The word engineering is derived from the word which means

Engineering is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, and other items, including bridges, tunnels, roads, vehicles, and buildings.[1] The discipline of engineering encompasses a broad range of more specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of applied mathematics, applied science, and types of application. See glossary of engineering.

The term engineering is derived from the Latin ingenium, meaning «cleverness» and ingeniare, meaning «to contrive, devise».[2]


The American Engineers’ Council for Professional Development (ECPD, the predecessor of ABET)[3] has defined «engineering» as:

The creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behavior under specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property.[4][5]


Engineering has existed since ancient times, when humans devised inventions such as the wedge, lever, wheel and pulley, etc.

The term engineering is derived from the word engineer, which itself dates back to the 14th century when an engine’er (literally, one who builds or operates a siege engine) referred to «a constructor of military engines.»[6] In this context, now obsolete, an «engine» referred to a military machine, i.e., a mechanical contraption used in war (for example, a catapult). Notable examples of the obsolete usage which have survived to the present day are military engineering corps, e.g., the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The word «engine» itself is of even older origin, ultimately deriving from the Latin ingenium (c. 1250), meaning «innate quality, especially mental power, hence a clever invention.»[7]

Later, as the design of civilian structures, such as bridges and buildings, matured as a technical discipline, the term civil engineering[5] entered the lexicon as a way to distinguish between those specializing in the construction of such non-military projects and those involved in the discipline of military engineering.

Ancient era

The Ancient Romans built aqueducts to bring a steady supply of clean and fresh water to cities and towns in the empire.

The pyramids in ancient Egypt, ziggurats of Mesopotamia, the Acropolis and Parthenon in Greece, the Roman aqueducts, Via Appia and Colosseum, Teotihuacán, and the Brihadeeswarar Temple of Thanjavur, among many others, stand as a testament to the ingenuity and skill of ancient civil and military engineers. Other monuments, no longer standing, such as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Pharos of Alexandria, were important engineering achievements of their time and were considered among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

The six classic simple machines were known in the ancient Near East. The wedge and the inclined plane (ramp) were known since prehistoric times.[8] The wheel, along with the wheel and axle mechanism, was invented in Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) during the 5th millennium BC.[9] The lever mechanism first appeared around 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where it was used in a simple balance scale,[10] and to move large objects in ancient Egyptian technology.[11] The lever was also used in the shadoof water-lifting device, the first crane machine, which appeared in Mesopotamia circa 3000 BC,[10] and then in ancient Egyptian technology circa 2000 BC.[12] The earliest evidence of pulleys date back to Mesopotamia in the early 2nd millennium BC,[13] and ancient Egypt during the Twelfth Dynasty (1991-1802 BC).[14] The screw, the last of the simple machines to be invented,[15] first appeared in Mesopotamia during the Neo-Assyrian period (911-609) BC.[13] The Egyptian pyramids were built using three of the six simple machines, the inclined plane, the wedge, and the lever, to create structures like the Great Pyramid of Giza.[16]

The earliest civil engineer known by name is Imhotep.[5] As one of the officials of the Pharaoh, Djosèr, he probably designed and supervised the construction of the Pyramid of Djoser (the Step Pyramid) at Saqqara in Egypt around 2630–2611 BC.[17] The earliest practical water-powered machines, the water wheel and watermill, first appeared in the Persian Empire, in what are now Iraq and Iran, by the early 4th century BC.[18]

Kush developed the Sakia during the 4th century BC, which relied on animal power instead of human energy.[19]Hafirs were developed as a type of reservoir in Kush to store and contain water as well as boost irrigation.[20] Sappers were employed to build causeways during military campaigns.[21] Kushite ancestors built speos during the Bronze Age between 3700 and 3250 BC.[22]Bloomeries and blast furnaces were also created during the 7th centuries BC in Kush.[23][24][25][26]

Ancient Greece developed machines in both civilian and military domains. The Antikythera mechanism, an early known mechanical analog computer,[27][28] and the mechanical inventions of Archimedes, are examples of Greek mechanical engineering. Some of Archimedes’ inventions as well as the Antikythera mechanism required sophisticated knowledge of differential gearing or epicyclic gearing, two key principles in machine theory that helped design the gear trains of the Industrial Revolution, and are still widely used today in diverse fields such as robotics and automotive engineering.[29]

Ancient Chinese, Greek, Roman and Hunnic armies employed military machines and inventions such as artillery which was developed by the Greeks around the 4th century BC,[30] the trireme, the ballista and the catapult. In the Middle Ages, the trebuchet was developed.

Middle Ages

The earliest practical wind-powered machines, the windmill and wind pump, first appeared in the Muslim world during the Islamic Golden Age, in what are now Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, by the 9th century AD.[31][32][33][34] The earliest practical steam-powered machine was a steam jack driven by a steam turbine, described in 1551 by Taqi al-Din Muhammad ibn Ma’ruf in Ottoman Egypt.[35][36]

The cotton gin was invented in India by the 6th century AD,[37] and the spinning wheel was invented in the Islamic world by the early 11th century,[38] both of which were fundamental to the growth of the cotton industry. The spinning wheel was also a precursor to the spinning jenny, which was a key development during the early Industrial Revolution in the 18th century.[39]

The earliest programmable machines were developed in the Muslim world. A music sequencer, a programmable musical instrument, was the earliest type of programmable machine. The first music sequencer was an automated flute player invented by the Banu Musa brothers, described in their Book of Ingenious Devices, in the 9th century.[40][41] In 1206, Al-Jazari invented programmable automata/robots. He described four automaton musicians, including drummers operated by a programmable drum machine, where they could be made to play different rhythms and different drum patterns.[42] The castle clock, a hydropowered mechanical astronomical clock invented by Al-Jazari, was the first programmable analog computer.[43][44][45]

A water-powered mine hoist used for raising ore, ca. 1556

Before the development of modern engineering, mathematics was used by artisans and craftsmen, such as millwrights, clockmakers, instrument makers and surveyors. Aside from these professions, universities were not believed to have had much practical significance to technology.[46]: 32 

A standard reference for the state of mechanical arts during the Renaissance is given in the mining engineering treatise De re metallica (1556), which also contains sections on geology, mining, and chemistry. De re metallica was the standard chemistry reference for the next 180 years.[46]

Modern era

The application of the steam engine allowed coke to be substituted for charcoal in iron making, lowering the cost of iron, which provided engineers with a new material for building bridges. This bridge was made of cast iron, which was soon displaced by less brittle wrought iron as a structural material

The science of classical mechanics, sometimes called Newtonian mechanics, formed the scientific basis of much of modern engineering.[46] With the rise of engineering as a profession in the 18th century, the term became more narrowly applied to fields in which mathematics and science were applied to these ends. Similarly, in addition to military and civil engineering, the fields then known as the mechanic arts became incorporated into engineering.

Canal building was an important engineering work during the early phases of the Industrial Revolution.[47]

John Smeaton was the first self-proclaimed civil engineer and is often regarded as the «father» of civil engineering. He was an English civil engineer responsible for the design of bridges, canals, harbors, and lighthouses. He was also a capable mechanical engineer and an eminent physicist. Using a model water wheel, Smeaton conducted experiments for seven years, determining ways to increase efficiency.[48]: 127  Smeaton introduced iron axles and gears to water wheels.[46]: 69  Smeaton also made mechanical improvements to the Newcomen steam engine. Smeaton designed the third Eddystone Lighthouse (1755–59) where he pioneered the use of ‘hydraulic lime’ (a form of mortar which will set under water) and developed a technique involving dovetailed blocks of granite in the building of the lighthouse. He is important in the history, rediscovery of, and development of modern cement, because he identified the compositional requirements needed to obtain «hydraulicity» in lime; work which led ultimately to the invention of Portland cement.

Applied science lead to the development of the steam engine. The sequence of events began with the invention of the barometer and the measurement of atmospheric pressure by Evangelista Torricelli in 1643, demonstration of the force of atmospheric pressure by Otto von Guericke using the Magdeburg hemispheres in 1656, laboratory experiments by Denis Papin, who built experimental model steam engines and demonstrated the use of a piston, which he published in 1707. Edward Somerset, 2nd Marquess of Worcester published a book of 100 inventions containing a method for raising waters similar to a coffee percolator. Samuel Morland, a mathematician and inventor who worked on pumps, left notes at the Vauxhall Ordinance Office on a steam pump design that Thomas Savery read. In 1698 Savery built a steam pump called «The Miner’s Friend.» It employed both vacuum and pressure.[49] Iron merchant Thomas Newcomen, who built the first commercial piston steam engine in 1712, was not known to have any scientific training.[48]: 32 

The application of steam-powered cast iron blowing cylinders for providing pressurized air for blast furnaces lead to a large increase in iron production in the late 18th century. The higher furnace temperatures made possible with steam-powered blast allowed for the use of more lime in blast furnaces, which enabled the transition from charcoal to coke.[50] These innovations lowered the cost of iron, making horse railways and iron bridges practical. The puddling process, patented by Henry Cort in 1784 produced large scale quantities of wrought iron. Hot blast, patented by James Beaumont Neilson in 1828, greatly lowered the amount of fuel needed to smelt iron. With the development of the high pressure steam engine, the power to weight ratio of steam engines made practical steamboats and locomotives possible.[51] New steel making processes, such as the Bessemer process and the open hearth furnace, ushered in an area of heavy engineering in the late 19th century.

One of the most famous engineers of the mid 19th century was Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who built railroads, dockyards and steamships.

