The word exercise is countable or uncountable nouns

Your answer «b1947420» is not completely accurate.


:as a noun can mean {there are other meanings}(ACTIVITY/MOVEMENTS):
1)-[Uncountable] physical or mental activity that you do to stay healthy or become stronger.


swimming is good exercise. I don’t get much exercise sitting in the office all day. The mind needs exercise as well as the body.
2)[Countable] a set of movements or activities that you do to stay healthy or develop a skill: (breathing/relaxation/stretching exercises). Exercises for the piano. Repeat the exercise ten times on each leg.
or can mean (QUESTIONS):
[Countable] of questions in a book that tests a set your knowledge or practises skill.


Grammar exercises. Do one exercise for homework.

In conclusion

: When the word (exercise) is a name and means 《activity or group of movements》 it can be used as a countable or an uncountable noun. But when it means as we see above in (Questions), it can be used just as a countable noun.
[From Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Seventh Edition]

Swimming is good exercise. [Okay, uncountable, or mass noun that refers to the activity of swimming]

Swimming is a good exercise. [Buzzer].

What swimming exercises [countable] are needed to learn to do the crawl?

  • To do the crawl, one exercise [countable] is to use a kickboard to practice the leg kicking.
  • Another exercise [countable] is to practice the arm movements, without using your legs, in shallow water.

Swimming and jogging are good exercise. [Okay, uncountable, refers to these things as an activity, no plural.]
Playing tennis and golfing are good exercise too.

exercise, uncountable refers to a particular activity or series of movements viewed as a single action.

Exercise is good for you. Work is not always good for you.

Exercises I like to do include deep knee bends and waist stretches.


  • Longman Dictionary
  • Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
  • Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

are right, no a before exercise when it refers to a sports’ activity such as: cycling, swimming, jogging, surfing, etc.

And Merriam Webster:

b: bodily exertion for the sake of developing and maintaining physical fitness
trying to get more exercise

3: something performed or practiced in order to develop, improve, or display a specific capability or skill [countable]
arithmetic exercises
vocal exercises

Mine: swimming exercises aka drills

The Exercises

  1. Shred Your Legs: Tombstone Drill

  2. Build Your Back and Shoulders: Kickboard Press and Pull

See the others via the link

Merriam Webster

Сегодня мы потренируем исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные в английском языке.

В этом уроке 12 упражнений с ответами на отработку исчисляемых и неисчисляемых существительных (Countable & Uncountable Nouns), слов any/some, much/many. Ответы ко всем упражнениям внизу страницы.

исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные в английском

Let’s go!

Упражнение 1. Нажмите на исчисляемое существительное в каждой строке

Упражнение 2. Нажмите на неисчисляемое существительное в каждой строке

Упражнение 3. Отметьте исчисляемые существительные

Упражнение 4. Отметьте неисчисляемые существительные

Упражнение 5. Напишите С, если существительное исчисляемое, и U, если оно неисчисляемое

Упражнение 6. Перетащите существительные, чтобы получились словосочетания

Упражнение 7. Напишите a/an, где необходимо

Изучать также:

  • Тест на выбор артикля a/an с ответами

Упражнение 8. Напишите в пропусках a/an или some

Изучать также:

  • Упражнения на Some/Any с ответами
  • Упражнения на артикли в английском с ответами

Упражнение 9. Выберите и нажмите на правильное слово

Упражнение 10. Напишите much или many

Упражнение 11. Заполните пропуски There is или there are

Изучать также:

  • Упражнения на There is / There are с ответами
  • Тест на There is There are в английском

Упражнение 12. Вставьте пропущенные слова


Упражнение 1.

  1. water, cup, juice, tea
  2. bread, butter, plate, jam
  3. lemonade, bottle, soda, air
  4. potato, rice, soup, cereal
  5. meat, cheese, oil, burger
  6. shampoo, cream, toothpaste, toothbrush
  7. salt, pepper, sugar, onion

Упражнение 2.

  1. tree, mountain, nature, animal
  2. snow, winter, snowman, carrot
  3. apple, fridge, ice, lemon
  4. umbrella, boot, rain, raincoat
  5. egg, lemonade, orange, pizza
  6. hot dog, ketchup, sausage, sandwich
  7. banana, candy, apple, jam

Упражнение 3.

Exercise, plate, music, gas, hotel, car, rice, dress, love, sand, flower, meat, apple, job

Упражнение 4.

