The word exclaimed in a sentence

Definition of Exclaimed

expressed with strong feeling

Examples of Exclaimed in a sentence

It was obvious from the way the children exclaimed delight that they liked their Christmas presents.


“Yes, I will marry you,” Cara exclaimed to Jason.


Sarah exclaimed her joyous feelings by using a smiley face as her text message.


When Bill broke his leg, he loudly exclaimed his pain.


I enjoyed cooking for Gerald because he always exclaimed how much he loved my cooking.


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exclaimed — перевод на русский

(crowd exclaiming and applauding)

(толпа восклицает и аплодирует)


(С досадой восклицает)





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— (Электричества треск) — (Воскликнул)



You got that jiggly titty… (EXCLAIMING)

Вы получили, что пикантного женская … (Воскликнул)

exclaimed Chase.

воскликнул Чейз.

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(MOM exclaims)






— (door slams) — (exclaiming)

— (хлопает дверь) — (вскрикивает)

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(ALL EXCLAIM) «August 11th.

восклицания — 11 августа:

(EXCLAIMING) Honey, honey How you thrill me Honey, honey

восклицания — сладкий, сладкий Как же ты меня волнуешь сладкий, сладкий

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Arely Purdy

Score: 4.4/5
(17 votes)

Exclaimed sentence example. «I found it!» she exclaimed as soon as I answered her call. «Seriously?» she exclaimed in disbelief. «Jonny!» she exclaimed , rushing forward.

How would I use exclaimed in a sentence?

Examples of exclaim in a Sentence

“Here he comes!” someone exclaimed. She exclaimed in delight over the Christmas tree. The children exclaimed with wonder when they saw the elephant. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘exclaim.

What is an example of a can sentence?

«I can hold my breath for a long time.» «I can jump really high.» «I can make a snowflake out of paper.» «She can swim across the lake.»

How do you use exclaim as a verb?

exclaim to say something suddenly and loudly, especially because of a strong emotion: ‘It isn’t fair! ‘ he exclaimed angrily.

  1. She opened her eyes and exclaimed in delight at the scene.
  2. + speech ‘It isn’t fair! ‘, he exclaimed angrily.
  3. exclaim that… She exclaimed that it was useless.

What is the part of speech for exclaimed?

part of speech: intransitive verb. inflections: exclaims, exclaiming, exclaimed.

18 related questions found

What word is exclaimed suddenly emotions?

Something that’s exclamatory is full of very strong emotion, like enthusiasm or surprise. … When something’s exclamatory, it’s like an exclamation, or a «sudden cry of emotion.» Both words come from the Latin exclamare, «to call out,» which consists of the prefix ex-, «out,» and clamare, «cry or shout.»

What kind of word is exclaimed?

A word expressing outcry; an interjection; a word expressing passion, as wonder, fear, or grief.

Is exclaimed a strong verb?

to cry out or speak suddenly and vehemently, as in surprise, strong emotion, or protest. to cry out; say loudly or vehemently.

How can I exclaim in English?

[ + speech ] «You can’t leave now!» she exclaimed. [ + speech ] «Nonsense!» he exclaimed in disgust. She exclaimed in delight upon hearing the news.

What the meaning of hailstones?

Hailstones are small balls of ice that fall like rain from the sky. … a shower of hailstones.

Can and could sentence examples?

Examples: She can speak Italian very well. I could swim, but I couldn’t ride a bike when I was nine years old. You can play with Amy after you do your homework.

Can models example?

Permission. Present I can stay at Danny’s when he’s out of town. / I can’t stay at Danny’s when he’s out of town. Past I was allowed to stay at Danny’s when he was out of town. / I wasn’t allowed to stay at Danny’s when he was out of town.

What does exclaimed mean example?

to say or shout something suddenly because of surprise, fear, pleasure, etc.: [ + speech ] «You can’t leave now!» she exclaimed. [ + speech ] «Nonsense!» he exclaimed in disgust. She exclaimed in delight upon hearing the news. More examples.

What’s a better word for said?

Babbled, beamed, blurted, broadcasted, burst, cheered, chortled, chuckled, cried out, crooned, crowed, declared, emitted, exclaimed, giggled, hollered, howled, interjected, jabbered, laughed, praised, preached, presented, proclaimed, professed, promulgated, quaked, ranted, rejoiced, roared, screamed, shouted, shrieked, …

What is exclamatory sentence example?

