обеспечивать, гарантировать, застраховать, ручаться, подстраховаться
глагол ↓
- обеспечивать; гарантировать
to ensure independence — обеспечить независимость
to ensure an income — гарантировать доход
we cannot ensure success — мы не можем ручаться за успех
in order to ensure prompt and effective action — для обеспечения быстрых и эффективных действий
- страховать, застраховать
- арх. заверять, уверять,
- спорт. страховать (во время исполнения упражнения)
Мои примеры
regulations that ensure the wholesomeness of our food — нормативно-правовые акты, которые обеспечивают чистоту наших продуктов
facilities to ensure the safety of cyclists — оборудование для обеспечения безопасности велосипедистов
to ensure / provide security — обеспечивать безопасность
ensure delivery — обеспечивать доставку
ensure project success — обеспечить успех проекта
ensure a profit — обеспечивать прибыль
to ensure maximum reliability — обеспечивать максимальную надежность
to ensure [to provide] security — обеспечивать безопасность
ensure — гарантировать
ensure clearance — обеспечивать запас высоты
ensure safe clearance — обеспечивать безопасное расстояние
ensure the clearance — обеспечивать запас высоты
Примеры с переводом
Ensure that a printer is installed.
Убедитесь, что принтер установлен.
We will ensure equal opportunities for all.
Мы обеспечим равные возможности для всех.
The book ensured his success.
Эта книга принесла ему успех.
Please ensure (that) all lights are switched off.
Пожалуйста, проверьте, чтобы свет был везде выключен.
They took steps to ensure the safety of the passengers.
Они предприняли меры, чтобы обеспечить безопасность пассажиров.
We want to ensure equal treatment for everyone.
Мы хотим обеспечить равные условия для всех.
Take care to ensure that the ladder is steady before you climb it.
Прежде чем подняться по лестнице, убедитесь, что она устойчива.
ещё 18 примеров свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
There are checks to ensure consistency between interviewers.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: ensure
he/she/it: ensures
ing ф. (present participle): ensuring
2-я ф. (past tense): ensured
3-я ф. (past participle): ensured
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
Adults must ensure children’s safety.
Тем не менее взрослые должны обеспечить безопасность детей.
This means that we cannot ensure equal rights for everyone.
Это означает, что мы не можем обеспечить равные права для всех.
Presumably she believed his marriage would ensure his eventual return.
Предположительно, она полагала, его брак будет обеспечивать его возможное возвращение.
These organizations will ensure additional distribution of guidelines as required.
Эти организации будут, в зависимости от потребностей, обеспечивать дополнительное распространение руководящих принципов.
This will ensure you never miss this important step when defragmenting.
Это будет гарантировать, что вы никогда не пропустите этот важный шаг при дефрагментации.
Only liberty can ensure individual development and diversity.
Только свобода может гарантировать человеку его индивидуальное развитие и разнообразие.
This will ensure rapid agricultural development.
Это, естественно, само по себе обеспечит стремительное развитие сельского хозяйства.
Another crucial components polyolefins ensure strength and barrier properties with liquids.
Очередным ключевым компонентом являются полиолефины, которые обеспечивают прочность и барьерные свойства к жидкостям.
Special sensors ensure it won’t fall of stairs.
Датчики перепада высоты гарантируют, что аппарат не упадет с лестничной площадки.
Data are important because they ensure objectivity.
Данные очень важны, так как они гарантируют объективность.
We ensure our campaigns are based on hard facts and first-person accounts.
Мы гарантируем, что наши кампании основаны на достоверных фактах и учетных записях от первого лица.
This can further prevent conflict and ensure future stability.
Это может в дальнейшем предотвратить конфликт и гарантировать будущую стабильность».
This will ensure full use of complementarity and increased effectiveness.
Это обеспечит всестороннее использование таких факторов, как взаимодополняемость, и более высокую эффективность.
Again, alternatives exist which would ensure the availability of funds.
Вновь следует отметить, что имеются альтернативы, которые обеспечивали бы наличие средств.
Such an approach would ensure greater transparency and openness in decisions on peace-keeping.
Такой подход обеспечит большую, чем ранее, транспарентность и открытость решений, касающихся поддержания мира.
Several new constitutions ensure the protection of minorities.
В ряде новых конституций содержатся положения, обеспечивающие защиту меньшинств.
Direct interventions ensure effective outreach and implementation of policy decisions.
Такие программы обеспечивают эффективный охват бенефициаров и осуществление решений, принятых в контексте разработанной политики.
Only these can ensure a better and safer world for all.
Только на этой основе можно обеспечить созидание лучшего и более безопасного мира для всех.
We also ensure universal vaccination and family-planning services.
Мы также обеспечиваем общую вакцинацию всего населения и предоставляем услуги в области планирования семьи.
For these purposes agencies should ensure access to relevant training.
В этих целях учреждения должны обеспечить доступ к соответствующим структурам в области подготовки кадров.
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to secure or guarantee; safeguard; make sure or certain: take measures to ensure success
Not to be confused with:
insure – warrant; protect against loss; to issue an insurance policy: Will this insure me in the event of a natural disaster?
