These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
Charles was a devoted father and uncommonly attentive to his children.
Charles était un père dévoué et très attentif envers ses enfants.
Melanie is obsessed with the life of her possible donor father.
Mélanie est obsédée par la vie de son possible père biologique.
Rome first wanted to know to what community this father belonged.
Rome voulut d’abord savoir à quelle communauté appartenait ce père.
Getting that evidence isn’t only about vindicating your father.
Obtenir cette preuve ce n’est pas seulement pour protéger ton père.
Chelsea was clearly upset yesterday because her father was moving out.
Chelsea était vraiment contrariée hier parce que son père déménageait.
Your father has a rare genetic precursor that allowed us…
Votre père a un précurseur génétique rare qui nous a permis…
I will now channel your deceased father through my body.
Je vais invoquer votre père décédé à travers mon corps.
Afterwards I would listen to my mother and father interpret various gestures.
J’écoutais ensuite ma mère et mon père interpréter différents gestes.
It’s the gentleman who could possibly be your father.
C’est le monsieur qui pourrait peut-être être ton père.
I would like to thank your father personally for his kindness.
J’aimerais remercier moi-même votre père pour son amabilité.
Your father understood the difference between history and age.
Votre père comprenait la différence entre l’histoire et l’âge.
At least your father knows enough to keep his distance.
Au moins ton père sait assez pour garder ses distances.
He was a desperate father trying to save his child.
C’était un père désespéré essayant de sauver son enfant.
Your father was annoyed at me for some little thing.
Ton père était énervé contre moi pour une petite chose.
A grieving father smother my remaining brother with a pillow.
Un père endeuillé a étouffé mon autre frère avec un oreiller.
Tradition accords only a secondary role to the biological father.
La tradition n’accorde qu’un rôle secondaire au père biologique.
Your father came to understand the reality of this business.
Votre père est venu pour comprendre la réalité du business.
Your father has admitted to plotting to overthrow the president.
Votre père a admit avoir prévu de renverser le président.
Beloved father, precious memories, local character, etcetera.
Bien-aimé père, souvenirs précieux, personnage local, etcétéra.
This scandal has ruined the political life of your father.
Ce scandale a ruiné la vie politique de votre père.
Suggestions that contain father
Results: 202152. Exact: 202152. Elapsed time: 418 ms.
Translation for «father» to french
- Examples
- Similar phrases
Translation examples
The classic case of incest involves a girl child and her father, step-father or father figure.
Le cas courant de l’inceste met en jeu une fille et son père, son beau-père ou la personne qui tient le rôle du père.
It would have devolved upon the father to prove that he was not the father.
C’est au père putatif qu’il aurait incombé de prouver qu’il n’était pas le père.
Becoming a Father) for fathers-to-be.
Devenir père) destinées aux futurs pères;
father and children, and one of the father’s (mother’s) parents
le père, les enfants et l’un des parents du père (ou de la mère)
The alleged offender in the majority of incidents was the father or step-father of the child.
Dans la majorité des cas, le coupable était le père ou le beau-père.
Ground for denial is the fact that the father is not the natural father.
Le motif de la contestation est le fait que le père n’est pas le père naturel.
This clearly regulates that paternity may be denied by the father, the mother and the child if the father is not the biological father.
Il dispose clairement que la paternité peut être rejetée par le père, par la mère et par l’enfant si le père n’est pas le père biologique.
If your father is of Arabic descent, write the full names of his paternal grandfather (ie. his father’s father).
S’il est d’ascendance arabe, veuillez écrire les noms complets de son grand-père paternel (c’est-à-dire du père de son père).
— Yeah, «Father.» Definitely «Father.»
— Oui, «Père«. Définitivement «Père«.
Father Joseph, father Bro-seph, Father bro, Father Brah… Bam!
Père Joseph, père Bro-seph, père bro, père Brah…
Father Father my Father… my God…
Père Père, Mon Père…mon Dieu…
It means, «Father, Father…
Cela signifie : «Père, Père !