Music, party, wine, bread, cat, animal, idea, umbrella, coffee, toothpaste, soup, sofa, city, mirror, bag, honey

Упражнение 5.

book C

cheese U

watermelon C

tea U

shoe C

key C

money U

shop C

juice U

air U

Упражнение 6.

  1. A piece of cheese
  2. A bottle of milk
  3. A glass of water
  4. A loaf of bread
  5. A bar of chocolate
  6. A cup of coffee
  7. A bowl of soup
  8. A box of cereal

Упражнение 7.

  1. It’s a table.
  2. It’s salt.
  3. It’s water.
  4. It’s a tomato.
  5. It’s a book.
  6. It’s juice.
  7. It’s honey.
  8. It’s a brush.
  9. It’s a strawberry.

Упражнение 8.

  1. some rice
  2. an orange
  3. some spaghetti
  4. a sandwich
  5. some jam
  6. an egg
  7. a steak
  8. some ice
  9. some cacao
  10. a tomato
  11. some mayonnaise

Упражнение 9.

  1. There are some cucumber / cucumbers in the fridge.
  2. We don’t have any sugar / sugars at home.
  3. There’s no oil / oils in the salad.
  4. There aren’t any spoons / spoon on the table.
  5. Do you have any sweets / sweet in your bag?
  6. There’s a pineapples / pineapple in the fridge.
  7. There are many flowers / flower in the garden.
  8. Are there any potato / potatoes in the bag?
  9. Where is the jam / jams?
  10. Is there a pizza / pizzas on the menu?

Упражнение 10.

  1. How many tomatoes are there in the fridge?
  2. How many apples do you need?
  3. There isn’t much salt left at home.
  4. There are many eggs in the fridge.
  5. How much sugar is there in the cake?
  6. I don’t drink much water.
  7. Do you have many friends?
  8. How much free time do you have?
  9. There are many candies in the box.
  10. There isn’t much butter on the plate.

Упражнение 11.

  1. There are some chairs in the room.
  2. There is some cereal in the bowl.
  3. There is a pencil and a pen on the table.
  4. There are some cherries in the fridge.
  5. There are many mushrooms in the forest.
  6. There is a watermelon and a pineapple on the table.
  7. There is a lot of bread in the store.
  8. There are some mangos in the kitchen.
  9. There is some honey in the cup.
  10. There are some cakes on the plate.

Упражнение 12.

Me and my friend went shopping last Sunday because we didn’t have any clothes for summer. There are many stores in our city and a big shopping mall. We spent much time in the shopping mall. After many hours shopping we finally bought some shoes, a hat, some shirts and many dresses. It’s a pity there weren’t any sunglasses that I liked. Anyway, we bought many nice pieces of clothing and we didn’t spend much money at all, because everything was on sale.

Вам может быть интересно: 

  • Тест на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные 
  • Упражнения на множественное число 

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

can be divided into two kinds: countable and uncountable.

Countable Nouns

i. Countable nouns are nouns that we can count. They can be
singular or plural.

e.g. I have a boiled egg for breakfast.

   I bought three story books yesterday.

   The students in this school are very polite.

ii. We use the indefinite article (a/ an) before singular

  e.g. a boiled egg

iii. We use a definite article (the) or a number before
plural nouns.

  e.g. the students

      three story books

iv. We change most singular nouns to
plurals by adding –s. However, there are some that follow different rules.


We . . .


ending in -s, -x, -ss, -ch, -sh


boxes, dresses, watches, bushes

ending in -o

s or es

zoos, tomatoes, potatoes, heroes

ending in a vowel


cats, days, monkeys,

ending in a consonant y

y to ies

cities, countries, ladies, families

ending in -f/-fe

-f/-fe to -ves

shelves, lives, knives

special nouns

the vowel(s),

some letters at the end,

letters at the end

footàfeet,  manàmen




no change

fishàfish, deeràdeer,



Uncountable Nouns

i. Uncountable nouns are nouns that we
cannot count. We cannot count them because they

— are too difficult to count.

e.g. rice, hair, sugar

do not have separate parts.

e.g. air, water, steam

are abstract.

e.g. friendship, happiness, health

    ii. Uncountable nouns do not
have a plural form. We do not use an indefinite article (a/an) or numerals
(one, two, three, etc.) in front of these nouns.

    iii. If we want to show the amount of
an uncountable noun, we use quantity words in front of it.

       e.g. two cups of tea  

          a bowl of rice

          three tins of paint

    iv. We cannot use many/few
with uncountable nouns, but we can say some/much/ a lot of/
all of the/ most of the water, butter, cheese
, etc.


the noun in each sentence and write ‘C’ or ‘U’ to show whether the noun is
countable or uncountable.

