Я креативный мерчандайзер! /I’m a creative merchandizer!/ Всем респект! /Respect to everybody!/ Сегодня уик-энд и я готовлюсь к отличному драйву! /It’s a weekend today, and I’m getting ready for an excellent drive!/ С утра фитнес, далее ланч с тостами и беконом /Fitness in the morning, then tosts and bacon for lunch/. Открываю лэптоп /I’m opening my laptop/. Что за флуд, кто-то хакнул мой Е-мэйл /What’s the flood, someone hacked my e-mail/. Хотел поюзать в нете, а трафика нет /I wanted to use the net, but traffic is absent/. Идем тратить мани с моей бэби /We’re going to spend money with my baby/. Вначале шопинг /Shopping at first/. Только гламурные бутики /Only glamorous boutiques/. Далее лифтинг с пилингом /Then lifting and pilling/. Вечером приватное пати с крутыми ди-джеями в известном пабе /Private party with cool djs in famous pub in the evening/.
People of older generation will hardly understand, what this creative merchandizer meant! But this exact line of thought style is the trend of time! It’s quite the thing, it’s prestigious, convenient! The expansion of Americanisms and Anglicisms in Russian language lately bewilders an ordinary inhabitant. If it will go on, a cultural disaster should be expected. It’s a pity, but a lot of teenagers (тинейдежеры), boyfriends (бой-френды) and girls (герлы), wishing to flaunt their knowledge of foreign language, use some words, real meaning, pronunciation or sounding of which they either do not know or, by force of circumstances, will never even know.
How should we treat Americanisms and Anglicisms in Russian language? Do they enrich our language? Where did they come from? Why does their popularity grow?
Implantation of Foreign Words
First Anglicisms appeared in Russian speech in the 19th century, but their quantity was heretofore insignificant, and it almost didn’t influence Russian language. The expansion started after 1990-s, when foreign words flooded to Russia with the demise of communism. Such Anglicism as: ваучер /voucher/, оффшор /offshore/, дефолт /default/, импичмент /impeachment/ or маркетинг /marketing/ were not just modern, but also smelled of Western freedom.
Borrowings from one language to another is a practice familiar to all countries of the world. This is normal occurrence, under the condition when such words are used grammatically correctly and moderately. What is happening today in Russian is an evident overshoot!
To start with, let’s find out how English words fix in Russian. The reasons of such implementation are as follows:
1) Homogeneity of sounding and meaning both in Russian and English:
Тинэйджер /teenager/, уик-энд /weekend/, мани /money/.
2) Hybrid words, prefix, ending or suffix of which are Russian:
creative — креатив – креативный
busy – беспокоится — бузить
3) Phonetic and graphic identity (calque and half-calque)
Бар /bar/, вирус /virus/, доктор /doctor/, меню /menu/ and so on.
The example of half-calque: Сегодня уик-энд и я готовлюсь к отличному драйву! /It is weekend today, and I’m getting ready to excellent drive!/ English word drive is transformed into Russian grammar form — драйву.
4) Exoticisms
So-called borrowings, related to American or English cultural, ethnic or religious traditions or customs:
Хот-дог /hot dog/, биг-мак /big mac/, гамбургер /hamburger/, чизбургер /cheeseburger/.
5) Composite words
Variants, when two English words are pronounced as a whole:
Супермаркет /supermarket/, гипермаркет /hypermarket/, секонд-хенд /second hand/.
6) Barbarisms or inclusions
Known to everyone Ок, Way.
7) Argotic words and expressions
Крезанутый from crazy – сумасшедший /mad/
клёвый from clever – умный /smart/
Some of argotic Anglicisms: лавер – любовник /lover/, фанат – болельщик /fan/, дедлайн – крайний срок /deadline/, лузер – неудачник /loser/.
Why Such a Popularity
The main reason of popularity is fashion for English. It is international language, and it is no wonder that it becomes popular both in East European countries and countries of Asia and Near East.
The majority of Anglicisms comes to our speech through television. American films, music videos, music, talk-show and programs, they all carry a huge amount of Americanisms into our language. Advertising slogans, Internet societies, sport and cosmetics, everything is saturated by them. Хит /hit/, сингл /single/, бодибилдинг /body building/, пауэрлифтинг /power lifting/, ремейк /remake/, дайвинг /diving/, байкер /biker/, тайм-аут /time-out/, сноуборд /snowboard/, скелетон /skelleton/, секьюрити /security/, продюсер /producer/, кроссворд /crossword/, постер /poster/, имидж /image/. We can go on and on.
They affect our daily routine. I switch on mixer (миксер) or toaster (тостер). I buy things in second hand (секонд-хенде). I wear jeans (джинcы) and shoes (шузы). I eat lunch (ланч). I like wreckers (крекеры) and chips (чипсы).
They affect our work. I flip on notebook computer (ноутбук). I do a printed listing on printer (принтере). I enter the Internet (интернет). I use xerox (ксероксом), scanner (сканером), and plotter (плоттером).
They affect our life. Goalkeeper (голкипер) in soccer, provider (провайдер) in trade, impeachment (импичмент) in politics, gadget (гаджет) in cell-phone, play-off (плейофф) in hockey, fleshmob (флешмоб) on the square, smartphone (смартфон) in the pocket, coach (коуч) at the lesson, bonus (бонус) on buying, spoiler (спойлер) on the car, boy friend (бой-френд) near entrance, speaker (спикер) in the parliament, jazz (джаз) in the headphones.
Anglicisms have become a part of our language. If we don’t want to gain the character of illiterates, it is important and necessary to use them. However, we should know how to do it, when and with whom!
Исследовательская работа по английскому языку «Английские заимствования в русском языке»
учитель английского и немецкого языков
Having analyzed a lot of materials about English borrowings in the modern Russian language I came to the following conclusion that English borrowings can be found in various spheres of life, such as economic, political, cultural, sports and social spheres. The usage of English words in the modern Russian language in most cases is justified (this group includes economic, political, sports and computer terms, the names of some household appliances).
Содержимое разработки
Research work in English
« English Borrowings in the Russian language»
Chapter1. 1. The reasons of borrowing English word……………………………..5
Chapter1.2.Types of English borrowings…………………………………………7
Chapter2.The analysis of the results of the research…………………………….10
The list of literature………………………………………………………………..14
From the ancient times the Russian nation came into cultural, trade, military and political relations with other states that certainly led to the language borrowings. In different epochs words from other languages penetrated into the original Russian vocabulary. However, the national originality of the Russian language did not suffer at all from the penetration of foreign, as the process of borrowing is a natural way to enrich language. So the Russian language preserved its self-sufficiency and just got rich by means of borrowed words.
The process of word-stock formation is very long-drawn-out and complicated. It is also closely connected with the history of a nation. The Russian vocabulary in its modern state did not appear at once.
Our society is developing all the time and so the language changes too. Every year new words appear in languages. Each language has borrowed words and Russian is not an exception.
Russian people have been engaged in political, commercial, scientific and cultural relations with other nations since ancient times. Therefore, the Russian language has been enriched with many words from other languages. Our ancestry used new words to name new things; most of the borrowed words refer to nouns. It is quite clear that different age groups have different attitude for using English borrowings. In fact they are more popular among young people who tend to be more interested in new trends connected to European culture.
The aim of the research is to specify the reasons of borrowing English words in the Russian language and in the speech of teenagers.
The subject of the research is to study borrowing English words in the modern Russian language.
The objectof the research is lexical units of English origin and their derivatives.
The tasks of the research: Identify the reasons of borrowing English words in the Russian language;
Analyze theoretical materials related to borrowings
Classify the most used borrowings in the spheres of people’s activity;
This work has a practical meaning because it helps pupils to get more information about borrowings in all spheres of life, pupils can use it in English and Russian lessons.
The following methods were used in the research:
1. Questionnaires;
2. The analysis and the synthesis dates of research;
Chapter1.1. The reasons of borrowing English word
The appearance of new words from foreign languages, their rapid consolidation in the Russian language is explained by impetuous changes in social and scientific life. So there are several reasons of borrowing words from the English language in XX-XXI centuries:
The advent of the Internet;
The expansion of inter-state and international relations;
The development of the world market, Economics, Information Technologies;
Flourishing of the international tourism;
The participation in Olympiads, international festivals, fashion shows;
The activation of business, shopping, cultural relations;
The long-term work of our specialists in institutions of the English-speaking countries;
Functioning of joint Russian-foreign enterprises on the territory of Russia;
The desire to hide the real meaning of the word under incomprehensible syllable (second hand, stock);
Theaspiration to show that you are “cool” using unfamiliar words (f. e. outsider, devise).
Teenagers are often influenced by their favourite films and sitcoms, popular music and TV programmes. As for my class, American soap-operas are really popular among my classmates (especially girls). I know that my friends watch such soap-operas as “Pretty Little Liars”, “The Vampire Diaries”, “Gossip Girl”, “Glee”, “90210”, “Make it or break it”. It often happens that after some popular films lots of new expressions appear in teenagers’ vocabulary.
