The word fame in a sentence

Synonym: glory, name, notoriety, popularity, renown, reputation. Similar words: famed, defame, far-famed, family, famine, famous, famished, familial. Meaning: [feɪm]  n. 1. the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed 2. favorable public reputation. 

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1. Fame is a magnifying glass.

2. A good fame is better than a good face. 

3. He that soweth virtue shall reap fame

4. Good fame is better than a good face. 

5. Of all the possessions of this life fame is the noblest; when the body has sunk into the dust the great name still lives. 

6. Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off. 

7. Nor fame I slight, nor for her favours call; she come unlooked for, if she comes at all. 

8. I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow neatly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality. 

9. The fame of great men ought to be judged always by the means they used to acquirde it. 

10. Fame usually comes to those who are thinking something else. 

11. Fame turns all the lights on and while it gives power and prestige, it takes the you out of you; you must be what the public thinks you are.not what you really are or could be. 

12. Fame hasn’t torn her away from her beloved Liverpool.

13. Don’t let fame/success go to your head.

14. For him fame does not count for much.

15. Chinese porcelain enjoys worldwide fame.

16. The reformer’s fame spread all over the country.

17. He endeavored after more fame and wealth.

17. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

18. Her chief fame rests on her several films.

19. The politician was at the pinnacle of his fame.

20. He never reaches after personal fame and gain.

21. The scandal will not detract from her fame.

22. The writer’s fame spread all over the country.

23. The pressure of fame can take a terrible toll.

24. She gained international fame as a dancer.

25. The book catapulted the author into fame overnight.

26. He has aspirations to fame and greatness.

27. The actor achieved fame at the age of 22.

28. Such roles are small beer compared with the fame she once enjoyed.

29. The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame

30. No artist of performer can entirely escape the lure of fame and its promise of endless admiration and respect, but there is a heavy price one must pay for it. 

More similar words: famed, defame, far-famed, family, famine, famous, famished, familial, familiar, defamatory, unfamiliar, defamation, paterfamilias, extended family, be familiar with, same, game, name, came, lame, blame, camel, frame, flame, amend, shame, by name, lament, byname, gamete.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word fame, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use fame in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «fame».

Fame in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word fame in a sentence.

  1. Green enjoyed his local fame.

  2. By August his fame had spread widely.

  3. El-Sayed was at the peak of his fame.

  4. This is the sound of accidental fame.

  5. Poe questioned Willis’s fame, however.

  6. A number achieved more than local fame.

  7. The victory brought Attalus legendary fame.

  8. The «X» article meant sudden fame for Kennan.

  9. Holmes’s fame continued through his later years.

  10. The law’s passage propelled Dow to national fame.

  11. It was later placed on multiple hall of fame lists.

  12. Before long the novel’s fame spread around the world.

  13. Despite this, his fame faded quickly after his death.

  14. Released in 1969, the novel rocketed Vonnegut to fame.

  15. I do not ask for power, nor for fame, nor yet for wealth.

  16. They had one child, Reginald, who later achieved fame as a television newsreader.

  17. She achieved fame by being one of the finalists in the ITV1 talent show Pop Idol.

  18. Sebree and the other members of the relief expedition gained fame from the voyage.

  19. As a lawyer, Jinnah gained fame for his skilled handling of the 1908 «Caucus Case».

  20. His 35-yard run in a close game in 1887 against rival Harvard earned him some fame.

  21. As Fox’s fame grew, the Cancer Society scheduled him to attend more functions and give more speeches.

  22. Such was his fame that one letter addressed simply to «Terry Fox, Canada» was successfully delivered.

  23. Gamelyn as «king of the outlaws» was also reflected in the fame of the Coterel gang in local society.

  24. Glenn did not want to win solely due to his astronaut fame, so he dropped out of the race on March 30.

  25. I felt my chariot wheels were on the right road to fame and honour, and I now drove on like another Jehu!

  26. As the artists gained fame, publishers usually covered these costs, and artists could demand higher fees.

  27. Selling over one million copies, it is Terhune’s best-selling work and the one that propelled him to fame.

  28. Baez was at the pinnacle of her fame, having appeared on the cover of Time magazine the previous November.

  29. Of later independent fame was the photographer Frank Hurley, known on this mission for his perilous shots.

  30. Despite the new source of island fame, many young people left Chincoteague in the years after World War II.

  31. Ibrahimović rose to fame and became an important player in Malmö FF’s campaign to return to the top league.

  32. We’d the Triumph and the Mars,And the Sov’ren pride of tars,Billy Ruff’n, and the Brunswick, known to fame..

  33. Josquin’s fame lasted throughout the 16th century, and indeed increased for several decades after his death.

  34. Smith rose to fame when she, aged 12, competed in the second series of ITV talent show Britain’s Got Talent.

  35. Astronauts had sold their autographs, for example, and profited in other less dramatic ways from their fame.

  36. Following Swift’s rise to fame, country labels became more interested in signing young singers who write their own music.

  37. The Scottish Football Museum operates a hall of fame which is open to players and managers involved in Scottish football.

  38. Sterling, raised in a poor family, was a young adventurer with dreams of fame and fortune who decided to become a pirate.

