The word extraordinary in a sentence

чрезвычайный, внеочередной, экстраординарный, необычайный, необычный


- необычайный; замечательный, выдающийся

extraordinary beauty — редкая красота, исключительная красота
a man of extraordinary genius — выдающийся талант, гений

- необычный, удивительный; странный

extraordinary remedies — необычные средства
what an extraordinary idea! — что за странная мысль!

- чрезвычайный, экстраординарный; исключительный

extraordinary powers [measures] — чрезвычайные полномочия [меры]
extraordinary session — чрезвычайная сессия, внеочередное заседание
on extraordinary occasions — в исключительных случаях; при особых обстоятельствах

- внештатный, нештатный, сверхштатный, временный (о работнике)
- чрезвычайный (о после, посланнике)

Мои примеры


extraordinary charges for the delivery of goods — чрезмерные цены за доставку  
extraordinary adventure — необычайное приключение  
extraordinary item — особая статья  
extraordinary mode — необыкновенная волна; необыкновенная мода  
extraordinary nuclear occurrence — чрезвычайное ядерное происшествие  
extraordinary positive value — чрезвычайная позитивная стоимость  
extraordinary proceeds — внеплановый доход  
extraordinary profit/loss — внереализационный результат  
extraordinary reserve — резерв для чрезвычайных операций  
extraordinary resolution — чрезвычайная резолюция; чрезвычайное решение  

Примеры с переводом

She is an extraordinary child.

Она необычный ребёнок.

What an extraordinary thing to do!

Какой удивительный поступок!

He could not divine the cause of this extraordinary change.

Он не мог угадать причину такого необычного изменения.

He is possessed of the most brilliant talents and an extraordinary fund of energy.

Он обладает ярчайшими талантами и неисчерпаемым запасом энергии.

His extraordinary run of successes has been stopped.

Его невероятная серия успехов прекратилась.

It took an extraordinary amount of work.

Для этого пришлось выполнить огромный объём работы.

It’s extraordinary that he should make exactly the same mistake again.

Просто невероятно, что он снова сделал ту же самую ошибку.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The researchers made an extraordinary discovery.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

extraordinary — перевод на русский


This is very extraordinary, Mr. Kringelein.

Это необычно, мистер Крингеляйн.



Dr. Scott: extraordinary.

Необычно, валериана, не так ли?

How extraordinary it must be… what you were telling me just now… to lose your memory just like that… completely, wasn’t it?

Как это должно быть необычно, что вы мне только что рассказали. Вот так потерять память. Совсем, не так ли?

Not as extraordinary as all that.

— На самом деле это было не так уж необычно.

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— Well, this is extraordinary.


Extraordinary what a lot of Smiths and Browns stay here!

Невероятно, сколько Смитов и Браунов останавливается здесь!





Hm. Extraordinary.

М. Невероятно.

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Looks as though something extraordinary’s going on.

Кажется, происходит что-то экстраординарное.

Anyway, something extraordinary.

— Так или иначе, что-то экстраординарное.

Well, for that, we would need something extraordinary.

— Ну, для этого нам нужно что-то экстраординарное.

Extraordinary. — — So…


Captain, something else which is rather extraordinary.

Я обнаружил нечто в значительной степени экстраординарное.

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Удивительно, не правда ли?



It’s extraordinary how different a thing can look in the morning.

Удивительно как может измениться ваша точка зрения утром.

It’s extraordinary that someone like Plato can still be understood.

Удивительно, что такого человека, как Платон, мы можем понять и понимаем сейчас.

Well, that is extraordinary.

Да, это удивительно.

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You’re an extraordinary woman Claudia

Вы необыкновенная женщина Клаудия.

She is extraordinary!


She’s extraordinary!


You are extraordinary.

Ты необыкновенная.

She’s an extraordinary woman.

Она необыкновенная женщина

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Herr Rolfe further asserts that the defendant Janning was an extraordinary jurist and acted in what he thought was the best interest of his country.

Герр Рольфе утверждает, что подсудимый Яннинг был выдающимся юристом и поступал исключительно в интересах своей родины.

-Kingmaker extraordinary.