Now a lot of modern pop stars sing in English, many films are shot in this language. So, teenagers adopt the whole phrase, like «poker face», «forever alone», «epic fail». «I’ll be back» by А.Schwarzenegger or from «Titanic » «I’m the king of the world! », «Never-ever let me go» by Dima Bilan are famous phrases used by teenagers as slangs. A powerful impetus for the development of the process of borrowing of English words is its use in speech of celebrities during the popular programmes. So, speaking at the game of KVN of the first season of 1999, the head of ORT used the word драйв (drive). «Давно не было такого драйва» — in the meaning «запал, энергетика», «There has not been such a drive for long time» — in the meaning of « passion, energy». After that purely musical term has become widely used among students.
We can see and hear a lot of English words on TV and, of course, teenagers swoop up this trend. The biggest part of borrowings comes from the names of some channels, new kinds of programmes invented in the USA and the UK, new types of films, sports and music programmes. The titles of some channels contain English letters or words, for example: Euro sport, National Geographic channel, Mtv, Kino club, Kino hit, Animal planet, A-one, Kids Co TV.
A big part of entertaining programmes were invented in the USA. That’s why the names of some types of programmes are English. We can name capital show, talk show, reality show, paranormal show and they have come into Russian speech from TV. Modern types of some films have also come from the US because the motion picture arts were born there. It is a thriller, a detective, a western, a soap-opera, a love story, a sitcom, a fantasy, an action film.
On channels Sport and Russia 2 we can see an inscription “Кубок мира по биатлону. Live” and often hear a lot of words connected with sports. From TNT we know such programmes as Comedy club, Comedy woman, Cosmopolitan video version, Interns, Nasha Russia.
There is uncountable quantity of English words that young people hear on TV. I want to repeat a few of them which I often hear: TV, show, teenager, model, musical, show business, celebrity, style, fashion, trend, top, super, weekend, test-drive, up-grade, jazz, hip-hop, rap, pop, rock’n’roll, cover, PR-manager, battle, freestyle, casting, comment, Hollywood, designer, track, boyfriend, price-list, exclusive.
Every year there are more English words on TV. Young people watch TV every day and they do not notice how they add English words and phrases to their speech. Can you imagine how we will speak in the future?
Nowadays the English language is an international language. This is due to some historical events: the expansion of trade and economic relations, the United States’ dominance in the world economy, development of tourism, the emergence of the Internet. Thus, the interest in English has greatly increased among Russian people. Many people go abroad to spend their holidays. Those people, who can speak English, feel at ease in other countries. I think that in the future some English borrowings will be our native words.
For example, you can hear such phrases as: Этобылошоу! (It was a show!); смотретьвидики (watch videos); замечательныйклип (a wonderful clip); купитьбестселлер (buy a bestseller); этобылхит (it was a hit); работаювофисе (I work in the office); покупатьпиццу (buy pizza).
Chapter1.2. Types of English borrowings
1.Direct borrowings. The word appears in the Russian language roughly in the same form and at the same meaning as in the language of the original. Such words asуик—энд (weekend); блэк (Negro); мани (money), баскетбол (basketball) are examples of direct borrowings.
2.Hybrids. These words are formed by joining of Russian prefixes and suffixes to English roots. In this case, the meaning of the English word often changes slightly, for example: аскать (to ask),коннектиться (connect),спикать (to speak), бузить (busy – беспокойный,суетливый),гуглить (Google). For example, do you think that the word лайкать is connected to a dog? No, it is not. This is an adaptation of the English word “like”. It means to explain your positive attitude towards photos and other things in social nets. Do we say банить when we want to wash somebody? No way. It means to forbid something. It comes from English “to ban”. Or let’s have one more example: кликать. It has no connection to calling somebody. It means to use a computer mouse.
3.Loan translation. These are the words of foreign origin when their phonetic and graphical appearance is preserved. It occurs when the native language uses an item-for-item native version of the original. In the Russian language the word sounds the same as in English, for example: меню (menu), диск (disc), клуб (club). Here are several words that have no synonyms in the Russian language:problem, factor, concert, office, uniform, credit, sprinter, center, service, reform, farmer, protest, transport, system, object, phone, garage, plastic, business, information, interview, leader, medal, champion, dialogue, company, statistics, maximum, conference, material, conflict, complex, organization, etc. [3]
4.Semi-loan translation. These are the words when the rules of Russian grammar (suffixes) are preserved. For example: драйв – драйва (drive), гейма (game), джинсы (jeans).
5.Exotic words. These words reflect specific national customs of other nations and are used to describe not Russian words. The distinctive feature of these words is the fact that they do not have Russian synonyms. For example: чипсы (chips), хот – дог (hot– dog), чизбургер (cheeseburger).
6.Foreign insertions. These words usually have lexical equivalents which are stylistically different from them and are fixed in a particular sphere of communication as a means of expression which makes speech more expressive, for example: о’кей (OK), вау (Wow!), хэппи—энд (happy end).
7.Composite words. These words consist of two English words, for example: сэконд — хенд (second-hand),видео—салон (video-salon),боди — арт (body-art).
8.Slangs.Theyappeared as a result of misrepresentation of some sounds, for example:крезанутый (crazy), кульный (cool), блинковать (blink-мигать),линковать (link – соединять).
Chapter2. The analysis of the results of the research
I have asked some 30 pupils of the 7th form of our school some questions on the topic English borrowings. All the pupils study English,have many friends, consciously use the Internet, listen to music of different modern groups, watch movies, play computer games and sometimes watch world news. Here are the answers to the questions that I asked the pupils.
Do you use the words of English in your communication?
I think it is rather impossible not to use words of English origin in daily communication, especially by teenagers. The main reasons are that we, teenagers, study English from the second form and know many English words and that all people use English borrowings because we hear them a lot of times and subconsciously repeat them. 88% pupils use the words of English. Only 2 of 30 do not use words of English . Personally I consider that English borrowings should be used in our language as it means that our language develops and stays alive because those languages that do not change somehow will finally disappear. But on the other hand, nowadays teenagers use too many English borrowings in their speech and they spoil our language, transform it, often replace Russian words with unnecessary foreign ones. In this way they speak neither English, nor Russian (Appendix 3).
How often do you use them?
All the pupils use often borrowed words. 20% of teenagers sometimes use them. (Appendix 4).
Do you like the fact that so many English borrowings are used nowadays in the Russian language?
22 pupils of 30 like the fact that so many English words are used in the Russian language. Of course, it is great that our language develops, becomes more modern. 8 teenagers do not like that so many English borrowings are used in our life.And I think it is easy to understand the reasons why they do not like this trend. It is considered that English words can replace the equal Russian words and completely change the Russian language (Appendix 5).
As for me, I think that some words that have no equal words in Russian language might be used.
English words influence teenagers and their speech is full of English words. Due to stereotypes, ideals of young people, their passion to English words has become a sort of fashion. It is a stereotype of the idealized image of the American society where living standards are much higher and the high rate of technical progress leads the whole world. And adding English borrowings in their speech, young people approach this stereotype, come closer to the American culture, lifestyle. People of the elder generation are less tolerant to this strange vocabulary than young people.
Young people are more educated and it is easier for them to master new borrowings. The number of people, especially young, who knows the English language increases. Borrowings used by young people certify them in certain circles higher, stress their level of awareness, their superiority over the others.
The main thing in the youth slangs is non-ordinarity, a game, irony and a mask. Youth language tends to withdraw from the boring world of adults, parents and teachers. But they also think that English words are short and simple.
Youth slang is sharp, loud, and brash. It is a peculiar sign of «I am like you». Teenagers do not want « to be like everyone» and at the same time, they want «to be with everyone». And it is slang that helps teenagers with common interests, common territory and common way of life to be what they want.
As we see, most teenagers consciously use English borrowings in their speech. They think that the borrowings can explain their importance. But they use this phenomenon calmly, with humour. Thus, they think they are special; their language in their particular group is not understandable to others.
Our society is developing all the time and so the Russian language changes too. Every year new English words appear in it. Borrowing foreign words is one of the ways of developing the language. Language always promptly changes in response to the needs of society. Borrowings are the result of ties, relations between the peoples and countries.
Having analyzed a lot of materials about English borrowings in the modern Russian language I came to the following conclusion that English borrowings can be found in various spheres of life, such as economic, political, cultural, sports and social spheres. The usage of English words in the modern Russian language in most cases is justified (this group includes economic, political, sports and computer terms, the names of some household appliances).
While studying English borrowings in the Russian language I found out the following reasons of borrowing English words in the modern Russian language. They are the necessity to name new things, new phenomenon, to differentiate substantially similar, but distinct concepts, to clarify the concepts, the perception of foreign words as more prestigious, «scientific», laconic, «musically sounding». But the main reason of the borrowing of the foreign vocabulary is that there is no right word to describe something in a particular language.
According to the results of this research I can conclude that teenagers always use English borrowings in their speech, often replacing Russian words or phrases with more laconic English ones. Most teenagers have positive attitude towards the use of English words in Russian. Some teenagers consciously use English borrowings in their speech. They think that the borrowings can explain their importance. Some use this phenomenon calmly, with humour. Thus, they think they are special; their language in their particular group is not understandable to others. Teenagers enjoy using slang calling it “usable in all sorts of situations”, though they often do not understand their meaning. In most cases it can be explained by the fact that they do not know English very well or they are not interested in some spheres of life or maybe they do not read a lot. Despite the positive attitude of teenagers towards the use of English borrowings, most teenagers realize that English words are not always used justified and see the reasons of such unnecessary use clearly.