  39. Accompanying Presley’s rise to fame, a cultural shift was taking place that he both helped inspire and came to symbolize.

  40. By 1846 Honoré de Balzac had achieved tremendous fame as a writer, but his finances and health were deteriorating rapidly.

  41. His mother had committed suicide in May 1968, and he was plagued with guilt that his fame after Gemini 12 had contributed.

  42. In 2007, the club created a hall of fame into which a number of personnel associated with the club are inducted every year.

  43. After its release, Slaughterhouse-Five went to the top of The New York Times Best Seller list, thrusting Vonnegut into fame.

  44. Besides the National Baseball Hall of Fame, Smith has also been inducted or honored in other halls of fame and recognitions.

  45. Freewheelin’ showcased Dylan’s songwriting talent for the first time, propelling him to national and international fame.

  46. For Dunne, the Dooley pieces were a burden, but one that brought him fame and money, neither of which was enough to keep him at his desk once he gained the Whitney legacy.

  47. Among his students in France and America who went on to international fame were Lorin Maazel, Igor Markevitch, Neville Marriner, Seiji Ozawa, André Previn and David Zinman.

  48. The critic and filmwriter Saeroen expressed concern that the film’s success was not because of its quality, and opined that it was only popular because of Wijnhamer’s fame.

  49. Her fame cemented, Katsura went on an exhibition tour of the United States with eight-time world champion Welker Cochran, and later with 51-time world champion Willie Hoppe.

  50. After conducting torpedo and gunnery training and trials over the preceding months, Captain Robert Falcon Scott of Antarctic fame was appointed captain of Bulwark on 18 May.

Synonyms for fame

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word fame has the following synonyms: celebrity and renown.

General information about «fame» example sentences

The example sentences for the word fame that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «fame» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «fame».

fame — перевод на русский


The king’s a bawcock, and a heart of gold, a lad of life, an imp of fame;

Король — миляга, золотое сердце, Проворный парень и любимец славы;

But that’s one of the penalties of fame, I suppose.

Полагаю это издержки славы.

But I’ve never actually known anyone… who came to New York to seek fame and fortune.

Но я не знакома ни с кем, кто… приехал в Нью-Йорк в поисках славы и богатства.

I shall get the fame too.

Я дождусь славы .

I could embody all the expressions that the public expects from an Idol at the height of fame.

Я мог олицетворять… Все выражения, которые публика… Ожидает от Идола на пике славы.

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You quickly leapt into fame, name, money and…

Вы быстро обрели известность и деньги и…

Once the Idol has acquired fame, he must behave and talk like anybody would imagine he would behave if he had been a success.

Как только Идол приобретает известность… Он должен вести себя… И разговаривать так, чтобы никто не мог предположить, что он на самом деле другой…

I soon became expert in that difficult task and my fame spread throughout Italy

Я скоро стала многоопытной в этой трудной задаче … и моя известность распространилась по всей Италии

For her, fame and recognition are empty rewards… and do not live up to the adolescent fantasies… that prompted her ambition.

Для нее известность и признание — пустые награды… не похожие на фантазии юности… пробудившие амбиции.

Profit, fame, power.

Прибыль, известность, власть.

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He’s so desperate for fame.

Ему так нужно быть знаменитым.

— That’s my new claim to fame.

Теперь это делает меня знаменитым.

When I was a rookie, you used any means necessary to put me on the rise to fame.

Когда я был новичком, ты использовал любые средства, чтобы сделать меня знаменитым.

I don’t think that my life’s gonna take some sudden upswing into fame and fortune by taking some shiny, brand-new designer drug. Gant.

Не думаю, что моя жизнь резко улучшится и я стану богатым и знаменитым, всего лишь приняв блестящую модную таблетку.

— Yeah, there’s some good things and some bad things about fame.

Есть хорошие и Плохие вещи в том, чтобы быть знаменитым.

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Talking about my grandpa’s restaurant in Guilin no one there would deny its fame

Если речь заходила о закусочной моего дедушки в Гуйлине, никому не приходило в голову отрицать её популярность

How about a drink to celebrate our fame?

Кита-сан, а может выпьем, чтобы отметить нашу популярность?

And this woman’s fame certainly doesn’t change the rules, nor does the fact that she may have a relationship with another A.D.A.

Это международная торговля наркотиками. И популярность этой женщины правил не меняет, кроме того факта что у нее возможны отношения с помощником окружного прокурора нашего департамента.

For the very same fame that had all summer… been a source of satisfaction to Jay Gatsby… had become a threat.

Ведь популярность, что все лето была причиной удовольствия для Джея Гэтсби стала угрозой.

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Do you still feel like saying things about gaining fame like some heretical devil?

что хочешь прославиться?

My first chance at fame, and the computer catches fire.

Мой первый шанс прославиться и компьютер загорелся.

No, Bonnie and Clydie— they wanted fame.

Нет, Бонни и Клайди хотели прославиться.

Well,celebrity stalkers who kill are driven by an overwhelming desire to achieve fame by murdering someone who’s famous.

