The word extinct means

What is this word extinct?

Definition of extinct

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : no longer burning. b : no longer active an extinct volcano. 2 : no longer existing an extinct animal. 3a : gone out of use : superseded.

What is the best definition of extinct?

The definition of extinct is someone or something that has burned out is no longer in use or no longer exists. An example of extinct is a volcano that is no longer erupting. … The great majority of species that have ever lived—probably more than 99 percent—are now extinct.

Does extinct mean gone forever?

To become extinct is to be gone forever. Even before the arrival of humans on Earth species became extinct quite naturally. Natural extinction happens when a species declines in numbers gradually but steadily at the end of its evolutionary period on Earth.

How do you use the word extinct in a sentence?

English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word “Extinct” in Example Sentences Page 1

  1. [S] [T] Dinosaurs are now extinct. ( …
  2. [S] [T] Dinosaurs became extinct a very long time ago. ( …
  3. [S] [T] Some wild animals are on the verge of extinction. (

See also how did british manufacturing give great britain an advantage in the war

What’s another word for going extinct?

What is another word for becoming extinct?

perishing vanishing
disappearing from the face of the earth dwindling
becoming rarer dying
ceasing fading
evaporating dissolving

adjective. A species of animal or plant that is extinct no longer has any living members either in the world or in a particular place. It is 250 years since the wolf became extinct in Britain. …

What’s the verb of extinct?

The verb form of extinct would be “to go extinct.” Example – Mammoths went extinct around 4000BC.

How do you use extinction?


  1. an extinct species.
  2. to become extinct.
  3. The red squirrel is in danger of becoming extinct in England.
  4. the fossilised remains of extinct animals.
  5. The numbers of these animals have been falling steadily and they are now almost extinct.
  6. The species was presumed extinct.

Is extinction a bad thing?

Nevertheless extinctions can have profoundly negative effects on the ecosystem with knock-on negative effects for other species including but not limited to humans. Millions or even billions more individuals are killed in the process of extinction than already occurs independently of humans.

What is the root word of extinct?

But extinct also describes something that has gone out or grown cold as in a dormant volcano “extinct volcano” or a tobacco pipe whose flame has died out “extinct pipe.” That’s because extinct comes from the Latin extinguere/exstinguere for “extinguish.” Originally extinct referred to fires that died out (were …

What do you mean by dormant?

a : temporarily devoid of external activity a dormant volcano. b : temporarily in abeyance yet capable of being activated seeds will remain dormant until spring reawaken her dormant emotions.

What animals will be extinct by 2021?

The 10 most endangered animals in 2021

  • There are now 41 415 species on the IUCN Red List and 16 306 of them are endangered species threatened with extinction. This is up from 16 118 last year. …
  • Javan Rhinocerous.
  • Vaquita.
  • Mountain Gorilla.
  • Tiger.
  • Asian Elephant.
  • Orangutans.
  • Leatherback turtles.

What is the noun for extinct?

The quality of being extinct extinction.

What is a good sentence for dormant?

1 The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated. 2 The dormant period is another stage in the life cycle of the plant. 3 The seeds remain dormant until the spring. 4 Many living things are dormant in winter.

What is the opposite of extinction?

extinction. Antonyms: origination inception planting birth fife course operation action exercise prosperity continuance survival. Synonyms: destruction stifling suffocation death cessation annihilation obsolescence.

What is something almost extinct?

Because of this three of the five species of rhinoceros are among the most endangered species in the world: the black rhino the Javan rhino and the Sumatran rhino. The Javan rhino is the closest to extinction with only between 46 to 66 individuals left all of which are in Ujung Kulon National Park in Indonesia.

Which means almost the same as extinct?

adjectivenot alive not organic. azoic. cold. dead. defunct.

Can you use extinct as a verb?

As as direct answer to the question no. Not in a modern way. At least x species in the past 5 years have become extinct accidentally by human activity .

What are some examples of extinct organisms?

Top 10 Extinct Animals

  1. Sabre-toothed Cat. Often called Sabre-toothed Tigers or Sabre-toothed Lions they existed 55 million to 11 700 years ago.
  2. Woolly Mammoth. An enormous mammal believed to be closely related to the modern-day elephant. …
  3. Dodo. …
  4. Great Auk. …
  5. Stellers Sea Cow. …
  6. Tasmanian Tiger. …
  7. Passenger Pigeon. …
  8. Pyrenean Ibex. …

See also where is the rhine river located on a map

Can humans extinct?

