The word esteem in a sentence

Synonym: appreciate, consider, judge, prize, regard, think, treasure, value. Antonym: disesteem. Similar words: self-esteem, teem, steer, steep, steel, western, yesterday, yesteryear. Meaning: [ɪ’stiːm]  n. 1. the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded) 2. a feeling of delighted approval and liking 3. an attitude of admiration or esteem. v. 1. regard highly; think much of 2. look on as or consider. 

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1. I esteem his work highly.

2. She is held in high esteem by her colleagues.

3. I esteem your uncle for his kindness, experience,( and honesty.

4. The critics held him in high esteem as an actor.

5. There has been a drop in public esteem for teachers.

6. He is held in high esteem by colleagues in the construction industry.

7. All David’s friends held him in high esteem.

8. We esteem it an honour to be invited.

9. I esteem it an honour to attend this meeting.

10. I esteem it an honour to visit your university.

11. We esteem Sigmund Freud as the father of psychoanalysis.

12. The public, meanwhile, hold architects in low esteem.

13. They all held him in great esteem.

14. He fell in public esteem following the scandal.

15. I esteem it worthless.

16. I esteem it as a privilege to attend this meeting and give a report here.

16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

17. In order to build your self esteem, set yourself targets you can reach.

18. I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust.

19. The people make it a point to esteem the art of conversation in France.

20. I greatly esteem your message in the midst of our hard struggle.

21. I esteem it a privilege to address such a distinguished audience.

22. She is held in great/high/low esteem by those who know her well.

23. Please accept this small gift as a token of our esteem.

24. Over the years, he has earned our affection and esteem.

25. I needed to do it for my own personal esteem.

26. The veteran workers and model workers are held in great esteem.

27. As an educationalist, he was held in very high esteem.

28. She does not want to knock down his self — esteem .

29. The veteran workers and model workers are held in high / great esteem in this factory.

30. Please accept the small gift we enclose as a mark of our esteem.

More similar words: self-esteem, teem, steer, steep, steel, western, yesterday, yesteryear, interested, cholesterol, esterification, step by step, seem, deem, preempt, seemingly, teen, agreement, teenage, fifteen, preeminently, repartee, teenager, committee, volunteer, finite element, step, haste, stem, steam. 

esteem — перевод на русский


Thank goodness we’ve got you, our esteemed leader.

Слава Богу, что у нас есть вы, наш уважаемый руководитель.

I am a known, esteemed personality.

Я известный, уважаемый человек.

Why would a man, hitherto so worthy of esteem, deliberately want to humiliate me?

Как может столь уважаемый и достойный до сих пор человек желать мне зла и так запугать до смерти?

Esteemed Varlam!

Уважаемый Варлам!

Esteemed Doksopulo!

Уважаемый Доксопуло!

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I had not his esteem, but at least, I had his attention.

Я не заслужил его уважения, но, в конце концов, я обратил на себя внимание.

As a token of my esteem.

В знак моего уважения.

I felt as a husband might feel who in the fourth year of his marriage suddenly knew he had no longer any desire or tenderness or esteem for a once beloved wife.

При этом я почувствовал себя так же, как чувствует себя муж, который на 4-ом году брака вдруг понял, что не испытывает больше ни страсти, ни нежности, ни уважения к ещё недавно любимой жене.

Sending me to the duke as a token of your support making me a courier of your esteemed respect…

Послал меня к герцогу в знак своей поддержки… в знак уважения, а сам…

A small token of my esteem.

Небольшой знак моего уважения.

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But men esteem a foe that dares contend One that with noble courage does defend a wounded heart.

Мужчины же ценят противника, осмеливающегося сопротивляться, того, кто храбро защищает раненное сердце.

In spite of your surely, one might even venture taciturn, nature, mon ami, you remain an imposing and, whether you like it or nay, a de facto executive figure aboard this enchanted scow, the mutant horrors of which hold you in the very highest esteem.

Несмотря на твою угрюмость, и даже рискну сказать неразговорчивость, мон ами, ты остаешься тут главным, и нравится тебе это или нет, ты — де факто командир этого мусорного ящика, безобразные твои пассажиры высоко тебя ценят.

You being held in such high esteem, perhaps you could ring the pharmacy regulator.

Вас высоко ценят, поэтому Вы могли бы позвонить в фармацевтический отдел.

Your son is esteemed.

Вашего сына ценят.

Like the high esteem everybody holds you in?

О том, как тебя все высоко ценят?

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Our last customer survey said that only people with very low self esteem — …travel on the Tube network.

Последние исследования показали, что метрополитеном пользуются лишь… […люди с очень низкой самооценкой].

Where it’s all about the childrens’ self esteem.

А они там носятся с детской самооценкой.

But I’d feel bad for any woman with a kinda low self esteem to actually date a guy like that.

Но я бы пожалел девушку с низкой самооценкой, которая вознамерилась бы с ним встречаться.

The pipe is leaking! Bill could read the thoughts of his waitress, who wore too much eye makeup and had no self esteem.

Билл слышал мысли официантки с густо накрашенными глазами и самооценкой на нуле.

There’s plenty of other nickel slots in Low Self Esteem City.

Тут еще уйма копеечных щелей, в этом Городе с Низкой Самооценкой.

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And because war is the ultimate competition, basically men are killing one another in order to improve their self esteem.

