The word establish means

устанавливать, создавать, учреждать, заложить, основывать, устраивать, заключать


- основывать, учреждать; создавать, организовывать

to establish a state — создать государство
to establish a newspaper — основать газету
to establish an international organization — учредить международную организацию
established in 1901 — существует с 1901 г. (о фирме и т. п.)

- устанавливать, создавать

to establish order — навести поря док
to establish conditions under which … — создать условия, при которых …
to establish a price in the market — установить рыночную цену
to establish relations — установить отношения
to establish a precedent — создать прецедент
peace was established — был установлен мир
the seat of the Court shall be established at the Hague — местопребыванием суда устанавливается Гаага

- упрочивать, укреплять; утверждать

to establish one’s health — укрепить своё здоровье
to establish one’s reputation — упрочить свою репутацию
to be established in the faith — утвердиться в вере

- устраивать

to establish one’s son in business — создать своему сыну положение в деловом мире
to establish oneself — устраиваться
to establish oneself in a new house — переехать в новый дом
to establish oneself in literature — создать себе имя в литературе
the doctor established a good practice in London — доктор создал себе /приобрёл/ в Лондоне широкую практику
he established himself as a leading surgeon — он занял положение ведущего хирурга
we established ourselves — воен. мы закрепились на местности

- устанавливать, выяснять, определять

to establish smb.’s whereabouts — установить чьё-л. местопребывание
to establish smb.’s name — выяснить чью-л. фамилию /чьё-л. имя/
to establish certain facts — выяснить некоторые данные
facts established by the Commission — факты, установленные комиссией
it is established beyond controversy that … — бесспорно установлено, что …
the theory is not yet scientifically established — эта теория ещё научно не обоснована

- приняться (о растении)
- укоренить, вкоренить

the habit was now well established — привычка уже стала прочной
this scientific belief is too well established to be overthrown — это научное представление слишком укоренилось, чтобы его можно было опровергнуть

- назначать, устраивать (на должность и т. п.); возводить (в сан и т. п.)
- издавать (закон); устанавливать (привило); вводить (систему)
- постановлять, устанавливать (законом)

as established by law — как установлено законом, в установленном порядке

- доказывать

to establish a claim — обосновать претензию /право/ (на что-л.)
to establish a fact — установить /доказать/ (какой-л.) факт
to establish smb.’s guilt [innocence] — установить чью-л. виновность [невиновность]
to establish a point — обосновать положение

- утверждать

to establish a will — утвердить (судом) завещание

- юр. редк. передавать права (кому-л.)
- заложить (фундамент)
- разбить (трассу, сад)
- воен. развёртывать (склад, госпиталь)
- фин. открывать (аккредитив)

to establish a Church — возвести церковь в положение господствующей /официальной, государственной/

Мои примеры


establishing a link between diet and cancer — установление связи между питанием и раком  
one of the first cities to establish crèches so that poor women with children could work outside of the home — один из первых городов, учредивших детские ясли, чтобы бедные женщины с детьми могли работать вне дома  
to build up / establish / launch a business — организовать компанию  
to draw / establish / fix a border — провести границу, установить границу  
to establish boundary conditions — установить граничные условия  
to establish a bracket — пристреливаться  
to establish / lay down a canon — устанавливать критерий  
to establish a capital — сколотить капитал  
to establish, set up a category — установить категорию  
to establish a condition — задать условие  
to establish / make connection — установить отношения  
to adopt / establish — принимать конституцию  

Примеры с переводом

It’s our job to establish the cause of the fire.

Наша задача — установить причину этого пожара.

The school was established in 1989 by an Italian professor.

Школа была основана в 1989 году одним итальянским профессором.

The film established her as a star.

После этого фильма она стала звездой.

She established a reputation as a hard worker.

Она закрепила за собой репутацию труженицы.

We had already established contact with the museum.

К тому времени мы уже наладили связи с музеем.

The head of the company established his son in business.

Глава компании обеспечил своему сыну положение в деловом мире.

The sonnets established his reputation as a gifted poet.

Эти сонеты упрочили его репутацию талантливого поэта.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The trompe l’oeil-illusion establishes depth

I establish the colors and principal values by organizing the painting into three values—dark, medium…and light

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disestablish  — разрушать, отделять церковь от государства, отменять
established  — установленный, признанный, авторитетный, устроенный, укоренившийся, официальный
establishment  — установление, учреждение, заведение, истеблишмент, введение, основание, ведомство
reestablish  — восстанавливать, исправлять, поправлять, перерегистрация

Формы слова

  • 1

    establish v


    establish climb

    устанавливать режим набора высоты

    establish communication

    устанавливать связь

    establish descent

    устанавливать режим снижения

    established tariff

    установленная тарифная ставка

    establish the characteristics

    устанавливать характеристики

    establish the flight conditions

    устанавливать режим полета

    establish the procedure

    устанавливать порядок

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > establish

  • 2

    1) осно́вывать; создава́ть; учрежда́ть

    2) устана́вливать, создава́ть; устра́ивать;

    to establish favourable conditions (for smth.) созда́ть благоприя́тные усло́вия (для чего́-л.)


    3) устана́вливать (обычай, факт)

    4) упро́чивать, укрепля́ть;

    5) (юриди́чески) доказа́ть

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > establish

  • 3

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > establish

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > establish

  • 5


    establish выяснять establish (юридически) доказать establish доказывать establish заложить (фундамент) establish назначать establish определять establish организовывать establish основывать, создавать, учреждать establish основывать; создавать; учреждать establish основывать establish открывать (аккредитив) establish открывать аккредитив establish создавать establish укреплять establish упрочивать; to establish one’s health восстановить свое здоровье; to establish one’s reputation упрочить свою репутацию establish упрочивать establish устанавливать (обычай, факт) establish устанавливать, создавать; устраивать; to establish favourable conditions (for smth.) создать благоприятные условия (для чего-л.) establish устанавливать establish устраивать establish учреждать establish a fund учреждать фонд establish a market создавать рынок establish a precedent создавать прецедент establish a right устанавливать право establish a trust создавать траст establish a trust учреждать траст establish a trust for endowment of учреждать дарственный фонд establish устанавливать, создавать; устраивать; to establish favourable conditions (for smth.) создать благоприятные условия (для чего-л.) establish упрочивать; to establish one’s health восстановить свое здоровье; to establish one’s reputation упрочить свою репутацию establish упрочивать; to establish one’s health восстановить свое здоровье; to establish one’s reputation упрочить свою репутацию establish oneself as устраиваться в качестве to establish oneself in a new house поселиться в новом доме establish that waiver is in order обосновывать законность отказа

