The word estimate in a sentence

Synonym: calculate, compute, evaluate, figure, gauge, judge, rate, value. Similar words: estimated, intimate, ultimate, legitimate, ultimately, climate, testimony, approximately. Meaning: [‘estɪmeɪt]  n. 1. an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth 2. a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody 3. a document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation) 4. a statement indicating the likely cost of some job 5. the respect with which a person is held. v. 1. judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time) 2. judge to be probable. 

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1. The committee lacked a correct estimate of his ability.

2. My estimate of his abilities was wrong.

3. Her estimate was right on the nose.

4. We estimate the cost to be four thousand dollars.

5. I estimate his age at thirty — five.

6. Their estimate is in the right ball park.

7. The painter’s estimate for painting the whole house was 1000 dollars.

8. I can give you a rough estimate of the number of bricks you will need.

9. A conservative estimate puts annual sales at around $100 million.

10. We will send you an estimate for the work without obligation .

11. I can give you a rough estimate of the amount of wood you will need.

12. At a conservative estimate, the holiday will cost about £1500.

13. Try to estimate how many steps it will take to get to a close object.

14. The actual estimate for extra staff and consequential costs such as accommodation was an annual £9.18m.

15. I hadn’t been far wrong in my estimate.

16. I need the actual figures, not an estimate.

17. At a conservative estimate, he’ll be earning £40 000.

18. 150 is an outside estimate .

19. Can you estimate its length/how long it is?

20. I’ll prepare a revised estimate for you.

21. This figure is five times the original

22. One estimate suggests that 30,000 jobs may be lost.

23. You had better countercheck that last estimate.

24. I estimate her age at 30 .

25. Historians can’t estimate the date with any precision.

26. Can you make an estimate of the numbers involved?

27. Police estimate the crowd at 30 000.

28. We are at present in correspondence with the company on the matter of our estimate for the repair of the bridge.

29. The number of people who applied for the course was 120 compared with an initial estimate of between 50 and 100.

30. At least 5 000 people were killed, and that’s a conservative estimate .

More similar words: estimated, intimate, ultimate, legitimate, ultimately, climate, testimony, approximately, stimulate, investigate, mate, stimulus, testing, question, testify, inmate, by this time, domestic, optimistic, in question, teammate, material, suggestion, clandestine, alma mater, estate, Palestinian, questionnaire, investigator, beyond question. 

оценка, смета, калькуляция, исчисление, оценивать, прикидывать, ценить



- оценивать, устанавливать стоимость

to estimate the value of a gem — оценить драгоценный камень
the losses are estimated at £50 — убытки оцениваются в 50 фунтов

- оценивать, давать оценку; выносить суждение, судить (о чём-л.)

to estimate the powers of an author — судить о таланте /о возможностях/ писателя, дать оценку таланту писателя
to estimate highly — высоко ценить

- составлять смету; приблизительно подсчитывать, прикидывать

the press estimated the number of demonstrators as 2,000 — по мнению журналистов, в демонстрации приняло участие по меньшей мере 2 тысячи человек
the age of the icon is estimated at two hundred years — считают, что икона была написана 200 лет назад
the population of the country is variously estimated at from … to … — по разным подсчётам население страны составляет от … до …

- спец. оценивать, делать оценку (величины)

Мои примеры


an estimate of what it would cost — оценка возможной стоимости  
a crude estimate of the population available for work — приблизительная оценка работоспособного населения  
by smb.’s estimate — по чьей-л. оценке  
to give / make estimate — оценивать  
an approximate, rough estimate — грубая оценка  
conservative estimate — консервативная точка зрения  
preliminary estimate — предварительная оценка  
written estimate — письменная оценка  
budgetary estimate — бюджетная смета  
estimate of expenditures — смета затрат  
approved estimate — утверждённая смета  
detailed estimate — подробная смета  

Примеры с переводом

The cost exceeded our estimate.

Стоимость превысила наши оценки.

I would like to revise my estimate.

Я бы хотел, внести исправления в свои вычисления/расчёты.

They estimated the distance at about three miles.

Они оценили расстояние примерно в три мили.

I was doing estimates of cost.

Я подсчитывал [рассчитывал] затраты [производил оценку затрат].

Bacon could not estimate Shakespeare.

Бэкон не смог оценить Шекспира.

He got an estimate from the car repair shop.

Он получил счет из автосервиса.

I would estimate the size of the garden at 1.000 square metres.

По моим прикидкам, площадь этого сада — тысяча квадратных метров.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We need to estimate how much paint we’ll need for the job.

…the estimate is inaccurate, but will do for our purposes…

A conservative estimate (=a deliberately low estimate) puts annual sales at around $100 million.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

estimation  — оценка, расчет, подсчет, вычисление, суждение, уважение, прикидка
estimator  — оценщик, оценочная функция
underestimate  — недооценивать, недооценка
overestimate  — переоценивать, завышать смету, раздутая смета
estimated  — предполагаемый, примерный, предположительный, планируемый, плановый
estimative  — оценочный, оценивающий, умеющий, оценивать
misestimate  — неверная оценка, неправильно, неверно, неправильно, неверно

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: estimate
he/she/it: estimates
ing ф. (present participle): estimating
2-я ф. (past tense): estimated
3-я ф. (past participle): estimated

ед. ч.(singular): estimate
мн. ч.(plural): estimates

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


So our best estimate was to use the incidence rates from 2015.

Поэтому наша лучшая оценка состояла бы в том, чтобы использовать показатели заболеваемости с 2015 года.

Approximately 1,000 demonstrated (SW estimate) in Malta.

Приблизительно 1000 демонстраторов (оценка sw) вышли на протест в Мальте.

The estimate provides for 20 desktops and 20 printers.

Смета предусматривает приобретение 20 персональных компьютеров, а также 20 принтеров.

The estimate for contingent-owned equipment amounts to $77 million.

Смета на принадлежащее воинским контингентам имущество составляет 77 млн. долл. США.

Contact us directly for more information and a personalized costs estimate.

Свяжитесь с нами, чтобы получить более подробную информацию и персональный расчет стоимости.

Human rights groups estimate there are currently at least 20 such cases.

По оценкам правозащитных организаций, в настоящее время существует по крайней мере 20 таких дел.

The estimate provides for cleaning of premises and garbage removal.

Сметой предусматриваются средства на оплату услуг по уборке территорий и удалению мусора.

Studies estimate the technical reduction potential for some applications at 50 per cent.

Согласно оценкам, произведенным по результатам исследований, в рамках некоторых видов использования технически возможно добиться сокращения показателей потребления на 50 процентов.

Normal things like keyword bundling, where combining similar keywords and volumes, provides traffic estimate ranges.

Обычные вещи, такие как связывание ключевых слов, в которых объединяются похожие ключевые слова и объемы, обеспечивают диапазоны оценки трафика.

The estimate for 1996 is $2,000 million.

Смета на 1996 год составляет 2000 млн. долл. США.

Presently Mr. Gutman doubled that estimate.

В настоящее время г-н Гутман удвоил эту оценку».

