The word expedition in a sentence

expedition — перевод на русский


Concerning my loan for the Corsican expedition, and for a total of 100,000 pounds.

Для снабжения корсиканской экспедиции мне требуются средства в размере 100.000 ливров.

It’s from the expedition.

Из экспедиции.

It took three expeditions and five years to find that one!

Эту искали три экспедиции, и на это ушло пять лет!

Thank him for making the Pike expedition possible and, I hope, a success.

Поблагодари его за поддержку экспедиции Пайка. -Надеюсь, она будет успешной.

Now, sir, we’ll say goodbye to you unless you care to undertake the Istanbul expedition with us.

Теперь, сэр, пришло время прощаться, если вы только не хотите присоединиться к нашей экспедиции в Стамбул.

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Even the expedition against Gen. Garibaldi had come to an end.

Поход против Гарибальди также завершился.

— To pay for the next expedition, of course.

Чтобы были деньги на следующий поход.

I know! So I figured, why not step it up a notch and go on a wilderness expedition.

Я знаю, поэтому решила расширить горизонты и пойти в поход.

Oh, I forgot. You’re not on expeditions.

Ой, извини, это же не поход.

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I thought you guys were going on that fishing expedition.

Я думал, вы поехали на рыбалку.

That he likes Sushi, but hates fishing expeditions.

Что он любит суши, но ненавидит рыбалку.

— Time to end the fishing expedition.

— Время закончить рыбалку.

And he sent me on a fishing expedition.

И отправил меня на рыбалку.

Scotland, this fishing expedition.

Шотландия, поездка на рыбалку.

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Have you ever known a fishing expedition to be free, Will?

Уилл, тебе известно о выуживании компромата для того, чтобы освободиться?

I’m not allowing a fishing expedition here, Counselor.

Я не разрешаю в своём суде подбор компромата на политиков, советник.

So long as it’s not in the interests of a defence fishing expedition.

А если это не в интересах правосудия, а в интересах поисков компромата стороной защиты?

You will not use this as a fishing expedition.

Тебе не удастся воспользоваться этим для сбора компромата.

Said we were on a fishing expedition that was pissing off some very important people.

Сказал, что этот сбор компромата злит очень важных людей.

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«You can’t behave like an expedition member.You are a kid and nothing more.»

Ты ведешь себя не как член экспедиции… Ты ребенок и не более того…

But you have to understand that every single person on this entire expedition is in the exact same situation.

Но ты должен понять, что каждый член экспедиции находится в точно таком же положении.

Well, the expedition is suffering from extreme old age and they’re growing older by the minute, much older.

Члены экспедиции страдают от старости, и они становятся старше с каждой минутой, намного старше.

And we, the expedition members and friends, understood it perfectly.

И мы, члены экспедиции и друзья, прекрасно это понимали.

Now, I ought to tell you That I have practically everyone That I need for this expedition.

Должен сказать, что у меня уже есть большинство необходимых членов экспедиции.

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The rifle shot during the expedition.

Ружейная стрельба во время экспедиции.

My brother was with me during the expedition to climb.

Мой брат был со мной во время экспедиции, на восхождении.

The crew was reluctant, sir, but they eventually conceded that during the expedition Pimblett went insane.

Экипаж всё отрицал, сэр, но, в конце концов, они признали, что во время экспедиции Пимблетт сошёл с ума.

Isaiah’s father was on an expedition for Greenland Mining when he died.

Отец Исайи погиб во время экспедиции на Гренландию.

Some men died on an expedition to the west coast of Greenland. I need to know why.

Во время экспедиции на западное побережье Гренландии погиб человек.

Today is an overcast day, and I have engineered a little shopping expedition.

Сегодня пасмурная погода, и я организовал небольшую вылазку по магазинам.

We are intending to undertake another expedition.

Мы собираемся предпринять ещё одну вылазку.

So distrust Mr. Lowe’s intentions all you please, but don’t distrust his instinct for selfpreservation, nor should you undervalue his importance to this expedition.

Поэтому можешь не доверять намерениям мистера Лоу, но доверяй его инстинкту самосохранения. И не надо недооценивать его важную роль в этой вылазке.

So I want you in charge of this fishing expedition, Detective.

Будешь за главного на этой вылазке.

Well, normally I’m not one to endorse one of your ill-conceived expeditions.

Обычно, я не из тех, кто одобряет ваши необдуманные вылазки.