Выдающимся создателем королей.

Franklin was an extraordinary man, scientist, philosopher, inventor of bifocals and of the fire brigade.

Франклин был выдающимся человеком, учёным, философом, изобретателем двухфокусных очков и пожарных бригад.

An extraordinary experience.

Выдающимся опытом

— Today, we are talking to an extraordinary young man named Leon Bronstein.

— Сегодня, мы говорим с выдающимся молодым человеком по имени Лев Бронштейн.

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All right, I’m extraordinary.

Ладно, пусть я исключительный.

Lazar is an extraordinary case.

Лазар — исключительный случай.

— He’s an extraordinary man. They don’t make them like that anymore.

Это исключительный человек, другого такого не найти.

It means that you are a gifted,talented,extraordinary surgeon,exactly like your mother, but the difference is,you get to learn from her mistakes.

Это значит, что вы талантливый, одаренный, исключительный хирург, в точности как ваша мать, но отличие в том, что вам нужно учиться на ее ошибках.

The coffee was extraordinary.

А кофе был исключительный.

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They were convinced that extraordinary measures were needed to counter the changeling threat.

Они были убеждены, что необходимы чрезвычайные меры, чтобы противостоять угрозе нападения меняющихся.

An extraordinary occasion is whatever the president says it is.

Чрезвычайные обстоятельства — любые обстоятельства, которые президент назовет таковыми. — Чрезвычайные обстоятельства…

They were extraordinary circumstances, oliver.

Это были чрезвычайные обстоятельства, Оливер.

These were extraordinary circumstances, as you know.

Как вам известно, это были чрезвычайные обстоятельства.

Your Honor, but these are extraordinary circumstances.

Да, Ваша Честь, но это чрезвычайные обстоятельства

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And only the most extraordinary development of the flexor and extensor muscles of the upper arms, such as is commonly acquired in hard labor, would have been equal to that last daring climb from where the trail of the ivy ends to the balcony by which the midnight intruder entered your home. — Remarkable.

И только человек с необычайно развитыми мышцами плеча, что случается у каторжников смог бы совершить этот отчаянный подъем, который завершился на балконе через который ночной грабитель и попал в ваш дом.

— It’s extraordinary

— Это необычайно.

-But in Jesus he reveals as an extraordinary incarnate, vulnerable, passionate and liberating people,

Но в Христе Он воплотился как необычайно ранимый, страстный и свободолюбивый человек.

The passion I have for the work that I do is extraordinary.

Моя страсть к работе, которую я делаю, необычайно сильна.



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Isn’t it extraordinary?

Разве это не потрясающе?

Extraordinary !


It’s extraordinary you should say that because I was talking to stewie just the other day about this.

Потрясающе! Я как раз говорил об этом со Стюи буквально на днях.

That’s extraordinary.


I mean, it was… extraordinary.

Это было… потрясающе.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word extraordinary, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use extraordinary in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «extraordinary».

Extraordinary in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word extraordinary in a sentence.