Scientists say there is relatively low risk of near term human extinction due to natural causes. The likelihood of human extinction through our own activities however is a current area of research and debate.

What part of speech is extinct?

EXTINCT (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What meaning of extinct fits each sentence?

Definition of Extinct. no longer active or in existence. Examples of Extinct in a sentence. 1. Even though dinosaurs are extinct people can learn more about them by visiting a museum.

What is the past tense of extinct?

The past tense of go extinct is went extinct. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of go extinct is goes extinct. The present participle of go extinct is going extinct.

What causes extinction?

Extinctions happen when a species dies out from cataclysmic events evolutionary problems or human interference. … Humans also cause other species to become extinct by hunting overharvesting introducing invasive species to the wild polluting and changing wetlands and forests to croplands and urban areas.

What we lose when animals go extinct?

Habitat loss—driven primarily by human expansion as we develop land for housing agriculture and commerce—is the biggest threat facing most animal species followed by hunting and fishing. Even when habitat is not lost entirely it may be changed so much that animals cannot adapt.

What happens if animals go extinct?

“When a predator goes extinct all of its prey are released from that predation pressure and they may have big impacts on ecosystems.” … “If there are too many deer for example they can really change the ecosystem because they can destroy forests and they also carry disease ” Baldwin said.

What are the 5 causes of extinction?

There are five major causes of extinction: habitat loss an introduced species pollution population growth and overconsumption. Through the activity students will create a list of reasons why animals can become extinct.

See also what is a group of 12 or more cows called

When was the word extinction first used?

“Extinct” is a word first used in 1432 according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

What is an example of a dormant?

The definition of dormant is someone or something inactive sleeping or quiet. An example of dormant is a volcano that isn’t currently erupting. … This volcano is dormant but not extinct.

What does alive but dormant mean?

biology. alive but in a resting torpid condition with suspended growth and reduced metabolism.

What does lie dormant mean?

Definitions of lie dormant. verb. be inactive as if asleep. “His work lay dormant for many years”

What is the newest extinct animal?

The Spix’s macaw is a recently extinct animal from near the Rio São Francisco in Bahia Brazil. In 2019 the bird known as the “Little Blue Macaw” because of its vibrant blue feathers was declared extinct in the wild.

What is the rarest animal in the world 2021?

On the brink of extinction the vaquita is the smallest living species of cetacean. The single rarest animal in the world is the vaquita (Phocoena sinus). This porpoise lives only in the extreme northwestern corner of the Gulf of California in Mexico.

Is the ivory billed woodpecker extinct?

Critically Endangered (Population decreasing)

Extinct | Definition of extinct

What is the meaning of the word EXTINCT?

Extinct | Meaning with examples | Learn English

Why Do Animals Go Extinct? | COLOSSAL QUESTIONS

  • 1

    2) вы́мерший

    3) поту́хший;

    4) уга́сший (о чувствах, жизни

    и т.п.


    5) вы́шедший из употребле́ния (о слове, обычае

    и т.п.


    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > extinct

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > extinct

  • 3

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > extinct

  • 4

    ɪksˈtɪŋkt прил.
    1) потухший extinct volcano ≈ потухший вулкан Syn: extinguished
    2) угасший( о чувствах, надеждах и т. п.) extinct feelings ≈ угасшие чувства
    3) вымерший;
    пресекшийся (о роде) the bones of extinct animals ≈ кости вымерших животных The great book collectors seem to be an extinct race. ≈ По всей видимости, собиратели крупных библиотек являются вымершим племенем. The royal house was not yet extinct. ≈ Королевская династия еще не пресеклась.
    4) устаревший, вышедший из употребления Syn: dead
    1., lack-lustre, obsolete>
    потухший — * volcano потухший /угасший/ вулкан человек, отошедший от жизни угасший ( о чувстве и т. п.) вымерший (о племени, виде животного и т. п.) — to become * вымереть пресекшийся (о роде) упраздненный (о должности, титуле и т. п.) исчезнувший, вышедший из употребления (о слове, обычае и т. п.) — to become * отмереть, прекратить существование — boundaries will become * границы отомрут
    extinct вымерший ~ вышедший из употребления (о слове, обычае и т. п.) ~ не имеющий продолжателя рода, наследника (дворянского титула и т. п.) ~ потухший;
    extinct volcano потухший вулкан ~ угасший (о чувствах, жизни и т. п.)
    ~ потухший;
    extinct volcano потухший вулкан

