The word escape in a sentence

Synonym: evade, flee, get away. Similar words: landscape, scapegoat, escalator, descartes, escarpment, on a large scale, rape, paper. Meaning: [ɪ’skeɪp]  n. 1. the act of escaping physically 2. an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy 3. the unwanted discharge of a fluid from some container 4. a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler); it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level 5. nonperformance of something distasteful (as by deceit or trickery) that you are supposed to do 6. an avoidance of danger or difficulty 7. a means or way of escaping 8. a plant originally cultivated but now growing wild. v. 1. run away from confinement 2. fail to experience 3. escape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden action 4. be incomprehensible to; escape understanding by 5. issue or leak, as from a small opening 6. remove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion 7. flee; take to one’s heels; cut and run. 

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1. There is no escape [flying] from fate. 

2. Little thieves are hanged, but great ones escape

3. Of young men die many, of old men escape not any. 

4. No artist of performer can entirely escape the lure of fame and its promise of endless admiration and respect, but there is a heavy price one must pay for it. 

5. He told the extraordinary story of his escape.

6. He didn’t allow any word to escape his lips.

7. They made no attempt to escape.

8. We foiled his attempt to escape.

9. The prisoners planned to escape.

10. He was unable to escape the array of facts.

11. Little by little(, he formulated his plan for escape.

12. It won’t be easy for them to escape extradition.

13. He cast about for an escape route.

14. His plan to escape came badly unstuck.

15. Children were evacuated from London to escape the bombing.

16. We managed to escape observation .

17. There was no escape from the enemy.

18. The guards thwarted his attempt to escape from prison.

19. The antelope could not escape the crocodile’s gaping jaws.

19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

20. He made his escape through the window.

21. Please exit by the fire escape.

22. He went into exile to escape political imprisonment.

23. The prisoners plotted an escape route.

24. No one can escape from the prison camp.

25. TV is used as an escape from reality .

26. I felicitate myself on my narrow escape.

27. The Puritans left England to escape being persecuted.

28. They were caught trying to escape.

29. They came to America to escape political tyranny.

30. The more you fight something, the more anxious you become —the more you’re involved in a bad pattern, the more difficult it is to escape

More similar words: landscape, scapegoat, escalator, descartes, escarpment, on a large scale, rape, paper, tape, agape, grape, aperture, paper jam, newspaper, Cap., cap, scan, trapezoid, scant, scare, grapefruit, scandal, scale, scared, scary, capita, in the shape of, fiscal, caprice, captain. 

English Collocation

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Used with adjectives:

«The attempted escape of three prisoners was on the news.«
(attempted, successful)

«He made a daring escape from his kidnappers.«
(daring, quick)

«Their escape plan was really easy.«
(easy, simple, complicated, dangerous)

«Her close escape from the burning house affected her for years.«
(close, narrow, lucky, miraculous)

«The vacation was a welcome escape from their stressful jobs.«
(welcome, perfect, temporary)

Used with verbs:

«He made his escape through the back door.«
(made, attempted)

«A big dog blocked his escape.«
(blocked, prevented)

«The darkness allowed an easy escape.«
(allowed, enabled)

«He planned his escape from the event.«
(planned, plotted, arranged)

«They found an escape from studying for the night.«

«This movie offers an escape from the real world.«
(offers, provides)

Used with nouns:

«Their escape attempt failed.«

«A big tree blocked the escape route.«

«They had a foolproof escape plan.«

«They used the escape tunnel to flee the building.«
(tunnel, hatch, ladder)

«The escape vehicle was waiting by the door.«
(vehicle, car)

Used with prepositions:

«He escaped from his attackers.«

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Used with adverbs:

«They barely escaped the hurricane.«
(barely, just, narrowly)

«My cat somehow escaped from its crate.«

«He successfully escaped from the sinking boat.«
(successfully, safely, quickly)

«The princess finally escaped from the tower.«
(finally, eventually)

«The dog easily escaped from the yard.«

Used with verbs:

«The lion cannot escape from the cage.«

«The lizard attempted to escape being seen.«
(attempted, tried)

«She struggled to escape from the unpleasant conversation.«
(struggled, tried, wanted, hoped)

«He hopes to escape on a tropical vacation.«
(hopes, wants, wishes)

«He managed to escape having to stay late at work.«

«He got in trouble for letting the robbers escape.«
(letting, helping, allowing)

Used with prepositions:

«They escaped from an avalanche safely.«

«The deer escaped into the woods.«

«They escaped to a safe place.«

«The thieves escaped with many valuable paintings.«

«He escaped the room without being noticed.«

Used with nouns:

«She barely escaped death in the earthquake.«
(death, injury, danger)

«He managed to escape blame for the accident.«
(blame, punishment, responsibility)

«They escaped arrest for the crime.«
(arrest, capture, detection, conviction, execution, confinement)

«You can’t escape fate.«
(fate, destiny, death)

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escape — перевод на русский


There’s one thing nobody can escape from, it don’t matter how big a master criminal you are.

Есть в мире одна вещь, от которой никому не сбежать. И неважно, насколько ты великий криминальный гений.

A bail on John Mayer will have a big influence on the trial. He’ll definitely escape to the third country during his bail.

Освобождение Джона Майера… но и позволит ему сбежать и скрыться в какой-нибудь стране третьего мира… зная всю его подноготную.

Then, my hoped-for chance to escape came along.

Возможность сбежать представилась случайно.

There’s a traitor inside trying to escape!

Там предатель, он хочет сбежать!

Mr. Donahue tried to escape, but we kept him.

Мистер Донахью пытался сбежать, но мы задержали его.

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«Jeanne, it is you who must escape.

Жанна, это ты должна бежать.


Кстати, если он попытается бежать, вам, возможно, придётся стрелять.

The stupid fellow tried to escape through the swamps of Fog Hollow.

Глупец пытался бежать в болота Туманной лощины.

The police arrested him and confiscated all the stolen goods, but he managed to escape in an inexplainable manner.

Полиция арестовала его и изъяла все украденные предметы, но ему удалось бежать необъяснимым образом.

You never want to escape from them as I do.

Вы не станете бежать от неё, как я.

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Look, Kid, why don’t you try to escape? Why don’t you get away?

Слушай, Кид, почему ты не пытаешься убежать?

He cannot escape.

Ему не убежать.

Is he really trying to escape?

— Он хочет так убежать?

Escape is impossible, but if I can get to the other side of the island, perhaps…

Убежать невозможно. Но если я сумею перебраться на ту сторону острова… тогда…

She overpowered us and let them escape!

— О чем вы говорите? — Она дала им убежать!

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«who had made a daring escape from Dartmoor.

«совершившего смелый побег из Дартмура.»