    English-Russian short dictionary > establish

  • 6

    1. v основывать, учреждать; создавать, организовывать

    2. v устанавливать, создавать

    to establish conditions under which … — создать условия, при которых …

    3. v упрочивать, укреплять; утверждать

    4. v устраивать

    5. v устанавливать, выяснять, определять

    6. v приняться

    7. v укоренить, вкоренить

    8. v назначать, устраивать; возводить

    9. v издавать; устанавливать; вводить

    10. v постановлять, устанавливать

    11. v юр. доказывать

    12. v юр. юр. редк. передавать права

    13. v юр. заложить

    14. v юр. разбить

    15. v юр. воен. развёртывать

    16. v юр. фин. открывать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. enact (verb) appoint; authorise; authorize; constitute; decree; enact; legislate; make; ordain; promulgate

    2. erect (verb) build up; construct; erect; hammer out; set up

    3. found (verb) base; bottom; build; constitute; create; ensconce; form; found; ground; initiate; install; institute; locate; organize; predicate; rest; root in; situate; start; stay

    4. set (verb) fix; install; lay; place; put; seat; set; settle; stick

    5. start (verb) create; institute; organise; originate; start

    6. verify (verb) ascertain; authenticate; bear out; confirm; corroborate; demonstrate; determine; find out; learn; make out; prove; show; substantiate; validate; verify

    Антонимический ряд:

    confute; conjecture; controvert; defeat; destroy; disprove; dissolve; guess; invalidate; liquidate; misstate; overcome; overthrow; uproot

    English-Russian base dictionary > establish

  • 7


    1. основывать, учреждать; создавать, организовывать

    to establish an international organization — учредить международную организацию

    established in 1901 — существует с 1901 г. ()

    2. устанавливать, создавать

    to establish conditions under which… — создать условия, при которых…

    the seat of the Court shall be established at the Hague — местопребыванием суда устанавливается Гаага

    3. 1) упрочивать, укреплять; утверждать

    2) устраивать

    to establish one’s son in business — создать своему сыну положение в деловом мире

    the doctor established a good practice in London — доктор создал себе /приобрёл/ в Лондоне широкую практику

    he established himself as a leading surgeon — он занял положение ведущего хирурга

    4. устанавливать, выяснять, определять

    to establish smb.’s whereabouts — установить чьё-л. местопребывание

    to establish smb.’s name — выяснить чью-л. фамилию /чьё-л. имя/

    facts established by the Commission — факты, установленные комиссией

    it is established beyond controversy that… — бесспорно установлено, что…

    the theory is not yet scientifically established — эта теория ещё научно не обоснована

    2) укоренить, вкоренить

    this scientific belief is too well established to be overthrown — это научное представление слишком укоренилось, чтобы его можно было опровергнуть

    6. назначать, устраивать (); возводить ()

    7. 1) издавать (); устанавливать (); вводить ()

    2) постановлять, устанавливать ()

    as established by law — как установлено законом, в установленном порядке

    1) доказывать

    to establish a claim — обосновать претензию /право/ ()

    to establish a fact — установить /доказать/ (какой-л.) факт

    to establish smb.’s guilt [innocence] — установить чью-л. виновность [невиновность]

    2) утверждать


    редк. передавать права ()

    2) разбить ()

    to establish a Church — возвести церковь в положение господствующей /официальной, государственной/

    НБАРС > establish

  • 8


    1) основывать; учреждать, создавать; организовывать; издавать

    2) устанавливать, создавать, устраивать; вводить

    establish smb.’s innocence

    establish smb.’s guilt

    3) устанавливать, выяснять, определять



    доказывать; устанавливать, обосновывать

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > establish

  • 9

    1) основывать, создавать, учреждать

    2) доказать, установить

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > establish

  • 10

    ɪsˈtæblɪʃ гл.
    1) укреплять, делать твердым, стойким Harriet’s cheerful look and manner established hers. ≈ Бодрый вид и поведение Хэрриет укрепили ее дух.
    2) устанавливать, вводить They established friendly relations. ≈ Они установили дружеские отношения. We had already established contact with the museum. ≈ Мы уже наладили связи с музеем. to establish the edict ≈ издавать указ Syn: bring about, effect
    3) основывать, учреждать to establish a republic ≈ создать республику The school was established in 1989 by an Italian professor. ≈ Школа была основана в 1989 году итальянским профессором. Syn: found I, set up
    4) упрочивать, устраивать( на прочной или постоянной основе) We are now comfortably established in out new house. ≈ Мы уже удобно устроились в нашем новом доме. The role established her as a star. ≈ Эта роль упрочила ее положение как звезды. He established his son in business. ≈ Он устроил своего сына в коммерцию. Mr X was established as governor of the province. ≈ Мистер X стал правителем области. Syn: set up
    5) устанавливать, выяснять, определять established my innocence ≈ доказал мою невиновность It will be essential to establish how the money is being spent. ≈ Очень важно установить, как тратятся деньги. An autopsy was being done to establish the cause of death. ≈ Было произведено вскрытие, чтобы определить причину смерти. Syn: ascertain, prove
    основывать, учреждать;
    создавать, организовывать — to * a state создать государство — to * a newspaper основать газету — to * an international organization учредить международную организацию — *ed in 1901 существует с 1901 г. (о фирме) устанавливать, создавать — to * order навести порядок — to * conditions under which… создать условия, при которых… — to * a price in the market установить рыночную цену — to * relations установить отношения — to * a precedent создать прецедент — peace was *ed был установлен мир — the seat of the Court shall be *ed at the Hague местоприбыванием суда устанавливается Гаага упрочивать, укреплять;
    утверждать — to * one’s health укрепить свое здоровье — to * one’s reputation упрочить свою репутацию — to be *ed in the faith утвердиться в вере устраивать — to * one’s son in business создать своему сыну положение в деловом мире — to * oneself устраиваться — to * oneself in a new house переехать в новый дом — to * oneself in literature создать себе имя в литературе — the doctor *ed a good practice in London доктор создал себе в Лондоне широкую практику — he *ed himself as a leading surgeon он занял положение ведущего хирурга — we *ed ourselves( военное) мы закрепились на местности устанавливать, выяснять, определять — to * smb.’s whereabouts установить чье-либо местопребывание — to * smb.’s name выяснить чью-либо фамилию — to * certain facts выяснить некоторые данные — facts *ed by the Commission факты, установленные комиссией — it is *ed beyond controversy that… бесспорно установлено, что… — the theory is not yet scientifically *ed эта теория еще научно не обоснована приняться( о растении) укоренить, вкоренить — the habit was now well *ed привычка уже стала прочной — this scientific belief is too well *ed to be overthrown это научное представление слишком укоренилось, чтобы его можно было опровергнуть назначать, устраивать ( на должность) ;
    возводить (в сан) издавать (закон) ;
    устанавливать (правило) ;
    вводить (систему) постановлять, устанавливать (законом) — as *ed by law как установлено законом, в установленном порядке (юридическое) доказывать — to * a claim обосновать претензию (на что-либо) — to * a fact установить (какой-либо) факт — to * smb.’s guilt установить чью-либо виновность — to * a point обосновать положение утверждать — to a will утвердить( судом) завещание( юридическое) (редкое) передавать права (кому-либо) (специальное) заложить (фундамент) разбить( трассу, сад) (военное) развертывать (склад, госпиталь) (финансовое) открывать (аккредитив) > to * a Church возвести церковь в положение господствующей
    establish выяснять ~ (юридически) доказать ~ доказывать ~ заложить (фундамент) ~ назначать ~ определять ~ организовывать ~ основывать, создавать, учреждать ~ основывать;
    учреждать ~ основывать ~ открывать (аккредитив) ~ открывать аккредитив ~ создавать ~ укреплять ~ упрочивать;
    to establish one’s health восстановить свое здоровье;
    to establish one’s reputation упрочить свою репутацию ~ упрочивать ~ устанавливать (обычай, факт) ~ устанавливать, создавать;
    to establish favourable conditions( for smth.) создать благоприятные условия (для чего-л.) ~ устанавливать ~ устраивать ~ учреждать
    ~ a fund учреждать фонд
    ~ a market создавать рынок
    ~ a precedent создавать прецедент
    ~ a right устанавливать право
    ~ a trust создавать траст ~ a trust учреждать траст
    ~ a trust for endowment of учреждать дарственный фонд
    ~ устанавливать, создавать;
    to establish favourable conditions (for smth.) создать благоприятные условия (для чего-л.)
    ~ упрочивать;
    to establish one’s health восстановить свое здоровье;
    to establish one’s reputation упрочить свою репутацию
    ~ упрочивать;
    to establish one’s health восстановить свое здоровье;
    to establish one’s reputation упрочить свою репутацию
    ~ oneself as устраиваться в качестве
    to ~ oneself in a new house поселиться в новом доме
    ~ that waiver is in order обосновывать законность отказа