The Industrial Revolution created a demand for machinery with metal parts, which led to the development of several machine tools. Boring cast iron cylinders with precision was not possible until John Wilkinson invented his boring machine, which is considered the first machine tool.[52] Other machine tools included the screw cutting lathe, milling machine, turret lathe and the metal planer. Precision machining techniques were developed in the first half of the 19th century. These included the use of gigs to guide the machining tool over the work and fixtures to hold the work in the proper position. Machine tools and machining techniques capable of producing interchangeable parts lead to large scale factory production by the late 19th century.[53]

The United States census of 1850 listed the occupation of «engineer» for the first time with a count of 2,000.[54] There were fewer than 50 engineering graduates in the U.S. before 1865. In 1870 there were a dozen U.S. mechanical engineering graduates, with that number increasing to 43 per year in 1875. In 1890, there were 6,000 engineers in civil, mining, mechanical and electrical.[51]

There was no chair of applied mechanism and applied mechanics at Cambridge until 1875, and no chair of engineering at Oxford until 1907. Germany established technical universities earlier.[55]

The foundations of electrical engineering in the 1800s included the experiments of Alessandro Volta, Michael Faraday, Georg Ohm and others and the invention of the electric telegraph in 1816 and the electric motor in 1872. The theoretical work of James Maxwell (see: Maxwell’s equations) and Heinrich Hertz in the late 19th century gave rise to the field of electronics. The later inventions of the vacuum tube and the transistor further accelerated the development of electronics to such an extent that electrical and electronics engineers currently outnumber their colleagues of any other engineering specialty.[5]Chemical engineering developed in the late nineteenth century.[5] Industrial scale manufacturing demanded new materials and new processes and by 1880 the need for large scale production of chemicals was such that a new industry was created, dedicated to the development and large scale manufacturing of chemicals in new industrial plants.[5] The role of the chemical engineer was the design of these chemical plants and processes.[5]

Aeronautical engineering deals with aircraft design process design while aerospace engineering is a more modern term that expands the reach of the discipline by including spacecraft design. Its origins can be traced back to the aviation pioneers around the start of the 20th century although the work of Sir George Cayley has recently been dated as being from the last decade of the 18th century. Early knowledge of aeronautical engineering was largely empirical with some concepts and skills imported from other branches of engineering.[56]

The first PhD in engineering (technically, applied science and engineering) awarded in the United States went to Josiah Willard Gibbs at Yale University in 1863; it was also the second PhD awarded in science in the U.S.[57]

Only a decade after the successful flights by the Wright brothers, there was extensive development of aeronautical engineering through development of military aircraft that were used in World War I. Meanwhile, research to provide fundamental background science continued by combining theoretical physics with experiments.

Main branches of engineering

Engineering is a broad discipline that is often broken down into several sub-disciplines. Although an engineer will usually be trained in a specific discipline, he or she may become multi-disciplined through experience. Engineering is often characterized as having four main branches:[58][59][60] chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering.

Chemical engineering

Chemical engineering is the application of physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering principles in order to carry out chemical processes on a commercial scale, such as the manufacture of commodity chemicals, specialty chemicals, petroleum refining, microfabrication, fermentation, and biomolecule production.

Civil engineering

Civil engineering is the design and construction of public and private works, such as infrastructure (airports, roads, railways, water supply, and treatment etc.), bridges, tunnels, dams, and buildings.[61][62] Civil engineering is traditionally broken into a number of sub-disciplines, including structural engineering, environmental engineering, and surveying. It is traditionally considered to be separate from military engineering.[63]

Electrical engineering

Electrical engineering is the design, study, and manufacture of various electrical and electronic systems, such as broadcast engineering, electrical circuits, generators, motors, electromagnetic/electromechanical devices, electronic devices, electronic circuits, optical fibers, optoelectronic devices, computer systems, telecommunications, instrumentation, control systems, and electronics.

Mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is the design and manufacture of physical or mechanical systems, such as power and energy systems, aerospace/aircraft products, weapon systems, transportation products, engines, compressors, powertrains, kinematic chains, vacuum technology, vibration isolation equipment, manufacturing, robotics, turbines, audio equipments, and mechatronics.


Bioengineering is the engineering of biological systems for a useful purpose. Examples of bioengineering research include bacteria engineered to produce chemicals, new medical imaging technology, portable and rapid disease diagnostic devices, prosthetics, biopharmaceuticals, and tissue-engineered organs.

Interdisciplinary engineering

Interdisciplinary engineering draws from more than one of the principle branches of the practice. Historically, naval engineering and mining engineering were major branches. Other engineering fields are manufacturing engineering, acoustical engineering, corrosion engineering, instrumentation and control, aerospace, automotive, computer, electronic, information engineering, petroleum, environmental, systems, audio, software, architectural, agricultural, biosystems, biomedical,[64] geological, textile, industrial, materials,[65] and nuclear engineering.[66] These and other branches of engineering are represented in the 36 licensed member institutions of the UK Engineering Council.

New specialties sometimes combine with the traditional fields and form new branches – for example, Earth systems engineering and management involves a wide range of subject areas including engineering studies, environmental science, engineering ethics and philosophy of engineering.

Other branches of engineering

Aerospace engineering

The InSight lander with solar panels deployed in a cleanroom

Aerospace engineering covers the design, development, manufacture and operational behaviour of aircraft, satellites and rockets.

Marine engineering

Marine engineering covers the design,development,manufacture and operational behaviour of watercraft and stationary structures like oil platforms and ports.

Computer engineering

Computer engineering (CE) is a branch of engineering that integrates several fields of computer science and electronic engineering required to develop computer hardware and software. Computer engineers usually have training in electronic engineering (or electrical engineering), software design, and hardware-software integration instead of only software engineering or electronic engineering.

Geological engineering

Geological engineering is associated with anything constructed on or within the Earth. This discipline applies geological sciences and engineering principles to direct or support the work of other disciplines such as civil engineering, environmental engineering, and mining engineering. Geological engineers are involved with impact studies for facilities and operations that affect surface and subsurface environments, such as rock excavations (e.g. tunnels), building foundation consolidation, slope and fill stabilization, landslide risk assessment, groundwater monitoring, groundwater remediation, mining excavations, and natural resource exploration.


One who practices engineering is called an engineer, and those licensed to do so may have more formal designations such as Professional Engineer, Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer, Ingenieur, European Engineer, or Designated Engineering Representative.


Design of a turbine requires collaboration of engineers from many fields, as the system involves mechanical, electro-magnetic and chemical processes. The blades, rotor and stator as well as the steam cycle all need to be carefully designed and optimized.

In the engineering design process, engineers apply mathematics and sciences such as physics to find novel solutions to problems or to improve existing solutions. Engineers need proficient knowledge of relevant sciences for their design projects. As a result, many engineers continue to learn new material throughout their careers.

If multiple solutions exist, engineers weigh each design choice based on their merit and choose the solution that best matches the requirements. The task of the engineer is to identify, understand, and interpret the constraints on a design in order to yield a successful result. It is generally insufficient to build a technically successful product, rather, it must also meet further requirements.

Constraints may include available resources, physical, imaginative or technical limitations, flexibility for future modifications and additions, and other factors, such as requirements for cost, safety, marketability, productivity, and serviceability. By understanding the constraints, engineers derive specifications for the limits within which a viable object or system may be produced and operated.

Problem solving

A drawing for a steam locomotive. Engineering is applied to design, with emphasis on function and the utilization of mathematics and science.

Engineers use their knowledge of science, mathematics, logic, economics, and appropriate experience or tacit knowledge to find suitable solutions to a particular problem. Creating an appropriate mathematical model of a problem often allows them to analyze it (sometimes definitively), and to test potential solutions.[67]

More than one solution to a design problem usually exists so the different design choices have to be evaluated on their merits before the one judged most suitable is chosen. Genrich Altshuller, after gathering statistics on a large number of patents, suggested that compromises are at the heart of «low-level» engineering designs, while at a higher level the best design is one which eliminates the core contradiction causing the problem.[68]

Engineers typically attempt to predict how well their designs will perform to their specifications prior to full-scale production. They use, among other things: prototypes, scale models, simulations, destructive tests, nondestructive tests, and stress tests. Testing ensures that products will perform as expected but only in so far as the testing has been representative of use in service. For products, such as aircraft, that are used differently by different users failures and unexpected shortcomings (and necessary design changes) can be expected throughout the operational life of the product.[69]

Engineers take on the responsibility of producing designs that will perform as well as expected and, except those employed in specific areas of the arms industry, will not harm people. Engineers typically include a factor of safety in their designs to reduce the risk of unexpected failure.

The study of failed products is known as forensic engineering. It attempts to identify the cause of failure to allow a redesign of the product and so prevent a re-occurrence. Careful analysis is needed to establish the cause of failure of a product. The consequences of a failure may vary in severity from the minor cost of a machine breakdown to large loss of life in the case of accidents involving aircraft and large stationary structures like buildings and dams.[70]

Computer use

As with all modern scientific and technological endeavors, computers and software play an increasingly important role. As well as the typical business application software there are a number of computer aided applications (computer-aided technologies) specifically for engineering. Computers can be used to generate models of fundamental physical processes, which can be solved using numerical methods.

Graphic representation of a minute fraction of the WWW, demonstrating hyperlinks

One of the most widely used design tools in the profession is computer-aided design (CAD) software. It enables engineers to create 3D models, 2D drawings, and schematics of their designs. CAD together with digital mockup (DMU) and CAE software such as finite element method analysis or analytic element method allows engineers to create models of designs that can be analyzed without having to make expensive and time-consuming physical prototypes.

