The word enhance means

повышать, усиливать, увеличивать, совершенствовать, усугублять


- увеличивать, усиливать

the candlelight enhanced her beauty — при свечах она была ещё красивее

- повышать цену или ценность
- спец. повышать качество (фотографии) с помощью ЭВМ

Мои примеры


laws designed to enhance national security that some regard as inimical to cherished freedoms — законы, призванные укрепить национальную безопасность, которые некоторыми рассматриваются как враждебные милым их сердцу свободам  
to enhance beauty — совершенствовать красоту  
enhance the price — повышать цену  
enhance security — повышать безопасность  
to enhance controllability — повысить контролируемость  
enhance campaign — интенсифицировать кампанию; усиливать кампанию  
enhance a chance — увеличивать шанс  
enhance confidence — укреплять доверие; укрепить доверие; повышать доверие  
enhance-definition television — телевидение повышенной чёткости; ТПЧ  
enhance deterrence — повысить эффективность сдерживающих средств  
enhance discipline — укреплять дисциплину  

Примеры с переводом

This will enhance your enjoyment.

Это усилит наслаждение /удовольствие/.

Their living expenses are constantly enhancing.

Их жизненные расходы постоянно растут.

You can enhance the flavor of the dish by using fresh herbs.

Вы можете улучшить вкус блюда, используя свежие травы / зелень.

This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat.

Этот соус усилит /улучшит/ вкус мяса.

These efforts enhance collaboration between industry and academia.

Эти усилия укрепляют взаимодействие между производством и наукой.

Good lighting will enhance any room.

Хорошее освещение пойдёт на пользу любому помещению.

They’ll be keen to enhance their reputation abroad.

Они будут стремиться улучшить свою репутацию за границей.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

enhancement  — улучшение, усовершенствование, совершенствование
enhancer  — усилитель
enhanced  — повышать, усиливать, увеличивать, совершенствовать, усугублять

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: enhance
he/she/it: enhances
ing ф. (present participle): enhancing
2-я ф. (past tense): enhanced
3-я ф. (past participle): enhanced

  • Enhance — En*hance , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Enhanced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Enhancing}.] [Norm. F. enhauncer, enhaucer, OF. enhaleier, enhaucier; pref. en (L. in) + haucier to lift, raise up, from an assumed L. altiare, fr. L. altus high; cf. Pr. enansar,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • enhance — en‧hance [ɪnˈhɑːns ǁ ɪnˈhæns] verb [transitive] to improve the quality or value of something: • The performance of some Windows programs should be enhanced by the Unix hardware. enhanced adjective : • The plan was to offer senior officers… …   Financial and business terms

  • Enhance — En*hance , v. i. To be raised up; to grow larger; as, a debt enhances rapidly by compound interest. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • enhance — I verb add to, advance in value, aggrandize, ampliricare, amplify, appreciate, augere, augment, better, boost, brighten, cultivate, deepen, develop, elaborate, elevate, emphasize, enlarge, enrich, escalate, exaggerate, expand, extend, heighten,… …   Law dictionary

  • enhance — late 13c., anhaunsen to raise, make higher, from Anglo Fr. enhauncer, probably from O.Fr. enhaucier make greater, make higher or louder; fatten, foster; raise in esteem, from V.L. *inaltiare, from L.L. inaltare raise, exalt, from altare make high …   Etymology dictionary

  • enhance — heighten, *intensify, aggravate Analogous words: iift, elevate, raise: *exalt, magnify, aggrandize: augment, increase: *adorn, embellish, beautify Contrasted words: diminish, reduce, lessen, *decrease: attenuate, extenuate, *thin: belittle,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • enhance — means ‘to improve or intensify (something already good)’ and is used typically with reference to achievements, reputations, values, effectiveness, efficiency, performance, capability, etc. It is not used with a person as object; The book enhanced …   Modern English usage

  • enhance — [v] improve, embellish add to, adorn, aggrandize, amplify, appreciate, augment, beautify, boom, boost, build up, complement, elevate, embroider, enlarge, exaggerate, exalt, flesh out*, heighten, increase, intensify, lift, magnify, pad*, pyramid* …   New thesaurus

