The word execute in a sentence

1. Deliberate before you begin, then execute with vigour. 

2. Deliberate slowly, execute promptly.

3. He asked his nephew to execute his will.

4. The manager assistant came here to execute a few small commissions for the manager.

5. I swear I will faithfully execute my office and my motherland.

5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

6. The decision to execute the two men has appalled many politicians.

7. The Windows allow a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.

8. The Windows allows a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.

9. We are going to execute our campaign plan to the letter.

10. Make sure that you execute all movements smoothly and without jerking.

11. Brock’s attorney has yet to execute the will.

12. He would never execute a pregnant woman[], he said.

13. All her creditors were asked to execute the Debt of Trust, and agree to accept payment out of the Trust Estate.

14. The policy of Decius’s successor Valerian was to execute bishops and senior clergy so as to leave the Church leaderless.

15. The South stated it would execute any black man caught fighting for the North.

16. We will not be able to execute the programs without more funding.

17. This makes it possible for the proxy to execute efficient caching of documents that are requested by a number of clients.

18. Pubic officers are the servats and agents of the people, to execute the laws which the people have made. 

19. Never once did I doubt that I would be able to execute my plan.

20. They want me to facilitate their efforts; to help them execute their marketing plans and personal growth objectives.

21. Thought they could stand up in full view in a club crammed with people, execute the man.

22. The program creates a copy of itself and causes it to execute; no user intervention is required.

23. It needed no bayonets to protect it, and required no military aid to execute its judgments.

24. Enhancements to the new release enhancements include Posix 1003.4 real-time extensions, which enable users to execute Ada code in Unix environments.

25. He had a nice touch, a good sense of how to execute his shots.

26. The Carter team feared that the remark and the attitude it conveyed would be an open invitation to execute Kim.

27. Their torturer, Maximian, took his own life in frustration when his at-tempts to execute the siblings failed.

28. In July 1662 he was appointed as one of seven commissioners to execute the Act for the Settlement of Ireland.

29. And the Constitution is neither silent nor equivocal about who shall make laws which the President is to execute.

30. He could carry out the intricate navigational corrections, and execute the necessary flight maneuvers when it was time to change course.

execute — перевод на русский


He wouldn’t dare execute the king’s ward.

Он не посмеет казнить придворных короля!

Lord of Bukhara says that if he refuses to execute the main concealer, I’m about to point out, that all these convicts will be released!

Повелитель Бухары сказал что если он откажется казнить главного укрывателя, которого я сейчас укажу, то и эти стоящие у плахи, будут освобождены!

Surely they won’t execute a man in that condition.

Нельзя казнить человека в таком состоянии.

I get it, you can’t wait to execute the prisoners and collect the reward.

Я всё понял! Ты не можешь дождаться,.. … чтобы казнить заключенных и получить за это награду.

I had to execute him with my pistol.

Мне пришлось казнить его из своего пистолета.

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He’s been executed.

Он был казнён.

We hereby inform you that Mr Lüdke has been executed yesterday in the afternoon in compliance with your orders.

Информируем вас, Что мистер Ледке был казнен вчера после полудня согласно вашему приказу.

This morning, by my orders, Concini was executed by hanging.

Сегодня по моему приказу он был казнен господином де Витри.

He was executed, Your Honour.

Он был казнен, ваша честь.

He’ll be tried and executed before his friends have time to reorganise.

Он будет осужден и казнен, прежде чем его друзья успеют что-либо предпринять.

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I must have a written order before I can execute such a command, sir.

Мне нужно иметь его в письменном виде, чтобы выполнить.

If we do, it will be your job to execute the plan as discussed.

Если это произойдет, то Вашей задачей будет выполнить тот план, который мы обсуждали.

Elders? Execute function control, shift, kill.

Старейшины, выполнить функцию:

It was then that I realised they would not be able to execute the escape plan.

Тогда я и понял, что они не смогут выполнить план побега.

If properly executed… the power sweep is unstoppable.

Если правильно выполнить… то командный свип не остановить.

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— You were here to execute him.

— Тебе поручили его убить.

Then maybe we need to execute a few hostages.

— Может, стоит убить заложников.

Doyle to execute Oarmel’s father, didn’t you?

Дойлу убить отца Кармель.

When they failed, they sent a false Creator to execute him.

А когда они потерпели неудачу, они прислали лже-Создателя убить его.

Did the defendant, Louis Difazzio, hired you to execute Joseph Buffolini?

Подсудимый, Льюис Дифаццио, Нанял тебя убить Джозефа Буфолини?

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As soon as you strike with your steel upon your flint I have to appear and execute your every wish.

И как только вы ударите кресалом по кремню, я должен появиться и выполнять ваши желания.

— I need a guide dog to help me execute my plan.

— Я нуждаюсь в собаке гиде помоги мне выполнять мой план.

Get them! Execute orders!

Выполнять приказ!

Execute the command.

Выполнять команды.

So, you can execute a turn at less than 300 KPH.

Так, вы можете выполнять поворот на скорости до 300 км/ч.

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The Germans executed my husband 1,5 years ago.

У меня мужа расстреляли немцы полтора года назад.

They execute them.

И расстреляли их.

Fear… Imagine another Jewish child had been discovered in that house And his head smacked against the railing, and the family that had kept him executed

Страх Если, к примеру, час назад в этом же доме нашли другого еврейского ребёнка, чью голову разнесли по перилам лестницы, а скрывавшую его семью расстреляли во дворе дома,

The dead mechanics were executed.

Этих автослесарей просто расстреляли.

I’d have preferred it if he executed me.

Я бы предпочёл, чтобы меня расстреляли.

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My father’s will must be strictly executed.

Воля отца должна быть выполнена неукоснительно.

Was well executed but did not save my job.

Была хорошо выполнена, но не сохранила мое рабочее место.

A portion of the code that the program has no way of executing.

Часть кода этой программы не может быть выполнена.

Even the most humble job must be executed with elegance.

Даже самая низкая работа должна быть выполнена с элегантностью.

The op was well planned and executed.

— Операция была хорошо спланирована и выполнена.

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After my dark decision, I began to execute my plan.

После моего темного решения, я стал исполнять мой план.

As a result, we send this plea to cruisers and carrier groups that have chosen to stand down rather than execute the illegal orders of Clark.

Поэтому мы посылаем эту просьбу крейсерам и авианосным группам которые решили не исполнять преступные приказы президента Кларка.

That I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States.

Честно исполнять обязанности президента Соединенных Штатов.

That I will faithfully execute…

Честно исполнять обязанности…

I, George Walker Bush, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President…

Я, Джордж Уокер Буш, даю священную клятву что я буду преданно исполнять обязанности Президента…

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Execute the sentence

Исполнить приговор!

We are here, to execute the judgment of the Parisian Court and to call in every debt!

Мы собрались здесь чтобы исполнить приговор Парижского Суда и взыскать каждый долг!

Either your boutonniere’s way over the top, or you’re here to execute last night’s plan.

Либо ты переборщил с бутоньеркой либо явился, чтобы исполнить то, что задумал прошлым вечером.

They planning on executing those Friday.

Они планируют исполнить их в пятницу.

— That señorita tried to execute her life twice, man.

— Именно таковой? Orita попытался исполнить ее жизнь дважды, мужчина.

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(The sentence was executed.)