A prisoner has the right to escape.

Любой узник имеет право на побег, не так ли?

I’d say that the odds against a successful escape are 100 to one.

Я бы сказал, что шансы на успешный побег — один против ста.

Of course, it’s the duty of a captured soldier to attempt escape.

Разумеется, каждый пленный солдат должен попытаться совершить побег.

Therefore, in our case, escape might well be an infraction of military law.

Следовательно, в нашей ситуации побег — нарушение военного закона.

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She was helping me to escape from the police. — The police?

Она помогла мне уйти от полиции.

— You let him get away. He escaped.

— Вы позволили ему уйти.

You can’t escape that way, Ben.

Тебе не удастся уйти Бэн.

Don’t let him escape!

Не позволяй ему уйти!

If we permit them to escape now… this condition will spread throughout the entire empire.

Если мы дадим им уйти, то бунт охватит всю империю.

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A lot of game try to escape over the road.

Множество дичи пытается спастись через дорогу.

— How did you escape?

Как же вам удалось спастись?

People who run away from home make me laugh, the ones who want to escape.

Люди, которые убегают из дома, меня смешат, люди, которые хотят спастись.

To aid my king’s escape, I shouted out his name and took his identity.

Помог спастись моему королю, я выкрикнул его имя и взял его личность.

Given his stated intention to escape at the first opportunity, it was thought necessary to keep the prisoner bound hand and foot at all times.

Согласно озвученному им намерению спастись при первой возможности, необходимо держать заключенного связанным по руками и ногам все время.

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Otherwise, nothing you do can help you escape from these circumstances. Until the day you die, you’ll have to carry the memories of those murders, and live as a murderer.

ничто не поможет тебе избежать последствий. и жить как убийца.

Then she decided Paul killed her brother, was going to escape punishment but even then she played along.

Затем она решила, что Пол убил ее брата и собирается избежать наказания, но даже тогда, она играла с ним.

No one can escape his just punishment.

Грешникам не избежать справедливой кары.

And how did this charming vampire manage to escape the massacre?

И как этот прелестный вампир сумел избежать бойни?

And when he recognized the man who had trailed him since the underground camp, he understood there was no way to escape Time,

И когда он узнал человека, который следовал за ним от самого подземного лагеря, он понял — нет способа избежать Времени,

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Shot trying to escape.

Был застрелен при попытке к бегству.

That’s as bad as trying to escape!

Это всё равно что попытка к бегству!

We believe he killed himself attempting to escape justice.

Это было самоубийство при попытке к бегству.

You must think the boat is your only way of escaping.

Думаете, катер — ваш единственный путь к бегству?

By trying to escape — we saved his life.

В попытке к бегству мы спасли его жизнь.

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Now, then… you admit you helped Ferdinando Puglisi to escape when you were told that the police —

Вы помогли скрыться Фердинандо Пуглиси в тот момент… когда уже была вызвана полиция…

And Michelle knew that he could not escape from it.

И Мишель знал, что не сможет скрыться от него.

But you can still escape.

Но вы еще можете скрыться.

Ah, if I could escape from death I Would be a great writer!

Эх, если бы я мог скрыться от смерти, то я стал бы великим писателем.

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He escaped!

Вон он убегает!

When I approach him, he escapes.

Когда я подхожу к нему, он убегает.

No-one escapes from here.

Никто не убегает отсюда.

No one ever escapes.

Никто никогда не убегает.

Daimon’s escaping!

— Даймон убегает!

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Examples of how to use the word “escape” in a sentence. How to connect “escape” with other words to make correct English sentences.

escape (v, n): to get free from something, or to avoid something; the act of successfully getting out of a place or a dangerous or bad situation

Use “escape” in a sentence

It’s no use trying to escape.
No one has ever escaped from this prison.
The prisoners tried to escape through the main gate.
He couldn’t escape his father’s shadow.
I have no chance to escape.

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побег, выход, бегство, утечка, бежать, вырваться, спасательный


- бегство, побег

to make good one’s escape — совершить удачный побег
to make one’s escape by a back door — сбежать через чёрный ход
an escape from captivity [from prison] — побег из плена [из тюрьмы]
to seek escape from the heat — пытаться спастись от жары

- уход от жизни, замыкание в (самом) себе

escape literature, literature of escape — эскапистская литература, литература, уводящая от основных проблем жизни (детективная, развлекательная и т. п.)

- избавление, спасение

doom from which there is no escape — судьба, от которой не убежишь /не уйдёшь/
to find no escape from the dilemma — не найти выхода из трудного положения
to have a narrow /hairbreadth/ escape — едва избежать опасности, быть на волосок (от смерти и т. п.)

- утечка (газа, пара и т. п.)
- мед. выделение, истечение

escape of blood — кровотечение

ещё 10 вариантов


- бежать (из заключения); совершать побег, убегать (из тюрьмы и т. п.)

to escape (from) pursuit — ускользнуть от преследования
he escaped to the mountains — он скрылся в горах

- уходить, отключаться

to escape from everyday life — уйти от повседневной жизни

- избежать (опасности и т. п.); спастись, отделаться

- ускользать (о смысле и т. п.)

your point escapes me — я не понимаю (к чему вы клоните)
the details escaped my mind — подробности выпали у меня из памяти
his name escapes me — никак не могу вспомнить его имени

- вырваться (о словах, стоне)

a cry escaped him — он испустил крик /вскрикнул/
not a word escaped his lips — он не проронил ни слова

- спец. улетучиваться; просачиваться

gas is escaping — есть утечка газа

- физ. высвобождаться, вылетать (о частице)

Мои примеры


trying to help people to escape poverty — пытаясь помочь людям вырваться из нищеты  
an accidental escape of poisonous gases — случайная утечка ядовитых газов  
an escape route in case of fire — путь эвакуации в случае пожара  
inflatable escape chute — надувной трап  
to make / organize an escape — организовать побег  
to foil / thwart an escape — срывать побег  
escape from prison — побег из тюрьмы  
escape ladder — спасательная лестница  
escape route — дорога к отступлению  
to escape unpunished — остаться безнаказанным  
escape hatch — запасной, аварийный, спасательный люк  
to aid and escape — (насильственно) освобождать из-под стражи  

Примеры с переводом

The girl had no chance of escape.

У девушки не было никаких шансов сбежать.

She escaped to Britain in 1938.

Она сбежала в Великобританию в 1938 году.

A small laugh escaped her.

Она нечаянно хихикнула.

They abandoned the escape.

Они отказались от побега.

Man, that was a lucky escape!

Блин, вот это тебе повезло, выбраться невредимым! (например при аварии)

They must not be allowed to escape justice.

