The word equal in a sentence

Synonym: match, parallel, rival, tie. Antonym: disparity, unequal. Similar words: be equal to, squalid, qualify, quality, adequate, equation, equability, equanimity. Meaning: [‘iːkwəl]  n. a person who is of equal standing with another in a group. v. 1. be identical or equivalent to 2. be equal to in quality or ability 3. make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching. adj. 1. well matched; having the same quantity, value, or measure as another 2. equal in amount or value. 

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(1) Six feet of earth makes all men equal

(2) In the grave the rich and poor lie equal

(3) The end makes all equal.

(4) It is an equal failing to trust everybody and trust nobody. 

(5) The law cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the law. 

(6) There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence. 

(7) There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love andd innocence. 

(8) Love makes all equal.

(9) It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody. 

(10) The article trivializes the whole issue of equal rights.

(11) These coins are not equal value.

(12) One li is equal to half a kilometre.

(13) Fairness demanded an equal division of the winnings.

(14) A dollar is equal to one hundred cents.

(15) They are of equal height.

(16) He did not regard himself as her intellectual equal.

(17) Twelve inches are equal to one foot.

(18) The tests and teacher assessments have equal weighting.

(19) They are demanding equal rights and justice.

(20) Both candidates received an equal number of votes.

(21) Twelve inches is equal to one foot.

(22) Helen is quite equal to Jack in brains.

(23) Don’t you think that both views have equal validity?

(24) Make X greater than or equal to zero.

(25) The judge awarded both finalists equal points.

(26) Nobody can equal him in intelligence.

(27) We are campaigning for equal rights for women.

(28) Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results.

(29) The judges awarded both finalists equal points.

(30) Perseverance can somtimes equal genius in its results.

More similar words: be equal to, squalid, qualify, quality, adequate, equation, equability, equanimity, qualitative, qualification, square, squad, quack, quarry, quaint, loquat, equip, casual, visual, manual, mutual, ritual, actual, annual, sexual, quarrel, quarter, quantum, quandary, square up. 

Definition of Equal

being the same in size, amount, or degree

Examples of Equal in a sentence

You should add an equal amount of water and paint to the bowl get the right mixture.


Though their accounts weren’t equal, John had almost as much money saved as Lonnie.


Because the boys ran the race in an equal amount of time, no one could be named the winner.


The parents try to buy the children an equal amount of presents so no one gets jealous.


In math class, the two twin boys have equal GPAs of 3.80.


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Examples of how to use the word “equal” in a sentence. How to connect “equal” with other words to make correct English sentences.

equal (adj, n, v): the same in amount, number, or size; someone or something that has the same importance as someone or something else and deserves the same treatment; to be the same in value or amount as something else

Use “equal” in a sentence

We are all equal here.
One plus two equals three.
She divided the pie into three equal parts.

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consistently are you going to do it? Do the math and that’ll equal your success

spending doing this, equal over a year? What can I do to replace that

compost (mixed with equal amounts of aged wood)

Mix with equal parts DE for an excellent dust

In the case of a Hindu, equal division is made between the wife, children and mother

The surviving spouse gets 50 per cent of the estate and the children get an equal share each of the balance 50 per cent

Into this place the mixture TGC+™ (equal amounts of organic tobacco, garlic powder, compost and the + stands for trace minerals such as rock dust)

The brothers both smiled, being equal and opposite parts of each other, the

the slave opportunity to discuss the work of the local congregation and have an equal say in Ch

Quite a few times he has made clear to us he deems his dog equal to any human being -this time, however, he intends to show us too: He takes the bitch in his lap, he holds her as if she were a baby, and says tenderly: “This is my child! Is she any different from a child?”

* Important side note: The local preacher as a part of the business meeting is to have no more «voting power» than any other man of the congregation but remember he should be allowed equal input

Because men and women are equal in God’s sight and have equal access to the spiritual

Because they were equal to men in receiving salvation and in their importance to the

only known that Guard was a good soldier, had skill equal to the captain

You only need three or four Brazil that not all nuts are created equal

The crazy thing about it is that in Revelation 21 and 22, we seem to find the Church as God’s equal

However, not al skin creams are created equal

As mentioned, not all skin creams are created equal and not al skins are the same

considerations because not all skin type is created equal

I place the ‘King of Asanas’ in this chapter on disorders of the respiratory tract because in the relief and cure of such ailments as asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, nose troubles, and sinus troubles it has no equal

‘Oh yes … we’ve decided that this is for life and that we are going to be equal partners … oh and that you will come with me on my travels

I vow that I shall love and remain faithful to you for the rest of my life, honouring you as an equal partner in our relationship for as long as you want to stay with me

by the equal and opposite energy of gravity,

She represented the good and the bad: the politicians, street-players, gypsies, police, drug dealers, prostitutes and priests — all in equal measure — and in between, the cafe owners and their ten-piece bouzouki orchestras