(Приговор был исполнен)

May the sentence be executed and the traitors die the worst of deaths when the full moon rises and the wicked owl chirps three times.

= Пусть приговор будет исполнен… = … и предатели умрут мучительной смертью,.. = … когда взойдёт полная луна,.. = … и злая сова прокричит три раза.

The sentence will be executed

В связи с этим приговор будет исполнен.

The final action will be executed only by a determined few.

Последний акт… будет исполнен лишь несколькими самыми преданными.

But this look is gonna be very well executed, and it’s gonna be up to my standards for sure.

Но этот шестой образ будет исполнен качественно, в соответствии с моими стандартами.

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Отправить комментарий

выполнять, исполнять, осуществлять, казнить, оформлять, приводить в исполнение


- исполнять, выполнять (приказ, волю и т. п.); проводить в жизнь, осуществлять

to execute a plan — осуществить /провести в жизнь, реализовать/ план
to execute an order — а) выполнить заказ; б) исполнить приказ
to execute a purpose — осуществить замысел, добиться поставленной цели

- выполнять (работу и т. п.)

to execute a piece of work — выполнить работу /задание/
to execute an assault — провести атаку
to execute delay — амер. воен. сдерживать противника
to execute fire — воен. вести огонь
to execute a halt — воен. останавливаться на привал

- исполнять (роль и т. п.)

to execute an adagio — исполнить адажио
the part of Hamlet was badly executed — роль Гамлета была исполнена плохо

- создать (картину, статую и т. п.)

Mercury executed in marble — статуя Меркурия, выполненная в мраморе
executed in oil — (выполненный) масляными красками /маслом, в масле/ (о картине)

- казнить

the murderer was executed — убийца был казнён

- приводить в исполнение (судебное решение, приговор и т. п.)
- оформлять (договор, доверенность, завещание и т. п.)
- исполнять завещание, быть душеприказчиком

Мои примеры


execute the decision of the people — исполнять решения народа  
execute a will or a deed — исполнить завещание или акт  
to carry out / execute a contract — выполнять условия договора  
to execute an innocent man — казнить невиновного  
to execute seizure — произвести выемку  
to execute records — вести записи  
to execute maneuver — выполнять манёвр  
to execute form — заполнять форму  
to execute a judgement — приводить приговор в исполнение  
to carry out / conduct / execute a manoeuvre — осуществлять манёвр  
to carry out / execute an order — выполнять приказ  
to carry out / execute / implement a plan — выполнять план  

Примеры с переводом

The boy departed to execute his commission.

Мальчик отправился исполнять поручение.

The artist executed his ideas in stone.

Художник реализовал свои идеи в камне.

The skater executed a triple loop.

Фигурист выполнил тройной луп.

He was executed by the head the day following.

На следующий день ему отрубили голову.

They carefully executed the plan.

Они тщательно выполнили этот план.

The artist executed his imaginative ideas in stone.

Художник реализовал свои идеи в камне.

The decision to execute the two men has appalled many politicians.

Решение о казни этих двух мужчин привело в ужас многих политиков.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

13 people were summarily executed (=killed without any trial or legal process) by the guerrillas.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

execution  — выполнение, исполнение, казнь, экзекуция, уничтожение, мастерство исполнения
executive  — исполнительный, административный, исполнительная власть, руководитель
executor  — исполнитель, душеприказчик, судебный исполнитель
executable  — выполняемый, исполнимый, выполнимый
executant  — исполнитель, исполняющий
executed  — выполненный, казненный, осуществленный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: execute
he/she/it: executes
ing ф. (present participle): executing
2-я ф. (past tense): executed
3-я ф. (past participle): executed

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word execute, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use execute in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «execute».

Execute in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word execute in a sentence.

  1. Minh ordered Nhung to execute the Diệm loyalist.

  2. On quarter pipes, the player may execute lip tricks.

  3. Deyo moved to execute his orders, but Vice Admiral Marc A.

  4. Other pilots were expected to execute similar flights, as well.

  5. Each sequence was then storyboarded and left to Kline to execute.

  6. Even so, Halsey decided to continue north and execute the attack.

  7. Li Gang pressured Gaozong to execute Zhang for betraying the Song.

  8. The scene was difficult to execute, taking ILM five months to finish.

  9. In extreme cases the magistrates have to expel or execute dangerous heretics.

  10. If you execute your enemies, it saves you the trouble of having to forgive them.

  11. This order authorised field commanders to execute essentially anyone they saw fit.

  12. One person tried to execute a bungee jump off the bridge without a restraining cord.

  13. Shortly before departing the village, Hopkins and Stearne execute Lowes and two women.

  14. The processors would then execute these sub-tasks concurrently and often cooperatively.

  15. Although many of them wished to execute this Union hostage, Anderson refused to allow it.

  16. For unknown reasons, Howell and Fraser attempted to execute an emergency landing at Corfu.

  17. However, the decision to execute her seems a spontaneous, rather than a premeditated, act.

  18. He privately gloats as he reveals his intentions to possess Tosca and execute Cavaradossi.

  19. These powers included the right to execute criminals without the imperial court’s permission.

  20. On 24 August his son ordered a new exhumation because he wanted to execute Henry’s last will.

  21. Army, General George Marshall, ordered MacArthur to execute the existing war plan, Rainbow Five.

  22. He was arrested and taken to London, where Parliament defeated a motion to execute him by 96–82.

  23. The Wii Remote allows the player to execute actions such as jumping, aiming, and firing weapons.

  24. A party of ten men under the leadership of Myles Standish set out to find and execute Corbitant.

  25. Eight full-time workers helped execute the designs when Maryon joined in 1900, rising to 15 by 1903.

  26. The Nazis prepare to execute Mulder and «Scully», but before they are able, the engine is shut down.

  27. After Jinnah died, his sister Fatima asked the court to execute Jinnah’s will under Shia Islamic law.

  28. In February 1996, Gardner threatened to sue to force the state of Utah to execute him by firing squad.

  29. Although Urrea’s orders were to execute those captured, he instead sent them to Matamoros as prisoners.

  30. The play took 19 seconds to execute, and gave Virginia Tech a 21–3 lead with 4:00 remaining in the half.

  31. Only one instruction may execute at a time—after that instruction is finished, the next one is executed.

  32. Pressing the button shown will make Conan execute a gory counterattack, which instantly kills the enemy.

  33. It was completed in 1888, and first used in 1889 to execute a convicted murderer, Jimmy Long, a Malayan.

  34. Finally, at 13:10, Waddle entered the submarine’s control room and prepared to execute the demonstration.

  35. Ramisindrazana, the queen’s aunt, was exiled to Réunion, as the French were reluctant to execute a woman.

  36. I will execute the orders I have received and, doing my duty as a soldier, I will fight to the last stone».

  37. A vector processor is a CPU or computer system that can execute the same instruction on large sets of data.

  38. As the market is in his control, Gemini refuses the offer, and the businessmen hire Teja to execute the job.

  39. Instructions will be needed to step by step execute the test scenarios for looking errors or their omission.

  40. Mansur frequently threatened to execute Salih, who upon being informed of these threats, escaped the citadel.

  41. Gardner also argued that it was not justifiable to execute him after so much time had passed since the crime.

  42. The four months before the April attack saw the Canadian Corps execute no fewer than 55 separate trench raids.

  43. Contrary to its actual path, forecasters predicted the hurricane to execute an eastward swerve toward Florida.

  44. Several Guardian souls can be used in with Bullet souls to execute special attacks called Tactical Soul combos.

  45. Basiliscus and his family fled and took refuge in a church, only leaving once Zeno promised not to execute them.

  46. Kościuszko was forced to execute his plan earlier than he had intended and, on 15 March 1794, set off for Kraków.

  47. Kiedis suffered an additional injury in Prague after falling off the stage while attempting to execute a back flip.

  48. Heaton’s was also called upon to supply dies and coins, especially as Watt’s prepared to execute its huge contract.

  49. Andrews, the Chief Constable, instructed Birley that he had an arrest warrant which he needed assistance to execute.

  50. Hours before he was going to execute his bid for power, Banza was ambushed by Mandaba and taken directly to Bokassa.

Synonyms for execute

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word execute has the following synonyms: carry through, accomplish, carry out, action, fulfill, fulfil, , perform, do, put to death and run.

