The word equality in a sentence

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1. All people have the right to equality of opportunity.

2. Women do not yet have true equality in the company.

3. In some countries black people do not have equality with white people.

4. They are fighting for the equality of women.

5. We must continue to press for full equality.

6. She was herself a vehement protagonist of sexual equality.

7. We talk glibly of equality of opportunity.

8. Women must battle on until they have gained equality.

9. Women are still struggling for true equality with men.

10. What’s her stand on sexual equality?

11. Don’t you believe in equality between men and women?

12. We are committed to the ideal of equality.

13. The government must promote racial equality.

14. Equality is one of the pillars of socialism.

15. The new law provided for equality of human rights.

16. Civil rights include freedom, equality in law and in employment,[] and the right to vote.

17. The women are demanding full equality with the men of their tribe.

18. These women are demanding fairness and equality in their pay.

19. Women have yet to achieve full equality with men in the workplace.

20. The main beneficiaries of pension equality so far have been men.

21. All three children have equality in our family — they are all treated in the same way.

22. Equality of opportunity has been the government’s guiding principle in its education reforms.

23. I’m all for sexual equality, but I don’t want my wife earning more than I do.

24. Equality between men and women in our society is still only theoretical.

25. They have long been involved in a crusade for racial equality.

26. They were all committed to the doctrine of social equality.

27. In this country women are clamoring for improvements in the sexual equality laws.

28. The judge’s ruling has struck a blow for racial equality.

29. Gandhi became an object of widespread veneration because of his unceasing struggle for freedom and equality.

30. She saw quite well that she was not treated on a footing of equality.

More similar words: inequality, quality, qualitative, equability, sexuality, spirituality, equal, unequal, be equal to, squalid, qualify, qualified, qualifying, disqualify, equanimity, disqualified, qualification, normality, venality, vitality, morality, mortality, generality, commonality, personality, nationality, principality, originality, conviviality, technicality. 

Definition of Equality

the quality of having the same value or worth

Examples of Equality in a sentence

The civil rights activist fought for racially equality so all people would be viewed as equals.


While the women’s rights movement has come a long way, many people still believe the fight for gender equality must continue.


Police officers should enforce the law with an equality of treatment towards all individuals regardless of race.


As a parent, the idea of equality is very important to me because I strive to treat my children equally.


How can my company say it promotes equality for women when my salary is smaller than the salary paid to my male counterpart?


Other words in the Neutral category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

равенство, равноправие


- равенство

sovereign equality — суверенное равенство
the equality of men — равенство людей
on an equality with smb. — на равных правах /условиях, основаниях/ с кем-л.
on a footing of equality — на равном положении
equality of votes — разделение голосов поровну, равенство голосов

- равноправие

equality between the sexes — равноправие мужчин и женщин

- редк. единообразие
- мат. равенство

Equality State — амер. «Штат Равноправия» (Вайоминг, первым предоставивший женщинам право голоса)

Мои примеры


the ideals of liberty and equality — идеалы свободы и равенства  
the fight for liberty and equality — борьба за свободу и равенство  
to achieve / attain equality — добиться равенства  
racial equality — расовое равноправие  
religious equality — религиозное равноправие  
total equality — всеобщее равенство  
equality in pay — равная зарплата  
equality between men and women — равенство мужду мужчинами и женщинами  
equality before the law — равенство перед законом  
promoter of sex equality — сторонник равноправия полов  
equality circuit — схема равенства  
draw a short line across the equality sign — перечёркивать  

Примеры с переводом

Many women are campaigning for sexual equality.

Многие женщины выступают за равноправие полов.

The new law provides for equality of human rights.

Новый закон устанавливает равенство прав всех людей.

Women still have to overcome many obstacles to gain equality.

Женщинам по-прежнему приходится преодолевать множество препятствий, чтобы обрести равенство.

We must continue to press for full equality.

Мы должны продолжать настаивать на условиях полного равенства.

All people have the right to equality of opportunity.

Все люди имеют право на равенство возможностей.

Women must battle on until they have gained equality.

Женщины должны бороться, пока не добьются равенства.

The Commission for Racial Equality teaches organisations not to discriminate.

Комиссия по расовому равенству указывает организациям на недопущение политики дискриминации.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…unrelenting in the pursuit of equality for all races…

The government was founded on a doctrine of equality for all people.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

inequality  — неравенство, разница, различие, неодинаковость, изменчивость, непостоянство
coequality  — равенство, равное положение

equality — перевод на русский


unity — equality — morality.»

