The word father in german

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


My father earned enough for the family to make ends meet.

Mein Vater verdiente genug, um über die Runden zu kommen.

My father has four morgen land, I work for him.

Mein Vater hat vier Morgen Land, ich arbeite bei ihm.

My father coughed so badly that he couldn’t fall asleep.

Mein Vater hustete so arg, dass er nicht einschlafen konnte.

Your father was the greatest and most redoubtable of our foes.

Dein Vater war der größte und wackerste unter all unseren Feinden.

Papa, I want to know how my father is also.

Papa, will ich wissen, wie mein Vater auch ist.

Three studies show her father and two women from the region.

Drei Arbeiten zeigen ihren Vater und zwei Frauen aus der Region.

I grew up, the lovely young man, without father.

Ich bin, der nette junge Mann, ohne Vater gewachsen.

Nikoliah became a dedicated husband and father but something was missing.

Nikoliah wurde ein engagierter Ehemann und Vater, aber etwas fehlte.

As the father has sent him, he sends his disciples.

Wie der Vater ihn gesendet hat, sendet er seine Jünger.

After the death of their mother, the father marries again.

Nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter heiratet der Vater eine neue Frau.

Lele’s father died two months after being released from prison.

Leles Vater starb zwei Monate nach seiner Freilassung aus dem Gefängnis.

The girl has a chance to briefly speak with her father.

Das Mädchen hat Gelegenheit, kurz mit ihrem Vater zu sprechen.

My father wasn’t fanatically religious and we bought ordinary matzah.

Da mein Vater kein Fanatiker war, kauften wir normale Matze.

All these things have happened to you without having a father.

All diese Dinge widerfuhren euch, ohne einen Vater zu haben.

I know that father and mother had never been involved politically.

Ich weiß, daß Vater und Mutter nie politisch engagiert waren.

My father has been attacked and someone in here is lying.

Es gab ein Attentat auf meinen Vater und einer hier lügt.

I hardly knew my father, he lived so much abroad.

Ich kannte meinen Vater kaum, er lebte lange im Ausland.

Celine, if that child needs a father, take me.

Celine, wenn das Kind ein Vater braucht, nimm mich.

My father understands mercy, when there is room for it.

Mein Vater versteht Gnade, wenn genug Raum dafür zugegen ist.

My father turns off all the power when nobody’s here.

Mein Vater stellt den Strom ab, wenn niemand hier ist.

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But not everyone understood Father Hortado’s zeal.

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Doch der Eifer des Paters kam nicht überall gut an.

There are conflicts within families, between father, mother and children.

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Es gibt Konflikte in den Familien, zwischen Vätern, Müttern und Kindern.

Arrest of Father Tomislav Matanovic.

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Gefangennahme des Pfarrers Tomislav Matanovic.

Don’t look back and run to your father.

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Dreht euch nicht um und rennt zurück zu euren Vätern.

Andrew Lau as Lu Chan’s father Director of the»infernal Affairs» trilogy.

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Father was Home Secretary and mother won the Derby.

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Scriptural associations of father, son and spirit.

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For I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.

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For the father of a multitude of nations have I made you.

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Artist: Hamsun Tore 20. Jahrhundert My father— Knut Hamsun.

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Künstler: Hamsun Tore 20. Jahrhundert Mein Vater- Knut Hamsun.

Taken in by former Father Joe and former Father Ed.

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Aufgenommen wurde er von den ehemaligen Pfarrern Joe und Ed.

The Father comes to remove your sorrow and grant you happiness.

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Baba ist gekommen um euer Leid zu entfernen und um euch Glück zu schenken.

Imitate the Father who never tires of forgiving.

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Ahmt Gottvater nach, der nie müde wird zu vergeben.

Old Testament point to God’s Father Leadership in His kingdom.

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Altes Testament weisen auf Gottes väterliche Führung in seinem Königreich hin.

The one guarding Father Charles shot him point-blank in the head.

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den Pater bewachte, schoss diesem aus nächster Nähe eine Kugel in



This began with our father Adam, when God asks him.

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Das fing schon bei unserem Urvater Adam an, als Gott ihn fragte.

They longed for father and mother, for wife and child.

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Sie sehnten sich nach Vater und Mutter,


Weib und Kind zurück.

The Father has told you: Become pure and claim your full inheritance from the Father.

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Baba sagt: Werdet rein

und erlangt euer ganzes Erbe von Mir.