These allow products and components to be checked for flaws; assess fit and assembly; study ergonomics; and to analyze static and dynamic characteristics of systems such as stresses, temperatures, electromagnetic emissions, electrical currents and voltages, digital logic levels, fluid flows, and kinematics. Access and distribution of all this information is generally organized with the use of product data management software.[71]

There are also many tools to support specific engineering tasks such as computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software to generate CNC machining instructions; manufacturing process management software for production engineering; EDA for printed circuit board (PCB) and circuit schematics for electronic engineers; MRO applications for maintenance management; and Architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) software for civil engineering.

In recent years the use of computer software to aid the development of goods has collectively come to be known as product lifecycle management (PLM).[72]

The engineering profession engages in a wide range of activities, from large collaboration at the societal level, and also smaller individual projects. Almost all engineering projects are obligated to some sort of financing agency: a company, a set of investors, or a government. The few types of engineering that are minimally constrained by such issues are pro bono engineering and open-design engineering.

By its very nature engineering has interconnections with society, culture and human behavior. Every product or construction used by modern society is influenced by engineering. The results of engineering activity influence changes to the environment, society and economies, and its application brings with it a responsibility and public safety.

Engineering projects can be subject to controversy. Examples from different engineering disciplines include the development of nuclear weapons, the Three Gorges Dam, the design and use of sport utility vehicles and the extraction of oil. In response, some western engineering companies have enacted serious corporate and social responsibility policies.

Engineering is a key driver of innovation and human development. Sub-Saharan Africa, in particular, has a very small engineering capacity which results in many African nations being unable to develop crucial infrastructure without outside aid.[citation needed] The attainment of many of the Millennium Development Goals requires the achievement of sufficient engineering capacity to develop infrastructure and sustainable technological development.[73]

All overseas development and relief NGOs make considerable use of engineers to apply solutions in disaster and development scenarios. A number of charitable organizations aim to use engineering directly for the good of mankind:

  • Engineers Without Borders
  • Engineers Against Poverty
  • Registered Engineers for Disaster Relief
  • Engineers for a Sustainable World
  • Engineering for Change
  • Engineering Ministries International[74]

Engineering companies in many established economies are facing significant challenges with regard to the number of professional engineers being trained, compared with the number retiring. This problem is very prominent in the UK where engineering has a poor image and low status.[75] There are many negative economic and political issues that this can cause, as well as ethical issues.[76] It is widely agreed that the engineering profession faces an «image crisis»,[77] rather than it being fundamentally an unattractive career. Much work is needed to avoid huge problems in the UK and other western economies. Still, the UK holds most engineering companies compared to other European countries, together with the United States.

Code of ethics

Many engineering societies have established codes of practice and codes of ethics to guide members and inform the public at large. The National Society of Professional Engineers code of ethics states:

Engineering is an important and learned profession. As members of this profession, engineers are expected to exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Engineering has a direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all people. Accordingly, the services provided by engineers require honesty, impartiality, fairness, and equity, and must be dedicated to the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Engineers must perform under a standard of professional behavior that requires adherence to the highest principles of ethical conduct.[78]

In Canada, many engineers wear the Iron Ring as a symbol and reminder of the obligations and ethics associated with their profession.[79]

Relationships with other disciplines


Scientists study the world as it is; engineers create the world that has never been.

There exists an overlap between the sciences and engineering practice; in engineering, one applies science. Both areas of endeavor rely on accurate observation of materials and phenomena. Both use mathematics and classification criteria to analyze and communicate observations.[citation needed]

Scientists may also have to complete engineering tasks, such as designing experimental apparatus or building prototypes. Conversely, in the process of developing technology, engineers sometimes find themselves exploring new phenomena, thus becoming, for the moment, scientists or more precisely «engineering scientists».[83]

In the book What Engineers Know and How They Know It,[84] Walter Vincenti asserts that engineering research has a character different from that of scientific research. First, it often deals with areas in which the basic physics or chemistry are well understood, but the problems themselves are too complex to solve in an exact manner.

There is a «real and important» difference between engineering and physics as similar to any science field has to do with technology.[85][86] Physics is an exploratory science that seeks knowledge of principles while engineering uses knowledge for practical applications of principles. The former equates an understanding into a mathematical principle while the latter measures variables involved and creates technology.[87][88][89] For technology, physics is an auxiliary and in a way technology is considered as applied physics.[90] Though physics and engineering are interrelated, it does not mean that a physicist is trained to do an engineer’s job. A physicist would typically require additional and relevant training.[91] Physicists and engineers engage in different lines of work.[92] But PhD physicists who specialize in sectors of engineering physics and applied physics are titled as Technology officer, R&D Engineers and System Engineers.[93]

An example of this is the use of numerical approximations to the Navier–Stokes equations to describe aerodynamic flow over an aircraft, or the use of the Finite element method to calculate the stresses in complex components. Second, engineering research employs many semi-empirical methods that are foreign to pure scientific research, one example being the method of parameter variation.[citation needed]

As stated by Fung et al. in the revision to the classic engineering text Foundations of Solid Mechanics:

Engineering is quite different from science. Scientists try to understand nature. Engineers try to make things that do not exist in nature. Engineers stress innovation and invention. To embody an invention the engineer must put his idea in concrete terms, and design something that people can use. That something can be a complex system, device, a gadget, a material, a method, a computing program, an innovative experiment, a new solution to a problem, or an improvement on what already exists. Since a design has to be realistic and functional, it must have its geometry, dimensions, and characteristics data defined. In the past engineers working on new designs found that they did not have all the required information to make design decisions. Most often, they were limited by insufficient scientific knowledge. Thus they studied mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and mechanics. Often they had to add to the sciences relevant to their profession. Thus engineering sciences were born.[94]

Although engineering solutions make use of scientific principles, engineers must also take into account safety, efficiency, economy, reliability, and constructability or ease of fabrication as well as the environment, ethical and legal considerations such as patent infringement or liability in the case of failure of the solution.[95]

Medicine and biology

The study of the human body, albeit from different directions and for different purposes, is an important common link between medicine and some engineering disciplines. Medicine aims to sustain, repair, enhance and even replace functions of the human body, if necessary, through the use of technology.

Modern medicine can replace several of the body’s functions through the use of artificial organs and can significantly alter the function of the human body through artificial devices such as, for example, brain implants and pacemakers.[96][97] The fields of bionics and medical bionics are dedicated to the study of synthetic implants pertaining to natural systems.

Conversely, some engineering disciplines view the human body as a biological machine worth studying and are dedicated to emulating many of its functions by replacing biology with technology. This has led to fields such as artificial intelligence, neural networks, fuzzy logic, and robotics. There are also substantial interdisciplinary interactions between engineering and medicine.[98][99]

Both fields provide solutions to real world problems. This often requires moving forward before phenomena are completely understood in a more rigorous scientific sense and therefore experimentation and empirical knowledge is an integral part of both.

Medicine, in part, studies the function of the human body. The human body, as a biological machine, has many functions that can be modeled using engineering methods.[100]

The heart for example functions much like a pump,[101] the skeleton is like a linked structure with levers,[102] the brain produces electrical signals etc.[103] These similarities as well as the increasing importance and application of engineering principles in medicine, led to the development of the field of biomedical engineering that uses concepts developed in both disciplines.

Newly emerging branches of science, such as systems biology, are adapting analytical tools traditionally used for engineering, such as systems modeling and computational analysis, to the description of biological systems.[100]


There are connections between engineering and art, for example, architecture, landscape architecture and industrial design (even to the extent that these disciplines may sometimes be included in a university’s Faculty of Engineering).[105][106][107]

The Art Institute of Chicago, for instance, held an exhibition about the art of NASA’s aerospace design.[108] Robert Maillart’s bridge design is perceived by some to have been deliberately artistic.[109] At the University of South Florida, an engineering professor, through a grant with the National Science Foundation, has developed a course that connects art and engineering.[105][110]

Among famous historical figures, Leonardo da Vinci is a well-known Renaissance artist and engineer, and a prime example of the nexus between art and engineering.[104][111]


Business Engineering deals with the relationship between professional engineering, IT systems, business administration and change management. Engineering management or «Management engineering» is a specialized field of management concerned with engineering practice or the engineering industry sector. The demand for management-focused engineers (or from the opposite perspective, managers with an understanding of engineering), has resulted in the development of specialized engineering management degrees that develop the knowledge and skills needed for these roles. During an engineering management course, students will develop industrial engineering skills, knowledge, and expertise, alongside knowledge of business administration, management techniques, and strategic thinking. Engineers specializing in change management must have in-depth knowledge of the application of industrial and organizational psychology principles and methods. Professional engineers often train as certified management consultants in the very specialized field of management consulting applied to engineering practice or the engineering sector. This work often deals with large scale complex business transformation or Business process management initiatives in aerospace and defence, automotive, oil and gas, machinery, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, electrical & electronics, power distribution & generation, utilities and transportation systems. This combination of technical engineering practice, management consulting practice, industry sector knowledge, and change management expertise enables professional engineers who are also qualified as management consultants to lead major business transformation initiatives. These initiatives are typically sponsored by C-level executives.

Other fields

In political science, the term engineering has been borrowed for the study of the subjects of social engineering and political engineering, which deal with forming political and social structures using engineering methodology coupled with political science principles. Marketing engineering and Financial engineering have similarly borrowed the term.