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > extinct

  • 5


    extinct вымерший extinct вышедший из употребления (о слове, обычае и т. п.) extinct не имеющий продолжателя рода, наследника (дворянского титула и т. п.) extinct потухший; extinct volcano потухший вулкан extinct угасший (о чувствах, жизни и т. п.) extinct потухший; extinct volcano потухший вулкан

    English-Russian short dictionary > extinct

  • 6

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > extinct

  • 7

    [ɪk’stɪŋkt], [ek-]



    2) угасший

    3) вымерший; пресекшийся

    The great book collectors seem to be an extinct race. — По всей видимости, собиратели крупных библиотек являются вымершим племенем.

    The royal house was not yet extinct. — Королевская династия ещё не пресеклась.

    4) устаревший, вышедший из употребления


    Англо-русский современный словарь > extinct

  • 8


    1. 1) потухший

    extinct volcano — а) потухший /угасший/ вулкан; б) человек, отошедший от жизни

    2) угасший ()

    2. 1) вымерший ()

    to become extinct — вымереть [ тж. 3]

    3) упразднённый ()

    3. исчезнувший, вышедший из употребления ()

    to become extinct — отмереть, прекратить существование [ тж. 2, 1)]

    НБАРС > extinct

  • 9

    1. a потухший

    2. a угасший

    3. a вымерший

    4. a пресекшийся

    5. a упразднённый

    6. a исчезнувший, вышедший из употребления

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. dead (adj.) asleep; bygone; cold; dead; deceased; defunct; departed; ended; exanimate; finished; gone; inanimate; late; lifeless; lost; over; perished; spiritless; terminated; unanimated; vanished

    2. extinguished (adj.) extinguished; out; put out; quenched

    3. obsolete (adj.) archaic; disused; obsolete; outmoded; outworn; passe; passй; superseded

    Антонимический ряд:

    current; extant; living; modern

    English-Russian base dictionary > extinct

  • 10

    Англо-русский технический словарь > extinct

  • 11


    1) потухший; extinct volcano потухший вулкан

    2) угасший (о чувствах, жизни и т. п.)

    3) вымерший

    4) не имеющий продолжателя рода, наследника (дворянского титула и т. п.)

    5) вышедший из употребления (о слове, обычае и т. п.)



    * * *

    1 (a) вымерший; потухший

    2 (v) затухать; затухнуть; потухать; потухнуть

    * * *

    1) потухший 2) угасший 3) вымерший; пресекшийся

    * * *

    [ex·tinct || ɪk’stɪŋkt]
    потухший; вымерший; вышедший из употребления

    * * *







    * * *

    1) потухший
    2) угасший

    Новый англо-русский словарь > extinct

  • 12

    1. потухший

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > extinct

  • 13

    1. потухший, угасший 2. вымерший, исчезнувший 3. высохший

    * * *

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > extinct

  • 14

    Англо-русский словарь по экологии > extinct

  • 15

    потухший; угасший; вымерший

    Англо-русский словарь по биотехнологиям > extinct

  • 16


    1) Общая лексика: вымереть, вымерший, вышедший из употребления , не имеющий наследника, не имеющий продолжателя рода , потухший, угасший

    2) Геология: вымерший , высохший , потухать, потухнуть, угасший

    6) Макаров: упразднённый , вымерший , пресекшийся , угасший , вымерший , исчезнувший

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > extinct

  • 17

    Англо русский политехнический словарь > extinct

  • 18

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > extinct

  • 19




    вымерший; пресекшийся

    устаревший, вышедший из употребления

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > extinct

  • 20

    вымерший; исчезнувший

    * * *

    English-russian biological dictionary > extinct


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Extinct — Ex*tinct , a. [L. extinctus, exstinctus, p. p. of extinguere, exstinguere. See {Extinguish}.] 1. Extinguished; put out; quenched; as, a fire, a light, or a lamp, is extinct; an extinct volcano. [1913 Webster] Light, the prime work of God, to me… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • extinct — [ek stiŋkt′, ikstiŋkt′] adj. [ME < L extinctus, exstinctus, pp. of exstinguere: see EXTINGUISH] 1. a) having died down or burned out; extinguished [an extinct fire] b) no longer active [an extinct volcano] 2. no longer in existence or use;… …   English World dictionary