  • enhance — ► VERB ▪ increase the quality, value, or extent of. DERIVATIVES enhancement noun enhancer noun. ORIGIN originally in the sense «elevate»: from Old French enhauncer, from Latin altus high …   English terms dictionary

  • enhance — [en hans′, inhäns′; inhans′, inhäns′] vt. enhanced, enhancing [ME enhauncen < Anglo Fr enhauncer < OFr enhaucier < VL * inaltiare < in , EN 1 + * altiare, to raise < L altus, high] 1. to make greater, as in cost, value,… …   English World dictionary

  • enhance — 01. Eyeshadow [enhances] the natural contours of the eye. 02. When I put flowers on the table, it really [enhances] the room. 03. Reading in English is an excellent way to [enhance] your vocabulary. 04. The clothes she wore [enhanced] her beauty …   Grammatical examples in English

  • transitive verb


    : heighten, increase


    : to increase or improve in value, quality, desirability, or attractiveness

    enhanced the room with crown molding

    Did you know?

    When enhance was borrowed into English in the 13th century, it literally meant to raise something higher. That sense, though now obsolete, provides a clue about the origins of the word. Enhance, which was spelled enhauncen in Middle English, comes to us from Anglo-French enhaucer or enhauncer («to raise»), which can be traced back to the Latin altus («high») by way of an assumed Vulgar Latin verb inaltiare, which would have been formed by combining the prefix in- with the Latin altus. Although enhance initially applied only to physically making things higher, it developed an additional and less literal sense of «to exalt especially in rank or spirit,» and quickly acquired extended figurative senses for raising the value or attractiveness of something or someone.


    Example Sentences

    You can enhance the flavor of the dish by using fresh herbs.

    The image has been digitally enhanced to show more detail.

    The company is looking to enhance its earnings potential.

    Recent Examples on the Web

    It’s fortified with L-glutamine and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are known to enhance muscle protein synthesis and reduce muscle fatigue.

    Paul Kita, Men’s Health, 5 Apr. 2023

    Academia can be an excellent source of novel drug targets and new technologies that can enhance medicinal discovery.

    Dave Greenwald, STAT, 31 Mar. 2023

    Those efforts have paid dividends at home and abroad, the AP found: Lawmakers delayed legislation Beijing didn’t like, nixed resolutions that conveyed displeasure with its actions and expressed support in ways that enhanced the Chinese government’s image.

    Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 30 Mar. 2023

    In 2022, Congress passed a bipartisan bill that enhanced background checks for gun buyers under 21 and added funding for mental health services and school security.

    Caroline Linton, CBS News, 30 Mar. 2023

    Check out Janet Hill Studio for many intriguing portraits that enhance the look.

    Kristina Mcguirk, Better Homes & Gardens, 30 Mar. 2023

    The jacket’s midi length and long-sleeve silhouette offer solid coverage, helping to protect against the elements, and has six large buttons along with a belt that enhance its overall look.

    Nicol Natale, Peoplemag, 29 Mar. 2023

    The low dosage, 3 grams of sugar per liter, falls into the extra brut category, which enhances both the acidity and the feeling of effervescence on the palate.

    Mike Desimone And Jeff Jenssen, Robb Report, 28 Mar. 2023

    Copper is thought to possess anti-inflammatory properties that may enhance recovery.

    Lindsay Modglin, Health, 28 Mar. 2023

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘enhance.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History


    Middle English enhauncen, from Anglo-French enhaucer, enhauncer, from Vulgar Latin *inaltiare, from Latin in + altus high — more at old

    First Known Use

    13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of enhance was
    in the 13th century


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    “Enhance.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


    More from Merriam-Webster on enhance

    Last Updated:
    7 Apr 2023
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    Merriam-Webster unabridged

    Other forms: enhanced; enhancing; enhances

    Many people use the expression «enhance your chance» to point out ways to increase your chances of winning or earning a contest or prize. When you enhance something, you heighten it or make it better.

    «Hance» is not a word, but the addition of «en-» does something to enhance it and improve its sound. You can enhance the size of something, too, by altering it or raising it, which is what the word original meant (the «hance» part came via French from Latin altus, meaning «high»). When you enhance something you take it to a higher level, like adding salt to French fries to enhance flavor or adding words to enhance your vocabulary.