Убийц звёзд ведёт огромное желание прославиться убийством знаменитости.

maybe he’s stealing to get fame.

Он оставил свою визитку, может он ворует, чтобы прославиться.

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With all the wealth and fame of Paris in attendance.

Все богачи и знаменитости Парижа на твоей свадьбе.

The price of fame.

Это крест каждой знаменитости.

This is the ante-room of fame;

— Привет. — Это приемная знаменитостей.

We’re doing a scavenger hunt, and we need you to put his picture on your celebrity wall of fame.

У нас квест и первое задание, повесить его портрет на вашей стене знаменитостей.

You brought me fame!

Я же тогда стала знаменитостью!

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His claim to fame came later…

Он стал известным позднее…

You could even risk your life for achieving fame in the past

ты рисковал своей жизнью что бы стать известным.

Well, entering a celebrity’s home, touching their personal items is a brush with fame.

Проникнуть в дом знаменитости, потрогать ее личные вещи — быстрый путь стать известным.

Something similar happened to William Burke of Burke and Hare fame but I wasn’t sure if it was just a myth.

Что-то похожее случилось с Уильямом Берком из известной парочки Берк и Хэир, но я не уверен, что это не миф.

His claim to fame is that he discovered an unusual comet.

Известен тем что открыл какую-то необычную комету.

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слава, известность, молва, репутация, прославлять


- слава, известность

love of fame — тщеславие
to win fame — добиться известности; стать знаменитым
his fame as a poet was great — он был прославленным поэтом

- репутация

house of ill fame — публичный дом

- арх. молва, слух

as the fame runs — как гласит молва


- редк. делать известным, прославлять

Мои примеры


a politician’s rise to fame — восхождение политика к славе  
an author who craved deathless fame — автор, который жаждал вечной славы  
international fame — международная известность  
undying fame — неувядаемая слава  
at the height of one’s fame — на вершине славы, на пике популярности  
to achieve / attain / win fame — достигать известности, славы  
to seek fame — стремиться к славе  
imperishable fame — вечная слава  
meteoric rise to fame — головокружительный прыжок к славе  
an avenue to wealth / fame — путь к богатству, славе  
a rage for fame — погоня за славой  
buy fame with life — приобрести славу ценою жизни  

Примеры с переводом

She is uninterested in fame.

Она равнодушна к славе.

Her body died, her fame survives.

Её тело умерло, а слава живёт и поныне.

Fame was the prize.

Наградой была слава.

He died at the height of his fame.

Он умер на вершине своей славы.

I follow fame.

Я жаден до славы.

He was satiated with fame.

Он пресытился славой.

He gained fame as an actor.

Он приобрел известность как актёр.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Hugh Grant, of ‘Notting Hill’ fame

The results promised fame and glory

His fame has spread around the globe.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

famed  — знаменитый, известный, прославленный
family  — семья, семейство, род, содружество, семейный, фамильный, родовой
famish  — голодать, морить голодом
famous  — известный, знаменитый, прославленный, славный, замечательный, отличный, отменный
fameful  — известный, прославленный
fameless  — неизвестный, незначительный

Examples of how to use the word “fame” in a sentence. How to connect “fame” with other words to make correct English sentences.

fame (n): the state of being known or recognized by many people because of your achievements, skills, etc.

Use “fame” in a sentence

Don’t chase after fame.
Even with all his wealth and fame, he’s unhappy.
Don’t chase after fame.
He is thirsty for fame.
Even with all his wealth and fame, he’s unhappy.

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Sentences with the word Fame?



  • «his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty»; «the artist’s gifts are at their acme»; «at the height of her career»; «the peak of perfection»; «summer was at its peak»; «…catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame«; «the summit of his ambition»; «so many highest superlatives achieved by man»; «at the top of his profession»
  • «avid for adventure»; «an avid ambition to succeed»; «fierce devouring affection»; «the esurient eyes of an avid curiosity»; «greedy for fame«
  • «She relished her fame and basked in her glory»
  • «his claim on her attentions»; «his title to fame«
  • «his undying fame«
  • «slight evidence»; «a tenuous argument»; «a thin plot»; «a fragile claim to fame«
  • «Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth were 1936 inductees in the National Baseball Hall of fame«
  • «his initiation into the club»; «he was ordered to report for induction into the army»; «he gave a speech as part of his installation into the hall of fame«
  • «leap into fame«; «jump to a conclusion»; «jump from one thing to another»
  • «a meteoric rise to fame«
  • «his rage for fame destroyed him»
  • «The new results were promising»; «The results promised fame and glory»
  • «The sudden fame puffed her ego»
  • «the pursuit of love»; «life is more than the pursuance of fame«; «a quest for wealth»
  • «fame redounds to the heroes»
  • «the road to fame«
  • «the job was just a stepping stone on his way to fame and riches»

Record labels and eternal fame is ahead

fame in these still relatively tender years had been a youth appearance for Scotland,

His main claim to fame in these still relatively tender years had been a youth appearance for Scotland, although sadly a combination of injury and a tendency towards dilettantism meant that such early promise remained as yet unfulfilled

Pyramid: If you see one, riches and fame are in store for you; if you are standing on it, you will achieve a high social status

