The word extinction in a sentence

Synonym: defunctness, experimental extinction, extermination, extinguishing, quenching. Similar words: distinction, sanction, function, compunction, and function, functional, malfunction, dysfunction. Meaning: [-kʃn]  n. 1. no longer in existence 2. no longer active; extinguished 3. the reduction of the intensity of radiation as a consequence of absorption and radiation 4. complete annihilation 5. a conditioning process in which the reinforcer is removed and a conditioned response becomes independent of the conditioned stimulus 6. the act of extinguishing; causing to stop burning. 

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1. The plant is now in danger of extinction.

2. The breed was on the verge of extinction.

3. Many species are doomed to extinction.

4. Pandas are on the margin of extinction.

5. The species was doomed to extinction.

6. Modern farming methods have led to the total extinction of many species of wild flowers.

7. Through the total fading away and extinction of craving, decay and death, sorrow, lamentation, suffering, grief, and despair are extinguished.

8. The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction.

9. The centuries-old ritual seems headed for extinction.

10. Will technology in music drive creativity to extinction?

11. Hundreds of tree species face extinction.

11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

12. They were hunted almost to extinction .

13. These animals are now on the verge of extinction.

14. The creature is on the threshold of extinction.

15. Their traditional way of life seems doomed to extinction.

16. Many species are now threatened with extinction.

17. Mountain gorillas are on the verge of extinction.

18. The condor was in grave danger of extinction.

19. Are whales doomed to extinction?

20. Many endangered species now face extinction.

21. Many wild plants are under threat of extinction.

22. The island’s way of life is doomed to extinction.

23. The dormouse in Britain may face extinction if ancient woodland continues to disappear.

24. Conservationists are trying to save the whale from extinction .

25. The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining timber sales.

26. An operation is beginning to try to save a species of crocodile from extinction.

27. In the 19th century, inbreeding nearly led to the extinction of the royal family.

28. A comet colliding with the earth may have caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs.

29. 30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently threatened with extinction.

30. The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.

More similar words: distinction, sanction, function, compunction, and function, functional, malfunction, dysfunction, distinctive, action, auction, section, fiction, reduction, election, fraction, reaction, infection, selection, objection, direction, prediction, collection, inspection, conviction, reflection, production, attraction, dictionary, connection. 

extinction — перевод на русский


We seek merely to save the Exxilon race from extinction.

Мы стремимся сберечь расу экссилонцев от вымирания.

However, we are dealing with human animals… ..natural reaction to the threat of extinction… ..which is to reproduce, to propagate the species.

Но мы имеем дело с животным инстинктом самосохранения. Человек, который оказался перед опасностью вымирания, естественным образом стремится к воспроизводству, размножению. Это печально, но неизбежно.

Buildings threatened with extinction.

Зданиями под угрозой вымирания.

I think your colony of Earth people is in grave danger of extinction.

Я думаю ваша колония Землян в серьезной опасности вымирания.

A primitive settlement on the verge of extinction!

Примитивная колония на грани вымирания!

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But who’s the more monstrous the whales, who ask to be left alone to sing their rich and plaintive songs or the humans, who set out to hunt them and destroy them and have brought many whale species close to the edge of extinction?

В настоящий момент Россия решает, остаться ли ей в списке стран-убийц. Но кто же большее чудовище — киты, которые хотят чтобы их оставили в покое, позволили им петь свои звучные и печальные песни, или люди, которые выходят в море, чтобы охотиться и уничтожать китов, и из-за которых многие виды китов находятся на грани исчезновения?

After 30 years of contamination by DDT and other pesticides the Louisiana brown pelican is on the brink of extinction.

После 30-ти лет отравления почвы и воды ДДТ и пестицидами коричневый пеликан оказался на грани исчезновения.

— His village faces extinction.

— Его деревня на грани исчезновения.

We’re facing extinction.

Мы оказываемся перед лицом исчезновения.

Their entire race is on the brink of extinction.

Их раса на грани исчезновения.