  1. It is an extraordinary piece of work.».

  2. He had so many just extraordinary ideas».

  3. After the extraordinary success of H.M.S.

  4. His reception at Athens was extraordinary.

  5. Chkiantz commented: «It was extraordinary.

  6. The story is already extraordinary enough.».

  7. This inscription was something extraordinary.

  8. He was an extraordinary man, full of love and life.

  9. The extraordinary IX Congress of the PZPR took place in July.

  10. He read it and found that had «an extraordinary effect» on him.

  11. This would also extend the extraordinary powers of the Minister.

  12. After their extraordinary early successes, beginning with Oklahoma!

  13. Rodgers and Hammerstein, despite extraordinary early successes, such as Oklahoma!

  14. General relativity has acquired a reputation as a theory of extraordinary beauty.

  15. The extraordinary initial success of Pinafore in America was seen first-hand by J.

  16. At times she was simply called «Radiant», in reference to her extraordinary beauty.

  17. This extraordinary Female is about 18 years of age of High rank & great fortune.

  18. While certainly expensive, they could deliver extraordinary destructive power at relatively low cost.

  19. It was designed to combat the extraordinary batting skill of Australia’s leading batsman, Don Bradman.

  20. By the end of 2002, according to Field, «we knew we were involved in something extraordinary in the US».

  21. But a lot of disabled people are made to feel like failures if they haven’t done something extraordinary.

  22. In late 1809, John Drakard released The life of that wonderful and extraordinary heavy man, the late Danl.

  23. Mother Goose was a runaway success with its London audiences and earned an extraordinary profit of £20,000.

  24. The successful test of an atomic bomb represented an extraordinary scientific and technological achievement.

  25. Our professional life in Hollywood has been especially easy, and this is no doubt extraordinary and unfair».

  26. Where Gretzky differed from others in his development was in the extraordinary commitment of time on the ice.

  27. An EMI spokesperson stated that Radiohead had demanded «an extraordinary amount of money» for a new contract.

  28. The now-teen-age heroes are caught up in extraordinary dangers both in the «real» world and in virtual reality.

  29. He combined, to an extraordinary extent, determination with concentration, physical strength with intelligence.

  30. Horton Foote thought the choice made the scene more moving and called it «an extraordinary moment» in the film.

  31. Richard Taruskin writes that, although Mendelssohn produced works of extraordinary mastery at a very early age,.

  32. If this was the case, the events of 270 (which saw Zenobia’s conquest of the Levant and Egypt) are extraordinary.

  33. This was a most extraordinary statement for a military commander of the United Nations to issue on his own responsibility.

  34. The arrangement of his colours is admirably successful, and we could instance individual passages of extraordinary beauty.

  35. Many critics have noted the extraordinary development of Dylan’s songwriting immediately after completing his first album.

  36. In 1613, Sir Henry Wotton recorded that Henry VIII «was set forth with many extraordinary circumstances of pomp and ceremony».

  37. These chemists were impressed by Hahn’s work, but felt that the experimental work of Meitner and Frisch was not extraordinary.

  38. The present affair inevitably recalls the extraordinary and fatal outrage which occurred at Tottenham less than two years ago.

  39. Priestley recalled, «I was only a child when he succeeded Victoria in 1901, but I can testify to his extraordinary popularity.

  40. Skeptics say that the claim that letters influence life decisions is an extraordinary one that requires extraordinary evidence.

  41. While working on these extraordinary planning schemes he participated in the birth of modern urban design in the United States.

  42. For The Times, he «was ideally equipped to make an ordinary character seem extraordinary or an extraordinary one seem ordinary».

  43. Kelefa Sanneh of The New York Times reported that «on Tuesday night, the [Red Hot Chili Peppers] came to Madison Square Garden for an extraordinary two-hour performance ..

  44. Because of the extreme depth of the ocean in the area of the battle (more than 17,000 ft or 5,200 m), researching the battlefield has presented extraordinary difficulties.

  45. I am ashamed to say that I once thought so; but the longer I look at this extraordinary picture and at Goya’s other works, the more clearly I recognise that I was mistaken.

  46. Local protests and riots resulted in extraordinary levels of property damage in Minneapolis, including of a police station that was overrun by demonstrators and set on fire.

  47. According to Virsaladze, Georgian culture exhibits an extraordinary degree of live retention of ancient folklore and traditions, possibly from as far back as 3,300 years ago.

Synonyms for extraordinary

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word extraordinary has the following synonyms: bonzer, exceeding, exceptional, olympian, prodigious, surpassing, extraorinaire, fantastic, grand, howling, marvelous, marvellous, rattling, terrific, tremendous, wonderful, wondrous, phenomenal, frightful, terrible, awful, great, one, preternatural, uncanny, pyrotechnic, rare, uncommon, remarkable, singular, some, special, wonderworking, incomparable, uncomparable, unusual, over-the-top, sinful and immoderate.

General information about «extraordinary» example sentences

The example sentences for the word extraordinary that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «extraordinary» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «extraordinary».

Definition of Extraordinary

amazingly good

Examples of Extraordinary in a sentence

Henry is an extraordinary pianist who has played for three presidents and several royal families.


Because Melvin works hard in therapy, he is making extraordinary progress with improving his mobility.


The coach worked hard to recruit the extraordinary athlete to play for his team.