Father and son clash just as often as Katja and Jan.

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Zwischen Vater und Sohn kracht es genauso regelmäßig wie


Katja und Jan.

Her father said it was medical stuff.

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In this statement, Father B. Laurinavičius cites many of the evils of present-day life.

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In dieser Erklärung hebt Hochw. B. Laurinavičius viele Übelstände des heutigen Lebens hervor.

His father he has himself transferred to the GDR.

Just like father and son, there is natural affection.

As a result, my father worked at a factory all his life.

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Daher arbeitete mein Vater sein ganzes Leben in einer Fabrik.

Her childhood came to an end when her father was arrested in November 1938.

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The Dog Father of dog training is here again.

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The Father simply says: Constantly remember Me alone!

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Baba sagt einfach: Erinnert euch jetzt einzig und allein an Mich!

And call no man your father upon the earth.

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Und ihr sollt niemanden unter euch Vater nennen auf Erden;

With adequate father simply cope.

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Mit einer angemessenen Vater ziemlich einfach abzustimmen.

The Bethany foundation was not an escape for Father Lataste-he remained a Brother preacher.

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Für den Pater bedeutete


Gründung Bethaniens keine Veränderung: Er blieb Bruder



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Learn how to talk about your family in the German language. Family is important, so get studying with our list below.

List of Family members in German

No matter where you go, your family always seem to find you. This list included.

German Family Vocabulary list

“The Family” in German

die Familie

Family is important. That’s why it is important to now how to say “die Familie”. It is time you showed them some of that German love.


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  • 100 Days of German Words and Expressions E-book
  • 300 Useful German Adjectives
Wie groß ist deine Familie? How big is your family?
Ich habe keine große Familie. I don’t have a big family.

“Father” in German


Honor your dad next Father’s day by showing him you care in German. There is no better present.

Here’s how to do it.

He Vater, Glücklicher Vatertag! Hey father, happy Father’s day!
Danke mein Sohn. Thank you my son.

“Mother” in German


Do not forget to show your mom some love as well. Not just on Mother’s day though. Why not use your German to become a better child? Your mom deserves it.

“Ich liebe dich, Mutter.” “I love you mother.”
“Ich liebe dich sehr!” “I love you very much!”

“Child” in German


Children are “kind”, at least until they grow up. That should help you remember.

“Hast du ein Kind?” “Do you have a child?”
“Nein, tue ich nicht.” “No, I do not.”

“Siblings” in German


Even though you probably hated each other growing up, you are still family. If you don’t talk anymore, why not try in German. It could work, you never know.

“Sie sehen sich ähnlich.” “They look alike.”
“Sie sind Geschwister.” “They are siblings.”

“Brother” in German


Oh “Bruder”! It is time to start learning your German vocab. It could be a good bonding experience.

“Ist das dein Bruder?” “Is that your brother?”
“Ja, er heisst Klaus.” “Yeah, his name is Klaus.”

“Sister” in German


Do not forget about your “Schwester”. Sounds like sister, but much more fun to say.

“Hast du Geschwister?” “Do you have any siblings?”
“Ich habe eine Schwester.” “I have a sister.”

“Uncle” in German


Looks like how a kid might try and write uncle in English. Yet, sounds almost the same as in English.

“Ich bin aus New York.” “I am from New York.”
“Mein Onkel wohnt in New York.” “My uncle lives in New York.”

“Aunt” in German


Everyone always forgets about their “Tante”. Do not be one of those people. After all, they are usually known as the cool ones in the family.

“Wo ist Tante Petunia?” “Where is Aunt Petunia?”
“Tante Petunia ist nicht im Haus gekommen.” “Aunt Petunia did not come in the house.”

Terms children used to call their Parents and Grandparents

Ahhh to be a kid again. Learn the vocab below and teach your children how to care for their elders.

“Mom” in German

die Mama

Basically, the same as in English. So you shouldn’t need to spend much time studying.

“Mama, kann ich Eis?” Mama, can I have ice cream?
“Ja, meine liebling.” Yes, my darling.

“Mommy” in German

die Mutti

Similar to “Mama” but “Mutti” tends to be used more in southern Germany. Be sure to tell your mother. She might find it interesting.

Mutti! Mutti! ich liebe dich! Mommy! Mommy! I love you!

“Grandma” in German

die Oma

The person who always spoiled you the most was always your “Oma”. It is time to pay her back a little by learning what to call her in German.