Moreover, masculinity is measured socially by the number of children a man fathers.
Par ailleurs, la masculinité se mesure au nombre d’enfants engendrés.
This has led to children being conceived, fathered by these imposed husbands.
Des enfants ont ainsi été conçus, engendrés par ces maris imposés.
Indeed, the dignity of any man, whoever he may be, entitles him to know who gave birth to him, who fathered him.
En vérité, la dignité de tout homme, quel qu’il soit, lui donne le droit de savoir qui lui a donné naissance, qui l’a engendré.
— You fathered him, Dan.
— Tu l’a engendré, Dan.
I have fathered children.
J’ai engendré des enfants.
I’ve fathered a baby!
J’ai engendré un bébé!
And of fathering her child.
Et d’avoir engendré son fils.
Fathering his own grandchild.
Engendrer son propre petit-fils.
I have fathered Savitri’s child
J’ai engendré l’enfant de Savitri.
I never fathered any children.
Je n’ai jamais engendré d’enfants.
A rigorous or ordinary prison term of between three and ten years shall be imposed if the injury results in a mental or physical illness that is certainly or probably incurable, permanent incapacity for work, loss of one of the senses, organs or limbs, of the use of an organ or limb, of speech or of the ability to father a child or to conceive» (arts. 89, 90 and 91).
Est passible d’une peine de trois à dix ans de réclusion ou d’emprisonnement l’auteur de l’atteinte si celle-ci a causé une maladie mentale ou corporelle, certainement ou probablement incurable, une incapacité de travail permanente ou la perte d’une faculté, d’un organe, d’un membre, de l’usage d’un organe ou d’un membre, de la parole ou de la capacité de procréer ou de concevoir» (cf. articles 89, 90 et 91).
The complexity of the case resided in the fact that the woman admitted she had committed adultery with a nephew of her husband, because her husband had requested and consented to such relations in order to have another child «of his own blood», because he was unable to father a child.
La difficulté est que la femme admet l’adultère avec un neveu de son mari parce que ce dernier l’a demandé et a consenti à avoir un autre enfant << de son sang >> car il ne pouvait lui-même concevoir.
A plan is therefore needed for bringing local teams, family groups and support networks together and for supporting a shared learning process. One of the duties of primary-care technicians is to support mothers and fathers in playing a greater role in the basic health care of their children; this is a preventive health-care activity that needs to be performed at the household and community level.
Il s’impose de concevoir un plan qui prévoit le déplacement et la formation simultanés des équipes locales, des groupes familiaux et des réseaux d’appui; les agents de soins de santé primaires doivent, entre autres fonctions, renforcer le rôle des parents dans les soins de santé élémentaires, tâche de prévention qui s’effectue au domicile et à l’échelon de la commune.
To which the young lad says, «No, Father, I am Peanuts.»
«fais que je puisse pécher sans concevoir !»
We both know that Raife could have fathered another child.
On sait que Raife aurait pu concevoir un autre enfant.
JAMES: What’s so responsible about fathering a child when you can’t make ends meet?
Parce que concevoir un enfant qu’on ne peut pas nourrir, c’est responsable ?
I mean, he managed to father a child after his death.
Il a réussi à concevoir un enfant après sa mort.
If it may have limited my chances of fathering a child.
Si cela a pu limiter mes chances de concevoir.
And, forgive me, Holy Father— she is here.
Et, pardonnez moi, saint père- elle est la.
Everything in you wants to serve the Father— you.
Tout en vous veut servir le Père- vous ne.
But, Father, how is that possible?
Mais, papas, comment est-ce possible?
Your father can’t really take care of you.
Ton PÈRE ne s’occupe pas bien de toi.
My father is keeping a secret.
Mon PÈRE cache un secret.
The Atom of the Father controls the magnetic ganglionic
L’atome du PÈRE contrôle le cordon ganglionnaire droit,
All of fathers in this world, they are all my father.
Tous les Papas du monde sont mes Papas!
Lincoln cole pays tribute to his father.