Им нельзя позволить ускользнуть от правосудия.

It seemed impossible he would escape detection.

Казалось невозможным, что его не обнаружат.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They managed to escape their pursuers.

The gunmen will not escape punishment.

Several passengers escaped without injury.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

escapement  — спуск, регулятор хода, выход, бегство, выпуск
escapism  — эскапизм, бегство от жизни
escapist  — эскапистский, писатель-эскапист
escaped  — беглый
escaping  — бежать, вырваться, избавиться, избегать, убегать, спасаться, отделаться, миновать
escapable  — необязательный, отвратимый, не неизбежный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: escape
he/she/it: escapes
ing ф. (present participle): escaping
2-я ф. (past tense): escaped
3-я ф. (past participle): escaped

ед. ч.(singular): escape
мн. ч.(plural): escapes

None of us had a car to escape from the fires and the zombie flood, so we busted in on Kevin during a recording session

Plastic containers which are placed in the ground and will allow slugs to enter but not escape

Micah ignored his little brother, taking the bin to the fire escape and dumping its contents into a dumpster below

It didn’t help that he kept cutting off any potential escape route; he was always just at arms length away

While the above advantages are bound to result in better average performance of the investments, it must be clearly understood that this can neither compete with abnormal appreciation of a few shares nor escape the effect of a bearish market when share prices are lower than their purchase price

In any case she didn’t have much else left to her; she had to try and escape

What difference does it make? Do you plan to use that shuttlecraft and that rusty old starship to escape

He scanned his bookshelf, looking for an escape

The principal one was teaching the Brazilians how to live without being celebrities and escape from the Kassikan

‘Well then, you’ve had a lucky escape then, haven’t you?’ I shouted back at him

the stationery, books, CDs and housewares just to escape the murderous melee taking

and a thousand other essentials for the great day, had blocked her only escape route

The general consensus is that she’ll be lucky to escape with nasty concussion to say the very least

“Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these

A sick game, but a game nonetheless and one I couldn’t escape from

Nobody can escape their destiny by acting on the physical plain

No matter what you do to escape from destiny, fate will eventually lead you where it wants by producing all the necessary coincidences and circumstances

As he scrambled with his hands and clawed and tore and ripped whatever he could to escape that alien’s grasp, gloved human hands gripped either side of the Squidies ‘helmet’

How could he think that I was mixed up with the General Intelligence Department? I was just a boy trying to escape from other people’s expectations

The young man seeks to escape running along Nereid street, but he is someone else now: I am the man! A plump lady with blond plaits, who resembles my grandma Alice at a young age, appears as a spirit on the sky and declares that “the world of matter is appealing to everybody”

In his irregular visits to my cell during the day we discussed many things, although mostly we ended up bantering about my escape

Through the jokes and the crude religious posturing, he almost seemed to want me to escape, or at least to try

It also meant that we were being held in the heart of enemy territory, well away, as far as we knew, from any government agency or army, and so our proffered location offered us little hope of successful escape

There was something feral about Beniamin’s mannerisms, as if he were a rabbit in a deep, dank warren, aware that ferrets were already prowling the tunnels and that there was no chance of escape

But how do we escape this judgment and achieve the first resurrection to rule and reign with Christ? It says the martyrs will gain this victory

He knew that he could not feed the baby even if he could escape

“She was likely killed by your king for helping me escape, but if she still

God says in Daniel 11:41 that Edom, Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon will escape from the Antichrist

” This passage in Isaiah speaks of an escape

Almost as though observing from a distance, I watch my other self flounder as doubts about my chances of concluding the quest with any degree of success become definite, bottomless failure; my perennial loneliness becomes an old age of isolation in a world slowly spiralling down into barrenness and desolation as I eek out my days, hated by those who remain here … the few who could not escape across … Berndt’s face stares at me, full of the loathing he feels for my failure

and wind in their hair, anything to escape the nagging,

they had a lucky escape

they really had a lucky escape

Berndt brings up the rear – I spend a fair bit of my time checking he is still there; a fact which does not escape his notice

Yet again I appear to be bringing destruction to my friends … I wonder how Agna is now … did her home escape damage? Wiesse, badgered by my repeated requests, was still waiting to hear before we left

«You can’t escape karma or my people,» I finished by saying

I wasn’t sure if my parents were trying to help me escape or regrettably taking me to my imminent execution

I was sure the others wouldn’t let me escape knowing what I knew, the likes of which would ruin their operation

In case that didn’t work, my father stacked chairs in front of the door to prevent a possible escape attempt

He would put the seat belt back on me and I would know it was daddy and a few minutes later I would forget and take it back off to escape whoever he really was

She bowed her head down and let a long breath escape from her and then she was still; her lifeless body slipped to the ground

We can not escape what runs through our path, but everyone is responsible to carry on walking through individual notion and effort

People don’t have a bit of land where they can grow things, they are stuck in damp, high rise flats in deprived areas with no hope of escape

I knew I had to escape, but it had to look casual

‘Give in?’ he asked, as I try to catch my breath between laughing and struggling to escape

‘ There was no escape but at least my new name sounded strong

In razor syntax, what is the escape sequence character for @ symbol?

The escape sequence character for @ symbol, is another @ symbol

So, instead of creeping about I took a deep breath and bellowed out his name into the nearest hovel which caused a rattled flock of partridges to explode and clatter into the air right in front of my face almost knocking me over in their escape

I’d spent the night trying to work out how I’d got into this mess and how to escape

I’d actually made my escape

That they dared to keep secret their advanced intellect, that they planned and executed an escape plan, was unacceptable

He knew many Angels were fleeing to smaller bodies, the size of Gordon’s Lamp, in hopes of escaping notice, but he knew billions would not escape in time from the killer comets that were already on the way from regions light-days out of the solar system

«I don’t see how we escape that,» Elmore said, «unless it is some unknown

I’ve just realised that you were only making excuses so we could escape

She had managed to escape him into Angel space long before he was able to understand the full significance of what his labs had invented

Yellelle related the particulars of their escape from ancient Knossos while they waited

pleases God shall escape from her; but the sinner will be ensnared by her

“Why does he want to kill you?” He wanted to buy time to think of an escape plan

He shut his eyes to escape his mental anguish and drifted off to an uneasy sleep

There was no escape

escape on that first day

To the left of the bar, next to the toilets, there is an alcove in the rear wall through which the punters would access the fire escape door if there was an emergency

If there is a raid he can be through the fire escape door and up onto the roof in seconds

to escape that never materialised

It might be reasonable, but all the same he felt a pang of regret, perhaps he should have asked if she wanted to escape with him, but she might have told Ozzie and then he’d never have got away

escape without me!’ he squealed

leads into the mountain, you can escape that way

He left Helen down in the darkness for an hour after the Cascarino boys departed and memories of the other boy have unnerved her, even though Shaun was far more talkative and comprehensible in his urgent whispering of escape plans

All that Billy wants is to escape, to get home and shut the door

throwing a line into the lake, but there was a way to relax, a way to escape

where she went to escape

The question for Doctor Jasari is this; where does he ditch the Lexus and find an alternative means of escape?