The cumulative heat dose estimate 508 is a three-dimensional heat dose estimate 444 using a second three-dimensional heat dose estimate 506.

Оценка 508 накопленной тепловой дозы представляет собой трехмерную оценку 444 тепловой дозы с использованием второй трехмерной оценки тепловой дозы 506.

Indeed, there is a paradoxical situation in which a sufficiently accurate estimate of the reserves leads to a distorted estimate of income.

Действительно, возникает парадоксальная ситуация, при которой достаточно точная оценка запасов приводит к искаженной оценке дохода.

The estimate of quantity available for export automatically requires an estimate of local consumption.

Оценка имеющегося для экспорта количества нефти автоматически требует оценки уровня местного потребления.

We estimate around 1,000 buildings are damaged and our estimate is for hundreds of lives lost.

По нашим оценкам около 1000 зданий повреждены и наша оценка является для сотен жизней.

This estimate would indicate an upper estimate of the attributable effects of ozone on mortality.

Такая оценка будет представлять собой верхнюю оценку приписываемого воздействия озона на смертность.

The estimate can then be combined into a precise estimate for the whole population.

Затем эти оценки можно объединить в одну точную оценку для всей совокупности.

The draft budget shall contain an estimate of revenue and an estimate of expenditure.

Проект бюджета должен содержать оценку доходов и смету расходов.

This revised estimate is nearly double the previous estimate.

Эта пересмотренная оценка почти в два раза выше предыдущей оценки.

Conservative estimate 3 subtracts negative investment gaps for subregions from the main estimate.

В консервативной оценке З отрицательные инвестиционные разрывы для субрегионов вычитаются из основной оценки.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Definition of Estimate

to roughly calculate or give a guessed amount

Examples of Estimate in a sentence

I always estimate the cost of my groceries while shopping so that I’m not surprised at the total amount.


Police estimate that around fifty people were injured in last night’s attack.


The city officials estimate that the company will bring around two hundred jobs to the area, but don’t have an official number at this time.


There is no way to know how many people will be affected by the storm, but we estimate it will be in the thousands.


Children were asked to estimate how many marbles were in the jar and to write their guess down on paper.


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Yes, I want to get immediate estimates on base installation equipment… from Jones Thompson, Williamson, Transcontinental Corp…

Да, мне нужна немедленная оценка базового монтажного оборудования… от Джон Томпсон, Уильямсон, Трансконтинентал Корп…

That estimate was based on the original loss rate factor… not at 2-0-5.

Та оценка базировалась на первоначальном факторе нормы потери не в 2-0-5.

Estimate of potential success:

Оценка потенциального успеха :

I want an estimate of the amount of waste matter from the nuclear reactors.

Мне нужа оценка количества ненужных отходов ядерных реакторов.

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Estimated travelling time?

Предполагаемое время путешествия?

If we can maintain it, our estimated time of arrival is 11 and one-half solar hours.

Если мы сможем и дальше, наше предполагаемое время прибытия — 11,5 солнечных часов.

Estimated position…

Предполагаемое местоположение…

Estimated time of arrival. 2 1.9 seconds.

Предполагаемое время прибытия — через 21.9 секунды.



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Estimate it will overtake us in two minutes, sir.

Они догонят нас примерно через две минуты, сэр.

Will you give us an estimate into how much longer we’ll have until those solar flares subside?

Вы скажете нам, сколько примерно нам ждать, пока эти солнечные вспышки утихнут?

I estimate we will be out in 6.37 minutes.

Мы выйдем примерно через 6.37 минуты.

‘We estimate landing in about 25 minutes. ‘I won’t kid you.

Мы садимся примерно через 25 минут.

I estimate his weight at about 155 pounds.

Вес примерно 155 фунтов.

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Mr. Rossi, check the wind and estimate the drift.

Мистер Росси проверить ветер и оценить дрейф.

First thing to do is estimate the strength of the enemy.

Первое, что нужно сделать, оценить силу противника.

It wasn’t until the 1 7th century that astronomers were able to get even a rough estimate of the distance to the sun.

Только в 17-м веке астрономы смогли хотя бы приблизительно оценить расстояние до Солнца.

OK, can you at least give me a monetary estimate on the damage done?

Хорошо, вы можете оценить материальный ущерб?

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Well, just give me a rough estimate.

Ну, тогда приблизительно.

— A rough estimate?


— That’s a rough estimate.

— Это приблизительно.

Estimating two minutes to intercept.

Время до встречи, приблизительно две минуты.

Estimate she was 5’4.

Приблизительно 5 футов 4 дюйма.

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Once, I was asked to make the estimate for the construction of a school.

А потом однажды меня попросили сделать смету строительства школы.

He’ll bring the written estimate over today, and he promised that it wouldn’t be a dime over 4,000, for everything.

Сегодня он принесет оценочную смету. И еще он пообещал, что все удовольствие обойдется нам в 4 тысячи

Uh, how come the stuff you were just telling me about wasn’t included in the original estimate?

Как получилось, что эти работы не были включены в первоначальную смету?

Well, I didn’t put in estimate, ’cause I didn’t see it.

Ну, я не включил их в смету, потому что их не видел.

She needs to look at this estimate.

Хочу показать ей смету.

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I estimate that we could make a clear profit of, let’s say, 600-700 percent.

Я оцениваю, что мы получим чистую прибыль, скажем, от 600 до 700 процентов.

I estimate it will explode in less than two minutes.

Я оцениваю, что она взорвется менее, чем через две минуты.

Based on her current rate of growth, I estimate it can’t be more than three years.

Основываясь на ее текущей скорости роста, я оцениваю, что не более 3 лет.

Now, based on the amount of pyrites, I’d estimate the porosity at approximately 25%.

Теперь, основываясь на количестве серного колчедана, я оцениваю пористость примерно в 25%.

I’m going to estimate the value of your teapot at $5,000.

Я оцениваю ваш чайник в 5 тысяч долларов.

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Sixty-seven dollars and eighty-four cents, we estimate.

67 долларов и 84 цента по нашим подсчетам.

According to my estimates, you’ve got 8-9 millions.

По моим подсчетам у Вас 8-9 миллионов.

When the final horn mercifully blew, the score was, by Marshall’s estimate, 118 to nothing.

Когда наконец прозвучала финальная серена, по подсчётам Маршалла, счёт был 118:0.

Their most conservative estimate… two years.

По из подсчетам, через два года…

I can’t tell you exactly what his hemoglobin or hematocrit count was before he died, but by my estimate, this kid was cruising on about a fourth of a tank of blood.

Я могу вам точно сказать, каков был уровень его гемоглобина или гематокрита перед тем, как он умер, но по моим подсчётам, этот парень лишился около четверти объёма крови.

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Based on the residual neutrino levels, I’d estimate it’s been at least six months since the wormhole’s last appearance.

Судя по остаточному уровню нейтрино, могу предположить, что в последний раз червоточина появлялась полгода назад.

Altogether, it’s very difficult to estimate because all this was organised and supposed to be unknown, you see.

Всего? Очень трудно предположить, потому что всё было спланировано и предполагалось, что это останется неизвестным.