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
tr.v. en·sured, en·sur·ing, en·sures
To make sure or certain; insure: Our precautions ensured our safety. See Usage Note at assure.
[Middle English ensuren, from Anglo-Norman enseurer : Old French en-, causative pref.; see en-1 + Old French seur, secure, variant of sur; see sure.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(ɛnˈʃʊə; -ˈʃɔː) or
vb (tr)
1. (may take a clause as object) to make certain or sure; guarantee: this victory will ensure his happiness.
2. to make safe or secure; protect
enˈsurer n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ɛnˈʃʊər, -ˈʃɜr)
v.t. -sured, -sur•ing.
1. to secure or guarantee: This letter will ensure you a hearing.
2. to make sure or certain.
3. to make secure or safe, as from harm.
[1350–1400; Middle English < Anglo-French enseurer. See en-1, sure]
en•sur′er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
– ensure – insure
1. ‘assure’
If you assure someone that something is true or will happen, you tell them that it is definitely true or will definitely happen, often in order to make them less worried.
«I can assure you that neither of our two goalkeepers will be leaving,» O’Leary said.
The government assured the public that there would be no increase in taxes.
2. ‘ensure’ and ‘insure’
In British English, to ensure that something happens means to make certain that it happens.
His reputation was enough to ensure that he was always welcome.
In American English, this word is usually spelled insure.
I shall try to insure that your stay is a pleasant one.
3. ‘insure’
Insure has another meaning. In both British and American English, if you insure your property, you pay money to a company so that if the property is lost, stolen, or damaged, the company will pay you a sum of money. In this meaning, the spelling is always insure, not ‘ensure’.
Insure your baggage before you leave home.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: ensured
Gerund: ensuring
Imperative |
ensure |
ensure |
Present |
I ensure |
you ensure |
he/she/it ensures |
we ensure |
you ensure |
they ensure |
Preterite |
I ensured |
you ensured |
he/she/it ensured |
we ensured |
you ensured |
they ensured |
Present Continuous |
I am ensuring |
you are ensuring |
he/she/it is ensuring |
we are ensuring |
you are ensuring |
they are ensuring |
Present Perfect |
I have ensured |
you have ensured |
he/she/it has ensured |
we have ensured |
you have ensured |
they have ensured |
Past Continuous |
I was ensuring |
you were ensuring |
he/she/it was ensuring |
we were ensuring |
you were ensuring |
they were ensuring |
Past Perfect |
I had ensured |
you had ensured |
he/she/it had ensured |
we had ensured |
you had ensured |
they had ensured |
Future |
I will ensure |
you will ensure |
he/she/it will ensure |
we will ensure |
you will ensure |
they will ensure |
Future Perfect |
I will have ensured |
you will have ensured |
he/she/it will have ensured |
we will have ensured |
you will have ensured |
they will have ensured |
Future Continuous |
I will be ensuring |
you will be ensuring |
he/she/it will be ensuring |
we will be ensuring |
you will be ensuring |
they will be ensuring |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been ensuring |
you have been ensuring |
he/she/it has been ensuring |
we have been ensuring |
you have been ensuring |
they have been ensuring |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been ensuring |
you will have been ensuring |
he/she/it will have been ensuring |
we will have been ensuring |
you will have been ensuring |
they will have been ensuring |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been ensuring |
you had been ensuring |
he/she/it had been ensuring |
we had been ensuring |
you had been ensuring |
they had been ensuring |
Conditional |
I would ensure |
you would ensure |
he/she/it would ensure |
we would ensure |
you would ensure |
they would ensure |
Past Conditional |
I would have ensured |
you would have ensured |
he/she/it would have ensured |
we would have ensured |
you would have ensured |
they would have ensured |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb | 1. | guarantee, vouch — give surety or assume responsibility; «I vouch for the quality of my products» doom — make certain of the failure or destruction of; «This decision will doom me to lose my position» make — assure the success of; «A good review by this critic will make your play!» |
2. | ensure — be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; «He verified that the valves were closed»; «See that the curtains are closed»; «control the quality of the product»