И потому что на самом деле война это предельное состязание, в котором мужчины на самом деле убивают друг друга чтобы повысить самоуважение.

My self— esteem is nonexistent right now.

Мое самоуважение практически уничтожено.

We are the proud parents of a child whose self esteem is sufficient that he doesn’t need us promoting his minor scholastic achievements on the back of our car.

Мы гордые родители ребёнка чьё самоуважение достаточно для того что мы ему не нужны чтобы рекламировать его несущественные школьные достижения на бампере нашей машины.

You derive your esteem from being this magical little trial attorney.

Ты черпаешь самоуважение, будучи маленьким магическим адвокатом.

She destroyed his self esteem.

Она разрушила его самоуважение.

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I walked all the employment office and learned that manual labor is again in high esteem.

Я был во всех бюро по трудоустройству. Можно сказать, ручной труд снова становится почетным.

It is the premium society for consultant radiologists, of which I happen to be an esteemed member.

Это особое сообщество консультантов рентгенологов, почетным членом которого, мне случилось быть.

Gratitude for gracing the House of Batiatus with esteemed presence.

Благодарю за то что почтили дом Батиата своим почетным присутствием.

It’s a pleasure to meet an esteemed alumnus of the program.

Рад познакомиться с почетным сотрудником программы.

I could pretend I’m a high school cheerleader who can’t control herself around esteemed alumni.

Я могу прикинуться школьницей-болельщицей, которая не может устоять перед почётным выпускником.

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I present to you, once again, the man who needs no introduction, the esteemed Dr. Albert S. Meinheimer.

человека, который не нуждается в представлении достопочтенный Доктор Альберт Эс Майнхаймер…

You are the esteemed Setyo.

А ты, достопочтенный Сетё,

Yeah, our esteemed managing editor.

Это наш достопочтенный главред.

An hour ago, the esteemed Judge Clark Webster went into the DA’s office and lied under oath to his associates.

Час назад достопочтенный судья Кларк Вебстер пришел в офис прокурора и под присягой поклялся своим коллегам.

Apparently, their esteemed leader likes to send his acolytes out to follow, photograph and harass people who dare to criticize him.

Оказывается, их достопочтенный лидер любит посылать послушников следить, фотографировать и всячески досаждать тем, кто его критикует.

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«The esteemed counsel for the victim’s family was…

Адвокатом семьи погибшей был почтенный…

On one side of the city, you have Barclay’s School of Anatomy, And that’s run by the esteemed surgeon Doctor Robert Knox.

В одной части города у нас есть Анатомическая школа Барклая, и руководит ею почтенный хирург, доктор Роберт Нокс.

As our esteemed guest was unjustly crucified by the Romans, I, milady, am bestowing unto him a Roman soldier’s helmet.

Так как наш почтенный гость был несправедливо распят, римлянами, я, миледи, дарую ему шлем легионера.

But the question is, how on earth did they do it without our esteemed Commissioner spotting it?

Но вопрос в том, каким чудом он сделал это так, что наш почтенный комиссар этого не заметил?

Esteemed senators…

Почтенные сенаторы…

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Esteemed, our pri …

Многоуважаемая наша при…

Esteemed, our princess, let …

Многоуважаемая наша принцесса разре…

Esteemed citizens of Odessa, we’ll be grateful for every token of your appreciation!

Граждане одесситы! Многоуважаемая публика! Ссудите, кто сколько может скромным труженикам массовой культуры!

We are abandoned by the esteemed Mrs B every Tuesday, and must make shift for ourselves.

Многоуважаемая миссис Би покидает нас каждый вторник, и нам приходится выкручиваться самим.

Esteemed food coupons…

Многоуважаемые карточки…

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Grandson of legendary industrialist and diplomat Tyler Prentiss, son of controversial Senator Eleanor Prentiss Shaw, who took over the seat vacated by her husband, the esteemed John Shaw, when he died tragically over 20 years ago,

Он внук широко известного промышленника и дипломата Тайлера Прэнтиса, сын неоднозначного сенатора Элеонор Прэнтис Шоу, которая приняла кресло сенатора от своего мужа, всеми почитаемого Джона Шоу, трагически погибшего двадцать лет назад.

Mr. President, I propose as commander in chief, our most honorable and esteemed delegate…

Господин президент, я предлагаю на должность главнокомандующего, самого благородного и почитаемого делегата…

In honor of the Magistrate, esteemed Tullius, and the good people of Capua…

В честь Магистрата, почитаемого Туллия, и хороших людей Капуи…

And your esteemed physician cannot explain our need for salt tablets?

Ваш почитаемый врач не может объяснить, зачем они нам?

Liu Guandao, esteemed Song dynasty painter.

Лью Гуэндэ, почитаемый художник династии Сонг.