единство — равенство — мораль.»

With shouts of liberty, equality, fraternity, I take it.

С криками «Свобода! Равенство! Братство!» полагаю?

Liberty, equality, fraternity!

Свобода, равенство, братские отношения!

I don’t believe in equality, my dear doctor.

Я не верю в равенство, мой дорогой доктор.

— I’m for progress. — Equality of the sexes!

А я за прогресс, за равенство полов!

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We fought a revolution in the name of fairness and equality.

Мы совершили революцию, чтобы дать народу достоинство и равноправие.

What about equality?

А как же равноправие?

Look, I’m all for equality, but if you ask me feminism is about choice.

Послушайте, я полностью поддерживаю равноправие, но если бы вы меня спросили, феминизм – это выбор.

I’m totally for the sexual equality of women and men.

А я за полное равноправие женщин.

Some of us have fought for equality through the political process, but Ray Charles changed American culture by touching people’s hearts.

С тех пор мы прошли немалый путь, мы боролись за равноправие, участвуя в политическом процессе. Но воздействие Рэя Чарльза на американскую культуру не менее важно, ибо он тронул сердца людей.

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Люди будут жить как братья, а мужчины и женщины будут равны.

It wasn’t about race or Vietnam. It was about equality.

Дело было не в расе или Вьетнаме, мы были совершенно равны.

There is no equality before the law.

Перед законом не все равны.

What the noble Baroness has always said she wanted — equality of opportunity between Palestine and Israel.

Что знатная баронесса всегда и говорила: равные возможности и Палестине, и Израилю.

It seems wrong to fight this hard for marriage equality and then get divorced.

Кажется неправильным так рьяно бороться за равные браки, а потом разводиться.

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Equality of remuneration art. 4, para. 2, third sentence.


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Равная заработная плата пункт 2 статьи 4,

третье предложение.


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Конституционное право на равную заработную плату 81.


Art.163- against national and racial equality through participation in a group.


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Статья 163- против национального и расового равенств в результате участия в группе.


Introducing Project to»Guarantee rights in salary equality.


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Начало реализации проекта по гарантированию прав на равную оплату труда.


Mali ratified ILO Convention 100 on equality of remuneration in 1964.


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В 1964 году Мали ратифицировала Конвенцию№ 100 МОТ о равном вознаграждении.


The Netherlands Antilles is considering a similar act on equality of treatment.


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Нидерландские Антильские острова рассматривают вопрос о принятии аналогичного закона о равном обращении.


March, 16th: Proving properties of functional programs by equality saturation.


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Марта: Доказательство свойств функциональных программ методом насыщения равенствами.


I undertake to treat every individual with respect on a basis of equality.


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Я отношусь к каждому человеку с уважением, как к равному.


Accordingly, there was no genuine equality of rights for women.


Festivities related to»Equality line» at Thessaloniki and other provincial cities.


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Проведение мероприятий в рамках кампании» Движение за равноправие» в Салониках и других провинциальных городах.


Festivities related to»Equality line» at 11 prefectures of the country.


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Мероприятия в рамках кампании» Движение за равноправие» в 11 префектурах страны.


To ensure equality, it is not enough to prohibit discrimination through suppressive legislation.


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Для обеспечения равноправия недостаточно лишь запретить дискриминацию путем принятия жесткого законодательства.


Peace is inextricably linked with equality between women and men and development.


Ensure equality and non-discrimination under the law and in practice;


The Flemish Minister for Equality of Opportunity plays a coordinating role in this process.


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A commitment to equality of status and opportunity, particularly between men and women;


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Стремиться к обеспечению равного положения и


возможностей, особенно в отношениях между мужчинами и женщинами;


Ii Enhance access, equality and quality and reduce urban-rural disparities;


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Ii повышения уровня доступности, равноправности и качества образования и уменьшения различий в образовании,

получаемом в городах и сельской местностью;


Courts have also applied equality and anti-discriminatory protection regarding housing on different grounds.


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Суды применяют также принципы равенства и защиты от дискриминации на различных основаниях.


Effective gender equality tracking and benchmarking of progress.


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Эффективное отслеживание прогресса в достижении гендерного равенства


сопоставлении с установленными ориентирами.


The Gender Equality Action Assembly was attended by 361 participants from 36 countries.


Shape public opinion to respect equality of men and women.


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Article 4 Measures designed to accelerate equality between men and women.


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The equality of the vote is guaranteed by granting every voter a single vote.


