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Family ties -
Family The word «family» is associated with -
Family ties — close connections or relationships between people within the same family -
Children’s Rights Freedom of speech Freedom of -
Parents’ Responsibilities. providing a home for the -
Reading Close family refers to…… Extended -
Family category Close family refers to those -
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Похожие презентации
Family The word «family» is associated with warm tender relations between members of the family. Such relations became possible when people in the family do many things together, overcome troubles and live friendly. Love gives a feeling of happiness.
Слайды и текст этой презентации
Слайд 2
The word «family» is associated with
warm tender
relations between members of the family. Such relations became
possible when people in the family do many things together,
overcome troubles and live friendly. Love gives a feeling of happiness.
Слайд 3
Family ties —
close connections or relationships between
people within the same family
Слайд 4
Children’s Rights
Freedom of speech
Freedom of thought
Freedom from fear
of choice and the right to make decisions
Ownership over
one’s body
Слайд 5
Parents’ Responsibilities.
providing a home for the child
having contact
with and living with the child
protecting and maintaining the
disciplining the child
choosing and providing for the child’s education
determining the
religion of the child
agreeing to the child’s medical treatment
naming the child and agreeing to any change of the child’s name
accompanying the child outside the UK and agreeing to the child’s emigration, should the issue arise
being responsible for the child’s property
appointing a guardian for the child, if necessary
allowing confidential information about the child to be disclosed
Слайд 8
Close family refers to……
Extended family refers to ……..
Слайд 9
Family category
Close family refers to those family members
of whom you are directly related: a parent, child,
brother or sister
Extended family refers to those family members outside
the close family and includes grandparents, cousins and aunts and uncles.
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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:
1 слайд
What do you feel?
It makes me feel……………. because……..
It makes me feel a sense of ……………because…
(shame, disgust at, anxiety about , depressed, shocked, regret)
(happiness, joy, delight, pleasure, enjoyment, fun) -
3 слайд
We are going to:
read about different families
watch video and discuss it.
learn new words.
listen to the teenagers describing their families
speak about our families -
4 слайд
The word «family» is associated with
warm tender relations between members of the family. Such relations became possible when people in the family do many things together, overcome troubles and live friendly. Love gives a feeling of happiness. -
5 слайд
Family ties —
close connections or relationships between people within the same family -
6 слайд
modestCD-ROM – lexics ex. 1,2
7 слайд
You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions I -5, choose the best answer (А, В or C).1. You hear a woman talking. Who is she talking to?
A her sister
В her father
С her brother
2. You hear a teenage boy talking. How does he describe himself?
A optimistic
В ambitious
С considerate
3. You hear a girl talking to a friend. Why is her mother angry with her?
A because she didn’t tell the truth
В because she didn’t believe her mother
С because she was selfish
4. You hear a boy talking about his best friend. What does he like most about his friend?
A that he’s modest
В that he’s generous
С that he’s amusing
5. You hear this girl talking. Why is she upset?
A She’s not allowed to go to a party.
В She’s not allowed to stay at a friend’s house.
С She’s not allowed to stay out after midnight. -
8 слайд
selfish, popular, sensitive, arrogant, pessimistic, amusing, ambitious, considerate, generous, optimistic, modest
If you are …
1. … you want to be very successful.
2. … you think the future is going to be bad.
3. …. you have lots of friends.
4. … people think you are funny.
5. … you share what you have with other people.
6. … you get upset very easily.
7. … you think the future is going to be good.
8. … you only care about yourself.
9. … you care about other people’s feelings.
10. … you don’t like to talk about your achievements.
11. … you think you are better than other people. -
9 слайд
Banned children
What did you see?
What did parents do?
What did the children do?
What do you feel?
It makes me feel……………. because……..
It makes me feel a sense of ……………because…
(shame, disgust, anxirty about, depressed, shocked, regret)(happiness, joy, delight, pleasure, enjoyment, fun)
11 слайд
The Convention on the Rights of the Child
12 слайд
Children’s Rights
Freedom of speech
Freedom of thought
Freedom from fear
Freedom of choice and the right to make decisions
Ownership over one’s body -
13 слайд
Parents’ Responsibilities.
providing a home for the child
having contact with and living with the child
protecting and maintaining the child
disciplining the child
choosing and providing for the child’s education
determining the religion of the child
agreeing to the child’s medical treatment
naming the child and agreeing to any change of the child’s name
accompanying the child outside the UK and agreeing to the child’s emigration, should the issue arise
being responsible for the child’s property
appointing a guardian for the child, if necessary
allowing confidential information about the child to be disclosed -
14 слайд
Close family refers to……Extended family refers to ……..
a b
15 слайд
It takes all sorts…!