Everything that is about money and purchase and selling and fame from our wealth is Babylon

It may be in population, but Trenst’s fame is the swamp

Given her local fame as the woman who had a go, as the woman who stood up to racist yob culture, she was delighted to be asked onto the committee of the “Asylum Centre Campaign Group”

Later that year, being the largest account holder at the great and majestic bank, and because of his newfound fame as a television celebrity, the soldier was unanimously elected as its new chairman

From then on there was no stopping their fame

I really don’t care about wealth or … property or … or fame even

Given her local fame

majestic bank, and because of his newfound fame as a television

the general public’s fascination with wealth and fame that Terry and

She had probably been more attracted to his fame than his person from the way she talked

wanted their fifteen minutes of fame that’s all

“Maybe I’m hooked on the fame

«I thought you were beginning to enjoy the hint of fame

They were concerned with possessions, worldly fame, and

Have you not heard that’s what my poem describes? It’s gained great fame and accolades across the lands of Hellas

People give money for a variety of reasons: out of guilt; in an attempt to save their souls; because their religion advocates it; in their search for fame; for tax reasons; for publicity; to attract business of groups and associations who are concerned with charities… The list goes on for there can be as many reasons as there are donors

Not everybody would be happy under the limelight of fame

Achieved at Ilion in the field of fame;

“’Achieved at Ilion in the field of fame

With Homer still inside his dreams of fame, nothing would be easier than to walk away

Alternatively, the dream represents your aspirations for fame

To see a rainbow in your dream represents hope, success and good fortune in the form of money, prestige, or fame

His fame rapidly spreads across the country

In these materialistic times, success could be easily be construed as the achievement of one’s goal to attain massive fortune and fame for self gratification

ii) What does one do with the fame and fortune that have been attained?

Enjoy the wealth selfishly or share it with others? Use fame to command others or to draw attention to needy causes?

This was the original hackers’ ethos, now all but abandoned in the rush for money, fame and

“Your good deeds and your success in battles will bring fame to your names, and this will attract the interest of other Great Angels

His fame always arose from knowledge of war

Although they are not of the ancestry of the fame of Aldereithellen, the farmers and villagers of Menjaraith are also keen hunters and archers, and many of those farmers were once soldiers who are now hardened veterans

His main claim to fame would seem to redound from his sexual conquests

Ex CIA agent of Watergate fame, prolific writer, and conservative commentator

His name and fame are the birthright of every American citizen

Then we have Marx, whose main claim to fame was to dictate the end of history by asserting that man is the product of his machines and not vice versa, conveniently forgetting that any system that purports to explain everything, in reality explains nothing

Glances and chatter; perhaps he should be enjoying his fame

But with fame comes responsibility, and in his case accountability

That which had earned him hatred from his community and a place on death row now brought him fame and adoration

His enduring claim to fame was to admit that he loved individual men, but hated mankind

They said it was to boost the morale of the prisoners, but as he approached, I felt so intimidated, not by his fame but by his reputation

friend Hugh Hefner of Playboy fame opened a restaurant that succeeded for a while

“Kiri and Alexia weren’t interested in my fame,” he snapped, unable to keep the words in

All the pain and anger within was flowing through him: Alexia’s death, his new fame, the interview, Kiri’s release

With Minnesota in their two-minute offense, San Francisco picked off the Minnesota future hall of fame quarterback and kicked a field goal to end the half 24 to 10

As a specimen of their cool effrontery, they wrote the following letter in London, and forwarded it to the Queen, but needless to add, their character and fame had gone before, and they were not received

Barbed wire fences barred the way, but Lieutenant Wise, of Military Kite fame, and other officers smashed the posts with logs

The New York Yankees hosted a pregame ceremony at the stadium honoring Phil Rizzuto‘s recent induction into the Hall of Fame

and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about

I also signed for it as Colonel H Saunders (from KFC fame) expecting them to wizen up but all what happened was that I was saluted wherever I went

Their fame and impact gives a false impression of who makes up most of the media

What can one do, though? Such is life… but what a pleasant lesson of simplicity and modesty did I receive from those two personalities of world fame!

After a few years, these hip hop stars start losing their fame,

This may have given rise to the idea of building the “flood platforms,” first out of mud and silt and then faced with brick that might have been the precursors to the biblical “Tower of Babel” later theorized to be the Ziggurat, near Ur, of Babylonian and the Hanging Gardens fame

rapper; the joint that gained him the fame

Case closed! I had solved the whole puzzle though it wasn’t gonna get me any promotion or fame because it could have put someone’s live at risk but I did it for my sake

Maybe I was the first jumper, but I suspect that’s where my Dauntless fame begins and ends

31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol, and his fame was

1 And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord, she came to prove him with hard

prosperity exceeds the fame which I heard

my son is young and tender, and the house that is to be builded for the Lord must be exceeding magnifical, of fame and of glory

1 And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to prove Solomon with hard questions at Jerusalem, with a

fame that I heard

4 For Mordecai was great in the king’s house, and his fame went out throughout all the provinces, for this man Mordecai waxed