That is a very good painting. __________

I don’t like coffee. __________

I need two clean glasses. __________

She bought a new iron yesterday. __________

They’ve got plenty of coal. __________

Would you like some chicken? __________

Too much cake isn’t good for you. __________

She ate a whole chicken. __________.

How much flour did you buy? __________.

Hope keeps me going. __________



the correct form of the given nouns to complete the following sentences.

language      party       fun      vegetable      information

fruit          money     hair      advice        sleeve

We can buy fresh _______________ from the supermarket.

Mrs. Lee went to the travel agent for some _______________ about the
tour to Japan.

I can’t wear this shirt. The _______________ are too long.

How many _______________ does Jenny speak?

Miss Ng spends a lot of _______________ on clothes.

I don’t know what to do. Please give me some _______________.

Karen has beautiful _______________.

We had a lot of _______________ at the party last night.

Susan enjoys going to _______________.

Alan eats a lot of _______________.    


the correct answer.

She burst into _______________ (tear/ tears) when she heard the bad

Peter and Jack shake _______________ (hand/ hands) and become friends

She can’t see what is written on the blackboard without her contact
_______________ (len/ lens)

The two sisters took _______________ (turn/ turns) at sitting up with
their sick mother.

Quite a number of _______________ (DJ/ DJs) have extended their careers
to singing.

If you want to get well, you should take the doctor’s _______________
(advice/ advices).

Mary never does her _______________ (homework/ homeworks)

Johnny has lost his _______________ (luggage/ luggages).

The factory workers stopped working and took (a rest/ rest).

The children sat on the _______________ (grass/ grasses).



the incorrect word in each sentence and write the correct word in the space

He takes part in a lot of extracurricular activitys.             ______________

2. I
always put three teaspoon of sugar in my coffee.            ______________

The field is full of sheeps.                               ______________

The thief was wearing jean.                              ______________

Money cannot buy happinesses.                           ______________ 

They want to finish the job themself.                       ______________

How many piece of cheese would you like?                  ______________

8. A
mice was hiding under the table.                         ______________

Three passer-bys were shot in the raid.                      ______________

on more cloth or you will get a cold.                    ______________


the following sentences. Corrections should be done as follows.

needing to be changed  — (a) underline the incorrect word

(b) write the correct form of the word above it

missing word           — (a) mark the position of the missing word with a ‘^’

                          (b) write
the missing word above it

extra word             — put a cross ‘X’ on the word you wish to cross out

*    This piece of furniture look nice. I will buy it.

*    These chairs are made of woods.

***  If we want to be happy, we should have a good health.

**   I need two sheets paper to write a letter.

*    Customer: How many are these jeans?

Shop assistant: $268.

***  She burst into a laughter on hearing the joke.


*    We need more warm cloth when we visit Toronto in winter.

***  I have absolute the faith in you.

9. *   
The cars are stuck in the heavy traffics in Central.

10. ** 
The workmen stopped working and took rest.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns — Answers


C   2. U   3. C   4. C   5. U   6. U   7. U   8. C   9. U   10. U


fruits/vegetables    2. information    3. sleeves    4. languages    5. money

advice     7. hair     8. fun     9. parties     10. fruits/vegetables


tears     2. hands     3. lens     4. turns     5. DJs  

advice    7. homework    8. luggage    9. a rest    10. grass 


activities    2. teaspoons    3. sheep    4. jeans    5. happiness

themselves  7. pieces     8. mouse     9. passers-by    10. clothes


look    looks

woods  wood

X a

two sheets of paper

many   much

X a

cloth   clothes

X the

traffics  traffic

a rest

Teaching ESL students countable and uncountable nouns sometimes proves to be a little challenging when things come to a higher level. Young learners will do just fine if you say that uncountable nouns are things we can’t count, and countable nouns are things we can count.

But the same won’t work with higher-level students. While this may be true when we’re talking about liquids like milk, water or juice, there are some uncountables you can actually count like money. So the basic explanation should be that you can add a number in front of countables, but you can’t do that to uncountables.

If you have already taught your higher level students countable and uncountable nouns, you can use the following interactive exercises to practise them. Activities are suitable for Intermediate level and higher.