Plates, statuettes, the framed business license and a calendar hung with equal importance beneath a clock plate and below it stood a kerosene lamp, prominent on its very own shelf, like a holy statue

Future History would show that the forces of the Mighty Valotin and his Warrior Queen Valeria saved Europe; in battle they were formidable and had no equal

he must ensure that there were no powers equal to his own, much

Ish’s chest swelled with pride as Fred had called him equal in role

Not needing them was an equal step in the other direction

These women were more ‘free spirits’, and it seemed on equal terms with the men

Unescorted women in Greek and Roman times did NOT have equal rights and they were confined to their cabin and had to call for escort to the head

The past does not have to equal

were of equal strength, with the only differences being to

and the height of it are equal

And to address your second claim, namely that its equal can not be found in the reaches of the entire state

I am indeed surprised by your ignorance of the presence in your own community of an internationally renowned rod-maker, and not fifty paces from this very spot! Might I direct you just down the boardwalk to the Mercantile? There you will find not this sad pole’s equal, but its lord and master!” The Sportsman exclaimed; then added, “I’m sure the tackle you sell is adequate for the leisure fishing interests of the tourists or stray visitor who might of caprice decide to ‘go fish a bit, since there’s a lake here and all,’ but do not impugn the truly exquisite work of master craftsmen by putting these on offer for anything but what they are

Ozzie had endured enough helplessness when a first year at school – that’s when he and Chas had become the pals they were … equal sufferers at the hands of the older boys

He has, in his own way, treated her better than most of the shits out on the street, not exactly as an equal, but he does seem to recognise her humanity

All men may be created equal, but few realize their possibilities

He was asked his opinions on topics under discussion, deferred to in matters of a practical nature, and generally respected as an equal

The equal sign in an equation is no more than a

a woman and possessed a strength of character the equal

“Remember, three forces equal and separate can only occupy, for the purposes of a two-dimensional diagram, the extremities of an equilateral triangle

Also, there’s the obvious fact that the amount of energy required to give animalistic intelligence to a tree would require a magnetic monopole super-imposed within a super-massive black hole isolated within a Higgs Field times the density of a weakless universe divided by the sub-particle wave length of the root square of an isosceles triangle subtracting the para-statistical metadata equal to the maximum level of sub-atomic exotic particles, then acting under the assumption that in the event of the self-intersection of cosmic strings triggered by inordinate radiation, there would exist somewhere an object that was both simultaneously larger than the entire universe and smaller than an atom, blatantly violating the Law of Conservation of Energy

Both Pneika and Yhomaire did about equal amounts in meal preparation and got Alan to help by getting down a large bowl from a high shelf that they would have needed a stool to reach

They were humble and thrilled in equal measure

the solution on the other side of the equal sign? Was he simply balancing the

Almost equal to that of Cretien de Troyes

charming and infuriating in equal measure

rising in equal measure

He learned that day that he would never be the equal to Solo Ki, and that his father was beyond death, beyond any physical test

After a millennium of infection, its cells and its soul were utterly consumed by the dark power, endowing it with strength equal to the greatest of the Boulder Lords

In the other species of industry, the produce of equal quantities of labour being always the same, or very nearly the same, it can be more exactly suited to the effectual demand

They would have been produced by a smaller quantity of labour ; and as the commodities produced by equal quantities of labour would naturally in this state of things be exchanged for one another, they would have been purchased likewise with the produce of a smaller quantity

The poorest labourers, therefore, according to this account, must, one with another, attempt to rear at least four children, in order; that two may have an equal chance of living to that age

But the necessary maintenance of four children, it is supposed, may be nearly equal to that of one man

of the late disturbances, three shillings and sixpence currency, equal to two shillings sterling, a-day ; ship-carpenters, ten shillings and sixpence currency, with a pint of rum, worth sixpence sterling, equal in all to six shillings and sixpence sterling; house-carpenters and bricklayers, eight shillings currency, equal to four shillings and sixpence sterling ; journeymen tailors, five shillings currency, equal to about two shillings and tenpence sterling

None of Mlarkile’s girls was her equal

In a country, too, where, though the rich, or the owners of large capitals, enjoy a good deal of security, the poor, or the owners of small capitals, enjoy scarce any, but are liable, under the pretence of justice, to be pillaged and plundered at any time by the inferior mandarins, the quantity of stock employed in all the different branches of business transacted within it, can never be equal to what the nature and extent of that business might admit

workmen, not only of equal, but of much superior ingenuity, on account of the precious

Where all other circumstances are equal, wages are generally higher in new than in old trades

equal to the average annual consumption

We had some fun and we’re good friends, but you even said all the guys in the group were equal

master mason; and threepence a-day, equal to ninepence of our present money, that of a

qualify an eminent teacher of the sciences, are at least equal to what is necessary for the

As far as Alec knew, she had no equal, nor limit to her skill

granting certificates in ordinary cases; for it is far more than an equal chance, but that they