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > establish

  • 11

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > establish

  • 12

    Англо-русский технический словарь > establish

  • 13



    1) устанавливать, основывать, учреждать

    establish friendly relations

    — establish order
    — establish a business
    — establish a committee

    2) устанавливать, доказывать

    establish facts

    — establish the truth of smth
    — establish the cause of death

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > establish

  • 14




    основывать, учреждать

    The school was established in 1989 by an Italian professor. — Школа была основана в 1989 г. итальянским профессором.


    We had already established contact with the museum. — Мы уже наладили связи с музеем.




    устанавливать , выяснять



    утверждать, упрочивать , укреплять

    to establish one’s reputation as a trustworthy banker — упрочить свою репутацию надежного банка

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > establish

  • 15

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > establish

  • 16

    выявлять; определять; устанавливать

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > establish

  • 17


    1) основывать; создавать; учреждать

    2) устанавливать, создавать; устраивать; to establish favourable conditions (for smth.) создать благоприятные условия (для чего-л.); to establish oneself in a new house поселиться в новом доме

    3) устанавливать (обычай, факт)

    4) упрочивать; to establish one’s health восстановить свое здоровье; to establish one’s reputation упрочить свою репутацию

    5) (юридически) доказать

    6) заложить (фундамент)

    * * *

    (v) устанавливать; установить; учредить; учреждать

    * * *

    устанавливать, основывать

    * * *

    [es·tab·lish || ɪ’stæblɪʃ]
    основывать, учреждать, создавать, устанавливать; заключать (контракт); доказывать, юридически доказать

    * * *





















    * * *

    1) укреплять, делать твердым
    2) устанавливать
    3) основывать

    Новый англо-русский словарь > establish

  • 18



    1) учреждать, основывать

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > establish

  • 19

    1) основывать; создавать; учреждать

    2) открывать (аккредитив)

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > establish

  • 20

    [ɪs’tæblɪʃ], [es-]



    to establish contact / relationship — установить контакт, отношения


    4) упрочивать

    The head of the company established his son in business. — Глава компании обеспечил своему сыну положение в деловом мире.

    The sonnets established his reputation as a gifted poet. — Сонеты упрочили его репутацию талантливого поэта.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > establish


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • establish — es·tab·lish vt 1: to institute (as a law) permanently by enactment or agreement we the people of the United States…do ordain and establish this Constitution U.S. Constitution preamble 2: to make firm or stable 3: to bring into existence …   Law dictionary

  • establish — es‧tab‧lish [ɪˈstæblɪʆ] verb [transitive] COMMERCE to start a company, organization, system etc that is intended to exist for a long time: • My grandfather established the family business in 1938. * * * establish UK US /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ verb ► [T,… …   Financial and business terms

  • establish — [ə stab′lish, istab′lish] vt. [ME establissen < extended stem of OFr establir < L stabilire < stabilis, STABLE1] 1. to make stable; make firm; settle [to establish a habit] 2. to order, ordain, or enact (a law, statute, etc.) permanently …   English World dictionary

  • Establish — Es*tab lish, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Established}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Establishing}.] [OE. establissen, OF. establir, F. [ e]tablir, fr. L. stabilire, fr. stabilis firm, steady, stable. See {Stable}, a., { ish}, and cf. {Stablish}.] 1. To make stable… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • establish — late 14c., from O.Fr. establiss , prp. stem of establir (12c., Mod.Fr. établir) cause to stand still, establish, stipulate, set up, erect, build, from L. stabilire make stable, from stabilis stable (see STABLE (Cf. stable) (2)). For initial e ,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • establish — [v1] set up, organize authorize, base, build, constitute, create, decree, domiciliate, enact, endow, ensconce, entrench, erect, fix, form, found, ground, implant, inaugurate, inculcate, install, institute, land, lay foundation, live, lodge, moor …   New thesaurus

  • establish — 1 *set, settle, fix Analogous words: implant, inculcate, instill: *secure, rivet, anchor, moor Antonyms: uproot (a tree, a habit, a practice): abrogate (a right, a privilege, a quality) Contrasted words: eradicate, extirpate, wipe, *exterminate2… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • establish — ► VERB 1) set up on a firm or permanent basis. 2) initiate or bring about. 3) (be established) be settled or accepted in a particular place or role. 4) show to be true or certain by determining the facts. 5) (established) recognized by the state… …   English terms dictionary

  • establish — verb 1 start/create sth ADVERB ▪ initially, originally ▪ The Internet was originally established by scientists to share information. ▪ formally ▪ The League was formally established in 1920 …   Collocations dictionary

  • establish */*/*/ — UK [ɪˈstæblɪʃ] / US verb [transitive] Word forms establish : present tense I/you/we/they establish he/she/it establishes present participle establishing past tense established past participle established 1) a) to make something start to exist or… …   English dictionary

  • establish — es|tab|lish W1S3 [ıˈstæblıʃ] v [T] [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: establir, from Latin stabilire to make firm ] 1.) to start a company, organization, system, etc that is intended to exist or continue for a long time = ↑found ▪ The city… …   Dictionary of contemporary English



From Middle English establissen, from Old French establiss-, stem of some of the conjugated forms of establir, (Modern French établir), from Latin stabiliō, stabilīre, from stabilis (firm, steady, stable).


