The word exposure in a sentence

выдержка, экспозиция, подвергание, разоблачение, выставка, незащищенность


- подвергание внешнему воздействию; выставление (под дождь, на солнце и т. п.)

- незащищённость (от опасности и т. п.); воен. тж. незащищённое положение, выставление на открытом месте
- разоблачение

exposure of a crime [of a plot] — раскрытие преступления [заговора]

- положение (в отношении стран света); местоположение

a house with a southern exposure — дом фасадом на юг
a room with a northern exposure — комната с окнами на север

- обнажение

indecent exposure — юр. непристойное обнажение (тема)
the exposure of the bone showed the depth of the wound — кость обнажилась, и было видно насколько глубока рана

- фото, кино выдержка, экспозиция

exposure meter — экспонометр
time exposure — большая выдержка

- геол. обнажение или выход пластов
- pl. эк. возможность возникновения дефицита

Мои примеры


children’s exposure to violence on television — воздействие на детей телевизионного насилия  
the story of exposure to lead — рассказ о воздействии свинца  
wide exposure — демонстрация широкой общественности  
exposure to heat — тепловое воздействие  
noise exposure contour — контур воздействия шума  
slope exposure — экспозиция склона  
aggregate exposure — выдержка  
exposure of a crime — раскрытие преступления  
exposure to hazards — незащищенность от опасности  
direct exposure — прямое облучение  
energy exposure — доза облучения  
brief exposure — кратковременное воздействие  

Примеры с переводом

My bedroom has a southern exposure.

Моя спальня выходит на юг.

Exposure to air will spoil the wine.

Воздействие воздуха испортит вино.

The exposure of his anger was shocking.

Неприятно поразило столь открытое проявление его гнева.

Exposure to rain and sun will gradually deteriorate the paint.

Воздействие дождя и солнца будет постепенно разрушать слой краски.

A politician seeks a lot of exposure.

Политик стремится как можно чаще появляться на публике.

I was lucky enough when I was quite young to have an exposure to computers.

Мне повезло: еще совсем молодым я познакомился с компьютерами.

Exposure to lead is known to damage the brains of young children.

Известно, что воздействие свинца разрушает клетки головного мозга у маленьких детей.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The candidates are competing for television exposure.

Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause permanent skin damage.

The colors of the paint will fade with continued exposure to the sun.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): exposure
мн. ч.(plural): exposures

Definition of Exposure

unprotected or visible to others

Examples of Exposure in a sentence

Exposure to ultra-violet rays from the sun can lead to skin cancer, so it is necessary to cover yourself with sunscreen.


While touring the house that was for sale, the exposure of the mold led people to walk straight out the door.


Having exposure to famous authors allowed the intern to gain insight and experience about the writing business.


Exposure to the freshly mowed grass directly caused my watery eyes and a sneezing fit.


Since the juror already had exposure to the information about the crime, the judge released the juror from his duties.


Other words in the Negative Connotation category:

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exposure — перевод на русский


It is a known fact that prolonged exposure to just such a psychopathic environment… will eventually warp even the most normal and decent among us.

Понятно, что длительное воздействие такой психопатической окружающей среды со временем извратит даже самых нормальных и достойных среди нас.

Prolonged exposure could have nasty consequences.

Его продолжительное воздействие ведет к ужасным последствиям.

That exposure functioned like a natural cortical stimulator and reactivated your synaptic pathways.

Это воздействие сыграло роль естественного коркового стимулятора и стимулировало ваши синаптические пути.

Starfleet Science thinks that exposure to polaron radiation will have a destabilizing effect on changeling physiology.

Ученые Звёздного Флота полагают, что воздействие поляронной радиации произведет дестабилизирующий эффект на физиологию меняющегося.

Even this brief exposure, a few seconds apiece, confirms that the alien healing device is extremely dangerous and should not be used again. Even under extreme conditions… — … until we can control it more precisely.

Даже такое краткое воздействие, всего несколько секунд за раз, подтверждает то что инопланетное устройство для лечения исключительно опасно и не может использоваться снова даже в самом крайнем случае пока мы не сможем точнее его контролировать.

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If we make the slightest move to suggest there’s no such agent as George Kaplan give any hint to Vandamm he’s pursuing a decoy instead of our own agent then our agent, working right under Vandamm’s very nose will immediately face suspicion, exposure and assassination.

Ну и хорошо если мы сделаем один намек на то, что агента Кэплен не существует, дадим понять Вандамму, что он существует для отвода глаз, тогда наш агент, работающий прямо под носом у Вандамма, немедленно окажется перед лицом подозрения, разоблачения и уничтожения.