General information about «execute» example sentences

The example sentences for the word execute that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «execute» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «execute».

It is necessary that the planners develop and execute a rural model that can be replicated more widely

They were about to execute her when Apollo stormed in and fought the guards, yelling over and over how he wouldn’t let them hurt her

7 to execute vengeance upon the heathen,

They were suffering from the combined effects of thumping heads, dehydration and the bile churning nerves that accompany deeds such as the one they proposed to execute that morning

execute and also selecting the view to render

accompany deeds such as the one they proposed to execute that

his neighbor; execute the judgment

Under such different management, the same purpose must require very different degrees of expense to execute it

being paid in proportion to the little work which he could execute, and paying in his turn for

To his relief, the two would execute the veteran thief’s plan without mishap

They’d execute her for his death, and she wanted to

The habits, besides, of order, economy, and attention, to which mercantile business naturally forms a merchant, render him much fitter to execute, with profit and success, any project of improvement

They could maintain order, and execute the law, within their respective demesnes, because each of them could there turn the whole force of all the inhabitants against the injustice of anyone

certainly are not expected to execute on all 101 tips

He was part of the contingent that intended to execute me and others

They’d execute her, too

Contrary to other martial arts, it doesn’t involve strength to execute the

ground, stylists can execute moves that will end a fight quickly

black belts, are able to execute techniques with blinding speed

Looking up at him, she wondered if he knew what to do so that they might execute a sixty-nine

C then assured them that he would formally execute a contract with them and thus implying that he was sincere

In the manufactures carried on by slaves, therefore, more labour must generally have been employed to execute the same quantity of work, than in those carried on by freemen

In the progress of the European monarchies, which were founded upon the ruins of the Roman empire, the sovereigns and the great lords came universally to consider the administration of justice as an office both too laborious and too ignoble for them to execute in their own persons

But to execute a great number of little works, in which nothing that can be done can make any great appearance, or excite the smallest degree of admiration in any traveller, and which, in short, have nothing to recommend them but their extreme utility, is a business which appears, in every respect, too mean and paltry to merit the attention of so great a magistrate

In order to acquire this fortune, or even to get this subsistence, they must, in the course of a year, execute a certain quantity of work of a known value; and, where the competition is free, the rivalship of competitors, who are all endeavouring to justle one another out of employment, obliges every man to endeavour to execute his work with a certain degree of exactness

He values the human will to execute decisions, with absolute resolution — whether they are right or wrong

When you are standing on the green, waiting for your turn at the challenging ninth hole of your favorite golf course these helpful online tips will come flooding back to you and will make a huge difference in how you see the game, how you play the game and how you execute each precise effective swing

putting up with me during the lengthy period of writing this story and for her advice and counsel on how to organize and execute

But his consciousness slipped away before he could execute the command

Most certainly it would be regarded as murder to execute a wounded suspect and though it never happened in my presence it might have elsewhere

The wolves started moving toward him, splitting about as if they were about to execute a predetermined plan of attack

‘Off with their heads!’ and the procession moved on, three of the soldiers remaining behind to execute the unfortunate gardeners, who ran to Alice for protection

It would not be until occupying Germany after World War II that the US learned the right way to deal with a defeated enemy with an evil ideology determined to start wars: execute all the leaders guilty of war crimes and waging aggressive war, while removing the rest from government for good

Many people contributed time and talent to execute the international motif under Marguerite’s guidance

moved to execute the squeeze play

‘by the way of any one of you gets word out about this then I have orders here to execute every one of you and your nearest and dearest’

Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute

not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute

prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth

Agrippa seemed to have regained some measure of self-control, now that the machine had finally understood how it had indeed failed to execute its task, which looked liked it boiled down to hosting the game and administering the rules

necessary laws is in Congress; the power to execute in the President…

completes the organization that can legislate, execute and judge

He had re-ocked out with his cee-ock out but deep down, I knew, I needed to execute Bobs head spins before it was all said and done

that they execute its

a) Coordenational Structure organizes the human society with its resources through the coordination of the activities for each corporation to execute only its role in an integrated way, but with total autonomy

Compare and see that in the current model, the organizations are obligated to incorporate and to execute tasks of other Areas of Activities that are not part of its principal activity

Nowadays, millions of companies burn billion dollars in secondary activities because they have to create or to incorporate diverse support departments (accounting, buys, controller, documentation, informatics, treasury, personnel, marketing and other) with all its infrastructure and resources to execute those tasks

Therefore, Area of Activity EDUCATION will only have organizations that execute the unique task of “to teach”, such as: school, education institute, school, university and other

Either, it has to worry with allocation of the resources that needs to execute it, because that is competence of another Area of Activity that will make the dynamical allocation of the organizational resources when there is need to teach for instance

The same process happens with the other Areas of Activities that execute its unique task, such as: MARKETING, ACCOUNTING, TRADE, HUMAN RESOURCES, COMMUNICATION, DOCUMENTATION and other

Another aspect is the reliability of the collected and analyzed data, as well as the result of the evaluation because any executed activity under XUSING Project’s dominion has the warranty that its executioners will be qualified to execute its unique task, without there to be crooked deal, job occult or slave

Therefore, anybody obtains to execute its task without being trained and authorized

Therefore, we facilitated to the institutional grantmakers and financial organisms of international aid and until countries with its governments so that they choose one or various budgets that we presented soon after so that they can execute effectiveness the social role

execute its activities in total partnership with the

Today, in just a few hours, we perform as many decisions as most people use to execute in an entire life

II — to elaborate and to execute the annual programming of

When the organizations disable its activities, they turn available all its resources in the market and when they activate its activities, they incorporate the resources that need to execute its tasks

Therefore, the new systematics transforms each department in an organization as Area of Activity to only execute its activity in the form of “unique task” in a coordination process and integration with the other Areas of Activities

12 Concerning this house which you are in building, if you will walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my

To let him stay here with the Erudite, or to execute him

“We have the right to execute you, under the laws of Dauntless

What if she changed her mind about waiting to execute me? What if this is when I die? Peter’s hands clamp around my arms and I writhe, throwing all my strength into the struggle

This may be so, but… one of the biggest problems in the world today (and I am talking specifically to people who calls themselves children of the Living God) is that there is a command that we have to execute

