The word far in example sentences

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word far, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use far in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «far».

Far in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word far in a sentence.

  1. The BMA was far from ideal.

  2. It’s taken 51 years so far.

  3. It was just far too rushed.».

  4. Her second was far more dramatic.

  5. Arrangements were far from ideal.

  6. However, this was far from certain.

  7. But there was no need to go too far.

  8. He pursued them as far as Cebu Island.

  9. We’ve gone too far to turn back now.».

  10. Some groups got as far as the harbour.

  11. But his influence goes far beyond his performances.

  12. Otherwise, uranium hexafluoride was far from ideal.

  13. The outfield have all moved very far towards right.

  14. This infilling went as far north as Corlear’s Hook.

  15. By far the largest carnivore in its environment, T.

  16. The fusiliers returned fire from the far bank, and suppressed the Bolshevik fire.

  17. The surface of Umbriel has far more and larger craters than do Ariel and Titania.

  18. Some were believed to have been blown across from as far away as mainland Europe.

  19. It persisted far inland and eventually dissipated near the Arizona–Nevada border.

  20. And by that time the healer would be too far away to be questioned or to explain.

  21. At the rate of 30 fps that had been used as far back as 1891, a film could run for almost 27 seconds.

  22. One of them, Tau Ceti e, appears to orbit about half as far from Tau Ceti as Earth does from the Sun.

  23. By the 1660s, London was by far the largest city in Britain, estimated at half a million inhabitants.

  24. This alone will stand him in good stead as far as what is called the verdict of history is concerned.

  25. I-75 parallels M-85 (Fort Street) and follows the Detroit River as far east as the Ambassador Bridge.

  26. Adding the prefix «super-» distinguishes supernovae from ordinary novae, which are far less luminous.

  27. The nasal horncore was quadrangular in overall shape and was placed relatively far back on the snout.

  28. A far better estimate of π(x) is given by the offset logarithmic integral function Li(x), defined by.

  29. Only the part of B&PCR’s first extension as far as Museum Street was considered by the committee.

  30. Troubles extended north to York, Beverley and Scarborough, and as far west as Bridgwater in Somerset.

  31. They got as far as the savannah to the southeast of the lake before turning back for unknown reasons.

  32. The remains of Beringian wolves have been found in Alaska and as far eastward as the Yukon in Canada.

  33. It turned back under heavy fire, and withdrew as far as Pančevo without serious damage to any vessel.

  34. Within weeks of its opening, far more people were trying to get into Shoom than the venue could hold.

  35. She was far from dumb, although she was not formally educated, and she was very sensitive about that.

  36. In silhouette, the comparatively long neck, head and beak stick out from the front almost as far as the tail does behind.

  37. His head is very small, and his countenance, when at rest, has a rather mild, sedate, and far from unpleasing expression.

  38. In ray-finned fishes (by far the largest group), the optic tectum has a layer—the marginal layer—that is cerebellum-like.

  39. Mannion and colleagues found that the remains possibly belong to more than one species, as they were collected far apart.

  40. The English carpenters threw a bridge across the Seine after a detachment secured the far bank against strong opposition.

  41. Jaws was the first major motion picture to be shot on the ocean, resulting in a troubled shoot, and went far over budget.

  42. The Red Baron, who believed in his younger brother’s victory award, considered Ball «by far the best English flying man».

  43. The various explosive eruptions of Ubinas have deposited material as far as 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) away from the volcano.

  44. Also lost were most of the procedural records for the House of Commons, which dated back as far as the late 15th century.

  45. One, under Pennsylvania Lieutenant Archibald Steele, was ordered to scout as far as Lake Mégantic to gather intelligence.

  46. Their song borrowed heavily from «On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away» in the chorus, both musically and lyrically, using far more than just the two bars granted to them.

  47. He found that when deuterons reacted with nuclei of helium-3, tritium or with other deuterons, the particles that were released had far more energy than they started with.