Exposure, assassination.

Разоблачения, уничтожения.

Yeah. And then, you, er… die of exposure.

И вы умрёте от разоблачения.

Well, degenerate gambling would be my guess but whatever your problem is, when threatened with exposure, you made a deal with poor Monica.

Ну, я бы предположил, что вы сделали это ради азарта, но чтобы это ни было, когда возникла угроза разоблачения, вы договорились с бедной Моникой.

And decided that my discomfort is worth your exposure.

И решил, что мое неудобство стоит вашего разоблачения.

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Indecent exposure, indecent assault, rape, attempted rape and one who just disappeared.

Непристойное обнажение, развратные действия, изнасилование, попытка изнасилования, и одна, которая просто исчезла.

One indecent exposure, one sexual assault, one attempted rape and one missing person.

Одно непристойное обнажение, одно нападение на сексуальной почве, попытка изнасилование и пропавший человек.

Indecent exposure is illegal.

Непристойное обнажение незаконно. Даже в Америке.

Campus record includes indecent exposure, a couple of DD’s and hazing.

В записях кампуса непристойное обнажение, пара пьяных дебошей и издевательство.

Irwin was arrested that night in park slope for indecent exposure.

Ирвина задержали в Парк Слоупе за непристойное обнажение.

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For instance, serious exposure to x-rays or gamma rays… need not have an immediate effect.

Например, даже сильное облучение рентгеном или гамма излучением тоже не производит немедленный эффект.

Severe exposure and frostbite, but I think they’ll make it.

Сильное облучение и обморожение, но, я думаю, они поправятся.

It says in the certificate that it was shock and exposure.

В свидетельстве говорится о том, что был электрошок и облучение.

Their exposure wasn’t long enough to cause any permanent damage.

Облучение было не слишком долгим, чтобы нанести серьезный вред.

The radiation exposure will be just as lethal as Frank’s.

Его уровень облучение будет, как у Фрэнка.

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«20 hours after exposure.»

20 часов после заражения…

They didn’t exhibit any of their powers until long after their exposure.

Они не показывали своих сил довольно долго с момента заражения.

The onset of symptoms so soon after exposure suggests the bio-agent is more virulent than we thought.

Такое скорое проявление симптомов после заражения наводит на мысль, что патоген более опасен, чем мы думали.

It’s a designer weapon developed for battlefield use, but th-there’s a counteragent that can be taken up to 30 minutes after exposure.

Оружие, разработанное для использования на поле боя, но есть противоядие, его нужно принять не позднее 30 минут после заражения.

I’ve been told that the risk of radiation exposure From a dirty bomb is fairly negligible.

Мне сказали, что риск радиационного заражения от взрыва грязной бомбы весьма незначителен.

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Constant exposure does result in a certain degree of contamination.

Постоянный контакт с людьми не мог не вызвать заражения.

When Zo’or left quarantine, he made human exposure inevitable.

Когда Зо’ор покинул карантин, контакт с людьми стал неизбежен.

Rest assured, Colonel, your brief exposure will cause you no harm.

Уверяю, полковник, ваш короткий контакт не причинит вам вреда.

You have had first-hand exposure.

У вас был непосредственный контакт.

Now, considering the level of protection he was wearing, This burn could’ve only been caused… By sustained exposure…

Принимая во внимание ту защиту, что он носил, эти ожоги мог вызвать только долгий контакт с очень горячим пламенем.

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— Unemployed, maintenance arrears of £700′ and now an arrest for indecent exposure.

Безработный, задолжавший алиментов на 700 фунтов был задержан за непристойное поведение.

You were arrested for indecent exposure in ’93.

Вы были арестованы за непристойное поведение в девяносто третьем.

Indecent exposure.

Непристойное поведение.

And the next thing is they arrested him for indecent exposure.

И там его арестовали за непристойное поведение.

Indecent exposure?

Непристойное поведение?

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Same angle, same exposure five nights ago.

— Те же угол и экспозиция 5 дней назад. Замечаете разницу?

«Hypertime exposure.» That’s weird.

«Экспозиция гипер-времени.» Это странно.

That’s exposure.

Это экспозиция.

Exposure produces symptoms similar to Parkinson’s.

Экспозиция производит симптомы, похожие на Паркинсона.

It’s really good money and I need the exposure.

Это хорошие деньги и мне нужна экспозиция.

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When one’s domain includes the cutting edge of science there is a risk of exposure to ideas that aren’t easy to reconcile certain realities.