I can only estimate the height, but I’m willing to guess it’s the same as the others.

Рост я могу только предположить, но я склонна считать его таким же, что и у остальных.

He has less time than I thought, than I can even estimate.

У него мало времени. Меньше чем я думала, меньше, чем я могла предположить.

Based on the degree of bone damage, I estimate he ran for nearly a quarter mile.

Учитывая степень повреждения костей, могу предположить, что он бежал почти четверть мили.

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Estimated value, 2.6 million.

Оценивается в 2.6 миллиона.

«Last night’s mass air raid on London… estimated to have been the heaviest so far.»

«Ночной налет на Лондон… ..оценивается как самый тяжелый за все время войны.»

Damage estimates are in the high millions.

Ущерб оценивается в миллионы.

Popular among the Somalian community, there are estimated to be 40,000 users in the UK.

Популярен в Сомали, количество людей использующих его в Великобритании оценивается в 40000.

The number of victims is estimated at several hundred thousand.

Количество жертв оценивается в несколько сот тысяч.

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One should not under estimate the importance of finding ways to diffuse stress before it threatens your health and your ability to function

From where I am, I estimate they’ll be in small arms range of that junk in less than 60 seconds

‘… and that is only an estimate at present

He had some tricks up his sleeve he’d learned from carrying freight so he was by far the best to make an estimate of what would fit where

‘He’d have been living there when my woman was a child? We estimate she’s late twenties now

It must have been at least midnight by their estimate

“Our strengths I estimate thus: We are eight gentlemen and five ladies, not including myself, and the population of the School to chose from for lesser, but important roles to be filled

I’m waiting and waiting in the hallway and all these «professionals» are trying to estimate what they think their chances are of getting accepted for this study

Estimate the visibility is less than 200 metres

«Well Vic, please think of it this way, I’m trying to estimate his chances of receiving adequate nutrition if he has reached the native city

Her minimum estimate for the population of that cultural zone was six billion

It is a tax upon the supposed profits of the farmer, which they estimate by the stock that he has upon the farm

In consequence of its being the measure of value, we estimate that of all other commodities by the quantity of money which they will exchange for

[cost, costed, costed] to estimate the price of making a product — costing n

“I’m not going to estimate how long it will take to travel those one hundred kilometres, I doubt any of us really want to know, but what I do know is that we’ve got to survive several nights outside, without the shelter of the Elysian

This thin atmosphere and the comparatively short life of the fire won’t have allowed the temperature to get that high but I’d estimate that a couple of thousand degrees, even for only a short time, would have been enough to do this kind of damage

As they walked he did several mental calculations to estimate how much time they had before the supplies ran out

Fletcher’s estimate of the height of the face had not been far out

Chris reckoned Fletcher’s estimate had to be within a metre or so of the actual height

‘Cannot give estimate at this time,’ it answered in its androgynous voice

How long do you estimate he will take

“We estimate hundreds more farms and villages affected by the

My estimate of him was formed on the battlefields many, many years ago and has never changed

At over Mach-30 it could reach its target in a matter of minutes – except no estimate could give any accurate predictions

Thinking his estimate to be a bit low, that evening I took approximately half an hour to write a list of 267 words whose first three letters are

» The next day, when I showed the co-worker the list, he revised his estimate upward accordingly

We estimate the size of the estate of Tony Reilly at $25 Million

I saw but sixteen and the highest estimate was thirty

estimate of things (oftentimes) based on his or her OWN pre-conceptions, (personal) experiences or worldly viewpoints

I’d estimate at least thirty thousand ranmyas here

The constant giving with no strings attached provoked childlike expectations among an overindulged generation of children whose detachment and immaturity caused many to incorrectly estimate or value the sacrifices made by their parents

Critical Scrutiny is a necessary requirement in forming a proper Estimate of Things

Conscience is not always able to form a correct estimate of things; therefore, its ‖reasonable‖ faculties should be considered problematical unless assisted by Divine Wisdom or Right Reasoning

The underlying confusion over not being able to ―tell the forest from the trees‖ lies in mistaken impressions that incorrectly estimate the relationship between a whole and its parts

Reason is subject to a variety of propositions, uncertain assumptions and questionable councils that oftentimes limit its ability to estimate things correctly or by passions likely to promote a corrupting influence on its ability to make rational decisions

One need only compare the increase in gas and oil prices with the rising costs of Education and Health Care over that period to obtain a proper estimate of its comparatively lower cost(s)

One estimate from Joshua Goldstein of Foreign Policy for the entire Cold War is 180,000 average deaths per year from 1950 to 1989, or a total of 7,020,000 deaths altogether

Such is fated for a society that is neither willing to uphold its legal traditions nor unable to estimate the consequences of its purposeful actions

It’s $300,000 more than the 2008 estimate of about $650,000

The South Vietnamese government estimate was 40,000 deaths

“It was an estimate,” he said, “based on the conversion rate of the general population and the number that we could exclude from consideration

“It’s very difficult to estimate the age, without further study of the rate of deposition, and the source of the, er; crud,” he concluded with a rueful grin at the other men

A CIA intelligence estimate that Iran was unlikely to develop the atomic bomb soon (as indeed they have not for the six years since then) strengthened the case of those opposed to bombing Iran

Lancet medical journal had the highest estimate at 567,000

The highest estimate for the Cold War is 7 million deaths

Ending the Second Iraq War saved a minimum of 36,000 (UN estimate for war deaths in 2006) to as many as 100,000 Iraqis (Opinion Research Business study estimate) for every additional year of war that another president like McCain or Palin would have done

Just have this Zinsmann fellow go out there and make an estimate of what has to be done, and how much it will cost, then he and Colling can report to Captain Barretson here,” he said, nodding towards one of the officers seated with him, who acknowledged the introduction

Gaetano had provided an estimate that 20,000 Marks would be needed

Thus if we were willing to estimate life in

I found my expenses have outrun my original estimate

Zapieskowa was, by Colling’s estimate, five or six miles from where they had started, since it was well over an hour later when Elizabeth announced that she thought they had reached the place

Given that each of these loonies seem to have been visiting regularly each 12 system standard years, that would give an approximate estimate of reseeding every 1524 system standard years

The story of Abraham, by my estimate, took place around the middle of the seventeenth century BC

Were they stories of the same event? If so, when did it happen? According to the earlier estimate the Gilgamesh Epic appears to have happened sometime before 3,500 BC

He tried to estimate how far behind him the Pole was

Colling knew he was going to have to estimate where Jalesow would be standing

Then came the two generations of his father Jacob, and grandfather Isaac, the son of Abraham, and as a consequence, I made an estimate of the proximate time of the flood story according to Bible sources from that semi-historical platform

“The story of Abraham, by my estimate, took place around the middle of the seventeenth century BC

asked to estimate the danger of asbestos in the air at the site

Mining companies estimate that thousands of jobs will

Ten million is probably a fair estimate which is a lot of people

” This does not comport well with the 90 percent estimate for the Chixalub event

estimate the legal costs they will incur from law suits from environmental groups trying to stop

government contributes the amount that they estimate is needed for a minimum pension

