The word family is one which it is difficult

can be so difficult to support a family and bring up children,”
says Michael Wilson, father of two teenage girls. “It’s something
that (0)

can ever prepare you for because every family (1)
……… of different people and personalities.”

you have to make sure that everyone has what they (2)
………. Children require so many things these days, from school
uniforms and books, pens and pencils to games, toys, computers and,
of course, clothes. Secondly, there is always the concern that they
might be (3)
……… danger. I (4)
……… so many terrible things on the news every day that I always
wonder whether my own children are safe or (5)
……… and sometimes I get very concerned, even if they are only a
little late (6)
……… home. That’s what they don’t (7)
……… when I tell them of.

course, there are wonderful aspects to (8)
……… a family. It is a great pleasure to (9)
……… them grow and develop their own personalities, not to
mention the love and warmth that exists in a family. My wife and
children are the most precious things in my life and, (10)
……… the difficulties, I can honestly say that I wouldn’t
change a thing!”

























































are going to read an article about a boy who joins a new family.
Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-G for each part
(1-5) of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not
need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Part of the Family

to be alone

The brother I

A friendly welcome

A sad beginning

One of the lucky ones

A great surprise

First meeting


When Paul
Stephenson first moved in with his new mother, father and sister, it
was all a bit of a shock for him. He remembers feeling terribly
nervous on the day he went to live with them. Although his new
parents, Sheila and Bob Thomas, had visited Paul several times at the
orphanage, he had neither met his new sister before nor seen the
house he was going to live in.


bad spent almost all of the first six years at his life growing up in
an orphanage. His parents got divorced when he was two months old and
his mother couldn’t afford to look after him alone. He had no
photograph of her and, of course, he couldn’t remember her at all.
Paul doesn’t want anybody’s sympathy, though. ‘Growing up in the
Orphanage wasn’t too bad,’ he says, ‘but we
have any toys of our own and I
in a room with another nine boys!’


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas decided to adopt Paul and the day came for him to
go to his new home, he didn’t know what to expect. When Mum and Dad
me my bedroom, I
believe my eyes!’ says Paul. ‘I was going to have the whole room all
to myself and it had been filled with all kinds of toys, clothes and


was also very strange for me when I met my sister, Josie. Of course,
there were lots of girls at the orphanage and some of them were
friends of mine. I didn’t know what to expect from Josie, though.
Imagine it. A strange boy, me,
going to come and live in her house and in her family. In the end, I
think she was quite happy to have a new brother. She helped me to
settle in when I first arrived and we soon became very


four years later, they are
still living happily just like any other family. Josie says, ‘We
forget that Paul is adopted and we never really talk about it because
is no need to. It feels like he has lived with us all our lives and I
love him very much. I never wanted to be an only child and we get on
really well, so we never fight. I have friends at school who are
always fighting with their and sisters and that’s terrible. I think
it is more important that we have a loving relationship than whether
he’s my biological brother or not.”


for how he feels about being the adopted child in the family, Paul
says, “I completely forget about it. I never feel different to my
sister or feel that Mum or Dad love her more than me. Sometimes I
feel like I must be the most fortunate boy in the
world. There
are so many other children who never have the opportunity to leave
the orphanage. I
my parents and my sister so much. They are definitely my family and I
couldn’t ask for more.’


word ‘family’
one which it is difficult, if not impossible, to define precisely. In
one sense it means all blood relations who are descended from
common ancestor; in another, it means all the members
а household, including а husband and а wife, children, servants
and even lodgers.

the family as а basic social unit, which consists normally of а
husband and а wife and their children. А husband and а wife can be
considered as comprising а family before the birth of their first
child and after all their children have been born – such family is
called “a nuclear family”.

consist of а child or children living with only one parent – such
family is called “one-parent family”.

families can comprise parents, children, grandparents and other
relatives living in the same place or nearby — such family is called
“an extended family”.

law is divided into public
law cases. Public
law cases involve local government
other public authorities and include matters such as care of
children, supervision and emergency protection orders. Private law
cases involve divorce proceedings and access to children by the
parents concerned.

reaching а decision on cases concerning children, the court will
make an order only if satisfied that this action is positively better
for the child than making no order. In private law cases the child is
able to express his or her opinion.

public law cases the child is represented by а social worker
appointed by the court to safeguard and promote the welfare of the
child. Everybody involved in the court proceedings has access to the
relevant information before the case is heard and all are expected to
reveal their arguments
evidence in advance.

have the legal right to immediate legal aid without
means test in all public law cases involving applications for
supervision, care, child assessment orders and emergency

law cases involving children and families are heard in the county
judges who are specially trained and experienced in applying family
law. Most public
law cases take place in family proceedings courts, which are part of
the magistrates’

cases are heard by magistrates who are specially trained in family
and child matters. Some public
law cases which are exceptionally important or complex are dealt with
by the County
court or the high
involving children concern private disputes between parents – often
after separation. There is а variety of orders open to the court.