  48. It’s frequently over-the-top, and scathingly satirical, but it never strays too far from pathos—from an immense sympathy for society’s vulnerable, oppressed and powerless.

  49. Fauxlivia finds a twenty-dollar bill from Our Side and questions who Andrew Jackson is, implying that he was either never president or is far less known in their universe.

  50. The Prussians followed the retreating Austrian–Saxon army into Bohemia, harassing its rear as far as Königgrätz, where the two forces camped on opposite sides of the Elbe.

Synonyms for far

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word far has the following synonyms: cold, distant, remote, removed, faraway, far-off, farther, farthermost, farthest, furthermost, furthest, utmost, uttermost, further, off the beaten track, out-of-the-way, outlying, immoderate, long, right, Army for the Liberation of Rwanda, ALIR, Former Armed Forces, FAR and Interahamw.

General information about «far» example sentences

The example sentences for the word far that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «far» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «far».

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  1. Cultural-critical ideas «, and who by the turn of the 21st century formed» by,


    ,the majority» of anarchists. Around the turn of the 21st century, anarchism
  2. In France, where the,


    ,right leagues came close to insurrection in the February 1934 riots, anarchists
  3. As with the previous burn, the crew had to perform the maneuver above the,


    ,side of the Moon, out of contact with Earth. The burn occurred exactly on time.
  4. To lutetium inclusive) must have 15 members—no fewer and no more—which was,


    ,from obvious from the chemistry at that time. The conventional symbol Z
  5. For subsequent re-issues. Rand’s first bestseller, The Fountainhead, received,


    , fewer reviews than We the Living, and reviewers’ opinions were mixed. There
  6. That he would freeze tuition and look into ways of reducing schooling costs. So,


    , no plan has been released by the government of Alberta. Culture Summer brings
  7. Climate


    ther north. The temperature is somewhat moderate considering how,


    ,north the area is. This region has a tremendous amount of variety in
  8. Strait, Denmark Strait, and the northwestern Atlantic and have been spotted as,


    ,south as Bermuda and Madeira. Ships are subject to superstructure icing in the
  9. Religion that the majority of men on earth hold as their own, for these numbers,


    ,more followers than any other. And this agreement must be yet the more pleasing
  10. Flew on STS-95. Duration and distance milestones The longest stay in space thus,


    ,has been 438 days, by Russian Valerie Poyarkov. Aboard Boston 6 (she also
  11. Is ineffective, and that discerning the validity of one’s hypothesis requires,


    ,more rigorous experimentation than that which Aristotle used to support his
  12. Around of snow, although there are areas in the south central which receive,


    ,more snow. It is a subarctic climate (Köppen DFC) due to its brief, cool
  13. A lesser extent, agriculture and technology. The per capita GDP in 2007 was by,


    ,the highest of any province in Canada at C$74,825. This was 61 % higher than
  14. To others, he would appear even during their navigation, if they were not too,


    ,away, and would instruct them as to which part of the island they would better
  15. From the noted book reviewer John Chamberlain,Rand’s nonfiction received,


    ,fewer reviews than her novels had. The tenor of the criticism for her first
  16. Uproar over the reddish pink used to color the woman’s ear lobe, considered,


    , too suggestive and supposedly ruining the high-society model’s reputation. In
  17. Pottery and ceramics, and last but not least carpet-weaving that date as,


    ,back as to the 2nd millennium BC. Azerbaijani carpets can be categorized under
  18. Who traditionally specialized in» other cultures» looked for them,


    ,away and started to look» across the tracks» only in late 1960s. Now there
  19. Concerning this story, however. First, the condition of the texts is,


    ,too good for them to have suffered considerable damage followed by Apellicon’s
  20. First to see Earth as a whole planet, and then the first to directly see the,


    ,side of the Moon. The 1968 mission, the first manned launch of a Saturn V
  21. 1846 AD dates back to 300 BC, making it the oldest counting board discovered so,