22 Destruction and death say, we have heard the fame of it with our ears

Will be sown by the blue sea, by the heavens fame

In a Hole of Fame, you will be met with applause,

And then he remained in the Hall of Fame,

He wasn’t born a Statilini though, only the bastard child of a bastard child with no claim to fame

afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles

«And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the LORD, she came to prove him with hard questions

7Howbeit I believed not the words, until I came, and mine eyes had seen it: and, behold, the half was not told me: thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame which I heard

Your fame , your wealth

me of stealing the fame that he believed was rightfully his

gather her who was driven out; and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame

I receive they occasional email, as he travels the world in search of the light of fame

his brothers, and an exceeding great dread, to fall on the nations round about them: 26 Insomuch as his fame came to the king, and all

41 And the merchants of the country, hearing the fame of them, took silver and gold

the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame &

The American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame

Our present social status is based on wealth, power and fame but they should be based on merit, honesty and altruism

the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame

Coaster Enthusiasts Hall of Fame

Watson describes scientific research as exceedingly competitive, conducted without regard for ethical principles, and as driven, not by a cool search for the truth, but by a passionate craving for recognition and fame

How is it possible to evaluate the next Armageddon scenario splashed across the media and boomed through the ether that is presented as “scientifically” proven? How are valid scientific findings based on scientific principles to be distinguished from reports that arise from special interests or unscrupulous pursuit of fame and fortune?

thing, shelter, family, friends, name, fame, security, survival — all

Gallery goers eager for a moment in the presence of evanescent fame, but who may wish to share only the presence, but not the essence, of this unique exhibit, beware

45 And all nations and tongues heard of his fame, and they gathered themselves to him, and they bowed down to the Earth, and they brought him offerings, and he became their Lord and king, and they all dwelt with him in the city at Shinar, and Nimrod reigned on the Earth over all the sons of Noah, and they were all under his power and counsel

or fame will bring us fulfillment

4 And the sons of Jacob dwelt with their father in the valley of Hebron, and all the inhabitants of the land knew their strength and their fame went throughout the land

That is the section of the city where nowadays people of world fame and enormous financial resources take refuge

That exciting and moving city of international fame undoubtedly stands as one of the most popular summer resorts in the world and center of origin of most Hispanic entertainment programs in the United States

My theory and plan for fame had nothing on this discovery

29 And the inhabitants of Bibentu heard of his fame and they were greatly afraid of him, and they went out to meet him with weeping and supplication, and the inhabitants of Bibentu entreated of Angeas not to kill them nor destroy their city; and he did so, for Bibentu was in those days reckoned as one of the cities of the children of Chittim; therefore he did not destroy the city

I could never choose love over fame and glory

50 And the Lord was with Moses and his fame went throughout Egypt

There was a constant yearning for chances to sing, to perform, and to gain fame alternating with a nagging sense of its shortage, though an air of high-nosed, celebrity-like manner and living was always kept up

“Is chance, fame?” he asked with the confused mind of a teenager

She was famed throughout the elite echelons of London’s highest society for humping and dumping the most eligible young men, and all of it was done in the blaze of paparazzi flashbulbs and on the glossy pages of celebrity gossip magazines

She was famed throughout the elite

With warm winds and safe harbours, these islands are famed for their unbroken coral reef

Famed for Havana cigars and vintage American cars, this island has 4000 miles of coastline and is home to the world’s smal est frog and bird, migrating land crabs, and bee

The north shore is famed for its seahorses

North of Australia, this island is home to more than 850 tribes and as many languages, and is famed for its butterflies, moths and 300 types of orchids

not in its famed basilica — but many miles to the south in

The poet had just described the famed battle between Diomedes and Ares, where Athena intervenes and

«bad famed” is not very far away, but the

Imbrus was famed

grows on Tenedos, it’s famed across the wide Aegean… And you, what are you doing here?”

A handful of gleaming coins and a warm smile would be more than enough to convince the carriage driver to take her most of the way — just a bit further beyond the point at which the road split and the way upward to Meridia’s famed shrine came into view

consulted a chandler in the market across from the famed Temple of Zeus

“This man that Philemon defended is Homer, the famed poet,” said Nerissa

His face was done, even though he was still awake, so he did not see King Regis Trosalan leading his famed horsemen through the broken gate

Dorro and Forgo were mystified by her odd behavior, but had they known of her secret pirate past—or of her exploits as the famed Water Wolf—it would have explained much

Famed Filipino historian E

At the same time, General James Doolittle, famed for his early raids, opposed targeting civilians as, “Terrorism, without any justification on military grounds

For example, the founder and owner of Time magazine for over 40 years was famed conservative Henry Luce

Roosevelt began the most famed part of his career as a bored rich man playing at being soldier, a dilettante and warmonger with little understanding of war who greatly exaggerated his own role in a minor skirmish against an outgunned enemy of draftees in a failing empire

Nixon, the famed anti Communist hardliner and early conservative culture warrior, actually was far more moderate and even liberal in practice than either his supporters or critics often know or admit

One year before his death in 1953, Stalin sent the famed Stalin Note

Famed General Douglas MacArthur Jr

He glanced sideways at his captive audience, and hoped she would enjoy the famed wines of Spain