Mr. Florent BRAVO, Father in 1979.
créée par Monsieur BRAVO Florent ,Père en 1979.
They sometimes call the forest»mother» or»father.
Ils désignent parfois la forêt comme une»mère» ou un»père.
paint a picture of»capable father.
exactement le portrait d’un»père capable.
Perfume is the father of organic chemistry.
Le parfum est l’ancêtre de la chimie organique.
Bless me, Father, for I will sin.
Pardonnez-moi, mon pêre, carje vais pécher.
You told my father rats like us don’t respect death!
Vous aviez dit à mon pére que nous ne respections pas la mort!
père… Père, écoutez moi d’abbord- Que veux-tu que j’écoute?
I asked Father what would happen to them íf
J’aí demandé à papa ce quï leur arríveraít sí nous étíons prís.
Father, we firmly believe your Son died
My father thinks you’re using me.
You are not my father, and you are not my brother.
Tu n’es ni mon père
mon frère;
These children had no father involved in their lives and their mother was ill.
pouvaient pas compter sur leur père et leur mère était malade.
That was nice meeting Father Barnes.
C’était agréable de rencontrer le Père Barnes.
Results: 129671,
Time: 0.0312
June 19th is father’s day in France. Here’s how to say Dad, stepdad and father in French, as well as sentences to wish happy father’s day in French.
You may know that ‘Papa’ is a French word. ‘Papa’ is used in English sometimes to say Dad. But what are the various ways of saying dad in French?
How Do You Say Dad in French?
The French word for ‘dad’ or ‘daddy’ is “papa”.
Watch out for the French pronunciation: the French ‘p’ is softer than in English and it’s the French vowel ‘a’ which is strong.
So “Papa” is likely to be the way you call your Daddy in French.
Maman, il est où Papa ?
Mom, where is Dad?
There’s no shorter version as in Pops… But particular family nicknames are possible.
What Is Father In French?
’The father’ in French is “le père”.
Olivier est le père de Leyla.
Olivier is Leyla’s father.
You could use it to address your father just like some people do in English, but as in English, it’s very very formal and kind of distant… Not common at all.
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Other Ways To Say Father In French
”Un daron” is slang for ‘father’. It’s too young for me to use but you’ll hear it in rap songs and pop culture. It can be a bit derogative…
You could also hear “Mon Paternel”… It’s modern French slang. It comes from the adjective : “paternel” which means ‘of/from my father’ or ‘on my father side’.
Ma famille paternelle est de Paris.
The father side of my family is from Paris.
What Is Step Father in French?
It would be “un beau-père”. Note that it’s the same word for ‘a father-in-law’ and translates literally in ‘beautiful father’… go figure!
What is Grandfather in French?
The French word for ‘a grandfather’ is “un grand père”. It’s common to also hear “un papy” and you could use both words to address your granddad as well.
Another common way to address your grandfather in French would be “Bon Papa” – it’s a bit upper class.
How To Wish Happy Father’s Day in French?
Father’s Day in French is “la fête des pères”. Father’s Day is on June 19th in France.
The most common way to say happy father’s Day in French would be:
- Joyeuse fête Papa !
- Bonne fête mon Papa chéri !
As for me, my father died some years back but he is still very much alive in my heart. So to him, I’d like to say “Je te souhaite une excellente fête des pères mon papa que j’aime”.
More French family vocabulary in my free lesson. And here’s my lesson and Leyla’s cute videos about Mothers’ Day In France.
What about you? How do you call your Dad in your family / country?
Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today’s French to adults for 23+ years in the US and France. Based on my students’ goals and needs, I’ve created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it’s spoken today, for all levels. Most of my audiobooks are recorded at several speeds to help you conquer the modern French language.
Good luck with your studies and remember, repetition is the key!
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‘father‘ également trouvé dans ces entrées : Dans la description anglaise : Français : |
What do the French call their dad?, Père is like saying father.
Furthermore, What does Baba mean in French?, [baba ] invariable adjective. en être baba (informal) to be flabbergasted ⧫ to be gobsmacked (Brit) (informal) masculine or feminine noun.