    , It is a slab of white marble long, wide,and thick, on which are 5 groups of
  22. National anthem equal to, or in place of,» The Star-Spangled Banner «, but so,


    ,this has not succeeded. Proponents prefer» America the Beautiful» for various
  23. The award show has up to a billion viewers internationally, but this has so,


    ,not been confirmed by any independent sources. The Awards show was first
  24. South along West Africa’s Atlantic seaboard, and into the North Atlantic as,


    ,north as Iceland and the United States. They often made raids, called Razzing
  25. many groups. One source includes 97 different genera. Others include,


    ,fewer. In older classification systems, amoeboids have been divided into
  26. With Turkey. Azerbaijan has diplomatic relations with 158 countries so,


    ,and holds membership in 38 international organizations. Integration into
  27. West, Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the north, and China in the,


    ,east. The country is sometimes subjected to earthquakes, mainly in the
  28. Scientists and scholars, whose knowledge of Aristotle thus stretched,


    ,beyond that of early Medieval Christian commentators. Oriental interpreters of
  29. Also the Animals’ Friends Society in Philadelphia. Schopenhauer even went so,


    ,as to protest against the use of the pronoun» it» in reference to animals
  30. Of esotericism, examples of a purely spiritual alchemy can be traced back as,


    ,as the sixteenth century, when Jacob Böhm used alchemical terminology in
  31. Units served for only a few weeks or months at a time, were reluctant to travel,


    ,from home and thus were unavailable for extended operations, and lacked the
  32. For there are three-thousand neat-ankled daughters of Ocean who are dispersed,


    ,and wide, and in every place alike serve the earth and the deep waters. » The
  33. Those states where it already existed. A few weeks before the war, he went so,


    ,as to pen a letter to every governor asking for their support in ratifying the
  34. Patterns. » For example, Clathromorphum is an arctic genus and is not mapped,


    ,south of there. On the other hand, scientists regard the overall data as
  35. In some parts of the country. There are around 760 vertebrate species found so,


    ,in Albania. Among these there are over 350 bird species,330 freshwater and
  36. Situation of the country began to stabilize, President Dos Santos has so,


    ,refused to institute regular democratic processes, UNITA head officials being
  37. That Aristotle shared with Plato essential tenets of thought. Some went so,


    ,as to credit Aristotle himself with Neoplatonic metaphysical ideas. However
  38. Millionaires. Last year Asia had toppled Europe. Demographics East Asia had by,


    ,the strongest overall Human Development Index (HDI) improvement of any region
  39. Modern professional astronomer to use an eyepiece on a larger telescope. It is,


    ,more common to use a charge-coupled device camera to record a long, deep
  40. That the voters were» depressed by the interminable nature of this war, as so,


    ,conducted, and by the rapid exhaustion of the national resources without
  41. Did a great deal of work in developing the scientific method. He even went as,


    ,as claiming that universals could be discovered only through logical reasoning
  42. The stars and the earth screens none of them. » In places, Aristotle goes too,


    ,in deriving ‘laws of the universe’ from simple observation and over-stretched
  43. I would like to say,’Thank you very much. ‘» Aldrin added, : » This has been,


    ,more than three men on a mission to the Moon; more, still,than the efforts of
  44. Louis B. Mayer spared no expense in spite of the remote location, going so,


    ,as to hire the chef from the Hotel Roosevelt in Hollywood to prepare meals.
  45. Maize, manioc,and arrowroot were first domesticated in the Americas as,


    ,back as 5200 BC. The potato, tomato,pepper, squash,several varieties of bean
  46. 48–51. * Collected Papers: Further information about the volumes published so,


    ,can be found on the webpages of the
  47. And Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer. Due to the averaging it is,


    ,more stable than any clock would be alone (see signal averaging for a
  48. A 2009 US study found the average age of formal ASD diagnosis was 5.7 years,


    ,above recommendations, and that 27 % of children remained undiagnosed at age 8
  49. To New Guinea for several years. He made use of the time by undertaking,