Когда занимаешься наукой на таком уровне, всегда есть риск возникновения идей, с которыми непросто смириться. Определенных реалий.

She may have exposure or pneumonia or some…

Может быть риск — пневмонии или какой-нибудь…

Constant exposure to illness.

постоянный риск заболеть.

— Smart criminal might consider giving his crew a burner phone, one only the boss knows the number to, thereby minimizing exposure.

— Умный преступник мог бы решить дать своей команде чистый мобильник, номер которого известен только боссу, и тем уменьшить риск.

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And I am pulling a lot of exposure.

К томау же, мне придется сильно рисковать.

— We can’t risk that exposure.

— Мы не можем так рисковать.

Why risk further exposure?

Зачем рисковать дальше?

And I can’t risk exposure until I have that sample.

А я не хочу рисковать, пока у меня не будет образца

I didn’t have to risk exposure to come save you.

Мне не пришлось рисковать, спасая тебя

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Environmental stressors such as prolonged exposure to elevated sound levels or over-illumination can also induce cardiovascular changes especially if exposure is chronic.

Нарушения окружающей среды, такие как длительное воздействие повышенного уровня шума или чрезмерного освещения, также могут вызывать сердечно-сосудистые изменения, особенно если воздействие хронического.

While short-term weather exposure will not unduly affect its performance, long-term exposure will require preservative treatment and finishing with a protective coating.

В то время как кратковременное воздействие погоды не окажет чрезмерного влияния на его характеристики, длительное воздействие потребует консервирующей обработки и отделки защитным покрытием.

One report suggested paternal exposure as a cause.

В одном из докладов выдвигается мысль о том, что причиной этого является потомственное облучение.

Dose constraints are applied to occupational exposure and to public exposure in planned exposure situations.

Граничные дозы применяются в отношении профессионального облучения и облучения населения в ситуациях планируемого облучения.

These Standards apply to three categories of exposure: occupational exposure, public exposure and medical exposure.

However, we highlighted results of average exposure when they differed markedly from cumulative exposure.

Однако мы выделили результаты средней экспозиции, когда они значительно отличались от кумулятивного воздействия.

Research results of molecular-cellular effects of exposure to low doses suggest that chronic exposure is less damaging when recovery systems are activated.

Результаты исследований молекулярно-клеточных эффектов облучения в малых дозах позволяют утверждать, что хроническое облучение является менее повреждающим вследствие активации восстановительных систем.

To obtain a good exposure of the subject, the camera sets the exposure (shutter speed and aperture) automatically.

Для получения правильной экспозиции объекта, камера автоматически устанавливает экспозицию (выдержку затвора и диафрагму).

While this test is the most accurate for recent exposure, it is extremely expensive and only used in situations where exposure has occurred.

Хотя этот тест является наиболее точным для недавнего воздействия, он чрезвычайно дорогой и используется только в ситуациях, когда произошло воздействие.

Risk ratios are estimated using critical body burdens which are often based on acute exposure, whereas environmental exposure is chronic.

Коэффициенты риска рассчитываются с использованием значения критической концентрации в организме, которые нередко основаны на остром воздействии, тогда как воздействие в окружающей среде носит хронический характер.

While the likelihood of harmful exposure is low due to shielding, in some cases accidental exposure can occur.

Хотя вероятность их вредного воздействия на человека низка из-за использования экранирования, в некоторых случаях может возникнуть случайная экспозиция.

The effects of long-term exposure to asbestos typically don’t show up for 10 to 40 years after initial exposure.

Последствия длительного воздействия асбеста обычно не появляются в течение 10-40 лет после первоначального облучения.

One 15 minute exposure took 30 minutes due to the long exposure noise reduction setting.

Одна 15-минутная экспозиция заняла 30 минут, в связи с настройкой полного шумоподавления при длительной экспозиции.

Additionally, exposure misclassification may have occurred as a result of assigning exposure levels based on residential location.

Кроме того, может возникнуть ошибочная классификация воздействия в результате присвоения уровней воздействия на основе местоположения жилых помещений.

Diseases related to asbestos exposure are noticed 15 to 40 years after the initial exposure.

Заболевания, связанные с воздействием асбеста заметили, что им от 15 до 40 лет после первоначального воздействия.

Where adequately measured, representative exposure data are available, special consideration shall be given to them when conducting the exposure assessment.

Если имеются должным образом измеренные представительные данные о воздействии, им уделяется особое внимание при выполнении оценки воздействия.

Lead exposure in humans can result in a wide range of biological effects depending on the level and length of exposure.

Воздействие на людей, может привести к широкому диапазону биологических эффектов в зависимости от уровня и продолжительности воздействия.