Even the famed burning of Atlanta, turned into a myth of horrific suffering by incredibly inaccurate books and films like Gone With the Wind, had less harm than most have been led to believe

Cooper had concluded with a fervent appeal, had wiped the perspiration from his massive brow, had said «Let us pray» as he was famed for saying it, and had duly prayed

21 And all the princes of Nimrod and his great men took counsel together; Phut, Mitzraim, Cush and Canaan with their families, and they said to each other, Come let us build ourselves a city and in it a strong tower, and its top reaching Heaven, and we will make ourselves famed, so that we may reign on the whole world, in order that the evil of our enemies may cease from us, that we may reign mightily over them, and that we may not become scattered over the Earth on account of their wars

34 And the man laid his cause before Serak the judge, when Hedad replied, saying, It is not so, but so the matter stands; and the judge said to the traveler, This man Hedad tells you truth, for he is famed in the cities for the accurate interpretation of dreams

21 And all the princes of Nimrod and his great men took counsel together; Phut Mitzraim Cush and Canaan with their families and they said to each other Come let us build ourselves a city and in it a strong tower and its top reaching Heaven and we will make ourselves famed so that we may reign on the whole world in order that the evil of our enemies may cease from us that we may reign mightily over them and that we may not become scattered over the Earth on account of their wars

34 And the man laid his cause before Serak the judge when Hedad replied saying It is not so but so the matter stands; and the judge said to the traveler This man Hedad tells you truth for he is famed in the cities for the accurate interpretation of dreams

That young fellow there, who is so skilled at being innocuous, is Kenesir of Sming, a famed recordist

When the famed Healer Hilsith called out that she could not save your life, I knew I had killed you

The 270-footers were named after the Bear, Northland, Harriet Lane and Tampa, famed cutters in Coast Guard history

red; the famed Dither temper was beginning to simmer

They were coming up on the Whitehead Bridge, a half-mile long national landmark famed for it spectacular views over the city port and as a suicide ‘hot-spot’

It was a unique area of Ireland famed for its wild landscape

The country was famed for its abundance of antiquities he knew

Taramis seems to have gone quite mad; whereas formerly she was famed for her virtue, justice and tranquillity, she is now notorious for qualities precisely opposite to those just enumerated

in that famed fray

He was far inferior in size and strength to the giant Cimmerian, but he was in full armor, and was famed in all the western nations as a swordsman

Even now, when winter was crisping the leaves beyond the mountains, the tall rich grass waved upon the plains where grazed the horses and cattle for which Poitain was famed

Middle-aged and with a shock of red hair, which matched his temperament, the captain was not famed for being conventional in his dealings with unofficial travellers, especially when dealing with pirates

closing credit sequences of the famed The Pink Panther

Goodall was brought into this field by the famed Dr

In 1828, the Zoological Society of London founded the famed

honoured and famed the world over for the expert instruction and

ODIE was a character from the famed comic strip Garfield

Pongo was the first Dalmatian in the famed move One Hundred and

The ring-tailed lemur, Madagascar’s most famed lemur species is facing serious threats to its survival

the staff of Moses, the famed staff that turned into a snake

For once the Japanese, famed for their skills at naval night combat, would be at a disadvantage in the dark

Chao Min was famed for his ruthlessness, and not even a one of these men wanted to be the one to piss him off

just after the famed Comstock Lode had been discovered on Mount

They were shocked to see that the growing silhouettes were in fact a modern battleship and even worse, accompanying it was the famed and feared Mighty Hood

This historic city famed for producing toothpaste, baby powder, and porcelain, was certainly not a military target, and was overpopulated with refugees

After the famed statistician, Dr W

Near the end of the 4th and beginning of the 5th centuries, Christian mobs burned the famed Library of Alexandria and slayed Hypatia, an early female mathematician and teacher

“Like Dows’ famed guardian angel?” Joked Lake, who had read like everybody in the United States the newspapers headlines two years ago about Ingrid’s miraculous healing in Palestine

Even his famed campaign against the Persians owed its success to the latter’s precipitous decline rather than merely to Alexander’s military genius

at the office, watching the famed blanket creep surreptitiously over Table Mountain,

‘This is the famed pilgrimage of Balayogi,’ said Raja Rao as they reached Mummidivaram, ‘the saint who’s said to have been holed up in penance round the year

And won’t their famed collection of the priceless jewels give a measure of the poverty into which they had pushed the hapless populace of their province?