  • IPA(key): /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ/
  • Hyphenation: es‧tab‧lish


establish (third-person singular simple present establishes, present participle establishing, simple past and past participle established)

  1. (transitive) To make stable or firm; to confirm.
    • 2015 February 7, Val Bourne, “The quiet man of the world of snowdrops”, in The Daily Telegraph (London), page G8:

      Once it [a snowdrop variety] became established, some bulbs were lifted and passed on to be chipped (i.e. cut into small pieces and grown on).

  2. (transitive) To form; to found; to institute; to set up in business.
    • 1611, The Holy Bible, [] (King James Version), London: [] Robert Barker, [], →OCLC, Genesis 6:18:

      But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons’ wives with thee.

  3. (transitive) To appoint or adopt, as officers, laws, regulations, guidelines, etc.; to enact; to ordain.
    • 1922, Ben Travers, chapter 4, in A Cuckoo in the Nest[1]:

      By some paradoxical evolution rancour and intolerance have been established in the vanguard of primitive Christianity. Mrs. Spoker, in common with many of the stricter disciples of righteousness, was as inclement in demeanour as she was cadaverous in aspect.

  4. (transitive) To prove and cause to be accepted as true; to establish a fact; to demonstrate.

Derived terms[edit]

  • established church
  • establishing shot
  • long-established
  • preestablish
  • re-establish
  • establishment


  • stable


To make stable or firm; to confirm

  • Armenian: հաստատել (hy) (hastatel), հիմնավորել (hy) (himnavorel)
  • Asturian: establecer
  • Bulgarian: установявам (bg) (ustanovjavam), затвърждавам (zatvǎrždavam)
  • Catalan: establir (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 確定确定 (zh) (quèdìng)
  • Finnish: vakiinnuttaa (fi), vahvistaa (fi)
  • French: affermir (fr)
  • Galician: establecer (gl)
  • Georgian: დადგენა (dadgena)
  • German: feststellen (de), etablieren (de)
  • Greek: καθιερώνω (el) (kathieróno)
  • Italian: stabilire (it), confermare (it)
  • Maori: parākiri, whakapūmau, whakaū, whakaturuma
  • Norwegian: fastslå
  • Polish: ustanowić (pl), ustalić (pl)
  • Portuguese: firmar (pt)
  • Romanian: stabili (ro)
  • Russian: устана́вливать (ru) impf (ustanávlivatʹ), установи́ть (ru) pf (ustanovítʹ)
  • Spanish: establecer (es)
  • Swedish: grunda (sv), grundlägga (sv), motivera (sv)
  • Turkish: yerleştirmek (tr)
  • Ukrainian: встано́влювати (vstanóvljuvaty), встанови́ти pf (vstanovýty)
  • Zazaki: herun kerden

To form; to set up in business

  • Asturian: establecer
  • Bulgarian: основавам (bg) (osnovavam)
  • Catalan: establir (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 建立 (zh) (jiànlì)
  • Dutch: oprichten (nl), stichten (nl)
  • Esperanto: establi
  • Finnish: perustaa (fi)
  • Galician: establecer (gl)
  • Georgian: დაფუძნება (dapuʒneba), დაარსება (daarseba), წამოწყება (c̣amoc̣q̇eba)
  • German: eröffnen (de), gründen (de), niederlassen (de), herstellen (de)
  • Hebrew: ייסד
  • Irish: cuir ar bun
  • Italian: instaurare (it)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: دامەزراندن(damezrandin), پێکھێنان (ckb) (pêkhênan)
  • Malayalam: സ്ഥാപിക്കുക (ml) (sthāpikkuka)
  • Maori: whakatū
  • Norwegian: etablere
  • Polish: założyć (pl)
  • Portuguese: estabelecer (pt)
  • Russian: учрежда́ть (ru) impf (učreždátʹ), учреди́ть (ru) pf (učredítʹ)
  • Spanish: establecer (es), instaurar (es)
  • Swedish: etablera (sv)
  • Turkish: yerleştirmek (tr)
  • Ukrainian: засно́вувати (zasnóvuvaty), заснува́ти pf (zasnuváty)

To found; to institute

  • Armenian: հիմնադրել (hy) (himnadrel)
  • Asturian: establecer
  • Bulgarian: основавам (bg) (osnovavam)
  • Catalan: establir (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 建立 (zh) (jiànlì), 創辦创办 (zh) (chuàngbàn)
  • Dutch: oprichten (nl)
  • Egyptian: (grg)
  • Esperanto: establi
  • Finnish: perustaa (fi)
  • French: établir (fr)
  • Galician: establecer (gl)
  • Georgian: დაარსება (daarseba), დაფუძნება (dapuʒneba)
  • German: eröffnen (de), gründen (de), niederlassen (de)
  • Hungarian: alapít (hu)
  • Irish: cuir ar bun
  • Italian: fondare (it), istituire (it)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: دامەزراندن(damezrandin), پێکھێنان (ckb) (pêkhênan)
  • Latin: sistō (la)
  • Malayalam: സ്ഥാപിക്കുക (ml) (sthāpikkuka)
  • Maori: whakaū, whakakaupapa
  • Norwegian: etablere
  • Old English: aræran, asettan, astellan, befæstan, fæstan, gegrundweallian, gemægenian, gestaþolfæstian, onstellan, ræran, stalian, staþolfæstnian, staþolian
  • Oromo: hundeessuu
  • Persian: بنیان کردن‎, تأسیس کردن‎, بنا نهادن
  • Polish: założyć (pl), ustanowić (pl)
  • Portuguese: estabelecer (pt), fundar (pt)
  • Russian: осно́вывать (ru) impf (osnóvyvatʹ), основа́ть (ru) pf (osnovátʹ)
  • Scottish Gaelic: stèidhich
  • Spanish: establecer (es), instaurar (es)
  • Swedish: grunda (sv), etablera (sv)
  • Tocharian B: pyutk-
  • Turkish: yapmak (tr)
  • Ugaritic: 𐎖𐎐𐎊 (qny)
  • Ukrainian: засно́вувати (zasnóvuvaty), заснува́ти pf (zasnuváty)
  • Walloon: mete so pî (wa)
  • Yiddish: אַוועקשטעלן(avekshteln)
  • Zazaki: saz kerden