Task 1. Choose the right option

10 multiple choice questions are awaiting your students in this exercise. Here they will have more practice with countable and uncountable nouns and will revise the rules one more time.

Task 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets

Here your students will find 10 sentences with the missing words. They must complete them with the correct form of the words in brackets using them either as a countable or an uncountable noun. If they need some help, give them some hints, e.g. paper VS papers.

Task 3. Choose the correct collocations

Some uncountable nouns can be used with the words like a piece of, a bunch of, and a pair of. In this exercise, your students will practice these collocations and enrich their vocabulary. Keep in mind that there is one incorrect noun in each group of collocations.

Hopefully, the interactive exercises on countable and uncountable nouns will spice up your classes and will help your students get a better understanding of this grammar issue.

A. Complete using the plural form of the words in the box.

child • foot • man • person • puppy • tooth • watch • woman

 Did you know that Jason’s dog has had three beautiful ………………………….. ?

 The Spice Girls was an all-girl band, so there weren’t any ………………………….. .

 It’s a bit strange that Victor wears two ………………………….. – one on each arm.

 If ………………………….. do the same jobs as their husbands, they should be paid the same.

 The dentist says I have to have two ………………………….. taken out!

 How many ………………………….. were there at the show?

 We’ve walked miles! My ………………………….. are hurting!

 Mrs Jenkins has just had a baby, so she’s got three ………………………….. now.


1 puppies   2 men   3 watches   4 women

5 teeth   6 people   7 feet   8 children

B. Circle the correct word or phrase.

 Your money is / are on the table in the dining room.

 The advice you gave me was / were really useful. Thanks!

 The cakes in that shop looks / look absolutely delicious.

 There has / have been a lot of bad news recently.

 Your homework was / were late. Please do it sooner next time.

 Does / Do the information about the museum include the opening times?

 We need new furniture in the dining room. It’s / They’re very old and scratched.

 The fish in this tank all seems / seem to be ill.

 I love your hair. It’s / They’re really soft.

10   Oh, no! The rice has / have gone all over the floor!


1 is   2 was   3 look   4 has   5 was

6 Does   7 It’s   8 seem   9 It’s   10 has

C. Complete using the phrases in the box. You have to use some phrases more than once. Where there is more than one answer, write all the answers.

a few • a little • a piece of • some

………………… sugar

………………… bread

………………… bottles

………………… water

………………… fruit

………………… toys

………………… butter

………………… music


1 some

2 a little/a piece of/some

3 a few/some

4 a little/some

5 a little/a piece of/some

6 a few/some

7 a little/some

8 a little/a piece of/some

D. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write no more than three words.

1   We don’t know anything about the problem. information

      We don’t ……………………………………… about the problem.

2   Is it okay if I have some cheese? bit

     Is it okay if I have ……………………………………… cheese?

3   There’s only a little coffee left in the jar. much

     There ……………………………………… coffee left in the jar.

4   I try not to drink too much Coca-Cola in a week. cans

     I try not to drink too ……………………………………… of Coca-Cola in a week.

5   Would you like some more chocolate? piece

     Would you like ……………………………………… chocolate?

6   I don’t want a lot of cream on my strawberries. cream

     I only want ……………………………………… on my strawberries.


1 have any information

2 a bit of

3 isn’t much

4 many cans

5 another piece of

6 a little cream

E. Choose the correct answer.

1   Be careful with that vase because it’s made of ………………….!

      A glass   B a glass

2   I started coughing because I had …………………. at the back of my throat.

      A hair   B a hair

3   Don’t put your hot cup on my new table! It’s …………………. and I don’t want you to burn it.

      A wood   B a wood

4   We should all recycle …………………. so that it can be used again.

      A paper   B a paper

5   My dad gets …………………. every day on his way to work.

      A paper   B a paper

6   Of course you can have some milk. Get …………………. out of the cupboard.

      A glass   B a glass


1 A   2 B   3 A   4 A   5 B   6 B

F. Write one word in each gap.

Open-air markets

Even if you only have a (1) ……………….. money, you can still have a great time at your local open-air market. The clothes (2) ……………….. cheap, and the fruit (3) ……………….. cheap, too! Often, the food in your local supermarket (4) ……………….. travelled a long way, but at the market you know that you’re buying food which has been produced locally. The vegetables (5) ……………….. fresh, even if you go late in the day when there are only a (6) ……………….. left. Support your local market and help local farmers. Contact your Town Hall to find out if there are (7) ……………….. open-air markets in your area.