include: а)
residence order saying
where the child should live; b)
contact order, which
may require the person with whom the child is living to let the child
have contact with the person named in the order; с) prohibited
steps order if
оnе partner objects to something that the other is doing concerning
their child, he or she can apply for this order to stop the other
parent from taking the action outlined in the order without getting
the court’s permission first; d)
specific issue order, which
settles disputes between former partners about certain aspects of
their child’s upbringing.

are two other private
law orders that
а court may make. If an unmarried father cannot reach а private
agreement with the child’s mother, he may apply to the court
an order giving him parental responsibility for his child to
be shared with the

certain cases а court can make а family
assistance order which
requires а local government authority or court welfare officer to
give а family help and support; this type of order is made only
where the court is hearing an application for another order.

entrusts local government authorities with the task of safeguarding
and promoting the welfare of children in need in their area. If the
authority feels that а child is in danger from the family situation,
it is legally obliged to step in, even if the parents disagree. If it
cannot get the parents’ agreement for certain action that it wants
to take, it must seek а court order before taking action. In all
cases parents have the right to put
their case in
court and to be involved
in decision-making about
the child’s welfare if he or she is being looked after by the local

welfare of the child is paramount in such cases. If the court is
satisfied that а child is suffering significant harm from inadequate
parental care or control, it can place the child under the
supervision of а social worker. If а child fails to attend school
on а regular basis, the local government education authority may
apply for an education
supervision order, placing
the child under the supervision of an education
welfare or
social worker.

law occasions parents are not able to give the care and protection
that every child needs and may even be harming the child.

local authority can apply to а court for him or her to be taken into
care and, in extreme emergencies, can have the child removed from
home immediately for eight days under an emergency protection order.

а social worker is concerned about а child’s welfare and there is
insufficient evidence to apply for а care
order, he
or she can apply to the court for an order requiring а medical,
psychiatric or other assessment during а period of seven days.

in the missing words in the text below and then translate into

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
How well do you know our new words?

Fill in the missing letters.



nd, h

lf br

ther, st

p fa

her, tw

n s

ster, gr



Family ties and traditions

Match the phrases in English and Russian.

How do they usually spend free time?

Mongols value family ties Family hierarchy is very important, and the young show respect to the old every time.

I think Russians are hospitable too.

I’ve heard Mongols are very hospitable. Am I right?

Absolutely! They often share Sunday lunch with friends and relatives. Meal time is really important to them. What about Russian families?

What can you say about family ties and traditions in Mongolia?

Family ties are very close aren’t they?

They usually have lots of family celebrations/ Sometimes they go out for an evening stroll or do sports.

Yes, all the members of the family care for and help each other and spend a lot of time together

— Как они обычно проводят свободное время?

– Да, все члены семьи заботятся и помогают друг другу и проводят много времени вместе

— Что ты можешь сказать о семейных узах и традициях в Монголии?

— Монголы ценят семейные узы. Семейная иерархия очень важна. Младшие всегда проявляют уважение к старшим.

— Я думаю, что россияне Гостеприимные тоже.

— Обычно у них много семейных праздников. Иногда они выходят на вечернюю прогулку или занимаются спортом.

— Семейные узы очень тесны, не так ли?

Абсолютно верно. Они часто устраивают воскресные обеды с друзьями и родственниками. Прием пищи очень важен для них. А как насчет русских семей?

Я слышал, что монголы очень гостеприимные, не так ли?

How well do you know our new words?

Listen to the words and type them.


Read the sentences and choose the right word.

The family, which consists of a father, a mother, children, a grandfather, a grandmother is:


The family, which consists of a father, a mother and children is:


The family, which consists of a father or a mother and children is:


The family, which consists of a father, a mother and many children is:


The family ,which consists of close relatives is:



Find the odd word.

extended, nuclear, in-laws, immediateseparated

brother–in–law, nephew, father-in–law, sister- in-law, mother –in-law

stepfather, half brother, twin sister, grandson, ex- husband.

Our families

Match the phrases in English and Russian.

My name is Sasha. I’m from Russia. My parents are separated. So, I live with my mum. My brother is married to a wonderful woman. They have a small son. I love my nephew.

My family is large. I’ve got two brothers and two sisters. My elder sister didn’t get on well with her husband. When she divorced from her husband she and her daughter moved to us. It is difficult for her to be a single parent, so we all try to help her.

My name is Ben. I’m from England. I am an only child and I live with my parents. For me, my home is my castle.

Меня зовут Бен. Я из Англии. Я единственный ребенок в семье и живу с родителями. Для меня мой дом — моя крепость.

Моя семья большая. У меня два брата и две сестры. Моя старшая сестра не ладила с мужем. Когда она разошлась с мужем, она с дочкой переехала к нам. Ей трудно быть матерью- одиночкой, поэтому мы все стараемся помочь ей.

Меня зовут Саша. Я из России. Мои родители разведены. Поэтому я живу с мамой. Мой брат женат на прекрасной женщине. У них сын. Я люблю племянника.


Find the odd word.

special, secure, extended, accepted, safe

engaged, married, divorced, separated, studied.

mother-in-lawsister-in-law, father-in-law, stepmother, stepsister.