However, I believe it is important to study new borrowings and to adopt them according to grammatical rules of the Russian language or we should preserve our language using Russian equivalents for the words and developing Russian trade, politics, science and culture. It is great that we have an open society and can visit different countries, communicate with different people and read many books. But I would like Russian people to value our mother tongue and avoid unnecessary borrowings.
Thanks to this research I came to the conclusion that the process of borrowing words from English into Russian is increasing at the present time, as the English language is the basis of many professional languages. It is widely used among young people. On the one hand, this process is inevitable, but on the other, there must be a cultural basis of the language. So, I guess that English borrowings should be used only if we cannot do without them in the Russian language; English borrowings should be used correctly and accurately to the meaning which they have in the English language; English borrowings should be clear to those who use them.
The list of literature
Причины интенсивного заимствования англицизмов в современном русском языке/ А.И.Дьяков. — Новосибирск: Язык и культура. — 2003. – С. 15.
Современный словарь иностранных слов.- «Русский язык», 1992
Этимологический словарь русского языка для школьников/С.И. Карантиров. – М.: ООО Дом Славянской Книги. — 2004. – 437 с.
Никитина, Т. Г. Толковый словарь молодёжного сленга. М.: Астрель, 2003
Новый словарь иностранных слов: 25 000 слов и словосочетаний/ Е.Н. Захаренко, Л.Н. Комарова, И.В. Нечаева. – М.: Азбуковник. — 2003. – 380 с.
Appendix 1
Dictionary of English words on spheres of their usage
English language |
Russian language |
Sport |
badminton |
бадминтон |
baseball |
бейсбол |
basketball |
баскетбол |
bowling |
боулинг |
champion |
чемпион |
cross |
кросс |
diving |
дайвинг |
finish |
финиш |
football |
футбол |
forward |
форвард |
game |
гейм |
goalkeeper |
голкипер |
half-back |
хавбек |
handball |
гандбол |
jogging |
джогинг |
knockout |
нокаут |
match |
матч |
offside |
офсайд |
overtime |
овертайм |
paintball |
пейнтбол |
penalty (наказание) |
пенальти |
play-off |
плей-офф |
record |
рекорд |
recordsman |
рекордсмен |
ring |
ринг |
rugby (от названия местности Регби) |
регби |
snowboard |
сноуборд |
speedway |
спидвей |
sport |
спорт |
sportsman |
спортсмен |
sprinter |
спринтер |
street racing |
стритрейсинг |
streetball |
стритбол |
surfing |
сёрфинг |
tennis |
теннис |
time out |
таймаут |
training |
тренинг |
volleyball |
волейбол |
windsurfing |
виндсёрфинг |
The Internet |
account |
аккаунт |
banner |
баннер |
bit |
бит |
blog |
блог |
blogger |
блогер |
browser |
браузер |
byte |
байт |
cartridge |
картридж |
click |
клик |
display |
дисплей |
file |
файл |
interactive |
интерактивный |
interface |
интерфейс |
Internet |
Интернет |
internet service provider |
интернетсервиспровайдер |
joystick |
джойстик |
laptop |
лэптоп (ноутбук) |
limit |
лимит |
login |
логин |
monitor |
монитор |
multimedia |
мультимедийный |
offline,off—line |
офлайн |
online, on-line |
онлайн |
pixel (picture element) |
пиксель |
plugin (plug in) |
плагин |
printer |
принтер |
scanner |
сканер |
screenshot |
скриншот |
site |
сайт |
slash |
слеш |
spam (spiced ham) |
спам |
traffic |
трафик |
tuning |
тюнинг |
web «world wide web» |
веб |
Art and entertainment |
body Art |
боди- арт |
casting |
кастинг |
clown |
клоун |
design |
дизайн |
DJ (disc jockey) |
диджей |
flyer |
флаер |
folklore |
фольклор |
hit |
хит |
hobby |
хобби |
jazz |
джаз |
price list |
прайс лист |
remake |
римейк |
show |
шоу |
soundtrack |
саундтрек |
sponsor |
спонсор |
talk-show |
ток-шоу |
thriller |
триллер |
video clip |
видеоклип |
Others |
(top-)model |
(топ-)модель |
baby |
бейби |
banner |
баннер |
boomerang |
бумеранг |
box |
бокс |
boycott |
бойкот |
boyfriend |
бойфренд |
brand |
бренд |
cakes |
кекс |
cardigan |
кардиган |
cocktail |
коктейль |
coffee- house |
кофе-хаус |
crossword |
кроссворд |
detector |
детектор |
dress- code |
дресс-код |
face- control |
фейс-контроль |
fashionable |
фешенебельный |
fastfood |
фастфуд |
finish |
финиш |
firework |
фейерверк |
firework |
фейерверк |
forward |
форвард |
gadget |
гаджет |
girlfriend |
гёрлфренд |
hacker |
хакер |
hand-made |
хенд-мейд |
hooligan |
хулиган |
hospice |
хоспис |
hot dog |
хот-дог |
hypermarket |
гипермаркет |
image |
имидж |
jeans |
джинсы |
jumper |
джемпер |
killer |
киллер |
leader |
лидер |
looser |
лузер |
make-up |
мейкап |
megamall |
мегамолл |
mixer |
миксер |
outsider |
аутсайдер |
piercing |
пирсинг |
portfolio |
портфолио |
poster |
постер |
presentation |
презентация |
producer |
продюсер |
promotion |
промоушн |
provider |
провайдер |
puzzle |
пазл |
rating |
рейтинг |
realtor |
риелтор |
reception |
ресепшен |
sale |
сейл |
sandwich |
сандвич |
second-hand |
сэконд хэнд |
security |
секьюрити |
shaker |
шейкер |
shop |
шоп |
showman |
шоумен |
slang |
сленг |
speech |
спич |
spray |
спрей |
teen-ager |
тинейджер |
timer |
таймер |
toaster |
тостер |
topless |
топлес |
town-house |
таун-хаус |
volunteer |
волонтер |
weekend |
уикэнд |
zombie |
зомби |
Appendix 2
1.Do you use the words of English in your communication?
2.How often do you use them?
3.Do you like the fact that so many English borrowings are used nowadays in the Russian language?
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Адрес публикации: https://www.prodlenka.org/metodicheskie-razrabotki/356113-issledovatelskaja-rabota-po-anglijskomu-jazyk
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The Russian language is rich not only with its own words, but also with words borrowed from other languages. For English speakers looking to learn the language, studying English loanwords in Russian is a great way to quickly expand your vocabulary and make Russian seem less daunting.
We’ve prepared a list of English words in Russian that you can start using right away. We’ve also included a section about Russian words in the English language to further broaden your horizons.
Let’s get to it!
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Runglish
- Runglish Examples
- Loanwords vs. Runglish
- How to Say These Names in Russian
- English Words Derived From the Russian Language
- English-Russian Paronyms
- Conclusion
Introduction to Runglish
Runglish, also known as Ruglish or Russlish, is a special form of pidgin language which combines both Russian and English elements. This term became popular in the early 2000s, when Runglish was widely used aboard the International Space Station. The thing was that all the crew members spoke English and Russian, so when somebody was short of words in one language, he or she would find equivalents in the other language. Finally, Runglish obtained its status as one of the onboard languages.
Runglish words are mostly used by two categories of people. The first category is Russian emigrants, particularly those who currently live in the U.S.A. The second are Russian teenagers who study English at school, listen to English and American music, watch movies in English, and so on. It’s worth noting that old people don’t understand Runglish and have a highly negative attitude toward it.
Judging by this photo, the need for Runglish aboard still exists.
Runglish Examples
So what exactly would speaking Runglish sound like? Here are a few examples to give you an idea.
Ивент (ivent) – “event”
This is the Runglish version of the word “event,” which originally refers to any occasion, such as a birthday party or meeting. In Runglish, it has a slightly different meaning. It’s mostly applied to big and resonant public occasions. For example:
Ивент месяца: Дэвид и Виктория Бэкхем отмечают годовщину свадьбы.
Ivent mesyatsa: Devid i Viktoriya Bekkhem otmechayut godovshchinu svad’by.
“Event of the month: David and Victoria Beckham are celebrating their twenty-year wedding anniversary.”
Боди (bodi) – “bodysuit”
While the English word “body” is not associated with wardrobe at all, the Russian word боди (bodi) is used for this female clothing item because it fits the body snugly. Let’s look at an example:
Вчера я купила себе очень классное боди.
Vchera ya kupila sebe ochen’ klassnoye bodi.
“Yesterday, I bought a very cool bodysuit for myself.”
Фейс-контроль (feys-kontrol’) – “doorman”
The Runglish word фейс-контроль (feys-kontrol’) has two meanings:
1. A man who works at public places like nightclubs or bars to provide security
2. The process of providing security itself
In both cases, you can see that Russian ‘doormen’ differ from American and English ‘doormen.’
In Russia and other post-Soviet countries, фейс-контроль (feys-kontrol’) may prohibit you from visiting a public place without any explanation, just because he or she doesn’t like your appearance. It’s not like in the U.S.A. or England, where a doorman can only stop you at the entrance if you’re under the age of 21, intoxicated, aggressive, or if your clothing doesn’t match the dress code.
Now that we’ve explained this a bit, let’s look at an example of how this word is used in Runglish:
На входе в ресторан меня встретил серьёзный фейс-контроль.