An exclamatory sentence makes a statement that conveys strong emotion or excitement. Placing that tiny stripe above a period at the end of a sentence can really rock the boat! For example: “I got the concert tickets!”

Are exclamations words?

Holy Cow! 101 English Interjections and Exclamations

Interjections (or, as they’re sometimes—somewhat misleadingly—called, exclamations) are words or short phrases that stand apart from the rest of a sentence grammatically or appear on their own without a subject and verb. Interjections may also be holophrases.

What does lectured mean in English?

: to give a talk or a series of talks to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject. : to talk to (someone) in an angry or serious way. See the full definition for lecture in the English Language Learners Dictionary. lecture. noun.

What are interjections words?

An interjection is a word or phrase that is grammatically independent from the words around it, and mainly expresses feeling rather than meaning. … Interjections are common in speech and are much more common in electronic messages than in other types of writing.

What is another word for hurt feelings?

  • heartache,
  • heartbreak,
  • joylessness,
  • sadness,
  • sorrow,
  • unhappiness.

What intercity means?

: occurring in or extending or operating between two or more cities intercity travel.

What is a declaim?

intransitive verb. 1 : to speak rhetorically speakers declaimed on a variety of issues specifically : to recite something as an exercise in elocution. 2 : to speak pompously or bombastically : harangue In presence of this historical fact it is foolish to declaim about natural rights …—

What are two synonyms for exclaimed?


  • assert.
  • blurt.
  • proclaim.
  • shout.
  • utter.
  • yell.
  • bellow.
  • ejaculate.

Is exclaimed a adjective?

Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verbs exclaim and exclame which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts. resembling an exclamation.

What is the noun of persist?

persistence. The property of being persistent. (computer science) Of data, continuing to exist after the execution of the program. (meteorology) Continuation of the previous day’s weather (particularly temperature and precipitation statistics).

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word exclaimed, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use exclaimed in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «exclaimed».

Exclaimed in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word exclaimed in a sentence.

  1. At this the doctor exclaimed, «Oh!

  2. Schneider exclaimed «He is sinking!

  3. Armstrong exclaimed: «The Eagle has wings!

  4. An American sailor reportedly exclaimed «Huzzah!

  5. At each defection, George apparently exclaimed, «Est-il possible?

  6. Clutching his heart, he exclaimed, «Oh, Swaim, can’t you stop this?

  7. Perceval staggered forward a few steps and exclaimed, «I am murdered!

  8. He exclaimed, «Aaliyah music only work with its soulmate, which is me».

  9. When he heard the ranch was available for lease, he exclaimed, «Hot dog!

  10. At length he stopped, and fifty voices exclaimed, «Has any thing happened?

  11. Kent exclaimed «Thou art a lying spirit, thou are not the ghost of my Fanny.

  12. His aunt exclaimed that «she would not have picked such a poor creature up in the street».

  13. After more questions, a member of the audience exclaimed «Kent, ask this Ghost if you shall be hanged».

  14. When he appeared on stage on the field after the game to receive his award, Talib exclaimed, «I felt like Deion!

  15. People in the crowd beat him severely; Tehlirian exclaimed in broken German something to the effect of, «It’s ok.

  16. On returning to Copenhagen, Frisch informed Bohr, who slapped his forehead and exclaimed «What idiots we have been!

  17. In a 2010 interview, he exclaimed that Killer7 is «part of his soul» and is certainly interested in making a sequel.

  18. In his official report on the test, Farrell (who initially exclaimed, «The long-hairs have let it get away from them!

  19. He then received the kiss of peace from both the priests, and Father André exclaimed in French, «Alors, allez au ciel!

  20. Another witness stated that a female in a polka-dot dress had exclaimed repeatedly, «We killed him», before running away.

  21. He sprang back and exclaimed in a tone of horror and despair, «Great God it is him,» and as he said that he fell on his knees.

  22. William exclaimed to Archibald Acheson, Lord Gosford, Governor General-designate of Canada: «Mind what you are about in Canada ..

  23. In his testimony he said that Admiral Uggla had exclaimed «look how those dog cunts run» when he was surrounded, fighting the allied flagships.

  24. When seeing that one of the contestants fell on his back and was being beaten by his opponents, Tiridates I exclaimed: «That’s an unfair contest.