1 little   2 are   3 is   4 has   5 are   6 few   7 any/some

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Countable and uncountable nouns

  • PDF worksheets
  • Online exercises
  • Grammar rules

PDF worksheets with answers:

Exercises to download for free.

Countable + uncountable nouns PDF exercise 1

  • Use a/an if necessary:
    Don’t forget to buy __ milk. And we also need __ loaf of bread.
  • little | a little, few | a few, much | many

Countable + uncountable nouns PDF exercise 2

  • Nouns with different meanings:
    chicken | a chicken, chocolate | a chocolate, room | a room…

Uncountable nouns with quantifiers PDF exercise 3

  • Make uncountable nouns countable:
    a bit of fun, a sheet of paper, a piece of music

Online exercises with answers:

Countable or uncountable 1

Countable or uncountable 2

Countable or uncountable? Choose correct answers.

Countable, uncountable or both

Countable, uncountable or both? Choose correct answers.

Countable + uncountable in sentences 1

Countable + uncountable in sentences 2

Countable + uncountable in sentences 3

Choose correct words to complete sentences.

Three short exercises 1

1. Match words with pictures.
2. Complete sentences.
3. A multiple choice quiz.

Three short exercises 2

1. Correct or incorrect?
2. An indefinite article (a, an) or nothing (-)?
3. A multiple choice quiz.

Three short exercises 3

1. Countable or uncountable?
2. Choose a, an, some or any.
3. How much or how many?

Grammar rules with examples:

Countable and uncountable nouns A quick explanation of the difference.

See also:

English nouns Compound nouns, singular and plural nouns, proper nouns and group nouns.


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Interactive worksheet Countable and uncountable nouns listening

Countable and uncountable nouns listening

Grade/level: A1/2
by MissCamila94

Interactive worksheet Count and noncount nouns

Count and noncount nouns

Grade/level: BASIC
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Interactive worksheet Countables and Uncountables

Countables and Uncountables

Grade/level: Basic
by carpi2381

Interactive worksheet A piece of cake...

A piece of cake…

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Interactive worksheet Countable and Uncountable nouns

Countable and Uncountable nouns

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Interactive worksheet Countables and uncountables

Countables and uncountables

Grade/level: Primaria
by patricia500

Interactive worksheet A, an or some

A, an or some

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Interactive worksheet Countable and uncountable nouns

Countable and uncountable nouns

Grade/level: Primary/A1/flyers
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There is There are a some any

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Упражнения по теме: Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные»

Exercises on “Countable and uncountable nouns”

  1. Разделите существительные на 2 группы:

Information, tea, friend, water, juice, ham, help, TV set, paper, cup, textbook, children, advice, nose, hand, sour cream, milk, a bottle of milk, a glass of water, a cup of tea, music, pineapple, sea, river.

Исчисляемые (countable)

Неисчисляемые (uncountable)

  1. Choose the correct word: many or much.

  1. I have ___________ information about this person.

  2. There is _____________ milk at home. You should buy it tomorrow.

  3. There are _____________ children in our street.

  4. There are _____________ seas in the world.

  5. I like to put ____________ sugar in my tea.

  1. Translate into English:

1. У меня есть много друзей. 2. На улице много снега. 3. Мне нужно много сыра для пиццы. 4. У меня много денег. Я хочу купить большой дом. 5. В нашем кабинете много стульев. 6. В этой книге много упражнений. 7.В корзине много яблок. Ты можешь взять. 8. Я вижу много полезных книг на этой полке. 9. В моем чае много молока. 10. У меня много работы дома. Помоги мне пожалуйста.


countable uncountable nouns exercisesThe following exercises are designed to test your knowledge of countable and uncountable nouns and plurals. The ability to count a noun will change the verb conjugation and the type of quantifier you use for it (for example, fewer/less). The first exercise tests the use of verbs, whilst the second test quantifiers. Find more similar exercises here.

Countable and uncountable nouns exercise 1: Verbs

Choose an appropriate verb (and tense) to complete the sentences. Answers are below with explanations.


  • There ­­_______ dozens of pigs in the road.

There are dozens of pigs in the road. – Pigs are countable, and a plural, so we need are.

  • There _______ lots of pork on the table.

There is lots of pork on the table. – Pork is uncountable, so is treated as singular.