Professional eye care warns of the dangers of continuous exposure over time, as consumers are harming blue violet exposure light.

Практикующие по уходу за глазами предупреждают об опасности постоянного воздействия в течение продолжительных периодов времени, так как потребители подвергаются воздействию синего фиолетового света.

In planned exposure situations, exposure at some level can be expected to occur.

В ситуациях планируемого облучения может ожидаться облучение некоторого уровня.

If necessary, use exposure compensation to raise or lower the exposure.

При необходимости используйте компенсацию экспозиции, чтобы осветлить или затемнить экспозицию.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: photo, photograph, pic, vulnerability. Similar words: expose, export, sure, ensure, for sure, assure, make sure, measure up. Meaning: [ɪk’spəʊʒə]  n. 1. vulnerability to the elements; to the action of heat or cold or wind or rain 2. the act of subjecting someone to an influencing experience 3. the disclosure of something secret 4. aspect re light or wind 5. the state of being vulnerable or exposed 6. the intensity of light falling on a photographic film or plate 7. a picture of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material 8. the act of exposing film to light 9. presentation to view in an open or public manner 10. abandoning without shelter or protection (as by leaving as infant out in the open). 

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1. Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.

2. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.

3. She suffered a massive exposure to toxic chemicals.

4. He nearly died of exposure on the cold mountain.

5. Skin thickens, dries and coarsens after sun exposure.

6. There is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer.

7. After only a short exposure to sunlight he began to turn red.

8. Exposure to lead is known to damage the brains of young children.

9. There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.

10. The exposure of the minister’s love affair forced him to resign.

11. Exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful.

12. Exposure to radiation can lead to malformation of the embryo.

13. Two climbers were brought in suffering from exposure.

14. She dried her clothes by exposure to the sun.

15. Even a brief exposure to radiation is very dangerous.

16. The workers are constantly monitored for exposure to radiation.

17. You should always limit your exposure to the sun.

18. Banks will seek to minimize their exposure to risk.

19. We nearly died of exposure on the mountainside.

20. I threatened them with public exposure.

21. He threatened the council member with public exposure.

22. My bedroom has a southern exposure.

23. Exposure to the sun ages the skin.

24. I used a long exposure for this one.

24. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

25. Continuous exposure to sound above 80 decibels could be harmful.

26. His last film got so much exposure in the press.

27. An exposure of one — hundredth of a second will be enough.

28. The failure of their marriage has got a lot of exposure recently.

29. All the members of the expedition to the South Pole died of exposure.

30. Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure.

More similar words: expose, export, sure, ensure, for sure, assure, make sure, measure up, measure up to, measurement, pose, suppose, impose, survey, poster, compose, oppose, expand, expert, post-war, deposit, opposed, surface, surgeon, propose, surgery, expect, survivor, possible, survival.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word exposure, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use exposure in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «exposure».

Exposure in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word exposure in a sentence.

  1. Geils Band, increasing their exposure.

  2. Legacy II was Paul’s first national exposure.

  3. Otherwise, the team did not get much exposure.

  4. It can not be explained by mere exposure theory.

  5. The danger increases with the amount of exposure.

  6. Otherwise, age and exposure cause them to become brittle.

  7. Schreiber at «great personal risk» of additional exposure.

  8. Continual exposure may result in the bioaccumulation of lead.

  9. Later that year, Wallace gained exposure on a remix of Mary J.

  10. Sufficient X-ray exposure to an RV can damage its heat shields.

  11. Populations without prior exposure to the chemicals are most susceptible to them.

  12. The symptoms that were described are exactly the ones you get from cold exposure.

  13. Five hundred roentgen equivalent man (rem) is usually a fatal exposure for humans.

  14. One or two days of exposure without oxygen breaks are needed to cause such damage.

  15. Charles learns to care for his fellow human beings through his exposure to animals.

  16. Reviews in the NME by Paul Morley and in Sounds by Ian Wood brought them immediate national exposure.

  17. Established plants can withstand drought, coastal exposure and temperatures as low as −10 °C (14 °F).

  18. Fresh rock is dark bluish green to greenish gray, but after exposure rapidly turns brown and crumbles.

  19. The death of a worker from exposure to phosgene also prompted a search for a safer production process.

  20. Acute exposure to yttrium compounds can cause shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain, and cyanosis.