I’ve had enough violence to last me a lifetime, and I bear it still, not in scars on my skin but in the memories that rise up in my mind when I least want them to, my father’s fist colliding with my jaw, my gun raised to execute Eric, the Abnegation bodies sprawled across the streets of my old home

9 To execute on them the judgment written: these honours have all his saints

Manually lighted lanterns, with designs carved in medieval style, like the guard, just beginning to execute his night duty

In fact to execute the

The if statement by itself will execute a single statement, or a group of statements, when the expression

we execute one group of statements if the expression evaluates to true and another group of statements if the

like creating the test ideas and execute it and reporting

test cases, execute and if any bugs found we report it

It simply tells the translator to execute

“Vydor, only Darnath needs to be awake after the jump to execute the second jump

am against you, and will execute judgments in the midst of you in the sight of the nations

in the midst of you, and the sons shall eat their fathers; and I will execute judgments in you, and the whole remnant of you will I

an astonishment to the nations that are round about you, when I shall execute judgments in you in anger and in fury and in furious

9 And I will bring you out of the midst of it, and deliver you into the hands of strangers, and will execute judgments among you

“Judge of all the earth” and He will execute that judgment

And I will execute judgments on Moab; and they shall know that I am the Lord

17 And I will execute great vengeance on them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I

into captivity; 19 So will I execute judgments in Egypt, and they shall know that I am the Lord; 20 And it came to pass in the eleventh

15 And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury on the heathen, such as they have not

will bear the indignation of the Lord, because I have sinned against him, until he plead my cause, and execute judgment for me: he

long as the heavens should remain, that they should minister him, and execute the office of the priesthood, and bless the people in his

brothers, and to the treasurers in that place, to send us such men as might execute the priests’ office in the house of the Lord

A threat should be rare and if at all necessary should be executed promptly

«It was never executed, instead the fusion containment bricks were taken down and stacked, then all its mounting framework and hardware, all four tons of it, was removed and stored away in a shuffle of paperwork under the heading ‘spare parts’ in a warehouse in Gengee

He was suspicious of one of his wives, and had her executed

King Herod had a dispute with the most influential Jews of his time, and so he had them all executed

Interaction with the page from these blocks is limited, since the code is executed during the render

What filters are executed in the end?

That they dared to keep secret their advanced intellect, that they planned and executed an escape plan, was unacceptable

All the time he praised the young man for his efforts; in the end the warrior learned the move and executed it with great confidence

internally while the destruction of that god is externally executed through

“He will be dealt with and executed for his crimes

assassin and then executed

The discussion concerned a woman on death row, and she was going to be executed by lethal injection for murdering her husband

11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the

engravings, again generally executed with more imagination than

What he thought was that they had just executed the near same excursion that very day, and couldn’t make out the need for such belabored planning for a similar trip; once again he chose to remain mum on the subject

The arrangements were coordinated and executed, the dinner hour approached, and Sarah Bunker walked with the Livingson’s up the boardwalks to Miss Hill’s

Each girl took a corner of the large mat surface and with a few bounding steps, executed front handsprings into forward airborne somersaults

The Brown & Backhouse’s Lead Representative, Miss Rebecca Backhouse, a daughter to the firm’s namesake, evinced a formidable persona with years of construction experience admirably and conscientiously executed already behind her

purpose which has sometimes been executed

finely dressed stone executed with both skill and care, and

have your work tolerably executed, it must be done in the suburbs, where the workmen,

After all, the prisoner will be executed at once if he’s found guilty

Nerissa detested Evander, but she couldn’t allow him to be executed for something that

“Yes, but if executed men aren’t seen as guilty by the majority of citizens, won’t that

Executed: by the machine?”

As I executed this he helped out and suddenly twin rainbow serpents blew my awareness up out of my astral spine and I exploded into the Clear White Void

“If we cannot come up with the dream and its interpretation within 10 days, he will have us executed! And he’ll start with you,” and he pointed at the group of warlocks and conjurors

The perpetrators of this despicable conduct will be executed forthwith by death in the fiery furnace

“For this disgraceful act the gods have determined that they be executed

He felt sick to his stomach to think that they were going to be executed

Even before he executed his plan, Arkaneh knew he was going to hate having to make it happen in Ussermis, his hometown

This law, however, though we read of its having been executed upon one or two occasions, was either neglected or evaded, and the inequality of fortunes went on continually increasing

The colony law, which imposes upon every proprietor the obligation of improving and cultivating, within a limited time, a certain proportion of his lands, and which, in case of failure, declares those neglected lands grantable to any other person; though it has not perhaps been very strictly executed, has, however, had some effect

The law, so far as it gives some weak protection to the slave against the violence of his master, is likely to be better executed in a colony where the government is in a great measure arbitrary, than in one where it is altogether free

The trade of the colonies, of which England, even for some time after the act of navigation, enjoyed but a part (for the act of navigation was not very strictly executed till several years after it was enacted), could not at that time be the cause of the great trade of England, nor of the great naval power which was supported by that trade

the following condition is executed:

unless they be executed!”

For the honour of the national humanity, it is to be hoped that neither of these statutes was ever executed

He trusts that the work which must be done in the mean time, can be well enough executed by the old men, the women, and the children

She had already heard her sentence three of the players to be executed for

less than no time she’d have everybody executed, all round

‘Give your evidence,’ the King repeated angrily, ‘or I’ll have you executed, whether you’re nervous or not

At many turnpikes, it has been said, the money levied is more than double of what is necessary for executing, in the completest manner, the work, which is often executed in a very slovenly manner, and sometimes not executed at all

“What the hell happened!” screamed Ria, rapidly typing instructions to the computer that were already being executed automatically

When they were once established, they executed themselves, and it required little or no attention from government to maintain them in the most perfect vigour

But so severe, or, rather, indeed, so oppressive a law, could never have been executed in such free countries, had not the diligence of the clergy beforehand converted to the established church the whole body of the people, with the exception of, perhaps, a few individuals only

The survey of Savoy and Piedmont was executed under the orders of the late king of Sardinia

the highest and lowest paid contracts in Nightchild history were executed simultaneously

whipped my right foot around and away from him, as he landed in a hastily executed safe roll

planned and executed an attack to overrun the Union’s post at

executed under orders of President Juarez

the gallows at Washington’s Old Penitentiary and were executed

They were shocked I could tell then I told them about Tommy Smith raping Rosie and that I had executed both him and Stanley before I was badly injured

I had no doubt that this was the Countess Yvette I put the photo down and looked at the next one that showed the Château of Saint-Marianne-Angléy where Billy Boy had been executed

However, from the moment the genetically derived program had been executed, it became autonomous

Certain death fell on any man who looked on one of the King’s wives, and instances are also known in which young lovers have been ruthlessly parted for the maiden to be placed in the royal harem, and afterwards, being discovered secretly renewing their vows, they have both been barbarously tortured and executed

Beneath the shade of this tree, human fetish sacrifices took place on regular festivals, slaves being barbarously executed as offerings to the manes of departed kings

These seemingly merciful provisos were not available for those who were to be executed for an offence, real or imaginary, against the King, and if he wanted a victim, he had not far to look for an excuse

The burial was marked by another scene of bloodshed, and more victims were chosen and executed, one of the mourners being sometimes seized and killed, if it suited the priest’s caprice to further amuse the crowd

When the King or any of the royal family of Kumassi died, enormous sacrifices took place, and on the death of the King’s aunt, 400 slaves were tortured and executed for the supreme joy and edification of the people