    ,more intensive fieldwork than had been done by British anthropologists, and his
  50. National Angolan. Total manpower is about 130,500. (2007). The army is by,


    ,the largest of the services with about 120,000 men and women. The Navy numbers

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This means walking with God is far more than what you

«It must be hard,» Jorma said, «being so far from home

The waves are not as languid here and the lagoon is far too small, but yes, that is what I miss the most

I never thought I’d get so far from that abandoned parking garage

So when you set your goals, don’t set them so far out that you aren’t motivated

«They were real,» Jorma said «across the Pentuush Waste from here on the northwest of the Elvish sea, in the far reaches of the Korst

The better story by far was that of the girl who wrote it

It was far from the same thing, and where did that leave Leand in her parentage? Did she have three parents, but didn’t the child who became the ghost also have two? Could he ever make love to such a creature? He had made love to such a creature, made love to her so much that she ran from him

As far as everyone was concerned, I could prevent people from turning into zombies

As far as I could tell, he had no bites

Who on earth enjoyed that? Her legs shaking from the unexpected stress, she made her way to her dressing room at the far end of the opulent suite

The thunder came from something glowing, flaming, and falling from the sky, something coming in far too fast and coming right at him

As soon as they were out onto the plaza atop that building, Yorthops turned east toward the basin and went to the far end and found a table among the lush pots of mushroom ferns they had in the corner

Normally when she came over for lunch they rummaged the kitchen and took their booty to the fourteenth floor balcony on the far side of this yacht basin

Fifty eight miles was too far to hang out, more than an all-day journey by coach and lakerunner

There were rooms downstairs for his business, far below was quite a bit of warehouse space

«I’m an American, far removed, but I can picture four tons of aluminum

«Still, it’s twice as far to Sinbara

“There are far more important things to worry about than painting,” he replied

In a beautiful sunset they anchored for duskmeal in a wild cove far up the lake

She sliced a big green fruit called an arbeem, think kiwi the size of a cantaloupe and you aren’t far off

God mean business with us, He doesn’t play as far as His

Johnny and Ackers were standing beside her, but Nancy couldn’t help thinking that they were all in danger just for being this close to the group, which was currently sparring with a robotic army and, as far as Nancy could tell, each other

«Well yeah, you have to find a deserted beach all to yourself if you want to bathe with clothes on anywhere I’ve been on this planet so far

«Po-knees! Po-knees! Po-knees!» At «po,» she would rise up as far as her seatbelt would let her and then at «knees,» crash down into her seat as hard as she could

Many of us live far from our babies and when we do see them, the attention is concentrated on them, perhaps more than on our adult children

But Scar was incredibly strong, far stronger than any normal person should be

‘How far did you go?’ he asked, the pain giving his voice an edge you could cut steel with

“Get down!” Red yelled as she threw the grenades as far away from her as possible

Some of his work is very upsetting – children being abused … wives being beaten … I’ve never worked out if it is worse for him having to defend the aggressors or to prosecute them … either way, he has to delve far too deeply into people’s lives

“We’re going to have to jump when we get to the door, the handle is too far above us,” Johnny commented as they neared the door

We should see that equitable distribution takes place between our children, as far as possible well before we leave this world

The far end was invisible, though the tunnel is perfectly straight

They can attack the structure far away from the soil

She would have been content to go on as far as his ranch and stop there

We are as far south as Brasilia was on Earth, but we have a different zodiac

«That’s just about far enough,» she said

She was right so far

He was far removed from the politics of the later system

After dark they had moved far enough toward Gengee City that its towers could reach them now

«As far as I’m concerned you can make a cherub of him any time

Archimedes had thus far calculated the precise movements of pigeons while mating, the precise outcomes of humans trying to mate, and the effect of pollen dust on bees’ flight patterns

‘But surely it is over and done with as far as I am concerned

They provide for them the means to reproduce and to grow far away from the parents

