X did what he was supposed to < had to> do.

    ♦ В саду уже порядочно и иностранных корреспондентов, фоторепортеров и кинооператоров. Они — спокойные, деловитые… и умело, без лишней суеты делают свое дело (Гладков 1). By now there were also a good many foreign correspondents, photographers and newsreel men in the garden. They were calm and business — I ike… they did their job impassively, without fuss (1a).

    ♦ «Мужики… делают свое дело, ни за чем не тянутся; а теперь развратятся!» (Гончаров 1). «The peasants… went about their business and asked for nothing, but now they’ll be corrupted!» (1a).

    ♦ Нет, полностью отрицать заслуги того, который сидел в метро, я не буду. Он [Сталин] тоже свое дело делал: и трубку курил, и жирным пальцем глобус мусолил, указывая, куда какую кинуть дивизию… (Войнович 4). No. I will not completely deny the merits of the man who lived in the metro. He [Stalin] did his part too-he smoked his pipe, he soiled his globe with a greasy finger, indicating where a division was to be hurled… (4a).

    ♦ В двадцатых годах все понемногу учили Мандельштама, в тридцатых на него показывали пальцами, а он жил, поплевывая, в окружении дикарей и делал свое дело (Мандельштам 2). In the twenties everybody tried to reason with M[andelstam], but in the thirties they were already pointing their fingers at him; not concealing his distaste, he went on living among the barbarians and did what he had to do (2a).

    2. [







    to produce its usual result, influence


    , make itself felt:

    X делал (сделал) своё дело X did its work < job>;

    X began to have < X had> its effect < way>;

    — [of age, illness


    ] X began to take < X had taken> its toll;

    — [


    only] X began to tell on person Y.

    ♦ Иногда, уязвленные пренебрежением покупателей, чегемцы увозили назад свои продукты, говоря: ничего, сами съедим. Впрочем, таких гордецов оставалось все меньше и меньше, деспотия рынка делала свое дело (Искандер 3). Sometimes, stung by the contempt of the customers, the Chegemians would cart their produce back: All right, then, we’ll eat it ourselves. As time went on, however, there were fewer and fewer people so arrogant; the despotism of the marketplace did its work (3a).

    ♦…В общем, это хорошо, что меня показали по телевизору. Слух об этом сегодня же облетит всю Москву и сделает свое дело (Зиновьев 2)….On the whole it’s a good thing that I’ve been seen on television. The news’ll be round all Moscow by this evening, and it’ll have its effect (2a).

    ♦ Быть может, возраст все же делает свое дело и вместе с проплешинами и серебряными искорками, вместе с разными «звоночками», появляется и у их хамоватого поколения вкус к истинной дружбе? (Аксенов 6). Perhaps age was, after all, beginning to tell on them, and along with patches of mold, spots before the eyes, and ringing in the ears, even their boorish generation was developing a taste for true friendship? (6a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > сделать свое дело

  • 11
    не более и не менее


    [these forms only; used as Particle; all variants are often

    foll. by

    как… when used prepositively, and variants with больше may be

    foll. by

    чем… as well; variants with больше and более have fixed




    1. [


    used with a

    quantit NP

    or a



    exactly the amount indicated (often a sizable amount, quantity of



    no more, no less (than);

    — [in limited contexts] no less (fewer) than.

    ♦ Недели через две, когда уже вернулся он из отпуска в Москву, получил «Новый мир» среди дня распоряжение из ЦК: к утру представить ни много ни мало — 23 экземпляра повести. А в редакции их было три (Солженицын 2). Two weeks later, when he returned to Moscow from leave, Novy Mir received at midday an order from the Central Committee: submit no fewer than twenty-three copies by the following morning. The office had only three (2a).

    2. precisely what is named (


    used to emphasize that the person, phenomenon, place, action


    in question is in some way unexpected, surprising, extraordinary


    in the given circumstances): no more, no less;…no less; [when

    foll. by



    noun only] none other than; [in limited contexts](the) [



    himself (itself); [when stressing the element of surprise,


    flavored by indignation]… of all people (things, places); [when stressing the relative importance of


    ] nothing less than (short of); [when stressing the relative unimportance of


    ] nothing more than.