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They passed through the galaxy rescuing primitive cultures which were in danger of extinction and seeding them, so to speak, where they could live and grow.

Они прошли всю галактику, спасая примитивные культуры, которые были под угрозой уничтожения, и пересаживали их туда, где они могли жить и расти.

Then all our races stand on the edge of extinction.

Тогда все наши расы находятся на грани уничтожения.

I have spent my life trying to protect plants from extinction and now you corrupt my research into some maniacal scheme for world domination.

Всю жизнь я пытаюсь спасти растения от уничтожения а вы использовали мои труды чтобы осуществить безумную идею власти над миром.

Hey, so give this guy his 1,500 bucks, and we’ll just saunter right out of here with a weapon of mass extinction.

Дай ему полторы тысячи баксов, и мы не спеша уйдём отсюда с оружием массового уничтожения.

Yeah, the gene is known as TET1, and it’s critical to a process called memory extinction, where painful events are replaced with more positive associations.

Да, ген известен, как ТЕТ1 и он важен для так называемого уничтожения памяти, когда болезненные события заменяют более радостными ассоциациями.

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A man of your calibre will appreciate that rebels that rebels must be kept under close surveillance, ready for extinction if the rebellion is absolute.

Человек вашего калибра понимает что бунтари… что бунтари должны находиться под как можно более близким наблюдением, с возможностью истребления, если восстание неотвратимо.

The Autobots, on the verge of extinction, battled valiantly to survive.

Находившиеся на грани истребления автоботы доблестно вели борьбу за выживание.

Humanity was immediately pushed to the brink of extinction.

Человечество вмиг оказалось на грани истребления.

After an extinction.

— После истребления.

They’re counting down to our extinction.

Они ведут отсчёт до нашего истребления.

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You live on the brink of extinction, beside the Sea of Decay.

Вы на краю Леса, на краю гибели.

It’s the first sign of our extinction when toads die.

Когда лягушки начинают умирать — это первый признак нашей гибели.

Humankind was again in danger of extinction and again turned to the Rangers for the answer.

Человечество снова оказалось на краю гибели. И снова рейнджеры стали последней надеждой.

She’s been leading this coven to extinction!

Она приведет шабаш к гибели!

Sometimes a culling is the only way to ensure that this species survives… and history will see Valentine… as the man who saved humanity from extinction.

Иногда отбраковка — единственный способ спасти какой-то вид, и Валентайн войдет в историю как тот, кто спас человечество от гибели.

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To hunt a species to extinction is not logical.

Доводить вид до грани вымирания нелогично.

My own quick research reveals wild salmon… especially Atlantic salmon, are threatened with extinction.

Я выяснила, что дикий лосось – особенно атлантический лосось – находится на грани вымирания.

Mankind faces extinction.

Человечество — на грани вымирания.

We almost reached extinction.

Мы практически на грани вымирания.

Ireland to Oxytown, Newcastle to Barnsley… ..I’ll be looking at how our 6,000-plus languages and myriad accents are threatened with extinction as the global village becomes a reality.

Мы увидим, что наши 6000 с лишним языков и мириады диалектов находятся на грани вымирания, благодаря тому, что идея глобальной деревни становится реальностью.

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One man saw the catastrophe coming. He created an ark for mankind and selected a chosen few to sleep for 2,000 years and defy mankind’s extinction.

Один человек предвидел катастрофу, сОздал ковчег и отобрал людей, чтобы усыпить их на 2000 лет и не дать погибнуть человечеству.

One man saw the catastrophe coming. He created an ark for mankind, and selected a chosen few to sleep for 2,000 years and defy mankind’s extinction.

Один человек предвидел катастрофу, сОздал ковчег и отобрал людей, чтобы усыпить их на 2000 лет и не дать погибнуть человечеству.

One man saw the catastrophe coming. He created an ark for mankind and selected a chosen few to sleep for 2,000 years, and defy mankind’s extinction.

Один человек предвидел катастрофу сОздал ковчег и отобрал людей, чтобы усыпить их на 2000 лет и не дать погибнуть человечеству.