Emma and Adrian live in a modern detached house on the outskirts of a village not far from Bridgwater

grow far away from

Estwig was making enough noise dragging the far end of the big harness out in the direction of the Rockasaur that he could hardly hear a shout at that point anyway

Barney grins at me, banging his spoon on the table as his father tries to encourage him to eat his lunch … I can’t help feeling that Barney is far more interested in me than his food

doostEr thought about surveying the situation before bringing the rockosaur out and if he knew he was going this far south along the city front he probably would have

I shake my head as he rushes into his study … oh Stephen, Stephen, you do wear your heart on your sleeve! Chuckling, I take myself out of earshot … it would be far too tempting to listen in and Stephen didn’t close the study door properly

He didn’t know what shonggot was so he had to look that up and found more information than he had on any subject so far

So far, health professionals have considered Amphorus DE not to be a cause of cancer in animals and humans

After walking to the far rocks and back they both agreed that it was time for a

Could have saved it all, as far as

«Well, maybe you haven’t been in the loop quite as much lately, with your time off and being in the far east

No, I’ve gone and done it as far as he’s concerned, that is pretty clear

if he got that far before you both lost the plot … the rooms need a splash of paint but apart from that they are okay

The breeze blows peacefully and we hear the far away sound of the surf pounding on the shore

He would probably even try to stand between the crossbow and the kedas and trust to the Instinct, but big as he was, he was far too small for three large freight-hauling kedas to hide behind

the far end of the aisle, and set off towards her nemesis

The kitchen is practical, the units solid but far from the latest style

at the far wall and pushing on past the gambling man, she had responded

The Garda took the small laminated card and held it far away from his eyes, peering, as though at a mystery

So far this particular establishment was fine, but he’d been put off by some herdsmen he’d met in the past

» He didn’t think any had come out this far, then he remembered about the one with the disease

As I said, I’m on the far side of 30, he’s only 28 but going on 48 in looks and attitude which I think he actually wants

the far edge of what had once been North Euston Manor Farm, until he found a break

‘Yes … It was hell leaving everything behind as I did, but, just as the view from the top of a hill shows you what lies in the valley far more clearly than you can ever see when you are in the valley itself, it gave me a chance to analyse things … my emotions … recent events … without all the clutter

That as much as confirmed for him that he had not gone far reaching his compound

Majeed starts the bus and it pulls away, crosses the median and is soon far away

I went straight home … didn’t hit anything on the way as far as I know … and surely I’d have noticed … the car was parked out in the road at the front of the house all night and I came straight here this morning

‘We haven’t really got as far as that, Inspector

mattress was far too soft and the sheets somewhat threadbare, Johnny soon dropped

At the far end of the room, across an acre of highly polished oak, there was a

He owns a largish property a bit further down the motorway – it’s not far from here

room he thought he could still make out the wardrobe on the far wall, and hanging

‘And you are not horribly overweight — I’ve seen far worse wandering the streets in the most unsuitable garments

Glenelle had to admit that even though Ava did her best to make the war back at Sol sound exciting, it seemed long ago and far away compared to the adjustments she had to face, being a clone and her whole time had been turned into a fantasy realm

Ava looked stunned, «You’ve seen the structural changes so far and heard a little introduction to the science I’ve been working on

We are the social situation so far

Could that be true? She was pretty impressed so far, but not willing to go that far

So far they had been lucky, perhaps, or fated

We probably didn’t even need to go that far to get them, there’s nothing wrong with his

«Well, they said they couldn’t help us unless a crime had been committed and so far none had

He sees another parachute far below but can’t make out who it is

Her android looked like she did when she died, the second youngest on the crew of Gordon’s Lamp at death, Ava being the youngest by far at twelve

embrace he let himself be lead to the far corner of the olive grove

America was still officially a nation at the time, though Washington was in ruins and the new capital at Dallas not far behind

The bit I have seen so far looks lovely and clean – thank you

Whatever is happening here goes far beyond local trafficking in Ireland

The artist was wiry, gangly, far too long for his trade but expertly hunched over his client