  • Extinct — Ex*tinct , v. t. To cause to be extinct. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • extinct — index dead, defunct, lifeless (dead), null (invalid), null and void, obsolete, outdated …   Law dictionary

  • extinct — (adj.) early 15c., from L. extinctus/exstinctus, pp. of extinguere/exstinguere (see EXTINGUISH (Cf. extinguish)). Originally of fires; the sense of the condition of dying out of a family or a hereditary title, 1580s; of species by 1768. Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • extinct — [adj] dead, obsolete abolished, archaic, asleep, bygone, cold*, dead and gone*, deceased, defunct, departed, disappeared, done for*, doused, ended, exanimate, exterminated, extinguished, fallen, gone, inactive, late, lifeless, lost, no longer… …   New thesaurus

  • extinct — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a species or other large group) having no living members. 2) no longer in existence. 3) (of a volcano) not having erupted in recorded history. ORIGIN originally in the sense «no longer alight»: from Latin exstinguere extinguish …   English terms dictionary

  • extinct — 01. Some people fear that grizzly bears are in danger of going [extinct]. 02. Dinosaurs have been [extinct] for millions of years. 03. Although dinosaurs have been [extinct] for millions of years, they are still very popular among children. 04.… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • extinct — [[t]ɪkstɪ̱ŋkt[/t]] 1) ADJ A species of animal or plant that is extinct no longer has any living members, either in the world or in a particular place. It is 250 years since the wolf became extinct in Britain. …the bones of extinct animals. 2)… …   English dictionary

  • extinct — ex|tinct [ıkˈstıŋkt] adj [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: exstinctus, past participle of exstinguere; EXTINGUISH] 1.) an extinct type of animal or plant does not exist any more ▪ Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years. ▪ Pandas could …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • extinct — ex|tinct [ ık stıŋkt ] adjective * 1. ) an extinct animal, plant, or language no longer exists: The Tasmanian tiger was declared extinct in 1936. a ) an extinct custom, job, type of person, etc. does not exist any longer because society has… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English


Many of these old traditions have since become extinct.

a few overgrown ruins are all that remain of that once mighty but now extinct civilization

Recent Examples on the Web

The extinct theropods lived 75 million years ago and likely only laid four to six eggs per cycle.

Laura Baisas, Popular Science, 3 Apr. 2023

The species was declared extinct there in 1952.

Maureen O’hare, CNN, 1 Apr. 2023

In a sense, the extinct woolly mammoth has returned—as a meatball.

Alex Chun, Smithsonian Magazine, 30 Mar. 2023

Founded in 2021, the company first made headlines for its ambition to de-extinct the woolly mammoth within a few years.

Alessandro Clemente, The Christian Science Monitor, 29 Mar. 2023

That episode introduces a massive creature, the Zillo Beast, which is said to have once roamed Malastare but was thought extinct.

Brendan Morrow, The Week, 23 Mar. 2023

The Harvard University geneticist played a key role in developing technologies to read and edit genes and has made waves with his proposal to resurrect the extinct woolly mammoth.

Ryan Cross,, 21 Mar. 2023

In 2018, the start-up Geltor used DNA from the extinct mastodon to create a gelatin used in gummy bears, Bloomberg noted.

Tori Latham, Robb Report, 30 Mar. 2023

Their discovery has allowed scientists to sequence the mammoth genome and learn intriguing details about the lives of these extinct Ice Age giants.

Katie Hunt, CNN, 28 Mar. 2023

Of the native species found in Illinois, the majority fall into a range from threatened to extinct, according to the state’s Department of Natural Resources.

Morgan Greene,, 25 Sep. 2020

The species had gone from extraordinarily populous to extinct in a human life span.

David Biello, Scientific American, 27 June 2014

Many experts worry that if this pattern continues, the disease will eventually drive the species from endangered to extinct.