One man saw the catastrophe coming. He created an ark for mankind and selected a chosen few to sleep for 2000 years and defy mankind’s extinction.

Один человек предвидел катастрофу сОздал ковчег и отобрал людей, чтобы усыпить их на 2000 лет и не дать погибнуть человечеству.

One man saw the catastrophe coming. He created an ark for mankind, and selected a chosen few to sleep for 2,000 years and defy mankind’s extinction.

Один человек предвидел катастрофу сОздал ковчег и отобрал людей, чтобы усыпить их на 2000 лет и не дать погибнуть человечеству.

We’ve hunted them to the brink of extinction.

Мы их почти полностью истребили.

We’d offer you some, but we hunted it to extinction for breakfast.

Мы бы тебе предложили, но мы истребили их для завтрака.

If it were up to him, every witch in oz would’ve gone the way of extinction.

Будь его воля, каждую ведьму в Оз истребили бы.

So you think they were hunted to extinction?

Так ты думаешь их истребили?

Oh, Blackbeard hunted them into extinction.

Черная Борода истребил их.

I won’t have you debating us into extinction.

Я не хочу, чтобы из за тебя мы вымерли!

It sounds like they went into extinction through choice.

Звучит будто они вымерли по собственному желанию.

The army had hunted us to extinction.

Армия ждала, что мы все вымрем.

If D-Day happens before we’re ready, we could face extinction.

Если день Д наступит до того, как мы будем готовы, мы вымрем.

Just learn to adapt! Otherwise, you’ll be bound for extinction.

Учитесь приспосабливаться, иначе просто вымрете.

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вымирание, угасание, гашение, прекращение, погашение, тушение, потухание


- тушение (огня)
- потухание, затухание, угасание
- прекращение, изжитие (вражды и т. п.)
- спец. погасание, затухание; самоэкранирование; экстинкция (излучения)
- вымирание (племени, вида животного и т. п.)
- пресечение (рода)

the extinction of the male line — пресечение рода по мужской линии

- отмирание; исчезновение (с лица земли)

extinction of a meteor — исчезновение метеора

- тех. гашение (извести)
- юр. погашение (долга)

Мои примеры


the extinction of all life in the region — полное исчезновение всего живого в данном регионе  
the extinction of many old traditions — исчезновение многих старых обычаев / традиций  
chance of extinction — вероятность прекращения (процесса)  
extinction of obligation — погашение обязательства  
extinction of rights — лишение прав  
probability of extinction — вероятность вырождения  
extinction process — затухающий процесс  
fire extinction by carbonic acid gas — тушение пожара углекислотой  
fire extinction by live steam — тушение пожара свежим паром  
fire extinction — тушение пожара; пожаротушение; тушение огня  
flame extinction — угасание пламени; тушение пожара  
foam extinction — пенное тушение пожара; тушение огня пеной; тушение пеной  

Примеры с переводом

These birds have been hunted almost to extinction.

На этих птиц охотились пока они почти не исчезли.

They were hunted almost to extinction.

На них охотились почти до полного истребления.

The breed was on the verge of extinction.

Эта порода была на грани исчезновения.

Many endangered species now face extinction.

Многие виды, которые находились под угрозой исчезновения, сейчас вымирают.

Many species are doomed to extinction.

Многие виды обречены на вымирание.

Many species have been shot to the verge of extinction.

Многие виды животных отстреливаются до полного уничтожения.

The Chiru as a species is doomed to extinction.

Тибетская антилопа как вид обречена на вымирание.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Mass extinctions of prehistoric animals are known to have occurred.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

extinct  — вымерший, потухший, угасший, вышедший из употребления

Definition of Extinction

the process of a species completely dying out

Examples of Extinction in a sentence

Extinction of the species happened after poachers killed many of the animals.


No one is sure what pushed dinosaurs to the point of extinction, but many think it was a meteor.


The wooly mammoth faced extinction after genetic diseases begin to take over the species.


