The word exhibition in a sentence

Definition of Exhibition

an event at which objects such as paintings are shown to the public

Examples of Exhibition in a sentence

The art exhibition featured pieces from famous painters around the globe.


Each exhibition had a different cultural theme, providing examples of ethnic cuisine for visitors to try.


The Leonardo Da Vinci expedition displayed information about the inventor’s life and several models of his creations.


Over 200 period photographs are displayed at the Civil Rights exhibition in the center of the museum.


With an exhibition displaying holocaust artifacts year round, the moving presentation was voted a city favorite.


Other words in the Show category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

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1. Journalists will be able to preview the exhibition tomorrow.

2. The exhibition runs the whole gamut of artistic styles.

3. The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture.

4. The National Gallery mounted an exhibition of Danish painting.

5. The exhibition reflected concurrent developments abroad.

6. The overall cost of the exhibition was £400,000.

7. People have been flocking to the exhibition.

8. Have you seen the Picasso exhibition?

9. A fire caused the premature closing of the exhibition.

10. The exhibition was only a partial success.

11. The museum is staging an exhibition of Picasso’s work.

12. The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work.

13. She will have an exhibition of her pictures.

14. Now let’s get on to the next exhibition room.

15. They are coming to the exhibition as my guests.

16. Without the slightest doubt this is a remarkable exhibition.

17. They are invited to the exhibition.

18. The exhibition will be a big affair.

18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

19. The exhibition features 175 works of art.

20. The exhibition continues until 25 July.

21. These newly-designed devices will not appear on the exhibition.

22. There’re many booths at the exhibition.

23. Forming the pivot of the exhibition is a large group of watercolours.

24. Most of the best paintings in the exhibition were already spoken for.

25. I asked him to come to the exhibition but he’d already seen it.

26. The exhibition coincides with the 50th anniversary of his death.

27. A fire in the gallery caused the premature closing of the exhibition.

28. We only had a couple of hours to set up before the exhibition opened.

29. It was Bob who originally put up the idea of the exhibition.

30. The BBC Radio 2 Roadshow will broadcast live from the exhibition.

More similar words: exhibit, prohibit, ambitious, edition, position, addition, tradition, condition, coalition, munitions, expedition, additional, conditions, opposition, in addition, composition, transition, definition, recognition, acquisition, practitioner, traditional, in addition to, traditionally, bit by bit, notion, action, motion, nation, option. 

exhibition — перевод на русский




But there is an exhibition tomorrow?

Завтра здесь выставка?

Your exhibition at the Parmentier Galleries.

Твоя выставка в галерее Парментье.

My exhibition in three months?

Моя выставка через три месяца?

So your exhibition’s set for next month?

Так твоя выставка будет через месяц?

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Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen are comin’ to Krewe Island ? Playin’ an exhibition match for ten grand ?

Джонс и Хэген сыграют показательный матч за 10 штук?

Like a special event. Like a first-class exhibition fight.

Скажем, такое мероприятие, как хороший показательный бой.

For 35% of the gate, I’ll train the boy to fight an exhibition bout against Irish Jake.

за 35 процентов сборов я выучу этого парня провести показательный бой против ирландца Джейка.

Corrine was promoting a big exhibition bout.

Корин продвигала большой показательный поединок.

It’s just an exhibition fight.

Это просто показательный бой.

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During my research for an exhibition catalogue…

Во время моих поисков выставочного каталога…

I heard that you quit NIS Exhibition Center.

Я слышал, ты ушла из Выставочного центра НТС.

This is the woman at NIS Exhibition Center.

Это ведь та самая красотка из Выставочного центра НТС.



By the way, about Exhibition Hall 3…

о выставочном зале номер 3…

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I count myself a very fortunate person indeed to be here in time to prevent this disgusting exhibition!

Я считаю себя очень удачливым человеком, быть здесь вовремя, чтобы предотвратить это отвратительное представление!

May we appeal to him, to favour us with another exciting exhibition. Of skill.

И может быть он сделает нам одолжение устроив еще одно захватывающее представление своих навыков!

Oh, a harmless exhibition.

О, невинное представление.

To turn simple exhibition to blood.

Превратило простое представление в кровопролитие.

In practice. In exhibition against Gannicus.

На тренировке, во время представления, против Ганника.

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Preparing the invitations of the next exhibition takes time, and this is the hour when I can do it without interruptions.