See also

  • List of aerospace engineering topics
  • List of basic chemical engineering topics
  • List of electrical engineering topics
  • List of engineering societies
  • List of engineering topics
  • List of engineers
  • List of genetic engineering topics
  • List of mechanical engineering topics
  • List of nanoengineering topics
  • List of software engineering topics
  • Glossary of areas of mathematics
  • Glossary of biology
  • Glossary of chemistry
  • Glossary of engineering
  • Glossary of physics
Related subjects
  • Controversies over the term Engineer
  • Design
  • Earthquake engineering
  • Ecotechnology
  • Engineer
  • Engineering economics
  • Engineering education
  • Engineering education research
  • Engineers Without Borders
  • Environmental engineering science
  • Environmental technology
  • Forensic engineering
  • Global Engineering Education
  • Green engineering
  • Green building
  • Industrial design
  • Infrastructure
  • Mathematics
  • Open-source hardware
  • Planned obsolescence
  • Reverse engineering
  • Science
  • Structural failure
  • Sustainable engineering
  • Technology
  • Women in engineering


  1. ^ definition of «engineering» from the Archived February 16, 2021, at the Wayback Machine
    Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University
  2. ^ «About IAENG». International Association of Engineers. Archived from the original on January 26, 2021. Retrieved December 17, 2016.
  3. ^ «Google Chrome — Download the Fast, Secure Browser from Google». Archived from the original on July 31, 2020. Retrieved September 6, 2018.
  4. ^ «Engineers’ Council for Professional Development. (1947). Canons of ethics for engineers». Archived from the original on September 29, 2007. Retrieved August 10, 2021.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g [1] Archived July 31, 2020, at the Wayback Machine (Includes Britannica article on Engineering)
  6. ^ «engineer». Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
  7. ^ Origin: 1250–1300; ME engin < AF, OF < L ingenium nature, innate quality, esp. mental power, hence a clever invention, equiv. to in- + -genium, equiv. to gen- begetting; Source: Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2006.
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  104. ^ a b Bjerklie, David. «The Art of Renaissance Engineering.» MIT’s Technology Review Jan./Feb.1998: 54–59. Article explores the concept of the «artist-engineer», an individual who used his artistic talent in engineering. Quote from article: Da Vinci reached the pinnacle of «artist-engineer»-dom, Quote2: «It was Leonardo da Vinci who initiated the most ambitious expansion in the role of artist-engineer, progressing from astute observer to inventor to theoretician.» (Bjerklie 58)
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  110. ^ quote:..the tools of artists and the perspective of engineers.. Archived September 27, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  111. ^ Drew U: user website: cites Bjerklie paper Archived April 19, 2007, at the Wayback Machine

Further reading

  • Blockley, David (2012). Engineering: a very short introduction. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-957869-6.
  • Dorf, Richard, ed. (2005). The Engineering Handbook (2 ed.). Boca Raton: CRC. ISBN 978-0-8493-1586-2.
  • Billington, David P. (June 5, 1996). The Innovators: The Engineering Pioneers Who Made America Modern. Wiley; New Ed edition. ISBN 978-0-471-14026-9.
  • Madhavan, Guru (2015). Applied Minds: How Engineers Think. W.W. Norton.
  • Petroski, Henry (March 31, 1992). To Engineer is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design. Vintage. ISBN 978-0-679-73416-1.
  • Lord, Charles R. (August 15, 2000). Guide to Information Sources in Engineering. Libraries Unlimited. ISBN 978-1-56308-699-1.
  • Vincenti, Walter G. (February 1, 1993). What Engineers Know and How They Know It: Analytical Studies from Aeronautical History. The Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-4588-8.

External links

  •   The dictionary definition of engineering at Wiktionary
  •   Learning materials related to Engineering at Wikiversity
  •   Quotations related to Engineering at Wikiquote
  •   Works related to Engineering at Wikisource

What is the origin of the word engineering?

The term engineering is derived from the Latin ingenium, meaning “cleverness” and ingeniare, meaning “to contrive, devise”.

What is the root word of government?

Government comes from the term govern. From Old French governer, derived from Latin gubernare “to direct, rule, guide, govern”, which is derived from the Greek kybernan (to pilot a ship).

Who invented the word engineer?

“mid-14c., enginour, “constructor of military engines,” from Old French engigneor “engineer, architect, maker of war-engines; schemer” (12c.), from Late Latin ingeniare (see engine); general sense of “inventor, designer” is recorded from early 15c.; civil sense, in reference to public works, is recorded from c.

What is suffix in the word engineer?

An interesting part of the word engineer is the suffix -eer, which turns a word into one that means someone who does something indicated by the base it is affixed to — a mountaineer climbs mountains, an auctioneer presides at auctions, an engineer designs, coming from the Old French engin, which means “skill or …

Who is called an engineer?

An engineer is a person who uses scientific knowledge to design, construct, and maintain engines and machines or structures such as roads, railways, and bridges. 2. See also chemical engineer, civil engineer, electrical engineer, sound engineer.

Who is father of Engineer?

M. Visvesvaraya

Who is a famous engineer?

Arguably at the top of the list of greatest engineers is Nikola Tesla. He was Serbian, and moved to America at the age of 28 to work with Thomas Edison. Tesla is perhaps one of the most underrated electrical engineers, and didn’t receive credit for a lot of his inventions.

Who was the first engineer?

The first engineer known by name and achievement is Imhotep, builder of the Step Pyramid at Ṣaqqārah, Egypt, probably about 2550 bce.

Who is the first female engineer in the world?

Elisa Zamfirescu became an engineer at a time when women engineers were almost unheard of. Irish Alice Perry graduated just six years before Zamfirescu to become the first-ever female engineer in the world.

What is the mother of engineering?

Civil Engineering

What are the 10 types of engineers?

10 engineering career paths

  • Biomedical engineer.
  • Electrical engineer.
  • Chemical engineer.
  • Mechanical engineer.
  • Computer engineer.
  • Aerospace engineer.
  • Civil engineer.
  • Petroleum engineer.

Which engineering is hardest?

Hardest Engineering Majors

Rank Major Average Retention Rate
1 Civil Engineering 80.00%
2 Chemical Engineering 84.00%
3 Electrical Engineering 88.20%
4 Mechanical Engineering 86.10%

Which branch is king of engineering?

Mechanical engineering

What is the hardest degree?

The 10 Hardest Undergraduate Degrees

  • 10: Petroleum Engineering. Normal Hours Spent Preparing for Class Each Week: 18.41.
  • 9: Bioengineering.
  • 8: Biochemistry or Biophysics.
  • 7: Astronomy.
  • 6: Physics.
  • 5: Cell and Molecular Biology.
  • 4: Biomedical Engineering.
  • 3: Aero and Astronautical Engineering.

Which engineering is best for future?

Best Engineering Courses for Future

  • Aerospace Engineering.
  • Chemical Engineering.
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
  • Petroleum Engineering.
  • Telecommunication Engineering.
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Robotics Engineering.
  • Biochemical Engineering.

Which is the toughest course in the world?

Toughest Courses in the World Explained

  1. Engineering. Considered one of the toughest courses in the world, engineering students are required to have tactical skills, analytical skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.
  2. Chartered Accountancy.
  3. Medicine.
  4. Pharmacy.
  5. Architecture.
  6. Law.
  7. Psychology.
  8. Aeronautics.

Which is the easiest course?

9 Easiest College Classes For Success

  • Creative Writing.
  • Physical Education.
  • Psychology.
  • Public Speaking.
  • Anthropology.
  • Art History.
  • Acting.
  • Photography. If you’re not in art school or trying to become a professional photographer, taking a photography class can still provide you with valuable lessons.

Which is the easiest subject?

According to me, English is the easiest of all the subjects. Not only in arts stream, but for every stream, it is the easiest subject. It is easy to read and understand it.

What is the hardest subject in school?

Baker’s Dozen of the Hardest High School Classes

  • Mathematics. Only a few students find Math an easy subject.
  • Physics. Many students name Physics as the hardest school subject.
  • English.
  • Chemistry.
  • Literature.
  • Physical education.
  • Philosophy.
  • History.

What is the hardest subject to teach?

What Subject Is The Hardest To Teach?

  • Math. 14 vote(s) 41.2%
  • English. 10 vote(s) 29.4%
  • Social Studies. 3 vote(s) 8.8%
  • Science. 7 vote(s) 20.6%

Which subject is easiest to teach?

I think history is one of the easiest subjects to teach. The material being taught has already occurred and isn’t prone to change, and in K-12 environments, it’s usually just memorization and regurgitation. Also, it’s a subject that most students will find somewhat interesting.

What type of teacher is most in demand?

Types of teachers in highest demand by 2030.

  • English as a Second Language (ESL). ESL educators are some of the most in demand teachers.
  • Math Teaching. Another teacher subject in demand is mathematics.
  • Science Teaching. What about science teachers?
  • Social Studies Teaching.
  • Special Education Teaching.

What is the funnest subject to teach?

Science is by far my passion and so it is the most fun for me to teach. I try to do at least one demo/lab a week for every class and my kids love me for it. I generally am also good at drawing the social aspects of scientific knowledge into the class which is a fun cross between sociology and science.

What is the easiest degree?

The 14 Easiest Majors to Study in College

  • #1: Psychology. Psychology majors study the inner workings of the human psyche.
  • #2: Criminal Justice.
  • #3: English.
  • #4: Education.
  • #5: Social Work.
  • #6: Sociology.
  • #7: Communications.
  • #8: History.

What is the easiest job?

So, if you’re looking for inspiration, here are some of the easiest and highest-paying jobs you could do!

  • Ice cream taster.
  • Personal stylist.
  • Sommelier.
  • Swimming pool technician.
  • Dog walker.
  • Scale operator. Average hourly rate: $14.13.
  • Video game tester. Average hourly rate: $13.37.
  • House sitter. Average hourly rate: $11.35.

What is the most useful degree?

Here is a list of the most useful college majors based on post-graduate employment and median annual wage as noted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

  • Biomedical engineering.
  • Computer science.
  • Marine engineering.
  • Pharmaceutical sciences.
  • Computer engineering.
  • Electrical engineering.
  • Finance.
  • Software engineering.