To prove and cause to be accepted as true; to establish a fact; to demonstrate

Translations to be checked

  • Arabic: (please verify) اسس (’ássasa)
  • French: (please verify) établir (fr)
  • Georgian: (please verify) ადგენს (adgens)
  • Interlingua: (please verify) stabilir
  • Italian: (please verify) stabilire (it)
  • Japanese: (please verify) 確立する (かくりつする, kakuritsu surú)
  • Korean: (please verify) 설립하다 (ko) (seolliphada) (seollip-hada)


  • “establish”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.
  • establish in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913

Other forms: established; establishing; establishes

To establish something means to begin it or bring it about. If you want everyone in your family to bring you chocolate every evening, you can establish a “Chocolates for Me” policy requiring it.

Establish is related to stable through its Latin roots and has many meanings, but all have the feel of building on a stable foundation. Besides the meaning of setting a policy, establish can also mean to prove one’s value. You should establish yourself in a community before you try to bring change to it. Similarly, if you like to debate controversial issues, you’d best begin with facts that have been established and are not open to question. If you have a lot of money and want to build up your community, you can establish, or found, a school or library there.

Definitions of establish

  1. verb

    set up or lay the groundwork for

    establish a new department”


    constitute, found, institute, plant

  2. verb

    institute, enact, or establish

  3. “The trompe l’oeil-illusion
    establishes depth”



    generate, give, render, return, yield

    give or supply

  4. verb

    build or establish something abstract

  5. verb

    use as a basis for; found on

  6. verb

    establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment


    demonstrate, prove, shew, show

    see moresee less


    confute, disprove

    prove to be false


    show 6 types…
    hide 6 types…
    prove oneself

    show one’s ability or courage


    prove formally; demonstrate by a mathematical, formal proof

    contradict, negate

    prove negative; show to be false


    prove to be of unsound mind or demonstrate someone’s incompetence

    invalidate, nullify

    show to be invalid

    confute, disprove

    prove to be false

    type of:

    affirm, confirm, corroborate, substantiate, support, sustain

    establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘establish’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Testing can never completely establish the correctness of computer software.

Вместе с тем, тестирование никогда не может полностью установить корректность программы.

Now scientists aim to experimentally establish whether amyloid plaques on cognitive abilities of monkeys.

Сейчас ученые нацелены на то, чтобы экспериментально установить, влияют ли амилоидные бляшки на когнитивные способности обезьян.

We must also establish rules that promote behaviour based on international maritime law.

Мы также должны создать правила, которые будут способствовать поведению, основанному на международном морском праве.

States should establish effective policing and security mechanisms capable of immediately stopping violence against minorities when it breaks out.

Государствам следует создать эффективные механизмы обеспечения общественного порядка и безопасности, которые были бы способными незамедлительно прекратить акты насилия в отношении меньшинств в случае их совершения.

Agencies financing energy projects could establish and publish minimum standards.

Агентства, финансирующие энергетические проекты, могли бы устанавливать и публиковать минимальные стандарты.

In that context, multilateral economic organizations without universal membership should not establish unreasonable conditionality for accession.

В этом контексте многосторонним экономическим организациям, не относящимся к числу всеобщих, не следует устанавливать неоправданные условия для желающих стать их членами.

Please comply with the copyright and trademark regulations for any link you establish.

Просьба соблюдать авторское право и товарный знак и правила для любой ссылки, которую вы установите.

Sites should establish reporting procedures that will work both during and outside normal working hours.

Узлы должны установить процедуры докладов, которые будут осуществляться как во время, так и вне нормальных рабочих часов.

No despot or tyrant can establish his kingdom forever.

Ни один деспот или тиран не может установить своё царство навечно.

Yet we can’t establish a definitive link.

И тем не менее, мы не можем установить несомненную связь.

We still cannot establish who they really are.

До сих пор не можем установить, кто они на самом деле.

You can establish procedure you deem preventing a criminal relapse.

Вы так же можете установить любые необходимые вам правила, чтобы предотвратить рецедив совершения преступлений.

Iversen and colleagues also caution that this study cannot establish causality.

Иверсен и его коллеги также предупреждают, что это исследование не может установить причинно-следственную связь.

Armenia should finally establish civilized relations with neighbor states.

Армения должна, наконец, установить цивилизованные отношения с соседними государствами.

The law may also establish other divisions.

Закон может установить, кроме того, другие виды деления.

The project will establish financial mechanisms for investments in renewables.

С помощью этого проекта будут созданы финансовые механизмы для инвестиций в сферу возобновляемых энергетических ресурсов.

So we can establish motive, means and opportunity.

Итак. Мы установили мотив, средства и возможность, но…

UNHCR will establish sub-field offices in returnee areas to monitor repatriation and reintegration activities.

УВКБ создаст в районах возвращения репатриантов два подотделения для контроля за деятельностью, связанной с репатриацией и реинтеграцией.

The organization shall establish documented requirements for risk management throughout product realization.

Пример — Организация должна устанавливать документированные требования к менеджменту риска для всех процессов жизненного цикла продукции.

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establish establish ɪsˈtæblɪʃ

  1. основывать, учреждать; создавать, организовывать

    to establish a state ― создать государство

    to establish a newspaper ― основать газету

    to establish an international organization ― учредить
    международную организацию

    established in 1901 ― существует с 1901 г. (о фирме)

  2. устанавливать, создавать

    to establish order ― навести порядок

    to establish conditions under which… ― создать условия,
    при которых…

    to establish a price in the market ― установить рыночную цену

    to establish relations ― установить отношения

    to establish a precedent ― создать прецедент

    peace was established ― был установлен мир

    the seat of the Court shall be established at the Hague
    ― местоприбыванием суда устанавливается Гаага