I’ve never been able to put into words just how it felt crossing the water that day – almost as though we’d somehow managed to escape, to find another world, one just for us

their escape, others were too injured to continue and crawled off to the side

I always thought the Kassikan was something to escape from

‘No, it was like a nightmare … the sort where you try to run away but can’t escape

A position in the theater where he could make a quick escape, not

I give her a big grin as she moves towards the lift but the receptionist spots her before she can escape and calls across that there are some telephone messages for her

Titania and Hipolyta were hidden by the clot of bodies blocking their escape route, but a moment of jostling gave Jameson an instant’s glimpse of two small figures nearly with their backs to wall at the far end

Shy people might escape from humanity to the desert

that the incumbrance of her belongings made escape

search of a means of escape or in the hope of someone

He knew the only way he could escape

took him a second to escape the story’s grasp, and then turned to me with his

The three of them must have removed that black sun, and Justice managed to escape out of that hole, and he rewarded them by killing them,” Andrew said

“They’re surrounding Justice with an inescapable force-field that Justice can’t escape right now, but in order to hold it, at least one Hesean has to die in front of the Singularity, so that the force-field lasts,” The Hesean explained

Just a small gap in the force-field and he could escape and go back to tearing apart the universe

Kaitlyn was still the one they each looked to for final decisions about all phases of the production, and she couldn’t escape that, yet

and escape from the snare of the

Her escape had been successful, she returned rested and full of a renewed energy

42He will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will not escape

The house radiated heat, as she approached the front door, the brisk air, called her to escape

As the fight proceeded, she tried to escape only to be tugged to the ground

Jameson handed Hannah back to her father, and Harold continued talking but more to the face of his sleeping daughter, “There was a family who had nearly lost everything in a flood and Harry decided it was an opportunity for Kaitlyn to make good on her desperate desire to escape the shallowness of her life

Mike watched as she cringed at Jim’s escape

Kallo has many times less ability than the Brain and he managed to escape numerous times

but was still assessing possible escape routes out of the

We would not be able to escape undetected

Once he had been caught and had to escape by shuttering his tower

Sam’s ears burned with Kira’s bellowing as he escaped the office and descended the stairs

She escaped from him and got to an eye room

Haques, bleeding and itchy from his many small wounds, escaped into the forest

You may have said to yourself, “Whoever wrote this had to have escaped from a loony bin,” which is entirely true, but at a closer glance the apparent madness of Emanuel Bronner, 88, of Escondido, California, is in fact complete sanity

One had died and one had escaped

Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; The snare

is broken, and we have escaped

fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong,

I escaped to Pallas before the Judge’s famine

As it is said in Isaiah 10:20, “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as have escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more lean upon him who smote them (the Antichrist), but shall lean upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth

A sharp intake of breath, and her whole body trembled, a low moan escaped

The best that I can figure is that there are people that have escaped the flames of Hell, but have not come to a place of maturity in order to rule and reign with Christ in the same manner that the Bride is ruling

«Sure enough», said the soldier to himself, «she’s escaped from the local nut house»

He had choices, but all of them would reveal that he had escaped his sentence

He explained that he’d escaped from the city zoo a

«Sure enough», said the soldier to himself, «she’s escaped from

The same labs that she escaped from

Since the reunification, she understood that the way she escaped made her a copy didn’t it? Why did she think about that now? Was it because it was possible that she had participated in the experiments that made that surgery possible?

It obviously hasn’t escaped Dave’s notice either

far escaped the notice of the powers that be

he’d taken Bess and escaped the College, intending

team of trackers pursuing the escaped men

who’ve escaped to this local

The Yingolian who must have been the carrier defied treatment and escaped to the scrublands of the Gengee

A complex of emotions crossed his face on seeing her, all of them escaped her understanding

“She is about fifteen, on her first trip away from home,” he began anew, “And has escaped her doting Auntie chaperone on the chance that she’ll meet a beau

escaped and continue to reside here

on the words ‘ his subjects’ had escaped no-one

We’ve escaped that one so far as she finds most boys of her own age far too immature to bother with

the Templars who escaped the arrests last year

“They think he was an escaped circus freak,” Andrew answered

her—the way he always escaped dire situations—was through the doorway of a

immediately! Every Hesean that cares about the fate of the Universe, board a ship immediately! The Beast has escaped the Pit! I repeat, The Beast has escaped the Pit!”

The only reason this beast escaped is because nobody good and pure was protecting the Cavern for so long

«Hurry, Mom’s hungry,» was the last word he uttered before closing the door slowly behind himself, but the low growl, that escaped spoke for its self

The tears, had already escaped her dark lashes by the time she reached the footbridge

We’d escaped with our

Across the pond the mournful, monotonous, chugging of Plowie’s chippongga escaped from the ‘Bit, the calls of patrons near the door almost drowning it out

One of the demons escaped

but escaped from her lips in a whisper

Then he shouted for someone to get the Doc, the words had no sooner escaped his mouth, when Todd appeared at the door

Even if she escaped, what then? As much as

Not that their sons escaped the abuse,

Her reaction to his touch was surprising also and a bit of a gasp escaped her lips from the shock of it

«The youth who escaped into the wilds of the Zhlindu basin?»

Often it’s something caught up in one of those cattle drives, sometimes it’s something caged that escaped

The hero succeeded, and escaped Crete with the daughter

Want, famine, and mortality, would immediately prevail in that class, and from thence extend themselves to all the superior classes, till the number of inhabitants in the country was reduced to what could easily be maintained by the revenue and stock which remained in it, and which had escaped either the tyranny or calamity which had destroyed the rest

«Much has changed since you’ve escaped the High Tower

«He hasn’t said anything more than they held him against his will and that he escaped

Alan had escaped from there and Alfred and Viktor had come after him, presumably on that flying thing

They must have attempted to re-capture him on the Lhar and he had escaped somehow

At the same time Alfred answered, Glenelle had the android say, «I present our escaped crewman Alan Larkin and his common-law native wife Desa

‘Could the murderer have escaped through the

«You have seen the reports of the city to which Alan originally escaped

«That would be the one I escaped from,» Alan said

a pursuit of the escaped child

«Doesn’t his religion trace itself back to that religion that escaped from someplace called Egypt and exterminated all believers in other religions?»