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Chapter 1 – Engineering

What is engineering?   Here is how it is defined in wikipedia.

Engineering is the creative application of science, mathematical methods, and empirical evidence to the innovation, design, construction, and maintenance of structures, machines, materials, devices, systems, processes, and organizations. The discipline of engineering encompasses a broad range of more specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of applied mathematics, applied science, and types of application. See glossary of engineering.

The term engineering is derived from the Latin ingenium, meaning “cleverness” and ingeniare, meaning “to contrive, devise”.[1]


The American Engineers’ Council for Professional Development (ECPD, the predecessor of ABET)[2] has defined “engineering” as:

The creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behavior under specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property.[3][4]


Engineering has existed since ancient times, when humans devised inventions such as the wedge, lever, wheel and pulley.

The term engineering is derived from the word engineer, which itself dates back to 1390 when an engine’er (literally, one who operates an engine) referred to “a constructor of military engines.”[5] In this context, now obsolete, an “engine” referred to a military machine, i.e., a mechanical contraption used in war (for example, a catapult). Notable examples of the obsolete usage which have survived to the present day are military engineering corps, e.g., the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The word “engine” itself is of even older origin, ultimately deriving from the Latin ingenium (c. 1250), meaning “innate quality, especially mental power, hence a clever invention.”[6]

Later, as the design of civilian structures, such as bridges and buildings, matured as a technical discipline, the term civil engineering[4] entered the lexicon as a way to distinguish between those specializing in the construction of such non-military projects and those involved in the discipline of military engineering.

Ancient era

The Ancient Romans built aqueducts to bring a steady supply of clean and fresh water to cities and towns in the empire.

The pyramids in Egypt, the Acropolis and the Parthenon in Greece, the Roman aqueducts, Via Appia and the Colosseum, Teotihuacán, the Great Wall of China, the Brihadeeswarar Temple of Thanjavur, among many others, stand as a testament to the ingenuity and skill of ancient civil and military engineers. Other monuments, no longer standing, such as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and the Pharos of Alexandria were important engineering achievements of their time and were considered among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

The earliest civil engineer known by name is Imhotep.[4] As one of the officials of the Pharaoh, Djosèr, he probably designed and supervised the construction of the Pyramid of Djoser (the Step Pyramid) at Saqqara in Egypt around 2630–2611 BC.[7] Ancient Greece developed machines in both civilian and military domains. The Antikythera mechanism, the first known mechanical computer,[8][9] and the mechanical inventions of Archimedes are examples of early mechanical engineering. Some of Archimedes’ inventions as well as the Antikythera mechanism required sophisticated knowledge of differential gearing or epicyclic gearing, two key principles in machine theory that helped design the gear trains of the Industrial Revolution, and are still widely used today in diverse fields such as robotics and automotive engineering.[10]

Ancient Chinese, Greek, Roman and Hungarian armies employed military machines and inventions such as artillery which was developed by the Greeks around the 4th century B.C.,[11] the trireme, the ballista and the catapult. In the Middle Ages, the trebuchet was developed.

Renaissance era

The first steam engine was built in 1698 by Thomas Savery.[12] The development of this device gave rise to the Industrial Revolution in the coming decades, allowing for the beginnings of mass production.

With the rise of engineering as a profession in the 18th century, the term became more narrowly applied to fields in which mathematics and science were applied to these ends. Similarly, in addition to military and civil engineering, the fields then known as the mechanic arts became incorporated into engineering.

Modern era

The inventions of Thomas Newcomen and James Watt gave rise to modern mechanical engineering. The development of specialized machines and machine tools during the industrial revolution led to the rapid growth of mechanical engineering both in its birthplace Britain and abroad.[4]

John Smeaton was the first self-proclaimed civil engineer and is often regarded as the “father” of civil engineering. He was an English civil engineer responsible for the design of bridges, canals, harbours, and lighthouses. He was also a capable mechanical engineer and an eminent physicist. Smeaton designed the third Eddystone Lighthouse (1755–59) where he pioneered the use of ‘hydraulic lime‘ (a form of mortar which will set under water) and developed a technique involving dovetailed blocks of granite in the building of the lighthouse. His lighthouse remained in use until 1877 and was dismantled and partially rebuilt at Plymouth Hoe where it is known as Smeaton’s Tower. He is important in the history, rediscovery of, and development of modern cement, because he identified the compositional requirements needed to obtain “hydraulicity” in lime; work which led ultimately to the invention of Portland cement.

The United States census of 1850 listed the occupation of “engineer” for the first time with a count of 2,000.[13] There were fewer than 50 engineering graduates in the U.S. before 1865. In 1870 there were a dozen U.S. mechanical engineering graduates, with that number increasing to 43 per year in 1875. In 1890, there were 6,000 engineers in civil, mining, mechanical and electrical.[14]

There was no chair of applied mechanism and applied mechanics at Cambridge until 1875, and no chair of engineering at Oxford until 1907. Germany established technical universities earlier.[15]

The foundations of electrical engineering in the 1800s included the experiments of Alessandro Volta, Michael Faraday, Georg Ohm and others and the invention of the electric telegraph in 1816 and the electric motor in 1872. The theoretical work of James Maxwell (see: Maxwell’s equations) and Heinrich Hertz in the late 19th century gave rise to the field of electronics. The later inventions of the vacuum tube and the transistor further accelerated the development of electronics to such an extent that electrical and electronics engineers currently outnumber their colleagues of any other engineering specialty.[4] Chemical engineering developed in the late nineteenth century.[4] Industrial scale manufacturing demanded new materials and new processes and by 1880 the need for large scale production of chemicals was such that a new industry was created, dedicated to the development and large scale manufacturing of chemicals in new industrial plants.[4] The role of the chemical engineer was the design of these chemical plants and processes.[4]

Aeronautical engineering deals with aircraft design process design while aerospace engineering is a more modern term that expands the reach of the discipline by including spacecraft design. Its origins can be traced back to the aviation pioneers around the start of the 20th century although the work of Sir George Cayley has recently been dated as being from the last decade of the 18th century. Early knowledge of aeronautical engineering was largely empirical with some concepts and skills imported from other branches of engineering.[16]

The first PhD in engineering (technically, applied science and engineering) awarded in the United States went to Josiah Willard Gibbs at Yale University in 1863; it was also the second PhD awarded in science in the U.S.[17]

Only a decade after the successful flights by the Wright brothers, there was extensive development of aeronautical engineering through development of military aircraft that were used in World War I. Meanwhile, research to provide fundamental background science continued by combining theoretical physics with experiments.

In 1990, with the rise of computer technology, the first search engine was built by computer engineer Alan Emtage.

The Watt steam engine, a major driver in the Industrial Revolution, underscores the importance of engineering in modern history. This model is on display at the main building of the ETSIIM in Madrid, Spain.

Engineering is the discipline, art, skill and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, mathematical, economic, social, and practical knowledge, in order to design and build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes that safely realize improvements to the lives of people.

The American Engineers’ Council for Professional Development (ECPD, the predecessor of ABET)[1] has defined «engineering» as:

[T]he creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behavior under specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property.[2][3][4]

One who practices engineering is called an engineer, and those licensed to do so may have more formal designations such as Professional Engineer, Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer, Ingenieur or European Engineer. The broad discipline of engineering encompasses a range of more specialized subdisciplines, each with a more specific emphasis on certain fields of application and particular areas of technology.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Ancient era
    • 1.2 Renaissance era
    • 1.3 Modern era
  • 2 Main branches of engineering
  • 3 Methodology
    • 3.1 Problem solving
    • 3.2 Computer use
  • 4 Social context
  • 5 Relationships with other disciplines
    • 5.1 Science
    • 5.2 Medicine and biology
    • 5.3 Art
    • 5.4 Other fields
  • 6 See also
  • 7 References
  • 8 Further reading
  • 9 External links


The concept of engineering has existed since ancient times as humans devised fundamental inventions such as the pulley, lever, and wheel. Each of these inventions is consistent with the modern definition of engineering, exploiting basic mechanical principles to develop useful tools and objects.

The term engineering itself has a much more recent etymology, deriving from the word engineer, which itself dates back to 1325, when an engine’er (literally, one who operates an engine) originally referred to “a constructor of military engines.”[5] In this context, now obsolete, an “engine” referred to a military machine, i.e., a mechanical contraption used in war (for example, a catapult). Notable exceptions of the obsolete usage which have survived to the present day are military engineering corps, e.g., the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The word “engine” itself is of even older origin, ultimately deriving from the Latin ingenium (c. 1250), meaning “innate quality, especially mental power, hence a clever invention.”[6]

Later, as the design of civilian structures such as bridges and buildings matured as a technical discipline, the term civil engineering[4] entered the lexicon as a way to distinguish between those specializing in the construction of such non-military projects and those involved in the older discipline of military engineering.

Ancient era

The Pharos of Alexandria, the pyramids in Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Acropolis and the Parthenon in Greece, the Roman aqueducts, Via Appia and the Colosseum, Teotihuacán and the cities and pyramids of the Mayan, Inca and Aztec Empires, the Great Wall of China, among many others, stand as a testament to the ingenuity and skill of the ancient civil and military engineers.

The earliest civil engineer known by name is Imhotep.[4] As one of the officials of the Pharaoh, Djosèr, he probably designed and supervised the construction of the Pyramid of Djoser (the Step Pyramid) at Saqqara in Egypt around 2630-2611 BC.[7] He may also have been responsible for the first known use of columns in architecture[citation needed].