Na vkhode v restoran menya vstretil ser’yoznyy feys-kontrol’.
“A serious doorman met me at the restaurant entrance.”
Loanwords vs. Runglish
Unlike Runglish, loanwords are borrowed English words in the Russian language that are used without significant changes in their meaning. As a result, native English speakers can understand them easily. Most English loanwords in Russian appear in the spheres of social networking, computer technologies, finances, politics, sports, food, and clothing.
Here is a brief list of basic English words in Russian:
- блогер (bloger) – “blogger”
- файл (fayl) – “file”
- брокер (broker) – “broker”
- президент (prezident) – “president”
- теннис (tennis) – “tennis”
- спикер (spiker) – “speaker”
- ток-шоу (tok-shou) – “talk show”
- ростбиф (rostbif) – “roast beef”
- чипсы (chipsy) – “chips”
- свитер (sviter) – “sweater”
How to Say These Names in Russian
Many Russian people are curious about Western culture and lifestyle. It comes as no surprise that famous English names and brand names are well-known not only in their respective countries of origin, but also in Russia and other Russian-speaking countries. And of course, these names have Russian equivalents. Let’s have a look at some examples:
- МакДоналдс (MakDonalds) – “McDonald’s”
- Волмарт (Volmart) – “Walmart”
- Найк (Nayk) – “Nike”
- Конверс (Konvers) – “Converse”
- Форрест Гамп (Forrest Gamp) – “Forrest Gump”
- Джек Лондон (Dzhek London) – “Jack London”
- Брэд Питт (Bred Pitt) – “Brad Pitt”
- Бейонсе (Beyonse) – “Beyonce”
- Мэрилин Монро (Merilin Monro) – “Marilyn Monroe”
- Дональд Трамп (Donal’d Tramp) – “Donald Trump”
Russian people may not be as passionate about fast food as Americans, but they love it anyway!
English Words Derived From the Russian Language
English speakers don’t even realize how many of the words they regularly use were borrowed from other languages. There aren’t very many Russian words in the English language, but we’ve found some of them for you.
When this word first appeared in English, it was only applied to Russians. “Intelligentsia” was borrowed from the Russian word интеллигенция (intelligentsiya). In both languages, it refers to a class of highly educated people.
В Москве я познакомился с русской интеллигенцией.
V Moskve ya poznakomilsya s russkoy intelligentsiyey.
“In Moscow, I got to know the Russian intelligentsia.”
Unlike many other Russian words in the English language, this word is polysemantic in its host language but not its original language. In English, its first meaning is a scarf tied under the chin and the second meaning is an old woman. “Babushka” came from the word бабушка (babushka), which is an affectionate term Russians use to call their grandmothers. By the way, in Russian this word has nothing to do with scarves, so its first English meaning seems a bit funny to many Russian speakers.
Моя бабушка печёт вкусные пирожки.
Moya babushka pechyot vkusnyye pirozhki.
“My grandmother bakes delicious pies.”
We all love our babushkas!
Another English word derived from Russian, “mammoth” comes from the word мамонт (mamont) which, in turn, came from the Yakut language. The word mamma means “earth,” from the notion that this huge animal was found in the ground. Besides this, the English word “mammoth” is also used to refer to something of enormous size.
Мамонты вымерли из-за глобальных изменений климата.
Mamonty vymerli iz-za global’nykh izmeneniy klimata.
“Mammoths died out due to the global climatic changes.”
English-Russian Paronyms
Some words exist in both English and Russian, but have absolutely different meanings in these two languages. However, they’re not related to Runglish or English loanwords in Russian. Language learners call them “false friends of the translator.” Let’s look at some of these insidious words together!
“Artist” – артист (artist)
While the English word refers to painters, its Russian version артист (artist) has nothing to do with brushes and paints. In the Russian language, it refers to an actor, singer, or anyone who is performing onstage. Its English equivalent is “performer.” For example:
Элтон Джон – хороший артист.
Elton Dzhon – khoroshiy artist.
“Elton John is a good performer.”
“Killer” – киллер (killer)
In English, the word “killer” is applicable to any person who has comitted a murder. In Russian, the word киллер (killer) is used to describe someone who gets paid for killing other people. It has the same meaning as the English word “hitman.” For instance:
Главный герой в фильме “Леон” – киллер.
Glavnyy geroyl v fil’me “Leon” – killer.
“The main character in ‘Leon: The Professional’ is a hitman.”
This iconic frame needs no introduction.
“Smoking” – смокинг (smoking)
While English speakers associate the word “smoking” with cigarettes, Russian speakers use the word смокинг (smoking) to refer to a man’s evening suit. Many years ago, there was a type of jacket for men to wear when smoking cigars, which was aptly called a smoking jacket. In English, this word has been replaced with “tuxedo” or “tux.” Let’s see how the Russian version would be used:
Этот смокинг ему идёт.
Etot smoking emu idyot.
“This tuxedo suits him.”
In this article, you learned several English loanwords in Russian, how the language phenomenon of Runglish works, and much more. How attentive were you? List some of the words you remember in the comments section, or let us know if there are any others you know about.
Now it’s time for you to move forward and learn even more! RussianPod101.com provides a variety of learning materials for students at every level: themed vocabulary lists, free resources, engaging audio and video lessons, and the list goes on.
If you don’t have much time to dive into the finer points of Russian vocabulary or grammar on your own, you can use our Premium PLUS service MyTeacher and take private lessons with a native speaker. We can assure you that it’ll save you countless hours you would otherwise spend struggling to memorize words or understand grammar points.
Happy Russian learning!
Заимствование английских слов в современном русском языке
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These days any language goes trough numerous changes due to the proceis of globalization, technological development, wide intercultural contacts and essential social, economic and political changes. Lexical changes in any language are the most interesting. One of the ways of lexical changes is borrowing words from other languages. Nowadays it is not surprising for anyone to hear such expressions as «Саммит двух стран о заключении перемирия», «Для подключения сети интернет необходимо обратиться к провайдеру» or « Спешу на брифинг» on TV on the radio. A language always reacts to the necessities of the society. Borrowings are the result of international contacts, peoples,relationships and interactions of different countries. Every language has borrowings from other languages. And today the influence of the English languages on the modern Russian language can be easily seen. English borrowings are becoming more and more common in Russian. So, I got interested in the way Russian is getting richer thanks to English borrowings. The results of my research are:
Picking out English words in the Russian language
Uniting them in thematic groups
Making a small vocabulary containing new English words in Russian
The research has shown that most of the borrowings are the words used by young generation, sport terms, computer language, cultural vocabulary and words used in advertising and trade. All this is the result of developing international links and contacts. On the one hand, presence of English borrowings in Russian is natural as for the last several decades Russia has been developing cooperation with other countries. On the other hand, it is necessary to admit that the tendency to be, to live and to think like Europeans leads to the disappearance of the Russian originality including the originality of the language. As I do not understand the meaning of some borrowings, I decided to study this problem.
These are the questions to which I am determined to find answers while working on my project:
What is the role of mass media and the Internet in the propagation of English?
Why did English borrowings come to and become common in Russia?
Do they clutter up Russian?
Is it possible to avoid using these borrowings?
The aim of my work: to pick out English borrowings in the Russian language and examine the specification of their usage.
The purposes of the work:
To study the literature about the causes of foreign borrowings in the language.
To follow the steps of the borrowings becoming deep – rooted.
To unite the vocabulary in thematic groups.
To discover the causes and ways of penetration of the borrowing of the Russian language.
To find out the level of popularity of foreign words in Russian conducting survey.
Used methods:
The method of observation.
The method of analyzing dictionary interpretation.
Conducting a survey.
The field of the research: the percentage of English borrowings in the Russian language.
The subject of the research: English borrowings in Russian.
The theme of the work: problems connected with causes, steps and areas where English words are used. The actuality of the theme: the importance of English in the Russian society.
Chapter 1 English borrowings in the Russian language 1.1 Causes of lexical borrowings.
Changeability, development and improvement of any language and its vocabulary is considered to be the most important and common feature of a language by all the linguist. There are different ways of changing and different sources of new words. One of these ways is borrowing words from other languages.
« Borrowings are words, borrowed from other languages. This way is a natural process of establishing economic, political and cultural links with other nations due to which words defiming newly created things spread to other language.»
L. P. Krysin
Lexical borrowing is the most common way of borrowing new words.
There are both outer and inner reasons for borrowings coming to other languages when a nation has tight political, trade and economic relationships with other nations and when there is a necessity in the native language to replace descriptive phrases with single word.
Borrowings often appear in a language when foreign goods are imported to a country, when wide international contacts are established, when it is necessary to invent new words to describe new things in social relations, such as appearance of new institutions, occupations and so on.
Sometimes borrowings come as synonyms of words already existing in a language ( экспорт — ввоз – export). There are different reasons for it:
The necessity of using formal terms.
The wish to make an accent on a special meaning which is not clear in the native language.
Sometimes it is just fashion to use foreign words.
At first English words appearing in the Russian language are considered to be neologisms. But later, as the influence of English on other languages is constantly growing and because of propagate of the American way of life by mass media and also because of language fashion such words quickly become common and widely used in a language. Today Russian newspapers and magazines and TV programmes are full of word of English origin. Famous politicians and other people, political scientists, economists, journalists often use English borrowings in their speeches.