My relatives

Listen to the words and type them.


Fill in the right word.

My parents are . So, my brother and I live with our mum.

I am an child and I live with my parents.

My family is . I’ve got two brothers and two sisters. We care for and help each other and always show to elders.

Family are really important in people’s life.






My sister’s family

Read the sentences and choose the correct answer.                          

My sister didn’t on well with her husband.

When she from her she and her daughter moved to us. It is difficult for her to be a parent, so we all try to her. My brother is married to a wonderful woman. Also, he gets on well with his .








Read the sentences and choose the correct answer.

Family is the cradle of life and love where you .

Family ties are really important in .

There are different families: .

 Also, families have different cultural traditions and .

feel special, secure and accepted.

people’s life.

:extended, nuclear, immediate, separated and a single parent family


My family

Fill in Sasha’s phrases.

Rakcha: Hello, Sasha! How are you?


Rakcha: Fine, thanks.


Rakcha: Sure, But I always feel the strength and support of my family.


Rakcha: I believe, a family is the place where you feel special, secure and accepted.



Sasha’s letter

Filling the gaps with the words given. 

Dear Victor,

Hello. How are you? I ‘ve got a friend here. His name is Rakcha. He has got a large family..…

He’s got two brothers and two sisters.

His elder sister didn’t get on well with her husband.

When she divorced from her husband she and her daughter moved to them.

It is difficult for her to be a single parent, so they all try to help her.

Rakcha’s letter

Complete Rakcha’s letter to his brother, Batsuh.

Dear Batsukh,

Hello. How are you? I ‘ve got a friend here. His name is Rakcha. He has got a ..…

He lives with his mum.

His brother is married to a wonderful woman.

They have a small son.

Sasha loves his nephew very much.

Family ties

ties – семейные связи, семейные узы,


– расширенный, вытянутый, протянутый, растянутый, вытянувшийся,

— ядерный,

— отделенный, разделенный, отделяемый, разобщенный,

Ex.1  Read the sentences and choose the right word.

The family,
which consists of a father, a mother, children, a grandfather, a
grandmother is:            

The family,
which consists of a father, a mother and children is:   

The family,
which consists of a father, a mother and many children is:   

 The family
,which consists of close relatives is:      

Ex.2  Fill in the right word:   people’s life /  separated /only /large / respect / ties


My parents are ….. So, my brother and I live with
our mum. I am an …… child and I live with my parents. My family is …… .
I’ve got two brothers and two sisters. We care for …… and help each other and
always show …… to elders.  Family are really important in …….

Ex.3  Read the sentences and choose the correct answer: 
get  / divorced / husband / single / help / in-laws .               
My sister’s family

     My sister didn’t …… on
well with her husband. When she ….. from  her …….  she and her
daughter moved to us. It is difficult for her to be a   ………parent, so
we all try to  …… her. My brother is married to a wonderful woman. Also,
he gets on well with his ……

Ex.4  Read the sentences and choose the correct answer.

1 Family is the cradle of life and love where you ___.

2 Family ties are really important in ____.

3 There are different types of families: ____

 4 Also, families have different cultural traditions
and _____.

— customs

-extended, nuclear, immediate, separated and a single
parent family

— people’s life.

-feel special, secure and accepted.

Task 5. Fill in the gaps using the appropriate form of the word
in the box.

Olga’s family is 1)….    and they
spend a lot of time together.                    1. friend

2)……   is not a problem with her,
because she does not have to               2. private

3)….   .her room with anybody.
Her parents are very nice to her and they  3. sharing

4)…   have problems in 5)…. .
Sometimes she want (wants) to gain greater 4. rare   5. understand

6)……   It happens that her
parents and she has                              6. independent

7)….   views on when she can
do                                                     7.

some things alone. But on the
whole the climate in their family is 

8)…..   and they never quarrel
with each other.                               8. please

Task 6.  Установите
соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в
таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний









А Of course, as your children grow, marry and have children
of their own, it is not that (that) easy to spend each holiday together. Be
flexible and either alternate holidays or pick a few specific holidays where
the entire family will be together. Sometimes it sounds like an overwhelming
feat, especially if you have a large family, but as I said, children, even when
they become adults, need those special occasions and traditions and they will
go out of their way to make sure they happen.

B If you are lucky enough
to have a sister, you already know that is a special bond unlike any other.
Many factors can affect your relationship with your sister as you get older,
however, such as age differences, geographic location, new family responsibilities
— even sibling rivalry!

C If your sister-in-law is
much younger than you, then it will be very easy for you to win her over.
Little girls love spending time with their big brother’s girlfriends, and
you’re this little girl’s big brother’s wife, so she’s going to be elated to
spend time with you. Play together with Barbie dolls, or ask her to help you
decorate some Christmas cookies. Become her friend, and take an active interest
in her, and she will love you forever.

D When parents are surveyed
on the subject of favoritism, nearly all respondents say that despite their
best efforts to the contrary, they have favored one child over another at least
occasionally. “I see the frustration and behavior problems in our oldest child
resulting from the favoritism their father shows our youngest child,” said one
parent in response to a recent Vision survey on the topic. “It
is a very serious problem in our family.”