Jason Bittel, Animals, 10 Dec. 2020

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘extinct.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.



  • IPA(key): /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/, /ɛkˈstɪŋkt/
  • Rhymes: -ɪŋkt

Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle English extinct, from Latin extīnctus, the past participle of extinguere (to put out, destroy, abolish, extinguish), corresponding to ex- + stinguere (to quench). Replaced native Middle English aqueint, aquenched (extinguished, extinct).


extinct (not comparable)

  1. (dated) Extinguished, no longer alight (of fire, candles etc.)
    Antonym: burning

    Poor Edward’s cigarillo was already extinct.

    • 1834, L[etitia] E[lizabeth] L[andon], Francesca Carrara. [], volume I, London: Richard Bentley, [], (successor to Henry Colburn), →OCLC, page 311:

      Most of the lamps were extinct, but they glittered golden in the morning light, and in some few a pale white flame yet struggled with day.

  2. No longer used; obsolete, discontinued.
    Synonyms: see Thesaurus:obsolete

    The title became extinct when the last baron died.

    Luckily, such ideas about race are extinct in current sociological theory.

    • 1961 January, Trains Illustrated, page 59, photo caption:

      The ex-G.C. Class A5 4-6-2T, of which No. 69820 was one, is now extinct.

    • 1988, Andrew Radford, chapter 5, in Transformational grammar: a first course, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, page 275:

      Indeed the very fact that the English spelling system writes in there as two words but therein as one word might be taken as suggesting that only the former is a productive syntactic construction in Modern English, the latter being a now extinct construction which has left behind a few fossil remnants in the form of compound words such as thereby.
  3. (of a group of organisms, as a species) No longer in existence; having died out.
    Synonyms: see Thesaurus:inexistent
    Antonyms: extant; see also Thesaurus:existent

    The dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.

    • 2012, BioWare, Mass Effect 3 (Science Fiction), Redwood City: Electronic Arts, →OCLC, PC, scene: Citadel:

      Wrex: And before you die, I want you to know I’m calling off our support for Earth! If my people go extinct, so do yours!

  4. (geology) No longer active.
    Synonyms: see Thesaurus:dead
    Antonyms: active, dormant

    Most of the volcanos on this island are now extinct.

    They found the sites of extinct geysers.

Derived terms[edit]
  • extinct language
  • extinction
  • extinctive
  • extinguish
  • distinct

extinguished, no longer alight (of fire, candles etc.)

  • Armenian: մարած (marac), հանգած (hy) (hangac)
  • Bulgarian: изгаснал (bg) (izgasnal)
  • Catalan: extint (ca)
  • Dutch: uit (nl), uitgedoofd (nl)
  • Finnish: sammunut (fi)
  • French: éteint (fr)
  • German: erloschen (de)
  • Hebrew: כבוי (he) (kavuy)
  • Hungarian: kialudt (hu), elhamvadt
  • Indonesian: padam (id), mati (id)
  • Japanese: 消えた (ja) (kieta)
  • Korean: 멸종된 (myeoljongdoen)
  • Macedonian: изумрен (izumren)
  • Polish: wygasły m, zagasły m
  • Portuguese: extinguido, apagado (pt)
  • Russian: поту́хший (ru) (potúxšij), уга́сший (ru) (ugásšij)
  • Spanish: extinto (es)
  • Swedish: släckt (sv), slocknad (sv)
  • Turkish: söndürülmek (tr)
  • Ukrainian: згаслий pf (zhaslyj)