    Definitions of enhance

    1. “This will
      enhance your enjoyment”


      heighten, raise

    2. verb

      make better or more attractive

      “This sauce will
      enhance the flavor of the meat”

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘enhance’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
    Send us feedback


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    Alternative forms[edit]

    • inhance, enhaunce, inhaunce (all obsolete)


    From Middle English enhauncen, anhaunsen, from Anglo-Norman anhauncer (enhance, raise), from Vulgar Latin *inaltiāre (raise), derived from Latin in + altus (high). The /h/ in Old French was taken from haut (high), where it resulted from Frankish influence.


    • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ɪnˈhɑːns/
    • (General American) IPA(key): /ɪnˈhæns/, /ɛnˈhæns/
    • Rhymes: -ɑːns, -æns


    enhance (third-person singular simple present enhances, present participle enhancing, simple past and past participle enhanced)

    1. (obsolete) To lift, raise up.
    2. To augment or make something greater.
      • 1831, Robert Southey, Sir Thomas More: Or Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society, page 214:

        They had no character to preserve, except for courage; and perhaps the reputation of ferocity enhanced the value of their services, in making them feared as well as hated by the people.

      • 2000, Mordecai Roshwald, Liberty: Its Meaning and Scope, page 155:

        A hereditary monarch relies on pomp and ceremony, which enhance the respect for the institution

    3. To improve something by adding features.
      • 1986, Maggie Righetti, Knitting in Plain English, page 192:

        A pom-pom to top off a stocking cap, a fringe to feather the edge of a shawl, tassels to define the points of an afghan, these are just a few of the delightful little goodies that enhance handknit things.

    4. (intransitive) To be raised up; to grow larger.
      A debt enhances rapidly by compound interest.
    5. (radiology) To take up contrast agent (for an organ, tissue, or lesion).


    • heighten
    • See also Thesaurus:improve


    augment or make something greater See also translations at augment

    • Bulgarian: увеличавам (bg) (uveličavam), повишавам (bg) (povišavam)
    • Catalan: augmentar (ca)
    • Dutch: vergroten (nl), uitbreiden (nl)
    • Esperanto: pliigi
    • Finnish: parantaa (fi)
    • French: augmenter (fr), accroître (fr)
    • German: erhöhen (de), vergrößern (de)
    • Italian: accrescere (it), intensificare (it), incrementare (it), avanzare (it), sviluppare (it), rafforzare (it), favorire (it)
    • Macedonian: уве́личи pf (uvéliči), увели́чува impf (uvelíčuva)
    • Maori: whakamarohi
    • Middle English: enhauncen
    • Persian: بهتر کردن(behtar kardan)
    • Portuguese: aumentar (pt)
    • Russian: увели́чивать (ru) impf (uvelíčivatʹ), увели́чить (ru) pf (uvelíčitʹ), повыша́ть (ru) impf (povyšátʹ), повы́сить (ru) pf (povýsitʹ), уси́ливать (ru) impf (usílivatʹ), уси́лить (ru) pf (usílitʹ)
    • Spanish: aumentar (es)
    • Turkish: artırmak (tr)
    • Ukrainian: збільшувати (zbilʹšuvaty)
    • Volapük: geilükumön (vo)

    improve something by adding features

    • Bulgarian: подобря́вам (bg) (podobrjávam)
    • Catalan: millorar (ca)
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 改善 (zh) (gǎishàn)
    • Dutch: uitbreiden (nl), verbeteren (nl)
    • Esperanto: plibonigi
    • Finnish: parantaa (fi)
    • French: améliorer (fr)
    • German: verbessern (de)
    • Italian: migliorare (it), arricchire (it), potenziare (it), progredire (it), valorizzare (it)
    • Macedonian: по́добри (pódobri)
    • Maori: whakarākai, whakarāwai, whakangako
    • Persian: اضافه کردن (fa) (ezâfe kardan), افزودن (fa) (afzudan)
    • Polish: poprawiać (pl), poprawić (pl), polepszać (pl), polepszyć
    • Portuguese: melhorar (pt)
    • Russian: улучша́ть (ru) impf (ulučšátʹ), улу́чшить (ru) pf (ulúčšitʹ)
    • Spanish: realzar (es)
    • Swedish: förbättra (sv)
    • Turkish: geliştirmek (tr), iyileştirmek (tr)
    • Ukrainian: покращувати (pokraščuvaty)
    • Volapük: gudükumön (vo)