  1. This tomato _______ ripe.
  2. Now my pyjamas _______ stains on them!
  3. Those cups of tea _______ very hot. Because the tea _______ boiling.
  4. Can I _______ some cake?
  5. The glasses _______ full of whisky.
  6. That pair of glasses _______ broken.
  7. They _______ questioning him now, but the police _______ no evidence.
  8. The crowd _______ dispersing.
  9. Janette and Paul _______ been together for fourteen years.
  10. Our reserves of grain _______ running out. But the grain _______ still good.
  11. My scissors _______ getting blunt.
  12. Your pizza _______ cold, you should reheat it.

Go to the answers.

Countable and uncountable nouns exercise 2: Quantifiers

Choose an appropriate quantifier to complete the sentences. The spaces can include single words or multiple words (for example many / lots of). Answers are below with explanations.


  • Do you have _______ sugar?

Do you have any/some sugar? – Sugar is uncountable, so it uses a quantifier. Any/some might be used for countable or uncountable nouns, but would be incorrect for a countable singular noun.

  • Do you have _______ car?

Do you have a car? – Car is countable and needs an indefinite article.

  1. Can I have _______ water?
  2. Please give me _______ ticket.
  3. How _______ burgers would you like? And how _______ sauce?
  4. People seem to care _______ about appearance now.
  5. It’s busy because there are _______ dogs in the park.
  6. We needed _______ potatoes for dinner.
  7. They didn’t have _______ cheese left, but there weren’t _______ cheeses to choose from to begin with.
  8. Clifford had too _______ cake, he’ll be sick.
  9. You need to invite _______ people, or the party will be too crowded.
  10. If this bill passes, I hope there will be _______ litter on the streets.
  11. The supermarket has _______ bread, but not _______ milk.
  12. Please pass me _______ paper, I seem to have run out.
  13. I went to the shop to get _______  carton of milk.

Go to the answers.

Answers for Exercise 1

  1. This tomato is ripe. – Singular, countable noun.
  2. Now my pyjamas have stains on them! – An uncountable plural noun (though it may refer to a single item). See here for more details.
  3. Those cups of tea are very hot. Because the tea is boiling. – In the first sentence tea is made countable because we use a countable unit, ‘cups of’. In the second sentence tea is uncountable.
  4. Can I have some cake? – I takes the first person singular.
  5. The glasses are full of whisky. – Glasses referring to drinks containers are countable, there are many glasses here.
  6. That pair of glasses is broken. – ‘Pair of’ makes the subject singular.
  7. They are questioning him, but the police have no evidence. – They is a plural, and the police is an uncountable plural.
  8. The crowd is dispersing. – Crowd is countable, here it is singular (it could be was in the past).
  9. Janette and Paul have been together for fourteen years. – Janette and Paul together represent a plural.
  10. Our reserves of grain are running out. But the grain is still good. – The first sentence the subject is ‘reserves’, a countable plural. In the second sentence the subject is ‘grain’, which is uncountable.
  11. My scissors are getting blunt. – The word scissors is an uncountable plural.
  12. Your pizza is cold, you should reheat it. – A countable singular.

Answers for exercise 2

  1. Can I have some water? – Water is uncountable.
  2. Please give me a ticket. – Ticket is countable so needs an indefinite article here.
  3. How many burgers would you like? And how much sauce? – Burgers are countable, but sauce is not.
  4. People seem to care less about appearance now. – Care is uncountable so needs less.
  5. It’s busy because there are so many dogs in the park. – Dogs are countable, so need many, not much.
  6. We needed some potatoes for dinner. – Potatoes are a countable plural, if it was a singular we could say ‘a potato’.
  7. They didn’t have any cheese left, but there weren’t many cheeses to choose from to begin with. – Cheese in the first sentence is uncountable, but in the second sentence we are talking about different types of cheese, so it becomes countable.
  8. Clifford had too much cake, he’ll be sick. – Cake is uncountable so needs much.
  9. You need to invite fewer people, or the party will be too crowded. – People is countable, so needs fewer and not less.
  10. If this bill passes, I hope there will be less litter on the streets. – Litter is uncountable, like rubbish or garbage, so requires less instead of fewer.
  11. The supermarket has some bread, but not much milk. – Bread is uncountable, so we need some/any/lots of – not many. Milk is uncountable, so needs much.
  12. Please pass me some paper, I seem to have run out. – As paper is uncountable, you require some not a.
  13. I went to the shop to get a carton of milk. – The object is a ‘carton of’, not ‘milk’, so it is countable and needs a.

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