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Проведение равноправного голосования обеспечивается путем предоставления каждому избирателю одного голоса.


This equality in education has yet to be followed through into employment.


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The Civil Service is committed to equality of opportunity for all staff.


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Гражданская служба привержена делу обеспечения равных возможностей для всех ее сотрудников.


Russia seeks to establish equality as a basic principle within a comprehensive, global trading system.


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Россия стремится к установлению равенства в качестве базового принципа всеобъемлющей, глобальной системы торговли.


The regulatory provisions have incorporated equality of treatment without any discrimination on the basis of gender.


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Регулятивные нормы предусматривают равноправное отношение без какой-либо дискриминации по признаку пола.


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Short & Simple Example Sentence For Equality | Equality Sentence

  • They guaranteed equality and self-government to all.
  • This equality extends throughout the order.
  • The new law provided equality for all.
  • It overlooks the moral equality of men.
  • Thus slavery went, and political equality came.
  • Formal rigid equality is just what does not spare the character.
  • But no one asks or expects anything more than an equality of rights.
  • In point of fact, the oft-boasted equality before the law is a myth.

How To Use Equality In A Sentence?

  • The significance of this is, that there is an essential moral equality among men.
  • Years ago he inculcated the equality of the sexes in regard to all civil and political immunities.
  • By that spirit of liberty and equality of which you all admire, we would ask you to do this.
  • Second, a fundamental principle of international law is the entity and equality of all states.
  • Under the whip of the driver, the slave shall feel his equality with saints and heroes.
  • Fortune and misfortune, wealth and destitution, equality and inequality, all proceed from it.
  • Each man, finding every other man compelled to labor, was on a social equality with the best.
  • Sometimes, when she met Maria, they made her feel almost on terms of equality with her.
  • We have too often elevated relatively subordinate convictions to an equality with the fundamentals of the faith.
  • But in actual practice the propertied men recognized no such thing as equality and dispensed with humility.
  • The claims of other states to equality of treatment in the use of such a canal constituted another element that had to be considered.
  • In the present part, it remains for us to examine the same doctrine in relation to the equality of the divine goodness.
  • In proportion to the degree of equality established by the laws, the dearer will they become to every citizen….
  • Yet, notwithstanding its general equality of depth, several rapids occurred, down which the boats were hurried with great velocity.
  • Towards fellow-men Buddhist morality is based on the notion of the equality of all; respect is to be paid to all living beings.
  • But they meet with new difficulties, and their equality of wages becomes the same unrealizable Utopia as the scale of wages of other collectivists.
  • A resemblance, nearness, or similarity of mind, almost an equality of knowledge, is requisite to a clear understanding.
  • The mere fact of the temper itself had served to give him a sense of equality and, perhaps, superiority, but this woman never showed temper.
  • Her blood was heavy, violent, anarchic, insisting on the equality of the blood in all, and therefore on her own absolute right to satisfaction.
  • It is manifest that he was not an advocate of the doctrine of political equality as it came to be taught by the leaders of the Republican Party.
  • This Equality Philip left as his representative in the world a son who was twenty years old when his father was executed.
  • When of the rights of men we heard, which to all should be common, Were of a righteous equality told, and inspiriting freedom?
  • There can be no sense of safety and equality among the nations if great preponderating armaments are henceforth to continue here and there to be built up and maintained.
  • Equality of territory or of resources there of course cannot be; nor any other sort of equality not gained in the ordinary peaceful and legitimate development of the peoples themselves.
  • Faithful performance of what is undertaken to be performed, they honor in themselves, and exact in others, as certificate of equality with themselves.
  • Liberty and equality are indeed the foundation of the state, but as the most abstract also the most superficial, and for that very reason naturally the most familiar.
  • The Commission abolished this equality and comradeship and put the Europeans and the Indians into separate pens.
  • The formal equality of all citizens as electors thereby only gives more open indication of the incapacity of democratic parliamentarism to settle the root questions of historical evolution.
  • Upon being expelled from the garden, Adam and Eve, as to their food, were put upon an equality with the lower animals.
  • The mystic equality of Christianity has taken one step down from the heavens in the shape of the «natural,» «legal» equality of democracy.
  • Their summits were perfectly level, and no longer confined by a secondary embankment, but preserved an uniform equality of surface back from the stream.
  • With adverse feelings towards their respective government, the masses marched on their capital demanding equality to enter these, but nothing was accomplished.

Definition of Equality

The fact of being equal. | (mathematics) The fact of being equal, of having the same value. | The equal treatment of people irrespective of social or cultural differences.