    Middle English[edit]



    1. Alternative form of enhauncen

    For paint and appliance makers, the labels enhance their green bona fides and perhaps even boost sales. — ❋ Unknown (2010)

    For paint and appliance makers, the labels enhance their green bona fides and perhaps even boost sales. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    The strategy works best in a sideways to slightly uptrending market in which the premiums from selling the calls enhance total returns. ❋ Unknown (2006)

    A rising of the value for life would in the long term enhance how we treat each other, and reduce the numbers of violent acts that we see, and IMO abortion as well. ❋ Unknown (2005)

    The important question is, will such an approach over the long term enhance or diminish his status as a blogger? ❋ Unknown (2010)

    LOTHIAN (voice-over): Standing in front of a copy of the Constitution, President Obama delivered a defense for his national security policies, from banning so-called enhance interrogations like water-boarding, to closing the Guantanamo Bay prison camp. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    «It’s a complete mystery but there’s not much doubt that the two little letters after the name do enhance the allure of women and men when they get to this position,» said Labour MP for Newport West, Paul Flynn. ❋ Unknown (2011)

    The launches of Extensions and Time to Call enhance our domestic and global service offerings for landline and mobile customers.

    I personally believe that if parents pay their own hard-earned cash for schooling, that they will find mechanisms to «enhance» their children’s motivation. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    How does an acknowledgment of those realities «enhance» our reading in any important way? ❋ Unknown (2010)

    She forgot to tell everyone not to eat them, they were only there to «enhance» the flavor. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Those in Beluga note that this project will surely not «enhance» the outdoor experience of anyone. ❋ «AKMuckraker» (2010)

    While it allows a seller to «enhance» his profit, it is generally viewed by buyers as unfair. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Appearing on ‘The Ellen Degeneres Show’ on Thursday, Jennifer Aniston was coerced into strap into a bra vibrator, which, according to a straight faced Degeneres, helps «enhance» a woman’s anatomy. ❋ Jordan Zakarin (2011)

    As if it weren’t bad enough that women were hooked on products that «enhance,» «flatter,» and «camouflage» our natural features, now we have men at center stage being sold a new category of clothing — «men’s shapewear.» ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Ideally it’s to give someone something to look at but also to kind of enhance that experience in some way — to make it a little more complex. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Enhancers make [ugly] women less ugly.
    Many women [hang around] ugly [females] to make themselves look better. ❋ The Food Aficionado (2010)

    [Detective] [Deek]: Stop, there is a reflection on her eyes.
    Detective Cunnt: I wonder if the victim saw the attacker before she died?
    Detective Deek: [Zoom in on] the cornea and enhance!
    Detective Cunnt: Enhance!
    Detective Deek: I can see something! Enhance!
    Detective Cunnt: Enhance! ❋ Retard Coacher (2009)

    [Sara] is going to be getting a [breast] enhancement this [week]. ❋ JoesephMartin (2016)

    She has enhanced [tits] like [your mum] ❋ Medbr (2015)

    The use of waterboarding, starvation, and [flagellation] — all of these torture, er, «[enhanced interrogation]» techniques not approved by the [Geneva Convention] were used in Guantanamo bay. ❋ Mindraker (2009)

    «[Wow] that is a [total] [nip enhancer]» ❋ Macy’s A Skrub (2017)

    If thats [the case] i’ll just [bust out] a few of my 4-letter [sentence enhancers] on your ass stinky. ❋ Jasper (2004)

    [TSA Agent]: «If you won’t let me to take a [naked picture] of you, then I’m going to rub your penis.»
    Child: «That would be sexual assault.»
    TSA Agent: «Nonsense, it’s just an enhanced patdown. Now [spread your legs].» ❋ OptOut (2010)