Подготовка приглашений на следующий показ занимает много времени… И это час, когда я могу делать это без перерывов.

I need you to supervise the exhibition.

Ты мне нужен, чтобы контролировать показ.

The exhibition was a great success.

Показ имел большой успех.

Let’s have us a little skydiving exhibition.

Устрой нам небольшой показ затяжных прыжков с парашютом.

I’m preparing the new designs to be modeled at the exhibition.

Я готовлю новые проекты, которые будут представлены на показе.

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The particular intention of the Flambeau Exhibition is to pay tribute to the perspicacity, ingenuity and tenacity of Inspector Dubois, of the Sureté Nationale, who recovered the stolen property. »

Специальный замысел экспозиции Фламбо — отдать должное проницательности, мастерству и упорству инспектора Дюбуа, из Сюрте Насьональ, который вернул похищенное имущество. »

Part of a new exhibition.

– Часть новой экспозиции.

We have reached an agreement for the safe transfer and permanent exhibition of the St. Johannes finds at the Chicago History Museum.

Мы достигли соглашения о безопасной передаче и постоянной экспозиции реликвий, найденных на кладбище Сент-Йоханнес, в Историческом музее Чикаго.

Listen, if I was involved, I’d be crazy to use this photo to promote my exhibition!

Будь я к этому причастен, то не сделал бы эту фотографию центром экспозиции.

«This haunting exhibition is Belfast-born Kavanagh’s «most personal yet, drawing heavily on her own traumatic childhood.»

В этой экспозиции Кива Кавана из Белфаста делится со зрителем личными переживаниями, приоткрывая дверь в мир своего детства, полного комплексов и травм.

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I expect Schneider will raise my rent after that little exhibition.

После моего выступления Шнайдер поднимет аренду.

I started out giving ballroom exhibitions.

Первоначально участвовал в показательных выступлениях.

And based on liza gray’s photographs, They had a four-hour window before the exhibition to do it.

По фотография Лизы Грей можно понять, что у него было почти 4 часа до выступления.

Wait till you see what was going on… During the four-hour window leading up to the exhibition.

Ты видишь, что происходило в те 4 часа перед выступлением.

But I guess I’ll let the National Committee figure that out after we rock the exhibition.

Но, я думаю, что дам Национальному Комитету понять это после выступления в Роке.

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This is positively the finest exhibition ever to be shown be that as it may.

Это самая лучшая демонстрация, которая когда либо была. Ну, это, ну, вот тут, так сказать…

the mortal exhibition of a speechless body, in lieu of an impossible declaration.

Демонстрация мёртвого тела, бессловесного, вместо невозможных речей.

It was agreed this was an exhibition only.

Было договорено, что это будет только демонстрацией.

No, no. Two males have spotted the available females and will approach and begin the exhibition.

Нет, нет, два мужчины заметили этих доступных женщин и будут сближаться и начинать демонстрацию.

LAUGHTER Anyway, the male puffer fish attracts his lady with a heart exhibition.

Так или иначе, самец иглобрюхой рыбы привлекает свою даму демонстрацией любви.

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Examples of how to use the word “exhibition” in a sentence. How to connect “exhibition” with other words to make correct English sentences.

exhibition (n): an event at which objects such as paintings are shown to the public, a situation in which someone shows a particular skill or quality to the public, or the act of showing these things

Use “exhibition” in a sentence

Have you ever seen the Picasso exhibition?
She won first prize in the exhibition.
We hold an exhibition every year.
The exhibition was very impressive.
Today is the opening day of the exhibition.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

As the exhibition ends satisfactorily without any major mishap, the assembled adults applaud, the children beaming proudly at their respective families

“Have you ever participated in a painting exhibition?”

There is considerable excitement here in London at the thought of the Yeti artefacts you are sending for the exhibition

They then gave us a wonderful exhibition of boxing, since the cadet turned out to be a good amateur boxer with a dislike for that particular PT Sergeant

However, the sheer numbers were too much and they had little option but to let the protesters march down through the city passed the burnt out flats that Stuart and Simon had once lived in and towards the exhibition centre where the Chinese President was guest of the UK and Scottish Governments

This time Ahmed fired a rocket at the rear of the Exhibition Centre where the Chinese President was celebrating his daughter’s graduation

“Alas, no, Sergeant,” said the horseman, his response too glib for Colling’s taste, “The Hungarians who were here that day have all gone to England, I believe, for a riding exhibition