  21. The primary risk factor for infection with AIVs is exposure to birds in farms and live poultry markets.

  22. The children’s learning increased after exposure to the show, especially letter and number recognition.

  23. The city receives 2,731 hours of sunshine per year; maximum daily sunlight exposure occurs in February.

  24. The texts that Sherwood wrote following this trip reflect her exposure to French culture in particular.

  25. Fez’s five-year development cycle is known for its protracted length and amount of public exposure.

  26. Pulmonary and ocular toxicity result from longer exposure to increased oxygen levels at normal pressure.

  27. This decision was influenced by the team’s exposure to the 3D character models used in Alone in the Dark.

  28. Giving antibiotics to people with significant exposure to certain types of meningitis may also be useful.

  29. Newer helmet designs feature a liquid crystal-type face plate that self-darkens upon exposure to the arc.

  30. A gram-negative bacterium, Vibrio lentus, can cause skin lesions, exposure of muscle and sometimes death.

  31. Their musical education was aided by exposure to the constant rehearsing and playing of Leopold and his fellow musicians.

  32. In 2004 a deeper image, known as the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (HUDF), was constructed from a few months of light exposure.

  33. Animals exposed to RNAi at doses millions of times higher than anticipated human exposure levels show no adverse effects.

  34. As soon as Slotin left the building, he vomited, a common reaction from exposure to extremely intense ionizing radiation.

  35. U2’s high exposure and their reputation for being overly serious led to accusations of grandiosity and self-righteousness.

  36. Jackson’s airplay and music channel blacklist remained persistent, massively affecting her chart performance and exposure.

  37. By 1974 Thorpe, at the crest of the Liberal revival, was terrified of exposure that might lose him the Liberal leadership.

  38. The standard for radiation exposure to personnel was the same as that used by the Manhattan Project: 0.1 roentgens per day.

  39. There was a considerable surge in support for William following the exposure of a Jacobite plan to assassinate him in 1696.

  40. The first symptoms of mental illness that arise from syphilitic infection tend to occur about 15 years from first exposure.

  41. Song of Innocence received radio exposure on both AM and FM stations with songs such as the title track and «Holy Thursday», which became the album’s best-known recording.

  42. The exposure of the affair generated rumours of other scandals and drew official attention to the activities of Ward, who was charged with a series of immorality offences.

  43. The Japanese destroyers were usually able to make the round trip down «The Slot» to Guadalcanal and back in a single night, minimizing their exposure to Allied air attack.

  44. After the USS Indianapolis was torpedoed on 30 July 1945, most sailors who survived the sinking reportedly died from exposure to the elements rather than from shark bites.

  45. Tobacco smokers may also experience more powerful effects with psilocybin, because tobacco smoke exposure decreases the activity of MAO in the brain and peripheral organs.

Synonyms for exposure

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word exposure has the following synonyms: , photograph, photo, pic and vulnerability.

General information about «exposure» example sentences

The example sentences for the word exposure that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «exposure» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «exposure».

I really wanted to try this technique during my regular hospital consultations but the exposure time would

Children are limited in their exposure

Finally, avoid exposure to bright before bedtime because it signals the neurons that help control the sleep-wake cycle that it is time to awaken, not to sleep

Nichols has filed a patent application for a line of equipment that uses a brief exposure to extreme heat and hot water for the control of whitefly, aphids, mealybug, scale and mite infestations

If your target rate of return were high, you would have to increase equity exposure

«Thirty seconds to exposure,» Tig said

Prolonged exposure to it can prematurely

«This was taken during eclipse, so the exposure is long

repetitive exposure if that exposure is encouraging and wanted

You will gain the exposure you

The weary cynicism that comes through prolonged exposure to other people’s stupidity and mean-faced barbarism

‘But what did Ozzie do with two dead bodies on his hands? Why didn’t he contact the authorities?’ James blustered, trying to cover his exposure

This would be Venna’s first exposure to sail

To Kaitlyn’s great relief, knowing how amateur thespians can succumb to last minute debilitations of stage fright and other psychosomatic disturbances, the Village Players were made of sterner stuff, ready for their moment of public exposure

She ran a magazine shop in the used book arcade, a career that gave her exposure to information scraps of all kinds

spread the information and give your audio additional exposure

Modulus of elasticity of concrete reduces with exposure dose increases because of accumulation of structural defects in aggregates and cement stone

He tried to focus his thoughts on the readouts, what they meant for those brief moments of exposure

‘You created me two hundred and twenty-eight years ago; a nano second of exposure over the designated time could cause a millennium of temporal eradication

At full power time could be erased for over a millennia, after a second of exposure

However, the immortal blood , her prolonged exposure to it, seems to have changed her DNA