    That [bum’s] psycho was definitely enhanced. He smashed the liquor bottle over the cops head, then puked and pissed himself!
    They got really drunk at the party and launched a [street sign] through my wall, set my couch on fire, and took a shit in my sink. The room got psycho enhanced.
    At the psycho enhancer show i got kicked in the face and accidentally drank someone else’s blood. It ruled.
    [Latrell Sprewell’s] psycho was enhanced when he choked and assaulted his coach.
    Ugh, once work is over, I’m gettin psycho enhanced. Hopefully i get laid and successfully break some shit. ❋ TomHoulihan (2014)

    «The [enhanced interrogation] program has saved lifes because I say so.
    By the way, we wouldn’t use it on our own people, just muslim terrorist [suspects] that we do not [have enough] evidence on to bring before a court.» ❋ Snagawaga (2009)

    enhance — перевод на русский


    Enhance 224 to 176.

    Увеличить 224 по 176.

    Enhance 34 to 36.

    Увеличить 34 по 36.

    Enhance 34 to 46.

    Увеличить 34 по 46.

    Enhance 57-19.

    Увеличить 57-19.

    Показать ещё примеры для «увеличить»…

    But we are also capable of using our compassion and our intelligence our technology and our wealth to make an abundant and meaningful life for every inhabitant of this planet to enhance enormously our understanding of the universe and to carry us to the stars.

    Но также мы способны использовать сострадание и разум технологию и ресурсы, чтобы сделать жизнь благополучной и наполненной смыслом для каждого обитателя этой планеты. Многократно улучшить наше понимание вселенной и отправиться к звездам.

    You should only drink to enhance your social skills.

    Нужно пить только, чтобы улучшить свои коммуникативные способности.

    Enhanced my telepathic ability so I’d be more suited to carry a Vorlon around in my head, because I believed.

    Улучшить мои телепатические возможности, чтобы я больше подходила.. …к задаче носить Ворлона в моей голове. Потому что я верила.

    Enlarge section F-3 and enhance.

    Увеличить секцию F-3 и улучшить.

    Our desire to enhance our lives… through computer technology is human.

    Как и наше стремление улучшить жизнь с помощью компьютерных технологий.

    Показать ещё примеры для «улучшить»…

    We could enhance a dekyon emission and send ourselves a message.

    Мы можем усилить декионное излучение, чтобы создать определённый узор, и послать себе сообщение.

    The anomaly cannot be seen but I believe I can enhance it with a warp field to make it visible.

    Аномалия невидима, но я считаю, что смогу усилить ее при помощи варп-поля, что сделает ее различимой.

    Larry had been doing research into the infamous CIA MK-ULTRA experiments which he believed could enhance his own psychic powers.

    Ларри иследовал печально известные эксперименты ЦРУ с МК-УЛЬТРА …которые, как он полагал, могут усилить его собственные психо-силы.

    Embalming fluid can enhance discoloration

    Бальзамирующий состав мог усилить изменение цвета.

    To enhance her psychic connection to Nick Lane.

    Чтобы усилить ее психическую связь с Ником Лэйном.

    Показать ещё примеры для «усилить»…

    So you’ve used your genetically enhanced brain to calculate our chances for survival.

    A, давайте угадаю. Вы использовали свой генетически улучшенный мозг, чтобы вычислить наши шансы на выживание.

    He’s a computerized humanoid… electronically enhanced secret enforcer.

    Он компьютеризированный гуманоид… улучшенный секретным электронным способом.

    Detective, enhanced and enlarged.

    — Детектив, вот увеличенный и улучшенный вариант.

    It’s like an enhanced house call?

    Это типа улучшенный вызов на дом?

    An enhanced motion detector.

    Улучшенный датчик движения.

    Показать ещё примеры для «улучшенный»…

    It enhances their suffering.

    И это усиливает их страдания.

    The drug enhances the latent telepathic gene in most humans… and gives it a destructive power for several hours.

    Наркотик резко усиливает скрытый телепатический ген, который есть у большинства людей, и на несколько часов придаёт ему разрушительную силу.

    Hyperspace has been known to enhance telepathic abilities.

    Известно, что гиперпространство усиливает телепатические способности.