The saber-toothed tiger was a fierce competitor, but subcommand to extinction and was wiped out.


Animal extinction is caused by many factors including human pollution and destruction of habitats.


Other words in the Decrease category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

neck and a hard heart! He marched the Southern Kingdom into extinction

If we exterminate the present biosphere with a mass extinction impact and re-seed this planet, the very best we can hope for is mortal humans breeding here in a thousand years

It was too big an asteroid to take out only the Kassikan, it was big enough that all it had to do was hit the planet and there would be a mass extinction

«To understand the quibarta,» Desa told him, «you have to understand that it is part of the ecological aftermath of the Energy Age mass extinction

Stryders were flightless relatives of the dactyls, they were mostly hunted to extinction in Thulitlanth times and in spite of a lot of people’s efforts, the large ones went extinct by the early Energy Age

He believed the exploitation of its heritage would bring the extinction of this integrity but some have other ideas

England’s green and pleasant land is no exception, with every home an entertainment gin palace, where businesses thrive and prosper in the information age, and where the electronically dispossessed watch the valves and fuses of their analogue existence slowly burn down towards a state of mass extinction

History would show that that one step laid the groundwork that would eventually free the entire world of the black monsters, and bring it back from near extinction

slowly burn down towards a state of mass extinction

That man would save a species he about drove into extinction, it is

“That is insane! It would lead to extinction through attrition

“What happened that you fought for extinction? This is very difficult to believe

“If you wish extinction, then do away with yourself, but let others have the choice

Extinction comes abruptly

It almost seemed as if the battle would bring them to the brink of extinction

With such a death rate the extinction of the Cuban race would soon have been assured

destruction of the Earth, extinction of species, starving children, violence against

It has been oftentimes argued in some environmental circles that the extinction of any species, whether animal or plant, would trigger an ecological chain of events endangering Nature‘s ‖precarious‖ equilibrium

After all, our planet has witnessed the extinction of a variety of species over the centuries whether insect, reptile or mammal replaced by others through the processes of Biological Evolution and Natural Selection

There is no longer any doubt in my mind that treason, as it was once (properly) understood, is on the verge of extinction; elasticized out of the American Constitution by the penumbral dynamics governing free speech in whatever form that may otherwise antagonize the well-bred standards of decency and good taste; depending, of course, on the topic and the person doing the talking!

Listen carefully; it’s a real possibility that we face extinction

That rate of logging and burning can only lead to extinction of orang-utans in the most horrible way, as witnessed in 1987 – 1998’s uncontrolled burning, which killed nearly eight thousand orang-utans

Perched always on the knife-edge of extinction, he sharpened his tools of survival throughout that crisis-laden epoch

Concentrated beams of extinction struck the hedgehog squarely

extinction and the purchase of habitat for their protection

Sadly these highly intelligent creatures have virtually been hunted to extinction on Phuket but I’m glad to say the project is slowly working

Once again, I ask the question, “Is this then the ‘end of days,’ the final one, where physical time comes to an end for humankind, where a remnant is seemingly removed, raptured while all others are accosted by a series of catastrophes with extinction as its final note?”

The scant “clues” that we have inherited don’t allow us the pleasure of positive confirmation, but all of history succeeding that time seems to positively affirm that the “traditionalists” went on to eventual extinction, or at least their ideas did, as Man’s next best guess expanded toward the more powerful forces seen within climatic disturbances

Their message also seems to have evolved from that crack of doom that came to Man as he stood perched on that anciently “sharp edge of extinction;” to the more morally oriented message of correct behavior that came concurrent with Man’s increased civility that allowed his civilizations to emerge and advance; to the words of encouragement for those who couldn’t understand the injustice of the ever more complicated rulership of our latter-day past

Perched always on the knife-edge of extinction, he sharpened his tools of survival throughout that crisis-laden epoch” (the Pleistocene)

He has persisted throughout the tribulations that have driven others to extinction