E A new
«grannies-for-rent» service in Poland brings together elderly people
without families, and people who miss having real grandparents. A local
University for the Elderly set up the programme, which aims to benefit people
from all generations. 

F Unfortunately for many,
home can be anything but a safe haven. Men and women alike may find their home
a fierce battleground. For children it may be where they are most vulnerable to
assault, misuse or deprivation, ironically at the very hands of those who have a
duty to safeguard and nourish them. Even the elderly may have reason to fear
those who should be their caretakers.

G Parents give an enormous
amount to their children, and as a result they’re extremely invested in them,
in helping them grow and thrive. They look out for their interests, stay up
with them when they’re sick, clean up their messes when they’re sick — all of
that investment helps the child grow and feel secure.


























Тема урока: история семьи (понятие о  семье, семейных ценностях и взаимоотношениях).

Тип урока: комбинированный урок изучения и первичного закрепления новых знаний ,с элементами технологии развивающего обучения, с использованием компьютерной программы  Microsoft Power Point  Presentation

Вид урока: урок — беседа, урок работы в парах, группах.

Цель урока: определение понятия « семья»,  знакомство со страноведческим текстами из материалов ГИА, семей школьников в форме монологического и диалогического высказывания.

1. Воспитательная – создание условий для осознания роли семьи, своих обязанностей, семейных ценностях; воспитание культуры общения;  интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности; положительного отношения к семье.

 2.Развивающая – тренировать учащихся в умении вести общение  в предлагаемых ситуациях;  способствовать развитию умению выражать и обосновывать свою точку зрения, способствовать развитию навыков устной речи через серию упражнений; готовности к коммуникации; развивать память, мышление, воображение через постановку проблемных задач;

     3.Образовательная – формировать знания в области семейных отношений через работу с лексическим материалом.

   4.Практическая – формирование лексических умений и навыков в устной речи (диалогической и     монологической) по теме «Семья», взаимоотношения в семье, совершенствовать навыки чтения с основным пониманием прочитанного.

Форма проведения: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная.

I. Организация класса на урок.  

Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to see you again. Who is on duty  today? The pupil tells (about himself,  day, date, weather)

How are you?  Are you OK?  Are you all right?

How are you getting on?

What about your mood?      

 Fine day today, isn’t it?

 There  is a lot of snow on the ground, isn’t there?

What is your favourite season?  

By the way, what is the temperature today?

I see,  it is frosty today. Winter is coming.

Fine, everything is OK                        


It’s high time to start our lesson. Watch the film and give your proposals about our talk today.

 (  film about  family )

 What  are they? Who are these people?

Thus, what are we going to talk about  today ?

What members of the families are we going to speak about ?

What  are we going to speak about  in family life?   ( family history, relations, activities, duties, relatives, traditions, family holidays)

III. Осмысление.

1. Речевая подготовка. Высказывания учащихся  о понятии «семья»

Дети угадывают, и на слайде появляется слово   «Family». (слайд 2)

How do you think what is a family?  Try to give your definition.

 P1 ,P2, P3

   By the way, do you know  what  every letter means  in the word «Family»   (slide)

F — father

A — and

M — mother

I — I

L — love

Y  — you

-Where can we find some more definitions?   P-dictionary)

OK. Read  some of them.

Slide      The American Heritage Dictionary


 — parents and their children ;

 — a group of persons related by blood or marriage ;

 — the members of the household;

 — a group of things with common characteristics;

 — biological; a group of related plants or animals ranking between a genus and an order.

 Collins Essential English Dictionary:

a group of people who are related to each other, especially parents and their children.

     When people talk about their family, they can also mean:

 — their children ;

 — one line of their ancestors .

  You can use family to describe :

 — things that belong to a particular family;

 — things that are designed to be used or enjoyed by both parents and children .

     A family of animals or plants is a group of related species.

 Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture   family :

 — one’s parents, grandfather and grandmother, brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts etc;

 — a group of one or usually two adults and their children living in the same home ;

 — all those people descended from a common person (ancestor);

 — children ;

 — a group of related animals, plants, languages etc

Tell me, please what definition about the family is closer to you? Why? . P1 ,P2, P3

  Thus,  during  the  lesson  we’ll  try  to  answer  the  following  questions

( on  the  blackboard )

1 What   is  family?

2 What  do you know about the past of your family?

3 What  is an  ideal  family  like?                                                                

2.Фонетическая зарядка

To read and speak well we should practice our photetics.Tell, please what sounds we should remember?

You are quite right, these are the sounds we need for the lesson and practice them in the poem.

Slide [w]-what, where , why , when ,we, work , world, wife, twin

         [æ]-family, dad, granddad, that, grandchildren, granddaughter, grandson

         [ð]- father, mother, brother, godmother, godfather

Let’s remember the poem

Film “Our family”

Read the poem —  P1 P2 P3  ( sheets of paper).

What is a family?

Who is a family?