    The badge, the uniform and the gun all bolster your perp’s sense of power, which enhances his masculinity and his control.

    — Значок, форма, оружие — это наполняет вашего преступника ощущением власти, … которое усиливает его мужественность и стремление к контролю.

    «This unique brew of herbs, spices and oils enhances feelings of love and tenderness.

    Это уникальная смесь трав, пряностей и масел усиливает чувство любви и нежности.

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    From what I could tell, it said he was a warrior enhanced for combat.

    Если я не ошибаюсь, там сказано, что он воин усиленный для битв.

    Enhanced interrogation was never part of my job description.

    Усиленный допрос не был частью моей работы.

    So even if they survived the crash, they could be stranded in the wilderness, on the run from a band of ex-Hydra thugs, unaware that their enhanced asset is a charlatan.

    Итак, если они выжили после крушения, они застряли где-то в глуши, убегая от банды бывших головорезов Гидры, не подозревая, что их усиленный актив — шарлатан.

    Your paper on Enhanced Structural Connectivity in Colored-music Synesthesia was sublime.

    Ваша статья об усиленных структурных связях у людей с цвето-музыкальной синестезией была потрясающей.

    «Enhanced interrogation.»

    «Усиленных допросов.»

    Показать ещё примеры для «усиленный»…

    How do you feel about enhanced macaroni and cheese?

    Да. Как ты смотришь на усовершенствованные макароны с сыром?

    What do you mean by «Enhanced»?

    Что значит «усовершенствованные»?

    He’s concerned you may have some undocumented Enhanced Assets working for you.

    Он обеспокоен тем, что у вас могут быть недокументированные усовершенствованные активы, работающие на вас.

    And you’re not about to use enhanced questioning techniques on her?

    И Вы не собираетесь применять на ней усовершенствованные методы допроса?

    And Mammoth — the genetically enhanced giant whose unstoppable strength speaks for itself.

    И Маммос. Генетически усовершенствованный гигант, чья невообразимая сила говорит сама за себя.

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    Color can certainly make a woman look beautiful and enhance her allure.

    Цвет, безусловно, может сделать женщину более красивой и повысить её привлекательность.

    And during the day he would explain new ways to think about Emacs and ways to extend it, enhance it, and to use the Emacs source code uh, for better or worse.

    И в течении дня он объяснял новые точки зрения на Emacs способы расширить его, повысить его, и использовать его исходные коды, плохо или хорошо.

    We were attempting… to use concentrated bursts of energy… to enhance the sensitivity of optical telescopes.

    Мы пытались с помощью концентрированной энергии повысить чувствительность оптических телескопов.

    — Yeah, something along the lines, that I got, like, a bad back, and the extra lumbar support could enhance my job performance.

    — Да, пару строчек, что у меня, типа, больная спина, и дополнительная поясничная поддержка могла бы повысить мою работоспособность.

    You’re obviously trying to enhance your status with your coworkers by acquiring something that they all covet.

    Очевидно, вы хотите повысить ваш статус в глазах коллег, получив то, чего все они жаждут.

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    It enhances immune function.

    Улучшает иммунитет.

    Enhances sensitivity.

    Улучшает чувствительность

    Does that seem like it enhances our image to you?

    Тебе по-прежнему кажется, что это улучшает наш имидж?

    Sometimes effort does not enhance ability. Study if you must, but if it don’t stick, move on, focus on something you’re good at.

    Иногда усилие не улучшает возможности. в чем ты хорош.

    He’s developed a nootropic drug that enhances learning and memory.

    Он разработал ноотропное лекарство, которое улучшает память и облегчает заучивание.

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    Allowing co-workers to participate in the decision making pross… motivates them and enhances their performan.

    Допуск же сотрудников к участию в принятии решений даёт им стимул и повышает их исполнительность.

    That not only enhances the quality of our lives, but also simplifies it.

    Это не только повышает качество нашей жизни, но и упрощает её.

    You two stay here and do whatever police work you feel enhances your sense of romance.

    Вы оба оставайтесь здесь и делайте свою полицейскую работу которая повышает чувство романтики.

    This spell will enhance speed, strength, and agility.

    Заклинание повышает скорость, силу и ловкость.