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уважение, почтение, оценка, почитать, уважать, рассматривать, считать



- уважать, почитать, чтить; (высоко) ценить

to esteem learned men — уважать людей науки
to be highly esteemed among … — пользоваться большим уважением у …

- полагать, считать (каким-л.); рассматривать (как что-л.)

to esteem a theory useless — считать какую-л. теорию бесплодной
to esteem money lightly — мало ценить деньги, не придавать важности деньгам
I esteem it a great favour — я считаю это большой любезностью

- спец. давать оценку (в статистике)

Мои примеры


to fall in smb.’s esteem — упасть в чьих-л. глазах  
to rise in smb.’s esteem — подняться в чьих-л. глазах  
to hold smb. in esteem — уважать кого-л.  
unalterable esteem — неизменное уважение  
to hold smb. in low esteem — не уважать кого-л.  
solicitous to gain esteem — стремящийся добиться уважения  
to win fame / esteem — завоевать славу / уважение  
as a proof of his esteem and confidence — как доказательство его уважения и доверия  
as in proof of his esteem and confidence — как доказательство его уважения и доверия  
ability-esteem congruence — соответствие самооценки и реальных способностей  

Примеры с переводом

He had never esteemed my opinion.

Он никогда не уважал моё мнение.

It was a relationship founded on mutual esteem.

Это были отношения, построенные на взаимном уважении.

In order to build your self esteem, set yourself targets you can reach.

Для того, чтобы поднять самооценку, ставьте перед собой достижимые цели.

He was esteemed as a literary wit.

Он почитался остряком от литературы.

Please accept the small gift we enclose as a mark of our esteem.

Просим принять этот маленький подарок, который мы прилагаем, в знак нашего уважения.

She has won esteem for her work with cancer patients.

Она завоевала уважение за свою работу с раковыми больными.

Although the works of the Impressionist painters are esteemed today, they met with scorn when they were introduced.

Несмотря на то, что сегодня произведения художников-импрессионистов высоко ценятся, они встретились с презрением, когда впервые были представлены публике.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The critics held him in high esteem as an actor.

As an educationalist, he was held in very high esteem.

…I had esteemed the whole affair to be a colossal waste of time….

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Definition of Esteem

respect and admiration

Examples of Esteem in a sentence

Having set the world record for fastest mile time, the man received the esteem of his fellow runners.


The elder was treated with the highest level of esteem.


Having learned so much from his father, the boy regarded him with the utmost esteem.


True self-esteem comes when you can regard yourself with real respect and admiration.


Viewing his professor as a fool, he had no esteem for the man.


He treated all his colleagues with the same level of esteem.


With hard work and dedication, he hoped to earn the esteem of his peers.


His son held him in such high esteem, which helped keep him honest in his life.


She was proud that her student’s held her in such esteem.


The professor had taught for years and enjoyed the esteem of all his colleagues.


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Withholding that reinforcement, you shred their esteem.

Отказываясь от крепления отношений, ты «кромсаешь» их уважение.

It was a kind of philanthropic act and their reward was, of course, public recognition and esteem.

Это была своего рода благотворительность, а наградой за все труды было, конечно же, народное признание и уважение.

In the Kyrgyz Republic motherhood is held in general esteem and respect, and is protected and encouraged by the State.

Материнство в Кыргызской Республике окружено всенародным почетом и уважением, охраняется и поощряется государством.

When we talk about parity of esteem, this is why it matters; no physical illness would be treated in this way.

Когда мы говорим о паритете достоинства, вот почему это так важно; нет физической болезни будут лечиться таким образом.

Which procured him so much credit and esteem, that after some time a trireme was dispatched to call him home again.

Эти приобретение дало ему столько чести и достоинства, что через некоторое время была отправлена трирема позвать его домой.

He lacked friends, brains, esteem.

У него не хватало друзей, мозгов и уважения.

They have little esteem for each other.

У них слишком мало уважения по отношению друг к другу.

This demonstrates the esteem the international community holds for the President and his friendly country.

Это избрание свидетельствует о том уважении, которое испытывает международное сообщество к личности Председателя и к его дружественной стране.

The fourth level is the esteem needs.

Четвертый уровень — это потребности в уважении.

Gaining esteem and accolades from your teachers and parents might be another.

Получение уважения и похвалы от ваших учителей и родителей может быть другим.

The talks between the sides were held in a warm and cordial atmosphere which reflected their traditionally friendly relations and highest mutual esteem.

Переговоры между двумя сторонами проходили в теплой и сердечной атмосфере, отразившей их традиционно дружественные отношения и глубокое взаимное уважение.

My delegation would like to express once again its gratitude and esteem.

Моя делегация ещё раз хотела бы выразить всем свою признательность и уважение.

His election is an expression of esteem for him and for his country.

Его избрание является данью уважения к нему и его стране.

His foresight, courage and initiative have won him the esteem of all.

Его дальновидность, мужество и инициативность снискали ему всеобщее уважение.

Because of his unshakeable faith in freedom, progress, democracy and human rights, he enjoyed the esteem and admiration of his people.

Благодаря своей непоколебимой вере в свободу, прогресс, демократию и права человека он завоевал уважение и восхищение своего народа.

They fought peacefully and, with mutual respect and esteem, created imperishable bonds.

Они участвовали в мирных состязаниях, и между ними сложились нерасторжимые узы, основывающиеся на взаимном уважении.

So there are other qualities in human nature, which justify a certain portion of esteem and confidence.

Но человеческой природе присущи и другие качества, оправдывающие также и известную долю уважения и доверия.

I like to do that, because I also feel respect and esteem for them.

Я буду рад это сделать, поскольку также ощущаю к ним глубокое почтение и уважение.

As he had a liking and esteem for her under her supposed character, it was now turned into fondness and desire.

Поскольку у него была симпатия и уважение к ней под ее предполагаемым характером, теперь она превратилась в любовь и желание.