One and another makes two is a family

       Baby and father and mother: a family

       Parents and sister and brother : a family

All kinds of people can make up a family

All kinds of mixtures can make up a family.

       What is a family?

      Who is a family?

      The children that lived in a shoe is a family!

      A pair like Kanga and Roo is a family!

      A carf and cow that go moo is a family!

All kinds of creatures can make up a family

All kinds of numbers can make up a family

All of your family plus you is a family  

3. Введение  и закрепление прилагательных в устной и письменной форме

We are going to characterize our families. What parts of speech we  should recall?

Nice!  The adjectives can be very helpful for us.

(Stress is the length with which syllables are pronounced. The number of syllables depends on the number of vowels. English words with more than one syllable mostly have fixed pattern .You have to learn the stress pattern together with the meaning , spelling and pronunciation. There may be 4,3,2 syllables   and stress may be on the 1st , 2nd, 3d  )Look through the rule and do.

Ex. 3 p. 54

Ex. 4 p. 54

Keys slide     Repeat after me (CL)

4. Развитие речевого умения

А) Ознакомление с  пословицами о семье и высказывания учащихся о смысле пословиц.

A) In  English  and  Russian   languages  there  are  a lot  of  proverbs about the  family. Read the proverbs, connect  them with the Russian equivalents.

Slide соединяем стрелкой

Like father, like son. Many sons take after their fathers, not only in looks but also in character.

 Каков отец, таков и сын.

A tree is known by its fruit.

 Дерево познается по плодам.

Many a good father has but a bad son.

 У многих хороших отцов плохие сыновья.

There is a black sheep in every family.

 «Паршивая овца» есть в каждой семье.

Blood is thicker than water.  Family relationships are usually stronger than any other ones .

 Кровь гуще воды.

Charity begins at home.

 Милосердие начинается со своей семьи. (Кто думает о родных, не забудет и чужих.)

One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.

 Один отец лучше, чем сто учителей.

Treat your family like friends and your friends like family.

 Относись к семье, как к друзьям, а к друзьям, как к семье.

Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice.

 Каждый отец должен помнить, что однажды его сын последует его примеру, а не его совету.

Blood will tell.

 Кровь скажется.

What is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh.- P3: Отец рыбак и дети в воду глядят. We inherit certain characteristics from our ancestors and those characteristics will be inherited from us by our descendants.

B)  Высказывания учащихся о смысле пословиц.

Tell us, how do you understand them. Choose any  proverb you like   ( P1 P2 P3)

Высказывание учащихся о понимании смысла пословиц.

C) Mузыкальная пауза

Song  by Madness “Our House”


D) Выполнение  лексического теста

OK. Let’s see how well you know the family relations.

Lexical Test “My Family”

1. She is the daughter of my mother. She is my…

a) aunt                        c) grandmother

b) sister                        d) cousin

2. He is the father of my father. He is my…

a) grandfather                c) uncle

b) grandson                d) cousin

3. He is the father of my brother. He is my…

a) uncle                        c) father

b) son                        d) grandfather

4. He is the son of my uncle. He is my…

a) cousin                        c) grandfather

b) father                        d) brother

5. She is the sister of my mother. She is my…

a) grandmother                c) aunt

b) daughter                d) cousin

6. He is the son of my brother. He is my…

a) cousin                        c) uncle

b) nephew                d) father

7. He is the brother of my mother. He is my…

a) nephew                c) uncle

b) son                        d) cousin

8. He is the husband of my aunt. He is my…

a) uncle                        c) cousin

b) father                        d) brother

9. She is the mother of my mother. She is my…

a) aunt                        c) daughter

b) niece                        d) grandmother

10. She is the daughter of my sister. She is my…

a) niece                        c) mother

b) aunt                        d) cousin

11. She is the wife of my uncle. She is my…

a) mother                c) aunt

b) daughter                d) niece

12. She is the daughter of my aunt. She is my…

a) cousin                        c) mother

b) niece                        d) grandmother

 Let’s check it. Well done!

Keys;1b 2a 3c 4a 5c 6b 7c 8a 9d 10d 11c 12b

E) Reading for general information – 4 minutes

Read the text  about the family   and do the task.

 Прочитайте тексты (1-5) и установите их соответствие заголовкам A-G. Каждый заголовок соответствует только одному тексту, при этом один из них лишний.

1. Building new relations

2. Rent a granny

3. Care and support

4. Keeping family together

5. Playing favourites

6. Going out together

7. Family violence

8. Difficult relative

A. Of course, as your children grow, marry and have children of their own, it is not as easy to spend each holiday together. Be flexible and either alternate holidays or pick a few specific holidays where the entire family will be together. Sometimes it sounds like an overwhelming feat, especially if you have a large family, but as I said, children, even when they become adults, need those special occasions and traditions and they will go out of their way to make sure they happen.

B. If you are lucky enough to have a sister, you already know that is a special bond unlike any other. Many factors can affect your relationship with your sister as you get older, however, such as age differences, geographic location, new family responsibilities — even sibling rivalry!