  25. Jack’s older brother, Harry, reflected the Warner family feelings about the marriage when he exclaimed, «Thank God our mother didn’t live to see this».

  26. More radical students exclaimed that the colours stood for the black night of slavery, the bloody struggle for liberty, and the golden dawn of freedom.

  27. After the pope absolved Foliot’s excommunication in early 1170, Becket exclaimed to a cardinal that «Satan is unloosed for the destruction of the Church».

  28. The filmmakers were so nervous about the release that Erich Pommer, on his way to the theatre, reportedly exclaimed, «It will be a horrible failure for all of us!

  29. Another story, as told by the general’s secretary, Bourienne, claims that Bonaparte was almost overcome by the news and exclaimed «Unfortunate Brueys, what have you done!

  30. It was likened to «the ambition and glamour of a Broadway musical», and exclaimed as «only fitting that the concert program credits her as the show’s ‘creator and director'».

  31. He took off his cap, wrapped his coat around his rifle, exclaimed, «Oh shit,» and then died by suicide, shooting himself in the head twenty minutes after having begun his attack.

  32. As division 3 prisoners were let inside at around 4 pm, a voice exclaimed «Let’s take ’em», and simultaneously, guards were splashed with boiling water, usually used for making tea.

  33. When he was told that the Boeotians had won, he said «It is time to die.» Diodorus suggests that one of his friends exclaimed «You die childless, Epaminondas» and then burst into tears.

  34. The name was chosen by Gygax’s two-year-old daughter Cindy; upon being presented with a number of choices of possible names, she exclaimed, «Oh Daddy, I like Dungeons & Dragons best!

  35. Shepard took several one-handed swings (due to the limited flexibility of the EVA suit) and exuberantly exclaimed that the second ball went «miles and miles and miles» in the low lunar gravity.

  36. Steiger ignored the director’s concerns that he was mumbling his lines, and when he began chomping loudly on an apple during a scene with Gordon MacRae, Mamoulian exclaimed: «Get out of my theater.

  37. Offstage he is said to have kicked a photographer, attacked a security guard, and eventually challenged one of his own bodyguards to a fight—beaten up, he is reported to have exclaimed, «I like you.

General information about «exclaimed» example sentences

The example sentences for the word exclaimed that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «exclaimed» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «exclaimed».

Asked by: Alanna O’Keefe

Score: 4.3/5
(40 votes)

Exclaimed sentence example

  1. «I found it!» she exclaimed as soon as I answered her call. …
  2. «Seriously?» she exclaimed in disbelief. …
  3. «Jonny!» she exclaimed , rushing forward. …
  4. Dean exclaimed in disbelief. …
  5. He stumbled over something and exclaimed before she turned on the lamp beside her bed.

When we use exclaimed in a sentence?

Here he comes!” someone exclaimed. She exclaimed in delight over the Christmas tree. The children exclaimed with wonder when they saw the elephant.

Is exclaimed a real word?

to cry out; say loudly or vehemently.

How do you use exclaim as a verb?

exclaim to say something suddenly and loudly, especially because of a strong emotion: ‘It isn’t fair! ‘ he exclaimed angrily.

  1. She opened her eyes and exclaimed in delight at the scene.
  2. + speech ‘It isn’t fair! ‘, he exclaimed angrily.
  3. exclaim that… She exclaimed that it was useless.

What words are exclaimed suddenly emotions?

When something’s exclamatory, it’s like an exclamation, or a «sudden cry of emotion.» Both words come from the Latin exclamare, «to call out,» which consists of the prefix ex-, «out,» and clamare, «cry or shout.»

41 related questions found

What type of word is exclaimed?

exclaim used as a verb:

To cry out from earnestness or passion; to utter with vehemence; to call out or declare loudly; to protest vehemently; to vociferate; to shout; as, to exclaim against oppression with wonder or astonishment.

How can I exclaim in English?

[ + speech ] «You can’t leave now!» she exclaimed. [ + speech ] «Nonsense!» he exclaimed in disgust. She exclaimed in delight upon hearing the news.

What is another word for hurt feelings?

  • heartache,
  • heartbreak,
  • joylessness,
  • sadness,
  • sorrow,
  • unhappiness.

What can I say instead of said?

“Said” is neutral in terms of emotion, but you can write more powerfully if you sprinkle in some emotion-tinged variations for this common word.