Ancient Greece developed machines in both the civilian and military domains. The Antikythera mechanism, the first known mechanical computer,[8][9] and the mechanical inventions of Archimedes are examples of early mechanical engineering. Some of Archimedes’ inventions as well as the Antikythera mechanism required sophisticated knowledge of differential gearing or epicyclic gearing, two key principles in machine theory that helped design the gear trains of the Industrial revolution, and are still widely used today in diverse fields such as robotics and automotive engineering.[10]

Chinese, Greek and Roman armies employed complex military machines and inventions such as artillery which was developed by the Greeks around the 4th century B.C.,[11] the trireme, the ballista and the catapult. In the Middle Ages, the Trebuchet was developed.

Renaissance era

The first electrical engineer is considered to be William Gilbert, with his 1600 publication of De Magnete, who was the originator of the term «electricity».[12]

The first steam engine was built in 1698 by mechanical engineer Thomas Savery.[13] The development of this device gave rise to the industrial revolution in the coming decades, allowing for the beginnings of mass production.

With the rise of engineering as a profession in the eighteenth century, the term became more narrowly applied to fields in which mathematics and science were applied to these ends. Similarly, in addition to military and civil engineering the fields then known as the mechanic arts became incorporated into engineering.

Modern era

Electrical engineering can trace its origins in the experiments of Alessandro Volta in the 1800s, the experiments of Michael Faraday, Georg Ohm and others and the invention of the electric motor in 1872. The work of James Maxwell and Heinrich Hertz in the late 19th century gave rise to the field of Electronics. The later inventions of the vacuum tube and the transistor further accelerated the development of electronics to such an extent that electrical and electronics engineers currently outnumber their colleagues of any other Engineering specialty.[4]

The inventions of Thomas Savery and the Scottish engineer James Watt gave rise to modern Mechanical Engineering. The development of specialized machines and their maintenance tools during the industrial revolution led to the rapid growth of Mechanical Engineering both in its birthplace Britain and abroad.[4]

Chemical Engineering, like its counterpart Mechanical Engineering, developed in the nineteenth century during the Industrial Revolution.[4] Industrial scale manufacturing demanded new materials and new processes and by 1880 the need for large scale production of chemicals was such that a new industry was created, dedicated to the development and large scale manufacturing of chemicals in new industrial plants.[4] The role of the chemical engineer was the design of these chemical plants and processes.[4]

Aeronautical Engineering deals with aircraft design while Aerospace Engineering is a more modern term that expands the reach envelope of the discipline by including spacecraft design.[14] Its origins can be traced back to the aviation pioneers around the turn of the century from the 19th century to the 20th although the work of Sir George Cayley has recently been dated as being from the last decade of the 18th century. Early knowledge of aeronautical engineering was largely empirical with some concepts and skills imported from other branches of engineering.[15]

The first PhD in engineering (technically, applied science and engineering) awarded in the United States went to Willard Gibbs at Yale University in 1863; it was also the second PhD awarded in science in the U.S.[16]

Only a decade after the successful flights by the Wright brothers, there was extensive development of aeronautical engineering through development of military aircraft that were used in World War I . Meanwhile, research to provide fundamental background science continued by combining theoretical physics with experiments.

In 1990, with the rise of computer technology, the first search engine was built by computer engineer Alan Emtage.

Main branches of engineering

Engineering, much like other science, is a broad discipline which is often broken down into several sub-disciplines. These disciplines concern themselves with differing areas of engineering work. Although initially an engineer will usually be trained in a specific discipline, throughout an engineer’s career the engineer may become multi-disciplined, having worked in several of the outlined areas. Engineering is often characterized as having four main branches:[17][18]

  • Chemical engineering – The exploitation of both engineering and chemical principles in order to carry out large scale chemical process.
  • Civil engineering – The design and construction of public and private works, such as infrastructure (airports, roads, railways, water supply and treatment etc.), bridges, dams, and buildings.
  • Electrical engineering – a very broad area that may encompass the design and study of various electrical and electronic systems, such as electrical circuits, generators, motors, electromagnetic/electromechanical devices, electronic devices, electronic circuits, optical fibers, optoelectronic devices, computer systems, telecommunications, instrumentation, controls, and electronics.
  • Mechanical engineering – The design of physical or mechanical systems, such as power and energy systems, aerospace/aircraft products, weapon systems, transportation products engines, compressors, powertrains, kinematic chains, vacuum technology, and vibration isolation equipment.

Beyond these four, sources vary on other main branches. Historically, naval engineering and mining engineering were major branches. Modern fields sometimes included as major branches include aerospace, architectural, biomedical,[19] industrial, materials science[20] and nuclear engineering.[21][citation needed]

New specialties sometimes combine with the traditional fields and form new branches. A new or emerging area of application will commonly be defined temporarily as a permutation or subset of existing disciplines; there is often gray area as to when a given sub-field becomes large and/or prominent enough to warrant classification as a new «branch.» One key indicator of such emergence is when major universities start establishing departments and programs in the new field.

For each of these fields there exists considerable overlap, especially in the areas of the application of sciences to their disciplines such as physics, chemistry and mathematics.


Design of a turbine requires collaboration of engineers from many fields, as the system is subject to mechanical, electro-magnetic and chemical processes. The blades, rotor and stator as well as the steam cycle all need to be carefully designed and optimised.

Engineers apply the sciences of physics and mathematics to find suitable solutions to problems or to make improvements to the status quo. More than ever, engineers are now required to have knowledge of relevant sciences for their design projects, as a result, they keep on learning new material throughout their career.

If multiple options exist, engineers weigh different design choices on their merits and choose the solution that best matches the requirements. The crucial and unique task of the engineer is to identify, understand, and interpret the constraints on a design in order to produce a successful result. It is usually not enough to build a technically successful product; it must also meet further requirements.

Constraints may include available resources, physical, imaginative or technical limitations, flexibility for future modifications and additions, and other factors, such as requirements for cost, safety, marketability, productibility, and serviceability. By understanding the constraints, engineers derive specifications for the limits within which a viable object or system may be produced and operated.

Problem solving

Engineers use their knowledge of science, mathematics, logic, economics, and appropriate experience or tacit knowledge to find suitable solutions to a problem. Creating an appropriate mathematical model of a problem allows them to analyze it (sometimes definitively), and to test potential solutions.

Usually multiple reasonable solutions exist, so engineers must evaluate the different design choices on their merits and choose the solution that best meets their requirements. Genrich Altshuller, after gathering statistics on a large number of patents, suggested that compromises are at the heart of «low-level» engineering designs, while at a higher level the best design is one which eliminates the core contradiction causing the problem.

Engineers typically attempt to predict how well their designs will perform to their specifications prior to full-scale production. They use, among other things: prototypes, scale models, simulations, destructive tests, nondestructive tests, and stress tests. Testing ensures that products will perform as expected.

Engineers take on the responsibility of producing designs that will perform as well as expected and will not cause unintended harm to the public at large. Engineers typically include a factor of safety in their designs to reduce the risk of unexpected failure. However, the greater the safety factor, the less efficient the design may be.

The study of failed products is known as forensic engineering, and can help the product designer in evaluating his or her design in the light of real conditions. The discipline is of greatest value after disasters, such as bridge collapses, when careful analysis is needed to establish the cause or causes of the failure.

Computer use

A computer simulation of high velocity air flow around the Space Shuttle during re-entry. Solutions to the flow require modelling of the combined effects of the fluid flow and heat equations.

As with all modern scientific and technological endeavors, computers and software play an increasingly important role. As well as the typical business application software there are a number of computer aided applications (Computer-aided technologies) specifically for engineering. Computers can be used to generate models of fundamental physical processes, which can be solved using numerical methods.

One of the most widely used tools in the profession is computer-aided design (CAD) software which enables engineers to create 3D models, 2D drawings, and schematics of their designs. CAD together with Digital mockup (DMU) and CAE software such as finite element method analysis or analytic element method allows engineers to create models of designs that can be analyzed without having to make expensive and time-consuming physical prototypes.

These allow products and components to be checked for flaws; assess fit and assembly; study ergonomics; and to analyze static and dynamic characteristics of systems such as stresses, temperatures, electromagnetic emissions, electrical currents and voltages, digital logic levels, fluid flows, and kinematics. Access and distribution of all this information is generally organized with the use of Product Data Management software.[22]

There are also many tools to support specific engineering tasks such as Computer-aided manufacture (CAM) software to generate CNC machining instructions; Manufacturing Process Management software for production engineering; EDA for printed circuit board (PCB) and circuit schematics for electronic engineers; MRO applications for maintenance management; and AEC software for civil engineering.

In recent years the use of computer software to aid the development of goods has collectively come to be known as Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).[23]

Engineering is a subject that ranges from large collaborations to small individual projects. Almost all engineering projects are beholden to some sort of financing agency: a company, a set of investors, or a government. The few types of engineering that are minimally constrained by such issues are pro bono engineering and open design engineering.

By its very nature engineering is bound up with society and human behavior. Every product or construction used by modern society will have been influenced by engineering design. Engineering design is a very powerful tool to make changes to environment, society and economies, and its application brings with it a great responsibility. Many engineering societies have established codes of practice and codes of ethics to guide members and inform the public at large.

Engineering projects can be subject to controversy. Examples from different engineering disciplines include the development of nuclear weapons, the Three Gorges Dam, the design and use of Sport utility vehicles and the extraction of oil. In response, some western engineering companies have enacted serious corporate and social responsibility policies.