There was no use making the exhibition worse than it had to be

And Faith made an exhibition of herself getting up in preaching and making that speech! And she rid a pig down the street—under your very eyes I understand

When she came out of church she said, ‘Well, that exhibition was no more than decent

Another handwritten sign pointed to an exhibition of wine making equipment and techniques

punched in another number and talked to the director of an exhibition site he knew

The convoy set off in the early evening and reached the exhibition site in the city

He took me to two Oakland Raiders’ exhibition games at Cal’s campus stadium in Berkeley

There is, for instance, $2 million for a wood product exhibition at the University of Maine, and $5 million for a study of earthquake

Pure exhibition became their lingo

Thoth was hosting a fireworks exhibition

Its library which houses a vast collection of books numbering 27,000 and has a Gāndhi photo exhibition with 600 photographs

She walked the room like hunting the words, to begin with good skill her exhibition

The old magician looked at me with his compassionate eyes during the exhibition, and then he spoke:

„Will that be bad for the exhibition

Frances drifted serenely amongst the patrons, graciously accepting praise and congratulations for this, her second successful Exhibition

„You told us the storm damage would do no harm to the exhibition,» she accused, directing her displeasure at my hair

Maybe even having a solo exhibition later in the year

We re-arranged the exhibition so the advertised show occupied the most prestigious areas, and an elegantly labelled Permanent Collection was scattered over the remaining walls

All inhibitions gone, they relished the idea of an exhibition to prove their prowess to their subjects

the city in an exhibition carriage

‘You should have an exhibition

By the time mid summer had arrived he had compiled a collection of landscapes all of which sold at the exhibition

In a cynical exhibition of human meekness, the hapless were executed with the very hands that had tended them to their youth

In June 1959, the American Vice President Richard Nixon went to Moscow to inaugurate an exhibition dedicated to technological innovations and materials of his country

The Soviet press dismissed the exhibition as being “propagandistic and useless” and Khrushchev indicated an electric citrus-fruit squeezer and said that nobody sane would ever purchase certain

In 1960, during the car exhibition in Turin, the vehicles shown had a series of incredible innovations: air condition, electric windows, system for braking regulations and other «diabolic innovations» of that kind

Likewise, today, while his absence prevents such material manifestations, you should refrain from placing any sort of limitation on the possible exhibition of his spiritual power

Must you always have material manifestations as an attraction for the spiritual realities of the kingdom? Can you not grasp the spirit significance of my mission without the visible exhibition of unusual works? When can you be depended upon to adhere to the higher and spiritual realities of the kingdom regardless of the outward appearance of all material manifestations?»

This exhibition of primordial fury chilled the blood in Valeria’s veins, but Conan was too close to the primitive himself to feel anything but a comprehending interest

6 The Father in heaven loved mortal man on earth just as much before the life and death of Jesus on Urantia as he did after this transcendent exhibition of the copartnership of man and God

3 Thus ended a day of tragedy and sorrow for a vast universe whose myriads of intelligences had shuddered at the shocking spectacle of the crucifixion of the human incarnation of their beloved Sovereign; they were stunned by this exhibition of mortal callousness and human perversity

of the very highest quality, worthy of exhibition in the finest

no further word about the exhibition, not one mention

exhibition in the finest gallery, and it commanded the highest prices; but he

Roe Bartle Exhibition Hall was special for Bill

In front of the Dae Woo Exhibition Center

exhibition, it was not understood

In 1906, Benga was displayed in a Human Exhibition at the

to one end of the main exhibition hall

Divine Exhibition: That through the Church, in the ages to come, is to be made

The completed paintings for his forth coming exhibition stood there ready for collection in the morning

But, on the last morning of the project, the day of the exhibition, when within an hour patents and local dignitaries were expected to view the culmination of the project’s work they arrived and discovered to their consternation, every piece of work daubed mercilessly with monstrous stars

known science into a few lines, I believe the theory leading to time-travelś exhibition is:

Have Wedon or Jodas treated you like a normal man, does anyone treat you as a normal person, everyone, and this might surprise you, even I, look upon you with awe, your whole appearance says you are no normal man, you grow hair all over your face, your skin is the colour of the stars, your eyes are the colour of the midday sky, have you tried to tell my people you are a normal man, now that would be an interesting discussion to listen to, it is common knowledge that you show the artisans and trades people better ways to produce, you pass on ideas they never thought of before, I know this, because they tell me, they tell me daily, how you improve their lives, the stories of your rescue of Loka, their traditional chief, your exhibition for Wedon and his townsfolk, these stories have already entered into our folk-lore, and are known by every Toltec, from the babies to the elders