Each General knew the men under their command and let the live ones free then promptly executed the claimants

) And if you shot someone at too close a range it would leave powder marks on his clothing and/or body, leading to the courtroom scenario: “Please explain to the court why you executed the poor serial killer whose human rights you have cruelly abused in doing so

It is a known fact based on court judgements that a black man will be executed far more than a white man

First it was alleged (I have no idea if it is true or not) that they have millions of executed (Holocaust) Jews money which they are refusing to pay out to the children and then they suffered enormous losses with rogue traders in London

Gonzalez watched it spiral down into the destruction below, satisfied that this part of the operation had been well planned and executed

most certainly not all were killed or executed by the Security Branch

Many years later I heard a rumour that we executed Van Rooyen because senior policemen were involved in his paedophile ring

They got so badly defeated that their top general was executed by firing squad for his defeats

The SAP COIN patrol was caught whilst swimming and killed, meaning executed one by one

Man, I would have executed the culprits and the Chaplain for interfering in SAP COIN business! Thereafter I would have gone after any and all witnesses

* It will always be a puzzle to me why Winnie Mandela was not killed / executed by the Security Police for she was intensely disliked by all ranks and all units

A shoot-out occurred between them and the Bophuthatswana Police (mostly black policemen), who then also executed three right wingers in cold blood as they lay wounded on the ground

questionable activities that are considered potentially harmful to the personal well-being of another individual whether or not they are properly executed with the intent of harming that individual or that may otherwise effect unintended harm, in either case legal precedence or (experience) should carefully consider the feasibility of preempting such decisions to begin with

This is also where the mercenary «Colonel Callan» got caught and later executed by the Angolan government with I think 6 other white men one of which was an American who took no part in the fighting at all

The Cubans also executed by firing squad their own commanding general which says it all but let us see what Chester Crocker, the American Diplomat, said at the time «In some of the bloodiest battles of the entire civil war, a combined force of some 8000 UNITA fighters and 4000 SADF troops not only destroyed one FAPLA brigade but badly damaged several others out of a total FAPLA force of some 18 000 engaged in the three-pronged offensive

“Not really,” I said, “There were rumors that when the Germans captured Kharkov they executed all the prisoners along with the soldiers and officers that they had caught

They reported that the NKWD had executed nearly twenty thousand Poles, of which approximately five thousand of them were officers and doctors

Each person sifts through the cards and then deal out which persons they believe should be executed, though obviously the President has the final say

She had already heard her sentence three of the players to be executed for having missed their turns, and she did not like the look of things at all, as the game was in such confusion that she never knew whether it was her turn or not

‘Give your evidence,’ said the King; ‘and don’t be nervous, or I’ll have you executed on the spot

‘Give your evidence,’ the King repeated angrily, ‘or I’ll have you executed, whether you’re nervous or not

He was very disappointed when the mercenaries were defeated and executed

Strikes ended, not just because they were no longer being paid to strike, but because unions were outlawed by the dictatorship and union leaders imprisoned or executed

Japanese military who ordered the torture of Allied servicemen were executed for their atrocities

Two nationalists were executed on the spot without trial at Rio Piedras

Ramsey told Lincoln the vote would be different with more executed Dakotas

Two more Dakota warriors who fled to Canada were kidnapped and then executed after similar farcical trials

Some conservative critics like William Buckley later admitted they were wrong about Carter, that his intervention likely kept most prisoners from being executed

That means as many as 16 million nonwhites may be sterilized, executed, or have to flee, hide, or pass as white

Mitigated by: 38 Dakota who were still executed and should at least have been fairly tried

It was superbly executed and though I know nothing about martial arts, I instantly knew this would have looked great on a Jackie Chan film

I figured the guys he had put on death row would look better than he did – even the ones already executed

How could he now deny that it hadn’t been him who ordered them executed? It was right there in the paper: ‘Captain Flores of the national police stated in a press release that the OIJ was working closely with the Port Authority of Limon Police Department in its ongoing investigation of the slain Officer Enrique Segovia for cocaine trafficking in Limon Province

Except for the Council, who would be executed after their supposed lies had been exposed and their non-existent crimes against men proven unquestionably

It was carnage, and the military operation, organized by the trees, was clinically executed

The anger of the Lord will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intents of his heart

The Father originates, the Son reveals, and the Spirit executes

The one that originates is not greater than the one that executes

It will be found, I believe, in every sort of trade, that the man who works so moderately, as to be able to work constantly, not only preserves his health the longest, but, in the course of the year, executes the greatest quantity of work

Instead of simply blocking an attack, stylists will learn how to block in a way that executes a strike

An artificer, for example, who, in the first six months after harvest, executes ten pounds worth of work, though he should, in the same time, consume ten pounds worth of corn and other necessaries, yet really adds the value of ten pounds to the annual produce of the land and labour of the society

It is the instrument which executes and maintains all his other regulations

‘It’s all her fancy, that: they never executes nobody, you know

The Lord utters his voice before his army, for his camp is exceedingly great; he who executes his word is pow-erful

It burns billion of organizational resources to produce thousands of products that stay idle or stored awaiting customers, it executes production under intention that generates expenses and they inflate its prices for later to place at the market with intensive propagandas, promotions or prizes to attract customers for the inflexibility of the retrograde economic system that obligates it to have fixed cost

Also, it is new project style that executes new art of administering, without figures of the leader, manager, politician or boss

The new systematics solves the problem of the income for the State, the organizations and the citizens so that each one executes its role efficiency and effectiveness

The Project allocates them dynamicalally in the innovative Coordenational Structure after its acceptance as agreed organization to act through Bank3Sector so that each Area of Activity with its agreed organizations only executes its

Each organization only executes its task and it acts dynamicalally, without generating fixed cost, that is, activates its activities when the customer appears and it disables its tasks when market doesn’t exist

Last, the beautiful song, prelude or symphony will be the event social, political or economic that each organization executes through its unique task

Besides, it executes each activity through the unique task and it preserves the acquired knowledge, besides allowing its free access for aggrandizement of any human being

When the person executes its activity anywhere, the system only authorizes the execution of the updated task per correctly trained person

It executes its functions through Processual Module (cell of the knowledge)

16 The Lord is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands

7 Which executes judgment for the oppressed: who gives food to the hungry

Sequential statements are those statements in a program that executes one by one in a given sequence

30 is greater than 18 and also less than 60 so it executes all the statements of that condition

Thus, it executes the statements and prints “You have not

and proceed forward and executes other statements

man, if there be any who executes judgment, that seeks the truth; and I will pardon it

his army, for his camp is very great, for he is strong who executes his word, for the day of the Lord is great and very aweful; and who

4 As is the lust of an eunuch to deflower a virgin; so is he who executes judgment with violence

that executes the law

trading platforms contain software that automatically executes trades for you based on

The broker receives the orders and executes it over the counter

fully executes them in the same order

When Python executes the import sys statement, it looks for the sys

where the test expression is the conditional state which executes the

The loop executes for 10

immense as he executes his power schemes without regard to who

who strictly executes the law and the whole world of manifestation

executes terrible experiments on himself

bite them in the ass when one of their own executioners EXECUTES

In this section, we provide a step-by-step analysis of how this build file executes

Thus, the next target that executes is prepare, because all its dependencies have already executed