It could be whoever switched the blood didn’t realize the effect it would have on Alex, but we were, after all, treating her for exposure to immortal blood

It is only natural someone who knew what she was being treated for would assume more exposure to immortal blood…”

‘Roidon had been working on this to create a more precise, more reliable exposure than his original device

‘To that extent, yes, which is not to imply that this technology is without risks: the calculations for exposure can never be one hundred percent accurate

What are the chances of these relationships being perfect and this happening by chance? The relationships between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun, the rotation speed of the Earth, the tilt of the Earth’s rotational axis, the exposure time of the different hemispheres to light and darkness (and many other critical factors that are related to the movements of the Earth, Moon and Sun to provide a life supporting environment) are far too perfect to have happened by chance

These would bury animals and plants, rapidly cutting off exposure to decaying agents and allow the remains to fossilise during the subsequent years that followed

“Five second exposure, pretty much nothing

in the outdoor exposure without giving in to rot, decay, cracks and mold and termite infestations

Another scientist told them how such severe effects of exposure to radiation could be reversed by a new technique designed to repair the damaged genes and accelerate dermal regeneration

vanished and bodies suffered the horrors of exposure to the vacuum of space

Such exposure in the tropics is a sure forerunner of fever

Having gauged direction from the balloon, the enemy had poured down their merciless fire without exposure from volleys returned from two hundred feet below

He had put off telling him that they’d already destroyed the evidence because he’d hoped there might be a way he could use the threat of exposure to get the incriminating photos back

Mumford turned the Journal headquarters into a ward, in which he personally tended all the officers he could accommodate until he fell with yellow fever contracted by exposure at the front and the long hours he devoted to this work

But the soldiers grew dispirited with inaction: exposure and army rations were beginning to tell, and finally yellow fever broke out

When the exposure came Dr Rhoodie was (after a brief flight) arrested and found guilty of fraud

South Africa overcame the pardoning with its Truth & Reconciliation (TRC) hearings where anyone could admit to his crimes and be pardoned under certain rules like full exposure

“There is growing evidence that the Nassagewaya residents as well as city residents are suffering a host of health problems associated with exposure to these chemicals,” says Arnold Murphy, of the Occupational Health Clinic in Schmedleyville

“Toxic exposure has resulted in a variety of health issues in this community,” Washington noted for the group

He may have broken a leg in a remote location and perished from exposure

His wife, Becky, loved it and they both considered exposure to a second culture an excellent opportunity for their daughter’s development

You know, he and I are old comrades-in-arms; fought side-by-side in the Nicaraguan war,” he boasted, smiling with a narrow exposure of yellowed teeth

“You can die of starvation and thirst, exposure or heat or cold

To be found transporting many times that could lead to serious laundering charges, tax evasion and possible exposure of its source

The harm to workers’ health by repeated and prolonged exposure to the dangerous chemicals became a contentious issue

Exposure of the abused youngster to porn by the abuser –

ongoing exposure to that situation

because you need an initial level of exposure

We dispose of the bodies quickly and limit the exposure

The only possibility appeared to be public exposure of the notebook and their own eyewitness accounts in the newspapers – unfortunately the government tightly controlled the press

Well, he ended up in the harbor, undoubtedly as the result of a power struggle within the depleted ranks of the gang, and died of shark attack and exposure

To stay in the woods would mean death from exposure

Harden Industries could use the exposure

You could never get enough exposure, he thought, noting the datum that one-point-one billion people were virtually riding along with him right now

With proper media exposure, any party unwilling to commit to their spending level would be seen by voters as trying to continue the pork-barrel special interest politics that have led to excessive government growth for the last half-century

are several factors associated with poverty: exposure to cockroaches and other indoor allergens, limited

Off the side of the kitchen was a sizable living room with a western exposure

asbestos exposure, with no disease, are encouraged to make claims

These include the size of the bird, dehydration, decreased illumination, predator intrusion, exposure, phosphorus deficiency, calcium deficiency, to name some

At the time that I came up with the idea for DIVERGENT (about five years ago), I was studying exposure therapy in the treatment of phobias

Exposure therapy involves confronting a person with the stimulus that scares them (heights, spiders, etc

This is where the Dauntless initiation process comes from—I wanted to write about a subculture of people who want to eradicate fear, and exposure therapy is how they go about doing it

have little exposure to the software)

I needed this exposure therapy though to help me move past my anxieties

exposure as the man trotted behind

have only five minutes of exposure time left,” he said

She couldn’t do this alone without risking exposure, nor did she feel able to ask George

Most were concerning the California Confidential exposure, although a few were from early risers who read the paper