The Mass extinction, out of Yucatan and the beginning of Mammals

The Mass extinction was caused by a comet striking The Yucatan peninsula of what we call Mexico

Also, the extinction of the working capital occurs in a computational way when of the closing of the organization, without the coin is transferred the third party

Also, the extinction of the coin happens when there is the citizen’s death

This state of consciousness, Nirvana, the extinction of the limitations of self-hood, is attainable on earth

With the help of my Council of Wizards we were finally victorious, thus ending the disease that has plagued my family almost to extinction,” I answered

precariously on the edge of extinction

pip them; it seemed, that through the sheer luck of the extinction event millions of years ago, he had inherited a species that was

“Voluntary human extinction,” she exults, “will solve every problem on Earth, social and environmental

My sources however, inform us that your brothers are angry at their defeat which has only served to strengthen their resolve in you complete extinction

In the meantime the legions of rebellion are judging how best to complete the extinction of the civilization against which they wage their holy Civil War

Thinking itself is the endangered species needing protection from extinction

Yet it is not extinction

at best, the promise of ultimate extinction, or, which is worse,

It does not mean the extinction of the person; it means only se-

Absolute of the Supreme Reality, ( pra, before + laya, extinction)

These Christian pigs, these oppressors, these fascists, raped the environment and killed all the native species—drove them to extinction

We are the ones preventing your extinction

«Preventing our extinction? The nerve! You have just condemned all life to death

Unfortunately, that outburst of passion turned out to be the closing chapter of a love story that was now flickering to extinction, for the next day Josie told Roger with determined assertion: “We can no longer sleep in the same room because I am a lesbian and cannot sleep with a man

The law was enacted in the 1960‘s by authorizing the identification of fish and wildlife threatened with extinction and the purchase of habitat for their protection

extinction of the dinosaurs

extinction of the dinosaurs?” He sighed and pointed to one of the

” Babeuf foresaw “the extinction of

that if there is once again a mass extinction

This led to the purebred hunting Galgo Espanol being threatened with extinction

In order to prevent the extinction of the Cypriot donkeys, the government

Despite the near extinction of Korean moon bears in the wild, the numbers of

They say the dinosaurs’ extinction was caused by a catastrophic

“He says that he will beat us for ten days before he tries for our extinction, so presumably, he will not utilize all of his forces in the first attack

Earth is not the only planet facing extinction

main reasons why I put together the Fat Extinction Program

Creator of The Fat Extinction Program

The extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago has been linked to

extinction by Japan and Germany

It is not my intention to stay idly as the days pass by and reaches the moment of my extinction

completed the extinction of the large animals

Now, slush is dead, or close to extinction

The Delhi Sands flower-loving fly is endemic to its namesake habitat, and both are on the brink of extinction

Our recovery from the brink of extinction, “The Renaissance Miracle”, was due to the creation of the myth of Domino and Domina—sibling gods whose copulation created the universe

This would cause extinction among the Bajaians and their land

Think tanks, deeply laid plans, extinction, and all that conspiracy crap

you can console yourself with the knowledge that we may have saved our race from extinction

‘To save non-human life on the planet from extinction

Homo toolmaker’s childish refusal to share the planet with other species ensured their own extinction; taking with them nearly all other life on the planet,’ Jar replied sadly

In the centre of the note was a circular area of blank space bearing a watermark, the lesser-spotted dualage in flight, a bird hunted to extinction by the royal family associated with the previous government

Thus this qunamic fight for survival within the system would have brought the plunamic structures to the brink of extinction

In time all those dinner parties would have pushed the plunams to the brink again what with the stronger and the weaker alike facing extinction

If this is the solution or the only way (or the most comfortable way) to choose, then it is not necessary to have a guide, to have somebody who represents/defends and emphasizes the quality of single persons, you just need an anthropologist that studies the modalities for disappearance, extinction of the group

The feud had become a terrible elemental power driving the people of Xuchotl inexorably on to doom and extinction

At least it was of earthly matter; it was a crawling death, but it threatened only physical extinction, whereas these other horrors menaced mind and soul as well