Besides, in the modern warfare, of what avail is the famed Arabian horse, the swiftest breed on earth that served the Musalman marauders so admirably in their plunders of yore in the Islamic folklore? On the contrary, the heaps of shoes that Nasser’s soldiers rid themselves with so as to run faster to safety in the Sinai desert give an unerring account of the martial decay of the once dreaded Mohammedan Armageddon

Interest in the effect of manganese and bone health began when famed basketball player Bill Walton’s repeated fractures were halted with manganese supplementation

That she hadn’t been, caused varying degrees of guilt and remorse, in each of the famed seven and their bodyguard, for not having double-checked

The course of action the famed seven decided upon, was for the interview with Corrine Prescott to take place as planned, with the exception that Joel’s part in it would be very brief

Gareth was famed for his ability to shoot birds from the sky

Oysters were famed as a cure for male erection problems

And this was in Odessa, a city famed for its beautiful women

Durability is another one of famed investor Warren

in the famed Sharp-Hughes Tool Company

on the first of his famed ethnological expeditions, initially to then untrammeled Caribbean shores (descriptions of which

As a lifetime member of the famed Explorers Club,

on the first of his famed ethnological expeditions, initially to

But the Brangas have tested even the famed Kashi patience and hospitality

colonization ventures, the Order of Christ was famed to

Salman is famed for devising the

was the site of important institutionsof learning, such as the famed Universidad de SanMarcos

He did mean what he’d said to Darci, but his mind was on only two things: Iron Mike Ditka and his famed sweater vest

It became famed for crashes and bugs that would cause the system

Why? Because they had not earned the hatred of all the uncivilized tribes who had built-up the myth of Rome into a part of their traditions from the legacy of its famed dominance for hundreds of years

time the famed Tower of Babel was built, its purpose

Out of ancient carvings and significant structures, paintings and monuments, the double darkness stories its archetypal voice, into the new star of the new century, where again a famed madness, copied over from the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks & Romans, is heard and acted out in the B

And so he went on naming a number of knights of one squadron or the other out of his imagination, and to all he assigned off-hand their arms, colours, devices, and mottoes, carried away by the illusions of his unheard-of craze; and without a pause, he continued, «People of divers nations compose this squadron in front; here are those that drink of the sweet waters of the famous Xanthus, those that scour the woody Massilian plains, those that sift the pure fine gold of Arabia Felix, those that enjoy the famed cool banks of the crystal Thermodon, those that in many and various ways divert the streams of the golden Pactolus, the

In this other squadron there come those that drink of the crystal streams of the olive-bearing Betis, those that make smooth their countenances with the water of the ever rich and golden Tagus, those that rejoice in the fertilising flow of the divine Genil, those that roam the Tartesian plains abounding in pasture, those that take their pleasure in the Elysian meadows of Jerez, the rich Manchegans crowned with ruddy ears of corn, the wearers of iron, old relics of the Gothic race, those that bathe in the Pisuerga renowned for its gentle current, those that feed their herds along the spreading pastures of the winding Guadiana famed for its hidden course, those that tremble with the cold of the pineclad Pyrenees or the dazzling snows of the lofty Apennine; in a word, as many as all Europe includes and contains

unfortunate in thy lot; begone where thou wilt, for thou bearest written on thy forehead that neither Astolfo’s hippogriff, nor the famed Frontino that cost Bradamante so dear, could equal thee in speed

The oaks will yield us their sweet fruit with bountiful hand, the trunks of the hard cork trees a seat, the willows shade, the roses perfume, the widespread meadows carpets tinted with a thousand dyes; the clear pure air will give us breath, the moon and stars lighten the darkness of the night for us, song shall be our delight, lamenting our joy, Apollo will supply us with verses, and love with conceits whereby we shall make ourselves famed for ever, not only in this but in ages to come

And then—and then only you shall see the triumph of material, of clever contrivances, of the whole box of engineering tricks in fact, and cover with glory a commercial concern of the most unmitigated sort, a great Trust, and a great shipbuilding yard, justly famed for the super-excellence of its material and workmanship

Fame was a Swedish duo consisting of Jessica Andersson (born 27 October 1973 in Stockholm) and Magnus Bäcklund (born 16 November 1965 in Kristinehamn, Värmland County). (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Football star Chuck Fairlane was expelled from the sport for fighting, but he finds unlikely fame when mascots track him down for revenge.


Tarragona is a wonderful city, which often gets overlooked because of the fame of Barcelona.


The actor-comedian made his Comic-Con International debut with a panel for the new FX comedy about a washed-up rocker given another shot at fame.


Red Herring has an interesting take on Blinkx and its 15-minutes of fame.


A few developers have already jumped on board, Amazon says, including Eden Games (developers of Gear Club, pictured up top), Vector Unit (developers of Beach Buggy Racing) and Lima Sky (of Doodle Jump fame).


Gameplay is also a major element of that fame, though that is largely the same in the two modes.


But the kind of fame that he had to endure — or, I guess at times, got to enjoy — isnt the norm.


It would be easy to blame the new director, Gregory Jacobs, whose main claim to fame is working as a second-unit director to Soderbergh, including on Magic Mike.


In contrast to prevailing wisdom, perhaps some of the currently unknown directors of 2020’s big movies aren’t in film school or slaving away on a small film that will earn them fame.


The life of celebrated but reclusive author, J.D. Salinger, who gained worldwide fame with the publication of his novel, The Catcher in the Rye.


Sadly, when this unexpected Wii remake launched in 2009, the same thing happened and this lovely wee cat mascot once again missed out on fame and fortune.


(Cam Link) One of the historical claims to fame for this…


Before entering Congress, Gowdy worked for six years as a federal prosecutor, where he gained fame for the successful prosecution of J. Mark Allen, one of «America’s Most Wanted» suspects.