If they had, maybe the God-tree of the elves would have escaped infection

After an exasperated sound escaped her lips, she turned to face me with her arms crossed

“Ash…” The voice that escaped did not sound like my Savannah

“The roof fell over my head, and the ground escaped from

He told me that she had seduced a soldier, then killed him with a dagger and escaped into the desert

Besides, Nerissa knew she’d look even more like an escaped slave now, dressed only in a blanket

But now the doughy men have run off and escaped

They were sure they had just escaped the hands of one warden to be met with another

the town that an escaped slave was on the loose

An escaped slave who’d tried to kill him

Galileo, utterly shocked and offended but not being stupid, did profess his “error,” and thereby escaped months or perhaps years of excruciating torture—a Hell on Earth, ironically to have been skillfully crafted and carried out…by the Church

A tiny moan of fear escaped

The fact of the Guild’s turnaround on her account had never escaped him, even as he fumed over her stubborn independent streak

Tragus would remember that they’d been together the first time she escaped

So I thought you might run to her when you escaped

Other than tell Tragus those times I escaped

Heron was remarkably close to allowing very bitter tears to fall, but he turned to wipe them before they escaped

“Yes – and what of it?” The words escaped her mouth before she could stop herself

“Hey, I haven’t done anything, we just escaped from hell underground! Was trying to get her to town

After collapsing out of exhaustion and hunger, she presently found herself far from the cave and the Dwemer ruins she and Mercer had just escaped

And who would deny him sustenance, either of body or mind? Being both the first and final arbiter of whom should receive financial assistance from the state, was a responsibility that was not without its stresses and strains, and Mr Rudolph Snickerty’s contribution to society had not escaped recognition

And of course she escaped Lascor to forge her own destiny—a singularly potent destiny at that

star would surely have escaped the anti-

had escaped on Dawn, and of the attempt

My eyes widened in shock and my voice escaped me

They had quite a battle, but many of the ern left the town to search for you, and he did not know if you had escaped

But the darn thing escaped! And, the last I heard, it had cut a swath clear over to Elm Street

If Sloan escaped to Columbia with the valuable Aquifer information, it might cause great harm to both Alleghenia and Atlantica

Much of what heat there was inside the tent rapidly escaped as Chris and Lucy crawled out into the night

And even if they had escaped it seemed a futile act of survival

As the bones of his legs snapped, his body jerked and only a low moan escaped from his lips, as he drew his last breath

She looked shocked when she saw me and a small gasp escaped her lips I looked at her and noticed that she was still a very good looking girl though she did look a little tired

“How’s Charlie are his wounds mended yet I expected him to be back home by now?” Tears started to fall from Beth’s eyes and to catch in her lashes before shedding down her cheeks a small sob like a sigh escaped her lips as she replied

The more she thought on it, the more she had the feeling that she had escaped

They were taken to England and thus escaped capture and

Jack was happier on his own and escaped

has been shot!” Booth ran off the stage in spite of his injured leg, went out to the back of the theater, and escaped into the night on his horse

Booth had escaped on

A grade B actress I totally fell out of love with when, at an international film festival in Spain, she reported that she was glad to have escaped the poison that is America

Waddell then set out to pursue another whaleship, but this ship escaped into the ice field as the Shenandoah was unable to follow any farther

In fact, there were several whaleships in the ice, and they all escaped capture

The trial of the beach, that which no one escapes and

Earlier in the morning, I had written an episode where Sandra Anderson escapes from her enemies exactly in the same way

We hear the sound of footsteps pounding along the corridor as Ben escapes from his sister’s wrath by locking himself in the bathroom

A whimper escapes her as she again stands in the hall, all her self-control and emotional management collapsing as she is whisked back to that moment

He escapes and hops a train and is then pursued by the police but escapes by a hair into the forest where he spends the night

Consider the phrase “slippery as an eel” to mean someone who escapes responsibility or culpability

Five years of cat and mouse, five years of narrow escapes, five years of

Even when distended with blood it escapes by a rapid flight sideways

Only lightly warmed by the heat, which escapes from this open door

Finally, a guy who had levelled a Colt 45 at me gave a quick nod of his head and snarled at Cooper, “It»s on your head if this asshole escapes

Blood would be spilled, the blood of his fellow men; would the innocent, the women and the children, would they be spared in the heat of battle? That much was certain: No one escapes the wrath of war

I bite my lip to keep from crying out, but a groan escapes me anyway, and Caleb yanks back

Something like a sob and a sigh and a moan escapes him, and he kisses me again

A strangled scream escapes me

17 And it shall come to pass, that he who escapes the sword of Hazael shall Jehu kill, and him who escapes from the sword of Jehu

I mean to say something sharp, or nonchalant, but the only sound that escapes me is an assenting noise, squeezed tight by my swollen throat

This secondary burner burns and oxidises any organic material which escapes the primary chamber

The wicked escapes when no man pursues, but the righteous are bold as the lion; Because of the transgression of the land the princes

on him who escapes of Moab and on the remnant of the land

19 O inhabitant of Aroer, stand by the way, and inspect; ask him who flees, and her who escapes, and say, What is being done?

minds, their sons and their daughters, 26 That he who escapes in that day shall come to you, to cause you to hear it with your ears? 27

that whoever of the victors and the vanquished gets safe out of and escapes all these things aforesaid will be delivered into the hands

wasn’t the stealthiest of escapes and he was quickly followed by

…stars above me…millions of pounds of asphalt slam into my back and head and legs and arms…an explosion of jelly within my pulverized bones…the air escapes my body…

But these are all escapes

His running mate whose name escapes me, inducted me into the bartenders’ club, by taking me to Station JBD where I ate my first lobster and had my first (of many) glasses (and jugs) of white wine

Every copper piece spent on roses escapes the tax collector, and instead goes to providing further power for criminals

Nothing escapes his attention or his interest

9 And it shall come to pass that whoever of the victors and the vanquished gets safe out of and escapes all these things aforesaid will be delivered into the hands of My servant Messiah

Always, he escapes her

“What, the reference escapes you, brother?”

continually lost as water escapes into the air through

surface and escapes into a free-floating state

Upon material death, the soul escapes the bonds of the flesh and leaves behind this mortal coil

What shall we call… your child?” Yocheved’s reluctance to say the words ‘your child’ escapes the notice of the handmaidens and the guards

escapes about the middle of the north side through a pine-clothed ravine,

Nothing that happens in the market on a daily basis escapes us

Somehow one or both of them overpower him, but only one of the men, Ainsley or Twinn escapes

Free of Arct control he escapes in the starship where he discovers the microchip’s and robots

Because fear and anger take turns and intensify each other, the suppressed adrenaline escapes and runs through my entire body

“No one escapes from that place,” disagreed the bald man

“I mean that blasted thing we just saw was made by Orderrans! Specifically that robot was sent her by Orderrans! Joey the Orderrans know about this place! If they did not then, then they will know if that robot escapes!”