The next target in the package target branch that executes is the compile target—another dependency of the package target

jar), as specified by the Class-Path manifest entry The Main-Class manifest entry specifies the main class of the JAR file—that is, the class with the main() method that is run when the executable JAR file executes

as a retaliation for offence, never defines the nature of the infliction to be executes

Lord is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his

If it is a recompense of the some nature, what is the nature, how severe? The term punishment as a retaliation for offence, never defines the nature of the infliction to be executes

The Lord is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands

Say, «If your parents, and your children, and your siblings, and your spouses, and your relatives, and the wealth you have acquired, and a business you worry about, and homes you love, are more dear to you than God, and His Messenger, and the struggle in His cause, then wait until God executes His judgment

For, if the truth is to be told, the soldier who executes what his captain orders does no less than the captain himself who gives the order

Jada puts a hand on Ryodan’s wrist, executes a maneuver too sleek and fast for me to follow and is abruptly standing next to him, unrestrained

Once Watney executes the patch and reboots the rover, we should get a connection

A market maker’s biggest fear is running into an informed trader who executes a large order in the market, placing the market maker, by definition, on the other side of that order

The server, upon receiving the data from the browser, executes a CGI script that defines how the information should be used

After that thread has completed, the processor executes the next thread

One form of network access that is far more commonly used on Unix than on other network operating systems is the remote console session, in which a user connects to another computer on the network and executes commands on that system

5 buy and sell if he executes both trades?

If, on the other hand, a trader executes the easier leg first, he may be left with a naked position if he is unable to execute the remaining legs in a timely manner or at a reasonable price

Suppose, though, that the first time that the trader executes the strategy, she loses $5,000, and the trader only has $3,000? Now the trader will not be able to stay in business for all those times when he is fortunate enough to show a profit of $7,000

Shortly after the trader executes the conversion, the underlying December futures contract falls to 98

A trader who executes 300 of our sample conversions has a delta risk of 300 × +2 = +600

Said another way, the better a company executes its most important basic operations, the more valuable it is

The trade is considered closed when either one or the other is hit and executes

So at the open you fire off your stop-limit order to enter the trade, and sure enough, half an hour later it executes

Since the basic stop order to sell is not guaranteed, it executes at the opening price, 250 points below the intended stop level

This kind of order combines the features of a stop order with the features of a limit order; so that if the order triggers, then it executes within the limit you set or not at all

In this new interpretation of the scenario, when the downtrend reverses and the stop order to buy executes, it closes the existing short position rather than opening a new long position

In fact, the first (day trading) example is considered a success by the hypothetical day trader who executes it, despite closing out at a loss

Once again, he is wrong, and his stop loss order executes shortly after his limit order for another loss of 4 points

You set a stop order at a rational level when you have a clear head, so that it executes automatically when you don’t

That light called history is pitiless; it possesses this peculiar and divine quality, that, pure light as it is, and precisely because it is wholly light, it often casts a shadow in places where people had hitherto beheld rays; from the same man it constructs two different phantoms, and the one attacks the other and executes justice on it, and the shadows of the despot contend with the brilliancy of the leader

John executes the following trades:

The core of the Waiter class is the construct_pizza() method, which accepts a builder as a parameter and executes all the pizza preparation steps in the right order

The client code that executes a command does not need to know any details about how it is implemented

The cow_style() style executes the milk_random_cow() method of cowpy, which is used to generate a random ASCII art character every time cow_style() is executed:

The law aims only at preserving the present state of things, and therefore it persecutes and executes those who stand above the ordinary level and wish to raise it—the so-called political prisoners, as well as those who are below the average—the so-called criminal types

The authority who gives the orders and the authority who executes them at the two extreme ends of the state organization, meet together like the two ends of a ring; they support and rest on one another and inclose all that lies within the ring

Permit me to assimilate a common case between individuals to the case before us: a man in Washington executes a joint power to five trustees in Kentucky to collect his debts, settle his land business, &c

The sheriff of a county who puts a man to death, under the sentence of the law, executes an act of as high import and authority as human power can execute; and yet the sheriff of a county is not therefore a sovereign

manner of executing their official duties

I could not recall any such story in the news, and I paid attention as they argued pro and con over executing women for killing husbands, divorce laws, and then back to the subject woman

I understand that you are likely to be calling at the offices of Mansfield Blake in the near future and thought it appropriate that I should write to you in connection with the research you are currently executing in respect of Miss Bunty Danvers

They ranged over the roadway from one side to the other, the ladies executing with expert precision each posture, block, deflection, and duck

More heads are occupied in inventing the most proper machinery for executing the work of each, and it is, therefore, more likely to be invented

In consequence of better machinery, of greater dexterity, and of a more proper division and distribution of work, all of which are the natural effects of improvement, a much smaller quantity of labour becomes requisite for executing any particular piece of work ; and though, in consequence of the flourishing circumstances of the society, the real price of labour should rise very considerably, yet the great diminution of the quantity will generally much more than compensate the greatest rise which can happen in the price

The capital of all the individuals of a nation has its limits, in the same manner as that of a single individual, and is capable of executing only certain purposes

Thinking about them and executing them were entirely different

So Nebuchadnezzar was serious all along about executing his advisors, Zarko thought, unless they can somehow resolve the dream and its interpretation

Ever since I started executing my plans, from the moment I joined the attack on that convenience store, I’ve made sure to put myself at minimum to no risk

In such circumstances, to prohibit the servants of the company from trading upon their own account, can have scarce any other effect than to enable its superior servants, under pretence of executing their master’s order, to oppress such of the inferior ones as have had the misfortune to fall under their displeasure

At many turnpikes, it has been said, the money levied is more than double of what is necessary for executing, in the completest manner, the work, which is often executed in a very slovenly manner, and sometimes not executed at all

If mean and improper persons are frequently appointed trustees ; and if proper courts of inspection and account have not yet been established for controlling their conduct, and for reducing the tolls to what is barely sufficient for executing the work to be done by them ; the recency of the institution both accounts and apologizes for those defects, of which, by the wisdom of parliament, the greater part may, in due time, be gradually remedied

The proud minister of an ostentatious court, may frequently take pleasure in executing a work of splendour and magnificence, such as a great highway, which is frequently seen by the principal nobility, whose applauses not only flatter his vanity, but even contribute to support his interest at court

They’d seemed to be executing a number of evasive manoeuvres

Planning for and executing the plans was challenging

I also told her about executing Tommy Smith and that she never need fear him now I wrote she was my only love in this life or the next and that not even death could part us

Unless Florida has come up with some way of executing someone more than once, the guy had nothing to lose

indicators of Bank3Sector and if it is executing with efficacy

30 And the Lord said to Jehu, Because you have done well in executing that which is right in mine eyes, and have done to the house

executing the priest’s office to the Lord, 15 And he ordained him priests for the high places, and for the demons, and for the calves

executing judgment on the house of Ahab, and found the princes of Judah, and the sons of the brethren of Ahaziah, that ministered to

America is one of the top five nations still executing their citizens along with China and Iran

a lot of extra time in executing a series of instructions for tasks such as jumping to the function, saving

that failed in the production even after executing all the test cases

However, in planning and executing your actions be objective, focused, cool, and calculative, and never, ever cross ethical boundaries