“DNA analysis can now be used to much more closely estimate when humans (as with the louse) had split off from the common ancestor of Man and our Simian cousins

“Combing the genome for genes that emerged just when language, art, culture and other products of higher intelligence did, researchers have found three with the right timing…The first, called FOXP2, plays a role in human speech and language…colleagues at the Max Plank Institute estimate that the human version…appeared less than 200,000 years ago…and maybe as recently as 50,000 [years ago]…Another gene with interesting timing is microcephalin, which affects brain size

Recent articles estimate that there are over 5 million home-

statistics estimate that from 1973 to 2008 Americans have

Although it is an estimate, when we calculate the time it took for the remains (bones) of Joseph to eventually be laid to (final) rest, according to the wishes of Joseph, it took approximately 100 years

How many bones remain? Sources40 estimate about 3

A sensible rule of thumb for an end-to-end system is to estimate four to eight hours of

From here I would estimate four or five hours until we reach the gate,” was his reply

$39,000 is a rough estimate for the net amount needed per year to pay for common bills such as in the example mentioned above

If I estimate your location correctly, I think you can make it in four days

At present I estimate their numbers to be about three times greater than the Dragon Claw’s fleet,” I said

hundred-ton canister necessary for storing the fuel rods, they estimate it will take three to

Authors Joseph Mangano and Janette Sherman note that their estimate of 14,000 excess

He also tried to estimate where Ice Land would be on our map scale

rest of Japan; they estimate that Fukushima Prefecture alone has 250 million cedar trees

Rosh: If Isobel has taken control over the soldiers in that Realm, and taking into account the number of forces we have and the number we have taken into captivity, I estimate they have a legion of at least forty thousand

In a session the context and available more details are provided to the members, and again they are asked to estimate

Statistical Inference: The process of making an estimate, prediction, or decision about a population using sample

1 Estimate the Scope of the Project

2 Estimate the Scope of the Work

In our case if the final budget at completion is 5000$ and as of now we have already consumed 900$ and if the Estimate to Complete is giving us another 4500$ (new calculation for pending tasks)

Then our Estimate At completion is 900+4500 = 5400 $ when compared to Budget at Completion (BAC)

Then we calculate Estimate at completion using, Actual Value + (Budgeted At Completion – Earned Value), in our case, 900+ (5000-700), which is 5200$

In this case, we can see that Estimate At Completion varies, as the other parameters Actual Cost and Earned Value vary

Some say that it is at least one in ten, while others estimate that as many as one in five

On September 11 when the World Trade Center was destroyed the EPA was asked to estimate the danger of

be sure to include a time estimate for each of those to be completed

Estimate time to be completed

If annual production of ethanol increases by three million gallons by 2012 we estimate that the costs will exceed the benefits by about $1 billion a year

construction they can not estimate the legal costs they will incur from law suits from environmental groups trying to stop construction

14 And when a man shall sanctify his house to be holy to the Lord, then the priest shall estimate it, whether it be good or bad: as the priest shall estimate it, so shall it stand

percent of the residents of the colonies were not regular churchgoers, though that estimate seems high

Scientists estimate that on average, over

1994 estimate, extrapolating from four representative states: $35 million

“I’d estimate another seventeen hours, sir

He made a rough estimate of the distance from each to the truck fill stand and turned his steps back to the hangar

I estimated the measurements at approximately three metres in depth by two metres wide

‘Very well, we’ve covered more ground than I estimated we would — we can take it a little easier this afternoon and give those legs of yours a break

He looked about the room at the small amount of people gathered there, he estimated between 30 and 40

I passed out sheets that estimated the school’s monthly needs based on eight

I had estimated the godown’s rent as half of

I estimated we had five more minutes before the door gave away

United States alone, it is estimated that between 13

In 2009, it was estimated that there were

The ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) field was blank

«I’ve studied it carefully and estimated that it’s possible

“They never arrived and the arrivals board gives no estimated time of arrival

At an estimated

˜ In 1350, and for some time before, the average price of the quarter of wheat in England seems not to have been estimated lower than four ounces of silver, Tower weight, equal to about twenty shillings of our present money

From this price it seems to have fallen gradually to two ounces of silver, equal to about ten shillings of our present money, the price at which we find it estimated in the beginning of the sixteenth century, and at which it seems to have continued to be estimated till about 1570

It therefore ordains, that all servants and labourers should, for the future, be contented with the same wages and liveries (liveries in those times signified not only clothes, but provisions) which they had been accustomed to receive in the 20th year of the king, and the four preceding years; that, upon this account, their livery-wheat should nowhere be estimated higher than tenpence a-bushel, and that it should always be in the option of the master to deliver them either the wheat or the money

It continued to be estimated at this price till about 1570

In 1688, Mr Gregory King, a man famous for his knowledge in matters of this kind, estimated the average price of wheat, in years of moderate plenty, to be to the grower 3s

It was to take place, therefore, till wheat was so high as fortyeight shillings the quarter; that is, twenty shillings, or 5-7ths dearer than Mr King had, in that very year, estimated the grower’s price to be in times of moderate plenty

The lack of food, drugs and heating had taken a massive toll on the survivors of the initial pulse and now, a mere three months on, Nathaniel estimated that a full fifty percent of the population were dead

Mr Hume observes, that in the Saxon times, the fleece was estimated at two-fifths of the value of the whole sheep and that this was much above the proportion of its present estimation

He estimated that he’d travelled only about one third of

It is estimated that foods have about 4,000 different compounds that have antioxidant qualities

The whole value of the gold and silver, therefore, which circulated in Scotland before the Union, cannot be estimated at less than a million sterling

In the present times, the whole circulation of Scotland cannot be estimated at less than two millions, of which that part which consists in gold and silver, most probably, does not amount to half a million

to know that an estimated 70% of all physical books are ghost written

It has been estimated that the number of adult women who carry out this sort of “molest” operation is increasing rapidly in our urban areas, even in the smaller cities

It was estimated in Near-Death research studies carried out years ago, that millions of people had encountered NDE all around the world

worth of $1 million or more donated an estimated total of

In the book of rates, according to which the old subsidy was levied, beaver skins were estimated at six shillings and eight pence a piece; and the different subsidies and imposts which, before the year 1722, had been laid upon their importation, amounted to one-fifth part of the rate, or to sixteen pence upon each skin; all of which, except half the old subsidy, amounting only to twopence, was drawn back upon exportation

He told Captain Lee about what had happened, separating the ship and how long he estimated their supplies would actually last

Then positioned himself to face where he estimated the figure would be

‘At the current estimated velocity: 7

But during the two years in which their agreement with government was to take place, they were restrained from any further increase of dividend by two successive acts of parliament, of which the object was to enable them to make a speedier progress in the payment of their debts, which were at this time estimated at upwards of six or seven millions sterling

Ethan directed them all toward the center of the storm, and when he estimated they were about a mile out, each of the groups broke off, navigating their way to the center of the storm

wasn’t strictly necessary since the computer was already programmed to lower its now rejuvenated shield for the sixteen picoseconds required – or rather estimated – to expose Scott to the temporal eradication wave