With this command they sprang into the affray, the crowd audibly drew in a deep breath, I saw the arms go slowly into his sleeves, and hoped the priest had managed to explain that this was not for real, just an exhibition for the doubters

exhibition, therefore, would rest in how it was marketed

Some of that British wealth and ingenuity was proudly presented by Queen Victoria in the first modern world fair, the Great Exhibition of 1851

Back in ancient times it is said that one of the students of a Great Sufi Master «Hafiz of Shiraz», came to him and said that all the students had been impressed with the exhibition of shaking seen

When the Crystal Palace was built for London’s great Exhibition of

of it’s unwelcome visitors and the exhibition was a success

In February, Sareshwala organized a trade exhibition to showcase Muslim-owned businesses in Gujarat where Modi was the star attraction

«She holds that after the consecration of the bread and wine they are changed, not in their nature, but in their use, that instead of nourishing our bodies only, they now are instruments by which, when worthily received, God gives to our souls the body and blood of Christ to nourish and sustain them, that this is not a fictitious or imaginary exhibition of our crucified Redeemer to us, but a real though spiritual one, more real, indeed, because more effectual, than the carnal exhibition and manducation of Him could be, for the flesh profiteth nothing

promotional material produced for world-wide exhibition by allocating the costs in

Through its research, collections, education and exhibition programmes, the

It’s their exhibition stand really, but I’m providing them with flowers and a few

He was a bit pushy about that exhibition

That was one of the reasons for involving myself in the Hotel and Catering Exhibition, you

In mid-January that sankranthi, the exhibition ground in Hyderabad came alive as the fair curious of all ages inundated the premises

Hotel and Catering Exhibition at Olympia

stepped out of the exhibition straight into a hotel!’ In one ‘wall’ was an imitation window with

the aisles of the exhibition looking at the stands, mingling with the hundreds of other visitors,

Below us new arrivals were entering the exhibition hall, collecting their identification

last Hotel and Catering Exhibition where the firm now had a small stand, joined us at the

At the last Hotel and Catering Exhibition a

at an Exhibition on his stereo

Barry always played Pictures at an Exhibition

A man is an exhibition of his belief with spirit shaping the person as its artist

She had been clear with the Abbot that this was to be her final exhibition as High Priestess of the Confraternity

Although great secrecy surrounds the exact nature of the piece and how it will fit in the exhibition, this reporter can reveal that the likely theme is that of Narcissus

With Thompson’s pieces demanding increasingly higher prices and the scarcity of all but his earliest work in public viewing spaces, his is surely to be one of the key attractions in the exhibition

Doesn’t he know I’ve an exhibition to prepare for?’

It’s full of studies he needs to work on the painting for the exhibition

I wasn’t prepared to acknowledge yet another potential problem with the exhibition

‘He’s in the exhibition, isn’t he?’

I was just waiting for the confirmation that the exhibition and play were cancelled

I asked them if they wanted it to be stored here, ahead of the exhibition, but they said not

‘You mean the exhibition is going ahead?’ I could barely credit it

I gave it until the next day – six days before the exhibition – to hold the next rehearsal

‘He wants it now? But the exhibition isn’t until tomorrow, and you’d have thought he could wait until then

I couldn’t understand why you’d choose to report on the exhibition

‘Nonetheless, I did put myself forward for this story, not because I was tired of my role as it was, but because I knew that it was likely that something would be happening at the exhibition

exhibition only of man’s composite nature and that it expresses his

He says: “In its ultimate essence, energy may be incomprehensible by us except as an exhibition of the direct operation of that which we call Mind or Will

My exhibition is due at the end of the next week,’ she told the contractor

They had come to her house and agreed at once to set up an exhibition for her against some appropriate percentage of money gathered through the exhibition

‘Tell me when and where this exhibition is

Sunaina reached home late that night after the exhibition was over

Even after this small exhibition was over, she was pestered by a couple of reporters for an hour

‘The shop lady whom I had robbed, I saw her at the exhibition

There was Neeraj standing in front of her, the man from Riozin, the man behind the exhibition

She told him everything about the exhibition and the future prospects at Mumbai

Aarav had given his name for the foreign trip assignment of the exhibition and was taken in at once without difficulty

An exhibition, in the most general sense, is an organised presentation and display of a selection of items. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Almost 38,000 trade visitors in 2016, BrauBeviale was the most important international capital goods exhibition for the whole beverage production process chain: raw materials, technologies, logistics and marketing.


art» otels provide a unique insight into post-1945 art in permanent museum-standard exhibitions.