proofread, proof — read for errors; «I should proofread my manuscripts» check off, tick off, mark off, tick, check, mark — put a check mark on or near or next to; «Please check each name on the list»; «tick off the items»; «mark off the units» control — verify by using a duplicate register for comparison; «control an account» check — verify by consulting a source or authority; «check the spelling of this word»; «check your facts» double-check — check once more to be absolutely sure cross-check — check out conflicting sources; crosscheck facts, for example card — ask someone for identification to determine whether he or she is old enough to consume liquor; «I was carded when I tried to buy a beer!» spot-check — pick out random samples for examination in order to ensure high quality verify — confirm the truth of; «Please verify that the doors are closed»; «verify a claim» ascertain, find out, learn, watch, determine, see, check — find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; «I want to see whether she speaks French»; «See whether it works»; «find out if he speaks Russian»; «Check whether the train leaves on time» cover — maintain a check on; especially by patrolling; «The second officer covered the top floor» verify, control — check or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard; «Are you controlling for the temperature?» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
sikresørge for
tryggja, ganga úr skugga um
bảo đảm
[ɪnˈʃʊəʳ] VT → asegurar (that que)
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ɪnˈʃʊər] vt
[+ peace, stability, safety, security, survival] → assurer, garantir; [+ victory, success] → assurer
to ensure (that) … (= make it certain) [thing] → garantir que …
an attempt to ensure that there would not be a third attack → une tentative de garantir qu’il n’y aurait pas de troisième attaque
(= make sure that) [person] to ensure (that) … → s’assurer que …
You should ensure you do not miss the deadline → Assurez-vous de ne pas dépasser la date butoir.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(inˈʃuə) verb
to make sure. Ensure that your television set is switched off at night.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ يَتَأَكَّدُ zajistit sikre sicherstellen διασφαλίζω asegurar, asegurarse varmistaa s’assurer que osigurati assicurare 保証する 보장하다 ervoor zorgen sørge for zapewnić assegurar гарантировать garantera ทำให้แน่ใจว่า garantiye almak bảo đảm 保证
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
ensure clearance
обеспечивать запас высоты
ensure maximum reliability
обеспечивать максимальную надежность
ensure safe clearance
обеспечивать безопасное расстояние
ensure safe movement
обеспечивать безопасное движение
ensure the adequate provisions
обеспечивать соответствующие меры предосторожности
English-Russian aviation dictionary > ensure
1) обеспе́чивать, гаранти́ровать;
2) руча́ться
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > ensure
ENSURE, engineering surveillance report
ENSURE, expedited nonstandard urgent requirements for equipment
English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > ENSURE
Персональный Сократ > ensure
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > ensure
ensure гарантировать ensure обеспечивать, гарантировать; to ensure the independence гарантировать независимость ensure обеспечивать ensure ручаться ensure страховать ensure обеспечивать, гарантировать; to ensure the independence гарантировать независимость
English-Russian short dictionary > ensure
обеспечивать, гарантировать, ручаться
This letter will ensure you a hearing. — Это письмо гарантирует, что тебя выслушают
— ensure the safety of the luggage
— ensure the safety of goods
— ensure prompt payment
— ensure the success of the experimentEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > ensure
1. v обеспечивать; гарантировать
2. v страховать, застраховать
3. v арх. заверять, уверять,
Синонимический ряд:
protect (verb) assure; cinch; clinch; confirm; defend; guarantee; guard; insure; protect; safeguard; secure; warrant
Антонимический ряд:
endanger; jeopardize
English-Russian base dictionary > ensure
1. обеспечивать; гарантировать
in order to ensure prompt and effective action — для обеспечения быстрых и эффективных действий
2. страховать, застраховать
НБАРС > ensure
[ɪn’ʃuə], [ɪn’ʃɔː], [en-]
1) гарантировать, обеспечивать
We will ensure equal opportunities for all. — Мы твёрдо намерены обеспечить равные возможности для всех.
The book ensured his success. — Эта книга принесла ему успех.
2) застраховаться, обезопасить себя
Government made some move to ensure against Euro cheats. — Правительство предприняло некоторые меры по предотвращению актов мошенничества при переходе на евро.
3) удостовериться, убедиться
Please ensure (that) all lights are switched off. — Пожалуйста, проверьте, чтобы свет был везде выключен.
Ensure that a printer is installed. — Убедитесь, что принтер установлен.
, make certain, verify
Англо-русский современный словарь > ensure
обеспечивать, гарантировать
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > ensure
обеспечивать; гарантировать
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > ensure
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ensure
1) обеспечивать, гарантировать; to ensure the independence гарантировать независимость
2) ручаться
* * *
(v) обеспечивать; обеспечить
* * *
обеспечивать, гарантировать
* * *
[en·sure || ɪn’ʃʊə]
застраховать, страховаться; обеспечивать, гарантировать, ручаться; принимать меры предосторожности* * *
* * *
1) гарантировать
2) застраховать, страховать (against, from — от чего-л.)