    ♦ Никандров был крестьянским сыном, любил об этом говорить, любил это в себе, умел связать это с чем-то далеким и очень нужным для себя — ни больше ни меньше как с самой античностью… (Залыгин 1). Nikandrov was the son of a peasant, and he liked talking about it. It was something he liked about himself He could establish a connection between it and something remote from it, but essential to him, with antiquity, no less (1a).

    ♦ Оказался он ни много ни мало в Париже. He turned up in Paris of all places

    ♦…Пронеслись слухи, что он не более не менее как миллионщик (Гоголь 3)….The rumor spread that he was nothing Lss than a millionaire (3e).

    ♦ Оказался этот вьюн ни больше ни меньше как лентой кардиограммы (Аксёнов 6). This eel turned out to be nothing more than a long paper printout of an electrocardiograph (6a).

    ♦…Среди женщин в отделе информации… не было плакс и нытиков. И если уж слезы — значит, ни много ни мало как ЧП [чрезвычайное происшествие] (Залыгин 1). [context transl]… Among the women [in the department], there were no sissies or bleaters. If they did shed a tear, then it was a full-scale state of emergency (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не более и не менее

  • 12
    не более не менее


    [these forms only; used as Particle; all variants are often

    foll. by

    как… when used prepositively, and variants with больше may be

    foll. by

    чем… as well; variants with больше and более have fixed




    1. [


    used with a

    quantit NP

    or a



    exactly the amount indicated (often a sizable amount, quantity of



    no more, no less (than);

    — [in limited contexts] no less (fewer) than.

    ♦ Недели через две, когда уже вернулся он из отпуска в Москву, получил «Новый мир» среди дня распоряжение из ЦК: к утру представить ни много ни мало — 23 экземпляра повести. А в редакции их было три (Солженицын 2). Two weeks later, when he returned to Moscow from leave, Novy Mir received at midday an order from the Central Committee: submit no fewer than twenty-three copies by the following morning. The office had only three (2a).

    2. precisely what is named (


    used to emphasize that the person, phenomenon, place, action


    in question is in some way unexpected, surprising, extraordinary


    in the given circumstances): no more, no less;…no less; [when

    foll. by



    noun only] none other than; [in limited contexts](the) [



    himself (itself); [when stressing the element of surprise,


    flavored by indignation]… of all people (things, places); [when stressing the relative importance of


    ] nothing less than (short of); [when stressing the relative unimportance of


    ] nothing more than.

    ♦ Никандров был крестьянским сыном, любил об этом говорить, любил это в себе, умел связать это с чем-то далеким и очень нужным для себя — ни больше ни меньше как с самой античностью… (Залыгин 1). Nikandrov was the son of a peasant, and he liked talking about it. It was something he liked about himself He could establish a connection between it and something remote from it, but essential to him, with antiquity, no less (1a).

    ♦ Оказался он ни много ни мало в Париже. He turned up in Paris of all places

    ♦…Пронеслись слухи, что он не более не менее как миллионщик (Гоголь 3)….The rumor spread that he was nothing Lss than a millionaire (3e).

    ♦ Оказался этот вьюн ни больше ни меньше как лентой кардиограммы (Аксёнов 6). This eel turned out to be nothing more than a long paper printout of an electrocardiograph (6a).

    ♦…Среди женщин в отделе информации… не было плакс и нытиков. И если уж слезы — значит, ни много ни мало как ЧП [чрезвычайное происшествие] (Залыгин 1). [context transl]… Among the women [in the department], there were no sissies or bleaters. If they did shed a tear, then it was a full-scale state of emergency (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не более не менее

  • 13
    не больше и не меньше


    [these forms only; used as Particle; all variants are often

    foll. by

    как… when used prepositively, and variants with больше may be

    foll. by

    чем… as well; variants with больше and более have fixed




    1. [


    used with a

    quantit NP

    or a



    exactly the amount indicated (often a sizable amount, quantity of



    no more, no less (than);

    — [in limited contexts] no less (fewer) than.

    ♦ Недели через две, когда уже вернулся он из отпуска в Москву, получил «Новый мир» среди дня распоряжение из ЦК: к утру представить ни много ни мало — 23 экземпляра повести. А в редакции их было три (Солженицын 2). Two weeks later, when he returned to Moscow from leave, Novy Mir received at midday an order from the Central Committee: submit no fewer than twenty-three copies by the following morning. The office had only three (2a).