having died out

  • Arabic: مُنْقَرِض‎ m (munqariḍ)
  • Armenian: վերացած (veracʿac)
  • Bengali: নাস্তানাবুদ (bn) (nastanabud)
  • Bulgarian: измрял (bg) (izmrjal)
  • Catalan: extint (ca)
  • Czech: vyhynulý (cs) m, vymřelý m
  • Danish: uddød
  • Dutch: uitgestorven (nl)
  • Esperanto: formortinta
  • Faroese: útdeyður
  • Finnish: (of a species) sukupuuttoon kuollut
  • French: éteint (fr), disparu (fr)
  • German: ausgestorben (de)
  • Hawaiian: nalowale, make, halapohe
  • Hebrew: נכחד(nikḥád)
  • Hungarian: kihalt (hu)
  • Indonesian: punah (id)
  • Japanese: 死に絶えた (shunitaeta), 絶滅した (ja) (zetsumetsu shita)
  • Korean: 멸종된 (myeoljongdoen), 멸종한 (myeoljonghan)
  • Malay: pupus (ms)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: utdødd
    Nynorsk: utdødd, utdøydd
  • Persian: منقرض (fa) (monqarez)
  • Polish: wymarły (pl) m
  • Portuguese: extinto (pt)
  • Russian: вы́мерший (ru) (výmeršij)
  • Slovak: vymretý, vyhynutý (sk)
  • Spanish: extinto (es)
  • Swedish: utdöd (sv)
  • Ukrainian: ви́мерлий (výmerlyj)
  • Welsh: diflanedig (cy)
  • Yiddish: אויסגעשטאָרבן(oysgeshtorbn)

no longer erupting

  • Bulgarian: изгаснал (bg) (izgasnal)
  • Catalan: extint (ca)
  • Czech: vyhaslý m
  • Dutch: uitgedoofd (nl), slapend (nl), dood (nl)
  • Finnish: sammunut (fi)
  • German: erloschen (de)
  • Hebrew: כבוי (he) (kavuy)
  • Hungarian: kialudt (hu)
  • Indonesian: mati (id)
  • Japanese: 死んだ (ja) (shinda)
  • Malay: mati (ms)
  • Polish: wygasły m
  • Portuguese: extinto (pt)
  • Russian: поту́хший (ru) (potúxšij)
  • Spanish: extinto (es)
  • Swedish: slocknad (sv)
  • Welsh: marw (cy)

Translations to be checked

Etymology 2[edit]

From Middle English extincten, from the adjective (see above).


extinct (third-person singular simple present extincts, present participle extincting, simple past and past participle extincted)

  1. (transitive) To make extinct; to extinguish or annihilate.
    Antonym: (biology) de-extinct
    • c. 1603–1604 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Othello, the Moore of Venice”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act II, scene i], page 316, column 2:

      Make loues quicke pants in Deſdemonaes Armes, / Giue renew’d fire to our extincted Spirits.

    • 2013, Steven A. LeBlanc; Katherine E. Register, Constant Battles: The Myth of the Peaceful, Noble Savage, St. Martin’s Press, →ISBN:

      Paleontologists determine which animal species were extincted, and geomorphologists can find cycles of soil erosion.

Further reading[edit]

  • extinct at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • extinct in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
  • “extinct”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.


no longer in use; no longer existing: Many animals are now extinct.

Not to be confused with:

extant – still existing; not destroyed: There is only one extant copy of the book.

extent – range; distance; measure; length; degree: He is agreeable to some extent.

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree




1. No longer existing or living: an extinct species. See Synonyms at dead.

2. No longer burning or active: an extinct volcano.

3. No longer in use: an extinct custom.

[Middle English, from Latin exstīnctus, past participle of exstinguere, to extinguish; see extinguish.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (Biology) (of an animal or plant species) having no living representative; having died out

2. quenched or extinguished

3. (Physical Geography) (of a volcano) no longer liable to erupt; inactive

4. void or obsolete: an extinct political office.

[C15: from Latin exstinctus quenched, from exstinguere to extinguish]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. no longer in existence: an extinct species.

2. no longer in use; obsolete: an extinct custom.

3. no longer burning; extinguished.

4. no longer active: an extinct volcano.

[1400–50; late Middle English < Latin ex(s)tinctus, past participle of ex(s)tinguere to extinguish]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



1. No longer existing or living. Plant and animal species become extinct for many reasons, including climate change, disease, destruction of habitat, and local or worldwide natural disasters. The great majority of species that have ever lived are now extinct.