These manuscripts, comprising around 900 Biblical and extra-Biblical documents, were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek and are estimated to have originated around the period of 150 BC to 70 AD

By a very exact account it appears, that, in 1755, the whole revenue of the clergy of the church of Scotland, including their glebe or church lands, and the rent of their manses or dwelling-houses, estimated according to a reasonable valuation, amounted only to £68,514:1:5 1/12d

The rent of the lands alone, exclusive of that of houses and of the interest of stock, has by many people been estimated at twenty millions; an estimation made in a great measure at random, and which, I apprehend, is as likely to be above as below the truth

This tenth part, however, is estimated so very moderately, that, in many provinces, it is said not to exceed a thirtieth part of the ordinary produce

org/wiki/Big_Bang — cite_note-41), and is estimated to make up about 23% of the matter/energy of the Universe, while baryonic matter makes up about 4

In an «extended model» which includes hot dark matter in the form of neutrinos, if the «physical baryon density» Omega-bh2 is estimated at about 0

11, the corresponding neutrino density Omega-vh2 is estimated to be less than 0

Their wages are computed according to the common rate of the district in which they reside ; and, that they may be as little liable as possible to any overcharge, their yearly gains are estimated at no more than two hundred working days in the year

Taking the whole kingdom at an average, therefore, the whole amount of the duties upon malt, beer, and ale, cannot be estimated at less than twenty-four or twenty-five shillings upon the produce of a quarter of malt

According to a memoir presented by the parliament of Bourdeaux to the king, in 1764, the whole public debt ot France is estimated at twenty-four hundred millions of livres; of which the capital, for which annuities for lives had been granted, is supposed to amount to three hundred millions, the eighth part of the whole public debt

The annuities for lives, too, which had been granted as premiums to the subscribers to the new loans in 1757, estimated at fourteen years purchase, were valued at £472,500 ; and the annuities for long terms of years, granted as premiums likewise, in 1761 and 1762, estimated at twenty-seven and a-half years purchase, were valued at £6,826,875

” This refers to how fast the courses are running and that speed can actually be estimated with a stimp meter

If all moduses and all impropriations were taken away, the complete church tythe of Great Britain and Ireland could not well be estimated at less than six or seven millions

Arrows of coloured flame and balls of fire began to fly to the east also; he estimated there were at least five hundred Guardians there by now

His army had suffered great losses already, though he estimated it was only two or three thousand wounded or dead on the front lines

Before the estimated nuclear strike, predictions for these complexes (this was only one of many hundreds being burrowed by automated drills throughout the world) ranged between twenty square kilometres to as much as fifty

this problem, Ehrenfried estimated in the early 1990s that a

He estimated between eighty and ninety trees would need to be felled for each ship

Yet his scanner-array detected a matching DNA profile, albeit a minute trace, estimated to have been left within twenty-four hours

He estimated he would arrive at the location by three pm

No more bats were encountered and Jayana estimated they had reached half way before they took rest in a large cavern

His scanner estimated the nearest one to be over twenty kilometres from fore to aft

She estimated a depth of two feet to squirm through

It is estimated that over three thousand people lost their lives through the humanity that allowed non-combatants to escape the puny bombardment which destroyed but a dozen houses

Cosmo had estimated that he lost over twenty sheep in one year alone

The ancient Greeks correctly estimated Man‘s relationship with Nature

Though I estimated her to be in her late sixties, I could see that she must have been very beautiful when younger and even now, carried a certain sexual attraction about her

The property of Moshe Wolowelski, estimated in the tens of millions of Euros, was nationalized in 1956 by the communist Polish government and all attempts to get it back were unsuccessful

Company spokesman Guy LaDush said the refinery will be out of operation, ‘for at least three months,’ and this fire happened only three months after a major fire put a unit at the Nanticoke refinery out of service for an estimated six months

Alex handed her his old black T-shirt and estimated with his eyes if it

It looked about fifteen feet long,” Nibbles estimated

Some estimated those casualty lists into the millions

The charity UNICEF estimated half a million children under five years old died

A UN humanitarian coordinator in Iraq, Denis Halladay, estimated 239,000

Slate Explainer estimated 350,000

Columbia Professor of Nursing Richard Garfield estimated 345,000 to 530,000

I don»t know what she had used to identify the spot, but I estimated that we parked about two feet away from where we had stopped in the pitch black a few nights earlier

They estimated that there were 100 tents lining the steps of Scottish Office and it was growing by the hour

Colling was amazed that the German had accurately estimated the space necessary to accommodate the ice cream freezer, refrigerator, sinks and other pieces of fountain equipment

Colling estimated that she was about 50 years of age, based on her worn features and calloused hands

Their flight system confirmed the new heading, and came up with an estimated time of arrival of one hour and twenty-two minutes

He had not tried them on, but he estimated that they were a good fit

The train slowed noticeably, and Colling estimated that they were traveling at less than twenty-five miles an hour

He promised to meet them in Chauita, and estimated he would arrive the following day before sunset

It looked out over a courtyard that he estimated was at the rear of the mansion

He estimated that at least two hours had passed since he had entered the room, and he was seated in the chair, leaning back, his feet on the desk, when Elizabeth came through the door

Colling was uncertain as to Elizabeth’s shoe size, so he selected three pairs of slightly different sizes that he estimated would fit her, taking care to chose the sturdiest that were available

Colling estimated that they were covering only 20 to 25 kilometers a day, but there seemed to be no way to increase the distance they were able to travel from sunup to dusk, given the number of times they were stopped, and the generally slow pace of the others using the road

Colling estimated the craft was about sixteen feet long

The worst was Katrina, with an estimated damage of a hundred billion dollars, the most expensive natural disaster in US history

The estimated damage was over a billion dollars, with twenty-eight deaths, including twenty fire fighters

Wildfires, as well as Hurricanes Dolly, Iki and Gustav, caused damage estimated at thirty-three billion dollars

Colling estimated Vincent to be in his late thirties or early forties

He passed the nose of the ship with an air of unreality foremost in his mind, but he estimated the risk as quite low

Ferguson estimated that Vincent had not been within twenty miles of the front lines in his career

Although oil, it is estimated, takes millions of years to produce, its very presence strongly suggests that a far different climate once existed eons ago than is evidenced today

Abelon’s (Abe-elon) father had told him that the learning of this herding of such dangerous animals would make a man of him by the time they had come to their winter quarters, which he estimated was now less than two days away

The first discovered copies of the Epic of Gilgamesh are estimated to have been written at about 1,900 BC as if copied from earlier sources

How many centuries of oral history recitations it took before it was actually written down can only be estimated by the already “classical” style it was written in

They had driven through a series of snow flurries throughout the day, and Colling estimated that a covering of about an inch, perhaps slightly more, had accumulated on the ground

He estimated he was afforded a clear view of over two kilometers, and he watched expectantly with the binoculars for the car’s return

But then in an instant, he jumped from the wagon seat to the ground and took off running through the woods towards where he estimated the other two wagons would be by now