3) удостоверить (to, for smb. — кого-л.)Новый англо-русский словарь > ensure
обеспечивать; гарантировать
Patent terms dictionary > ensure
обеспечивать ; страховать ; гарантировать ; ручаться ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > ensure
ɪnˈʃuəобеспечивать, страховать, гарантировать ручаться
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > ensure
Англо-русский технический словарь > ensure
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ENSURE
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ensure
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
ensure — ensure, insure, assure, secure are comparable because they all carry the underlying meaning to make a person or thing sure. Ensure, insure, and assure all indicate a making of an outcome or event sure, certain, or inevitable as a consequence or… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
ensure — [en shoor′, inshoor′] vt. ensured, ensuring [ME ensuren < Anglo Fr enseurer (for OFr asseurer: see ASSURE) < en (see EN 1) + OFr seur, SURE] 1. to make sure or certain; guarantee; secure [measures to ensure accuracy] 2 … English World dictionary
Ensure — can mean: * A food and beverage brand owned by Abbott Laboratories. The most well known of these products is the Ensure Shake, intended to be served as a snack or meal replacement. * To make sure or certain of something: see * Or you may be… … Wikipedia
ensure — ► VERB 1) make certain that (something) will occur or be so. 2) (ensure against) make sure that (a problem) does not occur. ORIGIN Old French enseurer, earlier form of assurer assure … English terms dictionary
Ensure — En*sure , v. t. 1. To make sure. See {Insure}. [1913 Webster] 2. To betroth. [Obs.] Sir T. More. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ensure — I verb ascertain, assure, certify, check, clinch, confirm, corroborate, dismiss doubt, endorse, give security, give surety, guarantee, indemnify against loss, insure, keep from harm, keep safe, make certain, make sure, offer collateral, promise,… … Law dictionary
ensure — late 14c., from Anglo Fr. enseurer, from en make (see EN (Cf. en ) (1)) + O.Fr. seur sure (see SURE (Cf. sure)); probably influenced by O.Fr. asseurer assure. Related: Ensured; ensures; ensuring … Etymology dictionary
ensure — [v] guarantee; make secure arrange, assure, certify, cinch, clinch, confirm, effect, establish, guard, insure, lock on*, lock up*, make certain, make safe, make sure, nail down*, okay, protect, provide, put on ice*, safeguard, secure, set out,… … New thesaurus
ensure — 01. Please [ensure] that you have paid your fees in full before classes begin. 02. You d better [ensure] that everything the salesman promises is written into the contract. 03. Please [ensure] that you answer all the questions on the test. 04.… … Grammatical examples in English
ensure — v. (formal) 1) (A; usu. used without to) the present contract cannot ensure you a job 2) (d; tr.) to ensure against (to ensure workers against accidents) 3) (K) I cannot ensure his being on time 4) (L) no one can ensure that he ll come * * * [ɪn… … Combinatory dictionary
ensure — (also insure esp. in AmE) verb ADVERB ▪ practically, virtually ▪ effectively ▪ (not) only, simply ▪ The system not only ensures maximum discounts, but als … Collocations dictionary
Did you know?
There is considerable confusion about whether ensure and insure are distinct words, variants of the same word, or some combination of the two. They are in fact different words, but with sufficient overlap in meaning and form as to create uncertainty as to which should be used when. We define ensure as “to make sure, certain, or safe” and one sense of insure, “to make certain especially by taking necessary measures and precautions,” is quite similar. But insure has the additional meaning “to provide or obtain insurance on or for,” which is not shared by ensure. Some usage guides recommend using insure in financial contexts (as in “she insured her book collection for a million dollars”) and ensure in the general sense “to make certain” (as in “she ensured that the book collection was packed well”).
Choose the Right Synonym for ensure
ensure, insure, assure, secure mean to make a thing or person sure.
ensure, insure, and assure are interchangeable in many contexts where they indicate the making certain or inevitable of an outcome, but ensure may imply a virtual guarantee
the government has ensured the safety of the refugees
, while insure sometimes stresses the taking of necessary measures beforehand
careful planning should insure the success of the party
, and assure distinctively implies the removal of doubt and suspense from a person’s mind.
I assure you that no harm will be done
secure implies action taken to guard against attack or loss.
sent reinforcements to secure their position
Example Sentences
A combination of … personal courage, dashing leadership from the front, willingness to share the toughest rigours suffered by the ordinary soldiers, and a liberal dose of sheer good fortune ensured his stature as a great general.
—Paul Cartledge, History Today, July 2004
Indeed, even though she’s been off the mainstream radar for more than a decade, her passionate love for and commitment to rock & roll have ensured that she’s managed to make a steady living.
—Tom Sinclair, Entertainment Weekly, 24 Nov. 2000
At 20, [Kobe] Bryant is already living the modern American dream, a $70 million man on the NBA’s glamour team in the nation’s starriest city. His acrobatic moves make him the envy of teenage boys and his good looks and megawatt smile a heartthrob for teenage girls, ensuring his status as one of the NBA’s premier pitchmen …
—Allison Samuels et al., Newsweek, 31 May 1999
They took steps to ensure the safety of the passengers.
regulations that ensure the wholesomeness of our food
Recent Examples on the Web
Digital technologies have also extended employers’ powers to surveil, which in turn undercuts the ability of workers to ensure that they are being paid fairly.
—Fred Turner, New York Times, 12 Apr. 2023
To me, that means ensuring Phoenicians can get a great education that doesn’t cost them a fortune.
—From Staff Reports, The Arizona Republic, 12 Apr. 2023
Covering it in nonadhesive gauze and then wrapping the injury in an ace bandage can ensure the wound stays clean, Dittmore said.
—Kerry Breen, CBS News, 12 Apr. 2023
Four tips to ensure your donations are going to those in need Donate only on secure platforms that encrypt your bank information.
—Kirby Adams, The Courier-Journal, 11 Apr. 2023
But there is an easy way to ensure your emails do not get lost in the abyss that is your main inbox.
—Olivia Munson, USA TODAY, 11 Apr. 2023
In addition, there will be about 8,000 feet of new pipe installed in the village to ensure proper water pressure.