At the end of the contest, one extraordinary singer will be crowned the “Idol.”


I found jumping out of an airplane to be such an extraordinary experience that I have already booked my next jump.


Other words in the Amazing, Lovely, Impressive category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Examples of how to use the word “extraordinary” in a sentence. How to connect “extraordinary” with other words to make correct English sentences.

extraordinary (adj): very unusual, special, unexpected, or strange

Use “extraordinary” in a sentence

Her talents are quite extraordinary.
You are an extraordinary woman.
He is an athlete with extraordinary speed.

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“Lady Chimaera owed her extraordinary vampiric powers precisely to that pact

You are the most extraordinary person I’ve ever met this way

Two hours later they emerged from the chamber; and the difference was extraordinary

You’d never have found out how extraordinary your nose was if it hadn’t stopped you doing what you most wanted to

never have found out how extraordinary your nose was if it hadn’t

The stories he heard of extraordinary things happening in cemeteries, to

Miss Allcock, I am truly delighted to have the extraordinary pleasure of seeing you again

Kelsey that the great bulk of all the work made to remedy the house and gardens was made by just two extraordinary women

I have also,” and she reached again into her bag and produced three unsealed envelopes and three sealed but unaddressed envelopes, “included my personal letters of recommendation of their, quite extraordinary, academic command and achievement

lives—an extraordinary feat considering whom we were dealing with—but I could

About meeting an extraordinary family who took him in and gave him whatever they had

He wondered at her extraordinary tension in such contrast with her evident state

such extraordinary circumstances to be with her, why he risked so much

His extraordinary gains arise from the high price which is paid for his private labour

But as they are repeated upon every part of his stock, and as their whole amount bears, upon that account, a regular proportion to it, they are commonly considered as extraordinary profits of stock

But, on account of the extraordinary expense of fuel, the maintenance of a family is most expensive in winter

If, in these places, therefore, the labouring poor can maintain their families in dear years, they must be at their ease in times of moderate plenty, and in affluence in those of extraordinary cheapness

It is because the demand for labour increases in years of sudden and extraordinary plenty, and diminishes in those of sudden and extraordinary scarcity, that the money price of labour sometimes rises in the one, and sinks in the other

In a year of sudden and extraordinary plenty, there are funds in the hands of many of the employers of industry, sufficient to maintain and employ a greater number of industrious people than had been employed the year before ; and this extraordinary number cannot always be had

The contrary of this happens in a year of sudden and extraordinary scarcity

In 1740, a year of extraordinary scarcity, many people were willing to work for bare subsistence

What is called gross profit, comprehends frequently not only this surplus, but what is retained for compensating such extraordinary losses

farmers could not otherwise provide themselves with the extraordinary number of hands

extraordinary, the dearness of house-rent is the cause of the cheapness of lodging

extraordinary things in the earth

the produce of a kitchen garden had, it seems, been little more than sufficient to pay the extraordinary culture and the expense of watering ; for in countries so near the sun, it was thought proper, in those times as in the present, to have the command of a stream of water, which could be conducted to every bed in the garden

And the mage, he would mostly talk of the advancement of his students, speaking with particular pride when it came to the extraordinary feats of the girl Emily, whom, according to Brice, was above and beyond the most powerful mage he had ever seen, even though she was but fifteen

The rent and profit of those productions, therefore, which require either a greater original expense of improvement in order to fit the land for them, or a greater annual expense of cultivation, though often much superior to those of corn and pasture, yet when they do no more than compensate such extraordinary expense, are in reality regulated by the rent and profit of those common crops

A small part of this high price, therefore, is sufficient to pay the wages of the extraordinary labour bestowed upon their cultivation, and the profits of the extraordinary stock which puts that labour into motion

An acre of potatoes is cultivated with less expense than an acre of wheat; the fallow, which generally precedes the sowing of wheat, more than compensating the hoeing and other extraordinary culture which is always given to potatoes

This statute is surely a better evidence of what was reckoned, in those times, a moderate price of grain, than the prices of some particular years, which have generally been recorded by historians and other writers, on account of their extraordinary dearness or cheapness, and from which, therefore, it is difficult to form any judgment concerning what may have been the ordinary price