Who lives in America?
Scott White
Who has a step-mother called Tina?
Matt Connor
Who thinks she is very lucky?
Elizabeth McCloud
Who uses their computer a lot?
Julia Batha
Who plays ice hockey?
Joshua Palmer -
16 слайд
Decide if the following are T (true) F(false).
Prove it.
1. Joshua likes sharing a room with his brother
2..Julia sends messages to her family.
3. Scott likes his new brother and sister.
4. Elizabeth feels different from the others in her family.
5. Matt is worried about the problems in his family. -
17 слайд
Family category
Close family refers to those family members of whom you are directly related: a parent, child, brother or sister
Extended family refers to those family members outside the close family and includes grandparents, cousins and aunts and uncles.
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Слайд 1
Introduction Watch video and say: What do you feel? It makes me feel……………. because…….. It makes me feel a sense of ……………because… (shame, disgust at, anxiety about , depressed, shocked, regret) (happiness, joy, delight, pleasure, enjoyment, fun)
Слайд 2
Family ties.
Слайд 3
We are going to: read about different families watch video and discuss it. learn new words. listen to the teenagers describing their families speak about our families
Слайд 4
Family The word «family» is associated with warm tender relations between members of the family. Such relations became possible when people in the family do many things together, overcome troubles and live friendly. Love gives a feeling of happiness .
Слайд 5
Family ties — close connections or relationships between people within the same family
Слайд 6
Lexics selfish popular sensitive arrogant pessimistic amusing ambitious considerate generous optimistic modest CD-ROM – lexics ex. 1,2
Слайд 7
Listening You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions I -5, choose the best answer ( А , В or C ). (Laser unit 1) 1. You hear a woman talking. Who is she talking to? A her sister В her father С her brother 2. You hear a teenage boy talking. How does he describe himself? A optimistic В ambitious С considerate 3. You hear a girl talking to a friend. Why is her mother angry with her? A because she didn’t tell the truth В because she didn’t believe her mother С because she was selfish 4. You hear a boy talking about his best friend. What does he like most about his friend? A that he’s modest В that he’s generous С that he’s amusing 5. You hear this girl talking. Why is she upset? A She’s not allowed to go to a party. В She’s not allowed to stay at a friend’s house. С She’s not allowed to stay out after midnight.
Слайд 8
selfish, popular, sensitive, arrogant, pessimistic, amusing, ambitious, considerate, generous, optimistic, modest If you are … 1. … you want to be very successful. 2. … you think the future is going to be bad. 3. …. you have lots of friends. 4. … people think you are funny. 5. … you share what you have with other people. 6. … you get upset very easily. 7. … you think the future is going to be good. 8. … you only care about yourself. 9. … you care about other people’s feelings. 10. … you don’t like to talk about your achievements. 11. … you think you are better than other people.
Слайд 9
Banned children Watch video and say: What did you see? What did parents do? What did the children do? What do you feel? It makes me feel……………. because…….. It makes me feel a sense of ……………because… ( shame, disgust, anxiety about, depressed, shocked, regret) (happiness, joy, delight, pleasure, enjoyment, fun)
Слайд 10
United Nations
Слайд 11
The Convention on the Rights of the Child
Слайд 12
Children’s Rights Freedom of speech Freedom of thought Freedom from fear Freedom of choice and the right to make decisions Ownership over one’s body
Слайд 13
Parents’ Responsibilities. providing a home for the child having contact with and living with the child protecting and maintaining the child disciplining the child choosing and providing for the child’s education determining the religion of the child agreeing to the child’s medical treatment naming the child and agreeing to any change of the child’s name accompanying the child outside the UK and agreeing to the child’s emigration, should the issue arise being responsible for the child’s property appointing a guardian for the child, if necessary allowing confidential information about the child to be disclosed
Слайд 14
Reading Close family refers to…… Extended family refers to …….. a b
Слайд 15
Reading It takes all sorts…! Who lives in America? Scott White Who has a step-mother called Tina? Matt Connor Who thinks she is very lucky? Elizabeth McCloud Who uses their computer a lot? Julia Batha Who plays ice hockey? Joshua Palmer
Слайд 16
Decide if the following are T (true) F(false). Prove it. 1. Joshua likes sharing a room with his brother 2..Julia sends messages to her family. 3. Scott likes his new brother and sister. 4. Elizabeth feels different from the others in her family. 5. Matt is worried about the problems in his family.
Слайд 17
Family category Close family refers to those family members of whom you are directly related: a parent, child, brother or sister Extended family refers to those family members outside the close family and includes grandparents, cousins and aunts and uncles.