C. If your sister-in-law is much younger than you, then it will be very easy for you to win her over. Little girls love spending time with their big brother’s girlfriends, and you’re this little girl’s big brother’s wife, so she’s going to be elated to spend time with you. Play together with Barbie dolls, or ask her to help you decorate some Christmas cookies. Become her friend, and take an active interest in her, and she will love you forever.

D. When parents are surveyed on the subject of favoritism, nearly all respondents say that despite their best efforts to the contrary, they have favored one child over another at least occasionally. “I see the frustration and behavior problems in our oldest child resulting from the favoritism their father shows our youngest child,” said one parent in response to a recent Vision survey on the topic. “It is a very serious problem in our family.”

E. A new «grannies-for-rent» service in Poland brings together elderly people without families, and people who miss having real grandparents. A local University for the Elderly set up the programme, which aims to benefit people from all generations.

F. Unfortunately for many, home can be anything but a safe haven. Men and women alike may find their home a fierce battleground. For children it may be where they are most vulnerable to assault, misuse or deprivation, ironically at the very hands of those who have a duty to safeguard and nourish them. Even the elderly may have reason to fear those who should be their caretakers.

G. Parents give an enormous amount to their children, and as a result they’re extremely invested in them, in helping them grow and thrive. They look out for their interests, stay up with them when they’re sick, clean up their messes when they’re sick — all of that investment helps the child grow and feel secure.

Check your works
















F) Talking. Диалоги о семье .

 Thus we’ve come to the main point of our talk –the formation of your family. Most  people  have  happy  memories  of  their  parents, grandparents, close and far relatives or simply saying ancestors . Play the roles of correspondents from different newspapers or magazines, friends , relatives,  ask some questions about the  family, what the families  do together,  family traditions, family archive, how the family helps you. Ask each other if you consider your  family ideal. Is your family doing anything to support you?  Has your family already done anything to support you?                                                                                                                                                                                                         First of all, introduce yourselves, while asking him questions be POLITE

 ( cards).    P1-P2

On the screen:        

                         I’d like to say that…

                         Personally I can say that…

                         To begin with…

                         Well, you see, I’m going to be…

 G) Высказывания учащихся о самых важных ценностях в жизни .

And now I’d like to draw your attention again to the screen. There are words which are very important for us.

   friendship, family life, money,  entertainment, holidays, education

Answer the question Which  of these 3 things are the most important to you? Why?  Use these phrases:

                                         In my opinion…

                                         As far as I see it…     

                                         Personally I /don’t/ think that…

                                         Speaking about the most important things for me I choose…

                                         _______ is more important than ______ because…

                                         _______ isn’t as important as _______ because…  

V.  Рефлексия

What have we learnt today?

P:  We have spoken about our families,  relations in the family,   relatives, our attitude towards the family.  And we’ve appreciated the family’s  support and  choose among 6 necessary things first our family. Thus we gave answers to 3 questions of out lesson.

Please make up a word web of the lesson today.

  I would like to draw your attention to the proverbs  we had taken, remember them in any situations of your life. They will help you to live in harmony with your nearest and dearest.


Make up the situation answering the questions;” What will you remember about your family and your home when you get older?”          

Solve the puzzle.

        There are four sisters in the family. Each girl plays one musical instrument and speaks one foreign language. Bess plays the piano. The one who speaks French, plays the violin. The one who plays the organ is not Ann. The girl who speaks German is not Linda. Bess speaks Italian. Mary does not play the violin and does not speak Spanish. Ann does not speak French. Linda does not play the harp. The girl who plays the organ does not speak Italian. What language does Ann speak and what musical instrument does she play?

Заключительное слово учителя:

No matter how much you argue your family never let you down. They will always stay with you. No matter what happens in the world there are at least 3,4,5 persons who you can rely on.

Try to avoid conflicts as far as you could but if you get into a conflict try to be the first to pronounce:

I am terribly sorry

I beg your pardon

It is my fault

I am so blame for it all

Forgive me

I am really sorry

And you will hear in response:

No harm done

Never mind

It doesn’t matter

That’s OK.

Forget it






relative, relation



мать (мама)          

mother (mom, mum, mama, mamma, mummy, ma)

отец (папа)          

father (dad, daddy, papa, pa)







ребенок, дети          

child, children









единственный ребенок          

only child



близнецы, двойняшки          



twin brother


twin sister

однояйцевые близнецы          

identical twins



бабушка и дедушка          



grandmother (grandma, granny, grandmamma)


grandfather (grandpa, granddad, grandpapa, gran-dad)











прабабушка и прадедушка          








крестный (отец)         


крестная (мать)          


отчим, приемный отец          


мачеха, приемная мать          


сводный брат          


сводная сестра          


брат по одному из родителей          


сестра по одному из родителей         


приемный, усыновленный сын          

adopted son

приемная, удочеренная дочь          

adopted daughter

приемный ребенок          

adopted child

патронатная семья, приемная семья          

foster family

приемный отец          

foster father

приемная мать          

foster mother

приемные родители          

foster parents

приемный сын         

foster son

приемная дочь          

foster daughter

приемный ребенок          

foster child

неполная семья (с одним родителем)         

single-parent family


the kin, the folks





двоюродный брат         

cousin (male)