The sound portion of the exhibition is organized by Herrema, who culled from an impressive international list of musicians to collaborate on a work that functions as both an audio installation and the soundtrack to the show’s film component.


I was forced to carry it around the exhibition for over an hour, provoking some very strange looks from some of the exhibitors.


(Los Angeles, CA)- DENK gallery is pleased to announce Shift, a painting exhibition featuring new works by Los Angeles-based artists Karen Carson, Kim Dingle, Iva Gueorguieva, and Elisa Johns.


The Orchard is an oil painting by Francis Coates Jones (1857-1932) that was acquired by the Bowdoin College Museum of Art for the exhibition The Portrayal of the Negro in American Painting.


Some twenty years ago the American curator and critic David Galloway persuaded Barande to share his vision with others — first through publications, then through exhibitions.


If you’re already in the midst of planning your week’s programme, be sure to take note of Marni’s week-long Animal House exhibition, located at Atrium Two of Paragon.


In many ways, her latest exhibition at Lehmann Maupin feels like an in-depth study of the central concerns to her practice.


Highlights include a look at preserved animal specimens that zoologists and other scientists are still analyzing and a visit to the department’s room-size walk-in freezer, where everything from new items for an upcoming exhibition to elephant skins are kept.


She produces art series and coordinates solo exhibitions for herself where she sells her work physically from $ 50 — $ 500.


I recently visited a photo exhibition by Ara Güler the Turkish photojournalist with the nickname «the Eye of Istanbul».


Permanent exhibitions include «Lithuania Through the Ages,» «Honored Lithuanians» and «War After War.»


The striking 10K images produced have engaged the students, academics and event visitors alike, enabling the University not only to provide an inspiring learning environment, but also to compete with the most modern corporate venues for high profile events and exhibitions.


As a complement to the exhibition, a series of studio visits with the artists offers an open-ended look at their interests and working methods.


The new screen, which will be on show at the company’s Fujitsu Forum exhibition in central Tokyo, features several improvements over previous prototypes.


Curated by Daniel Belasco, the exhibition and its thorough catalogue celebrate Tomlin (1899 — 1953) and explore the reasons for his marginalization.


View of the exhibition In the Tower: Barnett Newman at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, 2012-13.


(The movie was shot in HD, which at times, at the screening I attended at least, made the texture of some paintings seem a tad flat, but the very challenge of lighting and framing is itself addressed in a sequence about mounting an exhibition.)


(This does not apply to subsequent changes regarding products, exhibitions etc..)


In 2016, the trade-fair cities of Munich and Milan have signed a cooperation agreement to create a special constellation in wine technology: SIMEI, the leading international exhibition for enological and bottling equipment, will in future take place every four years in conjunction with drinktec.


Tagged with art exhibitions, Derek Hirst, Emma Talbot, Frank Auerbach, Helen Baker, Helen Smith, Holman Hunt, James Ryan, John Piper, Laing Art Gallery, Laura Lancaster, Louis James, Mali Morris, Narbi Price, Neils Moller Lund, Paul Housley, Paul Huxley, Sue Spark, William Brooker, William Holman Hunt, Winifred Nicholson


Where the Journey Leads: If only the pioneers who followed the famed explorers paid as much homage to Native American cultures as this traveling exhibition does.


Throughout her life Orcutt played exhibitions, including one at Augusta during the 1920s when she was paired with Walter Hagen.


1986 Feature, Chicago, IL, «Julia Fish and Richard Rezac» Susanne Hilberry Gallery, Birmingham, MI The Sculpture Center, New York, NY, «Emerging Sculptors 1986» (catalogue) Sculpture Chicago 1986, Chicago, IL (gallery exhibition)


I wore this outfit when my friend and I went to the Detroit Institute of Arts for a special exhibition of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Detroit.


Freight + Volume and Arts + Leisure are pleased to present Life is Fine, an exhibition of new paintings by Brooklyn-based artist Samuel Jablon.