Engineering is a key driver of human development.[24] Sub-Saharan Africa in particular has a very small engineering capacity which results in many African nations being unable to develop crucial infrastructure without outside aid. The attainment of many of the Millennium Development Goals requires the achievement of sufficient engineering capacity to develop infrastructure and sustainable technological development.[25]

All overseas development and relief NGOs make considerable use of engineers to apply solutions in disaster and development scenarios. A number of charitable organizations aim to use engineering directly for the good of mankind:

  • Engineers Without Borders
  • Engineers Against Poverty
  • Registered Engineers for Disaster Relief
  • Engineers for a Sustainable World
  • Engineering for Change

Relationships with other disciplines


Scientists study the world as it is; engineers create the world that has never been.

There exists an overlap between the sciences and engineering practice; in engineering, one applies science. Both areas of endeavor rely on accurate observation of materials and phenomena. Both use mathematics and classification criteria to analyze and communicate observations.

Scientists may also have to complete engineering tasks, such as designing experimental apparatus or building prototypes. Conversely, in the process of developing technology engineers sometimes find themselves exploring new phenomena, thus becoming, for the moment, scientists.

In the book What Engineers Know and How They Know It,[29] Walter Vincenti asserts that engineering research has a character different from that of scientific research. First, it often deals with areas in which the basic physics and/or chemistry are well understood, but the problems themselves are too complex to solve in an exact manner.

Examples are the use of numerical approximations to the Navier-Stokes equations to describe aerodynamic flow over an aircraft, or the use of Miner’s rule to calculate fatigue damage. Second, engineering research employs many semi-empirical methods that are foreign to pure scientific research, one example being the method of parameter variation.

As stated by Fung et al. in the revision to the classic engineering text, Foundations of Solid Mechanics:

«Engineering is quite different from science. Scientists try to understand nature. Engineers try to make things that do not exist in nature. Engineers stress invention. To embody an invention the engineer must put his idea in concrete terms, and design something that people can use. That something can be a device, a gadget, a material, a method, a computing program, an innovative experiment, a new solution to a problem, or an improvement on what is existing. Since a design has to be concrete, it must have its geometry, dimensions, and characteristic numbers. Almost all engineers working on new designs find that they do not have all the needed information. Most often, they are limited by insufficient scientific knowledge. Thus they study mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and mechanics. Often they have to add to the sciences relevant to their profession. Thus engineering sciences are born.»[30]

Although engineering solutions make use of scientific principles, engineers must also take into account safety, efficiency, economy, reliability and constructibility or ease of fabrication, as well as legal considerations such as patent infringement or liability in the case of failure of the solution.

Medicine and biology

The study of the human body, albeit from different directions and for different purposes, is an important common link between medicine and some engineering disciplines. Medicine aims to sustain, enhance and even replace functions of the human body, if necessary, through the use of technology.

Modern medicine can replace several of the body’s functions through the use of artificial organs and can significantly alter the function of the human body through artificial devices such as, for example, brain implants and pacemakers.[32][33] The fields of Bionics and medical Bionics are dedicated to the study of synthetic implants pertaining to natural systems.

Conversely, some engineering disciplines view the human body as a biological machine worth studying, and are dedicated to emulating many of its functions by replacing biology with technology. This has led to fields such as artificial intelligence, neural networks, fuzzy logic, and robotics. There are also substantial interdisciplinary interactions between engineering and medicine.[34][35]

Both fields provide solutions to real world problems. This often requires moving forward before phenomena are completely understood in a more rigorous scientific sense and therefore experimentation and empirical knowledge is an integral part of both.

Medicine, in part, studies the function of the human body. The human body, as a biological machine, has many functions that can be modeled using Engineering methods.[36]

The heart for example functions much like a pump,[37] the skeleton is like a linked structure with levers,[38] the brain produces electrical signals etc.[39] These similarities as well as the increasing importance and application of Engineering principles in Medicine, led to the development of the field of biomedical engineering that uses concepts developed in both disciplines.

Newly emerging branches of science, such as Systems biology, are adapting analytical tools traditionally used for engineering, such as systems modeling and computational analysis, to the description of biological systems.[36]


A drawing for a booster engine for steam locomotives. Engineering is applied to design, with emphasis on function and the utilization of mathematics and science.

There are connections between engineering and art;[40] they are direct in some fields, for example, architecture, landscape architecture and industrial design (even to the extent that these disciplines may sometimes be included in a University’s Faculty of Engineering); and indirect in others.[40][41][42][43]

The Art Institute of Chicago, for instance, held an exhibition about the art of NASA’s aerospace design.[44] Robert Maillart’s bridge design is perceived by some to have been deliberately artistic.[45] At the University of South Florida, an engineering professor, through a grant with the National Science Foundation, has developed a course that connects art and engineering.[41][46]

Among famous historical figures Leonardo Da Vinci is a well known Renaissance artist and engineer, and a prime example of the nexus between art and engineering.[31][47]

Other fields

In Political science the term engineering has been borrowed for the study of the subjects of Social engineering and Political engineering, which deal with forming political and social structures using engineering methodology coupled with political science principles. Financial engineering has similarly borrowed the term.

See also

  • List of basic engineering topics
  • List of engineering topics
  • List of engineers
  • Engineering society
  • List of aerospace engineering topics
  • List of basic chemical engineering topics
  • List of electrical engineering topics
  • List of genetic engineering topics
  • List of mechanical engineering topics
  • List of nanoengineering topics
  • List of software engineering topics
Related subjects
  • Controversies over the term Engineer
  • Design
  • Earthquake engineering
  • Engineer
  • Engineering economics
  • Engineering education
  • Engineers Without Borders
  • Forensic engineering
  • Global Engineering Education
  • Industrial design
  • Infrastructure
  • Open hardware
  • Reverse engineering
  • Science and technology
  • Structural failure
  • Sustainable engineering
  • Women in engineering


  1. ^ ABET History
  2. ^ Science, Volume 94, Issue 2446, pp. 456: Engineers’ Council for Professional Development
  3. ^ Engineers’ Council for Professional Development. (1947). Canons of ethics for engineers
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h Engineers’ Council for Professional Development definition on Encyclopaedia Britannica (Includes Britannica article on Engineering)
  5. ^ Oxford English Dictionary
  6. ^ Origin: 1250–1300; ME engin < AF, OF < L ingenium nature, innate quality, esp. mental power, hence a clever invention, equiv. to in- + -genium, equiv. to gen- begetting; Source: Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2006.
  7. ^ Barry J. Kemp, Ancient Egypt, Routledge 2005, p. 159
  8. ^ «The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project», The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project. Retrieved 2007-07-01 Quote: «The Antikythera Mechanism is now understood to be dedicated to astronomical phenomena and operates as a complex mechanical «computer» which tracks the cycles of the Solar System.»
  9. ^ Wilford, John. (July 31, 2008). Discovering How Greeks Computed in 100 B.C.. New York Times.
  10. ^ Wright, M T. (2005). «Epicyclic Gearing and the Antikythera Mechanism, part 2». Antiquarian Horology 29 (1 (September 2005)): 54–60.
  11. ^ Britannica on Greek civilization in the 5th century Military technology Quote: «The 7th century, by contrast, had witnessed rapid innovations, such as the introduction of the hoplite and the trireme, which still were the basic instruments of war in the 5th.» and «But it was the development of artillery that opened an epoch, and this invention did not predate the 4th century. It was first heard of in the context of Sicilian warfare against Carthage in the time of Dionysius I of Syracuse.»
  12. ^ Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, 2000, CD-ROM, version 2.5.
  13. ^ Jenkins, Rhys (1936). Links in the History of Engineering and Technology from Tudor Times. Ayer Publishing. p. 66. ISBN 0836921674.
  14. ^ Imperial College: Studying engineering at Imperial: Engineering courses are offered in five main branches of engineering: aeronautical, chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical. There are also courses in computing science, software engineering, information systems engineering, materials science and engineering, mining engineering and petroleum engineering.
  15. ^ Van Every, Kermit E. (1986). «Aeronautical engineering». Encyclopedia Americana. 1. Grolier Incorporated. pp. 226.
  16. ^ Wheeler, Lynde, Phelps (1951). Josiah Willard Gibbs — the History of a Great Mind. Ox Bow Press. ISBN 1-881987-11-6.
  17. ^ Journal of the British Nuclear Energy Society: Volume 1 British Nuclear Energy Society — 1962 — Snippet view Quote: In most universities it should be possible to cover the main branches of engineering, ie civil, mechanical, electrical and chemical engineering in this way. More specialised fields of engineering application, of which nuclear power is …
  18. ^ The Engineering Profession by Sir James Hamilton, UK Engineering Council Quote: «The Civilingenior degree encompasses the main branches of engineering civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical.» (From the Internet Archive)
  19. ^ Bronzino JD, ed., The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, 2006, ISBN 0849321212
  20. ^
  21. ^
  22. ^ Arbe, Katrina (2001.05.07). «PDM: Not Just for the Big Boys Anymore». ThomasNet.
  23. ^ Arbe, Katrina (2003.05.22). «The Latest Chapter in CAD Software Evaluation». ThomasNet.
  24. ^ PDF on Human Development
  25. ^ MDG info pdf
  26. ^ Rosakis, Ares Chair, Division of Engineering and Applied Science. «Chair’s Message, CalTech.». Retrieved 15 October 2011.
  27. ^ Ryschkewitsch, M.G. NASA Chief Engineer. «Improving the capability to Engineer Complex Systems –Broadening the Conversation on the Art and Science of Systems Engineering». p. 8. Retrieved 15 October 2011.
  28. ^ American Society for Engineering Education (1970). Engineering education. 60. American Society for Engineering Education. p. 467.;+engineers+create+the+world+that+has+never+been&dq=Scientists+study+the+world+as+it+is;+engineers+create+the+world+that+has+never+been&hl=en&ei=v7OZTrXBL6Lx0gGpu5TgBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CEQQ6AEwBQ. «The great engineer Theodore von Karman once said, «Scientists study the world as it is, engineers create the world that never has been.» Today, more than ever, the engineer must create a world that never has been…»
  29. ^ Vincenti, Walter G. (1993). What Engineers Know and How They Know It: Analytical Studies from Aeronautical History. Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0801839742.
  30. ^ Classical and Computational Solid Mechanics, YC Fung and P. Tong. World Scientific. 2001.
  31. ^ a b Bjerklie, David. “The Art of Renaissance Engineering.” MIT’s Technology Review Jan./Feb.1998: 54-9. Article explores the concept of the “artist-engineer”, an individual who used his artistic talent in engineering. Quote from article: Da Vinci reached the pinnacle of “artist-engineer”-dom, Quote2: “It was Leonardo da Vinci who initiated the most ambitious expansion in the role of artist-engineer, progressing from astute observer to inventor to theoretician.” (Bjerklie 58)
  32. ^ Ethical Assessment of Implantable Brain Chips. Ellen M. McGee and G. Q. Maguire, Jr. from Boston University
  33. ^ IEEE technical paper: Foreign parts (electronic body implants).by Evans-Pughe, C. quote from summary: Feeling threatened by cyborgs?
  34. ^ Institute of Medicine and Engineering: Mission statement The mission of the Institute for Medicine and Engineering (IME) is to stimulate fundamental research at the interface between biomedicine and engineering/physical/computational sciences leading to innovative applications in biomedical research and clinical practice.
  35. ^ IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology: Both general and technical articles on current technologies and methods used in biomedical and clinical engineering…
  36. ^ a b Royal Academy of Engineering and Academy of Medical Sciences: Systems Biology: a vision for engineering and medicine in pdf: quote1: Systems Biology is an emerging methodology that has yet to be defined quote2: It applies the concepts of systems engineering to the study of complex biological systems through iteration between computational and/or mathematical modelling and experimentation.
  37. ^ Science Museum of Minnesota: Online Lesson 5a; The heart as a pump
  38. ^ Minnesota State University emuseum: Bones act as levers
  39. ^ UC Berkeley News: UC researchers create model of brain’s electrical storm during a seizure
  40. ^ a b Lehigh University project: We wanted to use this project to demonstrate the relationship between art and architecture and engineering
  41. ^ a b National Science Foundation:The Art of Engineering: Professor uses the fine arts to broaden students’ engineering perspectives
  42. ^ MIT World:The Art of Engineering: Inventor James Dyson on the Art of Engineering: quote: A member of the British Design Council, James Dyson has been designing products since graduating from the Royal College of Art in 1970.
  43. ^ University of Texas at Dallas: The Institute for Interactive Arts and Engineering
  44. ^ Aerospace Design: The Art of Engineering from NASA’s Aeronautical Research
  45. ^ Princeton U: Robert Maillart’s Bridges: The Art of Engineering: quote: no doubt that Maillart was fully conscious of the aesthetic implications…
  46. ^ quote:..the tools of artists and the perspective of engineers..
  47. ^ Drew U: user website: cites Bjerklie paper