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Equality sentence in english

More significantly, the implications a principle of equality has for health may also depend on how ˜equality™ itself is understood. ❋ Sreenivasan, Gopal (2008)

I take it that this is the gist of the reason why the so-called social equality is so repulsive to theorists who have not comprehended the great difference between social _equality_ and social ❋ John Thomas Codman (N/A)

The same order of experiences out of which this general idea of equality is evolved, gives birth at the same time to a more complex idea of equality; or, rather, the process just described generates an idea of equality which further experience separates into two ideas — _equality of things_ and _equality of relations_. ❋ Herbert Spencer (1861)

For it is the peculiarity of linear extension that it alone allows its magnitudes to be placed in _absolute_ juxtaposition, or, rather, in coincident position; it alone can test the equality of two magnitudes by observing whether they will coalesce, as two equal mathematical lines do, when placed between the same points; it alone can test _equality_ by trying whether it will become _identity_. ❋ Herbert Spencer (1861)

Aristotle has made yet another wise and profound observation on the question of equality: «_We must establish equality_,» he said, «_in the passions rather than in the fortunes of men. ❋ ��mile Faguet (1881)

Firstly, our strong belief in equality is important here. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The more we talk about abstract notions of freedom and equality, the more we forget that Christian love these days is about sticking it to the other guy, and that equality is code for «handouts». ❋ Unknown (2006)

Modernity uses — or rather abuses — the term equality in two incompatible and self-canceling ways and in a verbal sleight of exasperating slipperiness. ❋ Unknown (2009)

When therefore the mind is accustomed to these judgments and their corrections, and finds that the same proportion which makes two figures have in the eye that appearance, which we call equality, makes them also correspond to each other, and to any common measure, with which they are compared, we form a mixed notion of equality derived both from the looser and stricter methods of comparison. ❋ David Hume (1743)

When therefore the mind is accustomed to these judgments and their corrections, and finds that the same proportion which makes two figures have in the eye that appearance, which we call equality, makes them also correspond to each other, and to any common measure, with which they are compar’d, we form a mix’d notion of equality deriv’d both from the looser and stricter methods of comparison. ❋ Unknown (1739)

And he is confident that he has the knowledge (gnosis) to make things perfect, which he defines as equality in all things. ❋ Unknown (2008)

While republicans are no saints, the days of creating programs like welfare for the poor that only oppress them further in the name of «equality» is not only false advertising but has continued to be THE big lie that the poor continuously fall for. ❋ Unknown (2009)

If I believe in equality, and equality is based on interests rather than characteristics, then either I have to take the steer’s interest into account or accept that I’m a speciesist. ❋ Unknown (2007)

She understands that the fight for marriage equality is not just about marriage, but economic security. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Firstly, do you mean to ask whether by declaring yourself as a lib dem you believe that equality is practically obtainable? ❋ Unknown (2009)

In a recent blog post of mine, about the need for Feminism, the so called ‘Angry Harry’, commented providing me with a link to a somewhat angry rant about how trying to achieve gender equality is a complete waste of time. ❋ Unknown (2009)

To liberate equality is to free oneself from the reproduction of inequality. ❋ Unknown (2009)

1) Correct the [inequality].
2) [All men] are equal.
3) Some are just more equal than others. (-George [Orwell]) ❋ Unbridled Scissors (2004)

[Equality] does not [exist] ❋ VidsRealm (2021)

[meet] [us] at [the crib] around equality ❋ Brutus (2003)

1) Person A: I agree that [equality] is important, but don’t you think our gender should be given special privileges?
Person B: No way, equality is [for everybody], not just us.
2) Person A: So, who you gonna hire for the accounting job?
Person B: Probably whoever has the most experience, references, and [credentials]. ❋ Simple_As_Sun (2011)

Equality is a [pure-evil] [lie]. ❋ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (2023)

I believe in [equality] because I believe everyone should have the [equal rights] except those who don’t agree, they are [morons] and don’t know shit. ❋ Patriotic White Male (2017)

People try to understand and practice [equality], but [in the end], they [fail]. ❋ FlareKitsune (2009)

They was messin’ [with me], so I [got’s] me an equalizer! ❋ Benjamino (2003)

2*100=200. (Translation: [two times] [one hundred] equals two [hundred]. ❋ Matt11111 (2011)

Equality is achieved by [teaching] others Knowledge and [Wisdom], and making it [understood] through Understanding. ❋ LiquidSwords (2005)

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