—Jesse Wright, Chicago Tribune, 11 Apr. 2023
The Treasury, in conjunction with the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, intervened after the US regional bank failures to ensure bank customers could access all their money and to attempt to stave off future bank runs.
—Alicia Wallace, CNN, 11 Apr. 2023
The 40mm watch comes with a platinum case, a platinum oyster bracelet, and a sapphire crystal with a screw-down case back and winding crown, ensuring total waterproofness up to 330 feet.
—Louisa Ballhaus, Robb Report, 11 Apr. 2023
See More
These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘ensure.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
Word History
Middle English, from Anglo-French ensurer, alteration of assurer — more at assure
First Known Use
1660, in the meaning defined above
Time Traveler
The first known use of ensure was
in 1660
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“Ensure.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ensure. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
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14 Apr 2023
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Merriam-Webster unabridged
From Middle English ensuren, from Anglo-Norman enseurer, from Old French seur (“sure”).
- (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ɪnˈʃʊə/, /ɪnˈʃɔː/
- (General American) IPA(key): /ɪnˈʃʊɹ/, /ɪnˈʃɝ/
- Rhymes: -ɔː(ɹ), -ʊə(ɹ), -ɜː(ɹ)
ensure (third-person singular simple present ensures, present participle ensuring, simple past and past participle ensured)
- (transitive) To make a pledge to (someone); to promise, guarantee (someone of something); to assure. [14th–18th c.]
1485, Sir Thomas Malory, “xvj”, in Le Morte Darthur, book XVI:
Thenne he cryed hym mercy and sayd Faire knyght for goddes loue slee me not / and I shall ensure the neuer werre ageynst thy lady / but be alwey toward her / Thenne Bors lete hym be
- (please add an English translation of this quote)
- (intransitive) To make sure or certain of something (usually some future event or condition). [from 18th c.]
I use an alarm clock to ensure that I get up on time.
2013 August 10, Lexington, “Keeping the mighty honest”, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8848:
British journalists shun complete respectability, feeling a duty to be ready to savage the mighty, or rummage through their bins. Elsewhere in Europe, government contracts and subsidies ensure that press barons will only defy the mighty so far.
- insure
- assure
- inshore
make sure or certain
- Afrikaans: please add this translation if you can
- Aklanon: please add this translation if you can
- Albanian: please add this translation if you can
- Arabic: please add this translation if you can
- Armenian: please add this translation if you can
- Assamese: please add this translation if you can
- Azerbaijani: təmin etmək
- Bashkir: please add this translation if you can
- Basque: please add this translation if you can
- Bau Bidayuh: please add this translation if you can
- Belarusian: упэўніцца pf (upeŭnicca), упэўнівацца impf (upeŭnivacca), пераканацца pf (pjerakanacca), пераконвацца impf (pjerakónvacca)
- Bengali: please add this translation if you can
- Bikol Central: please add this translation if you can
- Breton: asuri
- Bulgarian: осигурявам (bg) (osigurjavam)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 確保/确保 (zh) (quèbǎo)
- Czech: zajistit (cs)
- Dutch: verzekeren (nl)
- Finnish: varmistaa (fi)
- French: s’assurer (fr), garantir (fr), assurer (fr)
- German: sicherstellen (de), gewährleisten (de)
- Haitian Creole: asire
- Ido: certigar (io)
- Italian: garantire (it), assicurare (it), fare in modo che
- Lü: ᦁᦱᦙᦃᦱᧄᧈ (ʼaamẋaam¹)
- Malayalam: ഉറപ്പാക്കൂ (uṟappākkū)
- Manx: shickyree
- Maori: whakatūturu
- Mongolian: please add this translation if you can
- Polish: zapewnić (pl) pf, zapewniać (pl) impf, upewnić (pl) pf, upewniać impf, utwierdzić (pl) pf
- Portuguese: garantir (pt), assegurar (pt)
- Romanian: asigura (ro)
- Russian: удостове́риться (ru) (udostovéritʹsja), убеди́ться (ru) (ubedítʹsja)
- Spanish: asegurar (es) (pronominal), garantizar (es)
- Swedish: se till (sv), säkerställa (sv)
- Turkish: sağlamak (tr), garantiye almak, emin olmak (tr)
- Welsh: sicrháu
- enures, reunes, ursene, Nereus
What does the word ensure mean?
According to Collins English Dictionary and the American Heritage Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, the word ensure is a verb in both American English and British English that means to make sure or to promise. Different suffixes like ing and ed can be added to make related forms of the word like the present participle and past participle.
Ensure is also a nutritional supplement and American brand of nutritional supplements and meal replacements manufactured by Abbott Laboratories. This is often used by coaches or needy families to make sure that people are getting their calories and nutritional needs.
Many different languages also contain words that mean ensure. You may notice that many of these words look similar to the word ensure. These are called cognates, which are words that look, sound, and mean similar things across different languages. These are often formed when two words or languages share a common origin or ancestral language, such as Latin or Greek. This list of translations for the word ensure is provided by Word Sense.