These prices are not recorded, on account of their extraordinary dearness or cheapness, but are mentioned accidentally, as the prices actually paid for large quantities of grain consumed at a feast, which was famous for its magnificence

The prices, indeed, which Fleetwood has been able to collect, seem to have been those chiefly which were remarkable for extraordinary dearness or cheapness ; and I do not pretend that any very certain conclusion can be drawn from them

In France, and even in Scotland, where labour is somewhat better rewarded than in France, the labouring poor seldom eat butcher’s meat, except upon holidays, and other extraordinary occasions

“Fred Fogity and Dai Newbuck, adventurers extraordinary

Before the scarcity occasioned by the late extraordinary course of bad seasons, it was, I have been assured, the ordinary contract price in all common years

If his calculations deserve any part of the reputation which they have obtained very universally, eight-and-forty shillings the quarter was a price which, without some such expedient as the bounty, could not at that time be expected, except in years of extraordinary scarcity

In plentiful years, the bounty, by occasioning an extraordinary exportation, necessarily raises the price of corn above what it otherwise would be in those years

By the extraordinary exportation which it occasions in years of plenty, it must frequently hinder the plenty of one year from compensating the scarcity of another

should, in another, be owing to the extraordinary encouragement given to exportation

seems evidently to have been the effect of the extraordinary unfavourableness of the seasons, and ought, therefore, to be regarded, not as a permanent, but as a transitory and occasional event

Ten years of extraordinary scarcity, besides, are not more wonderful than ten years of extraordinary plenty

In 1749, accordingly, Mr Pelham, at that time prime minister, observed to the house of commons, that, for the three years preceding, a very extraordinary sum had been paid as bounty for the exportation of corn

The year 1740, however, was a year of extraordinary scarcity

The durableness of metals is the foundation of this extraordinary steadiness of price

As to the price of corn itself, it has, during the sixty-four first years of the present century, and before the late extraordinary course of bad seasons, been somewhat lower than it was during the sixty-four last years of the preceding century

If a lie would save the life of the person you love most on earth while being convinced it would have no adverse effect on anybody else, would you express it? If the answer is no I am not sure you can differentiate good and bad and I beg you to devote more efforts to understand the extraordinary lesson life is trying to teach you

so that, without any further care or attention, those coffers are likely to be always equally or very near equally full, and scarce ever to require any extraordinary expense to replenish them

The customs of merchants, which were established when the barbarous laws of Europe did not enforce the performance of their contracts, and which, during the course of the two last centuries, have been adopted into the laws of all European nations, have given such extraordinary privileges to bills of exchange, that money is more readily advanced upon them than upon any other species of obligation; especially when they are made payable within so short a period as two or three months after their date

In truth, this was a stroke of extraordinary luck

He went to extraordinary lengths to secure a copy

It is the means the most vulgar and the most obvious; and the most likely way of augmenting their fortune, is to save and accumulate some part of what they acquire, either regularly and annually, or upon some extraordinary occasion

In the course of the four French wars, the nation has contracted more than £145,000,000 of debt, over and above all the other extraordinary annual expense which they occasioned ; so that the whole cannot be computed at less than £200,000,000

So great a share of the annual produce of the land and labour of the country, has, since the Revolution, been employed upon different occasions, in maintaining an extraordinary number of unproductive hands

To force, therefore, by extraordinary encouragements, a larger share of the capital of any country into the carrying trade, than what would naturally go to it, will not always necessarily increase the shipping of that country

But it must seem extraordinary, that the sovereigns of all the different countries of Europe should have exchanged in this manner for a rent certain, never more to be augmented, that branch of their revenue, which was, perhaps, of all others, the most likely to be improved by the natural course of things, without either expense or attention of their own ; and that they should, besides, have in this manner voluntarily erected a sort of independent republics in the heart of their own dominions

They were, therefore, called upon to send deputies to the general assembly of the states of the kingdom, where they might join with the clergy and the barons in granting, upon urgent occasions, some extraordinary aid to the king