«In the Age of War, with devices such as this the common soldier was nearly equal to a mage

The quantity of labour, indeed, which it can purchase, is not always equal to what it could maintain, if managed in the most economical manner, on account of the high wages which are sometimes given to labour ; but it can always purchase such a quantity of labour as it can maintain, according to the rate at which that sort of labour is commonly maintained in the neighbourhood

The use of the artificial grasses, of turnips, carrots, cabbages, and the other expedients which have been fallen upon to make an equal quantity of land feed a greater number of cattle than when in natural grass, should somewhat reduce, it might be expected, the superiority which, in an improved country, the price of butcher’s meat naturally has over that of bread

From some it derives a flavour which no culture or management can equal, it is supposed, upon any other

There were some skills in which the boy had no equal, mainly those involving brute force

In the one state, a great part of them is thrown away as useless and the price of what is used is considered as equal only to the labour and expense of fitting it for use, and can, therefore, afford no rent to the landlord

This seems, in the present times, to be nearly the state of things in several parts of Great Britain, where the profit of planting is found to be equal to that of either corn or pasture

Whatever may be the price of wood, if that of coals is such that the expense of a coal fire is nearly equal to that of a wood one we may be assured, that at that place, and in these circumstances, the price of coals is as high as it can be

Though the quantity of silver was much less, it might have exchanged for an equal quantity of other goods, and the proprietor’s share might have enabled him to purchase or command an equal quantity either

˜ In 1350, and for some time before, the average price of the quarter of wheat in England seems not to have been estimated lower than four ounces of silver, Tower weight, equal to about twenty shillings of our present money

From this price it seems to have fallen gradually to two ounces of silver, equal to about ten shillings of our present money, the price at which we find it estimated in the beginning of the sixteenth century, and at which it seems to have continued to be estimated till about 1570

tenpence contained about half an ounce of silver, Tower weight, and was nearly equal to half-a-crown of our present money

Four ounces of silver, Tower weight, therefore, equal to six shillings and eightpence of the money of those times, and to near twenty shillings of that of the present, must have been reckoned a moderate price for the quarter of eight bushels

In that feast were consumed, 1st, fifty-three quarters of wheat, which cost nineteen pounds, or seven shillings, and twopence a-quarter, equal to about one-and-twenty shillings and sixpence of our present money ; 2dly, fifty-eight quarters of malt, which cost seventeen pounds ten shillings, or six shillings a-quarter, equal to about eighteen shillings of our present money; 3dly, twenty quarters of oats, which cost four pounds, or four shillings a-quarter, equal to about twelve shillings of our present money

But statutes of this kind are generally presumed to provide with equal care for all deviations from the middle price, for those below it, as well as for those above it

Ten shillings, therefore, containing six ounces of silver, Tower weight, and equal to about thirty shillings of our present money, must, upon this supposition, have been reckoned the middle price of the quarter of wheat when this statute was first enacted, and must have continued to be so in the 51st of Henry III

From about the middle of the fourteenth to the beginning of the sixteenth century, what was reckoned the reasonable and moderate, that is, the ordinary or average price of wheat, seems to have sunk gradually to about one half of this price; so as at last to have fallen to about two ounces of silver, Tower weight, equal to about ten shillings of our present money

In 1512, six shillings and eightpence contained only two ounces of silver, Tower weight, and were equal to about ten shillings of our present money

Several writers, therefore, being misled by this faulty transcription, very naturally conclude that the middle price, or six shillings the quarter, equal to about eighteen shillings of our present money, was the ordinary or average price of wheat at that time

In an ancient manuscript of the Regiam Majestatem, an old Scotch law book, there is a statute of assize, in which the price of bread is regulated according to all the different prices of wheat, from tenpence to three shillings the Scotch boll, equal to about half an English quarter

Three shillings Scotch, at the time when this assize is supposed to have been enacted, were equal to about nine shillings sterling of our present money Mr Ruddiman seems {See his Preface to Anderson’s Diplomata Scotiae

The one is four pounds sixteen shillings of the money of those times, equal to fourteen pounds eight shillings of that of the present; the other is six pounds eight shillings, equal to nineteen pounds four shillings of our present money

In every different stage of improvement, besides, the raising of equal quantities of corn in the same soil and climate, will, at an average, require nearly equal quantities of labour; or, what comes to the same thing, the price of nearly equal quantities; the continual increase of the productive powers of labour, in an improved state of cultivation, being more or less counterbalanced by the continual increasing price of cattle, the principal instruments of agriculture

Upon all these accounts, therefore, we may rest assured, that equal quantities of corn will, in every state of society, in every stage of improvement, more nearly represent, or be equivalent to, equal quantities of labour, than equal quantities of any other part of the rude produce of land

In rice countries, which generally yield two, sometimes three crops in the year, each of them more plentiful than any common crop of corn, the abundance of food must be much greater than in any corn country of equal extent