    2. precisely what is named (


    used to emphasize that the person, phenomenon, place, action


    in question is in some way unexpected, surprising, extraordinary


    in the given circumstances): no more, no less;…no less; [when

    foll. by



    noun only] none other than; [in limited contexts](the) [



    himself (itself); [when stressing the element of surprise,


    flavored by indignation]… of all people (things, places); [when stressing the relative importance of


    ] nothing less than (short of); [when stressing the relative unimportance of


    ] nothing more than.

    ♦ Никандров был крестьянским сыном, любил об этом говорить, любил это в себе, умел связать это с чем-то далеким и очень нужным для себя — ни больше ни меньше как с самой античностью… (Залыгин 1). Nikandrov was the son of a peasant, and he liked talking about it. It was something he liked about himself He could establish a connection between it and something remote from it, but essential to him, with antiquity, no less (1a).

    ♦ Оказался он ни много ни мало в Париже. He turned up in Paris of all places

    ♦…Пронеслись слухи, что он не более не менее как миллионщик (Гоголь 3)….The rumor spread that he was nothing Lss than a millionaire (3e).

    ♦ Оказался этот вьюн ни больше ни меньше как лентой кардиограммы (Аксёнов 6). This eel turned out to be nothing more than a long paper printout of an electrocardiograph (6a).

    ♦…Среди женщин в отделе информации… не было плакс и нытиков. И если уж слезы — значит, ни много ни мало как ЧП [чрезвычайное происшествие] (Залыгин 1). [context transl]… Among the women [in the department], there were no sissies or bleaters. If they did shed a tear, then it was a full-scale state of emergency (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не больше и не меньше

  • 14
    не больше не меньше


    [these forms only; used as Particle; all variants are often

    foll. by

    как… when used prepositively, and variants with больше may be

    foll. by

    чем… as well; variants with больше and более have fixed




    1. [


    used with a

    quantit NP

    or a



    exactly the amount indicated (often a sizable amount, quantity of



    no more, no less (than);

    — [in limited contexts] no less (fewer) than.

    ♦ Недели через две, когда уже вернулся он из отпуска в Москву, получил «Новый мир» среди дня распоряжение из ЦК: к утру представить ни много ни мало — 23 экземпляра повести. А в редакции их было три (Солженицын 2). Two weeks later, when he returned to Moscow from leave, Novy Mir received at midday an order from the Central Committee: submit no fewer than twenty-three copies by the following morning. The office had only three (2a).

    2. precisely what is named (


    used to emphasize that the person, phenomenon, place, action


    in question is in some way unexpected, surprising, extraordinary


    in the given circumstances): no more, no less;…no less; [when

    foll. by



    noun only] none other than; [in limited contexts](the) [



    himself (itself); [when stressing the element of surprise,


    flavored by indignation]… of all people (things, places); [when stressing the relative importance of


    ] nothing less than (short of); [when stressing the relative unimportance of


    ] nothing more than.

    ♦ Никандров был крестьянским сыном, любил об этом говорить, любил это в себе, умел связать это с чем-то далеким и очень нужным для себя — ни больше ни меньше как с самой античностью… (Залыгин 1). Nikandrov was the son of a peasant, and he liked talking about it. It was something he liked about himself He could establish a connection between it and something remote from it, but essential to him, with antiquity, no less (1a).

    ♦ Оказался он ни много ни мало в Париже. He turned up in Paris of all places

    ♦…Пронеслись слухи, что он не более не менее как миллионщик (Гоголь 3)….The rumor spread that he was nothing Lss than a millionaire (3e).

    ♦ Оказался этот вьюн ни больше ни меньше как лентой кардиограммы (Аксёнов 6). This eel turned out to be nothing more than a long paper printout of an electrocardiograph (6a).

    ♦…Среди женщин в отделе информации… не было плакс и нытиков. И если уж слезы — значит, ни много ни мало как ЧП [чрезвычайное происшествие] (Залыгин 1). [context transl]… Among the women [in the department], there were no sissies or bleaters. If they did shed a tear, then it was a full-scale state of emergency (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не больше не меньше

  • 15
    ни более и ни менее


    [these forms only; used as Particle; all variants are often

    foll. by

    как… when used prepositively, and variants with больше may be

    foll. by

    чем… as well; variants with больше and более have fixed




    1. [


    used with a

    quantit NP

    or a



    exactly the amount indicated (often a sizable amount, quantity of



    no more, no less (than);

    — [in limited contexts] no less (fewer) than.