2. No longer active or burning: an extinct volcano.

extinction noun

The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. extinct - no longer in existenceextinct — no longer in existence; lost or especially having died out leaving no living representatives; «an extinct species of fish»; «an extinct royal family»; «extinct laws and customs»

nonexistent — not having existence or being or actuality; «chimeras are nonexistent»

extant — still in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lost; «extant manuscripts»; «specimens of graphic art found among extant barbaric folk»- Edward Clodd

2. extinct — (of e.g. volcanos) permanently inactive; «an extinct volcano»

active — (of e.g. volcanos) capable of erupting

3. extinct — being out or having grown cold; «threw his extinct cigarette into the stream»; «the fire is out»

dead — not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat; «Mars is a dead planet»; «dead soil»; «dead coals»; «the fire is dead»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. dead, lost, gone, vanished, defunct It is 250 years since the wolf became extinct in Britain.
dead living, existing, surviving, active, alive, thriving, flourishing, extant

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



2. No longer in use, force, or operation:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


بائِد، مُنْقَرِضخامِد، هامِدمُنْقَرِض



sukupuuttoon kuollut



aldauîa, útdauîurkulnaîur









tuyệt chủng

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ɪksˈtɪŋkt] adj (volcano) → spento/a, inattivo/a; (animal, race) → estinto/a

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ikˈstiŋkt) adjective

1. (of a type of animal etc) no longer in existence. Mammoths became extinct in prehistoric times.

2. (of a volcano) no longer active. That volcano was thought to be extinct until it suddenly erupted ten years ago.

extinction (ikˈstiŋkʃən) noun

1. making or becoming extinct. the extinction of the species.

2. the act of putting out or extinguishing (fire, hope etc).

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مُنْقَرِض vyhynulý uddød ausgestorben εξαφανισμένος extinto sukupuuttoon kuollut disparu izumro estinto 絶滅した 멸종한 uitgestorven utdødd wymarły extinto вымерший utdöd สูญพันธุ์ soyu tükenmiş tuyệt chủng 灭绝的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

Something that no longer exists and has no living representative is extinct. Dinosaurs are extinct. Polar bears may become extinct. Sadly, history teachers who force their students to memorize long lists of dates are in no danger of becoming extinct.

You often hear of a species being extinct: there are no living representatives of the species left. But extinct also describes something that has gone out or grown cold, as in a dormant volcano «extinct volcano» or a tobacco pipe whose flame has died out «extinct pipe.» That’s because extinct comes from the Latin extinguere/exstinguere for «extinguish.» Originally extinct referred to fires that died out (were extinguished). Its meaning grew to encompass a family line and then a species.

Definitions of extinct

  1. adjective

    no longer in existence; lost or especially having died out leaving no living representatives

    extinct species of fish”

    extinct royal family”

    extinct laws and customs”




    not having existence or being or actuality


    not surviving in active use

  2. adjective

    (of e.g. volcanos) permanently inactive

    extinct volcano”



    physically inactive

  3. adjective

    being out or having grown cold




    not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘extinct’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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вымерший, потухший, угасший, вышедший из употребления


- потухший

extinct volcano — а) потухший /угасший/ вулкан; б) человек, отошедший от жизни

- угасший (о чувстве и т. п.)
- вымерший (о племени, виде животного и т. п.)

to become extinct — отмереть, прекратить существование

- пресекшийся (о роде)
- упразднённый (о должности, титуле и т. п.)
- исчезнувший, вышедший из употребления (о слове, обычае и т. п.)

to become extinct — отмереть, прекратить существование
boundaries will become extinct — границы отомрут

Мои примеры


extinct feelings — угасшие чувства  
the bones of extinct animals — кости вымерших животных  
species becomes extinct / dies out — вид вымирает  
dead / extinct volcano — потухший вулкан  
issue extinct — бездетное потомство  
dead language; extinct language — мертвый язык  
be extinct — исчезнуть; исчезать  
become extinct — прекратить существование; переводиться; выводиться  
extinct animal — вымершее животное  
extinct generation — вымершее поколение  

Примеры с переводом

Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.

Динозавры вымерли миллионы лет назад.

Many of these old traditions have since become extinct.

Многие из этих старых традиций с тех пор уже исчезли / вышли из употребления.

Pandas could become extinct in the wild.

Панды могут вымереть в дикой природе.

The royal house was not yet extinct.

Королевская династия ещё не пресеклась.

He threw his extinct cigarette into the stream.

Он бросил потухшую сигарету в поток воды.

Extinct volcanoes are those that have not erupted in historic times.

Потухшими являются те вулканы, которые не извергались в исторические времена.

The great book collectors seem to be an extinct race.

По всей видимости, собиратели крупных библиотек являются вымершим племенем.

The species was nearly extinct but is now making a comeback.