But in countries of equal art and industry, the money price of the greater part of manufactures will be in proportion to the money price of labour; and in manufacturing art and industry, China and Indostan, though inferior, seem not to be much inferior to any part of Europe

the piastre, is equal to £ 3,825,000 sterling

He informs us, too, that if we were to judge of the quantity of gold annually imported from the Brazils to Lisbon, by the amount of the tax paid to the king of Portugal, which it seems, is one-fifth of the standard metal, we might value it at eighteen millions of cruzadoes, or forty-five millions of French livres, equal to about twenty millions sterling

The annual importation of the precious metals into Cadiz and Lisbon, indeed, is not equal to the whole annual produce of the mines of America

But the consumption of Birmingham alone, at the rate of fifty thousand pounds a-year, is equal to the hundred-and-twentieth part of this annual importation, at the rate of six millions a-year

The whole annual consumption of gold and silver, therefore, in all the different countries of the world where those metals are used, may, perhaps, be nearly equal to the whole annual produce

The quantity of silver commonly in the market, it is probable, is much greater in proportion to that of gold, than the value of a certain quantity of gold is to that of an equal quantity of silver

The whole quantity, therefore, of the cheap commodity, must commonly be greater in proportion to the whole quantity of the dear one, than the value of a certain quantity of the dear one, is to the value of an equal quantity of the cheap one

Reduced stress always equals reduced pests/disease

Fear equals hatred, equals violence

It is a commonly held belief that where there is light there must be darkness, that forces of life are matched by those of death and that in all things there is a balanced equation of equals and opposites

All we ever wanted was the right to live as equals under the same suns as our brothers

Big John grabbed Daniel’s hand in a shake that united them as equals

Lord Dorsal stood and took Alexei’s forearm in a meeting of equals; both men grinned

X equals five, y squared is 16, I don’t know

Women are Men’s equals in pretty much every respect, so it naturally follows that there are plenty of Women that are all of these terrible things and much more

The total equals the brick wall I built with these blocks in order

Unity equals strength, and as we follow the Spirit we are Prophecy

To violate this combination is everywhere a most unpopular action, and a sort of reproach to a master among his neighbours and equals

disagreeableness, almost equals that of colliers ; and, from the unavoidable irregularity in the

brothers, and they’d always turned to him for counsel, but within our clan, we believed that all men stand as equals

If we accept and treat others as our equals despite differences in gender, race, nationality or culture, harmony will prevail

But this skill and dexterity in the use of their arms could be acquired only, in the same manner as fencing is at present, by practising, not in great bodies, but each man separately, in a particular school, under a particular master, or with his own particular equals and companions

Lovely Latin phrase, but horrible moral concept: First among equals

I+I=II; in words, one plus one equals two

Equals, somehow? But he was my master somehow too

In that respect Thailand has few equals

He and I had an instant affinity for one another, spending hours together as equals and friends

Inside, we were equals in creating a beautiful interior

The cat and I stared, meeting one another’s eyes as equals

The humans he considered his equals

Jesus treated women as equals, as the bearers of life, as our mothers and our sisters

Jesus treated women as equals, as the bearers of life, as our mothers and our sisters should

them all equals to the citizens of Athens: 16 And the holy temple, which before he had spoiled, he would garnish with goodly gifts,

I am little more than the first among equals

But now what of your Khakhan? Does he plan to treat us as equals, ally himself with us against the Turk, or invade and conquer us? Mongols very nearly did conquer us about three centuries ago

He proposed a theory, his famous hypothesis that E=mc2: energy equals mass times the velocity of light (the constant “c”) squared

” Welcoming animals into a community of equals, Smith notes, would also destroy Judeo-Christian moral philosophy

We learned that peace, harmony and treating people as equals are universal respects

as equals, that they don’t trust us, probably never will

During this incarceration he drew around him a few other political prisoners to form the Conspiracy of Equals

Thereafter, the Conspiracy of Equals emerged as the chief source of radical agitation

the “Manifesto of the Equals,” one of the principal definition of

The Equals aimed to redeem the promise of the Revolution

The Equals wanted a “truly fraternal union of all Frenchmen” in which

“If there is a single man on earth who is richer and more powerful than his fellows,” said Merechal’s “Manifesto of the Equals,” ;

that the citizen should habitually find in all his fellow countrymen equals, brothers, and that he should nowhere meet with the least sign of

society, the Equals devoted a great deal of attention to planning the upbringing of the young and also to the ongoing instructions of the adult population

of Merechal’s “Manifesto of the Equals

Arakiel went on to educate the world with the certainty of a teacher stating two plus two equals four

Out of the French Revolution came visions of an egalitarian Society which would be built around a format established by a treatise referred to as the Manifesto of the Equals

Sylvain Marechal, who composed the “Manifesto of the Equals,”

“If there is a single man on earth who is richer and more powerful than his fellows,” said Marechal’s “Manifesto of the Equals,” “

that the citizen should habitually find in all his fellow countrymen equals, brothers; and that he should nowhere meet