“The city itself escapes the brunt of the storms, usually

David’s words were really encouraging but it was up to the woman, whose name escapes me

Exactly what that is or how to accomplish it escapes me, and I have been involved in those efforts since April of 2002

remember who, but she escapes and stuff and meets up with

Another example of the lunacy of war was mentioned in a book whose title and author escapes me

Hypothetically, what would you do if he escapes?” asked a young

And if she escapes? Townside

After four escapes and recapture from Italian prison camps, Stirling spent the rest of the war at Colditz Castle

Mini made a mental note about silver and decided to steal the book along with that robe when she escapes

She didn’t have AIDS, she had morning sickness! The subtle, you get immediately, while the obvious escapes you

Watch the back door in case he escapes

You must come with me and defeat the Warlock before he escapes

They work by binding to excess stomach acid that escapes up into the esophagus i

connection I made, with another planet, and a past President… It escapes me now

“And I guess,” added Monty, “he never escapes on these expeditions because he would never see his family again

Since we are not involved, therefore, except in an advisory capacity, I suggest we advise that the papers should be passed as a matter of urgency to the opposition leadership, by which I mean the man at top, whatever his name is — it escapes me at present — and not to some underling,” instructed the Foreign Secretary

This is India, no one escapes Delhi belly

rage escapes, the ape is free and man of woman born, incensed upon the tree of

meridian lines will abridged be a moment’s weakness escapes the price of leaving

“Because at the exact moment the lion’s spirit body enters the body of the hunter, the spirit body of the shaman leaves it, waking the hunter as it escapes

But I have my doubts—I don’t think anything escapes the wrath of this river

young life escapes our understanding

The name of the airline escapes me for

hits him hard and escapes

escapes the mortal death

conscience escapes self and transcends to meditate upon the needs

male specific and haploid and escapes from recombination

• Paternal mode of inheritance as it passes from father to son and thus escapes

Transcendence escapes wheels of chaos by eliminating gravity of circles

A growth-oriented body politic ensnared in endless economic confrontations killed the collective creative spirit by dulling it with a variety of trance-distractions, from sports contests to street theater protests to iWorlds to eScapes

The blood drains from my face and then a wail escapes my lips

A single sob escapes my lips and I bring my hand up to my mouth to prevent more from coming

I grin and a chuckle escapes my lips

“Did we have escapes?”

Just before the last breath of air escapes the lungs, numbness reaches the head

She could call 911, but these days they are so busy dealing with zombie escapes that they take an hour to answer a call

Nothing escapes their concentrated vigilance

Such easy escapes from justice robbed her of speech

Lucas and Nick started telling us Army stories about their narrow escapes with death and zombies

Whenever one of our brothers and sisters escapes from whips and chains, he shall be there

For all three it was probably the most satisfying meal they’d had since their respective escapes

is a process where nitrates are converted to harmless nitrogen gas that escapes at the

If the Runner escapes, the Red team wins 300 points

Typically, it was lined with a few dumpsters and fire escapes and darkness

Another stupid croaking noise escapes his throat before he closes his mouth with a snap and drops his eyes to the floor

One about heroic adventures and daring escapes

Maybe one too many narrow escapes had put these doubts into her

It was at one of these lunch escapes that Sashi breached the dreaded question

A sob escapes his throat

A breath escapes from her throat

he escapes to the site where John baptized him, Bethabara

Paper, too, escapes my paw and floats, serenely, to the floor

and nothing escapes my ears

In proportion to its inertial development, changing one by one all scenarios of its rotation Cycle and being continuously reprojected in skrruullerrt systems in accordance with its choices, “any personality” constantly changes NNAASSMM of the NUU-VVU-Forms focused by it, which means VVU-Configurations of the UU-VVU-conglomerates (that are active in its Self-Consciousness) that structure them, that is, it gradually escapes from the influence of one part of the spheroidal dynamics of some Creative Activity, simultaneously coming under the influence of SFUURMM-Forms of other VVU-Information

I hate it when a wounded game animal escapes, but, due to my regular shooting practice, it doesn’t happen very often

The pain in her leg began to surface as sharp needles escaping from her leg

“I lost her as we were escaping

What are they escaping from? Many of the prophecies concerning Israel’s final return is mentioned either right after torment, or it gives the sense of no more torment

From these texts, I actually assert there is no rapture in the sense of escaping

Keeping my eyes down, I mull over the statement … the last Element? What is he talking about? I haven’t retrieved the last one yet … He goes on to describe how we were pursued by Antis, escaping through Joris’ skill, though stopping short of mentioning that Joris actually killed two men and completely skirting over the actual cause of Joris’ death

They had walked all the way from Lexington, escaping from a state rest home in a dumpster

He knew many Angels were fleeing to smaller bodies, the size of Gordon’s Lamp, in hopes of escaping notice, but he knew billions would not escape in time from the killer comets that were already on the way from regions light-days out of the solar system

there was little comfort in that and there was no escaping the worm

There was no escaping,

All of a sudden, the thought of escaping (for that is how he now saw his flight from the barracks), escaping in the car looked a lot more palatable

Small children do sometimes work out ways of coping with abuse, methods of mentally escaping from the physical world

It’s his way of escaping my mother, so he doesn’t have to listen to her nag me

dodging the wrath of Ed Pentoch, escaping the cellars of Bravo, triumphing over

escaping from the buns and sticking to his fat cheeks

Here though, there was no escaping

Max wasn’t just trying to stop her from escaping now; he was

Not knowing whether he was escaping or

’ And, torn between the fear of them escaping while

But what were they hoping to gain? There was no escaping the Sanctuary

After escaping Helgen together and speaking with him, his family and many other Nords and non-Nords in my travels, I’ve come to be reminded of just what my father was fighting for — here and elsewhere

Eventually, the abused girl managed to run through a gap between two of the girls, crying profusely as she was escaping

During the next 20 minutes Edward learned that escaping his thoughts was impossible, and that only the alcohol was there to comfort him

They wound through the lower decks, the miserable muffled moans and whimpering sounds of agony and abuse escaping each open chamber they passed in the darkness

It is a maze of thoughts and emotions that most of the time traps the attention, and prevents it from escaping to find happiness

Just because Husim’s ship wasn’t escaping yet, that wasn’t true for the others in the fleet

The effect of the destruction, the image of the almost divine Elf condemning them, would be imprinted on the psyches of the escaping Naud ships’ crews for all time

There was no way of escaping this next step, however much he might like to try

All he could think about was escaping

There was no escaping it

I also have information that he is escaping in a most unusual way

That stopped the fluid escaping in micro gravity, and meant that the container was safe to drop

He found himself, on several occasions, thinking about the huge quantity of heat that was passing through the roof of their inadequate shelter and escaping wastefully into the atmosphere

It was only then he was certain – that thing was not an integral part of the ship; escaping as if it were a real trapped spider, indifferent to him

He re-routed various pipes and massively insulated cables so that the modulator device became an intermediary between the generator and the power grid, all the while the unnerving sight of sparks flying and coolant vapour escaping

Here he was, escaping a crime scene

With the clashing together of the couplings and buffers and a couple of jerks that rattled the trucks then a loud hiss of escaping steam as an accompaniment we set off for the front

But he hadn’t heard from Langdon since escaping TIAR, wasn’t sure if the man was even still alive

After all, what was the likelihood of him escaping when this entire complex had security layers that covered for over a kilometre radius?