Finally, What does OMA mean in French?, noun
From | To | Via |
• Oma | → mamie | ↔ grandma |
• Oma | → aïeulegrand-mère | ↔ grandmother |
• Oma | → mamiemémé | ↔ granny |
• Oma | → grand-mère | ↔ oma |
Frequently Asked Question:
Is Father in French masculine or feminine?
Family Vocabulary in French
Masculine | Feminine | Plural |
Le père [father] | La mère [mother] | Les parents [parents] |
Le frère [brother] | La soeur [sister] | Les frères et soeurs [siblings] |
Le fils [son] | La fille [daughter] | Les enfants [children] |
Le grand-père [grandfather] | La grand-mère [grandmother] | Les grand-parents [grandparents] |
Is Dad in French masculine or feminine?
(And obviously “father” is a masculine noun, while “mother” is a feminine noun.)
How do you address a father in French?
The main points remain: to address them, maman and papa are kind of standard – père and mère would almost only be used ironically or for humour as it’s way too formal. When talking about them, ma mère and mon père would be way more common than ma maman and mon papa – the latter sounds childish.
How do you say my father’s name is in French?
Translation of “my Father’s name is” in French. My father’s name is Joao Amorim. Mon père s’appelle Joao Amorim.
What does the French word OMA mean?
oma(Noun) grandmother, grandma. Etymology: From Oma.
What is OMA called in English?
Noun. oma (plural omas) (among people of German ancestry) grandmother, grandma.
Does OMA mean mom?
It’s the affectionate colloquial for grandmother. You could call your grandmother “Grossmutter”, but it’s not the usual thing to do in german colloquial. The very most times people call their grandmother “Oma“. … It’s similar with the word mother (=”Mutter” in german.)
What does Baba mean in France?
The “baba” is a metaphor for that lower part of your back, commonly referred to as the “ass”. “L’avoir dans le baba” means literally “to have it in the ass”, “to be screwed”. “Baba” is a reference to “baba au rhum”, a French pastry, that was also commonly used as a metaphor for “ass” in the 18th century.
What does Baba mean in a relationship?
A term of endearment (generally used in India and Srilanka) Let’s go out baba.
What does Abba mean in French?
Abbé (from Latin abbas, in turn from Greek ἀββᾶς, abbas, from Aramaic abba, a title of honour, literally meaning “the father, my father”, emphatic state of abh, “father”) is the French word for abbot.
What do French girls call their fathers?
I asked Monique Palomares about what they call their parents in France. Here’s what she wrote: We typically say “father” and “mother” as “papa” and “maman”. We don’t use “père” or “mère ” on their own nowadays, you can only find that in literature.
What do Southerners call their dad?
I’m not saying nobody does it, a lot of southerners do call their fathers “deddeh”, just saying that’s not a tradition in my family. I probably called my old man “daddy” when I was little, but that’s different.
Is Maman French?
maman: mom; mother; mummy; mum.
What do they call Dad in England?
British people call their mothers and fathers Mum (Mummy) and Dad (Daddy).
What countries say papa?
Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Persian, Latin, Japanese, Korean, Hungarian, Hindi, German, French, Icelandic and Dutch all have a version of the word papa, or papi. Turkish, Swahili, Nepali, Mandarin Chinese, Zulu, Malay, Italian, Indonesian, and Arabic all have a version of the word baba.
It’s time to talk about some French family vocabulary. For many, learning vocabulary in a foreign language can be difficult because there isn’t always an equivalent in English or whatever your native language is. However when it comes to family-related French vocabulary things line up much better than they do in many other situations.
Let’s first take a look at some of the most common family vocabulary that every French learner will need to know.