” In speaking of superstitions,” Buonarroti of course meant traditional religion, toward which the Equals, led by Marechal, were strongly antagonistic

: the WASP elite as equals and the American Negro as a client population

13 This wicked person vowed also to the Lord who now no more would have mercy on him saying so 14 That the holy city to which he was going in haste to lay it even with the ground and to make it a common burying place he would set at liberty: 15 And as touching the Jews whom he had judged not worthy so much as to be buried but to be thrown out with their children to be devoured of the fowls and wild beasts he would make them all equals to the citizens of Athens: 16 And the holy temple which before he had spoiled he would garnish with goodly gifts and restore all the holy vessels with many more and out of his own revenue defray the charges belonging to the sacrifices: 17 Yes and that also he would become a Jew himself and go through all the world that was inhabited and declare the power of God

To treat others as equals and not lording ourselves over them is the way of

same as having more truth, and having more truth equals having greater

Because money equals power, and a hundred million (for example) is a lot of power — almost enough to destabilise the country

You will have no real friends — you can never tell who your real friends are when you have this level of wealth; you will attract government surveillance — money equals power, governments cannot allow the drones to have too much personal power and so they become very interested in you when you make more than ten million

I had no special knowledge or talents to offer, so would I have to remain a ‘bottom feeder’ during my life there? How could I measure up to those who had training, schooling, connections, social standing, a family and a network behind them? Would I be marginalized as a reluctantly tolerated DP? Would I have to grovel or could I take my position among equals? I wasn’t looking for a place to sleep, I was searching for my future home that would last me to the end of my days

David learned from early on that Poes-Woes equals pain, as he’s been scratched by her

Canada’s Food Guide provides clear information about how much food equals one Food Guide Serving for each of the four major food groups

that light travels in a vacuum in a year, equals about 5

Therefore, a temperature of 0 K equals

Publicity equals influence and it makes you more interesting

once, then that equals two

I declared them equals

All I’ve ever asked of my pupils is to treat me the same as I treat them: with politeness as equals while doing my best to amuse as well as edify

We shook hands as equals and wished each other all the best

Not surprisingly, the amount of mass has a linear relationship with energy so more mass equals more energy

— If you’re equals and of the same

nevertheless they are good and with good equals positive

When peddling wares in the Amazon frontier, success equals more success

They’re sharp and perceptive and if treated as equals they’ll be fine

Shit!!! One hundred thousand divided by two hundred per day equals five hundred days

Under the absolute version, the exchange rate simply equals the ratio of the two countries’

consolation or realism, as preached to me by the Executive or my equals, could convince me that

No production equals no revenue

The attainment of perfection of spiritual self-restraint equals completeness of universe freedom and personal liberty



Furthermore, “I am late” is the most used expression in our society; maybe it equals the phrase “I am tired” which it often is associated with

We are spectators and our only aim is to look for our equals, with the sole intention to join the puppeteer (stronger) who is in charge

This shows a desire for a more ‘egalitarian’ kind of relationship – a relationship of equals

You want to feel that you and the beloved are ‘team mates’ as well as lovers – a relationship of peers and equals

divided by Position Risk ($2) equals the number of shares to purchase or short

57: Breath is the movement of thought: Relaxed breathing equals calm thoughts

Short quick breathing equals busy thoughts

“You’re a lovely woman and technically, we are equals in Power

I subdued myself in front of your family, but when were alone, we danced as equals

All the slaves, immortal and dark-haired like Julius, were free and equals to the Stargazers

equals the housing rate

That is a correct statement that we are all equals but if one has a little more money than the other they are in many cases treated differently

shown that higher national consumption of some fish equals lower rates of


The number, 10020 equals 1040, since 100 equals 102

adored his wives and treated them as equals to an extent with himself

A country that treats all its citizens as equals will have no need for a huge budget to combat terrorism or to help other nations, since the acts of terrorism will be few and far between

The children weren’t considered equals to those running the

Our robots and ships simply have detectors that have no equals in this time

What is, equals love

One of the women’s rights issues at the time was whether women should get equal pay for comparable work, and a Washington state “equal worth” case was winding its way through the federal courts. ❋ Unknown (2005)

One of the women’s rights issues at the time was whether women should get equal pay for comparable work, and a Washington state “equal worth” case was winding its way through the federal courts. ‘ ❋ Unknown (2005)

Thus the time divisions of pleasurable rhythm are not mathematically equal, nor even necessarily approximately equal, but are such as are _felt to be equal_. ❋ Paull Franklin Baum (N/A)

But there is no reason, except the opposition of parents who want privileges for their children, why every child in every civilized country to-day should not be guaranteed by the community an equal opportunity in public education and an _equal chance for promotion in the public or semi-public service_, which soon promises to employ a large part if not the majority of the community. ❋ William English Walling (N/A)