Either way, try these words instead of “said”:

  • cheered.
  • cried out.
  • beamed.
  • rejoiced.
  • exclaimed.
  • gushed.
  • yelled.
  • crowed.

What does exclaimed mean in writing?

transitive verb. Writers sometimes use exclaim to show that someone is speaking suddenly, loudly, or emphatically, often because they are excited, shocked, or angry. «He went back to the lab,» Inez exclaimed impatiently. Synonyms: cry out, call, declare, cry More Synonyms of exclaim.

How do you exclaim happiness?

Ways of expressing happiness and pleasure — thesaurus

  1. hooray. interjection. mainly spoken a word that you shout to show that you are excited and happy about something.
  2. aah. interjection. …
  3. excellent. adjective. …
  4. lovely. adjective. …
  5. happily. adverb. …
  6. good for/on someone. phrase. …
  7. hallelujah. interjection. …
  8. good. adjective.

What are two synonyms for exclaimed?


  • assert.
  • blurt.
  • proclaim.
  • shout.
  • utter.
  • yell.
  • bellow.
  • ejaculate.

How do you use the word feature?

Examples of feature in a Sentence

This camera has several features that make it easy to use. The car has some interesting new design features. His plan combines the best features of the earlier proposals. Her eyes are her best feature.

What is exclaimed sentence?

to say or shout something suddenly because of surprise, fear, pleasure, etc.: [ + speech ] «You can’t leave now!» she exclaimed. [ + speech ] «Nonsense!» he exclaimed in disgust. She exclaimed in delight upon hearing the news. «You can’t do that!» she suddenly exclaimed.

What is the sentence of interesting?

«We had an interesting conversation.» «The scientists made an interesting discovery.» «Skydiving was an interesting experience.» «There are many interesting people in the world.»

What do you call a person who hurts you?

If you call someone a masochist, you either mean that they take pleasure in pain, or — perhaps more commonly — that they just seem to. Masochism is an eponym — a word named for a person.

How do you say my feelings are hurt?

5 thoughtful ways to tell someone they’ve hurt your feelings

  1. Sleep on it. Being hurt is not fun, ever. …
  2. Write a letter that you WON’T mail. After you’ve slept on it, chances are you’ll be maybe a tad less angry. …
  3. Plan your words carefully. …
  4. Be prepared for either a positive or negative outcome. …
  5. Decide what’s best for you.

What to say to someone who has hurt you deeply?

First, objectively summarize the situation that hurt you. Then, identify the feeling it triggered in you. Finally, explain your thoughts about the feeling. So for example, you might try, “Yesterday, you gave me a lot of unsolicited advice about a problem I’m having at work.

Are exclamations words?

Holy Cow! 101 English Interjections and Exclamations

Interjections (or, as they’re sometimes—somewhat misleadingly—called, exclamations) are words or short phrases that stand apart from the rest of a sentence grammatically or appear on their own without a subject and verb. Interjections may also be holophrases.

What are the 4 types of interjection?

Interjections serve different functions (to express a greeting, joy, sorrow, surprise, approval, or to gain attention) Interjections can be classified by their purpose into three (sometimes four) categories: volitive, emotive, cognitive, and sometimes onomatopoeia.

Can an interjection be more than one word?

Did you notice that some of these interjections are made of more than one word? That’s okay. Some interjections are made of multiple words, but they function as a single interjection.

Is exclaimed a adjective?

Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verbs exclaim and exclame which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts. resembling an exclamation.

What the meaning of hailstones?

Hailstones are small balls of ice that fall like rain from the sky. … a shower of hailstones.

What is the root word of exclaimed?

exclaim Add to list Share. The verb exclaim is from the Latin word exclamare, which means «to cry out.» The English meaning is similar, to cry out, but with the added element of a strong emotion such as fear, joy, surprise.

Wolf-dàgē exclaimed in shock upon seeing it.“It’s so beautiful!”.

It seems like they decided to disturb us.’ exclaimed Thor.‘Who could it be?’?

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Похоже, нас решили побеспокоить,- воскликнул Тор.- Кто бы это мог быть?

He exclaimed, laughing, his unsmiling eye still focused on the poet.

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Вскричал он, смеясь, но не сводя несмеющегося глаза с поэта,

Exclaimed Ivan and got up from the couch,»it’s 2 a.m.