In youth issue and in schizophrenia, the systems of family treatment hold esteem.

В молодежной проблеме и при шизофрении система семейного лечения заслуживает уважения.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат esteem

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Raising a child who has healthy self esteem and belief in her own

he did, he held Jehovah in a very inferior esteem

We esteem them as with great worth

They both reciprocate the same esteem for one another, but in two different and distinct ways

has taken it’s toll on his self esteem

Who knows what the future holds? These trinkets express only a fraction of my love, respect and esteem for you, carissima mea, I could purchase or steal every ounce of gold in the world and it would not reflect the depth of my love

We looked at our self esteem, beliefs, values, strengths and life purpose

In their professional capacities they had both heard about a foxy old publicist who spent his summers on this very same Caribbean paradise isle, a wily old dog of a man who was held in the highest esteem by stars and celebrities the world over

Because of the esteem in which his father was held, his

and envy lead to both esteem and spite

esteem by stars and celebrities the world over

detractors — and he was held in the highest esteem by the

find favor and high esteem in the

proving that the Athenians esteem them in

Their mistress had moved up a notch in their esteem; she was becoming a more modern girl

Anyone can practice this kind of humility, no matter how high or low he or she is held in the esteem of society

The Hebrew language having no connection with classical learning, and, except the Holy Scriptures, being the language of not a single book in any esteem the study of it did not commonly commence till after that of philosophy, and when the student had entered upon the study of theology

The clergy of an established and well endowed religion frequently become men of learning and elegance, who possess all the virtues of gentlemen, or which can recommend them to the esteem of gentlemen; but they are apt gradually to lose the qualities, both good and bad, which gave them authority and influence with the inferior ranks of people, and which had perhaps been the original causes of the success and establishment of their religion

fruquently, too, by cultivating all those arts which best deserve, and which are therefore most likely to gain them, the esteem of people of rank and fortune; by their knowledge in all the different branches of useful and ornamental learning, by the decent liberality of their manners, by the social good humour of their conversation, and by their avowed contempt of those absurd and hypocritical austerities which fanatics inculcate and pretend to practise, in order to draw upon themselves the veneration, and upon the greater part of men of rank and fortune, who avow that they do not practise them, the abhorrence of the common people

He gains their esteem and affection, by that plan of life which his own interest and situation would lead him to follow

Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted

Raven saw her esteem falter, a flash of pain in her eyes

explaining the lack of a social life, and self esteem

esteem in the eyes of Niki, to the point where he might not need as much cosmetic

Something which happens often in my limited experience with diplomats whom I hold in very low esteem!

Arrogance, the off-spring of Low Esteem, is (fortunately) balanced, however, by the professional demeanor of other (exceptional) athletes with little or nothing to prove, whose quiet tenor, and business like attitude, free of pretentious designs and excessive self-regard; that is to say, individuals who are comfortable with themselves and in themselves, who feel that they have nothing to prove and are (generally) less likely to be influenced by money and glamour; speaks volumes about the fundamental character of an emotional secure individual

In oriental cultures an engineer was held in higher esteem than the physician

Complete or unqualified compatibility with another individual; that is to say, a relationship mutually committed to achieving the highest levels of esteem without bias or prejudice (however unlikely from the standpoint of our respective natures and conditioning) would require a severing of the subject (individual) of our interest from the thematic elements that typically structure the character of (that) subject/individual thereby separating (that) ―Individual‖ from the ―Ideas‖ that properly qualify and provide moral and intellectual sustenance to (that) Individual

This does not necessarily preclude, however, the potential for every individual to attain appropriate levels of honor and (self) esteem that sets the proper standards for others to follow; that is to say, lends character and dignity to that whole

But her mission of caring led her to the height of esteem

esteem will suffer and we’ll end up angry or hating the object of

General Tyrpledge rolled his eyes in an almost shocking expression of unadulterated lack of esteem

“Would you keep on performing on a stage when all the viewers had left? I could admire you for your dedication, but I generally hold fools in low esteem

Indeed, what you and your master held in such high esteem as artifacts of a long lost civilization are nothing more than the detritus of a certain kind of people in the developed universe that are filled with ennui, and find such games on shellworlds a welcome diversion

19 Will he esteem your riches? No, not gold, nor all the forces of strength

Unfortunately I cannot prove the following statement, but I suspect the reason for this may be as a result of Joseph’s high esteem in Egypt

Beard: To esteem someone highly; years that show wisdom; to be covered in authority; neatly trimmed: sane, together; or messy: crazy; plucked or

What is the value of the life of a single scout? If he never comes back, we only trouble ourselves to remember in what direction he went, not who he was or in how much esteem he was held by his family

“He also told me he holds my grandfather second in esteem only to Kaidu

beginning with establishing a personality built on self esteem and commitment

But, I wish they would have more self esteem and do a better job whenever they had a chance

Such an environment was repugnant to Roger, unhealthy for their children, and uncharacteristic of Josie who had such a high esteem for the concept of the Christian family that she chose the name La Familia for the Catholic bookstore she conceived and brought to fruition

have held me in high esteem for my honesty and transparency

Is it any wonder that the current polls show that the people of the country holds the members of Congress in such low esteem? As stated previously by