Matter of great Concern and equal Surprize, that the other Provinces do not more _universally_ and _effectually_ follow the lucrative Example of the _North_! since, it is evident, nothing but _equal Industry_ can be wanting to render them _equally flourishing_, The Over-growth of Graziers and Stockmasters, is the strongest Indication that can be of national ❋ Henry Brooke (N/A)

Not on an equal footing, but a _rather more equal_ footing than now. ❋ Keith Henderson (1932)

They defined with tolerable distinctness in what they did consider all men created equal, —equal in certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. ❋ Unknown (1897)

Thus Logicians read _A — is — equal to B_: as if _equal to B_ could possibly be a term co-relative with A. ❋ Carveth Read (1889)

All men are equal by nature; nobody denies that they all ought to be _equal in the eye of the law_; but, how are they to be thus equal, if the law begin by suffering ❋ William Cobbett (1799)

The anti-gay are blatantly on the side of keeping them * NOT* equal, and strive and strive and strive to * make it sound like they’re keeping everything equal* … which is your big, big clue that they know they’re not, and are trying to rewrite the rules of logic, basically. ❋ Unknown (2010)

«No, Sir,» said the parson, «we want equal justice, equal political rights; in fact all we want, and all that the people require, to make them free and happy, is _equal laws_ and an _impartial_ and _just administration of those laws_, which we shall never have while the present corrupt system lasts. ❋ Henry Hunt (1804)

In short, you appear to be arguing that the term equal protection of the laws means that it is permissible for the government to engage in racial discrimination which harms a citizen by denying them equal protection of the laws so long as the government is not also denigrating the citizen. ❋ Unknown (2007)

They are probably confused about human value and so have decided to slap the label equal on the sexes without making a distinction between «having just as much value» and «being exactly the same in character and ability». ❋ Unknown (2009)

While they say they are adhering to international protocols, international protocols use the term equal pay for work of equal value. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Among them was Marquez, who recounted a long fight for what he called equal rights. ❋ Unknown (2010)

This what they call equal opportunity, we suppose. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I guess that is what we call equal application of the same law and standards? ❋ Unknown (2007)

The word was used against gay political activists seeking what they called equal rights by opponents who charged they were seeking special rights—using the adjective to imply more or superior rights. ❋ William Safire (2003)

this is [pretty much] the full [basis] of the definition 9 [equals] 9 ❋ Me, Myself, And L (2006)

We hold these [truths] to be self [evident]; [that all] men are created equal. ❋ Typologer (2020)

[the likes] and [dislikes] are [perfectly] equal ❋ Isaacool_101 (2022)

1) Person A: I agree that [equality] is important, but don’t you think our gender should be given special privileges?
Person B: No way, equality is [for everybody], not just us.
2) Person A: So, who you gonna hire for the accounting job?
Person B: Probably whoever has the most experience, references, and [credentials]. ❋ Simple_As_Sun (2011)

Equality is a [pure-evil] [lie]. ❋ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (2023)

1) Correct the [inequality].
2) [All men] are equal.
3) Some are just more equal than others. (-George [Orwell]) ❋ Unbridled Scissors (2004)

I believe in [equality] because I believe everyone should have the [equal rights] except those who don’t agree, they are [morons] and don’t know shit. ❋ Patriotic White Male (2017)

People try to understand and practice [equality], but [in the end], they [fail]. ❋ FlareKitsune (2009)

They was messin’ [with me], so I [got’s] me an equalizer! ❋ Benjamino (2003)

2*100=200. (Translation: [two times] [one hundred] equals two [hundred]. ❋ Matt11111 (2011)

English Collocation

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Used with verbs:

«Their test scores are equal.«
(be: is/am/are)

«We need to make the groups equal.«

«We hope their abilities will become equal by the end of the year.«

Used with adverbs:

«The two sides should be exactly equal.«
(exactly, absolutely)

«The two candidates are almost equal.«
(almost, virtually, nearly, pretty much)

«When will things be truly equal between men and women?«
(truly, genuinely)

Used with prepositions:

«The Canadian dollar is roughly equal to the U.S. dollar.«

«The pieces are nearly equal in size.«

Used with nouns:

«They are working for equal rights.«
(rights, treatment, status, benefits)

«They each received an equal share of the prize.«
(share, part, amount)

«He should receive equal recognition for his work.«
(recognition, pay)

«There is an equal chance of this project succeeding or failing.«
(chance, probability)

«Creativity and speed are of equal importance on this project.«

Previous Word by Frequency: drop

Next Word by Frequency: firm

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  • Use the word Equal in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I was hoping that you might share with us how my principles on equal. Opportunity lovingness have affected your life.

Pupils are equal and reactive.

To be just and equal for all?

Which preaches that the slave is equal to the free man and would reduce society to anarchy.

Beautiful as the daylight, but not of equal rank with me…

ÔÇô He is not a general but is equal to one.