    ♦ Недели через две, когда уже вернулся он из отпуска в Москву, получил «Новый мир» среди дня распоряжение из ЦК: к утру представить ни много ни мало — 23 экземпляра повести. А в редакции их было три (Солженицын 2). Two weeks later, when he returned to Moscow from leave, Novy Mir received at midday an order from the Central Committee: submit no fewer than twenty-three copies by the following morning. The office had only three (2a).

    2. precisely what is named (


    used to emphasize that the person, phenomenon, place, action


    in question is in some way unexpected, surprising, extraordinary


    in the given circumstances): no more, no less;…no less; [when

    foll. by



    noun only] none other than; [in limited contexts](the) [



    himself (itself); [when stressing the element of surprise,


    flavored by indignation]… of all people (things, places); [when stressing the relative importance of


    ] nothing less than (short of); [when stressing the relative unimportance of


    ] nothing more than.

    ♦ Никандров был крестьянским сыном, любил об этом говорить, любил это в себе, умел связать это с чем-то далеким и очень нужным для себя — ни больше ни меньше как с самой античностью… (Залыгин 1). Nikandrov was the son of a peasant, and he liked talking about it. It was something he liked about himself He could establish a connection between it and something remote from it, but essential to him, with antiquity, no less (1a).

    ♦ Оказался он ни много ни мало в Париже. He turned up in Paris of all places

    ♦…Пронеслись слухи, что он не более не менее как миллионщик (Гоголь 3)….The rumor spread that he was nothing Lss than a millionaire (3e).

    ♦ Оказался этот вьюн ни больше ни меньше как лентой кардиограммы (Аксёнов 6). This eel turned out to be nothing more than a long paper printout of an electrocardiograph (6a).

    ♦…Среди женщин в отделе информации… не было плакс и нытиков. И если уж слезы — значит, ни много ни мало как ЧП [чрезвычайное происшествие] (Залыгин 1). [context transl]… Among the women [in the department], there were no sissies or bleaters. If they did shed a tear, then it was a full-scale state of emergency (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни более и ни менее

  • 16
    ни более ни менее


    [these forms only; used as Particle; all variants are often

    foll. by

    как… when used prepositively, and variants with больше may be

    foll. by

    чем… as well; variants with больше and более have fixed




    1. [


    used with a

    quantit NP

    or a



    exactly the amount indicated (often a sizable amount, quantity of



    no more, no less (than);

    — [in limited contexts] no less (fewer) than.

    ♦ Недели через две, когда уже вернулся он из отпуска в Москву, получил «Новый мир» среди дня распоряжение из ЦК: к утру представить ни много ни мало — 23 экземпляра повести. А в редакции их было три (Солженицын 2). Two weeks later, when he returned to Moscow from leave, Novy Mir received at midday an order from the Central Committee: submit no fewer than twenty-three copies by the following morning. The office had only three (2a).

    2. precisely what is named (


    used to emphasize that the person, phenomenon, place, action


    in question is in some way unexpected, surprising, extraordinary


    in the given circumstances): no more, no less;…no less; [when

    foll. by



    noun only] none other than; [in limited contexts](the) [



    himself (itself); [when stressing the element of surprise,


    flavored by indignation]… of all people (things, places); [when stressing the relative importance of


    ] nothing less than (short of); [when stressing the relative unimportance of


    ] nothing more than.

    ♦ Никандров был крестьянским сыном, любил об этом говорить, любил это в себе, умел связать это с чем-то далеким и очень нужным для себя — ни больше ни меньше как с самой античностью… (Залыгин 1). Nikandrov was the son of a peasant, and he liked talking about it. It was something he liked about himself He could establish a connection between it and something remote from it, but essential to him, with antiquity, no less (1a).

    ♦ Оказался он ни много ни мало в Париже. He turned up in Paris of all places

    ♦…Пронеслись слухи, что он не более не менее как миллионщик (Гоголь 3)….The rumor spread that he was nothing Lss than a millionaire (3e).