The reputation of the business is foremost on your thoughts and lips, without fear the business can be represented knowing that it is held in high esteem in the community and the business world

With that momentum and the esteem I will have gained for my work here today, I will be difficult to topple, and I fear nothing so crude as a knife in the back

Waesch “in the highest esteem

Even those who are seen as being the bulwarks of this culture can scarcely be trusted, for all flesh is grass; how much esteem should it be given? There’s not a more fertile branch of science to view the banality of man’s brainpan than the field of astronomy

Moreover you will hold his sister in esteem when she comes to you

rodents still hold cats in high esteem

He wanted to see if he could help Gagliano, a man of esteem whom he knows well of, by giving him confession

more love and esteem for ourselves and others

And I would have neither peace nor self esteem if I did not handle myself as a true National-Socialist

reason I have had no self esteem for the past ten years! Because that is what I have been

When I got to the starting point my self esteem immediately dropped to near zero

The sight of a dark-suited, dog-collared fellow of about forty, seemed like a beacon of kindness in a world suddenly turned hostile, so I approached in the hope that, like Jesus, he would gather up this lost sheep and offer shelter – or at least wise words that would assuage the hurt, bolster my flagging self esteem, and set me on the path to redemption

esteem, struggled with the notion of zero

esteem and had lost all interest in sewing; and that’s saying a lot

I watched it quickly escalate as his esteem of self collapsed beneath the weight of jealous rage: the Church held Me in high regard

” This earned her a look of esteem from the octopus, but Ceder frowned, deeply troubled

No matter, his followers will put his prophetic visions in high esteem whenever they happen to be correct, and dismiss them when they are not

esteem was as unsatisfactory and disconcerted like his

The stars of those teams were held in very high esteem both in Kerry and the country at large

Her self esteem

His self- esteem and confidence and purpose of life, were at the lowest ebb he had ever known

They had a lot in common; being born in the same town in Ireland and Bridget held her family in great esteem

And all those who know the way of truth and enjoy the assurance of knowing God should esteem it a privilege, not a duty, to offer guidance to their fellows in their efforts to find the satisfactions of living

In general a Taurus will choose money and earning power over public esteem and prestige

psychological enforcers, putting nothing less than the basíc sense of esteem and worth

and esteem, induding their capacity to be sexually aroused (DeVillers 1989)

safety or esteem, and thus does she unconsciously, if not consciously, understand that

extent that the mother lacks the power and the esteem of others, she has already

Relatedness that occurs not as a response to danger or humiliation, as a means to safety or esteem, but for the sake of affiliation itself is qualitatively and experientially

esteem are made and maintained for women lead to the two questions 1 will address in

unexamined assumption that esteem is for men, and that women are one of the posses-

sions by means of which men can achieve esteem

not feel esteemed, or easily esteem themselves, beneath the surface because it is the

that most males are able to outgrow this low esteem and, as a group, arrive at a

Since the esteem of many women is directly embedded in the success of their

This same reversa!of the traditional relationship is not, in general, true formen: their esteem is not enhanced, for example, by performing household or parenting tasks

And then was Pilate held in even lower esteem than before

Learn the knowledge of love, learn to esteem holy humility and do not fear because it is a virtue that shines with sparkling light

She made sure in one fell swoop to find a puppet to control –Roy–, elevating her in my esteem, and keeping my Power from expanding to its full potential

Lewis knew that, given the low degree of esteem in which the CEO was held,

very old age are often held in high esteem

I did not suffer from low self esteem, which therapists of a later age would name as the cause of Depression

I had all the self esteem any man could possibly need, and I did not believe that I was depressed

A professional charged for his services in a free market, and because teachers were held in higher esteem, they were able to collect handsome paychecks from their students

«It has occurred to me that as this invention is gradually improved and as it begins to produce more, we will gradually change and find our rewards and self esteem in other things

Social esteem may be low

figured he had low-self esteem, was sensitive to the opinions

I will not let others lower myself esteem or tell

Keep your self esteem positive

It is essential for one’s self esteem, the good of one’s

I was raised to be egocentric and had no sense of self esteem

The sense of love and care should supercede the measurables of performance/appearance in our esteem for each other

Therefore we need to change our values (and attitudes) and think in terms of nurture and self esteem; we need to stop running comparisons that may hurt other people

Jimmy Carter is the only past president, since Kennedy that I actively respect and esteem before, during, and after his term

commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his

will be valued, regarded and esteemed by those who

Harold was esteemed well enough in his own Company, and had already brought so much business through their doors that they were more than willing to spare him the holidays

The rent of the land which affords such singular and esteemed productions, like the rent of some vineyards in France of a peculiarly happy soil and situation, bears no regular proportion to the rent of other equally fertile and equally well cultivated land in its neighbourhood

And I know how fortunate I’ve been to gain a place in this esteemed household

Sorex, irked by his father’s sly retort, did not wish to appear anything less than collected in front of his esteemed guest and simply chuckled

“Our esteemed king had a very disturbing dream the other night, from which he awoke fearful and drenched in sweat

“I mean very simply that the Emperor’s esteemed Guard has seen fit to rid you of that slithering mass of self-important butchers

Each of these public appearances, was met with polite expressions of greeting from all those who encountered Mr Snickerty, and such felicitations were volleyed by that latter gentlemen in the same respectful and formal manner as they were served up, as was only to be expected of such an accomplished and esteemed authority