The last part of the book is about how she wrestles with fame and she offers a giant put down of her fans who pay to spend time with her at comic cons.


Kahanamoku attempted to cash in on his fame by appearing in such Hollywood potboilers as Lord Jim (1926) and the Mascot serial The Isle of Sunken Gold (1927), but screen producers saw him mostly as an exotic villain or the odd South Seas Island native and true stardom eluded him.


«A passenger vehicle burns between 0.15 gallons of gasoline (in small cars) and 0.4 gallon (in pickups) per hour of idling, according to estimates by the Argonne National Laboratory, and car gurus «Click and Clack» of National Public Radio fame


Sheen will star alongside Jason Schwartzman in the piece, which focuses on a graphic designer whose fame and earnings help him win over the ladies.


Although we email each other on a near-daily basis, it was the first time we had all met each other — Jenn Savedge of The Green Parent, Jennifer Taggert, aka SmartMama, Diane MacEachern of Big Green Purse fame, Jess, formerly of SurelyYouNest and late of Green Phone Booth, and Sommer.


If the wicked die in health, wealth and fame, they do not escape judgment.


Vogt found new fame on «America’s Got Talent» last year.


There was suddenly nothing I wanted more than to succeed at this basic human chore: not fame, not wealth, not immortality.


Winners get their meal for free, a picture on the wall of fame, and a free T-shirt.


Daniel Dae Kim of Buffy and Lost fame is jumping on board along with Buffy costar Eliza Dushku, meaning a solid chunk of this cast has worked with Joss Whedon in one manner or another.


Edge defender Leonard Williams made his claim to fame by recording seven or more pressures from five different alignment techniques along the defensive front for the Jets — en route to being placed on our top players under age 25.


ANYONE using their Christian faith for power, money or fame is not using it in the way God intended.


When I first became interested in natural foods, I turned to Adelle Davis and D. C. Jarvis of Folk Medicine fame.


However, he… Although Benedict Cumberbatch’s warm, resonant voice makes him a very fine narrator, he has recorded little since his fame as Sherlock.


His new boss (Nick Searcy, a sharp leader with a laid-back manner) isn’t exactly thrilled with his arrival — Raylan’s daddy (Raymond J. Barry) is a local hood and his old buddy Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins of The Shield fame), a former coal miner turned explosive expert and gun runner, is currently masterminding a reign of terror in town (no wonder he left home)— but he has a wary affection for Raylan.


Dozens described it as a toxic workplace fueled by fame and fear.


Former Cuzco resident Fiona shares her choice of her adopted country’s lesser-known Inca ruins, which share Machu Picchu’s geography but not its fame.


A couple months ago one of my good friends, of Edith Hart fame, started a fashion blog and I am loving it.


These licensing and marketing deals have not only generated revenue, but rather brilliantly extended the fame and value of the Trump brand in the process.


Picking up the story towards the middle of Turner’s life, and after he has gained fame, fortune, and both critical and public acclaim, it delves into the contradictions of a man who is moved almost to tears by music, and who delights in publically belittling a fellow artist, whose personal life is a mix of distance and desire.


Miller continues to treat his pre-Olympic fame like sour milk — «Do you think I’m having fun now?»


Ferrari has become one of the most recognized trade names in the world, and with that fame comes increased collectibility — and cost.


Love the iPad app by Richard Mason for his book History of a Pleasure Seeker, which allows seemless switching from the text to the audio (read by Dan Stevens of Downton Abbey fame), plus supplemental photo, history, music content.


While promoting the films upcoming NYC appearance Lipnicki spoke to Media Mikes about his new career and dealing with fame at such a young age.


(This might be the Outlander’s claim to fame.)


You are the latest explorer arriving in Tharsis to seek your fame and fortune.


One thing is clear, even with a conservative definition of «scientist»: The top of the fame ranking is dominated by social scientists such as Chomsky — by far the most famous living scientist, as measured by mD..


Red Johnson, one of the best private investigators in Metropolis City has recently gained a fame that turns out to be deadly.


University of Massachusetts Boston mathematics professor and former University of New Hampshire’s mathematics department chair Eric Grinberg said Zhang has always been a humble faculty member, despite his worldwide fame.


You can say that some people are born for fame, and some people just can’t handle it.


Even casual fans of White know none of his fame is owing to how down-to-earth and chill he is.


What to expect: The movie explores how Walter Keane (Christoph Waltz) gained fame by passing off as his own the art that was actually created by his wife, Margaret (Amy Adams, pictured with Waltz).


He gained fame during the Japanese film boom directing horror films like The Cure and Pulse and crime thrillers such as Serpent’s Path and Eyes of the Spider.


In my on-going search for increasing my knowledge about all things finance, I recently came across Kevin O’Leary of the Shark Tank fame.


My 3 seconds of fame is about 43 seconds into this video.


Before, Williams said, he felt trapped by fame.


The long ribbon of baked Tarmac with rich red earth on each side, with the odd stray donkey, has taken us to the town where army commander Robert Baden-Powell first won fame for withstanding a siege in the Boer War.


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