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Synonym: haste, hurry, journey, pilgrimage, promptness, speed, swiftness, trek, trip. Similar words: edition, addition, condition, tradition, in addition, conditions, additional, traditional. Meaning: [‚ekspɪ’dɪʃn]  n. 1. a military campaign designed to achieve a specific objective in a foreign country 2. an organized group of people undertaking a journey for a particular purpose 3. a journey organized for a particular purpose 4. a journey taken for pleasure 5. the property of being prompt and efficient. 

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1. The mastermind of the expedition was a Frenchman.

2. He was on an expedition to explore the Antarctic.

3. We’re going on a shopping expedition on Saturday.

4. He is the commander of an expedition.

5. The expedition was dogged by misfortune.

6. He is the commander of the expedition.

7. He learned a lot during his scientific expedition.

8. They equipped themselves for the expedition.

9. He decided to postpone the expedition until the following day.

10. A new Danish expedition is again excavating the site in annual summer digs.

11. In response, Charles VI sent a punitive expedition to Brittany, raping and killing the populace.

12. Finally, the great expedition set off for the long journey to the Holy Land.

13. We must fit the expedition out with the best equipment.

14. Amundsen’s expedition was the first to reach the South Pole.

15. The scientists will go on an expedition to the South Pole.

16. The expedition set out for the upper reaches of the Amazon.

17. Food supplies are running low in the expedition team.

18. The expedition was abandoned because of adverse weather conditions.

19. The expedition covered a lot of ground.

20. He was accompanied on the expedition by his wife.

21. The expedition was bedevilled by bad weather.

22. They organized an expedition to Everest.

23. She led an expedition into the interior.

24. We need to find sponsorship for the expedition.

25. She was about to embark on a major expedition.

26. Who will find money for the expedition?

27. I think we’ve chosen the right person to lead the expedition.

28. His lecture was illustrated with slides taken during the expedition.

29. He was always modest about his role in the Everest expedition.

30. They encountered serious problems when two members of the expedition were injured.

More similar words: edition, addition, condition, tradition, in addition, conditions, additional, traditional, in addition to, traditionally, medication, prediction, position, explanation, exploration, coalition, munitions, exhibition, transition, opposition, composition, definition, acquisition, recognition, practitioner, carpe diem, edit, expert, expect, editor. 

Definition of Expedition

a trip taken for a specific reason

Examples of Expedition in a sentence

In the television series, the spaceship set off on a ten-year expedition to explore new planets and meet new life forms.


The missionaries are planning an expedition to share the word of Christ in Haiti.


If you are not physically fit, you will be ill-prepared to face the harsh weather conditions of our South Pole expedition.


The band will play at over fifteen venues during its cross-country expedition.


By the time the group reached its destination, four people had died during the grueling expedition.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word expedition, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use expedition in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «expedition».

Expedition in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word expedition in a sentence.

  1. Long conducted a survey expedition.

  2. The expedition set forth from the St.

  3. Judd to the expedition as a translator.

  4. A relief expedition in 868 achieved little.

  5. Rogers’ expedition suffered further setbacks.

  6. They sent a naval expedition toward Lilybaeum.

  7. An English expedition to Normandy was planned.

  8. The Fram voyage was Nansen’s final expedition.

  9. The expedition started in late May 1859 at St.

  10. Polk sent an army expedition led by Stephen W.

  11. There were good reasons for canceling the expedition.

  12. During the expedition 18 ancient cities were located.

  13. However, the exact date of his expedition is uncertain.

  14. The expedition provided some key scientific information.

  15. The expedition recommenced its explorations in May 1860.

  16. Infighting led to the deaths of two other expedition members within a short time.

  17. Scott received the news on 22 February, during the first depot-laying expedition.

  18. He vetoed a coin bill in 1938 for the 400th anniversary of Coronado’s expedition.

  19. After spending most of that day drying out, the expedition set off on October 23.

  20. Later that night Anderson was killed by John Powell during a scouting expedition.

  21. Most of the members of the expedition returned to take up immediate active military or naval service.

  22. None of the members of the expedition had ever been in the Gulf of Mexico or knew how to navigate it.

  23. Acceptable to both parties, Cook was promoted to Lieutenant and named as commander of the expedition.

  24. In 1911 Joyce travelled to Denmark to acquire dogs for this expedition, and took them on to Tasmania.

  25. Evans had abandoned plans to mount his own expedition and transferred his financial backing to Scott.

  26. Clair’s requested number for the second Wabash expedition, was sufficient for an effective operation.

  27. Artefacts found on the coast of Greenland were identified to have come from the Jeannette expedition.

  28. From Totonicapán the expedition headed north to Momostenango, although it was delayed by heavy rains.

  29. The expedition captured a small Spanish ship off Tenerife, but released her in exchange for supplies.

  30. This field work he continued until 1927, leading a class expedition to a small island in Lake Ladoga.

  31. The expedition also aimed to be the most comprehensive scientific study of the Arctic ever attempted.

  32. Helmer Hanssen, who had proved his worth on the Gjøa expedition, agreed to travel with Amundsen again.

  33. John led an expedition to Ireland in 1210 in an effort to bring the Anglo-Norman barons under control.

  34. Arnold explained that although the situation was grim, he thought that the expedition should continue.

  35. Led by Captain Robert Falcon Scott, the expedition had various scientific and geographical objectives.

  36. On September 9, two captured Americans revealed that Clark’s expedition had been called off because of a shortage of men.