двоюродная сестра          

cousin (female)

двоюродный брат (сестра), кузен (кузина)         

first cousin

троюродный брат (сестра)          

second cousin

четвероюродный брат (сестра)          

third cousin

родня со стороны мужа или жены          



mother-in-law (husband’s mother)


father-in-law (husband’s father)


mother-in-law (wife’s mother)


father-in-law (wife’s father)

невестка, сноха          




шурин, свояк, зять, деверь          


свояченица, золовка, невестка          


семейное положение          

marital status

холостой, неженатый, незамужняя          


женатый, замужняя          






помолвленный, обрученный          






бывший муж          


бывшая жена          


расставшиеся, не разведенные, но не проживающие одной семьей          






подружка, невеста          


друг, парень, ухажер          


любовник, любовница         


ухажер, жених, подружка, невеста, обрученный          




невеста на свадьбе         


жених на свадьбе          


медовый месяц          


All kinds of mixtures can make up a family.

soch 001 001

Some people think that one child is enough, whereas others think that a family has to have minimum 2 children.

soch 001 002

I think that it is better to have many children. First of all, it is easier to raise a few children than one. Elder children take care of the younger ones. Second, children in big families are less egocentric. Taking care of others, they learn how to serve in a good meaning of this word. Big families are more well-knit than families with an only child.

soch 001 003

At the same time there are people who say that it is hard to raise one child what to say about many. Raising children requires money and time which are hard to find nowadays.

soch 001 004

I cannot agree with the opinion mentioned above for a particular reason. Bringing up children is a difficult task, nevertheless, this process gives a lot of pleasure. When parents see their children learn new things, achieve good results they forget about the difficulties they have.

soch 001 005

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is up to parents to choose how many children to raise. There might be some reasons for having an only child. Nevertheless, I stick to the traditional look at this point where families have a lot of children and everybody helps each other.


In conclusionI would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight having only one child, parents have fewer problems with raising him but in actual fact elder children can take care of the younger ones thus helping their parents. That is why I would support the idea of having many children. 

Практическое занятие №9

Тема: «Семейные отношения . Развитие навыков чтения, говорения»

Цель: Совершенствование навыков чтения.

Формирование понятия о семейных ценностях в жизни человека

Оборудование: 1. Учебники; 2. Раздаточный материал.

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст «Family Relationships» (40 минут):

How could you describe the word «family»? First of all «family» means a close unit of parents and their children living together. But we shouldn’t forget that it is a most complex system of relationships. Family relationships are rarely as easy as we would like, and very often we have to work hard at keeping them peaceful.

When do people usually start a family? This question doesn’t have a definite answer. In the 18th, 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century people used to get married at the age of 18 or even 16. If a girl about 23 or more wasn’t married, she was said to be an old maid or a spinster. That might have turned out a real tragedy for her family which usually brought up more than three children, because in some cases a successful marriage was the only chance to provide a good life for the daughter and to help her family. Despite the fact that the girl was so young, she was already able to keep the house, take care of her husband and raise children. To feel the time, its culture and customs I advise you to read a wonderful novel or see a breathtaking film «Pride and Prejudice». Though the story takes place at the turn of the 19th century, it retains fascination for modern readers, revealing some problems which may be urgent in the 21st century.

But life’s changing as well as people’s style of life. Nowadays we have got much more freedom in questions concerning family. It is natural to get married at the age of 20 up to 30; however, some people prefer to make a career first and only after that start a family when they are already in their forties. Moreover, there are many cases when people prefer to live together without being married. There are some reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, it is difficult to juggle a family life with studies at school or university. But without good education it is practically impossible to find a suitable well-paid steady job. It’s a must to get a higher education, but by this moment you are already 22—24 years old. After that you seek for a well-paid job to live independently, which takes about 3—5 years. Now you see why people in the 21st century do not hurry to get married.

There is also another difference between old and modern families. Nowadays it is very unusual to find three generations living under one roof as they used to do in the past. Relatives, as a rule, live separately and don’t often meet one another. This fact sharply hurts an older generation. Our parents and grandparents usually suffer from lack of attention and respect from their children and grandchildren, although they try not to show it. They really don’t need much, just a telephone call or a visit once a week will make them happy.

There are two basic types of families. A nuclear family — a typical family consisting of parents and children. A single-parent family consists of one parent and children. Nowadays there are very few people who have never divorced. Today the highest divorce rate in the world has the Maldive Republic. The United States of America take the third place. Russia is at the ninth place. What are the reasons of great numbers of divorce? Let us name some of the most common and serious ones.

• Occurrence of adultery once or throughout the marriage. The unfaithful attitude towards a spouse destroys the relationship and leads to a final separation.

• Communication breakdown. After some time of living under one roof spouses find out that they are absolutely incompatible. Constant clashes, brawls and squabbles cause serious problems. The differences grow as a snowball and can’t be already settled by kisses or hugs.

• Physical, psychological or emotional abuses. When a person taunts, humiliates, hits the children or his spouse, it can’t but end with a divorce.