In 1997 the EPA issued a ruling requiring 23 states to lower their omissions by 85% and estimated the

estimated the costs would be around $18 billion per year

Opinions varied, but estimates of the age of civilization ranged from three to five thousand years older here

A one percent error in our mass estimates could also account for the perturbations we see in the dark bodies’ orbits

government estimates the average yield from the land in

Even if we use the highest estimates of population

«Which estimates are those?»

price, no one estimates it before; we will see how much

Very rough estimates of their average corporal weight are recorded at more than 3,000 pounds for the males—sometimes reaching up to 7,000 pounds for the big-time, in-between-meal snackers! The females come in a bit lighter, due to their wanting to watch their figures and maintain their sex appeal, of course

These are only estimates since it’s been sort of tough getting them up voluntarily on one of those bathroom scales so as to verify precisely the bulk of their bulging bodies

, It accepts mainstream geological and cosmological estimates for the Earth’s age, like Evolutionism, but posits that the new «kinds» of life forms, which have appeared successively over the planet‘s history, represent instances of God directly intervening to create those new types, supernaturally

“Our best estimates are that we’ll have less than five seconds before they hit our shields,”

current estimates it would reach them in less than five hours

The extent of the damage and loss of lives has yet to be determined although preliminary estimates place the death toll at around twenty

Estimates of FAPLA losses ranged upward of 4000 killed and wounded…

Most estimates are 200,000 Timorese, about one third of the population, killed by war, famine, and disease

By some estimates the theft may have been as high as $35 billion

Estimates of the deaths caused by Hussein range from 250,000 to 500,000, in addition to at least 300,000 deaths in the war with Iran

Estimates of political prisoners under the Shah’s rule are from 25,000 to 100,000, with up to 60,000 protesters killed during his attempt to hold onto power against the Iranian Revolution in 1978

Most accounts still use the higher figures, and except for Baghi, many, but not all, arguing against the previous estimates tend to be anti-Muslim bigots

Actual US estimates of American lives that would be lost in an invasion were as low as 30,000 to 40,000

The Association for Responsible Dissent, mostly former CIA agents, estimates 6 million deaths from CIA actions

The estimates of dead killed varies widely, except for Americans, with most counts around 58,000 deaths

The Body Count: Unknown, and with wildly varying estimates, but likely in the hundreds of thousands to millions of preventable deaths

Phoenix’s own estimates were that 81,740 Vietnamese were “neutralized

It is true that estimates of the deaths caused by Phoenix are often too high

The number of lives saved by ending the US international slave trade is complicated and difficult to say beyond some estimates

By some estimates a president ages five years for every year as president

By the FBI’s estimates, so called eco terrorists caused $100 million in property damage in both the US and Canada

Estimates of the deaths ranged from 170,00 to 567,000

Though there were some who claimed estimates were too high, it is almost certain there were many deaths due to sanctions

Estimates of the death toll were from 100,000 to 200,000

The lower estimates do admit that five to six million deaths happened, but claim that such deaths would be “normal and expected” in such an extremely poor nation as Congo

Clinton’s bombing killed hundreds, and by some estimates deprived the country of much of its medical needs, killing thousands indirectly

Mitigated by: Actions on AIDS in Africa saving or preventing the deaths of an unknown number, estimates from 200,000 to 5 million

What this would imply, is the universe is not only older than we think, but that time is going slower than we think, and that the universe will in fact last longer than present estimates give credit…”

The estimates range from twelve to fifteen thousand years old,” Hartle heard as he emerged from the bathroom

His company made a bid on a big contract in Saudi Arabia, and my father did all the costs, all the studies of the plans, and he wrote all the estimates

The president»s Council of Economic Advisers estimates that full attainment costs of the

The EPA estimates the cost could range between $19 billion and $90 billion annually

“So what does all this mean? The American Forest and Paper Association estimates that: «about two

“EPA estimates that setting the primary standard within its proposed range will cost $19 to $90 billion

estimates the annual cost will be about $11 billion annually and will add three or four dollars per month

Estimates are that the cost

HUD reported that estimates were that over 5

takeover by the government we have contributed $111 billion and the CBO estimates that those two will

Security Board of Trustees estimates the money will run out in 2041)

Estimates of expenses at the 1986 meeting

that,…by some estimates, roughly 1

The Old Testament portion of the Bible, as I’ve said and implied in other parts of this book, appears by most estimates to have come into its written form sometime between the sixth and the tenth century BC with the bias leaning toward the older end of the time frame as ever newer discoveries seem to confirm

Estimates tell us approximately 136 million minds are created every year

“Yes, and we were conservative in our estimates

The World Health Organization estimates that malaria infects 300 to 400

The source estimates that up to 50,000 potential people received these illegal implants

“Darnath estimates seven days on our present course

The NRC estimates that Fukushima released 200% as much

In this way at some point, the values are closer and that based on consensus that estimates is taken for further usage

Once the effort estimates are derived from Size or through direct methods, then we identify the resources and count, which will help us to fix the schedule

The World Health Organization estimates that from 30 to 60

estimates, towing, shuttle service, and insurance

We offer free estimates and a full explanation

What is even more alarming is that estimates forecast that

Estimates are that the cost for protecting them will be around $6 billion

EPA estimates, for example, range between $6

The president‘s Council of Economic Advisers estimates that full attainment costs of the proposed new standard would range from $12 billion to $60 billion

―So what does all this mean? The American Forest and Paper Association estimates that: «about two dozen new regulations being considered by the Administration under the Clean Air Act, if all are promulgated, potentially could impose on the order of $17 billion in new capital costs on papermakers and wood products manufacturers in the next five to eight years alone

―EPA estimates that setting the primary standard within its proposed range will cost $19 to $90 billion

The EPA estimates the annual cost will be about $11 billion and will add three or four dollars per month to consumer‘s electric bill

The CBO estimates that from April 2007 to April 2008 ―the increased use of ethanol accounted for about 10% to 15% of the rise in food prices‖

With new technologies, these estimates are becoming more and more reliable; however, they are still subject to revision

In order to better understand exactly what these estimates mean and their importance, it is useful first to learn a bit of industry terminology for the different types of estimates

The DOE estimates that a new hydro project in 2016 would generate power at a cost of $120 per megawatt-hour which is still cheaper than wind or solar

The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that China, which generates more that 70% of its electricity with coal, will build 600 gigawatts of coal fired power in the next 25 years

numerous (estimates of its number vary from 800,000 to 1,200,000, i

ƒ Fiscal restraint, wise decisions, weighing options, informed choice, planned set and formulated goals and projection estimates and steps to get there, all work together in the family budget, to get you back on track and on the road to enjoying your dollar-earnings

A week later Cy Sulzberger’s story about the Russian estimates of the death toll at Auschwitz appeared on page twelve, with no indication that most of the victims were Jews

Glup estimates that there is a three in ten chance that you will become a god, and I cannot disagree

“Though I hesitate to disagree with my companions, I would think that the future is still far too malleable to consider such numerical estimates of the probability of your ascension to be in any way reliable

And, since the number of Translocations being cast is far beyond our estimates of the capabilities of all the spell-casters in Venak combined with those who have gone there or gone missing, we conclude that the unseen backers of the conspiracy are assisting them

The UN estimates that there are 12

Though estimates would later place their numbers at two hundred and thirty-one thousand Sylvan with twenty-three thousand young dragons, they were almost instantly obliterated by the massive alliance response, and the few spells they’d managed to launch were harmlessly absorbed by the alliance force’s hastily shifted defenses

Current estimates indicate that up to 10% of children between 5-15

a list of keywords with search estimates

How much revenue does this bring in? Estimates are as high as $800 million for American Airlines!