Этот вид был на грани исчезновения, но теперь он уже восстанавливается.

The animal, which once numbered in the millions, is now extinct.

Теперь это животное, численность которого когда-то насчитывала миллионы, уже вымерло.

A few overgrown ruins are all that remain of that once mighty but now extinct civilization.

Несколько заросших развалин — всё, что осталось от некогда могущественной, но ныне исчезнувшей цивилизации.

The American bald eagle was once nearly extinct but has come back strong.

Когда-то американский белоголовый орлан почти полностью вымер, но сумел вновь возродить свою популяцию.

The Wollemi pine found in Australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil.

Воллемия, найденная в Австралии, — это дошедший до наших дней образец хвойных деревьев, которые считались давно вымершими, и поэтому известны как живые ископаемые.

Возможные однокоренные слова

extinction  — вымирание, угасание, гашение, прекращение, погашение, тушение, потухание

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ ik-stingkt ]

/ ɪkˈstɪŋkt /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


no longer in existence; having ended or died out: extinct pre-Colombian societies.

Biology, Ecology. (of a plant or animal species) having no living member remaining anywhere, not in the wild, in a naturalized population, nor in captivity, as categorized by the IUCN Red List: a list of extinct animals that once inhabited the Isle of Man.Abbreviation: EX

no longer in use; obsolete: an extinct custom.

extinguished; quenched; not burning: evidence of a half dozen extinct campfires.

Geology. (of a volcano) not having erupted for at least 10,000 years and not expected to erupt again.Compare active (def. 10), dormant (def. 6).



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of extinct

First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English, from Latin ex(s)tinctus, past participle of ex(s)tinguere; see origin at extinguish

synonym study for extinct


non·ex·tinct, adjectiveun·ex·tinct, adjective


extinct , rare, scarce

Words nearby extinct

external relation, externship, exteroceptive, exteroceptor, exterritorial, extinct, extinct in the wild, extinction, extinctive, extine, extinguish Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to extinct

abolished, archaic, asleep, bygone, cold, deceased, defunct, departed, disappeared, done for, doused, ended, exanimate, exterminated, extinguished, fallen, gone, inactive, late, lifeless

How to use extinct in a sentence

  • The skull comes from an extinct animal, Crocodylus checchiai.

  • Next, the scientists combined eggshell data with what’s known about the family trees of extinct and living egg-laying animals.

  • New analyses of a roughly 7-million-year old skull from the extinct Crocodylus checchiai suggest that crocodiles journeyed from Africa to the Americas millions of years ago, researchers report July 23 in Scientific Reports.

  • Combining this and other eggshell data with the evolutionary relationships of extinct and living egg-laying animals, the researchers calculated the most likely scenario for dinosaur egg evolution.

  • It is not even guaranteed to produce more species, since evolution can occur in a single lineage and this can go extinct at any time.

  • In origins, as in Washington politics, moderates are slowly going extinct.

  • So while the divas are fewer in number in 2014, they are far from extinct.

  • His decision reflected a quality—largely extinct in show business now—called integrity.

  • Yabuki also notes that as tigers go extinct throughout the world, China sees raising them as a good business opportunity.

  • Wild tigers are rare in China, with some varieties now believed to be extinct.

  • What course was taken to supply that assembly when any noble family became extinct?

  • Her hope persisted until half-past nine: it then began to fade, and, at ten o’clock, was extinct.

  • The senior branch of the family being thus extinct the whole of the entailed estate had devolved on me.

  • The forests there are wonderful, and it is there, if anywhere, that the almost extinct Indian lion is still to be found.

  • The great auk is but a memory; the bittern booms more rarely in our eastern marshes; and now they tell me Brigadiers are extinct.

British Dictionary definitions for extinct


(of an animal or plant species) having no living representative; having died out

quenched or extinguished

(of a volcano) no longer liable to erupt; inactive

void or obsoletean extinct political office

Word Origin for extinct

C15: from Latin exstinctus quenched, from exstinguere to extinguish

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Scientific definitions for extinct

Having no living members. Species become extinct for many reasons, including climate change, disease, destruction of habitat, local or worldwide natural disasters, and development into new species (speciation). The great majority of species that have ever lived-probably more than 99 percent-are now extinct.

No longer active or burning, as an extinct volcano.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

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