Chinook with a lead sheet laid on the floor to lessen the radiation exposure, flew toward

radiation exposure and had a five to ten times more chance of developing cancer

The BEIR V report is true and stresses long-term exposure to low doses of radiation is

and #4, a specialized squad prepared to bear the risks of radiation exposure can always

Due to our social exposure where we live in this so called materialistic

The restrictions for exposure to sunlight in Mediterranean climates are to only sun

Wherever the risk exposure index is not reducing, new actions are identified and tracked

The leaders fear exposure for helping “victims” that the leaders in fact manufacture and indenture to serve themselves

They needed a target for their seething rage at losing the election, compounded by exposure of their failed attempt to steal it

So, what the heck, I decided to drive into town one day and take a crack at the battery of tests since I had never had any exposure to such a thing

Buy a call to retain exposure to the stock

neighbors and associates would also have had no natural exposure to information about the

However, “despite the exposure of his lies, Mr

exposure to the antidepressant while in the womb

People typically use the hashtag symbol # before a relevant keyword or phrase (no spaces) in their Tweet to drive traffic and maximize their tweet’s exposure in Twitter Search

The writer has even used a hashtag to give it more exposure and make it more targeted

Using hashtags is a very effective way to group all of the tweets that surround a specific topic and increase your exposure on Twitter

Twitter Cards are an excellent way to increase the reach of your tweet as well as gain new exposure from conversations already happening about your brand

The Institute of Evaluating Health Risks ―found no association between actual exposure to PCB‘s and death from cancer or any other disease

Among the known risk factors for asthma are several factors associated with poverty: exposure to cockroaches and other indoor allergens, limited access to health care and prematurity‘

infections since their exposure to the ash

he told himself, they had all had a much heavier exposure than Paul

Then I got first exposure to the Montana work ethic

” It is likely that Jews are no more easily corrupted by power than any other race, but the opportunity for exposure to temptation is greater, as Jews seek

perpetuate the exposure of these crimes, which I believe is the only

exposure to media over the past hundred years throughout which

These latter are acquired by exposure to other humans

One’s first exposure to violent death can be a trying thing, and one never knows how a given person will react

activity, forced substance abuse, and exposure to sexually transmitted

The Plane doors, Translocation plates, and Illusions of outdoor exposure are particularly expensive

“You want an exposure without being accused of electioneering or premature campaigning

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Exposure of a Terrorist Squad in Bahrain Handled by the Iranian

Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps IRGC.


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Разоблачение в Бахрейне террористической ячейки, которой руководил иранский корпус

стражи исламской революции.


The exposure windows for Dual models are drawn separately for the left and right image.


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Для моделей Dual отдельно создаются окна экспонирования для левого и правого изображения.


He’s lost all political power, so, he’s chosen the nuclear one: Exposure.

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Он потерял все свое влияние, и значит, выбрал самый худший вариант: разоблачение.

Medication following exposure— including anticholinergic preparations atropine, scopolamine and benactyzine.


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Лечение антихолинергическими медикаментами после заражения— включая атропин, скополамин и бенактизин.


Usage after exposure in those not already immune may be useful.

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Вакцинация после заражения может оказаться полезной для тех, кто еще не обладает иммунитетом.

Only after the investigation began, Your Honor, when exposure became inevitable.

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Лишь после того, как началось расследование, Ваша Честь, когда разоблачение стало неизбежным.

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As noted, the time for the onset of signs depends on the form of exposure.


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Как было сказано, время проявления симптомов зависит от способа заражения.


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The consequence of this is continued exposure to external shocks and greater economic instability.


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Следствием этого является постоянная незащищенность от внешних потрясений и рост экономической нестабильности.


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The presence of mercury in blood indicates current or recent exposure.


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Присутствие ртути в крови является свидетельством текущего или недавнего заражения.


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Mercury in urine correlates well with moderate and

high elemental mercury vapor exposure.


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Повышенное содержание ртути в моче является результатом умеренного и

высокого заражения парами элементарной ртути.


Exposure, injury, or some other hazard of street life.

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Подвергание, рана, или некоторая другая опасность из уличной жизни.

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Guidance for identifying populations at risk from mercury exposure.


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Руководство по выявлению категорий людей с повышенным риском заражения ртутью.


Exposure to or desertion in the face of danger.


Risk exposure(number and volume of open positions).

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Подвергание риска( число( номер) и объем открытых позиций).

Small group clinical training: Prevention of occupational exposure.

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Клиническое обучение в малых группах: Профилактика заражения на рабочем месте.

The antidote only works if taken before exposure,

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Противоядие подействует только, если оно принято до заражения.