I exclaimed, deeply displeased.“Zui already said he wanted me to kill him!”!

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Недовольно воскликнула я.- Цзуй сказал, что хочет, чтобы я его убил!

Lidia exclaimed as if she had had the same thought.

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Воскликнула Лидия, как будто у нее возникла та же мысль.

Exclaimed Bilbo aloud, but what he thought inside was:»Old fool!

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Восклицал Бильбо, думая про себя в то же время:» Старый болван!

Mother exclaimed seeing the picture Pavitra was holding out to her.

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Воскликнула Мать, увидев фотографию, которую подал ей Павитра.

Some of the knights at the back exclaimed worriedly.

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С тревогой воскликнули некоторые рыцари из числа наблюдателей.

The pupil exclaimed-«Now I am ready to pass under your hand the steps of the Doctrine.


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Ученик воскликнул-» теперь я готов пройти под твоей рукой ступени Учения.


In the original, the mom and daughter simply exclaimed.

Abandon this world of illusion,» exclaimed the great Shankara.

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Отринь этот иллюзорный мир»,- восклицал великий Шанкара.

It’s Nicholas, the servant of God!’ he exclaimed in amazement.

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Это же Николас- служитель Бога!»- воскликнул он в изумлении.

In 2004, UNCTAD

pleaded for a cancellation of debt.’Impossible’, financial circles exclaimed.


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В 2004 году

ЮНКТАД призывала к списанию задолженности.» Невозможно»,- воскликнули финансовые круги.


White cloak, blood-red lining! I understand!» exclaimed Ivan.

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Белая мантия, красный подбой! Понимаю!- восклицал Иван.

Roland? You can’t be… Captain Roland?!” a royal knight exclaimed.

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Роланд? Ты же не… капитан Роланд?!- воскликнул один из королевских рыцарей.

Margarita exclaimed with vigor, seizing Azazello by the arm.»I will

go anywhere you want!»!

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С силой воскликнула Маргарита и ухватила Азазелло за руку,- еду, куда угодно!

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Jessica exclaimed with admiration, that Angelina became unrealistically beautiful.


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Джессика воскликнула с восхищением, что Анджелина стала нереалистично красивой.


We surely aren’t going to stay here for the night, are we, sir?’ he exclaimed.

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Мы ведь не остановимся здесь на ночь, сэр?- воскликнул он.

Jessica exclaimed enthusiastically:»Now you see it too.


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Джессика воскликнула с энтузиазмом:» Теперь ты видишь это также.


There’s no G-d like yours!- the woman exclaimed.

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Small Azerbaijanis exclaimed«Karabakh is ours» Crimea is recalled.


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Маленькие азербайджанцы восклицали« Карабах- наш» Крым вспоминается.


And when the doctor exclaimed:»I do not know what to do with you?


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И когда врач восклицает:» Я не знаю, что с вами делать»?


After reviewing it, the mayor exclaimed,»This is a bogus warrant.

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The princess and Kitty exclaimed with one voice.»They appreciate a present…».

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В один голос заговорили княгиня и Кити.- Они ценят это.

Arthur exclaimed and smiled down at the three of us.

the brother exclaimed in perturbation.

«Yes, it is true; we have no home anywhere,« Salo exclaimed passionately.

With the most joyful surprise he exclaimed, «As sure as I am born this must be a young Salo.

Salo exclaimed.

Salo exclaimed after nodding cordially.

« «Oh, Uncle Philip, I felt that the first moment I met you,« Salo exclaimed.

«I do everything in my power for that angel,« she exclaimed.

When Apollonie came to her master‘s room, he exclaimed, «Oh, how good this looks!

«But, Leonore,« she exclaimed, «why don’t you look forward to the lovely day we are going to have?

« «Yes, all of us, and Salo, too,« Leonore exclaimed.

I exclaimed in reply.

Elizabeth exclaimed.

«Three minutes, he exclaimed, to say goodby.

one of the young men at the table exclaimed.

a younger member of the party exclaimed reverently, as he lifted his tankard.

«What, all this?« she exclaimed.

Philip exclaimed.

«You‘re a queer person, Philip,« she exclaimed.

«No indeed!« exclaimed Janet.