  3. упрочивать, укреплять; утверждать

    to establish one’s health ― укрепить свое здоровье

    to establish one’s reputation ― упрочить свою репутацию

    to be established in the faith ― утвердиться в вере

  4. устраивать

    to establish one’s son in business ― создать своему сыну
    положение в деловом мире

    to establish oneself ― устраиваться

    to establish oneself in a new house ― переехать в новый дом

    to establish oneself in literature ― создать себе имя в

    the doctor established a good practice in London ― доктор
    создал себе в Лондоне широкую практику

    he established himself as a leading surgeon ― он занял положение
    ведущего хирурга

    we established ourselves ― воен. мы закрепились на местности

  5. устанавливать, выяснять, определять

    to establish smb.’s whereabouts ― установить чье-либо

    to establish smb.’s name ― выяснить чью-либо фамилию

    to establish certain facts ― выяснить некоторые данные

    facts established by the Commission ― факты, установленные

    it is established beyond controversy that… ― бесспорно
    установлено, что…

    the theory is not yet scientifically established ― эта теория
    еще научно не обоснована

  6. приняться (о растении)
  7. укоренить, вкоренить

    the habit was now well established ― привычка уже стала прочной

    this scientific belief is too well established to be
    overthrown ― это научное представление слишком укоренилось,
    чтобы его можно было опровергнуть

  8. назначать, устраивать (на должность); возводить (в сан)
  9. издавать (закон); устанавливать (правило); вводить (систему)
  10. постановлять, устанавливать (законом)

    as established by law ― как установлено законом, в установленном

  11. юр. доказывать

    to establish a claim ― обосновать претензию (на что-либо)

    to establish a fact ― установить (какой-либо) факт

    to establish smb.’s guilt ― установить чью-либо виновность

    to establish a point ― обосновать положение

  12. утверждать

    to a will ― утвердить (судом) завещание

  13. юр. редк. передавать права (кому-либо)
  14. спец. заложить (фундамент)
  15. разбить (трассу, сад)
  16. воен. развертывать (склад, госпиталь)
  17. фин. открывать (аккредитив)

    to establish a Church ― возвести церковь в положение

established established ɪsˈtæblɪʃt

  1. установленный, доказанный

    established fact ― установленный факт

  2. упрочившийся, установившийся, укоренившийся

    the established order ― существующий строй

    established reading habits ― установившиеся навыки чтения

    established tastes ― устойчивые вкусы

    established custom ― укоренившийся обычай

  3. признанный

    established authority ― признанный авторитет (о человеке)

    established author ― известный писатель

    a dramatist of established reputation ― драматург с именем

  4. закрепленный

    established bound ― воен. занятый рубеж

  5. биол. акклиматизировавшийся
Established Church Established Church

    государственная церковь (в Великобритании)

establisher establisher

    основатель, учредитель; создатель

establishment establishment ɪsˈtæblɪʃmənt

  1. установление, основание; создание, учреждение; введение

    establishment charges ― организационные расходы

    the establishment of a new state ― создание нового государства

    the establishment of Christianity ― введение христианства

  2. учреждение (государственное); организация; заведение

    higher education establishments ― высшие учебные заведения

    an establishment for the maintenance of orphans ― дом призрения

    an establishment for the training of nurses ― училище для
    среднего медперсонала

  3. (прочное) положение в обществе; устроенность; достаточные
    средства, постоянный доход

    he has in view an establishment for his daughter ― он
    рассчитывает хорошо пристроить свою дочь

  4. закон, правило, постановление
  5. уложение, кодекс законов
  6. хозяйство, семья, дом

    principal establishment ― юр. место основного жительства
    или нахождения

    to keep a splendid establishment ― жить на широкую ногу

  7. господствующая, официальная, государственная церковь
  8. часто неодобр. господствующая верхушка, правящие круги;

  9. влиятельные круги

    health establishment ― влиятельные медицинские круги;
    организованная медицина

    artistic establishment ― заправилы мира искусства

  10. штатное расписание
  11. штат сотрудников

    an establishment of 28 ― штат в 28 человек

  12. воен. штат личного состава

    peace establishment ― штаты мирного времени

    to be up to establishment ― иметь полный штатный состав

    to be below establishment ― иметь некомплект в личном составе

    to be below establishment ― иметь неполный комплект положенного
    по штату имущества

Establishmentarian Establishmentarian ɪˌstablɪʃm(ə)nˈtɛːrɪən

  1. сторонник существующего порядка, консерватор
  2. противник отделения церкви от государства

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tr.v. es·tab·lished, es·tab·lish·ing, es·tab·lish·es


a. To cause (an institution, for example) to come into existence or begin operating; found; set up.

b. To bring about; generate or effect: establish goodwill in the neighborhood.


a. To place or settle in a secure position or condition: They established me in my own business.

b. To cause to become regular or usual: established the habit of going to bed early.

c. To cause to be able to grow or thrive: The tree needs to be watered to help it become established.

3. To cause to be recognized and accepted: a discovery that established his reputation.

4. To introduce and put (a law, for example) into force.

5. To prove the validity or truth of: The defense attorneys established the innocence of the accused.

6. To make a state institution of (a church).

[Middle English establishen, from Old French establir, establiss-, from Latin stabilīre, from stabilis, firm; see stā- in Indo-European roots.]

es·tab′lish·er n.

Synonyms: establish, create, found1, institute, organize
These verbs mean to bring something into existence and set it in operation: establishing a business; created a trust fund; founded a colony; instituted an annual benefit concert; organizing a field trip.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb (usually tr)

1. to make secure or permanent in a certain place, condition, job, etc: to establish one’s usefulness; to establish a house.

2. to create or set up (an organization, etc) on or as if on a permanent basis: to establish a company.

3. to prove correct or free from doubt; validate: to establish a fact.

4. to cause (a principle, theory, etc) to be widely or permanently accepted: to establish a precedent.

5. (Ecclesiastical Terms) to give (a Church) the status of a national institution

6. (of a person) to become recognized and accepted: he established himself as a reliable GP.

7. (in works of imagination) to cause (a character, place, etc) to be credible and recognized: the first scene established the period.

8. (Card Games) cards to make winners of (the remaining cards of a suit) by forcing out opponents’ top cards

9. (Botany) (also intr) botany

a. to cause (a plant) to grow or (of a plant) to grow in a new place: the birch scrub has established over the past 25 years.

b. to become or cause to become a sapling or adult plant from a seedling

[C14: from Old French establir, from Latin stabilīre to make firm, from stabilis stable2]

esˈtablisher n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ɪˈstæb lɪʃ)


1. to bring into being on a firm or permanent basis; found; institute: to establish a university.

2. to install or settle in a position, place, business, etc.: to establish oneself in business.

3. to show to be valid or true; prove: to establish the facts.

4. to ascertain; determine: to establish the time of death.

5. to cause to be accepted or recognized: to establish a custom.

6. to bring about: to establish order.

7. to enact, appoint, or ordain on a permanent basis, as a law.

8. to make (a church) a national or state institution.