But though, in the end of the fifteenth century, the muslins and other cotton goods of the East Indies were much esteemed in every part of Europe, the cotton manufacture itself was not cultivated in any part of it

‘I have ensured he will not be passing on any information regarding our esteemed physicist friend

The former is generally admired and revered by the common people; the latter is commonly more esteemed and adopted by what are called the people of fashion

They are listened to, esteemed, and respected by their superiors; but before their inferiors they are frequently incapable of defending, effectually, and to the conviction of such hearers, their own sober and moderate doctrines, against the most ignorant enthusiast who chooses to attack them

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not

, was not perfected till after 1760 It is esteemed one of the most accurate that has ever been made

“They talk like they do because like our esteemed commander Haig and the old fart that has just been talking to us they are all cavalry or ex-cavalry Officers

Something doesn’t feel right with our esteemed portraitist

The highly esteemed shall be abandoned,

Amonas shared his memories from a time that seemed remote now, when master Olom was a close visiting friend of his father’s; a time when Olom had not become shunned by most of his peers and practically forced to live as a recluse and a hermit, rather than an esteemed member of the Curatoria Prefecta

And the repentant shall be esteemed

Luk 16:15 And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God

17 And that your handmaid has not eaten at Aman’s table, and that I have not greatly esteemed the king’s feast, nor drunk the wine of

12 Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary

1Cor 6:4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church

This does not mean: NOT the highly educated theologian, the scribe, the Pharisee, the preacher, the priest, the pastor or doctor and the professor, but he whom is the least esteemed!

very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest? 18 And in that

Hiacoomes was very much enjoying trading with them since they esteemed merchants and made them most welcome

2 The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the

“I assume you have heard about the premature demise of your esteemed cousin, Khan George?”

16 We are esteemed of him as counterfeits: he abstains from our ways as from filthiness: he pronounces the end of the just to be

8 I preferred her before sceptres and thrones, and esteemed riches nothing in comparison of her

7 That the land, which you esteemed above all other, might receive a worthy colony of God’s children

25 Gold and silver make the foot stand sure, but counsel is esteemed above them both

And there shall be no iron for war, nor shall one clothe oneself with a breastplate; Bronze shall be of no service; And tin shall be of no service and shall not be esteemed,

No, it was my older brothers and their esteemed friends who took it upon

50 And when all the men of the city heard the words of Shechem and his father Hamor, then all the men of their city were agreeable to this proposal, and they obeyed to be circumcised, for Shechem and his father Hamor were greatly esteemed by them, being the princes of the land

27 And all the women of Egypt came to visit her, and they said to her, Why are you in this declining state? You who lack nothing; surely your husband is a great and esteemed prince in the sight of the king, should you lack anything of what your heart desires?

And there shall be no iron for war nor shall one clothe oneself with a breastplate; Bronze shall be of no service; And tin shall be of no service and shall not be esteemed

50 And when all the men of the city heard the words of Shechem and his father Hamor then all the men of their city were agreeable to this proposal and they obeyed to be circumcised for Shechem and his father Hamor were greatly esteemed by them being the princes of the land

27 And all the women of Egypt came to visit her and they said to her Why are you in this declining state? You who lack nothing; surely your husband is a great and esteemed prince in the sight of the king should you lack anything of what your heart desires?

I am confident that under the continued leadership of my good friend and colleague James Whalen, and the able guidance of my esteemed vice chairman, Herman Muller, the course has been set for what will remain a strong, vibrant institution of higher education

4 He bears our sins and suffers pain on our account and we esteemed him as one in toil stricken and afflicted

The honor of announcing the good news to the esteemed

Judges and Magistrates are highly esteemed members of society

“That was our esteemed leader from the house of commons,” she said

He wasn’t talking about how the Astrakhan’s were esteemed but he directly attacked Alice and convinced the Astrakhan’s that she had not been fully informed of the treaty they had

elections and bribing our esteemed politicians

If I were to go public with the following account I will not only be lambasted by my comrades but I could also be revoked of my esteemed license

even more important, the very different ways they are socially evaluated and esteemed

not feel esteemed, or easily esteem themselves, beneath the surface because it is the

‘I’d love to but that depends on what our new esteemed leader decides I do for the day,’ he said

“It is as you wish esteemed Overlord, but…Jax”—she said his name strangely—“is the head of your guard

“It is as you command, esteemed Overlord

―Highly esteemed Brother of the Sun and the

Esteemed Bible teacher Les

They were evidently not members of the hotel staff, for their appearances were too gruff and coarse for employees of such an esteemed and luxurious resort; their identities 148

Once the esteemed doctor and his assistants were inside the bedroom, Feltus turned to the other visitors and greeted his colleagues

He noticed the sheaf of papers across which notes had hastily been scrawled as if in preparation for a trial and the open books stacked atop one another that were references to precedence set long ago, possibly by this esteemed attorney’s renowned grandfather who had served as judge in the area until his death at the start of the First World War some two decades ago

“Yes, sir,” he replied with fondness for the reference to his esteemed family

Lama were both esteemed within and respected outside their religion

regardless of his appointment by the esteemed Barron Maynwaring

esteemed position for so long

When an esteemed business school opens such a program, it will likely receive many applica-demand