• Financial problems. It sounds lamentably, but sometimes love alone can’t guarantee well-being, whereas money can solve many of your problems. So when a couple lacks it, their relations become more and more complicated, their priorities change and the relationships end.

• Boredom. A lot of couples get bored of each other after 7 or more years of marriage. Boredom may become the reason of constant quarrels and adultery which inevitably leads to a divorce.

However, it goes without saying, in most cases married couples succeed in solving all the problems and keep living in peace and happiness.

Задание 2. Выполните подробный пересказ текста (25 минут).

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски в предложении (25 минут):

  1. Fred _____ thirteen now.

  2. «____ you English? «No, l _________.

  3. Her name _____ Ann.

  4. «______ David a good friend?» «Yes, he _______».

  5. __________ these men doctors?

  6. «You_______ from Belarus, _________ you?» «Yes, that______right».

  7. There__________ a nice lake in the forest. Let’s go!

8. There ________no more questions, _________there?

  1. «When you ________ a small child, _________ you happy?» «Yes, I ________. I ________ very happy.»

  2. They (not) ________ ready for the  lesson last Tuesday.

  3. The days_________ cold and wet last September.

12. There ________20 pupils in our class last year.

13. I ________ill for the last few weeks.

14. Where _______ John _________ all day?

15. They (not) ________ to this part of the country.

16. «________ she________ to America? » «No, she ________.»

17. He ________ 13 years old tomorrow.

18. I ________ back home at 6 o’clock.

19. We __________ at the library at that time.

20. They __________ here at 3 o’clock.

21. They ________ happy to see us.


Оценка «5» — Поставленные задачи (чтение, перевод и пересказ текста, грамматические задания) решены полностью, применение лексики адекватно коммуникативной задаче, грамматические ошибки либо отсутствуют, либо не препятствуют решению коммуникативной задачи

Оценка «4» — Коммуникативная задача решена полностью, но понимание текста незначительно затруднено наличием грамматических и/или лексических ошибок.

Оценка «3» — Коммуникативная задача решена, но понимание текста затруднено наличием грубых грамматических ошибок или неадекватным употреблением лексики.

Оценка «2» — Коммуникативная задача не решена ввиду большого количества лексико-грамматических ошибок или недостаточного объема текста.

Литература, рекомендуемая к выполнению практической работы:

1) Восковская А.С., Карпова Т.А. Английский язык. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2014.

2)Агабекян И. Английский язык для СПО. – Ростов н/Дону: Феникс, 2012

Контрольные вопросы:

1. How many members are there in your family?
2. At what age did your parents get married?
3. Give your opinion of marriages of the previous centuries.
4. Do you think it is possible for a modern girl of eighteen to start a family?
5. People should not get married unless they are deeply in love, should they?
6. What can be done by both spouses to prevent a divorce?
7 What are the family roles distributed within a family? What is a «woman’s place» and what is a «man’s place» in the family?
8. Can the birth of children strengthen the family?
9. There is a good phrase in the English language about marriages — «to go on the rocks». It means to break down, to crumble. Think of the similar ones in Russian.
10. Do you agree with the statement that unhappy couples with children should stay together until the children are grown?

Family, Card №9 [по ситуации 2 из Материалов для подготовки к экзамену] 

Билет №9 [2] Family
1. What does your immediate family mean to you? My home is the best place in the world for me and my family are the dearest people for me. I’m happy to have a close and friendly family. In my family I can speak freely about my problems, share my joys and sorrows with my parents and with my sisters. I can say that my family is an emotional centre of my life. My family members never ignore me; I always get support and understanding from my family. I can’t live without my family’s help and respect. I understand that my family members also need my attention and support. So I, in my turn, love and respect my family and try to obey my parents.

I have no doubt that family is very important so its members should do their best to keep it going.   

2. Are there any family traditions that you follow?
  1. Yes, there are. We usually celebrate family holidays together and it’s a tradition in our family to have dinner together and chat about the events of the day.
  2. Unfortunately, there aren’t but I’d like we have some. Family traditions are very important as they create specific memories which form our personality when we grow up.  
3. What questions will you ask a British teenager about his/her extended family?
  • Have you got any cousins or nephews?
  • Do your grandparents live with you?
  • How old are your grandparents?
  • What traditions have you got in your family?
4. What can you advise people who want to have a close and happy family? If you want to have a close and happy family, support, love and respect your family members, avoid quarrels, sort out problems together and be willing to compromise.
5. They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other because of the generation gap. What do you think about it? I think, the talk about the generation gap is exaggerated. Of course, there is some misunderstanding between generations and always was. To my mind, this is because people don’t try to understand each other. They don’t talk over their problems, hurt each other’s feelings and then find an excuse in a generation gap.
  1. immediate — nuclear, children and parents
  2. keep going — to continue to do something although it is difficult
  3. extended family — a family group which includes relatives such as uncles, aunts, and grandparents, as well as parents, children, and brothers and sisters
  4. exaggerate — to represent something as being larger or greater than it actually is

About Author


It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

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