Some linguists think that the main reason for using English words in other languages is historical links between nations. Others believe there are also other reasons:
The need for defining new things, processes and ideas.
Significant excellence of a nation in a certain area of existence.
Presence of bilingual.
The tendency to save speech means.
Fashion for foreign words.
1.2 Steps of using borrowings in the language.
Theappearance of first English words in theRussian language dates back to the end of the 18th andthebeginningof the19th centuries. In that time such words as «lord», «aldennan» or «Chife Justice», were widely spreod in Russia. These words, meaning English posts and also political and trade terms were actively used by Russian ambassadors in the English court. In the first two decades of the 20th centure there weren.t many English borrowings in Russian.
Such words as «film», «jazz», «service», «sweater» came to Russian then. Some new foreign words existed together with Russian words or with those foreign ones that had been borrowed long before with no difference in their meaning. For example: аэроплан – самолет, кино – кинематограф. In 1920s – 30s, because of the process of intrustrialization in Russia technical and scientific terms began to appear in the Russian language. They were also words connected with sport: match — , football — , bobsleigh — .
L.P. Krysin mentions 5 steps borrowings go through on their way of becoming deep – rooted:
1. The first step is when a new word is used in its orthographical, phonetic and grammatical origin. For example:
— “ yes” – showing argument;
— “ forever” – meaning for all times;
— “ wow” – expressing surprise and admiration;
2. The second step – a word,s adjustment it has come to. It becomes a certain part of speech with appropriate morphological and word – building qualities.
In this case the word loses its original features and at the same times it gets new features from the language it has come to and starts to be used not as an additional term but as a self – dependent unit:
Bloke buster;
3. All the third step the new word loses its accompanying gestures and comments and starts to be used equally with the native words, fixed in dictionaries. It happens when native speakers do not any more find a foreign word unusual. There are a lot of borrowings, so called “ cripples” which are translated literally:
— (an appliance for drying sliced bread);
— (the word meaning that the ball is not within the playing field);
— (net work);
— (an activity when some professionals share their experience with others);
4. When a foreign: word gets adapted in a new language it can also lose it genre and stylistic and also social qualities. But it does not happen to all the borrowings. Many of them are specific terms and are narrowly used in a certain sphere of life.
When a word begins to be used not only within a special sphere of life it gains its final meaning:
— a person whose job is to sell houses and land for people;
— people, s activities connected with pop art;
— newspapers and magazines;
— substance that it forced out of a container such as an aerosol in very small drops;
5. The final step is connected with the registration of a borrowing in the dictionary of the language it has come to. This fact proves that the borrowing has become a part of the new language system.
1.3. Specifics of borrowings usage.
Most borrowings continue their existence in a new language only it there is a need for them in this language. Thus they are used according to functional and genre and stylistic pecularities of speech.
Today the role of the English language in modern life of the Russian society is great. There fore, to understand our native language we have to know English as well.
Russian literary language has become full of new words recently. Some neologisms are born on there own base while others appear as borrowings. That is why, one more reason for borrowing words is the need for new ways to reflect all the changes in the society.
Chapter 2
Systematization of the English borrowings in the modern Russian language
Having studied some sources, such as mass media ( newspapers, magazines and TV). I have picked out 102 borrowings used in different spheres of life, such as social, political, scientific, professional, commercial, sport and art. ( Appendix 1) collecting English words that have appeared in Russian recently I have chosen only 68 words from those 102 ones and I have united the 68 words in several thematic groups. ( Appendix 2) These English words are not found in dictionaries of foreign words or in the explanatory dictionary edited in 2005.
The linguistic material is given in 3 classifications:
Steps of becoming deep – rooted and morphological classification.
2.1. Classification of the steps of the borrowings becoming deep – rooted.
The results of my classification are given as a table in Appendix 3.
6 of all the words I worked with are at their first step and are used without any changes in their grammatical and orthographical forms.
14 of all the words are at the second step. They have already got adjusted to the system of the Russian language, are referred to a certain part of speech and have morphological features.
27 words that do not have any comments are used alongside with Russian words.
21 borrowings are at the step of adaptation which means they have lost their genre and stylistic and social features.
I have not studied English words that have gone through the fifth step and have been registered in Russian dictionaries of foreign words as the aim of my research is to find only those words which have not become completely common, practically native in Russian. So, I have not analyzed 34 words.
These are the data I have received:
56 English borrowings are nouns
6 words are adjectives
3 of them are interjections
3 borrowings are adverbs
2.2. Structure of the English borrowings.
All the analyzed English borrowings have been divided into the following groups:
Borrowings with suffixes of the Russian language. There are 16 of them ( Appendix 1)
он – лайновые
computer language – 18 and 16 words correspondingly ( Appendix 2)
sport words 15 and 8 words correspondingly ( Appendix 2)
стрит рейсер
fashion: 12 and 12 units ( Appendix 2)
slang 15 and 14 units ( Appendix 2)
commercial words 17 and 7 units ( Appendix 2)
every day vocabulary 7 and 3 words ( Appendix 2)
The thematic groups can be found in tables in Appendix 2.
Chapter 3. Peoples, attitude to the usage of the English borrowings in the Russian language.
While doing my research I wondered about people, s feelings about such a great number of borrowed words in the Russian language. To find the answer I made up a questionnaire for students and teachers (Appendix 5) which contained the following questions:
what are English borrowings?
Do you like the fact that there are so many English borrowings in Russian?
Do you use these words in every day speech?
Do you think we need these words in our language?
50 people took part in the survey: 15 of them are under 18, 25 people are aged from 18 to 35 and 10 people are over 35.
I have analyzed the results of the survey which showed the following percentage:
96 per cent gave the right answer to the first question
The answers to the second question are the following:
16 % (8 people) – “ no”
32 % (16 people) – found it difficult to answer the question
52 % (26 people) – “yes”
6 of those who gave a negative answer are over 35 years old
As for the usage of the borrowings
50 % (25 people) do it regularly
26 % (13 people) do it sometimes
14 % (7 people) do it seldom
10 % (5 people) never use foreign words in their every day speech.
Among those who seldom use English borrowings or never use them there are people over 35.
Answers to the last question are the following:
64 % (32 people) said that borrowings make the Russian language richer.
36 % (18 people) have a different opinion and are sure that these words dilute Russian.
Those who have this opinion are mainly over 35 but there are also young people among them who are under 18
The Results of the survey
Every questioned person uses English borrowings in every day life.
Their attitude to the usage of the borrowings is mainly positive, fewer of them are indifferent to it and very few of them have a negative attitude. It shows that people are used to using English words in Russian.
Most part of the participants of the survey think that words of English origin enrich Russian and make it brighter and more saturated. But, still, there are those who are sure that these words harm Russian.
People over 35 do not use English words in their speech and believe that they spoil Russian. People who are under 18 use borrowings very often and suppose they help to express their emotions much brighter and more clearly. Those who are between 18 and 35 years old, do use these words in their speech but they still think they clutter up Russian if they are used wrongly.
Computers and the internet are an essential part of students, lives which explains their love for English borrowings and the fact that they are the main part of Russian population using the in their speech.
In my work I have studied the causes of appearance and the ways of development of English borrowings in the Russian language. Most of these words are used frequently if there is a real need for them.
While doing the research I have found lexical units borrowed from English which have not been registered in the dictionary of foreign languages. I have united these words in thematic groups and have created a small dictionary of words of the English origin present in the Russian language.
Having united the words in thematic groups I have discovered that most of them refer to professional vocabulary and also to such spheres of life as art, sport, youth vocabulary, computer which are spreading as a result of constant international links and contacts.
There fore, Russian vocabulary is enriching today due to the intense process of borrowing new words from the English language.
All the changes in Russian can be seen after analyzing the language that modern mass media use. Mass media reflect all the changes in the language and social and economic processes happening in the society. Any event is reported in newspapers and magazines, on TV and on the radio and on the internet.
After studying the language used by mass media I can make the following conclusions:
English is becoming a “ donor – language”
English borrowings are becoming more and more important as they are brief and rational in comparison with their Russian synonyms.
Thematic groups are growing in their actuality.
I am not sure that all English borrowing from my work will be used actively. On the one hand, they clutter up Russian making speech not understandable for some people. On the other hand, English borrowings are a part of Russian language development. Reasonable use of new words brightens and develops the language but to use them correctly one needs certain knowledge of English. Thus, the role of English in the modern world is really great.
The results of my work can be used at Russian lessons as well, and also in every day life.
L. P. Krysin “ Steps of a foreign word becoming deep – rooted” M. ,1999
A.I. Melnikova “ Studying English borrowings in the course “ The modern Russian language” “ M., 1999
I.M. Sinagatullin “ English around us” / “Foreign languages at school” M., 2004
Magazines “ Cosmopolitan”, “Dolores” – autumn, 2004
Newspapers “ Tele – 7”, “ Comsomol Truth”
Short reference book for a schoolchild, grades 5 -11/ Publishing House “Drofa” – M., 1998
I.O. Naumova “About some lexical and phraseological neologism of the English origin in the Russian language” / “Russian at school” M., 1995
S.I. Ozhegov, N.U. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.