9. to obtain control of (a suit of cards) so that one can win all the subsequent tricks in it.

[1325–75; Middle English establissen < Middle French establiss- < Latin stabilīre to make firm]

es•tab′lish•er, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: established
Gerund: establishing

I establish
you establish
he/she/it establishes
we establish
you establish
they establish
I established
you established
he/she/it established
we established
you established
they established
Present Continuous
I am establishing
you are establishing
he/she/it is establishing
we are establishing
you are establishing
they are establishing
Present Perfect
I have established
you have established
he/she/it has established
we have established
you have established
they have established
Past Continuous
I was establishing
you were establishing
he/she/it was establishing
we were establishing
you were establishing
they were establishing
Past Perfect
I had established
you had established
he/she/it had established
we had established
you had established
they had established
I will establish
you will establish
he/she/it will establish
we will establish
you will establish
they will establish
Future Perfect
I will have established
you will have established
he/she/it will have established
we will have established
you will have established
they will have established
Future Continuous
I will be establishing
you will be establishing
he/she/it will be establishing
we will be establishing
you will be establishing
they will be establishing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been establishing
you have been establishing
he/she/it has been establishing
we have been establishing
you have been establishing
they have been establishing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been establishing
you will have been establishing
he/she/it will have been establishing
we will have been establishing
you will have been establishing
they will have been establishing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been establishing
you had been establishing
he/she/it had been establishing
we had been establishing
you had been establishing
they had been establishing
I would establish
you would establish
he/she/it would establish
we would establish
you would establish
they would establish
Past Conditional
I would have established
you would have established
he/she/it would have established
we would have established
you would have established
they would have established

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Verb 1. establish — set up or found; «She set up a literacy program»

found, launch, set up

open, open up — start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning; «open a business»

abolish, get rid of — do away with; «Slavery was abolished in the mid-19th century in America and in Russia»

2. establish — set up or lay the groundwork for; «establish a new department»

institute, found, plant, constitute

initiate, pioneer — take the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of; «This South African surgeon pioneered heart transplants»

fix — set or place definitely; «Let’s fix the date for the party!»

appoint, constitute, name, nominate — create and charge with a task or function; «nominate a committee»

3. establish — establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment; «The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound»; «The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture»

shew, show, demonstrate, prove

prove oneself — show one’s ability or courage

prove — prove formally; demonstrate by a mathematical, formal proof

affirm, confirm, corroborate, substantiate, support, sustain — establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts; «his story confirmed my doubts»; «The evidence supports the defendant»

negate, contradict — prove negative; show to be false

stultify — prove to be of unsound mind or demonstrate someone’s incompetence; «nobody is legally allowed to stultify himself»

4. establish — institute, enact, or establish; «make laws»

lay down, make

set, mark — establish as the highest level or best performance; «set a record»

create, make — make or cause to be or to become; «make a mess in one’s office»; «create a furor»

5. establish — bring about; «The trompe l’oeil-illusion establishes depth»


create, make — make or cause to be or to become; «make a mess in one’s office»; «create a furor»

introduce — bring in or establish in a new place or environment; «introduce a rule»; «introduce exotic fruits»

generate, yield, render, give, return — give or supply; «The cow brings in 5 liters of milk»; «This year’s crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn»; «The estate renders some revenue for the family»

pacify — fight violence and try to establish peace in (a location); «The U.N. troops are working to pacify Bosnia»

6. establish — place; «Her manager had set her up at the Ritz»

instal, install, set up

7. establish — build or establish something abstract; «build a reputation»


create, make — make or cause to be or to become; «make a mess in one’s office»; «create a furor»

8. establish — use as a basis for; found on; «base a claim on some observation»

base, found, ground

build — found or ground; «build a defense on nothing but the accused person’s reputation»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



2. prove, show, confirm, demonstrate, ratify, certify, verify, validate, substantiate, corroborate, authenticate An autopsy was being done to establish the cause of death.

3. secure, form, base, ground, plant, settle, fix, root, implant, entrench, ensconce, put down roots He has established himself as a pivotal figure in US politics.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To bring into existence formally:

2. To place securely in a position or condition:

3. To provide a basis for:

4. To put in force or cause to be by legal authority:

5. To establish as true or genuine:

authenticate, bear out, confirm, corroborate, demonstrate, endorse, evidence, prove, show, substantiate, validate, verify.

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


يُؤَسِّس، يُقيم، يُنْشِئيُثَبِّت، يُعَزِّزيُثْبِت، يُبَرْهِن




koma sér fyrir ísannastofna, koma á fót

įkūrimasįkurtiįsišaknijęsnusistovėjęsprivilegijuotieji sluoksniai


zriadiť si




[ɪsˈtæblɪʃ] VT

1. (= set up) [+ business, state, committee] → establecer, fundar; [+ custom, rule, peace, order] → establecer; [+ precedent] → establecer, sentar; [+ relations] → establecer, entablar; [+ power, authority] → afirmar; [+ reputation] → ganarse
to establish sb in a businessponer un negocio a algn
the book established him as a writerel libro lo consagró como escritor
to establish o.sestablecerse, consolidarse

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ɪˈstæblɪʃ] vt

(= set up) [+ organization, university] → fonder

(= make) [+ contact] → établir

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ɪsˈtæblɪʃ] vt

b. (prove, fact, identity, sb’s innocence) → dimostrare

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(iˈstӕbliʃ) verb

1. to settle firmly in a position (eg a job, business etc). He established himself (in business) as a jeweller.

2. to found; to set up (eg a university, a business). How long has the firm been established?

3. to show to be true; to prove. The police established that he was guilty.

eˈstablished adjective

settled or accepted. established customs.

eˈstablishment noun

1. the act of establishing.

2. an institution or organization. All employees of this establishment get a bonus at New Year.

3. a person’s residence or household. a bachelor’s establishment.

the Establishment

the people and institutions that control power or are dominant in a society and stick to traditions; one of these institutions. The hippies rebelled against the Establishment; the political/literary establishment.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


vt. establecer, determinar.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

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References in classic literature

Though the company, by treaty, have a right to a participation only, in the trade of these regions, and are, in fact, but tenants on sufferance; yet have they quietly availed themselves of the original oversight, and subsequent supineness of the American government, to establish a monopoly of the trade of the river and its dependencies; and are adroitly proceeding to fortify themselves in their usurpation, by securing all the strong points of the country.

Leaving twelve men here, with a stock of goods, to trade with the neighboring tribes, he prosecuted his journey to the Columbia; where he established another post, called Fort Williams, on Wappatoo Island, at the mouth of the Wallamut.

To establish the pretended affinity, they have not scrupled to draw resources even from the regions of fiction.