  37. After the return of Cook’s expedition, there was disagreement about who should write the official account of the journey.

  38. Here, in June 1922, he received a message from Rowett ordering the ship home to England, so the expedition ended quietly.

  39. He made little financial gain from the expedition and eventually depended on a government grant to cover its liabilities.

  40. Colonel Malloy’s account of the Natchez expedition can be found in the Official War Records, Series 1, Volume 26, Part 1.

  41. The last Byzantine stronghold, Carthage, fell in 698, although a Byzantine naval expedition managed to briefly retake it.

  42. This expedition would result in much of Drummond’s renowned «Fourth Collection», including the celebrated Hakea victoria.

  43. Because of this resistance, Jefferson called for volunteers rather than ordering the militia to accompany the expedition.

  44. After Vardanes was assassinated during a hunting expedition, the Parthian nobility appealed to Roman emperor Claudius (r.

  45. In 2002, Channel 4 produced Shackleton, a TV serial depicting the 1914 expedition with Kenneth Branagh in the title role.

  46. Afterwards La Salle’s mission had remained nearly secret until 1686 when former expedition member Denis Thomas, who had deserted in Santo Domingo, was arrested for piracy.

  47. Paine drew up ambitious plans for the establishment of a permanent base on the Moon by the end of the 1970s and the launch of a crewed expedition to Mars as early as 1981.

  48. To think that Holden, who had never had a mishap when flying over these dangerous mountains, should be killed when on holiday in Australia, flying to a fishing expedition.

  49. The initial response to the new crusade bull was poor, and it in fact had to be reissued when it was clear that Louis VII of France would be taking part in the expedition.

  50. During the Song’s northern expedition to the Liao, the Song general Tong Guan removed the long established defensive forest on the Song-Liao border for the troops to pass.

Synonyms for expedition

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word expedition has the following synonyms: dispatch, despatch, expeditiousness, excursion, jaunt, outing, junket, pleasure trip, sashay, , military expedition and hostile expedition.

General information about «expedition» example sentences

The example sentences for the word expedition that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «expedition» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «expedition».

This time it’s for the romance of being who I really am, who I am without the distractions of an early death and resurrection in an experimental environment, a starship expedition that went wrong and the founding of an industry to deal with

There is a Colonel from his expedition who does not agree with the majority decision and wants to make his own policy

«Well, to be honest, I lost one or them, the one that came with my expedition

Earth’s exile community here on this planet is small, herself, derived of an Angel downloaded into a native body, Alan, raised from a frozen zygote by the same expedition that brought her, and the thirty one Brazilians that survived cryofreeze, with or without the intervention of the Kassikan

«I’ll admit, I would have been tempted to take an expedition out there if I knew there was four tons of aluminum to be found

Alan’s body had been conceived of Earth, from sperm of Paul Larkin and ovum of Grace Larkin, taken before their death and donated to the expedition in the afterlife

«This expedition will earn us the money to buy them

She started to develop the theory that she had been suspended and left on the Biology Base when the expedition returned to Sol

She went to bed in late October of 2278, but had she been suspended while the expedition departed? Was this some kind of delayed punishment for stowing away on that base the first time? Could that ship be the Presidente Lula, last of the sleeperships? Could she have been suspended so long that it was here already? It wasn’t due to arrive for another sixty years

Glenelle didn’t really understand all of that, assumed she meant back to the main expedition

Of course Talstan has Angels by now, she knew that from news sent to the expedition

«We are still part of the league,» Ava told her, «and we will be joined by another expedition soon, if we can get them in

«I would have to pick someone on the expedition that I have a backup for

The main scope had returned to Sol with the main expedition

Also inside was the logic fabrication machinery, weapon stores, and the other incidental machinery needed by the expedition

The last data we had from the Brazilian and the remainder of the Christial expedition indicated that they were cooperating with the Kassikan fully

For the other’s the bombshell was that the remains of the Christial expedition was also cooperating with the Kassikan