    It enhances his cognition.

    Она повышает его способности.

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    Workshops to enhance the capacity of mobile learning practitioners through knowledge-sharing.

    Семинары, призванные повысить потенциал специалистов-практиков в области обучения с помощью мобильных устройств путем обмена знаниями.

    A favourable learning environment that responded to special needs would enhance educational performance.

    Создание благоприятных условий для учебы, учитывающих их особые потребности, позволило бы повысить результативность обучения.

    This helps increase workload output during exercise and enhance recovery post-exercise.

    Эта особенность позволяет увеличить рабочую нагрузку во время упражнений и улучшить восстановление после тренировки.

    Using this we can easily learn anything and enhance our skill.

    Используя это, мы можем легко выучить что угодно и улучшить свои навыки.

    Positive action was needed to enhance the role of women.

    Необходимо принять меры позитивного характера, с тем чтобы усилить роль женщин.

    Some delegations specifically requested that UNHCR enhance its coordinating role with non-governmental organizations and other operational partners.

    Некоторые делегации, в частности, просили УВКБ ООН усилить свою роль в координации деятельности неправительственных организаций и других партнеров по операциям.

    His blogging advice is set to enhance your blogging platform towards better opportunities.

    Его совет по ведению блога направлен на то, чтобы улучшить вашу платформу для блогов в направлении улучшения возможностей.

    Use the internet to enhance your real life.

    Используйте интернет для того, чтобы улучшить свою реальную жизнь.

    Limestone treatment systems were built to enhance and improve water quality.

    Поэтому, чтобы улучшить воду и повысить её качество, используются системы очистки воды.

    A basic consideration underlying this exercise is to avoid duplication and enhance efficiency.

    Основная мысль, которая составляет основу этой деятельности, состоит в стремлении избежать дублирования и повысить эффективность.

    It can deal in more sophisticated data models to help enhance decision-making processes.

    ИИ может использовать и оперировать более сложными моделями данных, чтобы помочь улучшить процессы принятия решений.

    The Advisory Committee welcomes the efforts to enhance financial and management accountability.

    Консультативный комитет приветствует усилия, направленные на то, чтобы улучшить финансовую и административную отчетность.

    This statute helps to enhance effectivity, enhance quality of care, and supply better information for patients and physicians.

    Этот устав помогает повысить эффективность, повысить качество обслуживания и предоставлять лучшую информацию для пациентов и врачей.

    Improved overtaking opportunities also enhance traffic flows.

    В результате создания более благоприятных условий для обгона улучшается также равномерность транспортного потока.

    Galileo used telescopes to enhance his observations.

    Галилео преуспел в том, что использовал телескоп для того, чтобы расширить свои наблюдения.

    Economic growth alone could not enhance employment.

    Экономический рост сам по себе не может привести к улучшению положения в области занятости.

    Athletes use it to enhance physical performance.

    Однако спортсмены используют его для улучшения своих физических показателей.

    Scientists are consistently attempting to enhance upon available equipment.

    Ученые постоянно работают над тем, чтобы повысить эффективность того оборудования, которое есть.

    In fact, another factor must be tweaked to enhance competitiveness.

    Хотя для того чтобы увеличить конкурентоспособность, нам нужно сделать всего лишь два шага.

    Hopefully it might eventually enhance the quality of life.

    Выражу уверенность в том, что в конечном итоге это приведет к повышению качества жизни.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат enhance

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    This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

    [ en-hans, —hahns ]

    / ɛnˈhæns, -ˈhɑns /

    This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

    verb (used with object), en·hanced, en·hanc·ing.

    to raise to a higher degree; intensify; magnify: The candlelight enhanced her beauty.

    to raise the value or price of: Rarity enhances the worth of old coins.



    There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

    Which sentence is correct?

    Origin of enhance

    First recorded in 1325–75; Middle English enhauncen, from Anglo-French enhauncer, apparently for Old French enhaucer, equivalent to en- en-1 + haucer “to raise” (French hausser ) from the unattested Vulgar Latin altiāre (derivative of Latin altus “high,” with h-, from Germanic; see haughty), though -n- is unexplained

    synonym study for enhance

    OTHER WORDS FROM enhance

    en·hance·ment, nounen·hanc·ive, adjectiveun·en·hanced, adjective

    Words nearby enhance

    engrossed bill, engrossing, engrossment, engulf, enhalo, enhance, enhanced oil recovery, enhanced radiation weapon, enhancement, enhancer, enharmonic Unabridged
    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


    What does enhance mean?