Intel Wing estimates their numbers have grown

estimates that over 300 lobbyists are at work costing various stake-holders

team estimates that as dark matter accretes in the Sun over the next 4

and its attributes, based on the most recent estimates,

The above estimates show that the dark matter

Estimates of dark matter around Earth can be confirmed by further analysis of spacecraft acceleration

It is noted that the estimates above are based on gravitational interactions between dark

Estimates of dark matter around Earth can be confirmed by further analysis of spacecraft

The estimates are surprising because it means that complex human beings

Initial estimates are saying this could happen sometime around 2012, though some insist that the device will still be in production until 2013

liberal in their estimates

But our estimates say they‘re pretty minor

The figures, estimates, and official tallies were all in

The natural formation of the country is the soldier’s best ally; but a power of estimating the adversary, of controlling the forces of victory, and of shrewdly calculating difficulties, dangers and distances, constitutes the test of a great general

He continued to give her penicillin at six-hour intervals around the clock, estimating the dose based on his experience

Experience of the members estimating, plays key role in the success of estimation in this method

Confidence level: is the proportion of times that an estimating procedure would be correct, if the sampling procedure is repeated for very large number of items

Besides valuing and estimating that new, interesting and informative series, I would like to congratulate you, dear editor, for having reintroduced for the reader of your weekly newspaper the section “Seven

Bureau Director Michael Bromwich is estimating it will take four to six weeks for his agency to ensure that drillers have complied with those rules and inspected their platforms

” Colonel Geist walked over to the joint apparently estimating the damage

He seemed to have an uncanny knack for estimating who would come out on top in the bloody fighting at the highest levels of Roman power; or failing that, to ingratiate himself to the ultimate victors

I am estimating, took up the first two or three years after I started

Estimating their progress toward the gate, Moshe moved in that direction hoping to time his arrival with theirs without appearing to hurry

Rover had recovered their dead, salvaged what parts they could from wrecked tracks, and were roaring and clanking along Route 13 estimating linkup with the main unit about noon

Estimating their progress toward the gate, Moshe moved in that direction hoping to time his

«Estimating a body is like estimating the fingers on your hand

gained in total, estimating how long it would have taken them to

Estimating the cost, then the price

Estimating activity duration is probably one of the greatest challenges for the sales project manager

She did all the estimating and ordering in a concise amount of time and level-headedness

television and radio are estimating the audience size

Estimating the length of one’s stride while out walking does not

This is of course useful when it comes to estimating print costs

The book sizes shown at our book-sizing estimating system,

Prior to the adoption of DXA, the most accurate method of estimating body fat percentage was to measure that person’s average density (total mass divided by total volume) and apply a formula to convert that to body fat percentage

A simple procedure for estimating body fat is the skin fold test, whereby a pinch of skin is precisely measured by calipers at several standardized points on the body to determine the subcutaneous fat layer thickness

Yet after a while, after a period of time he had no way of estimating, a faint glow became apparent, a sort of slanting gray beam, by which Conan could see, vaguely, the bars of the door at his elbow, and even make out the skeleton of the other grille

Your finance team may have some suggestions for estimating this figure

After about one hour and a half of flight, with Nancy estimating the distance flown to be about 300 kilometers, what looked like a large industrial complex in the middle of the arid Iranian landscape appeared ahead in the distance

Remember that guessing is not the same thing as estimating

It can land you in big trouble if you try to guess at the costs of a renovation instead of accurately estimating the costs

In fashion retail, we have a unique way of estimating lost sales potential and margin loss due to mark-downs, which is used to calculate the optimal assortment and allocation for each store

The model for estimating market value is as follows:

have identified about 10,000 of them so far, estimating about 10,000 that have yet to be

Since we are still finding more diamonds as we do our prospection of Eris, Callisto Prime gave a cutoff date for estimating the value of the diamonds to what we had found by December 25, then subtracted the total costs for this expedition, including the construction cost of Eris Station and its manning for the first year

«I usually use this for estimating pipe length or explosive cable — not for

thumb for estimating or avoiding tool deflection?

In this case, you might start by estimating

However, estimating what the buyer could earn from the use of the strategic

Valuation is the process of estimating the monetary amount the firm is worth

estimating the validity of the snow and ice

“How it’s possible? For example, for 50 kg of your weight, the scheme of division in you will be the following,” Sensei looked a few seconds at my body as though estimating something, and then said, “Oxygen in different isotope conditions is 30

Is this not an index of a Wise Arranger and Estimating Creator?

Is this not an indication that there is a Wise Arranger and Estimating Creator?

stating that he had to be certain that the technology of estimating the structure of

a) Your domain registrar is based in US (Solution: Move all your domains to a non-US registrar, but not before estimating the costs of domain transfers);

We speak of it as a mere infirmity of nature, a family failing, a matter of temperament, not a thing to take into a very serious account in estimating a man’s character

A good rule of thumb to use is that 1 palm is 1% of the body when estimating the % of the skin

Estimating that enough time had passed to allow the steam vapor to increase the pressure within the can, Olin reached out his arm and with his thumb and first finger alone lifted the wooden block off the top of it

notional value assigned while estimating the future cash flows of a business but is

Rajan was estimating on a paper as how to complete this project

on one of his descendents, he imagined, estimating

us data for estimating the amount of his loss

His estimating brow was drawn up into sums of devious calculations

Insert additional comments and local pricing information to complete cost estimating of the project

estimating it was still sometime before sunrise

Estimating it to be past half-turn of the night, the

Estimating where the

Hanor, Nole and Bane stayed alert, estimating over fifty strangers populated the

here? Estimating forty in number, he could detect something more about these people, but

Estimating it to be fifty strides across, the massive

Such men become interested in firms or corporations using millions; and, estimating only simple interest to be made upon the capital invested, it is inevitable that their income must exceed their expenditure and that they must, there fore, accumulate wealth

If any family be chiefly known for display, for extravagance in home, table, or equipage, for enormous sums ostentatiously spent in any form upon itself-if these be its chief distinctions, we have no difficulty in estimating its nature or culture

Hence, she resolved to follow him in quietly, estimating the complexity of the situation

There are many who never think of the evil of sin, except as regards the harm and mischief it will bring to themselves, and that is indeed one mode of estimating evil; for sin is full of danger to the offender

estimating my value; such was the kind language of affection

The discovery of a great metaphysical conception seems to ravish the mind with a prophetic consciousness which takes away the power of estimating its value