Wie viel Süßigkeiten hat Oma? How much candy does grandma have?
Keine Ahnung. I have no idea.

“Grandpa” in German

der Opa

Although your “Opa” may not have spoiled you as much as your “Oma”, that’s no reason not to learn this word.

“Schau mal! Wer ist das?” “Look! Who is that?”
“Das ist mein Opa!” “That is my Grandpa!”

“Dad” in German

der Papa

No troubles here, we have the same word in English. But look at you learning German, your “Papa” would be proud.

Papa ist sehr streng. Weil er dich liebt. Papa is very strict. Because he loves you.

“Daddy” in German

der Vati

Another endearing way to address that “Vati” in your life.

Wohin gehen wir Vati? Where are we going daddy?
Zum Spielzeugladen! To the toy store!


Now that you know all the ways to address all the loved ones in your life in German. Why not give your family a call? Or better yet, take them on a trip to Germany.

Learn more German vocabulary in context with this e-book of short stories from My Daily German!

German Short Stories for Beginners 2021


  • 10 entertaining short stories about everyday themes
  • Practice reading and listening with 90+ minutes of audio 
  • Learn 1,000+ new German vocabulary effortlessly!

Dads have a uniquely important impact in the lives of their children. If a child’s father is affectionate, supportive, and involved, he can contribute greatly to his or her development, well-being, and health. Mother and father or mom and dad are essential words in any language. 

In today’s article, we will look into how to say father in German. While the German names are mostly quite similar to their English counterparts, there are some quirks arising from the particularities of the German language.

German Frequency Dictionary

Our German Frequency Dictionaries are a great source if you want to expand your German vocabulary fast and effectively. You will learn 10,000 most common words listed by frequency and alphabet. Learning new words by frequency is the fastest way to fluency! Moreover, each entry also contains a pronunciation transcription so you can pronounce even the longest German words correctly. 10,000 example sentences translated into English are a fantastic reading practice as well!

There is More Than One Name.

The most universal translation of the rather formal “father” into English is (der) Vater. Don’t forget that “v” is pronounced differently than in English. It sounds like the English [f]. The pronunciation of Vater is, therefore, [faːtər] in the IPA transcription.

It is the direct equivalent of (die) Mutter – mother. Both are formal and only rarely used when addressing one’s parents. Below are some example sentences.

  • Gehorche deinem Vater. – Obey your father.
  • Das war der letzte Wille eures Vaters. – It was your father’s dying wish.

The plural form is Väter. It is pronounced [ˈfɛːtɐ]. The only other endings are Vaters in the genitive singular (see the example sentence above) and Vätern in the dative plural. As in Mit Freunden kann man leichter sprechen als mit Vätern. – Friends are easier to talk to than fathers.

How to Say Dad in German

Does father or Vater sound a bit stiff and stilted? Of course, there are more affectionate ways to say father in German. Let’s take a look at how to translate dad.

Nowadays, the most common word Germans use to address their dads is (der) Papa. As in Papa, leihst du mir dein Auto? – Dad, will you lend me your car? Below are more example sentences with Papa.

  • Tut mir leid, Papa ist nicht zu Hause. – I’m sorry, my dad isn’t at home.
  • Mama, Papa, ich muss euch etwas sagen. – Mom, Dad, I have got something to tell you. (Here you can see that the female equivalent of Papa is die Mama.)

Another possible translation of dad into German is (der) Papi as opposed to (die) Mami for mom. As in Mein Papi ist der beste Papi des Universums. – My daddy is the best daddy in the universe.

Das Väterchen or der Daddy? It Depends on How Cool You Want to Sound.

Das Väterchen is a diminutive of der Vater. Compare it with das Mütterchen. It is considered old-fashioned and currently used mostly only in the expression Väterchen Frost (Father Frost or Jack Frost in English).

Der Daddy is, on the other hand, gaining popularity among German teenagers as it is the case with many other words of English origin.

  • Hast du schon einen Brief an Väterchen Frost geschrieben. – Have you already written a letter to Father Frost.
  • Dein Daddy ist sicher stolz auf dich. – Surely, your dad is proud of you.

How to Say “Our Father” in German

The translation of the beginning of The Lord’s Prayer, also called the Our Father, into German is Vater unser. It is pronounced [ˌfaːtɐˈ(ʔ)ʊnzɐ]. Unser means “our.” It typically precedes the noun as in Unser Vater spielt gern Tennis. – Our father likes playing tennis.