Most of the analytics courses in India (either through private training institutes or esteemed universities/ business schools) are offered as part time course or as an elective

esteemed the universal qualities of all bodies whatsoever

‘’If you don’t mind, Commodore, I will leave the floor to one of my esteemed colleagues who is better qualified than me on that historical period

paws and displaying the bumps in question to the esteemed doctor

“My BLOG entry two days go was in response to the esteemed Federation

esteemed of by them — many, in preaching

His wisdom was highly esteemed even by the Seldjuk rulers of Iran, though he was from Khorasan, a small village near Nishapur

He hoped that their young team would come up to the expectations of their esteemed clientele

the head or tail, first I, Nangong Ping will like to ask this esteemed Senior of the Pugilist, in what year what day Mei Yinxue committed the crime that sentenced

the night when you witnessed the Might of your Provider and esteemed your Creator

Our bold and esteemed officer, along with all the people in the crowd, could see that the secret lay with the scorpion

At that time, the head of the police-station of the neighbourhood where this incident took place was our esteemed officer Mohammad Amin

Oh! A miracle had happened! It was certainly a miracle! The advice of that esteemed master had turned death into life, and replaced extreme desperation and deep sorrow with brilliant hope and incomparable happiness

‘My colleagues and I wish to congratulate you, Canon Bradford, on your most praiseworthy election as abbot of this esteemed and ancient Benedictine foundation in our beloved town of Sherborne

All owed allegiance to their esteemed older relative, Cardinal Henry Beaufort of Winchester

The poet was right when he said, “Is it not yet a very little while and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest

What class of facts are esteemed most highly?

“ For this esteemed occasion, I have an unusual surprise for my most adored wife

“ Bethanie, neither you nor Annelle will be displeased when you meet our esteemed Captain

Had he taken an interest in me, but kept his distance at the urging of my Uncle? It seemed a private conversation with the esteemed Count was in order

esteemed taste, when the bread isfried

On land, laced into suppressive whalebone, dressed, and with their hair dry and curled, they cannot but keep within the limits set by convention; but the more clothes they take off the more do they seem to consider the last barrier between human creature and human creature broken down, and they will behave towards you, meeting you on this common ground of wateriness, as though they had known you and extravagantly esteemed you for years

Who would not esteem him? She did esteem him—more highly perhaps than she had ever esteemed anybody; but the ardent love she had been told a mother felt for her first-born was a thing about which she had to keep on saying to herself, «Of course

But though her childhood had been spent among these objects, which were esteemed at the Palace because falling just short at the last moment of quite sweetness and quite niceness they discouraged sinful gorging, they had none of their ancient sobering effect on her there in Milan

«Your esteemed parent’s reasons for refusing,» said Fritzing, «reasons which she has given me with a brevity altogether unusual in one of her sex and which I cannot sufficiently commend, do more credit, as was to be expected in a lady, to her heart than to her head

We were about to move when the dominant voice said, “We will now hear the story of our prophet, the human incarnation of the messenger of God, as told by our esteemed head cleric

night work sessions together, the tete-a-tete you had with him when he nearly publicly quartered Margaret; you’ve esteemed yourself in his eyes as the poster child for the Molan Firm

«Good morning to the esteemed council, it is good to see you in the court again

If the esteemed Mr

aware of Madra’s approach, “tis the esteemed Captain Madra, with

Often the enemies of true religion attempt to elevate their position by postulating that the claims of religion have no place among the esteemed truths of history

Coral: The red coral being esteemed the most precious; was used for ornamental purposes

Bunch was not going to appreciate and this did not go down well with the most esteemed the Newtonians

hundred men, and esteeming this destruction of the wicked a season of joy

Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward

14 Then they punished and destroyed with ignominy every polluted Jew who fell in their way; 15 killing such in that day above three hundred men and esteeming this destruction of the wicked a season of joy

Moses was a young man of like passions with yourselves;�but see what is said of him in Scripture: «By faith Moses, when he was come to age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward» (Heb

esteeming the cross of Christ, and sufferings

, and esteeming him very highly, I willingly take exceptions to his exposition of this scripture, feeling quite sure he will appreciate every honest effort toward a clearer understanding of the scriptures

Now, that which imparts truth to the known and the power of knowing to the knower is what I would have you term the idea of good, and this you will deem to be the cause of science, and of truth in so far as the latter becomes the subject of knowledge; beautiful too, as are both truth and knowledge, you will be right in esteeming this other nature as more beautiful than either; and, as in the previous instance, light and sight may be truly said to be like the sun, and yet not to be the sun, so in this other sphere, science and truth may be deemed to be like the good, but not the good; the good has a place of honour yet higher

Well, I said, and you would agree (would you not?) that what has been said about the State and the government is not a mere dream, and although difficult not impossible, but only possible in the way which has been supposed; that is to say, when the true philosopher kings are born in a State, one or more of them, despising the honours of this present world which they deem mean and worthless, esteeming above all things right and the honour that springs from right, and regarding justice as the greatest and most necessary of all things, whose ministers they are, and whose principles will be exalted by them when they set in order their own city?