The great armies which marched from all parts to the conquest of the Holy Land, gave extraordinary encouragement to the shipping of Venice, Genoa, and Pisa, sometimes in transporting them thither, and always in supplying them with provisions

As a final super impressive aspect of Bob the Buho, he’s equipped with an extraordinary pair of two feet and a mouth that would make those mixed martial arts fighter types green with envy

But that when it imported to a greater value than it exported, a contrary balance became due to foreign nations, which was necessarily paid to them in the same manner, and thereby diminished that quantity : that in this case, to prohibit the exportation of those metals, could not prevent it, but only, by making it more dangerous, render it more expensive: that the exchange was thereby turned more against the country which owed the balance, than it otherwise might have been; the merchant who purchased a bill upon the foreign country being obliged to pay the banker who sold it, not only for the natural risk, trouble, and expense of sending the money thither, but for the extraordinary risk arising from the prohibition; but that the more the exchange was against any country, the more the balance of trade became necessarily against it; the money of that country becoming necessarily of so much less value, in comparison with that of the country to which the balance was due

But though the risk arising from the prohibition might occasion some extraordinary expense to the bankers, it would not necessarily carry any more money out of the country

Increase the use of them, increase the consumable commodities which are to be circulated, managed, and prepared by means of them, and you will infallibly increase the quantity ; but if you attempt by extraordinary means to increase the quantity, you will as infallibly diminish the use, and even the quantity too, which in those metals can never be greater than what the use requires

That image, which was large and the brightness of which was extraordinary, was standing in front of you and its appearance was dreadful

An extraordinary quantity of paper money of some sort or other, too, such as exchequer notes, navy bills, and bank bills, in England, is generally issued upon such occasions, and, by supplying the place of circulating gold and silver, gives an opportunity of sending a greater quantity of it abroad

We never heard of any extraordinary quantity of plate being melted down

Among nations to whom commerce and manufactures are little known, the sovereign, upon extraordinary occasions, can seldom draw any considerable aid from his subjects, for reasons which shall be explained hereafter

The sovereigns of improved and commercial countries are not under the same necessity of accummlating treasures, because they can generally draw from their subjects extraordinary aids upon extraordinary occasions

extraordinary charge; and it is in this manner that every country which has any considerable share of the carrying trade, becomes always the emporium, or general market, for the goods of all the different countries whose trade it carries on


To lay extraordinary restraints upon the importation of goods of almost all kinds, from those particular countries with which the balance of trade is supposed to be disadvantageous, is the second expedient by which the commercial system proposes to increase the quantity of gold and silver

— Of the Unreasonableness of those extraordinary Restraints, upon other Principles

In the foregoing part of this chapter, I have endeavoured to show, even upon the principles of the commercial system, how unnecessary it is to lay extraordinary restraints upon the importation of goods from those countries with which the balance of trade is supposed to be disadvantageous

Hence, in Great Britain, and in most other European countries, the extraordinary duties upon almost all goods imported by alien merchants

Hence, too, the extraordinary restraints upon the importation of almost all sorts of goods from those countries with which the balance of trade is supposed to be

beneficial to the nation, the value of the exportation exceeding that of the importation by a much greater sum than the whole extraordinary expense which the public has been at in order to get it exported

He does not consider that this extraordinary expense, or the bounty, is the smallest part of the expense which the exportation of corn really costs the society

In years of plenty, it has already been observed, the bounty, by occasioning an extraordinary exportation, necessarily keeps up the price of corn in the home market above what it would naturally fall to

The extraordinary exportation of corn, therefore occasioned by the bounty, not only in every particular year diminishes the home, just as much as it extends the foreign market and consumption, but, by restraining the population and industry of the country, its final tendency is to stint and restrain the gradual extension of the home market ; and thereby, in the long-run, rather to diminish than to augment the whole market and consumption of corn

We have extraordinary

extraordinary exportation of gold and silver, so neither would their consumption be much augmented by it

“I’ve also come to know Helez as an extraordinary young woman with high standards and I am convinced that Zarko has made a wise choice

By encouraging extraordinary dexterity and ingenuity, they serve to keep up the emulation of the workmen actually employed in those respective occupations, and are not considerable enough to turn towards any one of them a greater share of the capital of the country than what would go to it of its own accord

practice of the body science, postures which promoted extraordinary balance and flexibility