- French: assurer, garantir, assurer
- Dutch: verzekeren
- Ido: certigar
- Russian: удостове́риться, убеди́ться
- Portuguese: garantir, assegurar
- Bulgarian: осигурявам
- Manx: shickyree
- Finnish: varmistaa
- Italian: garantire, assicurare
- Welsh: sicrháu
- Romanian: asigura
- German: sicherstellen, gewährleisten
- Spanish: asegurar (pronominal), garantizar
- Maori: whakatūturu
- Haitian Creole: asire
- Swedish: se till, säkerställa
- Czech: zajistit
- Turkish: sağlamak, garantiye almak, emin olmak
What is the origin of the word ensure?
According to Etymonline, the word ensure has been used since the Middle English ensuren. This comes from the Anglo-Norman enseurer and the Old French en-, a causative pref. This is a variant of sur and the Old French seur. This word has been used since the 14th-18th c.
What are synonyms and antonyms of the word ensure?
There are many different words that one can use in place of the word ensure. These are called synonyms, which are words and phrases that have the same meaning as another word or phrase. Synonyms are useful to know if you are trying to grow your vocabulary as well as if you are trying to avoid repeating yourself. This list of synonyms for the word ensure is provided by Power Thesaurus.
- see that
- avert
- meet
- ensuring
- safeguards
- block
- defend
- ascertain
- prevent
- convince
- cover
- guaranty
- make no doubt
- insured
- secured
- affirm
- certify
- mortgaged
- inhibit
- prevent from
- provide
- warranty
- protect
- guarantee
- secure
- assurer
- reassure
- nail down
- check
- guard
- set at rest
- seal
- make sure that
- see
- seen
- dismiss all doubt
- remove all doubt
- guaranteed
- stop
- bond
- clinch
- keep
- seeing
- preclude
- insure
- answer for
- ascertaining
- see to it
- realize
- vouch
- security
- assured
- examine
- watch
- carry
- satisfy
- be certain
- assure
- guarantees
- view
- review
- make sure
- checking
- control
- make sure of
- promise
- lock on
- impede
- maintain
- support
- undertake
- be sure
- make safe
- make certain
- assuring
- find
- determine
- establish
- verify
- securing
- confirm
- deliver
- address
- assurance
- have
- effect
- tell
- help
- avoid
- safeguard
- find out exactly
- occur
- pledge
- warrant
- bail
- take care
- find out
- ascertained
- underwrite
- cinch
There are also many different words that mean the opposite of the word ensure. These opposite words are called antonyms. Antonyms are also useful to know if you are trying to improve your vocabulary. This list of antonyms for the word ensure is also provided by Power Thesaurus.
- deny
- run circles around
- deliberately cause a problem
- gamble
- put a brake on
- throw a wrench into the works
- give permission
- chilling
- butchers
- bar
- cause disruption
- throw a wrench
- bewilder
- block
- upset the apple cart
- halt in its tracks
- brake
- put pressure
- stand in the way of
- baffle
- get in our way
- throw a monkey wrench in the works
- blockade
- apply pressure
- bollix
- run rings around
- cause a problem
- throw monkey wrench in
- throw a monkey wrench in the works of
- throw a wrench in the work
- dangerous
- put a spanner in the works
- do something that prevents a plan from succeeding
- bilk
- throw a spanner in the works of
- prevent something happening smoothly
- predict
- throw a wrench in the works
- beat
- contradict
- damage
- do something that prevents an activity from succeeding
- throw a spanner in the works
- curse
- balk
- undermine our efforts
- debunk
- bork
- give the slip
- cause a difficulty
How can the word ensure be used in a sentence?
The word ensure can be used in many different ways in the English language. Using words in a sentence is a great way to learn their definition, as are making flashcards or quizzes for yourself. Below are many examples of ensure to get you started with incorporating this word into your vocabulary.
The police ensured the families with certainty that the future event would require high quality identification before the liquor would be distributed, as well as random samples being taken from throughout the event. They wanted to prevent the destruction that occurred and the safety of children with surety at the new event.
The quality of the product and the nice retirement nest egg they were investing in would ensure that they would have a place to be as they grew old toward the end of life. They placed a check mark next to “retirement house” on their bucket list.
We must ensure much independence in marriage cases – sexism often prevents women from leaving. The safety of our society is dependent upon the safety of the women in it.
The dog owners wanted to ensure their pet had everything he needed – a collar, tick medication, proof of vaccination, and more before adopting.
The scientific experiment at Princeton University needed to ensure everything was the same for all participants, including the alarm clock, the valves, the duplicate register, the parallel experiment, and the curtains. Otherwise it would spell doom for the experiment.
The growing number of political trials needed to ensure the mobility of officials to ease tension.
Overall, the word ensure means to make sure or promise. This word is of French origins.
- ensure: meaning, origin, translation | Word Sense
- Ensure synonyms – 882 Words and Phrases for Ensure | Power Thesaurus
- Ensure antonyms – 115 Opposites of Ensure | Power Thesaurus
- Ensure definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
- ensure | Origin and meaning of ensure | Online Etymology Dictionary
Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.