These may lead to exposure of sensitive information or allow privilege escalation.


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Это может приводить к разоблачению чувствительной информации или повышению привилегий.


In Lightroom, I use the standard tools like exposure, contrast, saturation, whites and blacks.


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В Lightroom я пользуюсь стандартными инструментами, такими как выдержка, контраст, насыщенность, настройки черного и белого.


Different exposure to different varieties of green coffee(from 1 to 6 months);


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Различная выдержка для различных сортов зеленого кофе( от 1 до 6 месяцев);



I used long exposure to blur the sky and reflection.


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Я использовал длинную выдержку, чтобы смазать облака и отражение.


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Я использовал длинную выдержку, чтобы смазать облака.


Control of environmental exposure: Industrial use of BOS-containing construction.


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Контроль воздействий на окружающую среду: Промышленное использование строительных материалов, содержащих BOS.


Results: 6228,
Time: 0.0452





What do we mean by exposure?

The act or an instance of exposing, as. noun

An act of subjecting or an instance of being subjected to an action or an influence. noun

Appearance in public or in the mass media. noun

Revelation, especially of crime or guilt. noun

The act of making visible a body part, especially the genitals or breasts, in public or in a manner that is illegal or inappropriate. noun

The condition of being exposed, especially to severe weather or other forces of nature. noun

A position in relation to climatic or weather conditions or points of the compass. noun

The act of exposing sensitized photographic film or plate. noun

A photographic plate or a piece of film so exposed. noun

The amount of radiant energy needed to expose a photographic film. noun

The act of opening to view, laying bare, or revealing: as, the exposure of a vein of ore, or of a crime. noun

The state of being open or subject to some action or influence; a being placed in the way of something, as observation, attack, etc.: as, exposure to cold or to the air; exposure to danger or to contagion. noun

The thing revealed or exposed. noun

In photography, the act of presenting to the action of the actinic rays of light: as, the exposure was too long. noun

Situation with regard to the access of light or air; position relative to the sun or to the points of the compass; aspect: as, a southern exposure. noun

The act of casting out, or abandoning to chance, in some unsheltered or unprotected place; abandonment to death from cold, starvation, etc.: as, the exposure of a child. noun

In meteorology, the method of placing any instrument so that it shall correctly measure a given meteorological element. noun

In forestry, see aspect, 9. noun

The act of exposing or laying open, setting forth, laying bare of protection, depriving of care or concealment, or setting out to reprobation or contempt. noun

The condition of being exposed, uncovered, or unprotected.

Lack of protection from weather or the elements.

The act of exposing something, such as a scandal.

That part which is facing or exposed to something, e.g. the sun, weather, sky, or a view.

An instance of taking a photograph.

The piece of film exposed to light.

Details of the time and f-number used.

The amount of sun, wind etc. experienced by a particular site.

What you get when you expose yourself. Can be extremely and extremely bad. Sometimes at the same time. Urban Dictionary

The most hated word of the freelance commercial artist. When a company offers no pay, but instead, “Lots of Exposure” You, as an artist, better make a run for it, because this is the most toxic BS anyone will ever feed you. Urban Dictionary

Online Exposure is an emerging form of sexual fetish which is subset of humiliation play. This is achieved typically by Faggots (males) & Sluts (females) taking pictures of themselves while acting like pathetic whores. The more the photo would ruin/destroy your reputation if your coworkers or immediate family were to see it the better. Instances of spreading your butt cheeks so the world can see your asshole , huge dildos wrecking one’s anus & covered in Sharpie} body writing are typically the most common traits of this fetish. Full Online Exposure is achieved when your pics are reblogged/retweeted/reposted so often that searching your name on Google or Bing will bring up your pictures. Ruination is achieved when your content has gotten spread so far & wide that it has truly become public domain & this point you are now forever a sad & disgusting part of the internet at large. Urban Dictionary

When you need to notify someone that they may have been exposed to an STD. Urban Dictionary

To publicly expose a reproductive organ Urban Dictionary

The decision to purposefully attempt to contract COVID-19 in order to suppress the fear and uncertainty of eventually contracting the disease. Urban Dictionary

One of the best reality tv shows along with Real TV because it shows natural real-life events unlike shitty, fake-ass, staged shows like Survivor. Urban Dictionary

The act of ejaculating in your hand, and then slapping a girl in the face. Urban Dictionary

An Internet dating term. When a person you are meeting for the first time is wearing the same outfit pictured in their Internet dating profile. Urban Dictionary

Best television show ever! Urban Dictionary

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