And over there … is equal to come …

It is your duty to inquire whether she is guilty or not. I need not remind you that in the eyes of the law, men and women are equal.

Needless to say, in the eyes of the law, men and women are equal.

It’s enough for me if I’m your equal.

Yours neither, ma’am. A lot of people don’t believe that gag about being born equal.

Everyone should be equal.

Ah, but the only two eligible men in France, the only two of rank equal to Her Highness, are not exactly of my niece’s age.

It has been said that no establishment in Paris can equal it.

People on the outside is supposed to be created free and equal, but they aren’t.

For example, ear number three… and nose number six… and the chin number 27 equal General Yen.

I told Miss Lorraine, Trixie… that I cared for her deeply… and she admitted an equal affection for me.

We are now equal and taken into the circle of the big cultural nations.

But my son too comes from an old and distinguished family, yet I am making settlement equal to 50,000 dollars.

I don’t think you’re equal to the task.

Serves me right for trying to treat an employee as an equal!

I have to succeed in the end I will not rest until I am successful wanna be a star without equal And have the world at my feet

All work my be equal, but for your son’s sake…

Why didn’t you treat me like an equal?


Before God all men are equal he beats his subjects as well his own children as is written in the bible:

«equal right for both of them!»

Isn’t your giant mind equal to that mystery ? You might ask my friend.

But, as you say, good mutton, quite the equal of your English South Down.

It’s almost the equal of Edgar Allan Poe.

Let «a» equal «f» on your wheel.

Let «a» equal «I» on yours.

Let «a» equal «r» on yours.

And equal «t» on yours. All right.

Where I come from, everybody is equal, see?

This is a land, sir, of great opportunity where all are created equal.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

«conceived in liberty, «and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. «Now we are engaged in a great civil war,

He said that all men are created equal.

equal to what? — equalequal to what? Well, equal to…

Er… men are created equal to women!

Have you any other proof of equal value?

All trades are equal on this earth

-But I’m sure you’re equal to it.

He’s set the pace, but the stamina of his horse… is not equal to the terrific speed that Avalanche shows at the half.

You think I’m not equal to your impudence?


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Equal is a brand of artificial sweetener containing aspartame, acesulfame potassium, dextrose and maltodextrin. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

When you reach the age of 70 1/2, you must start withdrawing funds from your Traditional IRA or 401 (k) or pay a penalty equal to 50 % of the amount you should have taken out.


Under the FHA’s new plan, UFMIP is paid at the time of closing and is equal to 1.35 % of your loan.


Although innocently looking, the number of calories contained in a moderate serving of almonds is equal to consuming one protein bar, and can even match the number of calories contained in red meat.


These are the first major downstate endorsements for Coffey, who forced his way into the top tier of Democratic AG contenders (at least where the cash, not the polls, is concerned) by dropping $ 3 million on his own cash on his campaign and bringing himself nearly equal with Rice’s haul (just over $ 4 million on hand).


As such, we have filed notice with CBS that her appearance on the «Late Show with Stephen Colbert» show is a clear trigger of equal time provisions and the Farley for Senate campaign is seeking comparable time in markets beyond New York,» Dain Pascocello, Farley’s campaign manager, said in a statement.


When serving size is equal (1/2 cup, 100 grams), here’s the list from least net carbs to most net carbs.


Within the New Testament there is a hierarchy of significance; not everything in it is of equal importance.


In contrast, the sex ratio of the highland litters remained equal (Nature, DOI: 10.1038 / nature09512).


To think that I, as a woman, am equal.


And yes, while some bacteria is imperative, not all are created equal.


The campaign calls on Governor Cuomo and State Legislature for equal funding between the MTA for New York City and the state Department of Transportation upstate in next year’s budget.


I always count them as part of SmatSocial core team since they almost put equal amount of efforts as we do.


So Chris Huhne sees his Eastleigh stronghold carved four ways, though local Lib Dem support could carry him through, all other things being equal.


Akpom threatened to make it 2-0 soon afterwards, but Ravas was equal to his attempt, before springing back up to deny Mavididi on the follow up.


On the other hand, it is unfortunate that a belief in the importance of giving all people choices, education and equal care is still considered radical.


Scores of studies have found that cannabinoids can help with specific disorders and diseases, but not all studies are created equal.


Today strident female voices are raised, shrilly and ad nauseam, to remind us that women are equal with men.


On Thursday, the European commission issued a pointed statement about the Danish referendum, saying co-operation on cross-border serious and organised crime and international terrorism «must not in any way equal full membership of Europol».


For those without unlimited funds at their disposal, having what is known as a «financial safety school» should be of equal importance.


The theory that excess protein causes bone loss was first presented in 196817 and followed up in 1972 with a study comparing bone density of vegetarians and meat eaters.18 Twenty-five British lacto-ovo vegetarians were matched for age and sex with an equal number of omnivores.


If we carry a player on our roster he should be able to play, even if he is not an equal replacement for the injured player.