These include the major public installation «Circle of Animals / Zodiac Heads» which opened in New York on 2 May and will open at Somerset House in London on 12 May, the day of the fountain event, Lisson Gallery hope to open of one of the most significant living artists, cultural figures, and champions of human rights in China’s solo exhibition.


«Tully» is further a exhibition of Theron’s unending range.


Now the CIOB hopes to build on the success of the Wolverhampton exhibition and generate enough industry support to take images from this year’s final to towns, cities and streets across the UK and beyond.


The main fair will be in its 32nd year in August, and the newly created children’s fair is to feature animation, comics, IP licensing, education and digital publishing, according to media materials, «to create a new type of cross-media professional exhibition


Creating new work for the exhibition, Syrian artist Tamman Azzam returns to his roots as a painter with a triptych that conveys the magnitude of devastation in his homeland through abstract cityscapes ravaged by war.


When the exhibition resumed after the First World War, car makers, which had yet to begin mass production, were flooded with orders from customers who had to wait months for delivery.


Covering a total of 555,000 square meters of exhibition space, bauma is the largest trade show in the world.


After many happy years in London’s best and most spaceship-shaped exhibition space, EGX is moving on.


A survey of L&D professionals at last month’s Learning Technologies exhibition found that nearly four out of five can see a clear link between personalised learning and improved employee engagement.


World Travel Market Africa, the leading B2B exhibition for Africa’s travel industry, has opened its registration for visitors and press.


As the final workshop came to a close, participants milled back out on the exhibition floor of the South San Francisco Conference Center, eager to put their new knowledge to work.


In the business centre at the vast Gamescom exhibition in Cologne, Microsoft has its usual great green edifice — a rabbit warren of meeting rooms and break-out areas, with monitors showing endlessly rolling game trailers.


There is a new exhibition on Japanese contemporary artist Takashi -LSB-…]


Grimm is pleased to announce Krast and Caster crack autumn, the second solo exhibition of Alex Dordoy (1985, Newcastle, UK) in…


[1] This is the gallery’s 27th solo exhibition of Thiebaud’s work.


Recently, at Party Conference up in Birmingham, we held an event (which is reported in full here) as well as manning an exhibition stall both of which were successful in terms of explaining our message to a wider audience and in gauging the mood towards organisations such as CFoP.


Peter Malone reviews the recent exhibition Diana Horowitz: Italian Landscapes at Lori Bookstein Gallery, New York.


Over 75 national & international galleries participated in the exhibition which offers the public a chance to not only view the wonderful artworks but also buy them with a price ceiling of 7,500 Euros.


The two-level exhibition has enough breathing room to enjoy the leap from De Kooning’s painterly strokes into the crumpled and colourful three-dimensional world of Chamberlain.


It’s a fascinating look at the artist and thinking behind his massive work, especially for anyone having visited the exhibition.


The girl and Stiller returned to their seats and then the real exhibition match continued on.


In that eye-opening exhibition, which contained work by many women artists (Lois Dodd, Rosalyn Drexler, and Jean Follet) and artists of color (Ed Clark, Tadaaki Kuwayama, and Norman Lewis), Marcia Marcus’s painting «Self-Portrait in Fur Jacket» (1959) was one of the standouts.


Her recent exhibitions include the 2008 Biennale of Sydney; Documenta XII, Kassel, 2007; WACK!


  • Use the word EXHIBITION in a sentences

Sentence Examples

When Eggleston returned to Dunkirk to open an exhibition devoted to his work, it was a chance for critics and journalists to see if they could turn the pure gold of his pictures into the hard currency of words and explanations.

If your husband hasn’t come back yet, we can go to the exhibition«

Good. I could be selected in exhibition, this year.

You’d better see that house. I’m not on exhibition.

Complete list of winning numbers in the Colonial exhibition lottery!

Here I am on exhibition nightly, up to my neck in duchesses.

I’m hanging on exhibition on the South wall.

This is an audition, not an exhibition.

Tomorrow you’ve got to give a performance, not an exhibition.

Your check? That’s on exhibition over there on the wall.

It’s a pity to race through such an exhibition.

I regret that I have not the time to give to your exhibition now… but I’ll worry you more when I get back.

He wore this hat at the flower exhibition. Exactly a year before he died.