10 But executing your judgments on them by little and little, you gave them place of repentance, not being ignorant that they were a

men was sought in the register, and was not found, they were removed from executing the office of the priesthood: 40 For to them

Communication, on the computer model, is all about executing

Computers and brains are both command executing machines

39 And when the description of the kindred of these men was sought in the register and was not found they were removed from executing the office of the priesthood: 40 For to them said Nehemias and Atharias that they should not be partakers of the holy things till there arose up an High Priest clothed with doctrine and truth

Animals may be largely intuitive in executing intelligent operations

rescinding his edict, and executing the High Heel that

considering rescinding his edict, and executing the

As long as there is a chance of executing an innocent person the death penalty cannot be justified

That means that in the long term, executing 100 trades will turn an average net profit of 50×3 = 150

Beatrice and Zoroastro, Leonardo and Zarnia were swaggering through their bodies as if they were executing the new version of some suburban tango

During their four years in power, the Khmer Rouge overworked and starved the population, at the same time executing selected groups who had the potential to undermine the new state (including intellectuals or even those that had stereotypical signs of learning, such as glasses) and killing many others for even minor breaches of rules

come into action and start executing

fewer chances that the person executing it

more time on reporting than executing

4 Having decided upon making a public entrance into Jerusalem, the Master was confronted with the necessity of choosing a proper method of executing such a resolve

On top of that, it would also ensure that you would have enough strength in swinging the ball, and executing the technique that you need to apply

on executing the plan and

Flying in the military style “finger four” formation and executing military combat maneuvers, they circled the spaceport before landing

Shadow executing several back flips with the grace and skill that an

Executing a tight turn was probably the least intelligent thing the Swordsman could have done at that point

executing his own U-turn

Wearing no rank or unit insignias and no name tags, the men of the Action Division were tasked with executing armed clandestine missions deep inside foreign territories, missions that could be denied and kept anonymous and that often would be labeled as illegal under American or international law

After Python has finished executing the complete if statement along with the assocated elif and

then executing the block of statements for each value of i

Then, Python finishes executing the whole statement and returns to the old prompt waiting for the next input

executing the logic defined by developers on the instant of event occurs /

He found inside a color map of the area around Ravensbrück, a series of very high definition air photos of the camp itself with annotations on them, a fact sheet about the camp and an extract from an operational order concerning the operation they would be executing

The guards were executing them as I landed

executing condition in the condition when the value of switch does not match with

“And they’re executing a man he sentenced to die tonight

By this time, small groups of pilots, having marvelled at the behaviour of the two eagles, flew along with them for a while, then they banked away, often putting on a big show by executing a series of spectacular wingovers and chandelles

You can send attachments with CodeIgniter Email by executing the following steps: 1

of the rest, and not only enjoy executing the evil deed, but carry

Her lecture in Dar-es-Salaam marked yet another shift in her political views over a long and distinguished career made up of executing sharp turns in successfully navigating the Cold War’s political minefields

Jed Foster was executing a well-calculated plan that had been formulated

The aircrews of 617 Squadron deserve to be remembered for executing a skillful operation under the most difficult conditions

She also proved to be a tactical and strategic genius of the first order as she went up quickly in rank, devising and executing numerous air and joint operations in the Pacific, such as the taking by helicopter air assault of Lae and many other important Japanese airfields in Papua New Guinea and the sinking of the battleships YAMATO and MUSASHI in Rabaul Harbor

that this is God executing his judgment himself

Executing the Strategic Plan

Since this is about executing the plan I will not go into how the worked out the details of working together

make the laws and those who have the responsibility for executing

As for the agents who were actually executing the plot, they will also be judged for attempted kidnapping, attempted murder and, in the case of that Libmann bastard, for first degree murder as well

He was not disappointed when Nancy returned a few minutes later, executing a number of tumbles and flips before landing in front of the fireplace and of the row of sofas

specifically, as a means of executing Christians? As I have tried to

global trend of executing Christians for their faith in Jesus:

Somehow, someone else has taken over the active part of the Boblovian Revolution and is executing the war plan

Jeanne ground her teeth together but kept filming discreetly as soldiers rounded up with much use of rifle butt strokes a dozen disarmed rioters and made them stand against a wall before summarily executing them

needle” if he was so inclined, while executing touch and goes

LLC, are executing a reverse merger transaction with M-Wave,

However, these may result in additional costs or delays in executing

Chapter Twelve: Executing the Exit Strategy

the investor makes to executing the business strategy

and a management team which is committed to it and capable of executing the

To be able to do this it is sufficient to write down the differential equation for the movement as follows: X”+k2X = 0 and executing the m

and nuns to disrobe, executing those who refused

REMEMBER: The dynasty of China brought the Dragon for executing its action

They live in the world of the shadows, stalking and executing people who

The Almighty demonstrated that the earth is executing its function by the command of its Provider, therefore it will respond to His order with submission

This is the fact; by executing the sentence of theft, and the people see the cut off hand, then the theft wicked desire will be quite moved away from all the individuals of the society, finally they, generation after generation, will live safely

Plan and execute the ITS programme management of activities based on results-based budgeting.


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Планирование и осуществление мероприятий по управлению программой ОСПК на основе бюджета,

ориентированного на достижение результатов;


This is because inmates serving a life sentence have nothing to lose-you can’t execute them.


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Потому что те, кто осужден пожизненно, ничего не теряют- расстрелять их нельзя.


We do nothing, the Syrians execute those kids just to make a point.

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Если ничего не сделать, сирийцы казнят тех ребят, просто чтобы показать свою крутость.

Usually interpreters open and execute the file specified as the first argument on the command line.


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Обычно интерпретаторы открывают и исполняют файл, указанный в качестве первого аргумента.


Xargs- build and execute command lines from standard input.


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Xargs- формирование и исполнение команд на основании данных, считанных из стандартного ввода.


They will then detain, torture and possibly execute him.


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В этом случае они его задержат, будут пытать и, возможно, казнят.


You the one they gonna let go after they execute that boy, right?

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Ты тот, которого они хотят отпустить, после того, как они казнят того пацана, верно?

Design, execute, validate and replicate innovative solutions and activities.


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Разработка, исполнение, внедрение и воспроизводство новаторских решений и мероприятий;


Memory corruption bugs could cause Icedove to crash or

possibly execute arbitrary code.


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Ошибки с повреждением содержимого памяти приводят к аварийным остановкам Icedove или

возможному выполнению произвольного кода.


We have less than 52 hours before they execute Katie.

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У нас меньше 52 часов, прежде, чем они казнят Кэти.

These persons fully execute verdicts rendered by the AICAC.


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Эти лица в полной мере исполняют вынесенные АМКАС вердикты.


During loading works execute instructions and rules for the appropriate works.


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При погрузочных работах соблюдать инструкции и правила по выполнению соответствующих работ.


Permissions granted to read, write, and execute files;


Parse and execute the specified file.


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Парсит и исполняет файл, указанный в опции- f.


Short cycle of R&D, and strictly execute the service agreement and confidentiality contract.

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Цикл 2. Шорт НИОКР, и строго исполняет контракт договора на обслуживание и конфиденциальности.

Some of these stages include instruction fetch,

instruction decode, execute, and write back.

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Некоторые из этих стадий включают выбор инструкций,

декодирование инструкций, исполнение и запись результата.

It is better for all of us to die, than to let them execute our Nasreddin!