Most of it was just a long formal list of who got how much return on the graft that went into making up this expedition, but there were a few paragraphs near the end called the ‘Haad Directives,’ couched in dense theologian

Alstan had been unable to decode the encrypted data sent by the Brazilan expedition

Ahmed kept him busy the next few days supporting many other meetings as different groups of important souls from the expedition argued this way and that regarding the world of Satan

There was no one on the expedition that actually understood what the fabrication machinery had to do other than pass certain diagnostic tests and otherwise ‘work as designed’

«We have the technology to protect against viruses, this expedition is the apex of Talstan’s achievements, we can protect our seed from viruses

No doubt he and the Haadij had already argued about it many times in the fifty years they had been on this expedition together

With all the disruption their expedition had faced, he only went out when he was on duty

We need to depose Moamar and restore sanity to this expedition

He wondered if someone had recalled their commander from backup and Vincef had found a way to regain control of the expedition? He was glad his sentence had only lasted three days

The Al-Harron was launched as a military expedition

It passed the second Pan Solar League expedition en route, arriving here at least six years sooner, though the Heavenly Mother was launched six years earlier and was at the forefront of starship science

They knew a lot too much about Alan, a lot too much about the expedition

«Let me explain from the beginning, this is something very important about our expedition and my relationship with it that I really hope I can make you understand

«Those electronic devices are what the other people of my expedition live in

It had been possible for quite a few years before this expedition left

I’ve never been there myself and I’m in no hurry to become one, that’s why I left that expedition

«If Alan is still alive he won’t be wondering if Earth, his parents and his expedition was only a drug dream

Her avatar had been programmed to think she had an Avatar on Biology Base reporting to the real Ava with the expedition

The only way they were able to regain contact with me was by telling me I could start training for an expedition to the surface

Desa is older than the nation and church that sent this expedition

Think about it,» she said, «If one guy, Thom, by himself while on expedition, can detect them as a hobbyist, what have the remainder of mankind’s universities, governments and corporations discovered in the two hundred years they’ve been working on it full time with teams and budgets?»

Alan’s foster father, Alfred McReady, was one of Elmore’s best friends on the expedition

This was his real crime wasn’t it? It wasn’t just faking data from the whole expedition

No, the crystal contaminated by his hack that had been left behind at 61 Cygni had somehow taken over the Brazilian expedition when they arrived

That base has recordings of all the souls of the expedition

If anyone remained on that base, that soul could resurrect the whole expedition and nothing could stop them

“But what control does Ava have? I mean over this expedition?”

The others might have been entertaining but they were such minor players on the expedition that Alan wouldn’t get any relief from his sentence

It was true the whole expedition was on alert because of the suspected Chinese ship that was paralleling them; and because of his sentence, he didn’t have the clearance for a lot of the meetings

Because he didn’t really have the skills to fake the data from the entire expedition, if he had done so, he must have had help

Of course that would effectively terminate the whole expedition since there would be no one to take over the system

“They disappeared into the population my dear,” Thom said, there was still an interstellar channel open with the Brazilian expedition at 61 Cygni and Gordon’s Lamp was able to monitor all the traffic on it

In they burst, chattering and excited, full of cheery plans for our expedition to Faria after the festival

«The expedition hardly depends on it

«Your antimatter condensate is the only significance your expedition has to God and it is a trifle that has caused blurred thinking in only a few

They decided it must be the 16 Cygni expedition returning

Thom wondered what the odds were of encountering that expedition randomly in the 1

Ava told him the expedition might need them again if their zygotes were all that remained of humanity and they had to re-seed the Earth

He knew that his was not a military expedition

It was a prospecting expedition that had failed to find exploitable resources, a biological expedition that had been duped by their only seedchild, in a ship that might still be haunted by more than Angels

What if Alfred had been right and they should have stayed and studied the planet at 61 Cygni until the next expedition arrived? True it wasn’t the wonder Alan had imagined, but it was still the only place outside Earth where macroscopic biology had been discovered

And the next expedition would make it, the Heavenly Mother had gotten away well before the war started

He could easily get into a downward spiral when he contemplated the disasters his expedition had suffered

We really should have someone else on the expedition that can speak her language

He was on a hunting expedition on one of the uninhabited planets in his universe

“There was an expedition to 16 Cygni wasn’t there?”

“You shouldn’t second guess yourself, and how were you to know this war would happen? Yes we might have guessed that Alan’s hack would take over the Brazilian expedition when it got there, but how were we to know they would convince the Brazilian establishment to put a viral complex transmitted from that hack into production?”