“They’re escaping! They’re escaping!” From his vantage point at the far end of the vast encampment, Dorro and Minty could see everything, including about two dozen children running for the woods, accompanied by some sword-wielding Thimble Downers led by Sheriff Forgo

The cat leapt at the fence, mouth wide, knowing its prey was escaping

The car suddenly accelerated and Gonzalez fired another couple of rounds, but they went wide as the helicopter turned to follow the escaping vehicle

Why would we believe the long haired animal lovers? So whose cheetah was on the prowl because by now the reports were coming in fast about the whereabouts of the escaping cheetah

Once he spread his wings he would fly as fast as he could, escaping the kookaburras

She glanced over her shoulder at the chapel, a long sigh escaping her

Escaping the embrace of his favourite dance girl, he started his way to

As I spoke, the tears raced down my cheeks, sobs escaping like a jackhammer from my throat and there was nothing I could do to prevent it

You could not for political reasons close the border with Pakistan which directly led to Bin Laden escaping and many other evils

Standing there with only the light of the fridge escaping the darkness, I had the urge to run

Many terrorists became well-known to the policemen by their tracks only and much respected for escaping

He shouted out a warning, but before I could react, the end of my glowing cigarette ignited the escaping gas with a thunderous explosion

While on the subject of numbers, please explain how African Americans, who comprise approximately 12% of America‘s population, are over-whelming represented in most major sports? Do they possess genetic traits indigenous to their (own) race or is desire the key motivating factor? I will readily allow that sports have traditionally provided many under-privileged people, from all walks of life, a viable means of escaping poverty

Most Davidians were trapped from escaping the building by the rubble knocked over by government tanks

This young boy came to the US, escaping Cuba on a boat with his mother

Strands of my hair were escaping to curl around the sides of my face, and my cheeks had the first real flush that I’d seen in months

“Please,” I said, the word escaping

She could see her house now, the wires of the fence black lines across the light escaping through the gap in the curtains

One these men Stuart decided he would stake all his hopes on escaping undetected

briers, in the story of Br’er Rabbit, he fooled the fox by escaping

As he left, he could hear the hissing sound of the escaping gas engulfing the building

The owner of the shop expressed his pride at the record escaping the notice of the Gestapo for so many years, but seemed relieved to sell it to Colling

Ruby pushed her hands into her face, determined to prevent any sound escaping this time

Hilderich had argued against it, saying that there should be enough time between passes for them to figure out how to use the flaming vehicle, and they should not wander away when they could be so close to escaping this place

The kid was an escaping slave

The Knights Templar had travelled across Europe and sailed to Scotland, escaping a death ordered by the Vatican in Rome

Escaping to Canaan in the company of Abraham, He then virtually disappeared as Abraham’s heirs went into the snare of Egyptian hospitality that slowly sank into virtual or actual captivity

There was no possibilities of escaping, no ways to avoid him

Why, if he was not trying to escape, did he take me with him? And what is he doing, if not escaping?

That explains the running without escaping

Tori is not screaming, but wailing, the whole of her grief escaping through her mouth

Should I feel relieved, that my father isn’t going to be executed? Angry, that I came so close to finally escaping him, but instead he’ll still be in this world, still hanging over my head?

It seems there’s no escaping the reach of genetic damage

Also, evidence of a surface radar contact, compatible with an escaping boat about three miles from TWA 800 at explosion time,

There was a slight lurch as the craft was released from its moorings, and ahead on the viewing screens I could see the bay doors opening and a rush of air escaping the bay as the energy screens dropped

assaulted his skin, a muffled cry escaping his lips as he saw the

His eyes moved to Reactor Three, and he noticed grey smoke escaping from the top

government realize that radiation is still escaping from the damaged reactors—10 million

Escaping Egypt’s grinding slavery, they left Egypt with rucksacks on their backs,

The Cerberus were guided by Elena and Elijah to their places so they could be prepared to attack those that might try to stop the gorgons from escaping

By dawn it was all over with only those that jumped into the river escaping

―Yes,‖ I said, tears escaping from my eyes from the strain of trying not to yawn

With some moans actually escaping his lips, I knew that for Adrian, the end was

“For the past years I’ve been praying to God for him to send one of his angels to help heal my Jesse and he did; he sent you Lucky” She said, tears escaping her eyes

“It hurt me Tanya and not because I loved him but because I loved you! Not because I lost a boyfriend but because I lost a best friend, someone who I thought would always have my back,” I added furiously, tears escaping my eyes

I saw her cover her mouth with both her hands, tears escaping her eyes

I closed my eyes for a second, tears escaping; my heart was drumming in my ears

“That was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do Car!” I said, a tear escaping my eye and I took a deep breath

escaping from some untoward situation, and imagined that she was

You may having been using compulsive sexual activity as a way of escaping other things in your life

It’s not just their speed that confuses me, but the man I thought to be burning in the car seems unharmed and on his feet, escaping

Zachary’s car escaping without a scratch and mine damaged

There is no escaping it

car with only the minimum number of drops escaping

A murmur escaping his lips she looked up to Leora, “He’s waking up

I honor him and the reasons he asked it of us, but that promise was made before the conspiracy decided to blast us with a death-bolt two days ago, which changes things considerably, in my mind! I think it more important to show the conspiracy that they can’t just attack us with impunity whenever they wish! They can consider themselves lucky that we were fair-minded about it, so twenty-seven of them survived today, for it was well within our power to prevent any of them from escaping, and to slay them all out of hand!”

Everything stopped, or, rather, everything moved on but he was caught in a circle from which there was no escaping

Moshe, fighting to control his own mount, once again signaled the remainder down onto the ground, a look of consternation momentarily escaping his tight control

“Good!” Moshe breathed, a sigh of relief escaping with the reply

Help the sleepwalkers escape from the land of nod using your powers of sand!