Other forms: ensuring; ensured; ensures
When you ensure that something will happen, you guarantee it. All that homework will ensure that you have no time for fun this afternoon!
Ensure comes from the Old French en- «make» plus seur «sure,» and that is exactly what it means today — «to make sure or certain, to guarantee.» If you ensure success or someone’s safety, you are guaranteeing it. Make sure you can really come through with something before you ensure it!
Definitions of ensure
“This nest egg will
ensure a nice retirement for us”-
assure, guarantee, insure, secure
guarantee, vouch
give surety or assume responsibility
guarantee, vouch
be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something
ascertain, assure, check, control, insure, see, see to it
check, check off, mark, mark off, tick, tick off
put a check mark on or near or next to
verify by consulting a source or authority
ascertain, check, determine, find out, learn, see, watch
find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort
control, verify
check or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard
check, check off, mark, mark off, tick, tick off
DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘ensure’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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Commonly confused words
assure / ensure / insure
Although these three often show up at the same party, giving hugs, they’re not the same, thank you very much. To assure is to tell someone everything’s ok, to ensure is to make certain, and to insure is to protect financially. Have it straight now? Are you sure?
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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023
This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!
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verb (used with object), en·sured, en·sur·ing. to secure or guarantee: This letter will ensure you a hearing. to make sure or certain: measures to ensure the success of an undertaking.
What is the full meaning of Ensure?
: to make sure, certain, or safe : guarantee.
Does ensure mean make sure?
There’s no difference in meaning between make sure and ensure, it’s just that ensure is more formal. When speaking, we typically use make sure. If writing a more formal article or business text, we would use ensure.
What is the legal definition of ensure?
Ensure means to make sure, certain, or safe. Example of a Statute in California using the word ensure.
How do you use the word ensure?
Ensure sentence example
- She froze then looked around to ensure no one was there to overhear them. …
- «You can ensure she stays alive and relatively okay,» he offered. …
- She made him what he was, but his suffering was necessary to ensure his survival. …
- To ensure this preferred outcome came to fruition.
35 related questions found
Do you say to ensure or to ensure that?
When to Use Ensure
You ensure that something will happen by taking extra precautions. If you’re trying to say “make sure,” then ensure is the correct word to use. Use ensure in the following ways: The dog owner always would ensure that he returned home quickly.
IS THE WORD ensure legally binding?
We are instructed never to use the word «ensure» because it could imply a legal guarantee. Instead, we use «make sure». Examples: Mr. Jones is ensuring that construction meets specifications.
What is the difference between insuring and ensuring?
«To ensure» means to make certain. «To insure» means to protect against risk by regularly paying an insurance company. … You must insure your car because the law requires it.
What is ensure in business?
Most important is ensuring your clients are well informed. Assure means «to give someone confidence.» Ensure means «to make certain.» Insure means «to protect against loss.»
What is the meaning of sure and ensure?
To assure someone is to remove someone’s doubts. To ensure something is to make sure it happens—to guarantee it. To insure something or someone is to cover it with an insurance policy.
What is the synonym of ensuring?
Some common synonyms of ensure are assure, insure, and secure. While all these words mean «to make a thing or person sure,» ensure, insure, and assure are interchangeable in many contexts where they indicate the making certain or inevitable of an outcome, but ensure may imply a virtual guarantee.
What does making sure mean?
: to find out or do something so that one has no doubt about whether something is true, correct, will happen, etc. They made sure everyone knew where they were supposed to be. …
What do you mean by Assure?
1 : to make sure or certain : convince glancing back to assure himself no one was following. 2 : to inform positively I assure you that we can do it. 3 : to make certain the coming or attainment of : guarantee worked hard to assure accuracy.
What is the root word of Ensure?
Ensure comes from the Old French en- «make» plus seur «sure,» and that is exactly what it means today — «to make sure or certain, to guarantee.» If you ensure success or someone’s safety, you are guaranteeing it.
Is ensure a word in English?
verb (used with object), en·sured, en·sur·ing. to secure or guarantee: This letter will ensure you a hearing. to make sure or certain: measures to ensure the success of an undertaking.
When to use insure or ensure in a sentence?
Ensure is to do or have what is necessary for success. Example: These blankets ensure that you’ll be warm enough. Insure is to cover with an insurance policy. Example: I will insure my home with additional fire and flood policies.
What is a synonym for insure?
Choose the Right Synonym for insure
ensure, insure, assure, secure mean to make a thing or person sure.
What makes something legally binding?
Generally, to be legally valid, most contracts must contain two elements: All parties must agree about an offer made by one party and accepted by the other. Something of value must be exchanged for something else of value. This can include goods, cash, services, or a pledge to exchange these items.
What is considered a legally binding contract?
Legally binding contracts are agreements made between two or more parties that are enforceable by law and are valid according to federal and state contract laws. … However, emailing, faxing, or calling someone and agreeing to an exchange of services is also considered creating a legally binding contract.
What makes a document legally binding?
A legally binding document is an agreement that has been made between two parties where specific actions are prohibited or required on behalf of one or both of the parties.