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Лучше нам всем умереть, чем знать, что его казнят, нашего Насреддина!

Chiming clock of the New city town hall which execute 4 different melodies.

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Куранты Новой городской ратуши, которые исполняют 4 разных мелодии.

They will find the traitor and execute him.

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Они будут искать предателя и казнят его.

Contest participants execute trade transactions in compliance with the TradingTerms of the Company.

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Участник конкурса осуществляет сделки согласно регламенту исполнения клиентских распоряжений.

Not having achieved Katya’s consent to cooperation, Germans, having slandered, secretly execute her.

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Не добившись согласия на сотрудничество, немцы казнят ее.

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That’s the same staff who execute hundreds of contestants every day?

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Те же сотрудники, что каждый день казнили сотни участников?

They imprison MY saints, those who truly love and serve ME, they execute them.

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Они лишили МЕНЯ Святых, тех, кто по-настоящему любит и служит МНЕ, они их казнят.

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Can we start saying»execute» again?

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Может, будем снова говорить» казнили«?

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We need to get back before they execute Simon.

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Нам нужно вернуться до того как они казнят Саймона.

Execute them all on the steps of the temple.

  • Use the word execute in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Somewhere about the Emmitsburg Road you will execute your first left oblique.

It’s so much more poetic to execute you in your own gas chamber.

You promise further to fulfill Her Majesty’s every wish… to execute Her Majesty’s every command… and to be an obedient and docile husband?

Our agents execute orders to the letter.

and that we are planning to execute him, possibly tonight.

They never really execute anybody she condemns, you know.

What about me? . What of me after they execute you?

You’ll probably be the one to execute me. Probably.

All I know is the sheriff gives me an insanity warrant to execute.

I’m sending you away to execute a little mission for both of us.

He wouldn’t dare execute the king’s ward.

I said execute. She’s guilty of treason.

you have ordered Riccio’s death and you charged us to execute it they lie, Maria

all life is murder, all happiness is murder and for every happiness there is a final jugdment here, you execute me

Now listen, you big ape. Give her the gun, and execute a forward pass over that first line of trees.

Evidently, Mr. Owen believes we were guilty of certain crimes which the law can not touch and is pointed to himself to execute justice.

They execute their plays quickly and decisively.

They’ll not execute you for the death of Dr. Edwardes.

They’ll execute him with something they call hydrocyanic gas, and the antidote for that is Methylene Blue.

and I will execute, keeping the receipts at your disposal!

In accordance with the articles of war, prisoner will be stripped of his military rank and held in confinement until the firing party will execute the sentence of death.

I’ll execute Your Majesty’s orders punctually.

They execute mass in cameras of gas built for such an end, with suffocating gases and crematory ovens.

I prefer to execute it myself and make…

We no longer execute the sick.

They were sure to execute me.

«Regret to advise Air Europa unable to execute contract…

From today on for every Frenchman murdered, we will execute five Syrian hostages.

I wonder what they’ll call you after you execute those hostages.

That’s no reason to execute me.

Raffa Raffa intends to execute those poor men in retaliation for what happened at Cervara.

I had instructions from the Governor of Cobra to execute El Libre.

Charity, my dear, you’ve made of yourself a newspaper jackal… feasting at the grave of a man you helped to execute.

Were I not your friend, had we not fought many battles together, shared many dangers in the field, were I not mindful of how bravely you’ve served me and Rome, I would be compelled to execute you for treason.

When I’m king, if anybody contradicts me, they’ll be execute

We must be merciful and execute it quickly, like with the guillotine.

They might even execute me!

I’d better fix your rig, before you execute yourself.

[And just as well, because Don Camillo had immediately decided to execute…] [… his own plan, with the aim of launching the offensive…] [… as soon as possible.]

But execute Godiva… and she will become a martyr to the Saxon cause and there will indeed be war in the land!


If plan one fails, you must execute plan two.

Oh, God, if my deep prayers will not appease thee… but thou wilt be avenged on my misdeeds… yet execute thy wrath on me alone.

execute him in the night?

Battery commander respectfully reports he cannot execute such an order unless it is in writing and signed by the general. Over.

What do we mean by execute?

To put into effect; carry out. transitive verb

To perform; do: synonym: perform. transitive verb

To create (a work of art, for example) in accordance with a prescribed design. transitive verb

To make valid, as by signing. transitive verb

To perform or carry out what is required by. transitive verb

To put to death, especially by carrying out a lawful sentence. transitive verb

To run (a program or instruction). transitive verb

Executed; accomplished.

To follow out or through to the end; perform completely, as something projected, prescribed, or ordered; carry into complete effect; accomplish: as, to execute a purpose, plan, design, or scheme.

To perform or do: as, to execute a difficult gymnastic feat; to execute a piece of music.

In law: To complete and give validity to, as a legal instrument, by performing whatever is required by law to be done, as by signing and sealing, attestation, authentication, etc.: as, to execute a deed or lease.

To perform or carry out fully, as the conditions of a deed, contract, etc.

To give effect to; put in force; enforce; as, to execute law or justice; to execute a writ; to execute judgment or vengeance.

To perform judgment or sentence on; specifically, to inflict capital punishment on; put to death in accordance with law or the sentence of a court: as, to execute a traitor.

Hence To put to death; kill; do to death.

To carry out or accomplish a course of action, a purpose, or a plan; produce an effect or result aimed at.

To perform a piece of music: as, he executes well.

To do one’s work; to act one’s part or purpose. intransitive verb

To perform musically. intransitive verb

To follow out or through to the end; to carry out into complete effect; to complete; to finish; to effect; to perform. transitive verb

To kill as punishment for capital crimes.

To carry out; to put into effect.

To perform.

To carry out, to perform an act; to put into effect or cause to become legally binding or valid (as a contract) by so doing.

To start, launch or run

To run, usually successfully.

To promote to an executive position. Urban Dictionary

To have sex or sexual activity with the opposite sex. Usually requires penetration. Foreplay, hand job, blow job, even anal doesn’t count.
To complete the task of sexula penetration with the penis into the vagina. Urban Dictionary

Dropping a deuce in such spectacular form, as avoiding having to wipe at all. Urban Dictionary

The act of carrying out a death sentence, typically due to a major infraction of the law. This is most commonly done by injection of a deadly substance. Certain countries have public executions, public events where people are welcome to watch the executions of felons. The term is also associated with the murder of hostages at the hands of terrorists. Urban Dictionary

Someone who gets paid hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars, to eat lunch in fancy restaurants, play golf, and buy elections. Complains that the people who do the actual work cost too much, so cuts health insurance and lays off employees. Moves jobs to places where people are willing to work for .35 an hour, twelve hours a day, and live without indoor plumbing. Can totally screw up a company, and still get a golden parachute and another cushy «job.» Urban Dictionary

The carrying out of something.
The event or occurance of a thing that is executed. Urban Dictionary

The beltless trenchcoat that Frank Costanza invented and made a living off of selling. Mentioned in the episode «The Raincoats». Urban Dictionary

Executive: is an erection you have whilst at work. However its only known as an ‘executive’ if you wear a suit to work. Urban Dictionary

A super intimidating player thats really scary and good at sword fighting Urban Dictionary

Normal house or apartment that some jackass trying to rent it out decided to spruce up by adding a meaningless but impressive-sounding adjective Urban Dictionary


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