Une mère – Mom / Mum / Mother
Un père – Dad / Father
Un frère – Brother
Une soeur – Sister
Une fille – Daughter
Un fils – Son
Un cousin – Cousin (m)
Une cousine – Cousin (f)
Une tante – Aunt
Un oncle – Uncle
Une nièce – Niece
Un neveu – Nephew
Un époux / Un mari – Husband
Une épouse / Une femme – Wife
Un grand-père – Grandfather
Une grand-mère – Grandmother
Un petit-fils – Grandson
Une petite-fille – Granddaughter
We’ll discuss extended cousins in a bit, but if you want to stress that a cousin is a first cousin and not a second/third/etc.. you can say cousin(e) germain(e). Otherwise just saying cousin(e) is fine.
Now that we’ve gone over the ones that are the most common let’s look at some of the family members that people don’t talk about as much.
Un arrière-grand-père – Great grandfather
Une arrière-grand-mère – Great grandmother
Un arrière-petit-fils – Great grandson
Une arrière-petite-fille – Great granddaughter
Un jumeau – Twin (m)
Une jumelle – Twin (f)
La belle-famille / les beaux-parents – in-laws
Un beau-père – Step-father / Father-in-law
Une belle-mère – Step-mother / Mother-in-law
Un beau-frère – Step-brother / Brother-in-law
Une belle-soeur – Step-sister / Sister-in-law
Un beau-fils / Un gendre – Step-son / Son-in-law
Une belle-fille / Une bru – Step-daughter / Daughter-in-law
Quick Sidenote: You’ll notice that in French there is no difference between step-family and family by marriage. For example step-brother and brother-in-law are the exact same words. The only exceptions to this are un gendre which ONLY means son-in-law and une bru which ONLY means daughter-in-law.
If you want to refer to your extended family as a whole you would refer to them as la famille étendue.
If you would like to talk about a blended family (a family in which the parents have children from previous relationships) then you can say la famille recomposée.
Now let’s look at some more obscure family members that really aren’t spoken about very often.
Foster Family in French
Une famille d’accueil / Une Famille nourricière – Foster family
Une mère d’accueil / Une mère nourricière – Foster mother
Un père d’accueil / Un père nourricier – Foster father
Un enfant placé en famille d’accueil – Foster child
Godparents in French
Une marraine – Godmother
Un parrain – Godfather
Un filleul – Godson
Une filleule – Goddaughter
Adoptive/Adopted family in French
Un fils adoptif – Adopted son
Un père adoptif – Adoptive father
Une fille adoptive – Adopted daughter
Une mère adoptive – Adoptive mother
Although most people will just refer to their parents as père/mère regardless of whether they are adoptive or not, if you are trying to stress that certain parents are birth parents and NOT adoptive you can say père/mère biologique (biological father/mother.)
Extended Cousins in French
We’ve already talked about how to say “cousin” in French. Now let’s take a look at some of the different types of cousins one can have.
Un petit cousin / Un cousin au deuxième degré / Un cousin issu de germain – Second cousin (m)
Une petite cousine / Une cousine au deuxième degré / Une cousine issue de germain – Second cousin (f)
Un cousin au troisième degré / Arrière petit cousin – Third cousin (m)
Une cousine au troisième degré / Arrière petite cousine – Third cousin (f)
Un cousin au quatrième degré / Arrière arrière petit cousin – Fourth cousin (m)
Une cousine au quatrième degré / Arrière arrière petite cousine – Fourth cousin (f)
Un cousin germain éloigné au premier degré – First cousin once removed (m)
Une cousine germaine éloigée au premier degré – First cousin once removed (f)
Un petit cousin éloigné au deuxième degré – Second cousin twice removed (m)
Une petite cousine éloignée au deuxième degré – Second cousin twice removed (f)
Determining exactly where a cousin lies in your family tree can be difficult. For that reason it’s not uncommon for people just use cousin(e) éloigné(e) for anything that’s too complicated. This is not unlike in English where we often say distant cousin.
Hopefully with this guide you’ll be at least one step closer to mastering family member vocabulary in French. What other family members do you know? Comment below!
Hunter Van Ry, the owner of, has spent extensive periods of time living in both France and Canada learning and studying the French language. He created Frenchplanations as a way to help others improve their French with easy-to-understand explanations.