D.E. Rozental, M.A. Telennova. Refference dictionary of linguistic terms – “Prosveshenye” M., 1985
A.G. Spirkin. Dictionary of foreign words M., 1986
E.V.Ivanov, V.V.Odintsov. Dictionary of foreign words for schools M., 1990
N.G. Kolev. Dictionary of foreign words in the Russian language. M., 2000
Appendixes Appendix 1
The vocabulary of foreign words and their meaning.
Словарь иноязычных слов с их значениями
Армрестлинг-armrestling –вид спорта
Аут –обозначение того, что мяч (шайба) находится за пределами поля –out;
Байкер – biker – велосипедист.
Бартер- barter-обмен
Блок бастер- block buster
Боди арт. – body – art –искусство рисовать на теле.
Бой-френд – boyfriend – возлюбленный, дружок.
Боулинг – bowling – катать шары.
Браузер- browser-
Бэби — baby —ребенок.
Вау – wow – восторг, изумление.
Ваучер- voucher
Вошингер –человек, занимающийся мытьем чего – либо washing.
Гейм – игра, партия в игре — game
Глоссарий – комментарий терминов , неизвестных широкому кругу читателей – glossary.
Группа – group – совокупность.
Диско -disco
Дисплей – display – показ, выставка.
Драйв – drive – запал, энергетика.
Имейл- почтовый ящик в интернете
Имиджмейкер – человек, занимающийся созданием образов image make,
Интернет – компьютерная сеть — inter net;
Интерфейс – interface
Йес –да-yes
Кампус –место расположение университета и проживание студента — campus;
Кастинг — kasting
керлинг – вид спорта, предметом которого является движущийся камень т- curling,
Кид неппинг – воровство детей — kid napping;
Киллер — killer
Коммуникатор – разновидность электронного оперативного устройства — communicator,
Комфорт – comfort – удобство.
креативный – творческий – creative;
Кроссворд – crossword – кроссворд.
Кульный- cool –классный, прикольный.
Лифтинг – подтягивание кожи — lifting,
Лузер – неудачник – looser,
Маркетинг — marketing
Маркетинговый -marketing
Маркетолог — marketing
мастер класс – занятие по передаче опыта – master class.
Мейкап – make up – макияж.
мерчендайзер –человек, занимающийся расстановкой пива по полкам в холодильниках — merchandiser,
мультимедийный – использующий сочетание различных электронных средств – multti – media,
О’кей – ok – хорошо.
Объект – object – предмет, на который направлено внимание.
Онлайн — online, on-line — на линии, на связи.
он-лайновый –протекающий в режиме реального времени – on line,
Офлайн — offline, off-line — в отключенном от компьютерной сети состоянии.
Офлайновый — протекающий в отключенном от компьютерной сети состоянии.
Пазл – puzzle – головоломка.
Парламент- parlament
Пейджер – pager – мобильное устройство для получения и отправления сообщений.
Пилинг – очищение кожи лица — peeling;
Пипл – люди своего окружения — people,
Пирсинг -pirsing
Плеер –player – магнитофон с наушниками.
Постер – плакат – poster;
Презент – present – подарок.
Презентация- present
пресса – печатное издание – press;
Провайдер – организация, обеспечивающая связь — provider,
Проект –project – предварительный текст какого-нибудь документа.
Пролонгация- long
Промоутер -promouter
Регион — region – область.
Рефлексия – самопроверка – reflex.
риелтор – человек, занимающийся недвижимостью – realtor;
Риск –risk – вероятность неудачи.
Ролики – вид обуви на колесах – roller,
Сайт – site – местонахождение.
самплер – человек, раздающий бесплатные образцы товаров – sampler.
Саундтрек – soundtrack – звуковая дорожка.
Секьюрити– лицо, отвечающее за охрану — security,
Сингл- single
Сироп – syrup – концентрированный раствор сахара.
Скандал –scandal – злословие, сплетни.
Скейтборд – skate – board – скользить на доске.
Скелетон – разновидность санного спорта – skeleton,
Скинхед – skin – head – бритоголовый.
Спонсор — sponsor
спрей– средство, наносимое путем распыления – spray.
Стрит рейсер – человек, увлекающийся автогонками на городских автострадах – street racer,
Супермен – superman – сверх – человек.
Тинейджер – подросток – teenager,
тостер – прибор для поджаривания гренков — toaster;
Трансформер — transformer
Тюнинг- tuning
Фаворит – favorite – любимец.
Факт – fact – действительное событие, явление.
Фактор – factor – момент в каком-нибудь процессе.
Фанат – fan – поклонник.
Фастфуд- fastfood
Финиш — finish — окончание.
Фитнес – вид спорта с элементами акробатики – fitness;
Форэвэр- навсегда, вечно – forever
Чартер – аренда транспортного средства – charter,
Чек – check – номерок, квитанция.
Челендж – передача права подачи в теннисе – challenge,
Шоу бизнес –show business- занятие людей, связанных с популярными видами искусства.
Шоу –показ – show
Words pronounced exactly the same as in English
Слова, структурно совпадающие с иноязычными образцами
Армрестлинг, аут, байкер, бартер, боди- арт, бой-френд, боулинг, браузер, бэйби, вау, ваучер, вошингер, гейм, , диско, дисплей, драйв, имейл, имидж, интернет, интерфейс, йес, кампус, кастинг, керлинг, киднеппинг, киллер, коммуникатор, комфорт, кроссворд, лифтинг, лузер, маркетинг, мейкап, мерчендайзер, объект, окей, онлайн, офлайн, пазл, парламент, пейджер, пилинг, пипл, пирсинг, плеер, постер, презент, проект, провайдер, промоутер, риелтор, регион, риск, сайт, самплер, саундтрек, секьюрити, сингл, сироп , скандал,скейтборд, скелетон, скинхед, спонсор, стрит рейсер, супермен, тинэйджер, тостер, трансформер, тюнинг, фаворит, факт, фактор, фастфуд, финиш, фитнес, чартер, чек, челендж, шоу.
English borrowings with Russian suffixes
Заимствованные слова с аффиксами русского языка
Группа, имиджевый, глоссарий, креативный, кульный, маркетинговый, маркетолог, мультимедийный, он-лайновый, офлайновый, презентация, пресса, пролонгация, рефлексия, ролики, фанат.
Thematic groups of the borrowings. Тематические группы заимствований
Appendix 3 Appendix 5
Appendix 3
Appendix 2
All the studied words Весь исследуемый материал (102 слова) |
Лексика общественно-политического содержания |
Техноцентрическая лексика |
Спортивная лексика |
Молодежная лексика |
Профессиональная лексика, лексика рекламы и торговли |
Бытовая лексика |
Лексика из области искусства и моды |
Глоссарий Группа Кид неппинг Киллер Комфорт Объект Парламент Пресса Проект Пролонгация Регион Рефлексия Риск Фаворит Тинэйджер Факт Фактор Чартер |
Браузер Дисплей Имейл Интернет Интерфейс Коммуникатор Мультимедийный Онлайн Онлайновый Офлайн Офлайновый Пейджер Плеер Провайдер Сайт Саундтрек Трансформер Тюнинг |
Армрестлинг Аут Байкер Боулинг Гейм Керлинг Ролики Скейтборд Скелетон Стрит рейсер Фитнес Фристайл Челендж Фанат Финиш |
Бой-френд Бэби Вау Диско Драйв Йес Кульный Лузер Окей Пипл Постер Презент Скинхед Супермен Форэвэр |
Бартер Ваучер Вошингер Имидж Имиджмейкер Маркетинг Маркетинговый Маркетолог Мастер класс Мерчендайзер Презентация Промоутер Риелтор Самплер Секьюрити Спонсор Чек |
Кампус Кроссворд Пазл Сироп Скандал Фастфуд Тостер |
Блок бастер Боди- арт Кастинг Креативный Лифтинг Мейкап Пилинг Пирсинг Сингл Спрей Шоу Шоу бизнес |
18 слов |
18 слов |
15 слов |
15 слов |
17 слов |
7 слов |
12 слов |
Words that came to Russian in 2005 and that are actively used Слова, появившиеся и активно употребляемые в языке, начиная с 2005 года (68 слов) |
Лексика общественно-политического содержания |
Техноцентрическая лексика |
Спортивная лексика |
Молодежная лексика |
Профессиональная лексика, лексика рекламы и торговли |
Бытовая лексика |
Лексика из области искусства и моды |
Глоссарий Кид неппинг киллер Презента-ция Пресса Пролонгация 7)Тинэйджер |
Браузер Дисплей Драйв Имейл Интернет Интерфейс Мультимедийный Онлайн Онлайно-вый Офлайн Офлайно-вый Пейджер Провайдер Сайт Саундтрек Тюнинг |
байкер боулинг Керлинг Скейтборд Скелетон Стрит рейсер Фитнесс Челендж |
Бой-френд Бэйби Вау Драйв йес Кампус Кульный Лузер Окей Пипл постер Скинхед Супермен Форэвэр |
Вошингер Кастинг Мерчендайзер Промоутер Риэлтер Самплер Секьюрити |
Кампус Пазл Фастфуд |
Блок бастер Боди- арт Кастинг Креативный Лифтинг Мейкап Пилинг пилинг Пирсинг Сингл Спрей Шоу бизнес |
7 слова |
16 слов |
8 слов |
14 слов |
7слов |
3 слова |
13 слов |
1 этап The first step… |
2 этап |
3 этап |
4 этап |
5 этап |
Бэйби Вау Йес Окей Пипл Форэвэр |
байкер блок бастер бодиарт бой- френд боулинг вошингер кампус Кульный киднеппинг лифтинг лузер пилинг промоутер самплер |
аут браузер глоссарий дисплей драйв имейл Интернет интерфейс креативный мастер класс мейкап мерчендайзер мультимедийный онлайн онлайновый офлайн офлайновый пирсинг провайдер сайт саундтрек секьюрити сингл тостер тюнинг фитнес челендж |
Имиджевый Имиджмейкер кастинг Керлинг киллер пазл пейджер постер презентация пресса пролонгация риелтор скейтборд скелетон скинхед спрей стрит рейсер супермен тинэйджер фастфуд шоу бизнес |
Армрестлинг бартер ваучер гейм группа диско имидж коммуникатор комфорт кроссворд маркетинг маркетинговый маркетолог объект парламент плеер презент проект регион рефлексия риск ролики сироп Скандал спонсор трансформер фаворит факт фактор фанат финиш чартер чек шоу |
Appendix 4
English borrowings as parts of speech
Частеречная принадлежность заимствований
Существительные nouns |
Прилагательные adjectives |
Наречия adverbs |
Междометия intermjections |
аут байкер блок бастер бодиарт бой- френд боулинг браузер бэби вошингер глоссарий дисплей драйв имейл имиджмейкер Интернет интерфейс кампус кастинг Керлинг киднеппинг киллер лифтинг лузер мастер класс мейкап мерчендайзер пазл пейджер пилинг пирсинг постер презентация пресса провайдер пролонгация промоутер риелтор сайт самплер саундтрек секьюрити сингл скейтборд скелетон скинхед спрей стрит рейсер супермен Тинэйджер тостер тюнинг фастфуд фитнес челендж шоу бизнес |
Имиджевый Креативный Кульный Мультимедийный Онлайновый Офлайновый |
Форэвэр Офлайн Онлайн |
Вау Йес Окей |
Appendix 5
Questionnaire “Usage of English borrowings in the modern Russian language”
Анкета «Употребление англицизмов в современном русском языке».