That this extraordinary profit, however, is no more than sufficient to put his trade upon a fair level with other trades, and to compensate the many losses which he sustains upon other occasions, both from the perishable nature of the commodity itself, and from the frequent and unforeseen fluctuations of its price, seems evident enough, from this single circumstance, that great fortunes are as seldom made in this as in any other trade

It was an extraordinary land that she had long fancied visiting one day

The carrying trade was in effect prohibited in Great Britain, upon all ordinary occasions, by the high duties upon the importation of foreign corn, of the greater part of which there was no drawback; and upon extraordinary occasions, when a scarcity made it necessary to suspend those duties by temporary statutes, exportation was always prohibited

«Extraordinary!» exclaimed Mr Pinscher, although it was not certain whether his interest was roused by this uncommon mode of conveyance, or by the vague suggestion of sausages

The rest were mere objects of vulgar wonder and curiosity ; some reeds of an extraordinary size, some birds of a very beautiful plumage, and some stuffed skins of the huge alligator and manati ; all of which were preceded by six or seven of the wretched natives, whose singular colour and appearance added greatly to the novelty of the show

something he had always found most extraordinary

water, they also have an extraordinary

This extraordinary story was captured and featured on ABC TV show Primetime

First, those colonies, in preparing themselves for their non-importation agreement, drained Great Britain completely of all the commodities which were fit for their market ; secondly, the extra ordinary demand of the Spanish flota has, this year, drained Germany and the north of many commodities, linen in particular, which used to come into competition, even in the British market, with the manufactures of Great Britain; thirdly, the peace between Russia and Turkey has occasioned an extraordinary demand from the Turkey market, which, during the distress of the country, and while a Russian fleet was cruizing in the Archipelago, had been very poorly supplied ; fourthly, the demand of the north of Europe for the manufactures of Great Britain has been increasing from year to year, for some time past; and, fifthly, the late partition, and consequential pacification of Poland, by opening the market of that great country, have, this year, added an extraordinary demand from thence to the increasing demand of the north

The expense of the ordinary peace establishment of the colonies amounted, before the commencement of the present disturbances to the pay of twenty regiments of foot ; to the expense of the artillery, stores, and extraordinary provisions, with which it was necessary to supply them ; and to the expense of a very considerable naval force, which was constantly kept up, in order to guard from the smuggling vessels of other nations, the immense coast of North America, and that of our West Indian islands

All were extraordinary

In this extraordinary case, the public interest requires that some stock should be withdrawn from those employments which, in ordinary cases, are more advantageous, and turned towards one which, in ordinary cases, is less advantageous to the public; and, in this extraordinary case, the natural interests and inclinations of men coincide as exactly with the public interests as in all other ordinary cases, and lead them to withdraw stock from the near, and to turn it towards the distant employments

Since the establishment of the English East India company, for example, the other inhabitants of England, over and above being excluded from the trade, must have paid, in the price of the East India goods which they have consumed, not only for all the extraordinary profits which the company may have made upon those goods in consequence of their monopoly, but for all the

Without such extraordinary encouragement, the poor traders of such poor countries would probably never have thought of hazarding their small capitals in so very distant and uncertain an adventure as the trade to the East Indies must naturally have appeared to them

Upon other occasions, the order has been reversed ; and a rich field of rice or other grain has been ploughed up, in order to make room for a plantation of poppies, when the chief foresaw that extraordinary profit was likely to be made by opium

Our woollen manufacturers, in order to justify their demand of such extraordinary restrictions and regulations, confidently asserted, that English wool was of a peculiar quality, superior to that of any other country; that the wool of other countries could not, without some mixture of it, be wrought up into any tolerable manufacture; that fine cloth could not be made without it ; that England, therefore, if the exportation of it could be totally prevented, could monopolize to herself almost the whole woollen trade of the world; and thus, having no rivals, could sell at what price she pleased, and in a short time acquire the most incredible degree of wealth by the most advantageous balance of trade

But unlike before, he would not submit himself to its extraordinary power

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