In the religious context, you can come across Heiliger Vater – Holy Father or Himlischer Vater Heavenly Father. “Father” can also be used when referring to a Catholic priest in English. The correct German translation, in this case, is (der) Pfarrer.

Other Common Phrases and Expressions with Father in German

There are several expressions related to dads in the German language. Some of them cannot be translated literally. Below is a short list of the most interesting ones.

  1. Ach, du dicker Vater! – Oh my goodness! This is an informal expression that shows surprise. Dick means thick or fat in German.
  2. Vielleicht war der Wunsch der Vater des Gedankens. – Maybe, the wish was father to the thought. It means the same in German and in English. People are more inclined to believe that which they wish or hope to be true.
  3. Wie der Vater, so der Sohn. – Like father, like son. Similarly, you can also say ganz der Vater when you want to say that someone is just like his or her father.
  4. War dein Vater Glaser? – This phrase literally means “Was your father a glasser?” and it is used when someone blocks your view, for example, when watching TV. Use it when you want to say “You aren’t transparent. Get out of the way!”.

How to Say Mother in German

When talking about how to say father in German we can’t forget to mention the most common words Germans use when referring to their mothers. Let’s take a look at the female equivalents.

der Vater (formal)

die Mutter

der Papa (affectionate)

die Mama

der Vati (old-fashioned)

die Mutti

der Papi (affectionate)

die Mami

das Väterchen (old-fashioned)

das Mütterchen or das Mütterlein

Below are some example sentences with mothers or moms.

  • Ich rede seit vier Jahren nicht mit meiner Mutter. – I haven’t talked to my mother in four years.
  • Komm, Hans, ich bringe dich zu deiner Mutti. – Come on, Johnny, I’ll take you to your mommy.
  • Du behandelst mich wie ein Kind, Mama! – You are treating me like a child, mom!
  • Mami wird sich um dich kümmern. – Mommy will take care of you.
  • Bist du bereit für unsere Reise zu Mütterchen Russland? – Are you ready for our journey to Mother Russia? (Like Väterchen, Mütterchen is nowadays also used only in certain expressions, such as Mütterchen Russland.)

german vocabulary

Don’t forget to take a look at our unique German Frequency Dictionary series. You will learn only the most common words in German so you can understand 99% of all daily spoken language. What is more, the example sentences will help you learn more advanced grammatical structures naturally through context.

Vaterschaftsanerkennung and Other Compound Words Related to Father in German

As usual, there are countless compound words that contain the word Vater in the German language. Some of them are quite long, such as (die) Vaterschaftsanerkennung – acknowledgment of paternity. Our article wouldn’t be complete without looking at the most common ones.

  1. Part of the word Vaterschaftsanerkennung is (die) Vaterschaft which means paternity or fatherhood. (Paul ist 20 Jahre alt und bereitet sich auf seine Vaterschaft vor. – Paul is 20 and preparing for fatherhood.)
  2. (Das) Vaterland means “home country.” (Ich verteidige das Vaterland. – I’m defending my home country.)
  3. (Der) Urvater translates as forefather or ancestor. (Meine Urväter liegen hier. – My ancestors lie here.)
  4. (Der) Großvater is one of the most common compound words and means grandfather. (Dein Großvater hätte diese Meinung sicher geteilt. – Your grandfather would have surely understood.)
  5. (Der) Beichtvater – confessor (Immer dem Beichtvater die Wahrheit sagen. – Always tell your confessor the truth.)
  6. Väterlich is an adjective derived from Vater and means paternal or fatherly. (Ich fühle seine väterliche Liebe bis zum heutigen Tag. – I feel his fatherly love to this day.)

We hope you have found our article helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, let us know in the comments below. We will be more than happy to hear from you!

Who is the German father?

Vater; Priester; Geistliche; Papa.

What does farter mean in German?

Patti. The German verb “fahren” means to drive, and you do it in or on some kind of vehicle. The journey you make with a vehicle is called a “Fahrt”, hence Ausfahrt and Einfahrt.

How do you say dad in Italian?

How do you say mother and father?

What does the German word golem mean?

automaton; robot; mechanism.

Where does the word fart come from?

Fart is a word in the English language most commonly used in reference to flatulence that can be used as a noun or a verb. The immediate roots are in the Middle English words ferten, feortan and farten, kin of the Old High German word ferzan. Cognates are found in Old Norse, Slavic and also Greek and Sanskrit.

How do Greek people say dad?