    To enhance is to raise to a higher degree, such as to magnify or intensify something. To enhance a photo, for example, is to improve the colors, lighting, or other characteristics in order to improve the photo.

    Generally speaking, enhancing somehow makes something better. Something that is enhanced has its intensity, value, or size increased.

    To enhance is also to increase the value or price of something. A tie might not be very valued just for being a tie, for example. But if that tie was worn by someone famous, the tie’s value is enhanced because that celebrity wore it.

    Example: Salt is commonly added to dishes to enhance their flavor.

    Where does enhance come from?

    The first records of the term enhance come from the 1300s. It comes from the Anglo-French enhauncer.

    Especially in technology and medicine, enhance is used to mean “to upgrade performance.” Better-quality technology pieces, such as computer speakers and monitors are said to enhance your experience using the computer. In medicine, enhancing treatments such as drugs are meant to improve the speed, strength, or overall performance of a person in certain contexts.

    Did you know … ?

    How is enhance used in real life?

    Enhance is commonly used to discuss intensity, value, or size increases.

    Date people who enhance your life.

    — Amb. एम्बर (@ajscribes) May 20, 2020

    What good is your gift if you’re not using it to enhance people’s lives and really make a difference in the world?

    — COMMON (@common) November 26, 2017

    “Be an Encourager: When you encourage others, you boost their self-esteem, enhance their self-confidence,… #quotes, #nature #winter #photography

    — Rashada Yesmin – Amazon Affiliate (@RashadaWrites) December 19, 2021

    Try using enhance!

    Which of the following is NOT a synonym for enhance?

    A. augment
    B. decrease
    C. raise
    D. upgrade

    Words related to enhance

    add to, appreciate, augment, boost, build up, complement, enlarge, heighten, increase, intensify, raise, reinforce, strengthen, upgrade, adorn, aggrandize, amplify, beautify, boom, elevate

    How to use enhance in a sentence

    • On Wednesday, it said it will have medical protocols that include daily coronavirus testing and enhanced cardiac screening.

    • When done, you will be transported to your Google My Business dashboard, where you will find many additional ways to enhance your listing.

    • Now, it plans to grow revenue between 9% and 11% this year, thanks to enhancing its subscription platform, Politico Pro Intelligence.

    • The decision to go with wider, squatter screens enhances productivity, as apps have more room to spread out and show more information.

    • Goldman Sachs projects the next stimulus bill will include $400 per week in enhanced unemployment benefits, additional small-business aid, and “modest” state fiscal aid.

    • To ensure that all Afghan women see the gains of the last decade, we need to understand, support and enhance existing systems.

    • Those threats also led security officials to enhance certain security measures last summer.

    • First, Congress needs to enhance and expand immunities for responsible whistleblowers.

    • For years, Mooney has trained with a rowing coach to enhance his physical endurance for the potentially yearlong journey.

    • This is exciting because it seems that this turmeric compound can enhance the characteristics of NSCs.

    • Wages acquire new value in your eyes, from a wish to supply her with comforts, and enhance her beauty by becoming dress.

    • Ought we not to implore his guidance in the selection of a suitable partner, to share our sorrows, and enhance our joys?

    • He had observed my embarrassment, and now seemed to enhance the merit of this little success.

    • Such an occasion becomes symbolic and is utilized by the ego to enhance its feeling of importance.

    • Are we going to enhance my natural beauty, or would you like it—er—toned down a little?

    British Dictionary definitions for enhance


    (tr) to intensify or increase in quality, value, power, etc; improve; augment

    Derived forms of enhance

    enhancement, nounenhancer, nounenhancive, adjective

    Word Origin for enhance

    C14: from Old French enhaucier, from en- 1 + haucier to raise, from Vulgar Latin altiāre (unattested), from Latin altus high

    Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
    © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
    Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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