    ♦ Оказался этот вьюн ни больше ни меньше как лентой кардиограммы (Аксёнов 6). This eel turned out to be nothing more than a long paper printout of an electrocardiograph (6a).

    ♦…Среди женщин в отделе информации… не было плакс и нытиков. И если уж слезы — значит, ни много ни мало как ЧП [чрезвычайное происшествие] (Залыгин 1). [context transl]… Among the women [in the department], there were no sissies or bleaters. If they did shed a tear, then it was a full-scale state of emergency (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни более ни менее

  • 17
    ни больше и ни меньше


    [these forms only; used as Particle; all variants are often

    foll. by

    как… when used prepositively, and variants with больше may be

    foll. by

    чем… as well; variants with больше and более have fixed




    1. [


    used with a

    quantit NP

    or a



    exactly the amount indicated (often a sizable amount, quantity of



    no more, no less (than);

    — [in limited contexts] no less (fewer) than.

    ♦ Недели через две, когда уже вернулся он из отпуска в Москву, получил «Новый мир» среди дня распоряжение из ЦК: к утру представить ни много ни мало — 23 экземпляра повести. А в редакции их было три (Солженицын 2). Two weeks later, when he returned to Moscow from leave, Novy Mir received at midday an order from the Central Committee: submit no fewer than twenty-three copies by the following morning. The office had only three (2a).

    2. precisely what is named (


    used to emphasize that the person, phenomenon, place, action


    in question is in some way unexpected, surprising, extraordinary


    in the given circumstances): no more, no less;…no less; [when

    foll. by



    noun only] none other than; [in limited contexts](the) [



    himself (itself); [when stressing the element of surprise,


    flavored by indignation]… of all people (things, places); [when stressing the relative importance of


    ] nothing less than (short of); [when stressing the relative unimportance of


    ] nothing more than.

    ♦ Никандров был крестьянским сыном, любил об этом говорить, любил это в себе, умел связать это с чем-то далеким и очень нужным для себя — ни больше ни меньше как с самой античностью… (Залыгин 1). Nikandrov was the son of a peasant, and he liked talking about it. It was something he liked about himself He could establish a connection between it and something remote from it, but essential to him, with antiquity, no less (1a).

    ♦ Оказался он ни много ни мало в Париже. He turned up in Paris of all places

    ♦…Пронеслись слухи, что он не более не менее как миллионщик (Гоголь 3)….The rumor spread that he was nothing Lss than a millionaire (3e).

    ♦ Оказался этот вьюн ни больше ни меньше как лентой кардиограммы (Аксёнов 6). This eel turned out to be nothing more than a long paper printout of an electrocardiograph (6a).

    ♦…Среди женщин в отделе информации… не было плакс и нытиков. И если уж слезы — значит, ни много ни мало как ЧП [чрезвычайное происшествие] (Залыгин 1). [context transl]… Among the women [in the department], there were no sissies or bleaters. If they did shed a tear, then it was a full-scale state of emergency (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни больше и ни меньше

  • 18
    ни больше ни меньше


    [these forms only; used as Particle; all variants are often

    foll. by

    как… when used prepositively, and variants with больше may be

    foll. by

    чем… as well; variants with больше and более have fixed




    1. [


    used with a

    quantit NP

    or a



    exactly the amount indicated (often a sizable amount, quantity of



    no more, no less (than);

    — [in limited contexts] no less (fewer) than.

    ♦ Недели через две, когда уже вернулся он из отпуска в Москву, получил «Новый мир» среди дня распоряжение из ЦК: к утру представить ни много ни мало — 23 экземпляра повести. А в редакции их было три (Солженицын 2). Two weeks later, when he returned to Moscow from leave, Novy Mir received at midday an order from the Central Committee: submit no fewer than twenty-three copies by the following morning. The office had only three (2a).

    2. precisely what is named (


    used to emphasize that the person, phenomenon, place, action


    in question is in some way unexpected, surprising, extraordinary


    in the given circumstances): no more, no less;…no less; [when

    foll. by



    noun only] none other than; [in limited contexts](the) [



    himself (itself); [when stressing the element of surprise,


    flavored by indignation]… of all people (things, places); [when stressing the relative importance of


    ] nothing less than (short of); [when stressing the relative unimportance of


    ] nothing more than.