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Помогите лунатикам выбраться из царства сна, используя силы песка!


Neither evidence should not escape your notice and then criminal will be punished.


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Ни одна улика не должна ускользнуть от вашего внимания и тогда преступник понесет заслуженное наказание.


They can not escape themselves, waiting for help mate, armed with an ax.


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Они не могут выбраться сами, дожидаясь помощи товарища, вооруженного топором.


Signs for escape routes and emergency exits;


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So I come to help you escape from him, to wipe out traces, change your appearance.

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Я помогу вам ускользнуть от него, замести следы, изменить внешность.

Use the Wheels of Salvation to help Dr Carter escape the pit of Endless Torment.


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Используйте Wheels of Salvation, чтобы помочь Dr Carter выбраться из ямы Endless Torment.


Indication of escape routes, safety recesses

and fire-fighting equipment by lighting and signs.


context icon

и противопожарного оборудования посредством освещения и соответствующих знаков;


Beyond that, nothing can escape, nothing.

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The skirt was tied up so the thief couldn’t escape, and the woman was burned.

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Юбку связали, так, что вор не мог выбраться, и женщину сожгли.

In Karuizawa, you can escape city life and explore nature.


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В Каруидзаве вы можете укрыться от городской суеты и насладиться природой.


We can’t afford to let Habib escape.

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As all borders were sealed,

civilians could not escape from the orbit of harm.


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Поскольку все границы были закрыты,

гражданские лица не могли укрыться от боевых действий.


She will never let livvie escape.

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Children can relax and escape from the lessons in a calm, relaxing environment.


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Здесь дети смогут отдохнуть и отвлечься от уроков в спокойной, расслабляющей обстановке.


You cannot escape from the lesson, or from payment.


Bright, original and somewhat exotic interior rooms allows escape from the city bustle.


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Яркий, оригинальный и в чем-то экзотический интерьер номеров позволяет отвлечься от городской суеты.


Cell mechanisms of tumor immune«escape».


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Клеточные механизмы« ускользания» опухоли от иммунного ответа.


Mordred squirmed in his chair, but there was no escape from that staff.

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Мордред заерзал в кресле, но от посоха было не укрыться.

You cannot escape them as long as you live.

Other escape from confinement Farmed animals.


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Such events, as»Gourmet Escape will make Victoria haven for tourists-gourmet.


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Такие события, как« Гурмет Эскейп» сделают Викторию раем для туристов- гурманов.


The quest room(escape room, reality quest, real-life room escape) is a problem-solving team game.


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квест в реальности, real- life room escape)- интеллектуальная командная игра.


Ford Escape, Mazda Tribute(2001-2007)-

guide repair, maintenance and operation of the vehicle.

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Форд Эскейп, Мазда трибьют(

2001- 2007)- руководство по ремонту, обслуживанию и эксплуатации автомобиля.

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Просто нажмите контрол, эскейп.

Do you have a silver Ford Escape?

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У вас есть Форд Эскейп серебряного цвета?

Escape to Neverland- become the guns and repel attacks from the air!


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ИГРА» ПОБЕГ В НЕТЛАНДИЮ»- станьте к орудиям и отразите атаки с воздуха!


You can press the escape button to skip descaling.


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Можно нажать кнопку ESCAPE, чтобы пропустить очистку от накипи.


Press the escape button if you do not want to perform

the quick clean procedure.


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Если вы не хотите выполнять процедуру быстрой очистки, можно нажать кнопку ESCAPE.


You can pause the descaling or rinsing cycle by pressing the escape button.


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Чтобы приостановить удаление накипи или промывку, нажмите кнопку ESCAPE.


  • Use the word Escape in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I admit, it is difficult to even think encased in this rotting piece of meat. The stink of it filling every breath, a suffocating cloud you can’t escape.

/Authorities say, when his demand /to be on television was rebuked, /he taunted police into creating /a smokescreen for his own escape, /the bloodiest and boldest /in prison history.

Donning the Shogun’s armor, so Gongen could make his escape our ancestor strode before Sanada, and in the guise of the Shogun most bravely cut him down!

No escape from Spooky Mormon Hell Dream!

escape is a state of mind.

There’s one thing nobody can escape from, it don’t matter how big a master criminal you are.

You have no idea how reassuring it is to know that I have a place to escape to whenever I get scared.

You’re telling me that I’m your place of escape?

You’re the only form of escape that I have.

How did you escape sister duty tonight?

You’re gonna put him in a cell with one inept guard… and they’ll escape!

The guard falls in, Bob’s your uncle, we escape.

Whoever he is, wherever he is, he’s not going to be able to escape detection indefinitely.

escape of Fantomas Inspector Juve has not won.

With great effort, the Gauls escape for a short time from the Roman warriors But in the end, they are captured and taken before Caesar.

With bizarre and unforeseen consequences the drug was consumed by a generation of young people seeking spiritual transcendence and an escape from the conventional world.

If he is alone, if it’s possible for him, there’s only one escape from this discomfort a suicide…this man will kill himself.

The rebellious one will not escape his punishment…’

They may even escape to Scotland before dawn.

Don’t hurry, they will not escape us!

«They will not escape my revenge!»

I want escape the images that haunt me.»

«Lock her up in there so that she won’t be able to escape

«Irmgard Vanderheit if you think you can escape you are wrong.» John

Nothing can help me, in any way can I escape destiny

You need to go immediately, because he is already crossing the lake, and you can only escape to the mountains.

Busco el camino que escape de la tormenta

Why did you let him escape?

You cannot avoid the torment of remorse, just as you cannot escape taking over as Death’s driver for a year.

The escape of Mado, the adventuress

Mr. Ramberti, since the S.V. failed to solve the mystery of my escape, Here you will find the whole story. Yours, Mado.

Remember, you shall not escape my revenge!

«They saw him escape — he strangled his keeper!»

Residents of the city seek to escape the fire by going into the lake.

A woman fought in vain to escape her horrible nightmare …

Expelled from his domain, he had resorted to drinking to escape reality.

escape on your own, Paris, I’m prepared to pay with my death.

You cannot escape my vengeance. Hagen Tronje!

then you can realize your dreams because while you are speaking, you are letting the crown escape.

Great Khan, every way of escape is blocked.

We have just learned that a bank employee, Egon Stirner was arrested for the murder of Lia Leid while preparing his escape.

It’s their only hope of escape!

Fortunately Ochio managed to escape.

Hunter sights his prey and the Carleton seek escape through a narrow pass to the gold country.

You can’t stay here ÔÇô your uncles will punish you for me escape.

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