The most common name for father used in Greece today is indeed the word baba, a Turkish word, pronounced mbamba with the accent on the second syllable. It is used most often to address the father. The word patera with the accent on the second syllable, is more formal and connotes respect to the father figure.

How do you say father?

What do Southerners call their parents?

Younger Southerners, like the rest of country, prefer the term Mom. The poll revealed, too, that Southern Democrats tend to say Momma or Mama, while their Republicans are partial to Mom.

What do Greek people call their mother?

Family words in Greek

parents γονείς (goneís)
father πατέρας (patéras)
mother μητέρα (mitéra) μαμά (mamá)
children παιδιά (paidiá)

What does Dada mean in Greek?

Noun(1) an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk(2) a nihilistic art movement (especially in painting.

How do you say Mom in Greek?

What is a Greek sister?

Active (often referred to as Brother or Sister): A person who has been initiated into a Greek organization. … Associate Member: A person who has accepted the bid of a Greek organization but has not yet been initiated into full membership.

What is love called in Greek?

Agápe (ἀγάπη, agápē) means “love: esp. … Agape is used in ancient texts to denote feelings for one’s children and the feelings for a spouse, and it was also used to refer to a love feast. Agape is used by Christians to express the unconditional love of God for his children.

What is the Greek meaning of brother?

brother noun. αδελφός, αδερφός my pronoun. μου, δικός μου I am with my brother.

Do fraternities have sisters?

Fraternities across the nation are disbanding their ”Little Sister” programs, under which women become associated with the men’s groups, often paying small-scale dues. Little Sisters serve as hostesses for parties and help with service projects.

What do frat brothers call each other?

Brother – Term that fraternity members call each other. Bullhorn – The first person of the line. Call/Chant – A yell used mostly by NPHC organizations (although some NIC, NPC, NALFO, NMGC and local orgs have calls as well).

Is Theo a Greek god?

Greek origin

Many names beginning with the root “Theo-” derive from the Ancient Greek word theos (θεός), which means god, for example: … Masculine names: Theodore, Theodoros/Theodorus, Theodosius, Theodotus, Theophanes, Theophilus, Theodoret and Theophylact.

What is a frat sister?

A member of your organization or another culturally based organization that was initiated at the same time you were. Sister. A term used by sorority members to refer to one another.

What means line sister?

Line Brother or Line Sister: The term used by members of NPHC or Multicultural organizations that refers to the other members that were in their new member class. Depending on the region, members may refer to their line brother or sister as their Sands since they crossed the “Burning Sands” (were initiated) together.

Why do frats have sweethearts?

Sweethearts are women chosen by the brothers, women who have “been around (the fraternity), who have hung out a lot,” said John Gilbert, a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. They serve as party guests, public relations advocates, friends to the brothers and various other capacities.

Can a girl join a frat?

Anyone of any gender, orientation or background is welcome to join, just as long as they meet the GPA requirement, as we are an honor fraternity, and go through the learning process of the chapter before officially becoming a brother.

Why is Greek life bad?

Greek life has been infamous with being associated with sexual assault. The Guardian reports that sorority women are 74% more likely to be assaulted than unaffiliated students, and men who join fraternities are three times more likely to violate a woman. This makes sense since fraternities typically host social events.

Why do frats exist?

Fraternities were initially founded primarily to provide a group of individuals a space to grow in their scholarly pursuits; however, many of established fraternities and sororities that we see today came about as a way for marginalized groups to congregate and share ideas and become a support system for each other.

Can guys join a sorority?

Can a guy join a sorority? A2A: If someone identifies as a female many sororities will accept you as a member. But if you identify as a male, currently, many fraternities and sororities are single-sexed. … Fraternities and sororities are single-sex organizations.

What’s a dream girl in a frat?

One of the many traditions of Pi Kappa Alpha is the Dream Girl. The Pike Dream Girl is any woman from a sorority who best represents and unselfishly supports the fraternity. … The Dream Girl is carefully chosen based on her efforts in promoting Pikes on campus and not on popularity.

Who started the first fraternity?

The Phi Beta Kappa Society, founded on December 5, 1776, at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, was the first fraternal organization in the United States of America, established the precedent for naming American college societies after the Greek letters.

Can you be in 2 sororities?

The Panhellenic Compact, which is a Unanimous Agreement between the 26 member organizations that make up the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), prohibits dual membership. Basically, women are not allowed to join two NPC sororities in their life.

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