The second clause of the second section of the second article empowers the President of the United States «to nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other OFFICERS of United States whose appointments are NOT in the Constitution OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR, and WHICH SHALL BE ESTABLISHED BY LAW.» Immediately after this clause follows another in these words: «The President shall have power to fill up all VACANCIES that may happen DURING THE RECESS OF THE SENATE, by granting commissions which shall EXPIRE AT THE END OF THEIR NEXT SESSION.» It is from this last provision that the pretended power of the President to fill vacancies in the Senate has been deduced.

[1264a] would establish a government upon a community of goods, ought to know that he should consult the experience of many years, which would plainly enough inform him whether such a scheme is useful; for almost all things have already been found out, but some have been neglected, and others which have been known have not been put in practice.

Nor has Socrates told us (nor is it easy to say) what plan of government should be pursued with respect to the individuals in the state where there is a community of goods established; for though the majority of his citizens will in general consist of a multitude of persons of different occupations, of those he has determined nothing; whether the property of the husbandman ought to be in common, or whether each person should have his share to himself; and also, whether their wives and children ought to be in common: for if all things are to be alike common to all, where will be the difference between them and the military, or what would they get by submitting to their government?

We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

A municipality was established and the following announcement issued:

The city police is established on its former footing, and better order already prevails in consequence of its activity.

If we resort for a criterion to the different principles on which different forms of government are established, we may define a republic to be, or at least may bestow that name on, a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people, and is administered by persons holding their offices during pleasure, for a limited period, or during good behavior.

«You worship at the shrine of the established,» he told her once, in a discussion they had over Praps and Vanderwater.

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  • establish
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  • Establish, Operate, and Transfer
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  • established

Britannica Dictionary definition of ESTABLISH

[+ object]


to cause (someone or something) to be widely known and accepted

  • establish a claim

  • The film established her as a star.

  • She established a reputation as a hard worker.

  • The word is now established as part of the English language.

  • The company has established itself as a leader in the industry.


to put (someone or something) in a position, role, etc., that will last for a long time

  • As a young doctor he worked hard to establish himself in the community.

  • They want to establish their children in the family business.


to begin or create (something that is meant to last for a long time)

  • establish [=found] a school

  • The city was established [=founded] in the 18th century.


to succeed in making or creating (something)

  • He was never able to establish [=build, forge] a close relationship with his son.

  • She established a system of tracking expenses more accurately.

  • We need to establish [=set] more realistic goals for ourselves.

  • The two countries established a mutual trade agreement.


to make the truth or existence of (something) clear or certain


to show that (something) is true or real

  • He was unable to establish [=prove] his innocence.

  • Research has established [=demonstrated, shown] that he played an important role in the negotiations.

  • establishing a link between diet and cancer


to find out (something)

  • Investigators are trying to establish if/whether anyone knew about these problems before the accident.

  • I was unable to establish why these changes were made.

The general principle applicable here is this: Whenever you establish the right — no matter how, if you _establish_ it — the common law asserts the remedy. ❋ Unknown (1862)

Union, establish justice, «— yes, Sir, _establish justice_ —» to promote the general welfare, and to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. » ❋ John Hossack (N/A)

«In the gallery, you won’t be able to see the whole work at once, so any narrative you establish is necessarily fragmented.» ❋ Stuart Jeffries (2010)

I t will be his GOLD OLYMPIC MEDAL and America will flourish with him and once again establish itself as the true leader (in every aspect) of the free world. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The typical companies that I train establish a policy, signed by the CEO, saying that from a certain point on all newly designed products will be metric. ❋ Unknown (2009)

And in any case, what your general quote certainly does not establish is even the claim that the surface of the earth corresponding to Alaska in the Triassic period was, in fact, in a zone much closer to the equator; it speaks in general possibilities, not about the specific case of Alaska. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Those who do must be held accountable so that we may once again establish civility in our places of public discourse. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Admittedly conservatives stand at the edge of a chance again establish an American form of National Socialism. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The system it purports to establish is dead in the cradle; one way or another, it will fall apart before it takes effect. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The best conclusion it could hope to establish is ‘science is utterly impotent to rule on questions of design and God’. ❋ Unknown (2008)

What analysis can actually establish is the logical relationship among various parameters and variables. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Not only does that establish is values as Nazi, but it disproves your statement. ❋ Unknown (2005)

All that Kennedy wanted to establish is a minor point: If Bowers is premised on the idea that homosexuality is inconsistent with Western values, (Chief Justice Burger’s claim), or on the notion that any argument for homosexual rights «is, at best facetious,» (Justice White’s claim) we might look to see what other Western countries and constitutional courts have done. ❋ Unknown (2003)

This was relatively easy to establish from the bibliography assembled by Charmian. ❋ Unknown (2003)

— His preaching, it seems, was chiefly expository, and designed to establish from the Old Testament Scriptures (1) that the predicted Messiah was to be a suffering and dying, and therefore a rising, Messiah; (2) that this Messiah was none other than Jesus of Nazareth. ❋ Unknown (1871)

Chancellor Kent, in the section referred to, in giving the substance of this opinion, leaves out the word establish, regarding the word regulate as sufficiently giving the meaning of the Court. ❋ Matilda Joslyn Gage (1862)

Had he sought his own praise among men, he would have said, that was enough; but the religion he came to establish is in power, not in word only (1 Cor.iv. 20), and therefore something more is necessary. ❋ Unknown (1721)

Please call us we need a PR person who can help us while we help you get your name establish ❋ Unknown (2010)

[Congress] will establish a [viable] [policy]. ❋ Tropane (2006)

[Wooster AK] is not [topical] on [the word] establish. ❋ Urban Dictionary Staff (2004)

to [ratify] a [treaty]
to make a [law] ❋ Dr.Vadnel (2004)

«Every Establishment news outlet will be for every war» — [Jimmy Dore]
«The Establishment is so petrified, including [Romney], that we could actually win a war, and that we could actually end a war» — [Rand Paul] ❋ Tumelo (2019)

I work for [the Establishment] and [there is nothing] I can do [about it]. ❋ Rob (2005)

«I’d say poke [the establishment], but that sounds [too cute] and [cuddly]»
-Liza Oleinik ❋ The G (2003)

I [hate] [the establishment]. ❋ Deep Blue 2012 (2010)

[Hillary] : [Barack’s] [the establishment] candidate. ❋ Joe Iron (2008)

Wow! I am so established [right now]
Damn! [I wish] I could just [establish] with her! ❋ The Three Amigos (2007)

[New York City] was established when it became a city; New York City was not established when the [Erie] [Canal] became successful. ❋ Dr. Oxford (2004)

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