Укажите Ваш возраст:
14-18 лет
18-35 лет
старше 35
Choose only one answer to the following questions
Выберите только один наиболее подходящий вариант ответа на следующие вопросы:
What are English English borrowings?
Что такое англицизм?
A word or a phrase, borrowed from English
а) слово или выражение, заимствованное из английского языка.
Music style
б) направление в музыке.
A word or a phrase, borrowed from any other foreign language
в) заимствованное из другого языка слово или выражение.
Do you feel annoyed about the great number of English borrowings in the modern Russian language?
Раздражает ли Вас обилие англицизмов в современном русском языке?
Yes, a lot
1.Да, очень
Not much
2. Немного
3. Ничуть
Do you use English borrowings in every day speech?
Употребляете ли Вы англицизмы в повседневной речи?
3. редко
4. никогда
Do you think English borrowings enrich Russian or spoil it making it less beautiful?
Как Вы считаете, англицизмы обогащают наш язык, делают его насыщеннее и лучше или же обедняют русский язык, коверкая его и извращая?
Clutter up
Thanks for your answers!
Спасибо за участие!
Просмотров работы: 200
Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution
“Mathematical Lyceum”
Research work
English borrowings in modern Russian
English language section
Boyarinova Aleksandra Aleskandrovna
English language teacher
Made by:
Bibchenko Polina Andreyevna
Form 10 «B»
1. The origins of the process of borrowing…………………………………………5
2. Types of loanwords based on the spheres of their use……………………………6
2.1. Information Technology.………………………………………………………6
2.2. TV and media………….………………………………………………………6
2.3. Sports……………………..………………………………………………………7
2.4. Music……………………………………………………………………………7
2.5. Jobs…………………… ………………………………………………………8
2.6. Food…………………….………………………………………………………8
2.7. Imitating the American lifestyle.………………………………………………9
3. Types of English loanwords based on the way of perception……………………11
4. My research…………………………………………………………………….12
List of used literature………………………………………………………………16
It is common knowledge that the Russian language is the treasure of our nation and can really be called one of the most expressive languages that ever existed. It perfectly reflects the nature of Russia, its customs and true beauty. However, as any language is a dynamic system, it can be changed due to particular factors. That is the reason why some traditions of using certain words may be put to rest while new words and word combinations appear in the blink of an eye.
In the «Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language» created by S.I. Ozhegov there is the definition of the term “Anglicism”. The author explained it as a word or a word combination borrowed from the English language or based on the example of an English word [1]. The Russian linguist L.P.Krysin, who dedicated his whole life to learning his country’s language, described the process of borrowing as transporting one language to the other [4].
A lot of English words are used in the Russian language today, for example “Имидж” (Image), “Пиар” (PR), and so on. Some Russian people consider such anglicisation as a harmless phenomenon. Their use of English words may even take on a chic aspect. In contrast, others see it much more negatively, and there are efforts by public-interest groups and governments to reverse the trend [2]. Now comes the question: can the process of borrowing English words make the Russian language thrive and prosper or it is just the road that will lead it to extinction?
In my research both theoretical and practical methods will be used. I am going to categorize English borrowings in order to reveal the spheres of life where they are used the most often and classify the most widely-spread borrowings based on the way of perception. I will conduct a survey and make a conclusion based on the received data. The results of my research will prove or disprove my hypothesis.
The hypothesis of the investigation: Most of the English borrowings are used in the Russian language due to the development of certain spheres of life, but not because of the desire of Russian people to follow the foreign fashion.
The problem of the investigation: The significance of English in modern Russia.
The objects of my research are English words and their derivatives.
The subjects are English loanwords in modern Russian.
The aim of my research work is to classify English borrowings used in the Russian language based on different factors and reveal the spheres of live where the use of loanwords is the most active nowadays.
The tasks or my research work:
1) To get general information about borrowing English words and using them in modern Russian.
2) To divide the loanwords into groups based on the sphere of their use.
3) To classify the most often-used borrowings based on the way of perception.
4) To find out in which spheres of life people of my age group are the most likely to come across loanwords;
5) To identify the most commonly used borrowings;
6) To prove or to disprove the hypothesis I formed;
The methods of my research:
1) Theoretical – learning and summing up some of the information on the topic;
2) Practical – conducting a survey and analyzing its results.
Borrowing foreign words is one of the ways of the language development. Language quickly reacts to the social needs. It is essential to point out that some loanwords became widely-spread back in ancient times. Throughout thousands of years, foreign words have been contributing to the enrichment of our country’s language. Nevertheless, the most dramatic changes took place in the 21st century.
Borrowings (or loanwords) appear as a result of different relations between nations and countries. English is currently the language of international communication even for people who learn it as the second one. It can be explained by the domination of the USA in the world’s economy and politics, the tourism growth, the invention of cutting-edge technologies and the creation of the Internet. Technology-related English words like “internet” and “computer” are particularly common across the globe because there are no pre-existing words for them. Therefore, the amount of English loanwords we use in our everyday speech has increased swiftly in the past few years.
If new notions are introduced into our lives and brand-new traditions become commonplace it means that we are likely to have more foreign words at our disposal. Of course when people come across loanwords for the first time they think of them as neologisms (this term is used to describe the words that were introduced to a language and viewed as something unfamiliar). However, when the time passes, people get used to the notion and can even forget that the word hadn’t existed before.
Today the use of English words in the Russian speech is rising, and the amounts of them are stupendous. Therefore, they are usually divided into several groups in order to make it simpler to analyze the issue. I picked out the spheres of life where borrowings are used the most often and classified the loanwords based on the obtained data. [3]
2.1. Information Technology
The growing popularity of social media and computer technology in Russia, especially among teenagers and young people, has a profound impact on the language structure. Terms having something to do with Information Technology have been entering our lives for years.
Юзер – user – a person who uses a computer service;
Онлайн – online – connected to a network;
Спам – spam – irrelevant messages sent over the Internet for the advertising purposes;
Логин – login – username;
Геймер – gamer – a computer player;
2.2. TV and media
It is a well – known fact that media can affect people significantly because every day we are surrounded by various TV shows, newspaper articles, celebrity gossip spread all over the country through tabloids and the Internet that I have already mentioned. Media plays a huge role in building a person’s character, and, what’s more, reforms our language. And it is also worth mentioning that journalism is a complex sphere where you can’t do without particular words that describe a specialty or other professional notions.
Прайм-тайм – prime-time — the time at which a radio or television audience is expected to be at its highest;
Имиджмейкер – image-maker — a person who creates an appealing public image for something;
Ток-шоу – talk-show — a chat show in which listeners, viewers, or the studio audience participate in the discussion;
Таблоид – tabloid — a type of popular newspaper with small pages that has many pictures and short, simple reports;
Плагиат – plagiarism — stealing and publishing another author’s work.
2.3. Sports
Types of sport may have a literal meaning that is either challenging or completely impossible to translate into Russian.
Футбол – football – the game in which it is required to kick the ball with one’s foot;
Баскетбол – basketball — a game for two teams where points are scored by tossing the ball through the opponent’s basket;
Волейбол – volleyball — a game for two teams, in which a large ball is hit by hand over a high net, the aim being to score points by making the ball reach the ground on the opponent’s side of the court;
Фитнес – fitness – getting fit by exercising;
Бодибилдинг -bodybuilding — a sport involving physical exercise in order to strengthen and shape the body muscles.