Last year, 1913… we captured the golden… and both the copper medals… of the Fine Arts Fabriks exhibition in Vienna.

The crudest, savage, exhibition of nature at her worst, without, and we three, we elegant three, within.

You’re making an exhibition of yourself… a girl like you, bidding for a slave before these people.

I apologize for this exhibition.

A fine exhibition, wasn’t it?


I’ll see the exhibition first.

It was a fine exhibition.

Look at the exhibition you’re making of yourself.

And she’s about to give you an exhibition absolutely free.

The great exhibition going on here!

You mean, put Tarzan on exhibition?

But rather than embarrass him by putting him on exhibition as the man who returned from the dead I prefer to present him to you as a pianist if that will meet with your approval.

Nothing except the most ridiculous and sickening exhibition… mortal man ever made of himself.

How dare you permit such an impertinent exhibition!

Without a doubt, that is the most disgraceful exhibition I’ve ever seen.

How’d you like my exhibition, Cora?

The exhibition was at its height.

Biggest exhibition of nerve I ever seen.

What were you doing, Giving us an exhibition?

Do you think I’m going to put you on exhibition like a circus?

I just witnessed that little exhibition of yours, Markoff. I don’t like it!

Ask you will please excuse amateur exhibition of magic… by ambitious offspring… and request you will again lend most necessary cooperation.

You’re in time to witness an exhibition of some real fancy shooting.

A disgraceful exhibition.

This is positively the finest exhibition ever to be shown.


What do you think this is, an exhibition?


Stop that disgraceful exhibition at once and come down here.

One day I gave an exhibition spar for the benefit of charity.

Sort of ideal church exhibition, what?

Ladies and gentlemen, we now have the pleasure of witnessing a 10-round, or perhaps shorter, exhibition of the scientific art of self-defense between Mr. Jack Burke, former heavyweight champion of England and Mr. James J. Corbett of the Olympic Club.

I am giving a one-man show on my paintings, a complete exhibition of the art of Appopolous.

Not to mention the rest of the world snooping through the window as though we were some kind of a public exhibition.



: a grant drawn from the funds of a school or university to help maintain a student


: a public showing (as of works of art, objects of manufacture, or athletic skill)


Example Sentences

There were several famous paintings at the exhibition.

an exhibition of early American crafts

helping to promote artists by exhibition of their paintings

Recent Examples on the Web

In addition to their permanent collections, there’s typically a few temporary exhibitions of local art on display.

Sophie Dodd, Travel + Leisure, 9 Apr. 2023

The new movie is a gently knowing comedy about an artist named Lizzy (Michelle Williams) preparing for an exhibition of her work in Portland, Ore.

Mark Olsen, Los Angeles Times, 7 Apr. 2023

In August, gunfire broke out at a driving exhibition in downtown Birmingham, leaving a woman dead and four others injured.

Mike Cason |, al, 7 Apr. 2023

That helps explain the deep intimacy that an exhibition of Leigh’s work can evoke.

Globe Staff,, 6 Apr. 2023

Thankfully, ZeelooperZ appeared out of nowhere last week with Microphone Fiend, a 16-track exhibition of excellence.

Andre Gee, Rolling Stone, 6 Apr. 2023

That painting, which usually resides in Japan’s Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, is on loan for the exhibition.

Christopher Parker, Smithsonian Magazine, 5 Apr. 2023

Congratulations #NitaAmbani and @_iiishmagish for creating an incredible exhibition of the history Indian fashion at the @nmacc.india!

Alyssa Bailey, ELLE, 4 Apr. 2023

Group exhibition of multidisciplinary artworks and activations explores the physical and symbolic properties of plant life as a means to explore issues that shape contemporary society.

Luann Gibbs, The Enquirer, 2 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘exhibition.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of exhibition was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near exhibition

Cite this Entry

“Exhibition.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on exhibition

Last Updated:
12 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

  • Dictionary
  • E
  • Exhibition
  • Sentences
  • …an exhibition of expressionist art. [+ of]
  • He responded in champion’s style by treating the fans to an exhibition of power and speed. [+ of]
  • Not too long ago I was in The Royal Academy of Arts in London that had a beautiful exhibition of the paintings.
  • An exhibition stand contractor performs a variety of services.
  • A judo exhibition
  • There was an art exhibition on in the town hall. a boat exhibition
  • Prior to the opening of the exhibition, a small gathering of alumni, artists.

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