«The last of the Romanovs was heir to a repressive autocracy which was destined to terminate in the complete ruin of a massive empire and the extinction of a dynasty three centuries old,» said Ogilvie

The religions of pessimistic despair seek to obtain release from the burdens of life; they crave extinction in endless slumber and rest

It further presents the history of having experienced Hellenization, paganization, secularization, institutionalization, intellectual deterioration, spiritual decadence, moral hibernation, threatened extinction, later rejuvenation, fragmentation, and more recent relative rehabilitation

To save mankind from extinction, we needed healthy reproductive glands

With all this time travel and technology, maybe Monroe could do me a little favor, in return for me helping save mankind from extinction

I graduated cum laude and from then on, they saw me as an expert in the field of emocreatures, especially those who are threatened with extinction

As TBOS points out, the chances of averting a complete breakdown of out habitat and the ensuing extinction of the vast majority of life, including humanity, while the planet is burdened with the present urban population, is very small indeed, so small in fact as to be impracticable

“All of the large predators have been hunted to extinction, but there are smaller animals the size of an earth raccoon that get into everything

Angoras were near extinction

Asian lions are on the brink of extinction

save the Siberian Tiger (Amur Tiger) from extinction

almost resulted in extinction of this species

Extinction sounds natural, like it was caused by nature

The end result was extinction

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They may transmute and transform, but they never suffer extinction.

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Она может подвергаться преобразованиям и видоизменениям; но не сможет подвергнуться уничтожению.

Angina and after their extinction remains limited hyperemia.


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Ангина и после своего угасания сохраняет ограниченность гиперемии.


Visualisation of atmospheric refraction and extinction effects.


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Визуализация эффектов атмосферной рефракции и экстинкции.


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The company has the best intentions- to save birds and animals from extinction.


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Цели у компании самые благие- спасти от истребления птиц и животных.


She appeared in Transformers: Age of Extinction 2014.

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Является продолжением фильма« Трансформеры: Эпоха истребления» 2014.

Traditional knowledge may

sometimes be lost as the result of language extinction.


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В некоторых случаях традиционные знания утрачиваются с исчезновением языков.


Some stressed that their communities were faced with imminent extinction.


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Некоторые подчеркнули, что их общины сталкиваются с неминуемым исчезновением.


Your science will be responsible for humanity’s extinction.

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At first increase, then decrease and extinction patello and Achilles tendon reflexes.


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Вначале повышение, затем понижение и угасание пателлярного и ахиллова сухожильных рефлексов.


As a race, humanity barely survives destruction, extinction and alien invasion.

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Как расе, человечеству едва удалось пережить разрушение, истребление и вторжение пришельцев.

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Если поднимется достаточно высоко- глобальное истребление.

What did you mean with all that stuff about extinction?

Do you by chance know something about the extinction of whales?

Ii Extinction of the security right after full payment of the secured obligation.


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Ii Аннулирование обеспечительного права после платежа в погашение обеспеченного обязательства в полном объеме.


The issue of extinction of the population has been eliminated.


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Исчезнов ение лесного фонда, реликтов ых деревьев.


International Technical Committee for the Prevention and Extinction of Fire(CTIF);


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Международный технический комитет по предупреждению и тушению пожаров( МТКП); и.


Extinction of the security right after full satisfaction of the secured obligation.


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Прекращение действия обеспечительного права после исполнения обеспеченного обязательства в полном объеме.


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Humanity is nearing extinction and radiation makes even the most basic living area,



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Человечество приближается к вымиранию и радиационной делает даже самую основную поверхность жилья, непригодными для.


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One that will end not only with their extinction, but the poisoning of the planet.

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Которая не только закончит с их существованием, но и отравит всю планету.

We described the procedure of definition of an extinction coefficient, and also scoring of erythrocytes.


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Описана методика определения коэффициента ослабления, а также подсчета эритроцитов.


No threat of such extinction is posed by any one of the conventional weapons.