2.4. Music
It is frequently claimed that today Russian teenagers listen mostly to music made by foreign artists, and as I am a representative of this age group I can say that it may be true. Nevertheless, even if a person likes Russian music they can’t escape from English loanwords, because the whole process of listening to music has already been modernized all over the world.
Плейлист – playlist – a list used for organizing a digital music collection;
Подкаст – podcast — a series of digital audio files;
Релиз – release — making a product available to the public;
Ремейк – remake — a piece of music recorded again;
Мэшап – mashup – two or more songs combined into one;
2.5. Jobs
The professional diversity is growing and the system of job terminology is getting more complicated as well. Nowadays it is sometimes necessary to look for a definition for a job’s name just because of how incomprehensible it is if you don’t know English.
Брокер – broker — an agent who buys or sells for a principal on a commission basis without having title to the property;
Маркетинг – marketing — the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including advertising and market research;
Менеджер – manager — person who has control or direction of an institution, business, etc.;
Промоутер – promoter — a person who helps finance and organize an event;
Фрилансер – freelancer – a person who works as a writer, performer, designer, selling work or services by the hour, day, job, etc., rather than working on a regular salary basis for one employer.
2.6. Food
With the increasing number of fast food chains all over the world, Russian food culture is always changing. This tendency has started back in the 1990-s when first fast service shops were introduced. And at the same time some additions were made to our language.
Чизбургер – cheeseburger – a beefburger with a slice of cheese on it, served in a bread roll;
Чикенбургер –chicken burger — A hot sandwich made of a patty of chicken in a bun, often with other ingredients;
Фаст-фуд – fast food – easily prepared processed food served in snack bars and restaurants as a quick meal or to be taken away;
Хот-дог — hot-dog – a frankfurter, especially one served hot in a long, soft roll and topped with various condiments;
Милкшейк – milkshake — a cold drink made of milk, a sweet flavouring such as fruit or chocolate, and typically ice cream, whisked until it is frothy;
2.7. Imitating the American lifestyle
Some Russian young people tend to follow the American fashion and that is the reason why they might use more loanwords in their speech. Some of these words are fairly normal and we don’t view them as something special anymore. This group of borrowings is actually the most manifold. This variety can be explained by the fact that these words mainly mean subjects, notions, events, etc. that we come across in our daily lives.
Окей – okay – all right;
Го – go — to move to another place;
Лузер – loser — a person that loses especially consistently;
Бойфренд – boyfriend – a male friend;
Пати — party — a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment.
I should point out that this list is based mostly on the information I used during my research and I have no right to claim that no more variations are possible. However, later on the survey I conducted proved my way of classification.
The population of Russia consists of people belonging to a lot of age groups. What is more, all people have different English levels. All English borrowings can be divided into four separate groups based on these factors.
Words that are understandable for people of all ages and English levels:
Файл – file;
Лифт – lift;
Words that require some knowledge of English:
Имиджмейкер – image-maker;
Менеджер – manager;
Онлайн – online;
Words that are understandable mostly for teenagers and young people:
Пати – party;
Уикэнд – weekend;
Хайп – hype;
Words that are understandable mostly for people of older generations:
Промоутер – promoter;
Пейджер – pager;
Брокер – broker.
On March, 17th, 2018, I conducted an online survey among 60 people of my age group. Its results showed that loanwords are actually very widely-used today.
According to the data plotted on the (Chart 1), the classification of loanwords that I had made turned out to be quite reasonable. The graph shows that most people do meet English borrowings in the spheres I have already mentioned. 1 respondent, however, stated that it was also possible to come across English borrowings in the medical sphere. One of the most frequently chosen options was “Music”. The percentage of people who picked it slightly exceeds 50%. The sphere of technology got the 2nd place with 58,3%. The majority of respondents (60%) stated that most of the loanwords they come across are used by people who try to imitate the American way of life.
The numbers plotted on the (Chart 2) are surprising too. The spheres in which the respondents use borrowings the most are “Technology” and “Imitating the American lifestyle”, but then again the amount of votes given to the latter is more significant.
The aim of the next part of my survey was to check whether teenagers could understand some of the English borrowings I gave to them as an example. Unsurprisingly, respondents were familiar with most of the words (Chart 3). The loanwords that were chosen as the least understandable are “Мэшап”, “Прайм-тайм”, and “Имиджмейкер”. This can be explained by the fact that all of these three words are used mostly in their original spheres which are familiar only to certain people. On the other hand, all these words can be translated from English into Russian by parts (be morphemes) so that their meanings become clear, for example “Имиджмейкер = image + make + er”. Therefore, the results might have shown that a lot of respondents have some lack of English knowledge.
In the final part of my research respondents had to give examples of the loanwords they use on a regular basis. Just as I had predicted, the borrowings that were mentioned the most often were “О`кей” and “Лол (LOL – laughing out loud)”. Other popular words were “Вау”, “Бро”, “Го”, “Хай”, “Топ”, “Изи”, etc.
The question whether using borrowings in our speech is justified or unjustified is truly concerning. Numerous words that can be done without appear regularly. This process might lead to the clogging of Russian.
Our language is actually changing. A lot of English words become commonplace and are used by people on a daily basis. The most common spheres of their use are Information Technology, TV and mass media, sports, music, jobs and food. One, should, however, not forget that in some cases using English borrowings is just the way to follow the fashion.
Some loanwords are understandable for people of all ages because they are used regularly and aren’t viewed as neologisms anymore, but others require some background knowledge and might seem unfamiliar to different age groups. And sometimes advanced English skills are likely to help you understand the meaning of a borrowing.
Teenagers tend to use loanwords a lot mainly because they come across them everywhere. Some words are recognized by them easily, while others remain unknown due to the lack of knowledge of English or the sphere that the word belongs to.
In order to do my research, I used theoretical and practical researching methods. While doing it I managed to get general information about borrowing English words for using them in modern Russian, divide the loanwords into groups based on the sphere of their use, classify the most often-used borrowings based on the way of perception. I found out in which spheres of life people of my age group were the most likely to come across loanwords, identified the most commonly used borrowings.
I successfully classified English borrowings used in the Russian language based on different factors and revealed the spheres of live where the use of loanwords is the most active nowadays.
Nevertheless, the hypothesis I had made before doing this researched proved to be incorrect. According to the survey most teenagers use the English borrowings that can easily be replaced. Of course there are many spheres of life like music and sports in which you can’t do without certain terms, and respondents do use them, but still the most commonly-used loanwords are those which have a proper Russian equivalent. Therefore, there is a tendency of imitating the lifestyle of foreign people in Russian speech.
In the foreseeable future I am planning to do a deeper research into the topic. I will reveal the reasons why the borrowings appear in such vast amounts. The opinions of more age groups will be taken into consideration while analyzing the issue. Furthermore, I will identify the impact that the growing amount of English loanwords has on the Russian language.
To draw a conclusion, I want to say that although in some cases the use of foreign words may be inevitable, we should do our best to reduce it. I would like to cite Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin — a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist, “As a material of literature, the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over all European languages” [5]. It is essential to recognize the significance of Russian language and to avoid polluting it with words that mean nothing.
Крысин Л.П. «Иноязычные слова в современной жизни»//Русский язык конца XX столетия. — М.,1996.
О предисловии г-на Лемонте к переводу басен И. А. Крылова. — Московский телеграф. 1825. Ч. V. №XVII. С. 40—46.
most often?
Chart 2
most often?
Chart 3
английский, английский язык
прилагательное ↓
- английский
- относящийся к английскому языку, английский
English teacher — учитель английского языка
English scholar — учёный-англист
- ист. англосаксонский
существительное ↓
- собир. англичане
- английский язык
- английское слово, английский эквивалент
what’s the English for стол? — как по-английски «стол»?
- всем понятный язык
in plain English — прямо, ясно, без обиняков
the English of this is — ≅ проще говоря, попросту сказать
- полигр. миттель
Old English — древнеанглийский язык
глагол ↓
- переводить на английский язык
- англизировать, устраивать на английский образец
- включать (иностранное слово) в словарный состав английского языка
liqueur is not yet Englished — слово liqueur ещё воспринимается как иностранное
Мои примеры
the pretender to the English throne — претендент на английский престол
a high level of proficiency in English — высокий уровень владения английским языком
an English rendition of a Greek poem — английский перевод греческой поэмы
a book on modern English usage — книга о современном словоупотреблении в английском языке
the vagaries of the English weather — причуды английской погоды
not English — не по-английски
informal English — разговорный английский
new English mistress — новая учительница английского
translation from Russian into English — перевод с русского на английский
to speak bad English — говорить по-английски с ошибками
borough English — истор. переход недвижимости к младшему сыну
broken English / French — ломаный английский / французский
Примеры с переводом
Do you speak English?
Вы говорите по-английски?
English is spoken here.
Здесь говорят по-английски.
His English was perfect.
Он безупречно говорил по-английски.
English humour
английский юмор
English usage
использование выражений английского языка
English grammar
английская грамматика
English history
Английская история
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
English bilabials such as and .
Your English is coming on really well.
Your English is coming along really well.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
Englishism — английская черта, английский обычай, англомания, увлечение всем английским