Mrs. Lessways exclaimed indifferently.

exclaimed Caroline.

he exclaimed, slapping down the paper.

he exclaimed indignantly.

she exclaimed, you are always good to me.

he exclaimed, in accents of mingled vexation and approval.

‘What!’ he exclaimed almost against his will, his calm front shattered by my statement

“I reversed gravity,” Red exclaimed unnecessarily as she punched out a nearby guard

‘Do I hell!’ she exclaimed ‘We worked at it for weeks and I was terrified that I would be the one who cocked the whole thing up

‘Lytes Cary … that’s it!’ he exclaimed happily a few moments later

‘Oh?’ I exclaimed beginning to see where this is going

‘I don’t reckon it was there at all!’ he exclaimed playfully ‘You’re having Bambi hallucinations!’

‘Good God!’ I exclaimed, truly stunned … the bastard was playing with her at the same time was he! ‘She’s only about twenty isn’t she?’

When the woman was presented to Adam, he exclaimed: «This

“Why do you begin with negativity?” he exclaimed at once happily

Nothing can be so bad that you are crying like that!’ he exclaimed as I sob myself silly into his jacket

‘You can’t hang around just because your grandmother says you should!’ I exclaimed trying to lighten the atmosphere

’ He exclaimed, handing the papers to his colleague and looking at Kara in amazement

As they parted he exclaimed, “Woman, there is nothing wrong with you!”

’ I exclaimed, appalled by his reply

Pinching her nose and turning to the other guests she exclaimed in a nasal tone, “Smells of wee-wee!”

Sir John, aware that he had to make a strong showing in the midst of so many hawk-eyed, elected members, exclaimed, «Oh yes Sir, isn’t it magnificent, so well argued, so concise, so irrefutably true

Bowing he exclaimed: Hail to the MightyValotin, Fourth of the Ancients!

“Well, that’s amazing”, exclaimed the television gardener to his wife

’ Jake exclaimed as they return to the kitchen

‘Oh heavens, there’s no milk!’ I exclaimed suddenly realising that the fridge is empty too

“Oh my, look at that blouse,” exclaimed Rayne changing the subject, “can we go in and see if they have it in my size?” Mistress Sera laughed and both women went into the shop arm in arm

into tears and exclaimed, “I thought I’d dealt with all

‘Anna, your man is as crazy as mine when it comes to that cat!’ Jo exclaimed with a laugh

“Ah there it is!” she exclaimed

‘Oh, it is so good being back here!’ she exclaimed with an enormous sigh of contentment

“Dega-sou!” he exclaimed before he could catch himself

nose and turning to the other guests she exclaimed in a nasal tone,

‘How exciting!’ she exclaimed, then realising the connection, ‘Of course, Jo and Alastair are moving into your cottage! I hadn’t connected the two

“What the bloody… you’re crap at cards as well!” he exclaimed,

“Gods and seers!” exclaimed Kai, who had joined them

“Dega sou!” Exclaimed Captain Andrid; “Is that what I think it is?”

exclaimed, waving their order papers in the air above their heads

“Well, that’s amazing”, exclaimed the television gardener to his

Well I’ll be, exclaimed Brent; I always knew that bird was special

“You’re back!” he exclaimed

“Blimey!” he exclaimed, “It’s a bit nippy out there

‘That clearing at the top of the hill!’ exclaimed Petr, suddenly remembering

I am indeed surprised by your ignorance of the presence in your own community of an internationally renowned rod-maker, and not fifty paces from this very spot! Might I direct you just down the boardwalk to the Mercantile? There you will find not this sad pole’s equal, but its lord and master!” The Sportsman exclaimed; then added, “I’m sure the tackle you sell is adequate for the leisure fishing interests of the tourists or stray visitor who might of caprice decide to ‘go fish a bit, since there’s a lake here and all,’ but do not impugn the truly exquisite work of master craftsmen by putting these on offer for anything but what they are

“Who the hell was that?” Tom exclaimed

‘The what?’ exclaimed Matt, looking more than a

“Women?” exclaimed Tom, “But how could one of them be

“In the Kassikan!?” Yorthops exclaimed

They can’t be your younger sisters!” exclaimed Kaitlyn

‘Oh … thank goodness!’ Ben exclaimed as Abi finally laid her tiles out

It opened and a cute, lightly-freckled face, framed in orange curls exclaimed, “Jorma!?” as he instantly went into shock when his addled brain finally recognized her as Venna

” He exclaimed abruptly, and threw his arms around Harry’s shoulders in a most uncommon display of affection

But you’re part of the evil Climate Change Cult!! There is no such thing as Brambelings or Climate Change!” The second fat-cat exclaimed, and then stood proudly, thinking to himself,

“I’m not going back in that forest!” Monica exclaimed,

“You heard the lady!” Andrew exclaimed, “Hurry it up!”