‘There’s his mother – she lives not far away

Far above I can hear a lark singing – it is a wonderful, liberating sound

‘I was just thinking, it is far too long since I last wandered around in fields of long grass

Fortunately, it is far too hot for the cattle to do more than look at us curiously as we walk across the field

He even when so far as to tell me that I had to re-do a wall that I had just completed

Ava said nothing about that, «We should find out what they know about this so far

and go in the opposite direction, far away from sin

owned and which he sold shortly after she travelled to the far banks of the river, so

Even that far below a dirty old burner like that, she was likely to pick up some damage to her flesh, unless they were still running on fans and thrusters when they passed over

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Study Vocabulary Words far
not near or close

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Used with nouns:

«She swam to the far bank of the river.«
(bank, edge, side, shore)

«Their house is a far distance from here.«

«It is located to your far left.«
(left, right)

«That won’t happen until far in the future.«

«Put it in the far corner of the room.«
(corner, recess)

«I left it near the far wall.«
(wall, post, end)

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Study Vocabulary Words far
at a long distance; very much

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Used with adjectives:

«His skill is far superior to mine.«

«Her test score was far better than she had expected.«
(better, worse)

«The two sisters are far more different than I had imagined.«

«Her idea is far more preferable than mine.«
(preferable, advanced)

Used with verbs:

«Sales have far exceeded our expectations.«
(exceeded, surpassed)

«The benefits far outweigh the risks.«

«The army far outnumbered our enemy.«

«The arrow penetrated far into the tree trunk.«

«They have traveled far to be here.«

«The cow has strayed far from its pen.«
(strayed, wandered)

«She never ventures far from home.«

Previous Word by Letter: fan

Next Word by Letter: farm

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Synonym: a great deal, distant, much, remote, removed. Antonym: close, closely, near, nearly. Similar words: par., bar, car, fan, fare, farm, for, fur. Meaning: [fɑr /fɑː]  n. a terrorist organization that seeks to overthrow the government dominated by Tutsi and to institute Hutu control again. adj. 1. at a great distance in time or space or degree 2. being of a considerable distance or length 3. being the animal or vehicle on the right or being on the right side of an animal or vehicle 4. beyond a norm in opinion or actions. adv. 1. to a considerable degree; very much 2. at or to or from a great distance in space 3. at or to a certain point or degree 4. remote in time 5. to an advanced stage or point. 

Random good picture Not show

1 Virtue is fairer far than beauty. 

2 Better good neighbours near than relations far away. 

3 If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 

4 Without respect, love cannot go far

5 Fair and softly go far in a day. 

6 The apple never falls far from the tree. 

7 Far from eye far from heart. 

8 He that travels far knows much. 

9 Blue are the hills that are far away. 

10 Virture is fairer far than beauty. 

11 The fruit does not fall far from the tree. 

12 They’ve only sold thirteen tickets so far.

13 These jokes would be far too difficult to translate.

14 One who frequently looks back can’t go far.

15 No matter how far we will be very good.

16 Its branches spread far and wide.

17 He went forth upon a journey to far land.

18 I’ve got far too much to do.

19 He looked down at the traffic far below.

20 The shock of the explosion was felt far away.

21 Far more resources are needed to improve adult literacy.

22 Production so far this year is on/off target.

23 I go far to my work.

24 How far does the road continue?

25 The travel bureau is not so far from here.

26 So far,[] we have not received.

27 Her laugh was far too hearty to be genuine.

28 Far water does not put out near fire.

29 To care for wisdom and truth and the improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honour and reputation. 

30 Never look down to test the ground before taking your step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find his right road. 

More similar words: par., bar, car, fan, fare, farm, for, fur, jar, war, air, arm, art, as, at, bad, ban, bare, barn, bat, bay, cab, can, cap, card, care, cart, dad, dam, day. 