    ♦ Никандров был крестьянским сыном, любил об этом говорить, любил это в себе, умел связать это с чем-то далеким и очень нужным для себя — ни больше ни меньше как с самой античностью… (Залыгин 1). Nikandrov was the son of a peasant, and he liked talking about it. It was something he liked about himself He could establish a connection between it and something remote from it, but essential to him, with antiquity, no less (1a).

    ♦ Оказался он ни много ни мало в Париже. He turned up in Paris of all places

    ♦…Пронеслись слухи, что он не более не менее как миллионщик (Гоголь 3)….The rumor spread that he was nothing Lss than a millionaire (3e).

    ♦ Оказался этот вьюн ни больше ни меньше как лентой кардиограммы (Аксёнов 6). This eel turned out to be nothing more than a long paper printout of an electrocardiograph (6a).

    ♦…Среди женщин в отделе информации… не было плакс и нытиков. И если уж слезы — значит, ни много ни мало как ЧП [чрезвычайное происшествие] (Залыгин 1). [context transl]… Among the women [in the department], there were no sissies or bleaters. If they did shed a tear, then it was a full-scale state of emergency (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни больше ни меньше

  • 19
    ни много ни мало


    [these forms only; used as Particle; all variants are often

    foll. by

    как… when used prepositively, and variants with больше may be

    foll. by

    чем… as well; variants with больше and более have fixed




    1. [


    used with a

    quantit NP

    or a



    exactly the amount indicated (often a sizable amount, quantity of



    no more, no less (than);

    — [in limited contexts] no less (fewer) than.

    ♦ Недели через две, когда уже вернулся он из отпуска в Москву, получил «Новый мир» среди дня распоряжение из ЦК: к утру представить ни много ни мало — 23 экземпляра повести. А в редакции их было три (Солженицын 2). Two weeks later, when he returned to Moscow from leave, Novy Mir received at midday an order from the Central Committee: submit no fewer than twenty-three copies by the following morning. The office had only three (2a).

    2. precisely what is named (


    used to emphasize that the person, phenomenon, place, action


    in question is in some way unexpected, surprising, extraordinary


    in the given circumstances): no more, no less;…no less; [when

    foll. by



    noun only] none other than; [in limited contexts](the) [



    himself (itself); [when stressing the element of surprise,


    flavored by indignation]… of all people (things, places); [when stressing the relative importance of


    ] nothing less than (short of); [when stressing the relative unimportance of


    ] nothing more than.

    ♦ Никандров был крестьянским сыном, любил об этом говорить, любил это в себе, умел связать это с чем-то далеким и очень нужным для себя — ни больше ни меньше как с самой античностью… (Залыгин 1). Nikandrov was the son of a peasant, and he liked talking about it. It was something he liked about himself He could establish a connection between it and something remote from it, but essential to him, with antiquity, no less (1a).

    ♦ Оказался он ни много ни мало в Париже. He turned up in Paris of all places

    ♦…Пронеслись слухи, что он не более не менее как миллионщик (Гоголь 3)….The rumor spread that he was nothing Lss than a millionaire (3e).

    ♦ Оказался этот вьюн ни больше ни меньше как лентой кардиограммы (Аксёнов 6). This eel turned out to be nothing more than a long paper printout of an electrocardiograph (6a).

    ♦…Среди женщин в отделе информации… не было плакс и нытиков. И если уж слезы — значит, ни много ни мало как ЧП [чрезвычайное происшествие] (Залыгин 1). [context transl]… Among the women [in the department], there were no sissies or bleaters. If they did shed a tear, then it was a full-scale state of emergency (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни много ни мало

  • 20
    на один меньше

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > на один меньше

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    This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

    This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


    of a smaller number: fewer words and more action.


    (used with a plural verb) a smaller number: Fewer have come than we hoped.



    There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

    Which sentence is correct?

    Origin of fewer

    Middle English feue, feawe. fewe fewere, Old English fēawera, genitive plural of fēawa few;see -er4

    words often confused with fewer


    fewer , less (see confusables note at less)

    Words nearby fewer

    feverweed, feverwort, few, few and far between, few bricks shy of a load, fewer, fewness, few words, -fex, fey, Feydeau Unabridged
    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

    Words related to fewer

    lesser, limited, lower, minor, minus, negative, secondary, subordinate, beneath, declined, deficient, depressed, diminished, excepting, lacking, reduced, shortened, shorter, slighter, subtracting

    How to use fewer in a sentence

    • This history reveals that rather than giving families more school options, school choice became a tool intended to give most families far fewer in the end.