«What!» He exclaimed, jumping back against the truck with his arms in the air, as if he’d been cornered by the local posse

» she exclaimed «But what was she doing up here

“Guys! Guys! There’s something scary in the forest!” Monica exclaimed

«Mom» Crystal exclaimed, «I didn’t know

» Shelly exclaimed, joining him

“I know! But it could be a wild animal, or a burglar! Or a Real Estate Agent!” Monica exclaimed

«Yeah» Crystal exclaimed, «Tell us about the house

» he exclaimed loudly «Of course it’s not haunted,” He then went on to tell all he knew about the house but first he asked if she knew where her G

» Emma exclaimed as they passed

» he exclaimed, «You got to stop doing these things

“Tricked by a ring!” she exclaimed and looked to Harold who offered a most innocent expression in return

“Oh my God!” was what he actually, literally exclaimed

«How dare you!» he exclaimed looking up at her for the first time, the look that sweep immediately across his face, alerted her that there was something desperately wrong with her

«Wait a minute here!» She exclaimed pulling her hand free

«My god Sis, what is it?» she exclaimed, throwing her arms around her «Did Juan talk to you about the Village?» she asked with the biggest squeeze Emma could remember receiving, in a long time

» he exclaimed, the moment she stepped in, then he trotted off, so as not to miss the game

» she exclaimed heading for the main dining room, where they were all mulling about

» Todd exclaimed pulling at her arm

«A spaceship» Jim exclaimed

» Kit exclaimed, «At least she thinks so and indestructible too

» Todd exclaimed watching the two of them now

«The Will» He exclaimed, taking her hand and pulling her towards the screen door

«My God,» She exclaimed sitting up

«The court did what!» Alex exclaimed

“A year!” Desa exclaimed, “You could kill yourself that way

» Shelly exclaimed throwing her arms around his strong shoulders

» he exclaimed putting her down again

Immediately Mike pulled her close to him and exclaimed, «What was that? How did you do that?»

«And this is icing!» exclaimed Gretel, putting another piece of wall in her mouth

astonishment, that she exclaimed when I suggested this year rare

“Wow, this is a surprise,” she exclaimed, but when she got closer she must have realised something was wrong from the sombre look on their faces

“Hey, did you see that!” Morty suddenly exclaimed

“What on earth for?” Crissy exclaimed

“No! Not now!” he exclaimed in mock frustration

“Wow!” Helda exclaimed as he was about to exit the bathing suite

“Put the bridge on auto; we’ll hear it all before leaving the system!” The Elf exclaimed and followed Song from the bridge, trailed by Mim and Yula, then the others as they set their stations for their absence

“Two weeks? Why the hurry? You have your whole lives ahead of you!” Zarko’s mother exclaimed when they told her the news

«Extraordinary!» exclaimed Mr Pinscher, although it was not certain whether his interest was roused by this uncommon mode of conveyance, or by the vague suggestion of sausages

‘Ah, the stranger arises! To what do we owe this honour?’ the man exclaimed in a friendly tone

«That’s Ali, and she’s fucking awesome!» Joss exclaimed as he backed away from Seth

‘Watch! The festivities are about to begin,’ Torreano exclaimed

“Oh, hell,” he exclaimed, hardly knowing what he was saying

“I want to do it,” he exclaimed, hardly knowing what to say in answer to her question

“Good,” she exclaimed, going along with his line of talk

“Why, I’m a regular old bitch,” she exclaimed happily

‘Stolen!’ the King exclaimed, turning to the jury, who instantly made a memorandum of the fact

“Survivors?” exclaimed Alan, “What the hell happened to them?”

“There’s your proof that it’s not me!” she exclaimed as Chris arrived around the corner, “I haven’t had the opportunity to do that

“Ooooh! How beautiful!” Mother exclaimed, not daring to touch it

“Look!” Sarah exclaimed, as she had been doing all our lives

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