Examples of how to use the word “far” in a sentence. How to connect “far” with other words to make correct English sentences.

far (adv, adj): at, to, or from a great distance in space or time; used to refer to something that is not near, or the part of something that is most distant from the centre or from you

Use “far” in a sentence

My house is not far from here.
As far as I know, he isn’t lazy.
How far is it to the airport?
How far is the next gas station?
How far is it to the airport?
As far as I know, he isn’t lazy.
This is by far the best method.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

I can’t remember who pointed out in a livejournal discussion, but that’s all I recall that these days the average 20-year-old man has seen far, *far* more women in porn than he has seen naked women in real life. ❋ Doctor Science (2008)

Students after that age are far *far* better able to take responsibility and control of their own educations and lives. ❋ Ann Althouse (2008)

Personality cults weird me out far *far* more than religious ones. ❋ Ann Althouse (2007)

That you want it to be harsher and more defined and far *far* less squishy. ❋ Ann Althouse (2007)

No matter how far apart the suns are — and Father explained to me one day that they are _far_ — you can go between them faster than you can blink, as long as there’s a gatestation at each end. ❋ Unknown (2004)

TEL EGRAPH, (TELE, _far off_; GRAPH, _writing or marking_,) a machine to convey news far off. ❋ Charles W. Sanders (N/A)

We are disturbed just now here in the far West over the Oriental, Chinese Japanese and Indian crossing the _far_ boundary line between Orient and Occident and coming into the United States and ❋ Unknown (1897)

London model we should make society far more general, far more representative, and far — oh, _far_ — more interesting! ❋ Basil King (1893)

They go far, _far_ beyond my most sanguine expectations, and indeed are expressed with such peculiar warmth and kindness as to affect me in the tenderest manner. ❋ Charles Dudley Warner (1864)

“Prudence is a virtue:” this may be rendered, “All prudent persons, _in so far as_ prudent, are virtuous:” “Courage is deserving of honour,” thus, “All courageous persons are deserving of honour _in so far_ as they are courageous;” which is equivalent to this — “All courageous persons deserve an addition to the honour, or a diminution of the disgrace, which would attach to them on other grounds.” ❋ John Stuart Mill (1839)

“Prudence is a virtue:” this may be rendered, “All prudent persons, _in so far as_ prudent, are virtuous:” “Courage is deserving of honor;” thus, “All courageous persons are deserving of honor _in so far_ as they are courageous:” which is equivalent to this — “All courageous persons deserve an addition to the honor, or a diminution of the disgrace, which would attach to them on other grounds.” ❋ John Stuart Mill (1839)

My opinion was, that the best course I could adopt, both for your peace and that of all your family, would have been to depart and go far, _far_ away from you; — since to have been near and not approach you would have been, for me, impossible. ❋ Thomas Moore (1815)

II. i.104 (286,8) [He, who shall speak for her, is far off guilty, But that he speaks] [T: far of] It is strange that Mr. Theobald could not find out that _far_ off _guilty_, signifies, _guilty in a remote degree_. ❋ Samuel Johnson (1746)

They’re far, * far* worse than Micros~1, by a long way. reply ❋ Michael Arrington (2005)

They carried their arms _as far South as Carolina_, to the Northward of New England, and as _far West as the river Mississippi_, over a vast country, — which extended 1200 miles in length from North to South, and 600 miles in breadth, — where they entirely destroyed whole nations, of whom there are no accounts remaining among the English. » ❋ Great Britain. Board Of Trade (N/A)

«Then get me away from this place,» she cried, «far, _far_ away from it. ❋ Charles Willing Beale (1888)

«O yes, of course — but — but I love you far _far_ more now. ❋ Unknown (1859)

I’m gonna [set] [yer ass] on [FAR], BITCH!!! ❋ Ryan (2005)

[shit boy] [this hoe] was bare faaaar [blad] ❋ James Leese (2005)

[Far], what a serious.
You clearly have no [argument]. [FAR]. ❋ Splacken (2006)