That accomplishment put the United States on equal footing with Russia in the space race.


Preggo Leggings is equal parts comfy and cute maternity leggings that will become an essential and ultimate go-to fashion item throughout every stage of your pregnancy.


There’s no such thing as «all else equal» in the financial markets as nothing occurs in a vacuum.


In the December revision of his paper entitled «Metcalfe’s Law as a Model for Bitcoin’s Value», Timothy Peterson models Bitcoin price according to Metcalfe» Law, which posits that the value of a network (Bitcoin) is a function of the number of possible pair connections (among Bitcoin wallets, assuming all are equal) and is therefore proportional to the square of the number of participants.


Two athletes over seven metres in top long jump final which saw Lorraine Ugen equal the British indoor record, while Trayvon Bromell won the 60m title ahead of Asafa Powell at the IAAF World Indoor Championships


What you need to know about thrift stores All thrift stores are not created equal.


Because of USDA’s existing interlocking rings of protection, there have been no foodborne outbreaks in schools associated with USDA-purchased products in over 10 years, and USDA foods are equal to, and often exceed, the quality of their commercial counterparts.


Reduce heat to low and simmer, moving pan around every few minutes so the entire bottom gets equal time over the hottest part of flame, until liquid evaporates, 12 — 15 minutes.


Current rates for 2016 are just about equal with the national average.


Slowly shift the layers back and forth until they are equal.


Charitycoin will match each English pound worth of Bitcoin donated to one of the 10,000 charities with an equal donation through Just Giving, a social platform for donating to charities.


Since the percentage of phone numbers that connect to mobile phone — wielding young people and elderly landline users is about equal, it’s actually the youthful folks who may dominate a sample created by random digit dialing, says Marc-David Seidel, an associate professor at the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia.


From the fight for equal pay to «locker room talk,» there was a deliberate affront to women in 2016, which means the Church needs the prophetic voices of women leaders now more than ever.


Dr. Joan B. Kelly, a renowned psychologist and parenting researcher confirms that the outcomes for children of divorce improve when they have equal access to both parents.


• For intermediate values, you could just divide the space between 0 percent and 100 percent into five equal increments and mark the locations for 20 percent, 40 percent, 60 percent and 80 percent, then (if there is space) divide each of these in two to mark locations for 10 percent, 30 percent, 50 percent, 70 percent and 90 percent.


MPs voted by 267 to 246 in favour of a motion that the government should extend an equal right of residence to all Gurkhas.


Through our ceremonies, education services, and community and campaigning work, we strive to create a fair and equal society for all.


Europeans, for their part, tend to consider the United States to be hypocritical for attempting to use international law and concern for equal rights to limit everyone’s power but its own.


hawaiiguest I never said or implied that I am against gay marriage or equal rights.


Your sauce should thicken nicely but if it does not add a corn starch slurry (equal parts corn starch and cold water).


While ending the debate process, and in doing so curtailing the filibuster, requires a (super) majority, it us a dependent relationship rather than equal.


Other things equal, most people prefer a currency that better holds its value, but that doesn’t mean that government should try to stabilize the price level.


1 c. red quinoa, washed well and drained (regular white is fine, too) 1-1/4 c. water (or combination of equal liquids such as coconut water & coconut milk) 1 T. ground turmeric 1 T. smoked paprika 1 bunch curly Kale, washed and de-stemmed 1 medium shallot, minced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 head Cauliflower, washed and broken in to bite sized pieces.


Would love to see Alonso and Hulk going at it in equal cars.


How can you resist a drizzle that’s equal parts sweet (honey), salty (almond butter), and umami (coconut aminos)?


A Princeton University research team has demonstrated that all sweeteners are not equal when it comes to weight gain: Rats with access to high-fructose corn syrup gained significantly more weight than those with access to table sugar, even when their overall caloric intake was the same.


Stocks in our High Overseas Earnings basket hold $ 1.7 trillion of permanently reinvested foreign earnings, equal to 70 % of the $ 2.4 trillion held by all S&P 500 firms.


Mikala’s idea of filling the world with beautiful vintage and beautiful vibes in equal measure is an incredible mission to undertake and reminds me that every little bit helps.


Using interferometry techniques the researchers can emulate a telescope with a size equal to the maximum separation between the telescopes in the array, or some smaller configuration based on a section of the full array.


On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for equal.
They are all from high-quality sources and constantly processed by lengusa’s machine learning

  • • Relevant word or phrase for equal is be
  • • Relevant word or phrase for equal is match
  • • Relevant word or phrase for equal is compeer
  • • Relevant word or phrase for equal is peer
  • • Relevant word or phrase for equal is touch
  • • Relevant word or phrase for equal is rival
  • • Relevant word or phrase for equal is adequate
  • • Relevant word or phrase for equal is equate
  • • Relevant word or phrase for equal is equalise
  • • Relevant word or phrase for equal is equalize
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