Further reading

  • Dorf, Richard, ed (2005). The Engineering Handbook (2 ed.). Boca Raton: CRC. ISBN 0849315867.
  • Billington, David P. (1996-06-05). The Innovators: The Engineering Pioneers Who Made America Modern. Wiley; New Ed edition. ISBN 0-471-14026-0.
  • Petroski, Henry (1992-03-31). To Engineer is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design. Vintage. ISBN 0-679-73416-3.
  • Petroski, Henry (1994-02-01). The Evolution of Useful Things: How Everyday Artifacts-From Forks and Pins to Paper Clips and Zippers-Came to be as They are. Vintage. ISBN 0-679-74039-2.
  • Lord, Charles R. (2000-08-15). Guide to Information Sources in Engineering. Libraries Unlimited. doi:10.1336/1563086999. ISBN 1-563-08699-9.
  • Vincenti, Walter G. (1993-02-01). What Engineers Know and How They Know It: Analytical Studies from Aeronautical History. The Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-80184588-2.
  • Hill, Donald R. (1973-12-31) [1206]. The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices: Kitáb fí ma’rifat al-hiyal al-handasiyya. Pakistan Hijara Council. ISBN 969-8016-25-2.

External links

  • National Society of Professional Engineers position statement on Licensure and Qualifications for Practice
  • National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
  • American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
  • The US Library of Congress Engineering in History bibliography
  • ICES: Institute for Complex Engineered Systems, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
  • History of engineering bibliography at University of Minnesota
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Engineering Essay: The discipline that applies scientific principles to design, develop and operate structures, machines, apparatus, and other things like roads, bridges, vehicles, buildings, etc., is called Engineering.

The Latin word ‘ingenium,’ which means cleverness, is the origin of the name ‘engineering,’ and the ‘engineer’ is derived from the word ‘ingeniare’ (Latin), which means ‘to contrive and devise.’

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Engineering for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with a sample of a long essay of 500 words and a sample of a short essay of 15 words in English for reference.

Long Essay on Engineering 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Engineering is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

In the 21st if we are to look around in our society, we will see most of it displays several marvels of engineering, which shows why it is an important discipline. The field of engineering consists of a vast sea of knowledge whose boundary is infinite. And through the discoveries and breakthroughs made by engineers almost every day, the expertise and information keep growing.

Society has given engineers various nicknames like problem solvers, organizers, designers, human calculators, and communicators because of the highly creative activities. The most amusing fact about the engineering discipline is that the evidence of its applications dates back to the ancient stone ages. The discoveries made in those primitive days were like the invention of wheels, carts, the building of huts, pulleys, etc.

There has been a significant role in engineering since when human civilization had started. The evidence from ancient Harappa and Mohenjodaro civilizations show that it had a planned layout of the street grids along with equal-sized buildings, structural city division for commercial purposes, well-planned drainage system, etc., which are all considered to be very advanced civil engineering activities for the period of the civilization.

As we proceed further down the timeline, we have witnessed several other civil engineering wonders like the great pyramids, Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal, etc. Engineers from places like Japan, where earthquakes are common, found a way to withstand natural disasters by building shock-proof structures, and such inventions have saved a million lives. Ancient Greeks made machines for civilians, military, and as well as commercial purposes.

Transportation is another great wonder in the contributions of engineering made to humankind. Using transportation devices, we have voyaged into outer space and reached the moon as well. And vehicles are such inventions which have certainly made the commute a whole lot easier.

Earlier, the engineering field only consisted of core branches that specialized in individual departments of work, and the divisions were Mechanical, Electrical, and Civil. But eventually, with much more advanced and discoveries in the field of technology and a combination of engineering with other areas of study, some more branches of course under the engineering field became popular. Among them, a few Engineering branches to name are Computer, Aerospace, IT, Electronics and Communication, Electronics and Instrumentation, Biomedical, Chemical, Textile, Petroleum, Food Technology, etc.

In an age where society is highly dependent on technology, especially on electronic devices and the internet, a modern-day software engineer is expected to be tech-savvy and able to solve a range of various problems related to commuting programs. They are also likely to help verify designs and predict structures/devices’ behavior in different environments.

The main objective of engineers and engineering is to benefit humankind by making life and living easier. The contributions of engineering cannot be summed up into a few words. Still, the right way to respect their immense role in society is by recognizing and using their inventions responsibly. Engineering always has and will continue to strive to lift our living standards through sustainable developments and considering conditions to protect our Earth’s environment at all costs.

Essay on Engineering

Short Essay on Engineering 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Engineering is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The world filled with human-made machines, structures, and devices was potent enough to raise a curiosity in the little mind of mine when I was a child. I often wondered and questioned the procedures behind how the machines operated.

To be the inventions and discoveries made by man in the field of engineering felt majestic. And if I didn’t get logical answers to my doubts, I could have easily mistaken the wonders of engineering to be established using magical spells. Even though I have come a long way in life, I still believe engineers are nothing less than magicians, for they are who have or can give you a solution for almost every problem. One should take a glimpse around them in a room and outside I can assure you will find very few things not relying to a certain degree of engineering upon, which makes this field of study so remarkable.

10 Lines on Engineering in English

  1. Imhotep is said to be the first known engineer of the world who is believed to have built the Step Pyramid in Egypt around 2550BC.
  2. The first female to get a degree in engineering was Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu.
  3. The first engineer in India was Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, who was recruited by the government to be the Assistant Engineer in the department of public works in Bombay.
  4. There are several branches of engineering like the core branches (Mechanical, Civil, Electrical), the computer branches (Software, IT, CE), and then there are specialization branches (Aerospace, AEIE, Robotics, Biomedical, etc.).
  5. As per the oldest inventions and applications, it was deduced that civil is the oldest branch of engineering that prevailed even in the Stone Age.
  6. Engineering is a discipline required in many fields of work like media, sports, healthcare, films, music, entertainment, etc.
  7. With the Government Technological Institute, the engineering discipline was started to be taught in India in 1921.
  8. Engineers believe in solving problems most effectively and simply.
  9. A great example for an engineer and inventor is Nikola Tesla, whose contributions to society through his discoveries were immense.
  10. In today’s world, one can find several marvels of engineering if they look around.

Essay about Engineering

FAQ’s on Engineering Essay

Question 1.
Name the person called the father of computer science.

Charles Babbage.

Question 2. 
Name some computer programming languages.

C, C++, Java, Python, etc.

Question 3. 
Which city In India is given the name ‘Silicon city’?

Bengaluru is the center of India’s high-tech industry and is also known as silicon city.

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