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Ни один из видов обычных вооружений не таит в себе такой угрозы тотального уничтожения.


In other words, humanity- and countless other innocent species-


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Иными словами, человечеству- и бесчисленному множеству других невинных видов-


Results: 749,
Time: 0.0369





In biology, extinction is the termination of an organism or of a group of organisms (taxon), normally a species. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Whether it is oil, population pressure, or species extinction, the facts speak for themselves.


A suitably strong follow-up to the studio’s 2009 work The Secret of Kells, the film follows the story of two siblings, Ben and Saoirse, as they discover a magical world of selkies and faeries on the brink of extinction, all the while trying to uncover the truth about their mother’s mysterious disappearance on the night of Saoirse’s birth.


Prior research suggested that such large mammals began disappearing faster than their smaller counterparts — a phenomenon known as size-biased extinction — in Australia around 35,000 years ago.


Despite offering a number of playable mech pilots along with local and online multiplayer modes, the result is an unmotivated rehash that’s overdue for an evolution (or extinction).


During the past two decades, native species, particularly the nine-spotted ladybug (Coccinella novemnotata) and the two-spotted (Adalia bipunctata) ladybugs, have been disappearing and may be on the brink of extinction.


Now the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Canadian Wildlife Service and the National Audubon Society are partners in a project designed to save the whooping crane from extinction.


Opening with the story of Tibbles, a pet cat that is blamed for the extinction of the rare Stephens Island wren off New Zealand in the late 1800s, Cat Wars makes the case that «mounting scientific evidence confirms what many conservationists have suspected for some time — that free-ranging cats are killing birds and other animals by the billions.»


Eight years ago, a league of hardcore, gun-slinging heroes recovered humanity from the brink of extinction.


Five times in the earth’s history a mass extinction has almost entirely extinguished all animal life.


It is symbolically dramatized in sacraments: in self-abandonment to nothingness and to a figurative extinction, and then a rising to new life in the Spirit of Jesus, in baptism; in communion in the life of Jesus which was surrendered to destruction and dereliction in obedience to the will of God, and raised from death to be the life of his people, in the Lord’s Supper.


Oliver Tickell, for instance, writes that a global warming causing a 4C temperature increase by the end of the century would be a «catastrophe» and the beginning of the «extinction» of the human race.


Soon after entering Lynn Hershman Leeson’s recent show at the ZKM, I was met by Past Tense, 2014, a projection displaying a frantic succession of pictures of animals on the brink of extinction; the image collection was sourced by searching «endangered» on Flickr and was updated on a regular basis throughout the course of the exhibition.


Some person needs to organize a discussion of saving the Earth from ecocide and extinction by 1.


It means an accumulation of things such as climate changes, animal extinction threats, rising sea levels, ocean acidity, less saline density in the ocean, glacial melting, and less carbon sinks (deforestation) or reversal of sinks to sources, which according to the article below is based upon aerosols.


The cumulative effect of environmental threats like climate change, ocean acidification and overfishing, brings the world’s interconnected ocean close to a phase of extinction of marine species that is «globally significant» and unprecedented in human history, an international panel of marine scientists states.


To better understand the emerging biodiversity crisis in the modern oceans, Payne and his team turned to the fossil record as an archive of past planetary experiments in extinction.


Where Hitchcock showed a bathtub drain morphing into a pupil to unveil Marion Crane’s dark passage to extinction, Landin reverses the process.


For example, applying to our study region a species-area curve (R2 = 0.634)— based on the same set of mammal species (but replacing Brachyteles for Ateles)— that was empirically-derived at a largely non-hunted fragmented landscape in southern Brazilian Amazonia [19], resulted in the overall extinction of only 35.8 % of all populations, compared to 78.3 % documented here.


When I testified against the proposed Kingsnorth power plant, I estimated that in its lifetime it would be responsible for the extermination of about 400 species — its proportionate contribution to the number that would be committed to extinction if carbon dioxide rose another 100 ppm.


Hungry prehistoric hunters, not climate change, drove elephants and wooly mammoths to extinction during the Pleistocene era, new research suggests.