    • In poor countries, only 1% of the population received a single dose, and even fewer received both.

    • “We can all now more clearly envision a future with drastically fewer incarcerated people,” the report said.

    • Expect many drastic changes, including welcoming far fewer ticketed attendees, having athletes quarantine weeks prior to the opening ceremonies, and regular testing for the duration of the competition.

    • According to USA Today, more than 180 people were in attendance at the Rose Garden, with only about 50 wearing masks and even fewer practicing social distancing.

    • This was nine fewer than what he needed just two years ago when 426 members of the House voted.

    • That means that fewer and fewer everyday Americans are choosing to contribute to campaigns.

    • The more resources and education society becomes equipped with, the fewer stories like yours will surface.

    • New York now employs fewer cops, firefighters, and sanitation workers than it did in 2002.

    • This year, with slightly more worldliness and way fewer drinks consumed, I could see the emotionally fraught underbelly.

    • Few people, I think, realize that, and fewer still realize the reasonable consequences of that.

    • Moderate salaries prevailed, but the sovereign was worth much more then than now, while wants were fewer.

    • Some words occurred thousands of times, and others only five, or fewer.

    • Could the government of the country be now carried on upon principles that were all-powerful twenty—or even fewer—years ago?

    • What this troubled old world needs,Is fewer words and better deeds.



    few +‎ -er


    • (US) IPA(key): /ˈfjuː.ɚ/
    • Rhymes: -uːə(ɹ)


    fewer (superlative fewest)

    1. comparative degree of few; a smaller number.
      • 2001 September 27, Terrie E. Moffitt; Avshalom Caspi; Michael Rutter; Phil A. Silva, Sex Differences in Antisocial Behaviour: Conduct Disorder, Delinquency, and Violence in the Dunedin Longitudinal Study[1], Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 151:

        This hypothesis goes by many names, including group resistence, the threshold effect, and the gender paradox. Because the hypothesis holds such wide appeal, it is worth revisiting the logic behind it. The hypothesis is built on the factual observation that fewer females than males act antisocially.

      Fewer women wear hats these days.
      There are fewer tigers than there were a hundred years ago.

    Usage notes[edit]

    Some[*] regard the use of the determiner less with countable quantities to be incorrect, stating that less should indicate only a reduction in uncountable quantity, or in size or significance, leaving fewer to indicate a smaller numerical quantity. For example, they suggest saying less sugar, but fewer people, not less people. Such a rule can allow distinctions such as:

    • Their troubles are fewer than ours, meaning «Their troubles are not so numerous as ours.»
    • Their troubles are less than ours, meaning «Their troubles are not so great as ours.»

    Nevertheless, less has been widely understood and commonly used as a synonym for fewer since it first appeared in Old English as læs.

    Derived terms[edit]

    • could care fewer
    • the fewer the better fare


    comparative of few; a smaller number

    • Arabic: أَقَلّ(ʔaqall)
    • Azerbaijani: daha az
    • Catalan: menys (ca)
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 較少较少 (jiào shǎo), 更少 (gèng shǎo),  (zh) (shǎo)
    • Danish: færre (da)
    • Dutch: minder (nl)
    • Finnish: harvempi (fi), vähemmän (fi)
    • French: moins (fr) (de)
    • German: weniger (de)
    • Gothic: 𐍆𐌰𐍅𐌹𐌶𐌰 (fawiza)
    • Greek:
      Ancient: ἐλάσσων (elássōn)
    • Hebrew: פחות (he)
    • Hungarian: kevesebb (hu)
    • Irish:
    • Italian: meno (it)
    • Latin: paucior
    • Maori: iti iho
    • Middle English: les, fewere
    • Norwegian: færre (no)
    • Polish: mniej (pl)
    • Portuguese: menos (pt) m
    • Russian: ме́ньше (ru) (ménʹše)
    • Spanish: menos (es)
    • Swedish: färre (sv)
    • Ukrainian: ме́ньше (ménʹše)
    • Welsh: llai (cy)

    See also[edit]

    • less

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