‘We belong to different camps, but that does not prevent my esteeming her as she deserves

There are thousands who are in opinion opposed to slavery and to the war, who yet in effect do nothing to put an end to them; who, esteeming themselves children of Washington and Franklin, sit down with their hands in their pockets, and say that they know not what to do, and do nothing; who even postpone the question of freedom to the question of free-trade, and quietly read the prices-current along with the latest advices from Mexico, after dinner, and, it may be, fall asleep over them both

I hasten to emphasize the fact that I am far from esteeming myself capable of reporting all that took place at the trial in full detail, or even in the actual order of events

We, Christian nations, whose spiritual life is one and the same, who welcome the birth of every wholesome and profitable thought with joy and pride, from whatsoever quarter of the globe it may spring, regardless of race or creed; we, who love not only the philanthropists, the poets, the philosophers, and the scientists of other lands; we, who take as much pride in the heroism of a Father Damien as if it was our own; we, who love the French, the Germans, the Americans, and the English, not only esteeming their qualities, but ready to meet them with cordial friendship; we, who not only would be shocked to consider war with them in the light of an exploit,—when we picture to ourselves the possibility that at some future day a difference may arise between us that can only be reconciled by murder, and that any one of us may be called upon to play his part in an inevitable tragedy,—we shudder at the thought

“We belong to different camps, but that does not prevent my esteeming her as she deserves

In world terms, it esteems that there are million of nonprofit organizations

esteems iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood

He alone is a superior person who esteems virtue and is observant of his duty

Who does stop the sap from reaching the ripe fruits? If it is not so, they (the fruits) will continue to grow more and more, for example the apple will be in a huge and in a great unacceptable size, How Great is He Who esteems everything in a very proper balance?

“When a culture esteems certain virtues, it is often professing that it lacks these virtues and therefore they are highly valued and prized

He may, of course, think too well of himself, but I hope he esteems me, too

«I would not marry him if I were not convinced that he esteems me and thinks highly of me

esteems you, as you said

I have always heard him spoken of as such, and your brother I know esteems him highly

«Madame,» answered the count, «you are under the roof of one who esteems himself most

«Albert, Albert,» said Madame de Morcerf, in a tone of mild reproof, «what are you saying? Ah, count, he esteems you so highly, tell him that he has spoken amiss

He esteems me highly

In showing kindness to his cousins therefore he had the real satisfaction of a good heart; and in settling a family of females only in his cottage, he had all the satisfaction of a sportsman; for a sportsman, though he esteems only those of his sex who are sportsmen likewise, is not often desirous of encouraging their taste by admitting them to a residence within his own manor

He may, of course, think too well of himself, but I hope he esteems me, too…

In what way will you get convincing proof to-day that you can respect him, and that he … esteems you, as you said

«He is a young French author,» he said; «look at it,—it is not bad; he knows you and esteems you very much,» he added, as though to encourage me

But what is the Moscow public? It is but a hundredth part of that public which, while considering itself most highly enlightened, esteems it a merit to have so lost the capacity of being infected by art, that not only can it witness this stupid sham without being revolted, but can even take delight in it

How do you use esteem in a sentence?

Esteem in a Sentence ?

  1. Having set the world record for fastest mile time, the man received the esteem of his fellow runners.
  2. The elder was treated with the highest level of esteem.
  3. Having learned so much from his father, the boy regarded him with the utmost esteem.

What does to esteem mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to set a high value on : regard highly and prize accordingly an esteemed guest. 2a : to view as : consider esteem it a privilege. b : think, believe.

What is another word for esteem?

Some common synonyms of esteem are admire, regard, and respect.

What is another word for high esteem?

What is another word for high esteem?

reverence admiration
recognition affection
dulia great respect
high regard liking
amazement apotheosis

What is the term for esteem respect or approval?

prestige. esteem, respect or approval. superordinate.

What is the difference between respect and esteem?

When used as nouns, esteem means favourable regard, whereas respect means an attitude of consideration or high regard. When used as verbs, esteem means to set a high value on, whereas respect means to have respect for.

What does it mean to hold in high esteem?

Esteem is all about respect and admiration. When you say you hold someone in high esteem, it means you give them a high value.

How do you say hold someone in high esteem?


  1. admire.
  2. adore.
  3. appreciate.
  4. apprize.
  5. care for.
  6. clasp.
  7. cleave to.
  8. cling to.

Is hold in high esteem?

To have a large amount of respect or admiration for someone.

What does self esteem mean?

In psychology, the term self-esteem is used to describe a person’s overall subjective sense of personal worth or value. In other words, self-esteem may be defined as how much you appreciate and like yourself regardless of the circumstances. Self-confidence.

How do you say someone is high?


  1. comatose.
  2. dazed.
  3. high.
  4. intoxicated.
  5. narcotized.
  6. stoned.
  7. stupefied.

What is the opposite word of high?


How do you use culmination?

If an event or series of events culminates in something, it ends with it, having developed until it reaches this point: My arguments with the boss got worse and worse, and finally culminated in my resignation.

Are norms informal?

Norms are an established standard of behavior maintained by a society. Norms can be formal, informal, folkways or mores. Formal norms are those that generally have been written down and specify strict punishment if violated. Laws are an example of formal norms.

Does Norm mean normal?

Norm is defined as something that is considered “normal” and refers to something that is the usual, customary or accepted standard.

What is a norm in society?

Norm, also called Social Norm, rule or standard of behaviour shared by members of a social group. Norms may be internalized—i.e., incorporated within the individual so that there is conformity without external rewards or punishments, or they may be enforced by positive or negative sanctions from without.

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