Controversy over SLAPPs started a few years ago in Quebec after one of Quebec’s oldest environmental organizations was threatened with imminent extinction because of a multi-million dollar lawsuit from a scrap metal operator.


Some whale populations once on the brink of extinction, like blue whales, are beginning to recover.


These artifacts reveal a very tragic and harrowing end for a civilization that was overly reliant on technology coming face to face with their own extinction.


Norway and Japan, the two main whaling nations, are seeking new arguments to promote whale meat after years of condemnation from anti-whaling nations for breaking with a 1986 moratorium on all hunts meant to save many whale species from extinction.


Lynas is particularly concerned about the loss of biodiversity, measurable by rates of extinction, which he argues is more important even than climate change.


Hunting and agriculture helped usher these species into extinction, but invasive species played a major role.


Set in the game’s universe, which is under threat of extinction by the Reapers, a race hellbent on eliminating all organic life, the Illusive Man is relentlessly focused on finding the Reaper’s secrets.


emperor penguins could be headed toward extinction in at least part of their range before the end of the century.


To conclude, we show that herbivores can maintain plant diversity in warming tundra by alleviating light limitation and preventing extinctions of species characterized by short stature and slow growth.


The team’s analysis published in full in the journal Science Advances has revealed that the episodes of mass extinction coincided with episodes of ocean anoxia, which resulted from changes in ocean circulation and nutrient levels in the Early Triassic.


An ecologist in Australia realized a database he was using to spot trends in extinction patterns was problematic, affecting two papers.


you are correct but it was our country that did what was needed in order to bring them back from near extinction was it not?


Could a lack of essential trace elements in the world’s oceans be the cause of most of Earth’s mass extinctions?


For projections of maximum expected climate change, we estimate species-level extinction across species included in the study to be 21â $ «32 % (range of the three methods) with universal dispersal, and 38â $ «52 % for no dispersal (Table 1).


However, the stakes are clear: without eradicating mosquitoes, the extinction of Hawaii’s endemic birds is inevitable.


Here, this other pathogen is partly responsible for large-scale regional extinction of red squirrels across most parts of England.


That wonderful, almost worthless depreciating almighty dollar certainly won’t resurrect all the species crossing the line into extinction today nor will it buy a new planet.


The duration of the Permian extinction went from hundreds of thousands of years to tens of thousands and, finally, to just thousands.


We are changing the climate by increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; we’re reducing the planet’s biodiversity, causing what scientists fear may be the sixth mass extinction in its history; and terraforming Earth’s land surface with multiple megacities of concrete, steel and glass.


Set in 2057, Sunshine follows the flight of Icarus II, a massive, shielded space ship sent to revive our dying sun and prevent the extinction of earth and humanity.


Charge cards, the original form of credit card, are dying out, shoved to the brink of extinction by consumers who are hungry for rewards and want the option of carrying balances.


The exhibition celebrates the latest photography launch from Impossible Project, the Berlin-based group who saved Polaroid film from extinction.


On December 28, 1973, President Richard Nixon signed the Endangered Species Act of 1973, a law in which the United States «pledged itself, as a sovereign state in the international community, to conserve to the extent practicable the various species of fish or wildlife and plants facing extinction


Cascading extinction collapse is forever.


Such thinking — recently popularised by Timothy Morton’s book «Being Ecological» — has emerged partly from the environmental crises of the moment: climate change, mass extinction and widespread plastic pollution.


Along the Waipara River in New Zealand’s Canterbury region are sites rich in avian fossils, many of which were entombed in marine sand not long (relatively speaking) after the extinction of the dinosaurs.


Meet the breeders who made a pilgrimage to the Congo to save the smart, quick Basenji from extinction.


Time-traveling Magneto must team up with the future counterpart X-Men in order to save mutantkind from extinction.


Not so many years ago, conservation easements seemed to be approaching extinction.


Horrible «natural disasters» have put the human race close to extinction… Who will save us?


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