The fate that had befallen the Brazilian expedition showed that his fears were based on fact

Ava could have hacked into this, he was sure, but it really was one of the most secure areas on the expedition, in spite of Glayet’s quirky rendering

Weis had hardly spoken to her in the two hundred years this expedition had been in flight, but pursued her anyway

All that could be seen were the personifications of most of the senior people on the expedition

” She had spent the first years of the afterlife in a tin shed in Scranton, until she joined the Christial Church and the expedition of Gordon’s Lamp

But she couldn’t prove they were not still in that tin shed with the whole expedition to 61 Cygni and back synthesized and fed in

By now the expedition could well be in a shambles

“He helped the wizards of Kassidor dupe their expedition into thinking there was nothing there

“The second expedition to 61 Cygni, is that correct?”

One of the women spoke up, “There is a record of the expedition from forty one sources who died after it was launched and were not pulled into silicon

“They are not my plans, they are not the plans of the expedition I’m a part of

“You can’t just come in here and rape the captain of this expedition

She didn’t need the distraction of another soul accidentally brought aboard the expedition at this time

He might not have ever been truly ordained as a minister, he might not have even believed as a mortal, but over the centuries of this expedition Arthur had become as sincere in his faith as any saint

He was still tied to this one portal and desk-eye as the only contact with the expedition

He couldn’t make it the monetary success he dreamed of with only himself to work it, but he had enough to get by, and his expedition salary allowed him to buy whatever he wanted that this three-d reality trap could provide

He had decided to continue the expedition

“You are paralyzed when you attempt any action that you know will cause a fellow human harm, you’ve known that since your expedition lost Alan

I haven’t had much of a country life since the expedition

The city had begun as a campsite at the end of that expedition, a place so far away at the time that they could never be bothered

In spite of the longevity problem, there was still business to be done with public rooms, but that had settled down to a fairly low volume compared to what souls on the expedition used

The security of this expedition is one of them

They began their commercial expedition and every so often Chloe would roam amongst the shelves of some emporium and glance, unnoticed, over to her companions idly waiting for her quest’s success

Your expedition orders were clear on that

It will be the Brazilian expedition

But whether all her tales were true or not, enough of them were verified to prove that the natives were far more advanced, in some things at least, than the expedition had believed for the past four years

“The next expedition here will be Brazilian

“I could imagine nothing better than to be stranded here for a century till the next expedition arrives,” Alfred told him

“Well thank you for all those flowers,” she said, “But if you and a whole expedition just journeyed all the way here from YingolNeerie in a starship I’d think you’d want to pull up in the center of town with your best speakers blasting your best tunes and celebrate

If he wasn’t already so buzzed he would have started to worry about what he was getting into by running away from the expedition

The whole story of his origins, what Earth was created for, why mankind developed science and why the Orthodox Christial Church picked 61 Cygni as the destination of their expedition found its purpose in that song

This expedition had the further censorship of the Christial Church

He’d been away from the expedition over seven months

«It was in a way, but growing up in a jar and leaving the expedition and traveling thru the wilds of the Lhar was like all the toil and heartbreak that someone has to go thru on any great quest

» He put his arms around her and thus began a Nightday better than he could have ever imagined when he was with that expedition, one that made them glad they stayed home together, and one that took her mind completely off her search for a teaching position

Four years had passed since the expedition separated and Ava had remained hidden here in the biology base to continue her own studies all that time


noun существительное

множественное число (plural):















  1. экспедиция

    scientific expedition
    научная экспедиция

    geological prospecting expedition
    геологоразведочная экспедиция

    purpose of this expedition
    цель экспедиции

  2. путешествие

    military expedition
    военный поход

  3. экспедирование

adjective прилагательное




  1. экспедиционный

    expedition vessel
    экспедиционное судно

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений expedition на 1 миллион слов: 41.

Примеры предложений

Tom was the expedition leader.
Том был руководителем экспедиции.

Who was the leader of the expedition?
Кто был лидером экспедиции?

He never returned from that expedition.
Он никогда не вернулся из той экспедиции.

The expedition has postponed its departure to the Antarctic.
Экспедиция отложила свой отъезд в Антарктиду.

He was a member of the expedition which climbed Mount Everest.
Он был членом экспедиции, что покорила Эверест.

They went on an expedition to the Antarctic.
Они отправились в экспедицию в Антарктиду.

They went on an expedition to the North Pole.
Они отправились в экспедицию на Северный полюс.

A British expedition conquered Everest in 1953.
В 1953 году Эверест покорила британская экспедиция.

He took part in the expedition.
Он принимал участие в экспедиции.


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