Heathcliff I should say in future—used the liberty of visiting at Thrushcross Grange cautiously, at first: he seemed estimating how far its owner would bear his intrusion

And in estimating the men too, may I not fairly make a like request, that I should have a judge whose mind can enter into and see through human nature? he must not be like a child who looks at the outside and is dazzled at the pompous aspect which the tyrannical nature assumes to the beholder, but let him be one who has a clear insight

I say 150 meters, although I had no instruments for estimating this distance

The truth of the matter was that Rushton had had nothing whatever to do with estimating the cost of this work: he had not the necessary knowledge to do so

I’ve seen reports estimating that more than 2 million people lived within its roughly eight square miles

I’ve seen reports estimating that more than 2 million people lived within its roughly eight square miles

Estimating the bomber’s cruising speed and range, they made rough calculations to arrive at how many hours the bomber could remain airborne after it left them, and thus how far they were from its base

Estimating the enemy ship’s size accurately was all but impossible under the current conditions, but she had at least two armed decks, and if he’d been the Dohlaran commander, he’d have placed one of his more powerful units in that spot

He gave her a level look as though estimating how much coquetry was behind the question

Then she grieved for the beloved man whose conventional standard of judgement had caused her all these latter sorrows; and she went her way without knowing that the greatest misfortune of her life was this feminine loss of courage at the last and critical moment through her estimating her father-in-law by his sons

His admiration was far from being confined to himself, but was accustomed professionally as well as privately to delight in estimating things at a high rate

This sort of circumstance illustrates the importance of having multiple methods for estimating fair value

Here is a simple alternative method I like for estimating long-term fair value

There was no historical basis for estimating the rate at which subprime borrowers would default as housing prices fell and put them in negative equity situations

Recognizing the different categories in real time will aid in estimating the depth of an expected market decline

There are two other ways of estimating future turning points on the basis of time alone

There were still more enemy fighters than I could count—so many that my Tactical Avionics Computer was having a hard time estimating their number, too

The professional traders are estimating what volatility will be or forecasting volatility

By knowing the option’s vega, the trader can make accurate calculations in estimating each option’s theoretical value, despite the fact that his tables only use one volatility

280, section “Fischer Black’s Approach to Estimating Volatility

In estimating future earnings (for any sort of business), Security Analysis provides two vital rules

The world having become more changeable, this precept might be modestly updated, to wit: the more volatile a firm’s earnings, the more cautious one should be in estimating its future and the further back into its past one should look

Estimating average future earnings is not easy

It will be recalled that, in estimating break-up value, inventories are ordinarily taken at about 50 to 75% of the balance sheet figure, even though the latter is based on the lower of

” To his credit, Lynch insists that no one should ever invest in a company, no matter how great its products or how crowded its parking lot, without studying its financial statements and estimating its business value

This relies largely on estimating future earnings and then multiplying these by a factor appropriate to the particular issue

This valuation, in turn, would ordinarily be found by estimating the average earnings over a period of years in the future and then multiplying that estimate by an appropriate “capitalization factor

The now-standard procedure for estimating future earning power starts with average past data for physical volume, prices received, and operating margin

I am grateful to Walter Schloss for providing data essential to estimating Graham-Newman’s returns

If you don’t have a cable tester with TDR capabilities, you can measure the cable lengths manually by estimating the distances between the connectors

Though the mathematical calculations required to evaluate equities are not difficult, an analyst-even one who is experienced and intelligent-can easily go wrong in estimating future «coupons

Estimate 2010-2011: 25 field security officers

for up to 90 days.


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25 сотрудников безопасности на местах на срок до 90 дней.


We will gladly provide you with a free translation cost estimate.


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Мы будем рады предоставить Вам бесплатный расчет стоимости перевода.


You can estimate the power requirement using the formula below.


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Необходимую мощность можно рассчитать с помощью представленной ниже формулы.


We estimate anywhere from two to six hours.

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The training helps entrepreneurs estimate profitability and encourages saving, reinvesting and record-keeping.


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Они помогают предпринимателям рассчитать прибыльность и поощряют их к экономии, реинвестированию и ведению учета.


Unofficial statistics estimate their numbers to be 500,000- 1 million.


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По неофициальным данным, их количество составляет от полумиллиона до миллиона человек.


Scientists estimate that every day person exhales two kilosmoisture per- formed.

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Ученые подсчитали, что ежедневно человек выдыхает два килограмма влаги.

This helps estimate and save the time necessary for customs registration of cargoes.


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Это позволяет рассчитать и сократить время, необходимое на таможенное оформление грузов.


Yemen: 0.2-1.8 tonnes, compared with the UNEP/AMAP(2008) estimate of 0.4 0.2-0.5 tonnes.


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Йемен:, 2- 1, 8 тонн; для сравнения, оценка UNEP/ AMAP( 2008) составляет, 4(, 2-, 5) тонны.


Scientists estimate that over 150 mineral trace elements are

used in different thalassotherapy treatments.


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Ученые подсчитали, что всего в различных процедурах талассотерапии используется более

150 полезнейших микроэлементов.


A trader can estimate all their expenses in advance if he’s dealing with an STP broker.


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Трейдер, торгующий с STP брокером, может заранее рассчитать все расходы,


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We estimate that Uranium One needs to raise just $600-650mn to fund the acquisition.


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Мы прогнозируем, что Uranium One требуется привлечь$ 600- 650мн дополнительных средств для финансирования данной покупки.


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I estimate they will reach the city within two days.

I estimate no more than 10,000 have survived.

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По моим подсчетам, выжить удалось не более, чем 10, 000 вулканцев.

Sixty-seven dollars and eighty-four cents, we estimate.

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Оцени примерно объем испущенной.

Estimate the volumetric and gravimetric energy density of NaBH4 as a hydrogen source.


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Рассчитайте объемную и массовую плотности энергии NaBH4 как источника водорода.


Total: indirect estimate based on information provided by white and black women.


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Итого: косвенные расчеты, основанные на данных, предоставленных белыми и чернокожими женщинами.


Improving the Labor Quota Estimate and Categories.


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Улучшение расчетов квоты и категорий рабочей силы.


Well, I estimate the chances of that happening as approximately 1 in 250,000.

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Ну, я оцениваю вероятность того, что это случится, примерно как 1 к 250 000.

Less ABB’s estimate of future billings Subtotal.


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Estimate the distribution of the BMI using a sample histogram.


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Рассчитаем распределение индекса массы тела с использованием выборочной гистограммы.


The Prosecutor’s new estimate provides a basis for revising the original figures as follows.


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Новые расчеты Обвинителя позволяют пересмотреть первоначальные цифры следующим образом.


The estimate for 1997 is based on pledges announced

or firm donor indications.


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Сметный объем на 1997 год рассчитан на основе объявленных взносов

или твердых заявлений доноров.


Medical insurance: estimate of Euro4 per witness per day in The Hague: Euro861.


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Медицинское страхование: из расчета 4 евро в сутки на свидетеля в Гааге: 861 евро.


C/ Estimate for 19 countries of the region.


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Results: 9326,
Time: 0.0453





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