Can you say ensure to?
assure/ ensure/ insure
To assure is to tell someone everything’s ok, to ensure is to make certain, and to insure is to protect financially. … Sometimes people say ensure or insure when they really mean assure, to remove doubt.
Do you need a that after Ensure?
‘That’ is not essential, though it sometimes makes a sentence easier to read first time. He tried to ensure the success was reported, Without ‘that’, readers might start to read the sentence, and believe at first that ‘the success’ was the direct object of ‘ensure’; they would then have to change tack in mid-sentence.
When should I use that?
‘That’ is used as a determiner at the beginning of sentences to indicate one object which is far from the speaker. Note that the plural form of ‘that’ as a determiner is ‘those. ‘ ‘That’ and ‘those’ is generally used with ‘there’ to indicate that the object(s) is not close to the speaker.
What comes after make sure?
There is no relation between make sure and the tense of its object complement; the verb in the complement clause can be either past or present tense. There is no future tense in English, but modals like can or will or may also occur in tensed that clauses, just as they do in tensed main clauses.
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- British
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
[ en-shoor, —shur ]
/ ɛnˈʃʊər, -ˈʃɜr /
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
verb (used with object), en·sured, en·sur·ing.
to secure or guarantee: This letter will ensure you a hearing.
to make sure or certain: measures to ensure the success of an undertaking.
to make secure or safe, as from harm.
There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?
Which sentence is correct?
Origin of ensure
1350–1400; Middle English ensuren<Anglo-French enseurer.See en-1, sure
en·sur·er, nounun·en·sured, adjective
Words nearby ensure
ensue, ensued, ensues, ensuing, en suite, ensure, enswathe, ENT, entablature, entablement, entail
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
What’s the difference between ensure, insure, and assure?
Ensure most commonly means to guarantee or make certain, as in Working hard ensures success. Insure typically means to guarantee against loss or harm or, more specifically, to cover with insurance. Assure usually means to tell someone something with confidence or to cause someone to know something with certainty—it often means the same thing as reassure.
It’s no wonder there’s confusion between the three words—all three are verbs that are based on the Latin root sēcūrus, meaning safe. Making things even more confusing is the fact that ensure and insure can be used interchangeably in most senses. Still, insure is much more commonly used in the context of insurance, like car insurance, health insurance, and homeowner’s insurance. These kinds of insurance insure you—they give you coverage that provides you with compensation in certain cases and situations.
Ensure is typically used in a more general way in the context of actions that are done to make sure that something happens or is the case, as in We need to ensure that the meeting starts on time.
Assure is always used in the context of communication, especially in situations in which someone is trying to make someone else feel better about something. It’s used in the phrase rest assured.
Here’s a quick cheat sheet to remember the most common uses of each word:
ensure = make sure
insure = cover with insurance
assure = reassure
Here’s an example of ensure, insure, and assure used correctly in a sentence.
Example: She assured me that the company has ensured that every employee has the opportunity to be insured.
Want to learn more? Read the full breakdown of the difference between ensure, insure, and assure.
Quiz yourself on ensure vs. insure vs. assure!
Should ensure, insure, or assure be used in the following sentence?
We need to take action to _____ that this never happens again.
Words related to ensure
assure, establish, insure, protect, provide, safeguard, secure, arrange, certify, cinch, clinch, confirm, effect, guard, okay, warrant, lock on, lock up, make sure, nail down
How to use ensure in a sentence
Apart from zeroing the wait time for customers, chatbot integration ensures 24 x 7 x 365 availability and allows you to broaden your database without any manual interference, once trained, and implemented successfully.
Because I’m the president of an NBA team, I had access to resources that ensured I could demand and fight for my justice.
In the case of this paid search digital transformation, a keyword audit was a critical piece to start with, ensuring the team was focused on the right keywords for the brand and its critical products and solutions.
These factors collectively play a big role in ensuring your business climbs local SERPs and maintains a strong online presence.
Revenge could take the form of a contract extension that would ensure he can finish his career as the Packers’ franchise quarterback.
Asserting our right to free speech is the only to ensure that 12 people did not die in vain.
Police, their representatives and supporters tell us, ensure our freedom of speech through our ability to protest.
If someone wants to ensure a direct and secure connection, no entity, whether a hotel or otherwise, should be able to block it.
One detainee was bent over for a rectal feeding that involved Ensure, the protein shake.
To ensure that all Afghan women see the gains of the last decade, we need to understand, support and enhance existing systems.
His first business was to provide a proper train to ensure the quick and easy mobilisation of the artillery.
The registrars will, in that event, ensure the moral growth of existing societies before multiplying them.
Principally to ensure military dominance, the conquerors made many main roads, mostly centering in London.
In the meantime the university had taken steps to ensure the suppression of heretical books.
Now, five minutes’ rest taken at the right time may ensure those persons’ safety as well as our own.
British Dictionary definitions for ensure
verb (tr)
(may take a clause as object) to make certain or sure; guaranteethis victory will ensure his happiness
to make safe or secure; protect
Derived forms of ensure
ensurer, noun
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