«[The bed] is [too far]… it’s a good two [feet] away.» ❋ (2008)

❋ Lauren (2003)

See [doe], a [deer], a [female] deer. ❋ Gumba Gumba (2004)

Hey man can you [get that] beer [for me]? (With outstretched [arms]) dude, thats far! ❋ Far Reach (2010)

Let’s [set] by the far to get [warm]. ❋ Jamezmom (2004)

1. My FAR will [eat your soul]
2. Sometimes FAR makes me hard.
3. I [FAR’d] myself to [sleep] last night.
4. Got FAR? ❋ StTz (2011)

[helen] is by far the [smartest] [kid] in her school ❋ Francesco:Rome:1970 (2005)


The dog wandered far from home.

These new discoveries will allow us to see far into the past.

She lives far out in the country.

The house is set far back from the road.

The deadline is not far off.

regions far to the north

a town not far from Chicago

He still lives not far from where he was born.

The car is far too expensive.

His policies are far different from those of his predecessor.


the far corners of the world

the far reaches of outer space

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Recent Examples on the Web

The analysis suggests that the economy would arguably function far more smoothly with unemployment higher at 4.6%, even though that could translate into nearly 2 million fewer people holding jobs.

Josh Boak, ajc, 8 Apr. 2023

From trash cans to toilets to tiny homes, City Hall has a way of making its most basic offerings far more expensive and byzantine than necessary.

Heather Knight, San Francisco Chronicle, 8 Apr. 2023

During the 2017 season, some on the left considering a break from football until the league rectified its treatment of Colin Kaepernick — but far more noise came from the right after Donald Trump condemned the organization for not cracking down on players who kneeled during the National Anthem.

Miles Klee, Rolling Stone, 8 Apr. 2023

But certain ways of using words have far more impact.

Jonah Berger,, 8 Apr. 2023

Plus, some unexpected engagements and breakups made this season the most dramatic so far.

Amy Mackelden, ELLE, 8 Apr. 2023

So far, no arrests have been made, police said.

Mike Snider, USA TODAY, 7 Apr. 2023

The pursuit ended when the black Infiniti came to a chain fence at the Collegeville public housing community and could not go any further.

Carol Robinson |, al, 7 Apr. 2023

Jeramy Cook said many of the responses to his son’s experience have gone too far.

Daysia Tolentino, NBC News, 7 Apr. 2023

Israel’s new far-right government, which came to power in December, has increased military operations against Palestinian militants in the West Bank.

Leo Sands, Washington Post, 9 Apr. 2023

Experts say the protests show that Macron was re-elected because of antipathy for far-right contender Marine Le Pen more than enthusiasm for him.

Thomas Adamson, ajc, 6 Apr. 2023

But far-right Americans on social media and influencers in the news media have continued in recent weeks and months to make unfounded assertions about the company and its electronic voting machines, pressuring government officials to scrap contracts with Dominion, sometimes successfully.

Stuart A. Thompson, New York Times, 6 Apr. 2023

While most of the outrage from older men was focused on beer brand loyalty, a few younger far-right influencers tried to stick to the gender messaging.

Miles Klee, Rolling Stone, 4 Apr. 2023

Since 2002, Islamists, led by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, have ruled Turkey, lately arm in arm with far-right vigilante groups.

Kaya Genç, The New Republic, 4 Apr. 2023

What to know about the baseless, far-right conspiracy theory connected to Marjorie Taylor Greene USA TODAY reached out to the social media users who shared the post for comment.

Isabella Fertel, USA TODAY, 4 Apr. 2023

Most notably, Bolsonaro appeared at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) earlier this month, alongside Trump and a number of other far-right figures.

Diego Lasarte, Quartz, 29 Mar. 2023

Approaching Oblivion In the ultimate far future of the universe, after all the stars have left the stage—along with their degenerate leftovers and black holes—nothing more than individual particles will dominate the universe.

Popular Mechanics, 7 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘far.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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